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hello everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert IELTS teachers here at e to language what we're going to do in this live class is an eye out mini mock test this is for general and academic what we're going to do more specifically is I'm going to take you through a listening test a reading test in part three for speaking I've got a very very special guest coming in alex who is an excellent examiner she's gonna take you through a full speaking test just like it would be in the real exams and that's gonna be really good so stick around for part three and then in part four we're going to do writing task two together okay I'm gonna take you through a really good essay structure and you're gonna have the chance to actually write a full essay just before we begin if you're not yet a subscriber do click that subscribe button down there we've just reached 200,000 subscribers which is totally awesome we do want to get to a million if possible so also what you might want to do is share this with your friend feel free to click like and as we go through and do the scoring I'd like to see your scores in the comments below for the listening and the reading test for example so that would be cool all right let's start with listening what I firstly want you to do is quickly just write down on a piece of paper 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 we're just gonna do 10 questions okay the first one we're going to do is this it's going to be multiple choice so what you're going to do is you're going to listen to this short little lecture you're just going to select a B or C for questions 1 2 & 3 starting now good evening everyone my name is Martha Kerr and I am the CEO of the roads and infrastructure committee I've called this meeting because I want to let you the members of the public know about the new regulations for traffic and parking that were thinking about for Lavis Hill I'll firstly summarize these proposed changes and then we'll go to Q&A so it's quite clear that we need to make these changes to the traffic in lathers Hill it's certainly becoming an increasing problem in our lovely town it's also become very apparent since they started building the new gymnasium but it's the overall rise in traffic of all sorts that's a real concern to us to date there's not been any increases in traffic accidents so that's good and that's something we don't want to see escalate we recently surveyed a lot of you local residents and your responses were quite interesting a lot of you were worried about the lack of visibility in some of the roads as a result of parked cars along the streets we actually expected issues of congestion around the school but this was on top of the list of your concerns nor was noise or fumes from trucks much of an issue either we hope these changes we plan to make will have a positive impact but we've got a lot of work to do the good news is that our proposals are within budget so the council can cover them which is good but it's one thing to introduce new regulations and quite another to make sure people obey them so that's an area that we're working on with a local police force cool how did you go for questions 1 2 & 3 hopefully that was pretty straightforward it's gonna get a little bit trickier now we're going to focus on a map completion exercise which personally I find pretty challenging in the IELTS so let's have a look at this one here let me just talk you through what you need to do here ok so let me move that okay on the left hand side you're going to see numbers for new traffic lights 5 pedestrian crossings 6 parking allowed seven new no parking sign as the speaker speaks she's going to be moving through each of these so she'll start talking about new traffic lights for example what you need to do is to decide where these new traffic lights are said here next to the bank are the new traffic lights near the chemist or they across the road from the school for example then she'll mention something about a new pedestrian crossing is that here on Caroline Street or is that just out the front of the library so you need to listen very carefully and keep in mind that it's sequential she's gonna be moving through the questions like this and again on your piece of paper you're going to be writing down ABCD EFG H or I okay the talk starts now okay so this image is a map of the center of lovers hill with a Voges street in the middle and the school Road on the right now we already have a set of traffic lights at the junction of a volca Street and Caroline Street but we're planning to erect another set at the other end at the school Road junction to regulate traffic flow along Avoca Street we've decided we definitely need a pedestrian crossing we initially thought to put this on school Road just outside the school but then we realized that it will lead to more traffic congestion so we decided to put it on Avoca Street crossing the road in front of the chemists that's a pretty busy area so it should help quite a bit we're also proposing some changes to parking at present you're not allowed to park on a VOCA street outside the library but we're going to change that and allow parking there but not at the other end of a VOCA Street near School Road it's worth noting that there'll be a new no parking sign on school Road just by the entrance to the school forbidding parking for 25 meters this should improve visibility for drivers and pedestrians especially just to the north of the school as for disabled drivers currently they can park outside the pub but trucks also use these spaces so we've got a couple of new disabled parking spaces on the side road up toward the bank it's not a perfect solution but it would certainly do for the time being we also plan to widen the pavement on school Road we think we can get an extra meter or two just before you get to the school on the same side of the road lastly we've introduced some new restrictions on loading and unloading at the pub so trucks will be only allowed to stop there before 6:00 a.m. that's the pub on school Road we kept to the existing arrangements on our focus tree so that's about it that can be pretty tough those map completion exercises labeling