Three RARE Vietnamese Crabs!!! Eating Asia's STRANGEST SPECIES!!!

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this is the thickest crab leg i've ever seen in my life do they have any predators in the ocean it doesn't go how there are over 4 500 known species of crab on our planet king crab the most expensive crab you're going to find in vietnam rice field crab we're in a rice field it's a crab it's a rice field craft frog crab it looks like a little frog city yeah a little frog it's not too little spotted crabs it's orange with all these white speckles and spots on it each of them delicious in their own way very crafty crabby with a bee today twin and i are hunting down crab species take a look and recipes few have seen before oh my what seeing what makes each crab unique oh my god and whether or not they're worth the effort my issue is this i just want my gloves back this is hard so grab your crab cracking tools and a build ah solo this is about to get messy twin how are you doing good give me an awkward handshake yes that was terrible never worked yet today it's all about the crabs that's my favorite seafood it tastes good expensive too and i'm paying for it yeah i like a big crab but medium to small crabs are just a waste of time for me it takes so much time for so little reward but that's the whole point of eating crab it's like this whole experience get your hands dirty i figured today you could be our meat retriever i take it yeah all right editor here her name twin meat retriever [Music] sir round two mr full is the owner of this impressive seafood collection he constantly wows his customers with new and rare items last time he served us the biggest and toughest sea cucumber i'd ever seen ah that's really dense that's my job today is about redemption a little bit of a redo but with a new species this time with the crap our first crab is a mysterious creature who only exists in rumors oh my what what an enigma unknown even to the world wide web i think you should give it to her no you're going to be bumpy are you sure this is safe for me to hope this bumpy guy here is known to fisherman as a rock crab it likes to hang out in rocks but locals have another name for it power ranger crabs really yeah the reason why is because this crab has a really thick and hard shell they think that it's like the armor of the power rangers so if all the power went into a crab it might look like this destroy my image of power ranger completely the power ranger crap has a body shaped like a blue crab a shell similar to a king crab and the claws of a stone crack so the funny thing about this crab is one claw can hurt you but this one cannot this rare species is exclusive to the waters around vietnam's paracel islands why is it so rare he didn't really know but it's just because the fishermen rarely have them it's said that under that thick-shelled armor is a sweet and fragrant meat worth dying for or at least worth paying 12 dollars for oh you're gonna prepare this one today you're gonna cook this with salted egg yolk first the crab is boiled with lemongrass until it's cooked through then they remove its cap cut it in half and deep fry it the chef prepares a sauce of salted egg yolk fresh milk chili sauce and mayonnaise coat the crab in that oddly delicious golden ooze and serve this is where i usually go wrong with crab because i'm looking at this and uh what do i eat this is the best part so i should peel that out yes please all right ready ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one tiny bite it's super sweet it's almost chickeny at first the texture and then it's over it is a short high i want to shrink my teeth into a huge bite get your plastic let's do this actually these claws look good but would you break all these legs of course i want you to show me how it's done i'm not quite sure this is the first time i deal with a spiky leg okay i started to get your point okay brian i got a freaking bicep and a forearm and a claw right here i'm gonna break this forearm and i'm gonna use the nutcracker here wow these are powerful creatures i'm angry it doesn't go power ranger wow i don't have that much force i guess this is our first real bite [Music] it's good it's sweet it's got a nice dense texture to the meat i still haven't gotten to the big boy right here i'm breaking off the wrist i need a better grip here we go did that do it dude what the bone inside the claw is giant look how little meat came off this is probably the biggest part that you can get already every time i take a bite i'm conflicted yeah it's good all of this work then it's not good so i think this was more like an appetizer and get this excited for more you excited for more i mean i need a whole meal now just say yes yes far from the warmer waters of the pacific ocean to the frigid seas off norway comes our next crab to meet this creature we're headed to a cantonese restaurant chef put it there chef yang has over 30 years experience in the culinary arts he's been the head of levi's kitchen since it opened in 2003 here they focus a lot on a little more high-end ingredients speaking of ingredients let's talk about the ingredients right next to us right now i never seen this one before ever i think you should pick up that one there's no rubber panel i've been to a seafood wholesaler i grabbed the same type of crab and i had absolutely no problem stabbing me so give it a try oh there we go he made a handle out of the back two legs so this is a