From the Depths │ A New Beginning - Neter Campaign Part 1

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hey guys welcome to from the depths today i'm going to start a campaign for a quest for kneader so let's just get right into it so i've decided that instead of doing easy m easy medium hard or very hard i'm just going to go for a little bit in between while i want a higher difficulty i do enjoy starting in the bottom left of the map so i'm going to use custom settings to make things a little bit more challenging definitely want to make the combat more challenging and i don't want to get that many resources from destroying enemies i'll leave that probably 0.1 so i get something well here we are home sweet home that's actually what it's called right uh maybe not oh yeah home sweet home okay perfect so we're here so in this campaign i already have a bunch of pre-built stuff like i have um plenty of ships uh bases i might build some more but i think mostly i'm just gonna use all my pre-made stuff for this one um first things first i'll just grab this guy right here receiving and then i'll give myself all the study materials we get so the first thing i should do is just build a satellite so let me get one of those things up there we go this way i can see a lot more i'm not really sure how much to explain but essentially what this here is really put these forces into play this right here is a satellite um that i made it's just a bunch of balloons connected to uh these dish pieces and as it goes up into the air i'll be able to see more area so you can see that the uh range i can see is expanding as this thing goes up but the second thing i want to build is actually something a little bit cooler it's going to be our starting ship i call it the attack dove you'll see why or maybe not i don't know i just thought it was a cool name okay now let me load it and there it is he attacked of bleak quick and for the cost it's actually amazing um i think it costs about yeah 45 000 materials it's got six missiles on each side and it does you know it does pretty well early on to be honest i could probably spam these at most factions and i could probably win the game with just this craft alone but that's not much fun oh i just want to say like i'm not an expert in this game um by any means i've played it quite a bit um probably watched a lot more of it i'm i'm okay but i'm not like the best builder or anything and i i'm working on it i'm getting there okay let's let's pull these because i want to be wasting fuel everywhere i'm going to send my first attack dove to capture another territory so the very beginning of this game is it's pretty simple it isn't um not a lot happens at the start it's just capturing these basic four squares around your base oh you know what this is actually the first time i'm playing a campaign with a new diplomacy update so essentially once this countdown runs out at the top uh all the factions you know uh that are spread out throughout this map are gonna be called to a meeting to select who's going to fight who or declare war on who for the rest of the game but for now just gotta capture territories listening let's put this guy moving actually a lot of resources i might make another another attack of actually i think after i make this vehicle i might call the meeting early just because there's i can't do anything else unless i'm in war that's another part of the new diplomacy update you can't actually attack anyone unless you declare war on them i think it's interesting however i mean you'll see more as we get into the video how it works the only part i don't like actually is the um commodities part i still think that could use some more i think it's kind of weird to have some options that make it so you lose commodities but i feel like you don't really i don't know it's it's weird i'm a little worried though i don't want to declare war on both the onyx watch and the deepwater guard this early i hope i have some good options okay i know we still got about 30 minutes until the meeting's called but i think i'm just going to call it early because there's nothing else i can do at this point i could sit here for 30 minutes gathering materials but that's kind of boring so it's called a meeting early okay oh this is interesting lead war against say onyx watch and i get a lot of resources i can actually use my new ship i be i built recently lead war against both the deepwater guard and the onyx watch uh that just doesn't seem worth it if i had this top option i don't know if i can take on both factions at the same time this one's interesting lighting hoods and deep water guard and i get some commodities that's not bad and this top one is very attempting though um to take out the take out the onyx watch first screw it i'm gonna do it i'm declaring war against the uh onyx watch okay this is odd i usually go for the deep water guard first but i guess this will make things interesting okay i'm gonna send out my two dubs moving out to capture some territories we're moving out for battle oh yeah that color shouldn't be that hold on but uh the color i chose is uh white and gold i just kind of look i just kind of like the look of white and gold i don't know i know it's the same color as the twin guard but they won't be around for much longer so i