$3 Rice VS $100 Rice!!! Why is This EXPENSIVE??

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the rice is black as night it looks burnt ready ready let's go for it rice you might think there's just a few kinds out there there it is but in reality there are over 90 000 different types of rice differences in every rice species means each type is built for a different food or recipe there's a lot of surface area yeah yes it soaks up the broth that's all i got today calvin and i are exploring the revolutionary world of rice the food is called the christo in french okay i'm super affordable i can't believe this is three dollars it's shockingly expensive you can't just use any kind of rice right it's not possible it's not yeah time to find out which grain gives us the most bang for our buck did you know the great wall of china is held together by sticky rice today we're going to three different rice locations and spending three different amounts of money we're not running out of ideas right guys we're gonna be eating all things rice there's a borea there's white rice there's brown rice there's wild rice there's more brown rice that was a joke today i brought calvin he went to cooking school he has a breadth of knowledge when it comes to different types of food and i'm guessing especially rice not just because he's asian but like i said he went to cooking school what do i know about rice that if you put uncle ben's in the microwave for one minute you have a hot steamy treat first location oh let's go we are on the beginning of our rice adventure and there is no better place to go than this oh sorry are you sad no no the mask i can't tell emotions anymore you have a sticky rice doll here and sticky rice i mean for those of you who haven't tried sticky rice you're missing out sticky rice is a type of grain grown mainly in asia it might not look very different from other types of rice at first but while cooking it absorbs more water becoming heavier and more dense while the texture remains very soft but not soggy it's generally a breakfast item sticky rice is very heavy it compares to regular rice which is a lot lighter miss dan's sticky rice comes from a province in the mekong delta it became so popular that each morning she sells over 600 portions in under four hours not bad how long have you had this shop here exactly one year what were your biggest challenges when you started yoga yoga oh the hardest thing she had was finding the location she started selling sticky rice on the back of her bike really riding around selling it at schools and offices finally she found this space and it's a blessing so what would the next step up from this be why she's about to set up her own shop that's fantastic you could give a ted talk to most people in their 20s in the usa right now here she sells five colors of sticky rice the white sticky rice was born white but she jazzes it up with lotus seeds the black sticky rice was born black this sticky rice has an even tougher chewier outer shell they call it forbidden sticky rice why is it forbidden bless you if i told you i have to kill you oh okay then let's move on but the three colorful varieties are the result of her advanced at-home alchemy green is from the limelight the bluish heel is from a flower called the butterfly pea the orange one is from a gourd called the kochi chin gourd high in antioxidant oh well i gave you all my love and i gave you all my trust and i gave you everything that you need each rice is colored naturally using fruits or leaves boiling these special ingredients releases a natural dye that's then mixed with the rice before cooking it's one of my absolute favorite things ever why is it not more popular why are so many people eating normal ass rice the time it takes is eight hours soaked plus one hour cooking could you imagine cooking rice that far ahead for a meal oh wow to order select the color of rice you'd like along with your preferred toppings prices start at about 40 cents the color of sticky rice doesn't actually have a difference in flavor it's more of a visual aspect people who choose rice based on color do you think they're being a little rice's today we'll try her best-selling item this includes all five colors of sticky rice scallion oil fried fish sauce marinated chicken fried shallots pickles chasu pork sweet chinese sausage a quail egg and finally a steamed pork meatball with salted egg on top one thing that i noticed nothing's processed everything here is fresh you could tell what everything is maybe just add sausage that sausage might be processed i'm gonna try a little bit of the white with the lotus seed what do you think and kind of flowery because a lotus is a flower there are two balanced components that make up a typical starchy white rice amylopectin and amylose sticky rice on the other hand has very low starch content or amylose making it much more sticky after being cooked that's the white rice that is our baseline from here i do want to try another color and see if it also tastes white i'll try the forbidden rice are they really all the same in the end let's see let's try it hmm yeah mine does not taste blue does yours taste black the color doesn't have anything to do with the flavor huh it's not like skittles i guess that's what i was hoping for i was hoping for kind of a starburst thingy here but actually all the flavor is going to be coming from here this is a sauce that comes with it it's like a really thick fish sauce oh it's the best moment of today dude fish sauce has such a place in my heart i never knew fish sauce until my 30s moving to vietnam which is so savory but it's kind of sweet too it's so satisfying i'm in a frenzy right now i'm so hungry you just do so much with this i love chinese sausage i'm a huge fan of this stuff oh i feel bored the rice just adds a brilliant texture to everything you eat it's savory sweet it has its fishiness but not like not in a bad way not in a bad way yeah we got some food right here i can't believe this is three dollars of course the rice i wouldn't expect to be that expensive but there's a lot of meat mixed in here too and she sells out that's it next day new batch new batch boom yeah can you say boom please