brown crab this actually comes all the way from norway norway do better with naming your crabs the brown crab is the biggest edible crab in norwegian waters they can live an impressively long time that means there might be brown crabs around now who experienced world war one or uh at least they were alive during that time it looks like it has a crimped edge to its shell like a pie crust although this is not filled with apples the size of this pie crust shell varies between 3.5 to 6 inches the legs look much more meaty than the last crab i think we can actually get into these legs and pull out some meat is it really hairy because it comes from norway the claws are very respectable so i'm guessing the best bite of meat would be here or maybe in the body but let's ask the chef oh you can pull back the buttons oh my god yes he said this part the best part and a chunk of meat to start the cooking chef yang separates the crab according to its body part the body is quite large is there going to be a lot of meat inside of here if it's like a female craft we will get ro same logic for humans if there's eggs inside probably a female you have eggs inside god the crab parts are coated with frying flour then deep fried last step stir fry it with a homemade dressing made from bean paste egg and chili sauce played it and it's out the door the crab obviously gorgeous but what my attention is most drawn to is the utensils around us no plastic gloves this time what is this it's like a mini fork for like going in deep grabbing something and pulling it out and then literally apply yours for pulling out a tooth beyond that if you look at the crab oh my god this is amazing oh you have a crapload of eggs i don't have any eggs i'm male i have a male crab she has eggs inside crab has eggs inside can i have some of your eggs of course [Music] oh my god this is amazing oh my gosh it almost feels like an omelette the sauce it's got some kind of chili it's a little salty as well very strong sauce but don't make that face oh very strong sauce he has taken apart and ripped out each leg should i use this okay i got this leg i'm gonna use my micro fork can i pull out any meat that way yes this is the result of my toil and labor love your shell it's soft it's stringy it's kind of breaking apart my issue is this i just want my gloves back oh look i got a lot of shell on that one what the shell at this point i have to be honest with myself i'm an imposter i'm not a fancy diner i don't even know how to use this crab surgery toolkit looks like i'll have to go back to what i know we need gloves after all i didn't know that i just assumed fancy people knew how to summon the meat but no they have to get it out just like everyone else rich people are people yeah we're also human i mean they're also humans oh here you go here the claw he has hit it already it's kind of coming apart here we go that is a crab claw wow look at those little norwegian crabs they know what they're doing so that claw gave me much more of a true sense of the flavor of the crab it's not been exposed to as much sauce it kind of falls apart in your mouth but it's kind of like most other crabs i can't say it really stands apart sweet it's meaty it's those two things obviously we agree on the best part right winners the eggs are fantastic a very unique kind of turnt up fancified preparation of the crab from here we have one crab experience remaining and it's from vietnam so i'm excited loco loco means crazy in spanish lion city specializes in singaporean cuisine i was already here once before with my good friend calvin you know calvin yeah you know yeah you guys hang out when i'm not with you what are you what's going on their menu reflects the childhood favorites of its owner and head chef mr harry hank put her there oh man i am excited last time calvin and i were here he fed us fish head curry fish hit was uh invented by the indians and before that fish did not have that today it's all about what could possibly be singapore's most popular famous dish yes i'm talking about singaporean chili crab ranked 35 on the world's 50 most delicious foods list compiled by cnn chili crab is a must try dish for those visiting singapore or even if you don't have you ever had this yes in singapore can you pretend for the video that you've never had it just it'll make some more suspense have you ever had this no oh that's crazy so it's gonna be your first time today this dish will be made from a massive farm-raised vietnamese mud crab i don't uh can you pick it up i just got my nails done oh no she'll do it she'll do it why you always let me do this just pull it up pull it up it's okay it doesn't bite yeah she's not in danger your crab is in danger right now this big guy belongs to the mud crab family coming from kamau a land famous for quality crab in vietnam how much would this one cost a hundred dollars so when you were in singapore do you have a crab that big slightly smaller can you say much smaller okay much smaller i'm sure it will be smaller than what we have because we control from the farm to the table this kind of crap it takes about seven to eight months whereby what you see out in the market is around four to five months they're based on a farm you have a farm they have individual cats you just feed them with a fish and they will just in the face you can't leave them by themselves because they will fight so they can be pretty intense right what if i took this off right now if you bring the thing