EASY YOUTUBE END-SCREEN IN RESOLVE - DaVinci Resolve 16 Fusion Tutorial

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[Music] hey i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about a youtube end screen what let's go all right so here i am in resolve with the fusion page and i'm going to make a new fusion composition go up to media pool open that and i'm going to right click anywhere in the media pool and select new fusion composition that's going to bring up this little thing and let's actually do 20 seconds because a youtube end screen can be 20 seconds long let's hit create now i'll double click this in the media pool and that'll open up our blank composition as usual first thing we do is start with a background node i'll attach that background to the media out and now we have a black background and everything's nice the first thing i'm going to do is add a background texture which i'm going to use this brickwall.jpg i just got that from unsplash grab the output of this and merge it over our background and in the merge node let's adjust the size and position here so i'll zoom out just to touch until we see those edges there we go and i want some of that bottom yeah something like that i'll adjust the angle a little bit there we go that's looking nice now i want to make some wooden boards that kind of come down here and hang and the video thumbnails will appear on those so i'm going to use a wood texture i'll grab that from the media pool and drag this down and merge it over stuff now we have our wood that's cool but i think what i'll actually do before we merge it over everything else is i'll merge this in its own little composition let's grab a background node and i'm going to merge this over a background node and the reason for that is because i actually want to use this background node as some little cables or ropes so i'll select this merge and hit two on the keyboard to bring that up and remember the merge controls how my foreground layer acts like how big it is where it appears and stuff and so i can size this down and kind of move it around here and i'll just make it pretty big on screen because we're gonna adjust this in a minute but this background node let's select that and i'm going to choose a different color maybe like a dark gray the other thing i want to do is mask this background node to make these little cables this is just kind of a cheap way to do something simple like this you could do this a bunch of different ways i'll just do a rectangle node and connect that to our background and then we'll just move this up but we don't want this to be filled in we just want the edges here and so if we go to border width and boost that up a little bit and then uncheck solid now we have if i turn off the underlay now we have these little kind of cables or ropes or whatever right just a quick way to do that i'll make this border width a little smaller something like that now it's like a little hanging wooden board thing we could even get a little more detailed here and select this merge 3 which controls our wooden board and i'll grab a polygon mask but before i connect it to our merge i'll go up here zoom in a little bit and i'm going to trace these boards and just give this a little bit of character something like this i'm just kind of adding a little shape on the sides to make these boards just a little bit uneven just gives a little bit of character here maybe a little more subtle than that and now down in my nodes i'll connect my polygon to my merge and we'll see what's happening up here it's almost what we want it's a little bit extreme i'll just do a very subtle version of this so now just the sides of that board aren't completely even maybe we'll even soften this edge just a touch just so it's not super sharp just gives this a little bit more character so now we kind of have this as its own little comp up here this is our hanging wooden board and we can take the output of this and just put it over our merge and if we select media out and hit two on the keyboard we have this kind of laid over it one thing that's immediately apparent is that we need to have some kind of shadow here so let's add a shadow after our comp here right before we merge it i'll hit shift spacebar and type shad and we can select drop shadow or shadow either one let's select shadow i'll grab this and hold shift and drag this in between and with my shadow node selected i can change the offset here and the softness and maybe bring down the alpha to 0.6 or so now we have just this nice little subtle shadow maybe i'll move it over a little kind of looks like it's there so now that we have all of this made if we select our merge we can adjust the size and position really easily for this whole little mini comp here so this will be something that pops down and we see our thumbnail but how big do we make it where do we put it there actually are limits to how big of a thumbnail we can put in a youtube end screen and where it goes and stuff so guess what i made a little fancy thing on my desktop here i have a little preset yt end screen guides dot setting i'll grab this and just drag it in and what this does if we merge it over our other stuff is give us a little guide about how big things can be for a youtube end screen and where they can show up stuff can show up anywhere in this green box this is the smallest thumbnail size this is the biggest and this is how big a sub link can be if you want to adjust this a little bit you can double click on this and open up the group here in the nodes and say grab the smallest thumbnail and move that around but it just has to be within the green box so this is a really nice way to figure out how big your backgrounds and graphics and stuff should be for the end screen what i like to do is grab this merge and blend this down all the way so that we don't see it and i can just blend it up and down to kind of check so i'll grab this merge and i can move my little graphics around here and make sure that they're sized and everything so that it would look nice if we put a