don't know i just i just think it looks so nice um but yeah i'm so proud of this uh this ship it only cost 45 000 but it's got 12 missiles total so that's a good amount of damage it's got two torpedoes in the back right here it's got a um what's the distraction stick i guess uh this shoots out in the back and it makes other missiles go towards it i mean i don't know like overall it's oh shoot i just i didn't realize i was spending the commodities i had i think we're gonna do pretty good so far capturing two territories i think i'm just gonna try and take this territory as soon as possible because getting two resource zones would really help out a lot doesn't look like the onyx watch has any um offensive um ships in the area so i'm actually gonna take this opportunity to start building my new ship so this is something i just built recently i'm surprised i can actually get it um in the game this early doesn't have a name yet i just caught a new test hover uh you kind of saw a sneak peek of it but it's actually pretty cool um so we'll just let that build up i'll let the two dubs attack for now to attack those you know they may not cost very much these guys are actually pretty good um i think i'll be able to take this with just two of them even though that is costs about three attack devs but i think i can still win i've also not decided if i want to allow capturing vehicles in this campaign it's a little bit cheap to jump on an enemy ship and then just shoot the ai out but i don't know i do like resources first battle let's go okay so as of right now though the battle sizes aren't too big i think for the future i probably don't want to go too much higher than 50 000 materials listening um just because of lag but for now i think we should be fine to do as many ships as we want i'm thinking just one attractive down here one here pincer sensor maneuver you can look at the uh volume way lower okay let's see got my two doves moving in first of all these missiles brutal that is brutal and these ships are pretty quick so i don't know if the cam cans are going to hit them too easily this is your perfect time to drop down but i want to let the fight go a little bit longer oh another oh oh god i lost 15 health oh my god that's brutal hold on pause the game did i take out the engine yes it did okay so the way these things are designed is i have the engine front i have like all the ammo storage in the middle and have the ai in the back so if it gets hit hard anywhere the ship goes down automatically so i mean you have to remember it is still a cheap ship that being said it does have repair box so hopefully if the engine gets repaired it can get back in the action i still got one left though seems like being directly above it weapons are still online though even though it can't move this thing's a big a big resource gatherer though got a lot of help it's gonna take a lot of missiles to take it down okay it's gonna take some time but i think i'm gonna win this fight okay 91 health this thing is almost repaired up it's amazing that's still fighting in the water oh crap okay didn't do too much damage just hit the back of the weapon oh my god that's so close it's just this thing has so much health ai is right here in the central tower um my torpedoes are emp though so if my torpedoes can hit right here i'm not sure that's gonna happen though if the weapons go offline though i will just capture it though just to make things go a little bit quicker the tactiles are pretty good though you know this was a i was down on materials for this fight it's a shame one got knocked out so easily uh in the very beginning yikes that looked bad oh no way it's still able to fly i don't know it's amazing two direct hits with cram cannons okay the other one's back up in the air perfect since we're in a tile just one square away from our territory we are able to repair both attack those are wounded a lot of materials being spent accidentally hit f5 again oh we won i don't even notice perfect nice victory this one's kind of limping a little bit but it's still a victory first battle of the war listening and we win it nice okay repair is good i'm going to split this fleet again i'm going to send one over here to capture this towel um just to get more area i'm also going to send my satellite up a little bit farther luckily um we're doing kind of a quick attack so i don't know if the onyx watch is going to have time to react fast enough once this thing's built though i think i should be set to be able to take out most um medium hard level ships the onyx watch has against some of the golly designs like the bulwark and the trebuchet i'm not too sure about it but i think it's pretty cool it's not even like yeah you guys will see actually i don't want to talk about too much the spears get a little close for my liking you know what listening i'm gonna intercept it i'm sending in the dove to be honest one volley is gonna have to take out a spear got five thousand volume wow did not think this thing was that big okay first volume missiles going in nice hit oh you do have a turret yeah that's not gonna hit me another good hit torpedoes are closer this time empty did not hit the ai did take out some detection though yep mainframe turret is offline okay the transmitter was taken off the mainframe emp