out you have to hold by here probably it won't get me no no it sure will not get you just don't let it go okay oh sorry it's just dabbing my hand i can do this so i'm a professional i'm trained oh let me help you with this oh my god let me settle him i'm sorry to start the cooking the crab is cleaned cut into pieces and steamed through here's the problem we've been running into today these crabs they have skinny little legs it's just a really a lot of work to get through it so in your case we're going to take out all the meat and you just enjoy it with a pair of fork and a spoon how does it sound no way do you want yours just meat too of course officially not a meat retriever can we pull that from her title card time to make that signature chili sauce garlic sambal and crab brains all come together tomato sauce sugar and crab stock from the crab steaming add potato starch to give it a thicker consistency and finally an egg that's been badly beaten freaking gorgeous this is the exact problem we were having or i was having at least actually you weren't doing that great either yeah pulling the meat out it's a real chore and they did it for us they went through each leg they took the shell off it so you just and then this big crabby towering cylinder right in the middle that has all the different body means then they have two big old claws that's like the dessert bite amazing by trying some of this sauce and then we have some freshly made bread it's got a little bit of kick it is salty though it's powerful it's incredibly savory just a ton of different spices in there all right let's jump in here i think we start with the legs you pull it out wow can they do that it's crowned for lazy people let's go for it crazy how skillful they are this is how you should eat crabs for real this is how it should be we've come a long way flashback to the first location the legs have almost nothing inside they're so small and frail and thin and now we're here this is amazing herbs removing it it's a pretty good amount of meat they've really got every shred every morsel out of this thing this is like a crab cake but like full of crap this is worth every cent the best part is there is like no shell in there even when we were doing it ourselves today and i was trying to be careful i was eating like half shell i'm worried about what's gonna happen all right next you know what we have a big final bite coming up kidding big beautiful claw let's go for it biggest one ever [Music] crazy stuff i never eat like crap you know the same way that i eat a burger i feel just bad for the audience at this point just watching two people be gluttonous so you can kind of just chew around this big bone now this bone was giant in our first crab today and basically there was just no meat left but here plenty of meat it's really dense juicy succulent sweet it's everything you want in crabmeat all in one place this isn't even our knockoff worth it series this is our trying different rare food series but i gotta say 100 absolutely worth the bang for your buck it twin today we tried three very unique types of crab which was your favorite it's so obvious the last one first it has a lot of meat i don't have to touch anything second the saw is amazing i never have anything like that this might surprise you the final location my favorite my issue with crab from the beginning i said this morning i hate this the messiness and the wasted amount of meat harry can you get out of our shot harry and lion city has solved this problem and he basically um solved the pandemic with this dish being an influencer doesn't require millions of fans all you need is this t-shirt entertain and inspire at your own pace don't be an influencer be a micro influencer get your shirt now how do you get someone to try a seafood they've never had before actually thanks to you really it's good to know we're doing a little bit of good in this world i mentioned being this crab it lived a long life we killed it we boiled it we cooked it and then we're disappointed oh like if somebody cut me over and they're like this is it the sauce it gives me heartburn i don't want to sound too asians but it would be very nice with rice no you sound just appropriately asian not too asian the chef just walked over here like five minutes ago it was like yeah it's a lot better if you just eat with your hands this is the most crab i've ever eaten in one day i'm afraid i'm gonna get gout oh yeah very possible if you keep up drinking don't talk about the drinking problem guys that is it for this one a huge thank you to twin for joining me today yeah awkward handshake you can see what she's up to on her instagram page located right here that is it for this one guys thank you so much for watching we will see you next time peace oh you go that way yeah all right and good i'm full of crabs and i have crabs also i didn't mention that in this video but i have crab
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,561,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, vietnam, cheap vs expensive food, worth it, bang for your buck, asian food, food in asia, vietnamese cuisine, where to eat in vietnam, south east asian food, crab, expensive crab meat, crab legs, exotic food, weird food, bizarre food, Saigon food, singapore chef, vietnamese chef, STIR-FRIED CRAB, NORWEGIAN BROWN CRAB, SINGAPOREAN CHILI CRAB
Id: zZ7146CLjrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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