Street Food in Madagascar's Biggest City!!! Zebu Meat Heaven!

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I'm gonna try a little bit of this all about that are you ready yeah let's go for it [Music] Antananarivo or justanna as some folks call it this is Madagascar's capital and largest city with a population of around 1.5 million a huge mix of people cultures and food Malagasy cuisine has been influenced by Southeast Asia Africa China and Europe rice is the cornerstone of the Malagasy diet but street food here goes well beyond just right for moving a sausages I want sausages for sure today Madagascar native joel joins me as we hunt down tannaz diverse street food seasons like candy and sweet Mother Gothel from super simple street food costing just a few cents it is Cassandra rere 20 cents we have 210 is sweltering hot kitchen is yes here can I get you a Gatorade I'll try eating like a local in one of the city's biggest open-air cafeteria you can make friends while you eat high or not and for dessert Madagascar's famous zebu skewers what's a zebu you're gonna find out huh so close you're 47 open Internet tabs and focus today we're taking on street food in Madagascar's Antananarivo [Music] today we've arrived bright and early at one of the ton in revos most popular street food stands just before the crowds begin to swell what is behind us here you can see just right behind here sigh lacy is like really not on making those fried banana I can see he's taking the banana he's peeling it throwing it in this big bin of batter is it rice flour mixed thanks yes along with fried bananas fried vegetables sliced green onions combined with the same rice and wheat flour batter he can hardly keep the display case full there's so many people coming he just started and already people know they know maybe part of their routine and they're here to eat fried bananas coming either the standard size or the ultra huge VIP side ladies Johnson VIP bananas I mean look how big it is up you careful it's too much for you to handle alright thank you um oh these aren't even mine I need to give these back okay hi I think we can just get the normal sized ones because good things come in small packages so I think it was just ask the Flavians yeah yeah if you prefer the smaller ones yeah I think a lot of ladies people preferred like the smaller banana is fine so can we order now we're before order here it's like I wanna have ten I wanna have 20 and 150 let's to tell of each ten bananas turn vegetables okay here we have the green onion with this banner caked on some people put sauce on this so right oh so there's a sauce you leave you make your toast can you load me up yes okay yeah here we go oh that is a lot of spice and a lot of salt then my mouth is on fire didn't expected them and you don't like spicy food at all I love it it's a little salty Oh too salty I overdid it but the flavors are so fresh so delicious and very spicy here we have the banana I'm curious to see what it looks like Oh low early that is nice I want to tell you something before we're gonna eat it when I'm not saying anything after this don't blame on me because when I'm enjoying something sometimes I just like want to create a new word like okay it would be good to have this on the beach or something like that okay I'll leave you alone okay think of that all right Cheers [Applause] [Music] mr. banana hot autumn still good it's warm and it's activating the spice in your mouth and pretty new a spice huh just a nice texture a little bit crunchy but very pillowy soft breading on the outside it's like milky as well on the side milky Oh what do we got here man here we have all of the different snacks that people are used to eat mainly for brunch what are some of the most popular street foods in general it's the barbecue mmm yes so people really like to have that in the evening before they go home are we getting barbecue at some point today yes what is this one this is a doughnut fried doughnut yes that looks good this is a crepe crepe what about this a coconut candy can we try this yes why is it like this florescent bright pink normally it's supposed to be a white is it just food coloring yes to give a different look for a candy that really reminds me of the Philippines they do that too quite quite diet bright orange even though it has no effect on the flavor let's go for it oh it's like candy sweet mother Cusco this is so sweet it has that firm coconut sugary texture I love it Doan hey enjoy okay bye we've just wandered into this insane kind of open-air cafeteria this place is busy at lunchtime right now it's always busy like these seats on breakfast in the morning lunch except you know what kind of food are they surely here mainly everything is based on rice with some beans or say blue or chicken and pork you know how much it is per plate everybody can pay for it because it's like roughly around $3,000 70 80 cents less than a dollar for lunch and my men how are you doing can I give a brief pound boom what are you eating today I want sausages for sure Joel insists that I can't only eat sausages for lunch so we're also getting some chicken fried greens baked beans and white rice I've created kind of a volcano with my rice and my beans are gonna go there oh yeah get in your home beans scoop it up do you want to eat a piece of rice while I eat my delicious beans if I can take the fruit oh yeah green everything is all yours are you ready yeah let's go for it men rice and beans are like best friends when the bean gravy soaks into the rice it's all saturated and salty we've got sausage zboob and maybe a little bit of filler slow sausage low-beam hello oil some rice this is a bite from heaven right here let's go for it I like the sausage it's a little peppery salt and just kind of fatty sausage is always a good bet is this style of eating different antenna than like other cities that copy gone have you talked with Corby people that much more in background yeah yeah you can definitely feel that it is mad action in here some people are curious about the camera some people are not a fan at all is a whole wide range of reaction next up one of the hottest restaurants in town famous for this I call it a mullah gassy taco fried bread filled with local favorites and it can only be found here before the doors open we get a glimpse of the making process starting with the veggie salad ma'am what is the best sign that goes with the barbecue to mix all of it together so at the salon and the buck-buck ooh I should say all of those mix I'll give the unique case they have here awesome we got meat skewers what kind of meat is this as able zebu is a type of cattle originating in East Africa and brought to Madagascar a few hundred years ago this tall fatty back lump makes them stand out in a herd and their meat is coveted all over the island they are mixing it with some garlic ginger yeah the smell of garlic and ginger back here is so intense right here another preparation before dinner times what is it called Paku Paku Paku Paku yes are you ready yes first