is one of the most overpowered things in this game it's the right spot entire giant ships just get taken out just like that hard hit the ai is probably right in there ah there we go emp i hit perfect another successful attack by the attack though perfect okay things are going great now they have two resource zones i need to find a way to bring resources from down here uh all the way back up here i might actually have enough resources with these two doves to build my cheap gatherer so it's only about 25 000 resources but it's enough to gather this stuff okay that's what i'm gonna do listening moving out gonna send you back since you're here to capture this territory i'm gonna send this dove and then this dove back over here to start building a resource gatherer so i can utilize this resource soon we'll see we don't know what's going on up here a lot of resources are getting funneled up so i hope there's nothing too crazy over there but for now time to build another resource zone to help with the attack of so it's not quite finished yet but this is it it's like a little egg with some resource gatherers on it it just sits in the middle resource zone collects resources i mean it gets the job done that's really all that matters i would like to build an actual fortress at some point oh what's going on up here cauldron oh oh okay they got some actual attack vessels coming in what to do about this how many resources in these doves got something might just keep capturing territory to be honest i'm just gonna do that i'm gonna send these out and then i'm gonna build a cargo dove and no not all my ships are dubs this is just i only have two all i did was uh repurpose um these are tactics and turn to a cargo vessel definitely the onyx watch and the deep water guard are the two easiest factions for sure after that i think um white flares and twin guard are up next i think the twin guard's probably a little bit easier um oh god what's happening now okay ah they got okay this is not good i gotta get to the next resource going quick but first let's get the uh cargo dove getting built as you can see here this here is the cargo dev it's just the normal attacked up except instead of guns it's got a bunch of cargos still got the torpedoes though so it can still defend itself against ships it's not the most creative idea but it really gets the job done i'm gonna set up a route between these two resource zones i want to bring cargo from this one i captured down to this one here okay let's continue getting territory you know so if you don't know if you uh right click you uh tell ships to go that direction but if you shift right click moving out you add a second path like you can just like shift right click wherever you want and it follows the exact path you're gonna go moving out but another thing you can do moving out is you see this little um circle here when i hover over a destination if you right click on it again it creates a loop so this thing's just going to go back and forth and since i set the cargo to 1 and the creator to 2 over here and then this one to 0 it'll take from the lower ones and give it to the higher you know what i'm going to intercept what i'm going to do is i'm going to send the satellite to capture the territory here instead you know what i think one dove can do it actually i'm confident screw it oh this is probably a bad move oh god what am i doing i should have brought both dubs this is just stupid okay i'm going to attack here and then fly get out of here afterwards come on oh it's got missile defense no oh my god there we go okay take out the anti-air i think it did okay perfect so it's only got the what hit me oh my god what happened they hit me oh my god this is the biggest mistake i've ever made oh i'm too far he cut the dove in half you know what i think one dove can do it actually i'm confident i underestimate this guy oh my god oh this terrible to watch oh god i got a retreat this is not good oh no i underestimated that so bad okay yikes oh my god i don't even know what to do moving out okay i guess i'll start repairs but oh god are you almost ready almost but not quite this is not good at all okay i gotta be honest the onyx watch prepared a lot quicker than i thought it was it might be in trouble here okay screw it i'm i don't think i can capture this in time they're going to make it back i don't want to make them angry i'm just going to moving out listening start repairs on the other dove and then listening and bring the satellite back moving out moving out it's a shame it's a good move by the onyx watch like i was saying before you know i'm not an expert at this game ah this is so bad and it's two of them you know if it's just one of these uh yeah the read down the parapet like if it was just one of them um i could take them out but both of them i don't know i can't need them to split up and they cost so much around 200 000 each oh you know what okay this is a risky move um but i'm going to send anything want to tactive down here and then just demolish it moving out screw it nope i'm sending them both i need the resources wait a second no i don't what am i talking about i have commodities losing out if you stay here just give myself a bunch of commodities let's just do a whole bunch i don't know how much i need do you remember