EASY Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Guide! (BG3 Mod Manager and MORE)

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today we are going to show you how to create a goblin Clan this is also usable as just a baseline video to walk you through the process of getting balers Gate 3 mod manager working the first thing we're going to need to make a goblin clan of course is goblins with this mod Fantastical Multiverse you can actually choose a goblin as your origin character you'll also see here that there's a lot of other cool choices you could roll around as a bunch of bug Bears you could uh become you know Orcs ASMR minitar but what we're really interested in here today is the goblin Fantastical Multiverse is a pretty complex mod it has a couple dependencies that it needs one of these is it needs the 5e Spells mod and you'll also need balers Gate 3 mod fixer and then you'll also need improved UI so you'll actually need two files out of the improved UI page and one of them is going to be improved UI the base mod and the second one will be improved UI assets that allows for custom icons the next thing you're going to need to make the goblin Clan is we're going to need party limit be gone and what this does is it raises the party cap from 4 to 16 this also can raise the multiplayer cap to eight so there's some additional steps you can do to patch the balers Gate 3 exec file and raise the party limit to eight in multiplayer so if you have a big group of friends and you all want to play co-op this is the mod for you the final thing we're going to need to fill out our Goblin Clan and fill in the ranks is the recruit any NPC mod so what this gives you is it gives you two spells that it adds to your origin character one of them is add or remove and this allows you to add or remove any NPC to your party or remove them from your party and the second one is make clone or custom and what that does is it allows the character to be cloned and create a custom origin character but we're mainly going to be using this to fill in our ranks and recruit more goblins into our little Goblin Clan here you'll need all these mods you'll want to make sure you download these in addition to that you'll need two tools First Tool you're going to need is the balers Gate 3 mod manager the second one you're going to need is the script extender and this allows you to run some of the more complex mods that change how the base game functions so once you have all of these downloaded all of these zip files unpack them all into a folder so I've already gone ahead and made a balers Gate 3 mods folder here on my desktop you want to take all these and unzip them to folders and you'll see they're all unzipped now and then what you'll want to do is head on into the balers Gate 3 mod manager folder and you'll see a exec file here called bg3 mod manager.exe and you go ahead and open that up and run it there's a new version go ahead and download that it'll update automatically for you so you'll see an interface that looks like this what you want to do next is anything that's a pack file for example you see this is pack file 5 spells. pack so you want to go ahead and import all your mods using the import option in the mod manager once you've imported all the pack files into mod manager uh you'll see that there is 5D spells Fantastical hot fix Fantastical Multiverse remove multiplayer character this is the recruit any character mod it's just called remove multiplayer character as the pack file here and then you'll see some overrides down here so you'll see improved UI assets improved UI and mod fixer so what you want to do is take all of these in the inactive mods column and drag them over here to the active mods column so once you see that your leftand column looks like this you have your overrides you have your mods go ahead and hit file export order to game once that's done you'll see a little note pop up saying exported load order to wherever your mod is and that will indicate that it was successful the next thing we'll need to do is install the script extender and install the party limit begone mod these are a little different so you actually have to go into your game folder here the easiest way to get there is to straight up go into the steam client rightclick manage and hit browse local files and it'll take you right to the game folder you'll see that there is a folder named bin and a folder named data so what we're going to do first is install the balers Gate 3 script extender and all that is is a little dll file called D.D the D.D file just needs to be dragged into the bin folder like so and you'll see I have already done this so make sure that it's in there and you'll see d. dll appear here if you've done that properly then what you'll want to do is go back up to the main balers Gate 3 game folder here open the data folder and this is where you'll want to drag the party limit begone mod folder there's a read me. text that gives you instructions as well but you'll take this mods folder you just drag that into the data folder and once you do that you'll see it looks like this you'll see a localization folder and a mods folder if you want to increase the multiplayer limit there's some additional instructions in here and a Patcher where you'll need to drag the actual game exec files onto this party limit begon Patcher dobat file and that will automatically patch your exec files in order to increase the multiplayer limit to eight what we want to do now is test everything and make sure that it worked out okay all right so here's how you test out the party limit beone mod now you note that I have four people already in my group so what you need to actually do to test this mod is you need to dismiss one character we'll make carlac eat some dirt that should reset the limit within the game then you go ahead and recruit two characters all right and you'll see that we've got five characters so we know that the party C limit is now raised so the next thing we need to do is test out the recruit any NPC mod so we've got maora and we've got d du ravengard sitting here now you'll notice in your actions that some new options have appeared there's add and remove and there's make clone or custom so we're going to see if we can add and remove misora and what do you know she's on our side we got maora let's add ravengard same thing just hit add boom and what we've got ravengard on our side as well and hey look I'm controlling duke ravengard or I can take maora out for a spin and what she's got spells she's got spells she's teleporting over here what oh my God misora what are you even doing so we know that those mods all work the last tricky one we need to check is to make sure we can make a goblin head to the main menu we're going to hit new game and once you start a new game you will of course be brought to the character generator we have our origin characters of course but we click over on race and what's this we have all new options so we have orc we have ASMR we have jasi what bug bear doesn't seem to work right now some of these don't all work properly and it's because there's another dependent mod that improves the bodies that currently isn't supported due to patch number nine coming out earlier this month but in the future I'm pretty sure that this will work perfectly once again but what we really want to see is goblin and the Goblins are actually pretty well featured they even have race features like in the 5e book where you get Fury of the small and Nimble escape and uh you can even alter your goblins a little bit even like randomize your guys so yeah if you want weird weird Goblin hyeran clown or uh yeah this guy looks good you can make your Goblin Commandos you can go on through and you can recruit all the Goblins that you can hold and dismiss them at any time have fun with your Goblin journey and thanks for sticking around to watch this mod video
Channel: 2 Headed Hero
Views: 13,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 headed hero, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 mods, baldur's gate 3 mod manager, baldur's gate 3 modding guide, baldurs gate 3 mods install, baldur's gate 3 mod guide, baldur's gate 3 mod tutorial, baldur's gate 3 mod fixer install, baldur's gate 3 mod fix, baldur's gate 3 no party limit, baldur's gate 3 party limit begone install, baldur's gate 3 party limit mod, baldur's gate 3 goblin, baldur's gate 3 more spells mod, baldur's gate 3 5e spells mod, baldur's gate 3 easy mod
Id: RHPYuHUoko8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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