Baldur's Gate 3- 5 Best Beauty MODS you NEED to try out- Easy Install Guide Included! - BG3

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BK 3 is a beautiful game filled with wonderful Vistas and locations from its beautiful coastlines and mysterious dungeons to the furest depths in the underd dark up to the different dimensions of space and time it really is a Marvel in the fantasy genre character details and animation is absolute top tier but it doesn't escape from the Troubles of variety of customization assets May lack variety in depth but I'm here to fix that so for today's Mod episode I present to you the five best beauty mods in baldus Gate 3 this is Toby from the master box show and let's transform baldus Gate 3 to Fashion Gate 3 shall we we're going to be starting with the first mod of the day which is the vamp paren other heads mod mod are you tired of the same assets of the generic faces in Bal Skate 3 which are used for the elf and the half elf some are used in the tling races you thought that we didn't notice larion but we did character models may look all right but you are looking for something better is the generic faces preventing you from creating your ultimate fantasy of a super hot Runway ready model character in ball Skate 3 well this is the mod for you this mod includes around 18 new character faces models for you to pick from ranging from elf half elf humans and tling this mod is sure to give you a selection of face assets that seems like it's been taken from a catalog of super hot cosplayers or some high-end modeling gigs somewhere in the world now you can finally make a copy of Arwin from Lord of the Rings or maybe a replica of gladel there's a The Tempest in me and it will not be quelled by you Regent do you feel that the heads and prents are too shiny or beautiful for you are you looking for more of a strong powerful appearance without compromising the beauty if you're looking for a mod for all of your Amazonian needs or your Amazonian fantasy you want die like last men visit Amazonia what they die of crushed pelvises yes oh thank you Lord in heaven this strong female mod is perfect for you it adds strong female looking presents for you to choose from and replaces the body type 3 selection from the character editor this mod includes models from humans elf half elves and tling being a Savage never looks so good next up is the customizer compendium NPC options unlocker ever wanted to have a variety of hairstyles from NPCs that's just not available to your tab want to get that Isabel or Orin hairstyle for your role playing needs or do you want to have a couple of new horns for your tling something like carlac or maybe just something different well the customer compendium got you covered it unlocks most of the NPC looks and styles for your fashion Gate 3 needs it also has a variety of collection of faces hairs horns and Etc you can finally fulfill your dream of role playing as the ring Master because honestly who doesn't holy Jesus what is that what the [ __ ] is that do you want to have the ultimate collection of hair styles for your fashion gate needs want to have the perfect hair and style to fit the typ title calling you the hero of the story this mod will have all of your hairstyle fantasy covered tab's hair salon has over a 100 hair assets for you to choose from this mod works really well with all of the face mods we have in the list and it is an honest must have to take your fashion gate to the next level and finally the eyes of the beholder mod does your tab's eyes look Bland to you want to make your character's eyes shine like the stars or have the ability to change any eye assets to your preference like having ariation eyes for all Races glowing blind cat gith Flame or goat eyes well eyes of the beholder is the perfect mod for you the mod introduces around 15 new eye colors and shadings for your customization needs special mentions to the transmog enhanced and it allows full customization of any equipment in the game by combining your main armor or items to a transmog items without having any issues this mod is compatible to every asset in the game as well as any modded items so there is no issue in overlap you can also remove or change your transmog with just two items that are provided by the mod going on an adventure never looks so good as well as the tab dad mod tired of all those sexy and beautiful characters in balds Gate 3 why are all those people in fyon look so pretty and fit do you feel that you're not properly represented in a video game want to see what is the actual Peak male physique looks like I present tab's dad mod it replaces present number four for your character customization to make more of a realistic dad mod for your tab husky mail to Chubby mail with just a push of a button now you can finally get that representation in the video game to be honest I think this mod is the best mod unfortunately I couldn't get it to work so just a special mention for this two mods all right guys I'm now going to be showing you how to properly and safely install the mods that I've mentioned in the video if you haven't checked out my previous video about installing the five most essential mods for balers Skate 3 I will be linking it down below so that you guys can follow it through and also to to set you up in your journey for bonding balers Skate 3 I will not be explaining how to install the mod manager which is that is actually on the previous video you guys can just check it out and I'll be linking it down below and don't forget guys to also check the description for the links of the mods that we need for today that said we're going to be starting with the balus gate 3 mod fixer balis Gate 3 mod fixer fixes a lot of issues issues pertaining to the mod list that people are using so we're just going to be