from the um what was it called the uh i don't know the conference meeting i got 230 something commodities for declaring war against the onyx watch so perfect i need this so bad okay are you done oh you're ready okay you're going down moving out okay i'm gonna take out the one that costs less so that's you hopefully i can win i don't know what the readout looks like um moving out i'm just going based off material cost okay let's go new test hovering versus the retail okay this thing's pretty sick i gotta be honest just pause the game look at it inspired by the coffin nail from the deepwater guard if you know but it essentially it's got tur on the bottom it's got eight sets of eight missiles so 64 missiles total and its goal is just to hover over the enemy and shoot 64 missiles at them what's this thing though oh that's not good those look like some powerful cram shells it's okay though i got a lot of heavy armor on this thing so hopefully i'm quick enough i can get out of the way the shell itself is just an armor-piercing round kind of missed it but first volley was a success oh yeah there we go came back there we go they're not the most agile missiles oh that's brutal that is brutal oh your on exposure doesn't stand a chance against this thing and two damage turn off oh big solution got destroyed love this thing i just love how balanced it is it's one of the few ships i have that actually stands still um it's amazing awesome let's go for the next one there we go okay 96 i made it this one's going to be close though because we cost about the same it's 240 240 out pretty much identical costs so to come down to just better design i also got a lot uh bigger volume than me so a lot of my cost goes into the missiles as cool as this thing is it does have some weaknesses though oh back on oh duck between those what is this we're actually like similar style ships oh just a floating castle that's so cool oh i feel like i've seen those before uh i think the bulwark has some of those cram cannons okay so it's got two huge oh look at that it's designed to shoot things below it so this is actually a great match for me we're both like designed to get above our enemy and then shoot them down but oh there we go you're it's done for now i need a name for this thing though so if you guys have a name for it um oh crap okay taking a missile missile silo almost took out the thrusters but just some external damage nothing internal yet be honest this um oh what the heck oh my god get back above this thing holy crap the shell i have isn't anything like um special it's just armor piercing round do have a shield oh well there goes my cannon um ouch but lots of heavy armor on this thing surprised it still flies get above it god i would not want to be uh a ship against this thing taken so many hits and it's still up to me i don't know how it's amazing oh crap another big hit missile system down my am i going down i'll just do this dropping quick i'm good though i'm still good this thing's got a lot of armor it's not gonna get taken down that easily oh look at all those missiles i didn't think it was gonna be this close but i was just gonna win easily but no this thing's pretty good is the parapet i think let me check yeah 60 health though it's over though i'm still at 97. it's down to 60 health i don't know how it's still in the air usually most ships when they get like below 80 they just fall out this guy let's finish it this should do it if they can hit don't hit me oh my god i should probably make these more agile to be honest i think it's over it's gonna be yeah blow eddie health and sinking you fought well parapet but my new hover test takes victory awesome perfect okay uh another one okay i can definitely take those out onyx watch is in trouble for sure unless they produce like a trebuchet or a bulwark um i think i'm in good shape looks like this cauldron is trying to take this territory i'm just gonna moving out play a little defensively right now i don't want to lose this so i'm going to go for the cauldron i don't want to fight both the cauldron and the readout at the same time let's get some revenge for our fallen detective i want revenge though destroyed one of my precious doves now i will destroy you hopefully look at that perfect that's what this thing was defined for you know designed to take out slow ships go right above them oh my god awesome explosion absolutely amazing oh crap i got hit nothing too bad man another huge hit i should probably stagger the missiles a little bit more um sometimes the explosion of the first missile knocks all the other ones back but i think uh it also helps against mutation defenses if they all come at once and that's that this ain't no attractive it did take some damage though oh you wanna you wanna go again okay hold on moving out i'm actually kind of running low on resources with this thing i gotta let it heal up as well you know what i'm feeling confident this thing is so good it can take out both of these i should probably have waited for the doves to get in for support but um i think i can do it um yeah yeah there's not even like very many defenses on that okay i can win this easily we got here horse turn on weapons you're in trouble now oh dang it you got the yeah you got a lot of my missiles probably more than half of them