thumbnail of that size on there so that's a good size and then i gotta just make sure that this is within the green square and i'll maybe move it over just a little bit give us a little more room something like that but we should be able to put a youtube thumbnail over that really easily i'll turn off our guides by the way if you want to download this youtube preset there is a link in the description it's basically just a text file and just like i did you just drag it in here and it will make these fancy notes we don't need this anymore so i'll get rid of it so now we have one side let's duplicate this and make another space for a video we don't have to do all this work again all we have to do is let's copy and paste this merge because we have the sizing and position information in the merge i'll hit ctrl c double click out of here and hit ctrl v and i'll hold down shift and drag this in between my merge 2 and my media out and i'll take right after our shadow and pipe that into our next merge and we have a duplicate of this isn't that nice that's so nice so now we have two little thumbnail holders one thing i want to do is add some like little graffiti text here to kind of label what each of these are so let's grab a text plus node and drag this down into our nodes and we'll merge it over stuff select this text and up here in our inspector we'll say last video and you can use whatever font you want i'm going to use one called dry brush and we'll just put this like here and we'll duplicate this text ctrl c click off control v and merge that over to and this is where you click for more cats which is doing a good service to the internet all right so this is pretty good so far i like it but i'm not crazy about the red so why don't we change that i usually like more of cool colors and teals and such let's go back to our media in one that is our red bricks and let's grab a color corrector node and put that in between media one and our merge and with our color corrector node we can go over here to where it says hue and we can change that and it will just shift the colors isn't that nice let's do like a tealish i'll take down the saturation a little bit keep it tasteful something like that yeah yeah i might even bring the gamma down just a touch there we go and you can kind of tweak this to your liking i don't know something like that maybe however you like it now that we have this basically looking how we want we can animate it which is like the whole point of doing something in fusion so what i think i want to happen is for each of these little thumbnail things to kind of come down into frame so super easy let's have that all happen in about one second or so so i'm going to go to like 30 frames somewhere in there and i'm going to set a keyframe for each of these merge nodes down here that is merge 2 and merge 2 1. let's grab merge 2. let's actually rename this i'll call this left board and this will be right board now let's select each of these and go up to our inspector and we're gonna keyframe center for left board and select right board keyframe center for right board so we're saying at 30 frames we want the center to be right here so basically we want these to end up right where they're at and then over at zero frames we're just going to take each of these and just push them up something like that let's see how it looks okay so that works but it's not the most interesting it'd be a little more interesting if they moved you know maybe one and then the other easy way to change that is in the keyframes panel up here in the upper right hand corner i'll click on keyframes that'll pop open a panel here and this is just the timing of everything that's animated let's say we want the right board to come in a little bit after the left board i'll select here where it says center and grab any of these points and just move it a little bit to the right and now that'll kind of offset our animation up here so if we play it back we'll have one and then the other which is fine but these come to a stop too quickly and it's not very natural so let's change this animation to be a little bit more smooth that happens in the spline panel so i'll close my keyframes panel and open up the spline panel and down here let's just select anything that we want to change left board and right board and hit this zoom to fit button that'll give us the graphs of the animation here and what i'll do is select the last keyframe of each of these animations and i'll hit f on the keyboard f is for flatten so it takes this little handle and it makes it flat which just means that this will eventually come to a stop just real gradually yeah real nice you know just chilling turn off our spline panel let's see how this looks there that's nice and from here you can go crazy and add a logo you can add a little place for your little sub icon but that's pretty much how i do it use the guide to figure out how big those elements can be and you can just make a nice little background for it to sit on get all animated looking pro so there you go not too bad right if you want to learn more about making videos for youtube we actually have a specific guide on that right here so check it out oh man it teaches you all about how to do an unboxing video which you know i don't know if you're into unboxing videos have they ever done an unbagging video are there any horse socks
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 19,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EASY YOUTUBE END-SCREEN IN RESOLVE, DaVinci Resolve 16 Fusion Tutorial, make an end screen, fusion animation, Youtube video editing, Resolve, Tutorial, YouTube, Fusion, Branding, davinci, youtube end screen, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, youtube end screen template, how to make a youtube end screen, end screen, end screen template, youtube outro, youtube end card, how to make a youtube outro, youtube end card tutorial, youtube end cards 2020
Id: 0djsfxYV_uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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