starting off and downloading a mod fixer for today so we're just going to be doing manual download but if ever you guys have a mod manager you can download it using the mod manager for me I'll be starting with the manual download so we're just going to be moving along using slow download next up is the improve UI release ready this is also another required mod to activate all of the mods that we need we're going to be checking the down download date or the date uploaded and we're just going to be taking the latest one now we're going to start download the mods that we used on the video starting with the Vance other heads repaired non replacer so we're just going to check again the requirements as you see here we already downloaded balers Gate 3 mod fixer as well as improved UI release ready and we have balers Gate 3 mod manager ready as well so we're just going to be going to the files check out the data loaded find the latest one and manually download So as you see here there is the additional FES required all of these files we already downloaded and we're good to go second is the strong female heads again we're going to be checking out the requirements we already have that as well as balers Skate 3 mod manager and we are good to go manually download next is the customizer compendium NPC option unlocker so we're just going to be again going for the requirements and check out what are the mods that are needed for this to work we're just going to the file take out the latest one and then manually download fourth is the tabs hair salon again checking out the requirements as you see here we have Boulders grade 3 mod fixer as well as balers grade 3 mod manager everything is good we're just going to files check out the latest one and download and for the eyes of the holder we actually need to download two files on this mod because aside from us downloading the essential mods that we need which we already did this mod actually has a main one and a presentent one so we need to download the main mod as you see here eyes of the beholder main manually download this one after downloading the main file we are now moving into the optional files and picking the preset that we need the present that I used earlier is that the pinpoint glow eyes present we now have the complete list of the mods that we will be using today so we're just going to be dragging all of those here whenever you have the seven zip or the file extractor that I mentioned on a previous video you can just extract all of those here we're just going to be extracting all of this as you see here we just extracted all of the mods that we need now we're just going to be moving all of this mods to properly file them into one folder just going to be cutting this we're just making a new folder so that we can systematically organize all of our mods we're just going to be naming it mods but depending on your preference you can use anything and we will be pasting it here now we are in the mod manager window we will now start to import all of the mods that we are using for today we're just going to be selecting the file import mod or control o and start to find all of the mods that we are using in here they are in the mod list we're going to be starting with the mod fixer so we're just going to be selecting thep AK file from this folder now we just imported a mod fixer the mod fixer will be located on the overrides you see here at the bottom next up is another mod we are eyeing on the improved UI mod we're just going to be opening here we now have the improved gr DUI successfully activated and now we are starting to manually activate all of the mods that we are using for today so we're going to be using the vieran heads fix. Pak we're just going to do the same thing for the other mods now remove M into the eyes of the beholder mod so this mod is somewhat needs to have a load order so we're just going to be putting the eyes of the beholder first and the present that we will be using for today which is the pinpoint glowing eyes present. Pak so as you see here we now have all of the mods that we will be using today and we will be moving them into the active mod section so we're just going to be starting to move them one by one the other mods on this list doesn't need any load order the only mods that has a specific load order is the eyes of the beholder we need to activate the main mod first which is the eyes of the beholder mod and under that we will be including the presentent for the eyes of the beholder mod whenever you want to remove or change a mod for the eyes of the beholder or a presentent you just need to remove this and put it into the inactives Tab and replace the other one to the actives tab below the eyes of the beholder mod and now we just finished loading up all of our mods for today don't forget guys to always import your mods to the game so we're just going to be clicking the import button now you see here exported and loaded to the mod settings list of our game so we're just going to be firing up the launcher for Boulder Skate 3 as you see here guys the mods are working properly and perfectly what do you guys think about the mods or does those mods make your playr of balers Gate 3 better or is it truly making balers Gate 3 into a fashion Gate 3 would love to know your answers down below shout outs for all the people who subscribe and supporting the channel looking forward to earning a subscription in the future but if I earn it today please don't hesitate to hit that subscribe button it really helps me a lot and that's it for me I hope to see you soon on the next Master box show peace out bye guys yeah
Channel: MasterBok
Views: 82,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DTM-n18QGt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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