Eating INTENSE Mexican Seafood!!! 2nd Largest Seafood Market in the World!!!

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protect your eyes caroline i don't know what's gonna happen i'm afraid there's putting a stone in it's a hot stone [Music] mexico this country loves seafood it's amazing so much so that in mexico city a place hundreds of miles from the ocean you'll find one of the world's busiest fish markets this place is wild it's huge and there's just so many unexpected seafood that's where i'm headed today right here something you will not find in the seafood aisle in minnesota [Music] today i'm on a mission to witness the most daring oh why did i put my fingers in his mouth most unique aquatic culinary creations you'll find in mexico do you think they have dolphin here bizarre seafood cooked up by some of the most extreme chefs you'll ever meet this guy's incredible using ingredients and techniques that have been around for hundreds of years it's like a volcano i'm enveloped in steam and it all starts here our first stop el pariso one of the many seafood restaurants dotting the periphery of la viga seafood market this strategic location gives them access to the freshest fishies and crowds of seafood lovers alright boom breakfast is served this is awesome our seafood appetizer comes in the form of octopus tacos sounds simple but it's not the preparation starts with a broth made from fresh herbs that gets boiled with orange onion garlic and salt when these ingredients release their aromas add the octopus and cook until the broth becomes pink then take out the octopus and chop it into bite-sized pieces that gets marinated with garlic paste black pepper olive oil and a traditional mexican seafood sauce known as taiyo mix it up and throw it down on the stove top with a little bit of butter add tortillas assemble into tacos and serve don't forget the lime yep i'm gonna hit it with some lime oh it's so warm and soft eating by my side today caroline she grew up in mexico city so she'll provide me with some local insights wow that is delicious i had octopus tacos but not like this you put a bunch of octopus and then just a tortilla it's really simple and straightforward yeah but very delicious there's so many sauces here yes i think that's the worst is this one the worst yeah the worst why didn't you show me the best one why'd you pick up the worst one you should try it at least it's very spicy yeah i told you i tell you i love this habanero it's making me feel high my mouth is very spicy and warm yeah it is i love it we are at the market today this is i'm told the second biggest fish market in the world yes it is and the first one is in tokyo i think but this is the first of latin america oh how many countries are in latin america i'm not pretty sure but come on it's pretty huge but guys come on come on [Music] around the world the majority of big seafood markets are located on the coast but not this one we have entered the market this place is awesome it's a five hour drive from la viga fish market to the nearest coastline but since mexico city has always been the economic center of this country most seafood either passes through here or gets eaten there's no limit to the amount of food here trucks come to this market daily loaded with shellfish do you like snails no i don't really like them well they made the problem because snails are awesome octopods how does that look to you looks fine just so fresh and all kinds of fish products do you know what this is no really well i'm breathing and i already know that what that's sperm fish firm have you ever tried it yes oh my god is this safe we're putting eggs with sperm in our stomach you might get pregnant today well it sounds amazing but no thank you here they have something we can eat these are anchovy settings right yeah how do they prepare them here they are fried and then they add lime and chili can we eat it like this yeah sure try it very crunchy they are not chips that's a good drinking food i need a couple of guamas and this and that's a good snack [Music] here you can find about 100 different species of fish some are more common this is called mahi-mahi or golden fish i know mahi-mahi i usually see it in little squares about this picture it's rare that i've ever seen it in its complete form and some not so common this is a flat fish you know some people call it a bastard halibut because look at its eyes it kind of looks like an inbred bastard right so i've seen this one before have you seen this yeah of course of course this is a manta ray manta means cloak in spanish yeah it has dots on it not only are they the largest ray species they also have the largest brain and brain to body ratio in the ocean have you tried this before no i've never should today be the day i'm willing for it yes it's well known one of the worst foods i've ever had in my life was stingray liver [Music] what happened to the stingray liver meet chef rogelio hernandez he was the first to