she's gonna put in a bunch of oil on her rice flour and then coming up next coconut milk coconut milk he's preparing 8 kilo of flour mmm pour that she needs almost 1 liter of oil mixed with it she might finish them liter of coconut milk after the dough is thoroughly needed its portioned out into these balls and allowed to rest oh that one's done now can you look really surprised at all that's good for you too I don't even know if she knows what a thumbnail is next the dough is flattened and tossed in hot oil bubbling up into this beautiful masterpiece yes yes here can I get you a Gatorade yes yeah you accept okay I'll be back with a Gatorade later while they're preparing dinner service Joan and I are on the hunt for more food so we're walking down the street we stumbled upon my man here he has some kind of bread we call it my life as a bread so it's mainly based on a rice flour okay I'll take 100 then she'll take one amazing looking texture ina stopping an oil still and that's not sugar that's salt all right let's try it out mmm oh my little Malagasy salty doughnut just super oily very dense Lotus beautiful white color ready oily inside how many of these would you usually eat just quick snack net sack and grub for five mmm that's perfect sir very yummy what'd you do would you do the street food fun continues right behind us basically a fried chicken restaurant so here you have our different way to cook chicken industry people are coming here chicken soup or just fried chicken on the bottom there's the noodle option and then in this one don't like the whole chicken either they use everything I see liver over there and you can see man these are some of the most kind of lean drumsticks you will ever see super thin its are like the one we can see here this is deep blue mouth salad zebu one mA mouth yeah it's the mouth of the zebra yes oh why the mouth like the lips nothing deep like really the month okay sounds refreshing and scary a little girl Joel recommends the chicken noodle soup some drumsticks and my childhood favorite zebu mouth salad okay hold on mouth can you show me the picture yeah that's her mouth they put a little nose in there to love it everything kind of the muscle of the cow so why don't we try that salad first it's a nice refreshing similar of the cow I'm sorry did I say cow yes it's not at all account it's a zebra it's a zebu it's not even a zebu cow just a zebu when you mix a cow in a zebu is it a Z cow or a cow boom what's cuter cowboy oh there's green bell peppers there's onion how much smells like some vinegar actually this most really good let's try it out mmm it's a little cool mm-hmm I think they maybe even put some lime on there nice fresh peppers good taste of onion and the cheeky part the mouth muzzle II part was a bit just gelatinous I do like it chicken legs now what kind of chicken is this a sport you've taken sport for cockfighting or something yeah it's been hanging out in the window for a while much tougher but I still like the flavor how much is each light do you have any idea how so you can get about twenty legs for around five dollars that's a good deal they have this great chicken stock and some noodles are you just go for it is there any special combo or do accommodating and there may be people who can take some meat cut into and then you pick the yellow part mix that with the bra mix mix mix oh and now it's nice and cloudy that was pretty good let's take a big bite noodles some broth I was going for it I was really yummy the broth super simple just salty chickeny goodness good old-fashioned chicken noodle soup my favorite is actually probably the mouth salad yeah it's very refreshing I agree finally the time has come we are heading back to the zebra restaurant and I am keeping my promise do you remember me yeah oh wait okay well he's so focused he won't even take his delicious catering remember when I said I would give you a Gatorade and then I did oh guys here we go the first moment tasting Gatorade in this hot sweltering kitchen I'm told this is his first time having a cool refreshing Gatorade Thank You Gatorade for the sponsorship it's time for what I call Malagasy tacos zebu skewers vegetable salad and fried bread time to eat what even is this cucumber this is talk it's like a little bit of tomato carrot there's some seeds probably from the cucumber to eat it we have to take salad and de cebú pull it together under braids oh and then you break it off yeah because I can eat more with that one this bread already oh yeah it's still warm I'm gonna get a little bit of zebu pull it off is that enough that's not enough see woman I'm doing a double zipper and I hate cucumber I find it to be revolting it's the one food I really don't like but I'm gonna try just a little bit cuz I think they have some vinegar in here right look at that are you ready let's do it homie one no joke that's ridiculous the salad makes it all come together you know here's the thing I don't like raw cucumber at all but I like this where it's just a mild a hint of cucumber but there's like vinegar and salt learnis and salt and all this other stuff coming in that kind of freshness mixed with the meat makes for this kind of awesome fried chalupa texture on the outside it's so delicious Sonne like a sea cucumber so this is the hard of yzi boom give it a little twist put on a little bit of the salad and look at that Merve Tebow has sheep or lamb taste more of that than it does a beef taste so there's like that spicy kind of gay meanness to the meat how long you been coming here every Friday this is a good spot man I totally get it if you like this video be sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more because next time we're heading out of Madagascar's capital and into the countryside to see how locals eat in the middle of nowhere Joel thank you so much for showing me your spot for helping me out today and also he's part of Rome art tour they're putting on custom tours everywhere in Madagascar they help you find the best experiences here and make the most of your time honestly this place was a bit intimidating for me to plan before coming but they took care of everything we had a great experience with them and you're gonna see in the videos to come we did so much it's gonna blow all of your minds your minds will all be blown and it'll blow it's just it's really gonna blow so thank you again Joel also for you guys this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including hanoi 'no chang Danang hi em and saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,050,087
Rating: 4.9177308 out of 5
Keywords: madagascar, madagascar travel, madagascar food, madagascar tourism, madagascar street food, africa, african street food, best ever food review show, zebu, sonny side, africa food, african food, madagascar tour, Antananarivo, Antananarivo food, Antananarivo travel, Antananarivo tourism, Antananarivo what to do, malagasy food, malagasy street food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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