How to Touch Up a Face in DaVinci Resolve - DaVinci Resolve Color Grading Tutorial

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[Music] yes it's exactly you're here this is great hi i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and today we're talking about making somebody's face look better i mean not my face i didn't take some time to use this for my face but for other people's faces you know the ones that need it just kidding the example actually doesn't need it she's beautiful but this is a way to kind of enhance the lighting and just you know just make your shot a little bit better when it comes to a kind of a portrait shot shall we let's go all right here i am in resolve 17 inside of the color page we have a video of this lovely lady just smiling at the camera and let's just say we want to work on this portrait and just make it pop a little better make it just a little bit nicer and i'm not talking about smoothing out every single blemish in the skin and you know doing a photoshop complete retouch i'm talking about just making this shot look a little bit nicer make it feel like she has a little better light on her face this is where we're at now and this is about where we're gonna be so it's a big difference but pretty easy to do here in the color page let's do it first thing i'm gonna do is just get rid of my clips and my timeline just because we don't need all of that i'll even close my gallery oh boy bring our image up here so we can see things and during this tutorial i'm going to assume that you know a little bit about the color page if you don't check out this video right here it goes over the basics but we'll be working a lot in the node graph here and i'll try and explain it as we go so this first node what we're going to do is just make the image look decent overall so good exposure good contrast good saturation good white balance all of that kind of stuff i'll go over here to the lower right and open up our scopes i like to be on parade mode again if you don't know how to read scopes if you don't know what those are we have a video on it right here and so in this first node i'm just going to balance the blacks just push the lift down a little bit and maybe bring it just a little bit warmer i'm just wanting this little tiny bit right here to be balanced around the same height and down closer to zero something like that now if we look at our image it's pretty dark and we're going to take this gain and boost that up just a touch maybe boost up our gamma a little bit just to make sure that we have enough light coming in here so this is where we were before and this is where we are now so just a little bit more contrast bring in a little more life to this image i'll right click on this node and select node label and we'll say primary a primary correction is just the main overall correction that you'll do to get you know 80 of the way there on your image usually do this just to make it look the way it would look to your eyes without any kind of white balance problems without any kind of exposure problems make sure it has some good contrast so now we're going to get into the need grady i'll hit alt s on the keyboard you can also right click and say add node add serial that'll make a serial node a serial node is just like this first node this is a serial node and it adjusts everything about the image that comes into it so this corrected image we're going to be doing stuff to the corrected image so what do we want to do well an easy way to figure it out is just to look at the image and say okay what don't i like about this you know if we're talking about a portrait we're talking about her face what do i feel like could be made better here the first thing that sticks out to me is her eyes seem a little bit dark looks like they're kind of in shadow so we could make our eyes a little bit brighter so let's start with that a great way to do this is just to grab a circle window here in the windows palette click on that and what i like to do is just put like a big eye patch over one of her eyes like this and then track it forward and backward so if you go to the palette next to the windows the tracker palette you can track this forward with this button right here and track it backward and that will stick this window to her eye now let's add another window go down to our windows palette and i'll click on this plus circle and that'll add another circle window here and then i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to take the softness down and make it pretty big like this this time i'll just hit ctrl t for track forward and alt t for track backward as the same thing is going to this tracker palette and hitting the track forward or track backward buttons and now she has these really cool glasses on which is perfect but since we have these tracked we can actually just adjust these after the fact and they'll still keep that same motion and we want them to be pretty soft and sort of down towards the bottom of her eyes like this to just kind of take the shadows under her eyes away something like that now when we go back and forth they stick to her eyes and now we can make an adjustment here in our color wheels or in our curves and light her eyes i'll zoom this in so we can see still i'll push up the mid-tones and the curves and we can see what's happening here we're just boosting that up a little bit i just want to play with that until it brightens those sides of her eyes now if we turn this off and on we'll see the big difference here now this is probably a little bit strong you can kind of see the edges of the window so we might want to just dial that back a touch a little bit goes a long way now we have a decent adjustment under her eyes makes them a little bit brighter the other thing i might do is go down to this palette right here the blur palette and then under radius i'm just going to mouse over this with my mouse and then roll down on the scroll wheel a couple times until i'm at about 0.47 something like that what that's doing is just sharpening her eyes so if we look at this before and after it's brightening it and also sharpening them a little bit sharpening the eyes is a great way to add a little bit of impact to a face shot and so now we already have a pretty decent difference here here's before and here's after it's really kind of starting to add a little bit of light to her face here the other thing overall is i i feel like her face just needs to be brighter like there's just a little bit more light on her face so what we're gonna do is add another node but this time we're gonna add a parallel node you can do that by selecting a serial node and hitting alt p that will add parallel node now something about parallel nodes is that where a serial node will take a corrected image and do more stuff to it a parallel node you can actually take from earlier in the node tree and so we can just take this corrected image and make some adjustments to it without affecting the correction of the eyes here so it gives us a little bit cleaner image and these adjustments that we're going to make are all going to combine together a little bit nicer and is going to look just a little bit more natural things like dodge and burn things where you're doing multiple adjustments to one part of the image those are great things to use parallel nodes for so this first node let's call this eyes this one is going to be face brighten and this one's just going to be really simple it's going to be a circle window over her face that's a little bit pretty soft and we're just gonna boost up the gain a little bit boost up