the map especially in the computer-based IELTS I'm not sure if you've taken that one yet or if you plan to take that I do think it's a better test than the paper-based IELTS but I did find the listening section was pretty challenging than that one because you're looking at a screen I felt like it was a little bit more challenging anyway let's have a look at the answers for the listening section here so the answers are number one you should have got B 2 C 3 B 4 e 5 d 6b 7 g 8 c + 9 h + 10 I you can pause the video here and just double check how did you go out of 10 do put your score into the comments below just say listening 6 out of 10 or listening 10 out of 10 I'll be interested to know how you went with that section alright guys now that we've done listening let's move on and do some IELTS reading this will apply to both general and academic and I'm going to show you five different question types including some tricky ones like true false not given and match headings but what I want you to do first is create another answer sheet from 1 to 20 and next to each of these numbers you'll write a letter like B C or D or maybe you'll write a single word or maybe two words or maybe you'll write a number it depends on the question okay we're going to start with a simple multiple-choice question this is usually what happens in the exam what I want you to do for questions one two three is just to decide whether the answer is a B C or D and so you're right next to the number 1 B for example I'm going to give you two minutes to answer these three questions you okay how did you go with those multiple-choice questions they'll pretty straightforward now we're going to do some match headings and these ones I find a little bit challenging what I need you to do is these are questions 4 to 9 so on your answer sheet you're going to write these funny little roman numerals okay one of these what you need to do is this first of all I want you to read the paragraph I can't read this then decide which one of these would make the best heading for that paragraph right then let's say for example you decide it's foraging habits then for number four you would write I X on your answer sheet okay now here are three paragraphs so you're gonna find three headings and then I'll show you three more you have two minutes to find these three you okay you've just done the first three paragraphs we're going to do three more same thing applies you have two minutes you okey-dokey so we've just done matching headings that was a pretty tough one I wonder how you went now we're going to do some of your favorite ones maybe not true false not given let me just explain what you need to do here okay so you have a statement right Roadrunners mate for life what you need to decide according to the text remember it does go in order so this one will be up here this one will probably be here for example like this so it does follow a sequence what you need to decide is whether this statement is true whether it says the same thing as the text whether it's false whether it contradicts what is said in the text or whether it's not given whether there's just no information about this statement in the text okay and on your answer sheet next to number 10 for example you'll write true false or not given okay sounds easy I'm gonna give you two minutes see how you go you okay nice work true false not given yes no not given on test day can be pretty tricky trust me it yeah it's the same in the computer-based IELTS as well pretty challenging stuff okay we've got seven questions left on our reading test our mini mock tests this time we're doing questions 14 to 17 and the text has now changed we're no longer reading about Roadrunners we're reading about something else okay what you're going to do in this part of the test with these questions is simply answer in one two or three words okay now the words that you answer in will be taken directly from the text so you're not making this up you're copying words directly from the text okay you have two minutes to answer these four questions you okay some of those questions were pretty straight straight forward and some were pretty tricky all right but that question type of short answer is pretty straightforward just remember that you're taking words directly from the text you don't have to change them you don't have to make singular plant plant nouns plural for example it's yes copy and paste sort of job okay the last three questions are what's called matching information let me explain this one to you because it's also pretty tricky all right first of all look down here at the list of people we've got all these peoples names Peter Lucca Milton Marcel John Lesley and a different John okay in the text it mentions all of these people Milton Peter John Marcel for example right so they're all mentioned now if you look up here at number 18 it says using knowledge from his profession he made a thicker ink so what you need to do is to decide which of these guys here you don't Luca Milton for example actually did this so as you read you're going to find out the answer to that and you go I was Marcel for example but on your answer sheet you're not going to write Marcel you're going to write the letter D okay that's what you're going to do just remember that also these questions also follow the same sequence as the text so number 18 will actually no it won't know it won't forget what I just said then it won't follow the same sequence of the texts anyway see how you go it's good to practice here not on test day you okey-dokey that's a real trick that one but hopefully you got questions 18 19 and 20 and hopefully on your answer sheet you wrote ABCDEF orgy for each of those people cool bananas let's go through the answers now all right I'm actually after we look at this answer sheet I'm going to take you through the answers in detail but on your answer sheet you should have written number one D number two D number three B they were the multiple choice questions then you had the match headings questions so number four was well it's seven five nine ten six and three but you must write the Roman numerals on your answer sheet don't ask me why number 10 was true number eleven false number twelve not given number thirteen