start a restaurant within the seafood market 27 years ago the organs are taken off because the meat can be like failing in one or two days but do you just throw it away see i have mixed feelings folks in vietnam would think that's a complete waste i however would never eat the stingray liver again in my life have you ever tried or eaten the stingray liver no as you can see he knows a thing or two about race so we're headed to his kitchen to give it a little bit of a try [Music] sir put her there i'm so curious about this whole market because it's said to be one of the biggest markets in the world how far back does this market go this market has 27 years oh wait so you've been here from the beginning yeah exactly was the first restaurant here he started as a fisherman and then he bring here and put your restaurant and now he's his business i've heard you have a complicated past we should get into it [Applause] every country has its national pastime luchador i see canada has ice hockey so when is your next match the usa has football now you know he's retired seven years ago mexico has lucha libre or mexican wrestling maybe you could come back just for one more round like mike tyson he's going to fight logan paul like other forms of professional wrestling do you have the mask it's a combination of sports and entertainment oh it's so colorful before chef rogelio opened his restaurant this guy's incredible yeah he did something he had a 15 year career in the ring the best of both squirrels right oh i'm having so much fun right now and he's got some pictures hold on that's a pretty provocative pose is that you if i sent that to somebody if i get canceled he's so sexy i would love to talk about what we're gonna eat today starting with the stingrays what do people like about this stingray people think that it's so exotic but once they try it they can't stop to eat it that's gonna be us soon yeah today we'll be treated to two extreme seafood dishes starting with stingray al pastor [Music] start by splitting the stingray down the middle then carefully remove the meat from the bones creating a giant ray fillet cut down and trim it into more manageable pieces and remove the skin the clean fillets get boiled with bay leaves for 10 minutes now prepare the flat top with a drizzle of olive oil and a bed of sliced onions and garlic add lard herb butter black pepper cumin herbs and diced pineapple [Applause] finally smother the whole thing with our special salsa made of tomatoes chilies garlic onions pineapple cumin olive oil and pepper combine everything together give it a final taste and serve [Music] earlier today when you saw the entire stingray did it look a little bit scary yeah it was terrifying but now yeah it looks delicious not scary at all right it smells delicious kind of like it's been barbecued it's kind of sour and sweet smelling at the same time do you want to try some meat first first let's go for it that is so good it's awesome i can't recognize between this and any other fish it's got sweet pineapple onions the meat is tender and delicious there's like no fishiness to it what about if you try it with a tortilla okay i've got tortillas okay thank you all right let's fill this up oh this is the best part it's like i'm stacking chicken on here i bet nobody would guess this is stingray the way he's cooked this it's so brilliant [Music] that's so desirable i have no words more than it's amazing excellent yeah yeah excellente for our second course an unlikely barracuda experience i've never had it before what does it taste like delicious oh it's a exclusive dish for us no one have ever done it in mexico in another country either what do you think would be a more badass wrestling name like for myself if i became a luchador the stingray or the barracuda barracuda all right well i must eat a barracuda to become more like a buttercup i don't know if it works that way for sure but i'm going to do it chef rehelio starts by scaling and gutting the barracuda he cleans it with water and scores the meat for maximal flavor penetration now the season open the ridges and add lemon pepper and herbs all this will be cooked on a bed of onions and tomatoes but that's not even close to all the preparation [Music] he adds sweet potato slices then stuffs the inside with carrots then bell pepper choco a type of gourd zucchini broccoli and mushrooms and we're still not done yet cover all that with mexican pepper leaf worst is issue sauce and oil then a spread of garlic herb butter and finally shredded manchego cheese [Music] then wrap the whole thing in tin foil like some kind of futuristic fish mummy grill for 15 to 20 minutes bring the barracuda okay we might need a take-home bag brace yourself oh my gosh look at that it's quite large all right he's cutting it open soon he will repeal the fish oh yeah this guy knows how to put on a shelf oh look at that there's so much on here chef i mean come on you have outdone yourself i'm overwhelmed this is