the gamma a little bit just to give her a little bit of light on her face and of course we need to track that so i'll hit ctrl t and alt t and now we have these combining to make her face really nice that's looking good another thing we'll do i'll hit alt p to make another parallel node is let's make her teeth a little bit wider she actually has really nice white teeth so we don't really need to do this but oftentimes you will want to make somebody's teeth a little whiter so here's how you do that zoom into the teeth and if you can you can select it with the qualifier so this third icon here is our qualifier and what this does is select things by a range of colors so if i click and drag over one of her teeth here kind of just drag around that's going to select just those kind of whitish yellowish parts if we go up here to this little magic wand and click on highlight we can see that we're trying to select just her teeth of course it's not quite working so so we can start by getting those teeth a little bit more isolated we don't have to worry about everything else in the image but mostly just around here with the teeth then we can adjust these sliders to kind of finesse this a little bit so that's pretty good we can also limit this with a window so i can go to our windows palette and i'm just going to select the pen the power window and here in our viewer i'll just draw around her teeth right here and now because i have the window limiting everything and the qualifier limiting what we select within the window we get a pretty good selection without a whole lot of work the other thing i'll do in our qualifier is go down here to clean black and clean white and i'll push up the clean black and push up the clean white and that'll give us a little bit better mat here now that we have a pretty good selection of just her teeth we're gonna make sure that we track this window i'll hit ctrl t and alt t this is a great shot it's a little bit easier to do that but now that we have her teeth just selected we can just bring up the gain a little bit and she has a little bit wider teeth now it's really easy to go way too crazy on this so i'll just boost this up just a touch boost up the gamma just a little and now we have before and after whitening her teeth a little bit and you have to decide for yourself what looks natural but now we have three things happening to her face her eyes brightening her face and brightening her teeth and it all kind of combines together to look like we didn't really do anything she just naturally looks like this the other thing i'm going to do to her face is just add a little bit of diffusion now this isn't going to be a you know flawless skin like you would in photoshop you can certainly do that stuff in davinci but i like to just add a little bit of diffusion so if we hit alt p there's another parallel node right click and we'll call this diffusion and we're going to select her face a lot like we selected her teeth i'll just grab this qualifier and drag it over her face like this and now if we go to highlight we can see what we're picking up here and what i'm looking for is to get just her skin tones without her eyes or eyebrows or anything so we have a pretty good start and i'm going to cut our low threshold a little bit cut our saturation a little bit and move our center around to see if we can just cut out the parts of her face that aren't her skin and then we'll clean the black clean the white and this doesn't have to be perfect because we're going to have a pretty subtle effect here again we're going to limit this with a window and now this looks like a scary halloween mask the cover of a goosebumps novel but now we have her face just selected and then we can do things just to her skin see so what we're going to do to her skin is under mid-tone detail right here this upper right hand corner this is what i call the pretty slash ugly slider so if you slide it to the right if it's on skin and faces people look old and ugly if you slide it to the left people look younger and smoother so check this out if i slide this to the right oh boy she would be very upset if we did this if we went with this this is something that's great if you want to make somebody look older you know if you're trying to do some kind of age progression or something but we can take the mid-tone detail down a little bit and it just smooths that skin out ever so slightly right so here's before and here's after it's really really subtle but it just adds a little bit of smoothness that's a nice way just to do a little bit of a beauty pass here now again we could do a whole lot more on this if we wanted to we could make her lips more red we could add more highlights to the eyes we could do all kinds of stuff but it all pretty much works the same way select whatever you want to change and then make that adjustment in a parallel node so these are all of our secondary corrections here to make your face look nice now let's do a couple other things i'm going to hit alt s and we're going to do a serial node here this is going to be sort of not just on her face this is going to be kind of over the whole image you could probably do this in a parallel node also and it wouldn't really matter a whole lot these couple nodes are just i feel like kind of the finishing touches over everything so this first one i like to call radiance and radiance is just a big soft serial node like this and it just adds a little bit of brightness and a little bit of warmth in the gain in the gamma just really really slight so here's the difference without and with it it just looks like she's glowing even though it's not really realistic or whatever i just i really like that look make somebody glow a little bit and then our last node is going to be just a vignette great big soft circle window in a serial node and down here i'm going to click on this button that will invert it and then we'll just bring down the gamma bring down the gain bring that down a little bit see before and after it's pretty subtle nice and soft and subtle but it brings a little bit more focus to her face not great so here's before and here's after let's take a look at building this one by one the first thing we did was just our primary correction and that just made everything look a little bit nicer we brightened up her eyes brightened up her face brightened up her teeth added a little diffusion to her skin then we had that nice little radiance glow and the vignette this is all nice little subtle tasteful things and each one kind of builds up and it can go a really long way hmm feels good to have a little deep dive into the color correction pool anyway if you want some more color related videos for resolve 17 this is where it happens in this playlist right there you can click on it and look at all the videos yay that's cool right do you think it's cool if you think it's cool share in the comments below and make sure to smash that like button
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 23,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Touch Up a Face in DaVinci Resolve - DaVinci Resolve Color Grading Tutorial, color grading, davinci resolve 17, tutorial, face touch ups, color correction, color page, how to, color grading davinci resolve tutorial, skin tone color grading, color grading davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, color grading video, color grading davinci resolve, blackmagic design, color grading tutorial, davinci resolve color grading
Id: HaU2Udpimno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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