true number fourteen was two words dip pens and you must have the S on the end remember this is copied directly from the text if you do not have an S on the end it would be considered incorrect number 15 was artwork genre or an artwork genre three words or two words would be fine sixteen rough surfaces plural seventeen letter-writing with a dash or letter writing two words is fine 18 be nineteen G and 20 e all right let me show you why the answers are the way they are so what's a distinguishing feature of the Road Runner you may have got stuck here think looking at the tails and their crests but if you looked a bit more closely it says they have a distinctive head crest distinguishing feature something distinctive the answer here is D their head crest number two the road runners a tail feathers have what markings blue and red shades white crescents white streaks or white tips well in this paragraph here you're gonna see something about the tail is broad with white tips okay there was something down here about a white Crescent but that was on their wings so that was wrong and that was a distractor number three what is unusual about the Roadrunners feet they have excellent grip they leave symmetrical impressions they allow the bird to walk backwards they help to protect against predators all of these are plausible only one is correct and here it is here the roadrunner leaves behind very distinct extract marks appearing as if they are traveling in both directions this means that the answer is B they leave symmetrical impressions that was a pretty tricky one number three all right then we had the match headings section here so what we do is we read the paragraph and it says something about a coup vocalized clattering so this one is related to number seven here their song that would be the best heading for a so if you wrote a7 or VII on your answer sheet that would be correct next we read B and it says something about inhabit deserts shrubland non-migratory habitat limited we look through the headings here we see V here habitat that is the correct answer see the roadrunner is an opportunistic omnivores dat bla bla bla bla bla if we look down through the headings here the best one is number nine foraging habits this would make the best heading for that paragraph okay then we look at d the roadrunner usually lives alone or in pairs Road Runners are monogamous and mate for life what's this talking about this is talking about X in behavior and breeding okay great I forgot what number or up to maybe number eight during the cold desert night the roadrunner lowers its body temperature okay so what's body temperature we look through human could be evolution that the dirt the answer is thermoregulation that's a pretty tricky one if you don't know that weird that word fair enough if okay this one's pretty straightforward the Hopi in the webelo tribes that one gives away number three Native American law is the best heading for paragraph F which is number nine so you should have written I I on your answer sheet cool that was match headings now we're up to true false not given this is the one where we get into a fight because I think it's true you think it's false and she thinks it's not given and it's like that anyway let me talk you through this one okay so let's read the statement Roadrunners mate for life well here it says the roadrunner usually lives alone or in pairs Roadrunners are monogamous this is the critical part here okay I can see there's probably her we're gonna get into a fight here because it says usually lives alone or in pairs but if they do mate they mate for life Road runners are monogamous this and this say the same thing this would be considered true because it agrees with that with that information there about monogamy mating for life is the synonym for monogamous number ten is true even though there was a little bit of a distractor with that first sentence number eleven on cold nights the roadrunner increases its activity to stay warm during the cold desert night there's your clue to where you should be reading the roadrunner lowers its body temperature slightly becoming idle to conserve energy the roadrunner increases its activity to stay warm to contradict each other number 11 you should have written false number 12 the Anasazi culture believes the X shaped footprints of ward off evil spirits okay so we see here the keyword Anasazi so we know we're reading somewhere around here now back here it said something about the protective power of the Roadrunners okay where did it say oh here ward off evil then it moves to a different topic it's talking about the Anasazi culture it doesn't say whether the Anasazi culture believed this or not because it doesn't say it explicitly it also doesn't contradict it this one is going to be not given and on your answer sheet you will write not given next to number 12 number 13 roadrunner meat is considered by some to be medicinal so if we look down here into the final sentence it says in some Mexican tribes the bird was considered sacred and never killed but most Mexican Indians use the meat there's the word that you can okay we're in the right place of the Roadrunner as a folk remedy to cure illness medicinal this has to be true considered by some to be medicinal that you would write true on your answer sheet and that's those okay now we change texts and we move to the short answer questions number 14 ballpoint pens were originally developed as a substitute for what here it says it was the conceived and developed as a cleaner and more reliable alternative substitute they're nice synonyms to dip pens okay so the answer there is depends that's what they were made to substitute for number 15 what have ballpoint pens given rise to okay given rise this is the synonym that we need to look for I don't know if you saw this spawned an artwork genre so you could have artwork genre or an artwork genre that is the answer to number 15 16 what did loud intend his pens to be able to write on so we scroll down looking how we see his name here okay to make a writing instrument that would be able to write on rough surfaces such as wood course wrapping paper and other articles this is the main thing here rough surfaces is the answer to number 16 and