Hold me senpai! I'm scared ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ - Waifu horror

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hello everyone oh good day so yeah so the the listing on steam for this game is waifu horror and uh come to turn it on and it has a completely different name yeah the eight pictures so i'm really hoping this flies with the uh the the youtube algo yeah let's see what happens yeah i don't i mean we don't even know what this game is i i kind of know what this kind of don't ever look back waifu monster is always right behind you oh is it konichiwa games i love their games they made that one game waifu hunter wants to monster yeah i love it such a classic lineup yeah why i already forgot what this name was what the name of this game was horror waifu horror right got it which is one of the um which is one of the words that you and i pronounced differently because we were born in different parts of the united states oh yeah you say horror yeah i say horror but not i'm not quite boston style which would be harrah all right i'm like yeah i'm in between boston and florida which is where new new york and new jersey are so that makes sense close more close to one than the other um you've collected zero of eight pictures aaron i know i feel a bit like a failure in that regard um but i'm working on it you know okay i'm getting like what is happening here i i believe if i had to guess i believe this is a slenderman ripoff uh outstanding because it appears to be exactly what it is and i have to find that's a big that's a big honking tree yeah i'm i'm just basing this theory on all the evidence that every one of my five senses is giving me touch taste smell thirst and why is there oh oh what's that oh i can see oh that's the shutter of your own camera oh can i take pictures or the zoom rather oh i can turn the camera off so can i is there anything like any functionality i can do let me know are you a person because from the sound of your uh your footsteps you sound like a naughty pony uh okay i just see a bunch of trees i'm trying i'm trying to get my eyes to like adjust to the dark yeah this is some scary stuff aaron yeah man i'm feeling really uh what's the turn off button turn off the turn off the flashlight button oh there we go it is all right that makes sense okay cool is there anything we should be doing other than going for a nice walk in the woods oh here we go oh it's a thing a fence something new maybe i'll walk along the fence and see if there's an access point okay i'm i'm i'm really overwhelmed by the amount of waifus in this game yeah yeah they should have entitled us lost in westfield new jersey that what westfield new jersey looks like just [ __ ] trees and fences you tell me westfield oh shout out to the rialto theater oh nice did we play there did you play there no it was a it was like one of those little movie theaters growing up uh that i used to go to growing up that had maybe you know 30 seats in the in the theater um and uh i believe it's out of business now because everything is i see everything is out of business baby yeah we've sure had some good times yeah man we laughed we cried we walked through a forest of trees that all looked the same and grass aaron i'm starting to uh lose faith that this game might be awesome oh did you have that uh inkling in your mind were you like oh man i did wait i i think i see something vaguely in the no that's just the sky isn't it yeah it's just the sky through the trees i'm looking for pictures and i know there's some building oh here we go here's something hey hey all right it's the thing maybe if i follow along the structure i may find you know my favorite thing about this game is the world building yeah they really do a good job making me feel the expansiveness of the world i identify with the character so much it's like i'm walking right in their cloven shoes yeah there's no uh there's no you know what sucks too is that this this pipe has four sides so gotta check the inside and i gotta check each outside to see if there's a picture on them and so far i found zero zero pictures wait so you're not collecting uh you're not taking the pictures you just have to just find them yeah yeah no no i don't i'm this isn't like a camera thing this is like i find pictures that are posted up on the walls of these shop these structures [Laughter] and they might be on trees i don't know what was the what was the pitch meeting like when the guy who had the idea for this game brought this to his superiors i'm pretty sure this is an indie title then i don't know if there was a whole lot of like publishing behind it fair enough i don't think like sega was over there like we gotta make this game we gotta pour millions of dollars into it oh is there no picture on this tube on any of the tube there's no pictures cool okay i'm hearing what you're saying about this game i want to tell you i love it but what if we had no waifus [Laughter] that's that's ludicrous are you telling me that the game called waifu horror no no no we don't call it waifu horror we tricked people oh okay oh my god aaron this is starting to get to like atari tennis levels oh excuse me my my lozenge uh got in the way of me saying that oh do you have a life i didn't just have a stroke um yeah this is getting to atari tennis levels of uh of ridiculousness oh no no it's not i don't know that look you you're not just hitting a ball back and forth here you're you're walking