didn't even go for the ship oh they're coming back though can't dodge those wow luckily this thing doesn't have any critical points um the ai is located on the top um so i guess that wouldn't be good but it's got heavy armor and emp defense up there so i think this fight's over love this thing it's just so cool definitely huge props to the uh whoever made the coffin nail you know this this style of design was definitely inspired by that um of course i want my own like root with it ai should turn off once the enemy is too low now it's going after this thing well say hello to my friends over here i love missiles i gotta say you know if there's one weapon you know i would use all the time would be missiles ah they're kind of expensive but they get results moving out and just like that the entire onyx watch attack force has been wiped out you know i'll give the enemy a chance to regroup actually i'll probably make um this here my new main facility there we go perfect i'm gonna send my doves out moving out um just just got ahead i'm gonna move my satellite up a little bit more i don't really need to see what's going on down here anymore i would like to get yeah proper fortress at some point um but for now i'm just going to use these everywhere and i'd also like to get a proper cargo vessel um but you know those things take time so here's the main fortress um 475 000 materials i don't think i can actually beat that um even with two doves and then my new hover it's got a lot of cram shells so well this thing's got a lot of heavy armor it's not invincible you know enough of enough hits it will take it down plus it doesn't like maneuver around very much so it's going to get hit a lot maybe it's just so big this uh this onyx watch through i think i need maybe two of these or like another or something else maybe just a bunch more dubs to take that out um probably like eight doves to take on the throne but i'll let the um i let them fill up i want the honest watch to throw everything it's got you know i want a good fight i don't know if there's a more efficient way to set up cargo routes this is just what i do uh i think it works fine you know if something works just go with it i guess oh another parapet and a gleeve what is that interesting i remember correctly the gleeve has a lot of um missile defense parapet was a little bit tough um as long as i don't lose this ship if i lose this it's over for me i put all my materials and all my um commodities into this you know if i didn't have that commodity bonus i could be in trouble now to be honest are you trying to attack me hey i was gonna let you go around but if you i can't let this thing just like yeah why okay it's attacking me that was a mistake i don't know what you're doing you can't win am i oh okay well it's dead anyway and i'm no longer capturing this thing great looks like the parapet wants a rematch um i mean if you really want one i'll give it to you but it's your loss i might not be able to repair if the battle goes too far north so let's hope it stays um in this square weapons on i like how it drops down the beginning um i think it's just because i set the altitude too high at the start but it really um makes all those initial cells just miss oh that seems like a lot of big hits let me let me see the damage here if you guys hit um the negative sign or the plus sign on a keyboard you can set the speed to be lower or higher there's a lot of outer damage doesn't look like anything important you lost nine percent health though so you're clearly not doing so well keep forgetting to turn this thing off just makes the dallas look so much better oh had that hit um could have been trouble um this is kind of a flaw in my design but located next to the ai is all the um the ammo storage i just had nowhere else to put it so i put next to the ai so a whole bunch of cram shells like right here could just take out both the weapons and the ai in one shot of course without ammo both my missiles and my turret can't fly so i said i didn't really have any weak spots but that's definitely a weak point and if this thing could just get above me i would be in trouble but it can't wow still a radar so i can still yeah i got radar detectors all the way up here so i can probably i'm still very accurate with the hits even though i lost my main detection this is just a bad matchup for the onyx watch it's brutal ow just a scratch not even really that's okay i definitely make make these missiles uh missiles more agile because they work at this range like they're perfect here but like when the enemy is like right below us and it's this close in height it's really not good but how does this thing stay in the air it's at 60 health i don't have any ships that 60 health they can stay up in the air i mean this thing does pretty good i think even at 70 health is still in the air but 60 that's just it's almost half the ship gone there you go two damage that means it's below 50 health love this thing it's absolutely amazing it's got tons of weaknesses but it's just so cool the the concept of i just love the look and the concept of it it's just so different from what i usually build um you guys haven't seen these but i usually build um i might build them into the campaign a little bit later but i usually build ships there with a lot