boom boom rice is usually cast as a staple asian food but spain would have to disagree the chef is european do you know how to greet european people i hear that you kiss them on their cheek okay here i go no they're woman and man two kids yeah not men and men this close to being awkward chef sergio has worked with a variety of michelin star chefs in europe before adopting vietnam as his second home now at tomatillo he's on a mission to bring the heart of spanish gastronomy to this country today it's all about the paella yeah right yeah tone it down bye yeah paella is an old spanish rice dish that's cooked on an open fire usually on a large platter that could feed a family oh yeah valencia is where paella started at yeah but old country we could pay yeah the name literally means frying pan after the vessel in which it's cooked people usually eat this dish on weekends the bigger the party the bigger the paella or pan and they can get ridiculously huge what is the biggest paella you've ever seen one matter two measures sixty i'm six so the pan is this in diameter yeah yeah yeah so it'll be me and him like this okay i think we get it there's more than one way to cook a paella you'll usually also find rabbit chicken or shrimp and octopus today chef sergio is making his own version using squid ink let's talk about this squid ink it's actually a squid ink pro why do you use squid ink and not like charcoal squeaking is a lot of flavor if we drink this will we be able to taste it yes bartender three shots do you smell the sauteed vegetables it's really roasty right so what percent of this is squidding one percent one percent 99 other stuff what does it taste like the flavor is super strong it's quick like squid yeah i like it sweet salud oh god how'd it taste oh it's a little mushroomy you're right though roasted vegetables tastes like a seafood pizza smells that's my white trash comparison of the day thank you so much this is fantastic and we don't kiss at the end either yeah did you want to kiss him first he fries some garlic with oil and sofrito a slow cooked tomato paste the meat the two best friends of the squid cuttlefish and octopus today we cook a black rice spirea but super important is the rice bomba rice from valencia you could try making this dish with some random rice but it won't work you can't just use any kind of rice right yeah you need bomba rice a nonstick grain one of the most expensive varieties of rice you will find in spain there's a lot of surface area yeah yes it's short grain it soaks up the broth yeah this rice can absorb three times its volume in water without bursting but instead of cooking with hot water the chef uses his squid ink bra turning the whole thing into a dark void of blackness he lets it cook until the rice has sucked up all the flavorful broth finally he grills octopus and cuttlefish then tops it with some herb and aioli sauce and a garlic mayonnaise i know what you guys were thinking really rice we're gonna do a whole episode of our ice we're doing it oh we're doing it do you see what i'm seeing uh of course i'm looking at it right now i was okay the rice is black as night and that rice has almost become a bit mushy [Music] uncle ben's moved the f over yeah we got uncle sergio in the house not burnt at all not burnt at all so this bomba rice it's al dente it still tastes a little bit of the rawness in the rice and it's not undercooked so some parts are like creamy and smooth and then some parts have some chew to it yeah there's a little tooth to it oh cuddlefish cuttlefish is so interesting they look like a monstrous kind of squid and i'm curious why they use that instead of squid i think they want to bring different textures and different flavors here we go it's almost as airy compared to how meaty the octopus is it bites back and then here they have a big octopus toe i think they call it tentacle what is right what either you just shove it all in yeah yeah so with the proper like the etiquette the etiquette obviously i know a lot about etiquette you didn't even know how to kiss a man have you kissed the men before i just did you didn't do it you tried to we basically it's professional kissing no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh i thought sorry i thought you're looking at me you misread that you must i did it what a celebration it had a variety of textures all the way from the very end the fat part yeah oh that's good i love the tradition of the dish it's an old dish but it's something that can always be kind of reinvented in subtle ways it's so interesting what he's done with the squid ink it was fantastic it got me hungry and excited for our final location are you ready i'm ready this is the most expensive rice you're gonna eat today really we've already seen the three dollar vietnamese sticky rice and a 17 spanish paella but at our final destination somehow the price for rice reaches a ghastly 100 let's find out how chef allen put it back to meet you how old are you oh you look young as heck i had a vietnamese man guess that i was 50 years old today so i don't have that much reason to go meet alan he worked under a michelin star chef in finland before returning home to vietnam to pursue his own gastronomical endeavors here at baum they're elevating vietnamese dishes and fusing them with international cuisine we're here for something that's a little bit more italian yeah italian the food is called risotto is an italian rice dish that's beloved all over the globe instead of being steamed the rice is slow cooked in a stock until it absorbs all that brothy goodness becoming starchy and creamy but this cooking method requires the right rice for the job it looks short round very white almost like bleached looking much more starch creamy texture and uh je ne sais quoi i don't think that's what he wants to say it's keep the ship aboreo is a non-sticky grain with a high starch content perfect for making a more creamy ditch this stuff is the opposite of vietnamese sticky rice meanwhile you have another rice here what is this rice jasmine rice jasmine what did you call it sp 24. that's like a star wars character st-24 is a type of jasmine rice that grows in vietnam's south trang province in 