number 17 loud pen was unable to be used for what purpose okay it could be used to mark rough surfaces such as leather as loud intended okay okay I'm just realized that leather might also be an answer to number 16 if you wrote leather for number 16 I'm going to give you that as well okay just because I didn't see that before but anyway 17 layout spins pin was unable to be used for what to course for letter writing so that is the answer for number 17 as I said if you write leather for 16 good on you that is fair enough okay 18 to 20 these weren't so using knowledge from his profession he made a thicker ink who Peter Luka Milton Marcel John Leslie or John loud well if we look down here we can see biro enlisted the help of his brother Luca Georgie a chemist his profession a chemist who Luca who developed a viscous ink viscous thick formula for new ball pointers so the answer for number 18 is if we look down the list where is he be 18 be number 19 his invention was never used now this one wasn't sequential because if we go to the top here we see John Loud who was attempting to make a writing instrument blah blah blah blah blah blah blah with no commercial viability its potential went unexploited its potential went unexploited his invention was never used okay those two say the same thing so the answer there is G which you would write on your answer sheet 419 number 20 he made a small fortune by innovating the pen I think this is pretty easy because there was something written down here about Parker sold several million pens at prices between three and nine dollars whoa Parker made a small fortune so here for number 20 you would write e okay cool all right that was 20 questions of course in the real IELTS you'll get 40 reading questions and the difficulty varies between the questions and they're 11 I think 11 different reading question types if you're not familiar with those you may want to check out a 2 language comm we take you through all different every single different question type there is in the IELTS four really give you lots of practice we even run day not not for reading we run live classes for reading each week as well and daily classes for the IELTS other sections of the test including writing speaking listening and and and whatever the other one is cool I think I need a break so that's a good opportunity for you to now meet Alex who will take you through IELTS speaking alright guys now we're up to the speaking section of the mini mock tests and I have a very special guest Alex Alex what was your job I was an IELTS examiner and how long were you an IELTS examiner for I was the examiner for eight years holy moly so guys you're in very good hands alex is going to take you through this part of the test and play the role of the examiner just like on test day and I'll see you after this for writing task 2 hi everyone my name is Alex and today I'm going to take you through a full IELTS speaking test there are three parts to the IELTS speaking test but before part 1 the examiner will check your name nationality and your passport don't worry about this section it's not assist in part 1 the examiner will ask you 10 to 12 questions about 3 topics and they're all personal questions you should try to answer in about 10 to 20 seconds are you ready let's start speaking part 1 let's talk about where you live do you live in a house or an apartment you what's your favorite part of your home you will you stay there for a long time let's talk about sport now how interested are you in sport you did you play sport in school you do most people play sport in your country you do you think all schoolchildren should play a sport you let's talk about travel do you like travel you when did you last travel somewhere you where would you like to travel you in speaking part to the examiner will give you a booklet with a topic a piece of paper and a pen and you will have one minute to prepare and take notes if you wish then you'll talk for two minutes about your topic are you ready let's go you are you ready can you start speaking now please you you've been talking about a shop that you like and in part three the examiner will ask you some more general questions about this topic these questions are more abstract than part one so you shouldn't talk about yourself too much are you ready let's begin speaking part three let's talk about advertising what are some ways that companies encouraged us to buy you should advertising be restricted you who is responsible for regulating advertisers and companies you should advertisements that target children be banned you that's the end of the speaking test how did you go before your tests try to speak English as much as possible and on test day be confident speak naturally and present your best language up next is Jay who's going to take you through writing task 2 cool oK you've just done your speaking section of the test thanks to Alex now we're going to look at writing task 2 this will apply to both general and academic what the general will get is usually a bit of a simpler question prompt okay alright so let's have a look at writing task 2 imagine it's test day you open up your booklet and this is what you see in front of you it says you should spend about 40 minutes on this task write about the following topic and you see this scary question prompt this one's pretty tough ok but this is a an adaptation of a real question prompt that you might see the first smartphone was released in 1992 by the year 2020 there may be as many as 2.5 billion smartphones in the world the use of smartphones is decreasing our collective intelligence because we are reliant on the technology and not our own minds to what extent do you agree or disagree then it also tells you to give reasons for your answer include relevant examples from your knowledge experience and write at least 250 words let's break down this question prompt just quickly this is the context sentence ok this isn't asking you to do anything it's just setting the scene giving you some background information here you have a bit of a controversial statement ok this is saying smartphones is decreasing our intelligence then it asks you here's the question part to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement okay so we're looking here at an opinion question but it's asking not just whether you agree or disagree but how much you agree or disagree so you might have to use some adverbs in there like completely agree completely disagree etc ok what I'm going to do is now show you a model essay then I'm going to give you some time to plan your own I want you to write one this is a great opportunity to do it if you don't do it now and you wait until exam day you can almost bet your bottom dollar that you're going to fail ok you need to practice IELTS especially IELTS writing especially IELTS writing task 2 before test day this is the one that most people fail on they'll get eight eight eight for the other sections but they'll get 6.5 for writing there's a reason for that I'm going to show you also to show you some top tips as to how you can boost your score but I should also say the best way to improve your writing is to take a one-on-one tutorial with an expert teacher which you can do at each language calm okay and you can get feedback on your written writing as well okay so let's have a closer look at this let me give you some top tips first of all this is my essay if you want you can pause this and read it yourself I'm about to read it so you can't skip it if you don't want to hear me read it but this is my essay and this would get about an blue let's say in a high score IELTS 8.50 or IELTS nine smartphone technology has been around for approximately 25 years within a few years more than a third of old people who own and operate one of these devices despite the convenience these phones offer there is concern that they are negatively impacting our intellects this essay I will argue that this belief is unfounded and that the technology is actually making us much smarter memory is the basis of all types of intelligence from reasoning to spatial awareness while some people believe that we are deferring our memories to smartphones this is not the case on the contrary they are actually increasing our memory capacities there is no evidence to suggest for example that we are remembering less than we used to it seems to me that by having information at our fingertips our memories are being honed mathematics is another area of concern for smartphone skeptics the truth is that we have been using calculators long before the invention of the smartphone and true mathematical ability does not lie in simple calculations but in the procedural memory associated with more complex mathematics thus the fact that we cannot do long division in our minds has nothing to do with smartphones few people have ever been able to do this if anything these handheld technologies have increased our abilities to complete complex mathematical equations although the argument that smartphones are decreasing our collective intelligence seems plausible under closer scrutiny it's quite clear that the premises are false in light of the above arguments it is apparent that these ubiquitous technologies are making us more intelligent there is a range of different things I did in that essay to boost my score it's not just a matter of writing a good essay there's certain things that you need to be aware of and you definitely need to do them on test day so let's have a look at some top tips here tip number one is you need to write on topic everything I've written about in this essay is based on this prompt what most people fail to do or what they do under pressure especially on test day is they begin to write off topic you might have some great ideas about why smartphones are developed in your favorite app or something like that you write a brilliant essay about that and your score will go down you need to continually look back at the prompt to make sure everything you aren't writing is on topic and what you'll notice is that that prompt has several parts so you need to make sure you cover each of the parts equally okay tip number two well this is to do with essay structure and paragraph structure if you're not familiar with the overall IELTS essay structure or the two different paragraph structures you need to know you need to check out e to language comm you need to make sure that you learn them because once you learn the overall structure for the introduction and the conclusion and the two different body paragraph structures for the single idea and the double idea that's all you need okay then any question prompt you get you can apply that structure and write a really well structured coherent and cohesive essay so do check out those videos on YouTube or go to the platform and sign up tip number three you need to use varied and precise vocabulary so you'll notice that the words smartphone pops up quite a bit just have a look at what I've done here I've said it for example smartphone technology these devices these phones the technology smart phones they information at our fingertips smartphone handheld technologies smartphones these ubiquitous technologies I have created a variety of ways to say the same thing you need to be very careful not to repeat words over and over again I mean I've used this one well that doesn't count because that's technology to three times that's fine that's totally fine but I've also thought of a variety of different synonyms for that word so what you're going to find in your essay you'll have keywords and you'll want to repeat them and repeat them try not to think of some synonyms write them in different ways use pronouns like it or they or these that's important also don't use fancy crazy words that you don't know the meaning of only use a word if you were a hundred percent confident that you understand the meaning and the meaning is clear right don't just add in big fancy words the IELTS examiner's know that you don't know what it means right unless you know what it means and then you can vary your vocabulary and insert some interesting words okay all right that's vocabulary next one is to do with grammar tip number four use varied and accurate sentences most people when they think about Grandma just think about accuracy right as long as I get all of the grammar accurate in my essay my grammar school is going to be high this is wrong well it's half of it you do need to make it accurate but you also