of front armor and so i just point at the target and uh try to like just take hits in the front and then deal lots of damage back at them i think i'm going to build two more attack those start building an assault force for the main throne because i think i actually might be able to take out the onyx watch pretty soon uh using just doves and then the um uh the hover i need a name i really need a name for you moving out i wonder if two doves can take out the glaive i have emp torpedoes and this thing's pretty slow yeah you know what i'm going to do i'm going to send this thing down here to capture that furnace in that resource zone i'm going to send anything three doves i think three doves should be more than enough i'll send you to capture more resources bring this satellite a little bit lower moving out even though i don't need to see what's down here um i just like being able to see the whole map it should be actually a pretty even battle listening if the glee is what i think it is it has a lot of missile defense so i mean i got a lot of missiles coming at it per dove so that's 36 still a lot less than the um hover but okay let's see what the glee is saying pause the game yep it's exactly what i thought so it just got um one advanced can here which actually is not good um i don't like advanced cannons but right here i believe is the laser defense yes yes laser defense that's right so maybe three dubs can do it i might get taken out advanced cans are not good against the doves yeah that's pretty good laser defense is not not amazing though oh that hurt looks like just outer damage though oh it also works as an attack yikes this thing is an anti-air vehicle well empty torpedoes probably knock out a lot of that um laser defense turret offline holy holy crap we're you know these doves i've used this craft for so long yet they still amaze me like how good they are um like this ship right here it was made against anti-air you know it was made to take out things like this but it just you know no match perfect i gotta say that onyx watch the end is near listening i want to give the onyx watch a chance to send one of its godly class vehicles i think the prior pet might be godly class maybe it's just hard um i'm gonna give it a chance though another parapet it's a shame um i might even use the attack those actually i don't think i need to send my hover back i think if i get five attacktives um that should be more than enough for the parapet maybe okay we got five doves it get the resource count isn't too big okay let's just try to surround it get listening attacks from all sides i'm gonna take a central position all craft responded nice big explosions all doves at 100 health second volley one dove got hit pretty bad and the front engine is still intact though oh crap okay okay they got repair tentacles they'll kill each other nice okay these things are good um they're not gonna work against every faction um they do have a little bit of smoke defense but lasers and emp are not good against these things as well oh wait a second next meeting is about to be called i think i can do this battle right before meeting is called though listening i think this should be a pretty easy win it's it's amazing how you can build ships walking them during battles and everything but it's just like everything going on especially if it's happening at multiple ships at the same time just causes immense lag still so cool though i even get hit didn't even get hit once wow i think i'm gonna capture this and then i'm gonna refuel and then probably join the doves for an assault at their um main base well this is interesting right here join the deepwater guard against war with the onyx watch and the twin guard and a lot of commodities as well actually um [Music] lead war against the dpr guard and the onyx watch onyx watch to be honest is almost dead like with the forces i have remaining i could probably take it out i mean i could focus all of my attention on to the deepwater guard that's a lot of commodities i think i'm gonna go with this one right here i think it could be interesting to take on the twin guard but i find it's more fun to get rid of the deep bar guard early it's just such an easy faction and even like as the game goes on they never really get that powerful so plus there's a lot of commodities here so i might be able to build something even bigger yeah perfect well anyway hope you guys enjoyed um next time we'll pick off we'll pick up white uh right where we left off um just for some reason my my speaking has gone downhill um so once my brain's more refreshed we'll give this another shot and hopefully take on finally finish off the onyx watch and then maybe even finish off the departure guard they are supposed to be the easiest faction so it might not take very long to take them out so see you guys next time
Channel: Kipalo
Views: 22,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: from the depths, ship, attack dove, campaign, let's play, episode 1, deep water guard, neter, neter campaign, new, new campaign, playthrough, walkthrough, onyx watch, twin guard, lightning hoods, water, hovercraft, FTD, 2022, lathland, robbaz, kipalo, videogame, gaame
Id: dE66IsjJ7wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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