incredible i think we can stick our fork right into it and just start taking bites let's start with this this is but a plain mushroom but this mushroom should have all the flavors and essence of everything in here you were not wrong that's a good mushroom yeah all those flavors are really concentrated here i'm gonna pick up some of the broth here [Music] wow it's amazing there's the fats from the fish mixed in with the chilies and the vegetables making just this really deep vegetable kind of meaty broth it's so good this is what i would call the neck of the fish and it has cheese on it this is a first for me fish skin with cheese on top let's try it out it's something magical i've never experienced this before me either i think i ate a whole bay leaf do you know this yeah but i don't remember how to call it but definitely you won't i just ate that whole thing can i say very fresh and very fragrant that's an interesting combination the cheese what do you think you like it or you know yeah i do like it but i think that it can be also good without the cheese yeah it doesn't need the cheese we've been avoiding it long enough i think we need to build up to this right here this is the meat oh wow look at that i mean it is super white and it looks like very little fat let's try it out [Music] sticking steamed white fish but put this sauce back on i think this is the magic trick right here cheers oh wow my gosh it's all about this beautiful combination of flavors he's created here the trick here is just mix all these flavors together don't eat everything separately get the veggies the sauce the soupy stuff and mix it all up except for maybe the bay leaves don't eat that plain before we end our seafood adventure i'm told this market also has one creature that's been sparking controversy for the past decade we're in a shipping container that was basically all frozen and inside it's full of sharks these are thresher sharks right yes they are sharks are very controversial these days because a lot of people think just because it's a shark it's endangered and some shark numbers are going down but some shark species can still be hunted every time i eat shark i have to explain like no not all sharks are endangered and i'm not a bad person because i ate a shark you are not thank you so much we won't be eating these guys but not far from here there's a restaurant that serves up shark in a way you've never seen before hola hola can i shake your hand this is chef irma hernandez the owner of boca del rio this is a traditional mexican restaurant that focuses on pre-hispanic cuisine that means ancient recipes and cooking techniques that were passed on by this land's original native people today i want to talk about one of the main meats we're going to be eating i'm talking about shark what is it that people like about shark meat people just eat the meat but she says that you can eat everything it's also used for medicine good for your skin i need it because look at me can you guess how old i am [Music] yeah the first course starts with the gray reef shark one of the most common reef shark species in the indo-pacific remove the head split it in half and separate the bones from the skin slicing it into perfect fillets those get seasoned with salt and pepper dip it in the ricotta roja salsa and let it hit the grill now the banana leaves lightly grilled to make them more malleable allowing for easier wrapping stack those with mega leaves and our grilled shark fillet now the real build begins smother the filet with more salsa add octopus shrimp purple onions tomatoes habaneros avocado leaves mexican pepper leaves then another shark fillet a final smothering of salsa and it's packaged up set it in a clay dish joined by a consummate bra wrap the whole thing in an ancient traditional tin foil and place it over the fire until your ancestors tell you to take it off oh here it is the moment we've been waiting for all right so she takes the knife he's cutting kind of a cross shape into it oh wow look at this it's like a seafood lasagna and it almost has like this really fragrant tomatoey smell to it does your salsa have tomato yeah uh a bit of a food expert thank you this is incredible like this preparation yeah to me it looks like a seafood lasagna it's layers of seafood i got a big piece here this is just straight up shark meat let's try it out it's a very soft very tender meal yes it's so juicy it does feel different from other mexican foods i've had it's a lot of mexican foods that really pop and this is a much more milder flavor so mild i can just feel like the acid from the tomato there's some salt there's pepper but there's nothing super intense flavor-wise i think you're supposed to kind of just appreciate the flavors of the meat itself if you move it around there's little shrimpies there's octopus i love it this way and everything has a little bit different texture but just similar fun flavors visually it's stunning there's so much effort and work that