Tips for Working In The Timeline - DaVinci Resolve 17 Basics Tutorial

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oh hello i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and today we're talking about how to mess with stuff here in the timeline just a few different tips because i get a lot of comments asking me about you know how to move a clip around how to insert things without overwriting things how to change tracks all this kind of stuff so i figured i'd make a video on all of those things this is just a little project i've been working on for mom it's uh she she likes that kind of stuff it doesn't matter anyway there's some clips in the timeline there's an edit and if you're just kind of getting started editing or maybe if you're just not that familiar with how resolve works these should be helpful for you first of all you can zoom in and out of the timeline a bunch of different ways the easiest way is to hold down alt and roll with your scroll wheel and that'll zoom in to wherever your cursor is so that's really handy if you want to adjust and edit really finely and sort of related to that is if you hit shift z that toggles in between this view whatever your zoomed in view is and your entire timeline so you can zoom all the way out to your entire timeline move to a different place and hit shift z again and you're kind of back in there so this is a great way to kind of navigate and do your fine edits and then look at your project as a whole the other thing that i see people struggle with a lot is just the idea of clips being linked is just the idea of clips being linked to audio so here we have a clip and the audio is linked to it and a couple things to note about this is one obviously if you grab it and you move it back and forth the audio and the video are gonna stay together but that's only gonna happen if you're in linked selection mode that means if you have this chain link bright white right here if this isn't bright white it doesn't really matter if they're linked or not you're going to move these back and forth and they're going to go out of sync and you'll see this little red thing if it goes out of sync so if you want to move the audio and the video together without having to you know control select both of these make sure to have this link bright white if you have a couple of clips that need to stay together but they aren't linked maybe you added secondary audio or something you can select both of them by either marquee selecting like that or you can select one and hold ctrl and select the other one and you can right click and just say link clips and that will treat these like they're supposed to be in sync and they'll work the same way and then again if i deactivate my link selection it'll act just like these came in together yeah they stick together at the party you know what i mean [Music] something else to think about when you are moving stuff around is you can lock all of these tracks so if you don't want to move your music let's say here's my music track i can click that lock and now i can select that but when i move stuff it doesn't move the music it just moves everything else so that's a great way to just kind of keep your music in one place while everything else moves around you don't have to worry about messing with some kind of music edit having the beat not work or whatever same works with video tracks you can lock that adjustment clip track select everything move it around and that's pretty handy speaking of selecting things there's a few different ways to select things in the timeline one probably the most obvious one is just to click in any blank space and drag a marquee over stuff i feel like this is how i do it a lot of the time just because it's visual it's really quick but you can also hit control a on the keyboard and that will select everything in your timeline and that actually works for any of the windows and resolve if i'm up here in the media pool and i hit control a that'll select everything this works on the color page and everything else but let's say i have a really long edit and i want to select everything to the right of my playhead or maybe i'm zoomed in here and i just want to move this around make some space well there's a couple different ways to do that i can hit shift z and hope that i marquee select the right place and move this down like that or i can move my playhead over the first clip that i want to select and i can hit alt y and that will select everything to the right of the playhead so now i can move that around what's cool is you don't have to zoom out to do that so it's like oh man i need to make some time here alt y and then you just move it over same thing works for before the playhead move this here if i hit ctrl alt y that'll select everything to the left of the playhead so that's a great way to work something else that you can do that's a little bit more tricky is let's say we want to extend this shot if we go here to this second icon in our toolbar that'll change our cursor from the normal selection mode to trim edit mode and now if i grab the edge of this and i move it this way it actually moves everything after it down the timeline and so that's a nice thing if all you're doing is moving stuff down so that you can make a little bit more room on this shot you can just quickly grab the edge of it move it down like that you can do the same thing for the beginning of a shot trim it like that now it does get a little bit tricky doing that when you have you know j cuts in your audio that means an edit where the audio starts before the video you know when things aren't just straight cuts it can do some weird stuff so like here i don't have this audio linked and so when i extend this edit it kind of acts not really how you might think it would so that just takes some getting used to in this case where i really want some control over that i might just do the alt y thing and move this down just so i can control exactly what's going to happen but it depends on your preference and the type of project you're working on a couple other really cool things you can change the color of any clip by right-clicking on it and going to clip color and selecting whatever color you want so this one will be lime and this one will be apricot this is just so i can show you this next thing if you select a clip in the timeline and you hit ctrl shift and either of the greater than or less than keys you can quickly switch this clips place in the timeline you can swap shots like that now it does mess with your audio a little bit when you do that so this is something that's really nice to do kind of before you do sound design or if you're doing something like a vlog which just has a bunch of jump cuts in it but this can really be nice because you know something like this takes half a second whereas if i were going to do this manually i would have to drag this out move this here make sure i have snapping on you know what i mean it just takes a while that's pretty handy couple other things that are nice i'm going to copy this clip just by hitting ctrl c and i'll come up here in between a couple clips and let's say that i want to put a copy of this clip in between these two clips well one thing i could do is use the tools that we've discussed before i can hit alt y and move this down a lot hit ctrl v now i have that and then i can delete this blank space and that would work but i can do that all at once using paste insert which is just ctrl shift v and that will move everything down and insert that clip and you can actually do a similar thing if you're dragging something so let's say grab this and i hold alt i can make a copy of it right and then i can insert this using ctrl shift and it will kind of move the clips out of the way so that i can put this wherever i want and it's kind of janky honestly uh but if you have a really simple edit where it's just a bunch of clips like one after another let's see if we can move this down here you have something like this and hit ctrl shift and i can insert this and it kind of moves the other clips around like that something else about the tracks is if you want to do something like that paste insert or i mean there's like a ton of other things this applies to if you want to do that on certain tracks but you don't really want to lock them you can actually go over here to this little part right here these little rectangle with the greater than less than symbols this is the auto track selector but the better name i've heard for it is the count me out button so right now all of these tracks have this little button enabled but if you disable this this is kind of the shortcut for whatever fancy stuff you're doing just don't do it to this track just whatever you do don't do it here not in my house so if i ctrl shift v to paste insert it's going to paste insert the other tracks but not the ones that are locked and not the ones that have the auto track selector the count me out button disabled so if i had this on see it cuts and it moves everything so that's another great tool in your belt if for whatever reason you don't want to lock a track you just don't want it to get messed up by other stuff i think you can also do this if you hit ctrl shift and do that insert like that you can swap clips and it doesn't mess things up that might be good if you are pretty consistently moving stuff around you don't feel like locking it but you don't want it to get messed up by anything fancy so there you go there's a whole bunch of tips on how to move things around in the timeline and little tools to help your editing go a little more smoothly there's a ton to go over here and there's a lot that i missed in this video what are your top tips make sure to let me know in the comments and hey if you want more editing videos for resolve here's where you should click right here up here in the corner this is the corner clicking song it isn't very long just kidding it's super long here's verse one out of seven thousand hey what a wonderful time of day that's arthur i don't know
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 67,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tips for Working In The Timeline - DaVinci Resolve 17 Basics Tutorial, editing, davinci resolve 17, tutorial, how to, timline, tips, working in resolve, shortcuts, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve tutorials for beginners, davinci resolve timeline, edit page, how to edit, keyboard shortcuts, keyboard shortcut keys
Id: kOp4tWO7F54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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