2017 it was voted the world's top three rice's by people who judge that kind of thing so today what are you going to be using this rice for the rice vector his specialty rice crackers are made using st24 rice and charcoal powder he boils it then bakes it in the oven for a few minutes before deep frying giving it a nice crunch you had to choose which one is better for making a rice cracker which one this one's better doesn't that make you a little bit of a racist what do you mean are you worried about coming off as being rice's no explain why it's better it's just better all right i'm going to teach you some critical rice theory i love it right now dude now let's see allen pull off this 100 stunt first he makes a base for the dish using butter onion a berry rice saffron and some white wine mix it constantly until it turns yellow and the starch gets released from the rice creamy is this rice more expensive than vietnamese rice one kilo is 28 how much is vietnamese rice roughly 10 times more expensive to finish it off ellen has taken inspiration from a vietnamese street food grilled clams with peanut and scallion oil here instead of your run-of-the-mill clam he's using high-end hokkaido scallops then caviar instead of peanuts he's using a peanut foam last he's created his own scallion oil we're in the darkest restaurant i've ever been to uh ever this restaurant's very romantic it has such a vampires maybe loungy atmosphere it's a whole vibe the young kids would say our final dish featuring two different types of rice the rice cracker made with the vietnamese sp84 st 74. there you go instead of squid ink here they combine it with charcoal that's a good rice cracker it's really good you use your wooden spoon so that it doesn't affect the caviar what happens if i use metal and it touches the caviar they'll discolor the caviar and it'll change the taste of the caviar oh we don't want them no i'm gonna say smell it first you already hate it wow so that's risotto the arborio rice should be a bit al dente to the tooth they say and so you don't want to cook the arborio rice to it's mushy right so it's creamy but it still has texture to it some nice expensive rice i don't know this is what i've been waiting for all day guys when you grow up in a trailer park like me everything can be nachos i'm taking this rice cracker i'm going risotto a freaking scallion and then we're topping that with some caviar that is nice look at that these are right here the most expensive nachos in the world are you ready i'm ready let's go play [Music] you're not exaggerating that's pleasant plenty full oh i rushed it too much do you swallow no it's crunchy it's creamy it's chewy and it's done in a way that you understand nachos speaking my language yes it seems like every time i watched food network growing up they were always making risotto why do people love risotto so much it's a dish that isn't too hard to make once you understand the basic techniques why do you think it's not more popular in the usa i think you can screw up risotto if you don't make it correctly you can't microwave for zodo and you can't freeze risotto but if you can give it some love you'll make something really beautiful rice it comes in many shapes and sizes kind of like people calvin are you calling me plump and juicy absolutely and just like people every rice has its purpose i bet when you started today's video you were like what there's like two kinds of rice no no there's over five actually there are 90 000 species of rice is that right yeah and they're all edible they're all edible 90 000 is ridiculous wikipedia guys let us know if we did pretty good this episode's about rice all about rice it's just rice i'm trying to think of a more simple food can't think of it water the water episode today we tried three different rice dishes for three different amounts of money which one gave you the most bang for your buck i think the best bag for my buck was second place really that paella was like taking a trip to valencia i think chef sergio did a great job to pay i loved all the locations but for me the most bang for my buck absolutely location number one oh yeah come on man i freaking love sticky rice the way she combined it with so much meat the way it was colorful the fact that you got so much food for so little money and i also love the woman's story she's a sweetheart for me can't go wrong location one rice one sounds good i'm glad we can agree to disagree that's how we do being an influencer doesn't require millions of fans all you need is this t-shirt entertain and inspire at your own pace don't be an influencer be a micro influencer get your shirt now it's a long pandemic and there's no signs of it ending so we're gonna do rice if i was hearing impaired right now we could have a conversation that's absolutely true wow that makes you think is she gone now so you were gonna say bumble rice all right let's do it like with real enthusiasm all right let's do it so today what are you going to be using hold on elbow people need to see my whole body fantastic i think we learned a lot any other questions uh yeah but no don't do tacos he does tacos i do talk you don't do tacos you got it as a child i didn't realize that there is a huge wow look at this dog sonny the chef is european uh he's not european he's spaniard oh i thought it's famous in europe wait let me check my guru real quick so guys that is our video a huge thank you to calvin right here you can check out his youtube channel called fkndeliciousness that is it for this one guys we will see you next time peace i wonder if i put the squid ink in my hair to get the gray away that would probably work
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,873,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, vietnam, cheap vs expensive food, worth it, bang for your buck, asian food, food in asia, vietnamese cuisine, where to eat in vietnam, south east asian food, Rice, expensive rice dishes, Octopus legs, Saigon food, spanish chef, vietnamese chef, FIVE-COLORED STICKY RICE, SAFFRON RISOTTO WITH JAPANESE SCALLOP, ARROS NEGRE
Id: y9KJhcTp31Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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