goes into it for this beautiful preparation and then when you get it at your table they kind of unwrap it like this gift so so much of the food we're trying here is about this awesome experience that you'll have at the restaurant that you could never have at home because i bet you don't have one of these dishes do you well yeah oh yeah i do in fact can you lie and say you don't have okay i'm sorry yeah like you don't have one of these do you no of course no absolutely not [Laughter] our final meal shark stone soup the most important element here not the shark the stones placed over red hot coals to heat them up here they prep the bowl first and cook it later let me show you start with plantain leaves and chili paste then shark fillets are cut into thin slices add shrimpies purple onions tomatoes sliced jalapenos bay leaves and a sprinkle of episode or mexican tea leaves add dried cilantro and rock sea salt all this is just the preparation but the real cooking is about to start right in front of us at the table dude he's carrying a lot of stuff these are hot stones i feel like by a campfire these stones are so hot he's going to pour some water into each of our bowls okay take it away protect your eyes caroline i don't know what's going to happen i'm afraid there's putting a stone in it's a hot stone i can hear it simmering this is so cool it's like they brought a completely uncooked soup to the table and now they're putting rocks inside to heat it up it's boiling oh it's really sputtering it's like a volcano i'm enveloped in steam so you've never seen this before right no i've never it's like a holy experience for me i love it this looks awesome yes i think we should start by trying the broth i'm going to spoon just that yeah well very fresh it tastes almost tomatoey yeah and a little bit of fish oh yeah like a little bit of seafood flavor and a little bit of heat but not too much very nice broth should we start with the shrimps okay so you take off the head it's way hot it's a little hot it's a little hot i got a nice piece of shrimp here and all it took was third degree burns cheers [Music] that's really nice i'm gonna save the rock for last because like is yours still hard yeah it is yes we can't eat that yet let's try some sharks right here a big beautiful piece of shark fillet that just coats right before our eyes try it out wow interesting so it doesn't have a very powerful flavor or anything like that it's extremely soft in fact so it's super soft and kind of watery but otherwise it's just kind of a white meat there's nothing especially sharky about it if you don't tell me that it's shark i wouldn't know it i expected something like worse but no in fact it's pretty great so this is awesome super creative i love that it's a meal but it's also an experience right yeah i love the way it's cooked in front of our eyes absolutely it's tasty but even more than that it's instagramable yeah that's what matters the most right yeah of course best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits a piece don't forget that you promised me dolphin oh that didn't happen yet oh is that the thresher shark is that the one that we saw in the truck oh yeah it is i'm asking him did you have a quinceanera yeah i have though i never got to have one oh yeah because i live in the usa and you're a boy and because i'm a boy mucho gusto and mucho means a lot yeah so i'm saying a lot like yeah oh i feel like bonang yeah just like that i like what does huevo mean puebla means means one egg egg oh maybe they're eggs yeah or sperm i'm not sure but you need both at some point but anything did you do taekwondo any kind of martial arts nothing that's fine do you have any masks here no the smell is coming off of here i wish i could just bottle it and send it to the fans of the show like package it up oh yeah that would be good too boom guys that is the end of the video i hope you enjoyed it a lot because i did we ate so many different unique seafoods prepared the mexican way yes i'm so happy to share that with you caroline you can follow her on her instagram page right here this is the handle type it in hit follow and send a nice message a polite message guys that is it for this one guys thank you so much for watching i will see you next time are you ready for it oh please i thought you're ready okay we're done oh it's too bad i'm allergic to seafood i think i might dilate
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,694,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs, befrs team, sonny side, Mexico, Latin america country, Mexico city, latino, Mexican food, where to eat in Mexico, Aztec culture, Mexican culture, Mexican traditional food, Food Tour in Mexico City, AZTEC FOOD, exotic food, unique food, Tacos, BEETLES, exotic seafood, extreme seafood, OCTOPUS TACOS, STUFFED BARRACUDA, MANTA RAY AL PASTOR, SHARK meat
Id: MEETsQ35Y7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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