need to make it varied okay you need to have a range of grammar in there as well so the way that you do this is you write different sentence type Sima right might might write some short simple sentences some compound sentences some complex sentences some compound-complex sentences some conditional some might even write a question in there use some modal verbs use an if sentence etc you need to show a variety of sentence types but there's a particular sentence type that you need to write because unless you write this sentence type you'll only get four for grammar it's one of these ones that starts with a subordinating conjunction like despite or although a while despite the convenience these phones offer there's your Clause your dependent clause there is concern that they are negatively impacting our intellect ions examiner's love these sentence types while some people believe that we are deferring our memories to smartphones there is your dependent clause this is not the case aha mr. IELTS examiner loves that one anyway you can see the different sentence types that I've used and I've used a range of those subordinating conjunctions in there as well okay now that we've gone through the tips I'm gonna give you one minute to plan your essay and you should do this on test day don't just start writing spend 60 seconds thinking about what you will write you need to ask yourself three questions okay before you start writing for opinions for example or anything any essay type first of all do you agree or disagree with this statement do you think it's decreasing our intelligence or not okay so first of all decide make a clear decision don't sit on the fence don't think oh I kind of really kind of disagree No choose one and stick with it it makes it easier okay so let's say you disagree like I did then you need to think of a reason why and that becomes your paragraph one and you need to think of another reason why and that becomes your paragraph two okay and just before I get you to plan what I don't want you to do is just write heaps of different ideas what you need to do with your paragraphs just think of that one key central idea as to why its smartphones are not decreasing our intelligence or why they are decreasing our intelligence find that central idea and expand upon that central idea don't just write heaps of different ideas into the one paragraph and make this big jigsaw puzzle of a thing no that's not what you do use the e to language structure paragraph structure expand upon the single idea alright you have 60 seconds to plan your essay Nazi you okay hopefully you have some good ideas about what you're going to write hopefully you've decided whether you agree or disagree and you've got a couple of good ideas for your paragraphs one idea for each paragraph alright let's do it let's write this thing so I'm going to break this into two twenty minute has I'll pop my head up at twenty minutes and ask you how you're going and make sure you're writing on topic and then I'll give you the other twenty minutes to finish your essay and your time starts now you okay so you should have written by now your introduction and possibly all of your paragraph one and if you're typing this because you're taking the computer-based IELTS test then possibly even your paragraph two you get a big advantage in the computer-based IELTS if you're doing writing or when you're doing writing because of the ability to type you can type so much quicker than you can handwrite which means that you have more time to think about what you're writing more time to edit what you're writing and you probably get a better score like I did cool all right so we're halfway through you need to keep an eye on the time while you're doing your IELTS writing exam you don't want to spend certainly in writing task 1 you don't want to spend more than 20 minutes because it's worth a third of your marks writing task 2 is worth two thirds so certainly spend 40 minutes but yeah what's the time make sure you don't get caught short all right this is also a tricky question prompt so you as I said at the beginning you need to make sure you're looking back at the question prompt every couple of minutes to make sure that you're writing on topic you must stay on topic okay you have 20 more minutes now to finish this good luck you how did you go writing that essay that question prompt was really really tricky you definitely needed to plan you definitely needed to reread that question prompt as you were writing looking up making sure you're staying on topic the entire time making sure everything you wrote was directed towards that question prompt cool guys well done that's the end of the mini mock test if you feel like you need any help with your IELTS or perhaps you've taken this test a couple of times and failed already you might want to check out a two language comment it's 100% online test preparation we have a platform with overview lessons methods lessons practice questions mock tests grammar lessons etc we run daily live group classes for academic in general we have one-on-one tutorials where you can focus on your writing or speaking or reading and we also do speaking and writing feedback as well so maybe you submit that essay through the teacher would write back to tell you what you're doing right more importantly tell you what you're doing wrong cool so yeah if you need any help check out a two language comm anyway that's our first mini mock test I hope it was helpful I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 198,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts listening, ielts listening test, listening test, ielts test, ielts 2018, ielts speaking, ielts new, exam prep, ielts practice, immigration, esl, listening ielts, ielts reading, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, writing, e2 ielts, vocabulary, e2language ielts, e2, ielts listening 2018, e2 language ielts, ielts reading tips, e2 ielts writing task 2, e2 ielts academic, ielts writing tips, ielts tips, ielts writing task 1, ielts e2, e2 ielts reading, jay ielts
Id: vGxSbD1NzRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 42sec (6342 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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