through there's trees there's there's trees there's like different clumpings of trees you see there's this like kind of square like clumping and then right here there's sort of this like triangular clumping oh i agree aaron and if this was endless forest the botanical follow-up to endless ocean i would be way into it it would have fully delivered so you're saying you should get the x-men you should hit the fence and go right i think the fence is like the boundary of the world oh my god so i think i want to stay away from the fence actually okay i love that um the world is like this big and yet there's still a run button like this is the regular walk button oh my god yeah so in case you wanted to uh as far as i know there is some creature in these woods that is hunting me okay a creech and you need to collect pictures to ward it off perhaps yes if i collect all of the pictures i will ward off the beast oh that i don't like this is everyone's scared out there i really actually don't like this this is making me very uncomfortable okay cool trees okay but there yeah that was a close one the creature could scare me the potential is there did you hear something no [Laughter] wait what was that oh yeah this is this this actually is like one of those ghost hunter shows yeah wait did you hear that the wind nothing what was that what was that it sounded like and then the camera like jumps around in the green light and then they never find anything yeah sounded like get out did you hear that sounded like somebody said get out did you hear that no it's actually sounded like a bunch of cicadas not saying anything you see that old snl sketch about that the guy who farts they're all like let's play it back like get away let's play in slow motion [Laughter] that's so stupid oh oh oh i can see into the distance yeah i know that's what i said before but it just turned out to be the sky right right but like maybe the the night light will help me to see you see what i'm saying nope like if i walk towards the light maybe i'll be able to see structures better oh you mean the natural light of the moon yes yes i understand i like turn my flashlight off and then yeah yeah yeah well oh that's good doesn't really change much no no it doesn't look how much did you pay for this well i didn't did i i don't remember 12 bucks it was a 79.99 there's gotta be something no not eighty dollars 79.99 oh man i mean there's gotta there's gotta be something around here right like there's gotta be you can't just can't just be this like i i i specifically looked at screenshots and footage of this game and i saw structures i saw did you yeah man i saw like buildings and i saw this is the dumbest cool grumps episode i mean there's got to be okay there's eight pictures to collect you're telling me that these eight pictures are just on trees scattered we collected uh zero well that's because i haven't found a structure well i found one structure and you mean how many pictures were on it uh zero but the thing is you you mean to tell me that the only structure in the entire game is a [ __ ] concrete tube i don't think so jack you're probably right what were the cool features of that concrete tube um well it had kind of like a like a molding on the bottom like like a sort of like cinder blocky molding so that it could be more secure on the ground are we trying to collect zero of eight moldings i'm not a hundred percent in love with your tone right now yeah well fair enough i'm i'm scared in a forest all right and i'm trying to find some kind of vestige of content and i'm not not really waifu hard too the search for more content well now i'm looking at the trees because i'm thinking maybe the trees have the pictures on them aaron what is this dude how am i supposed to know what do you think i play every game before i put it on the show what am i supposed to vet every game i don't know i i turned it on and i was like oh it's a game it got ratings it had it had thumbs up ratings i will have you know there were people in the comments that were like this was a great 30 minutes i loved it man you know if you really like these kind of games you'll really love this one look it's the tube again [Laughter] i re-found the tube do you think they're messing with us well you mean the the reviews yeah i find that very hard to believe why would somebody be untruthful in a review well let's let me say let me see if i can find some of these reviews please do as i look feverishly for content [Laughter] i find all of the eight pictures before a hentai my waifu monster finds you remember this do not look back what it says do not look back well it said that before because it said the hentai monster is always after you i mean the waifu monster right the uh which one isn't but if i but i'm in a 360 dimension world like i looked back i didn't see it why'd you look back all right because i had to worry are you in saiyan where am i supposed to go i can't see anything there's nothing around here i'm just following the fence there's got to be like a building or something right like there's got to be like a like a shack or a shed like at this point now i'm i'm [ __ ] i'm like all in on just the fact that they're probably a shed or something like my expectations are so low i now just want to know if there's something with a roof okay all right it's sort of just the first picture can be found by following the path through the tunnel and continuing until you see a large silo oh hello i found a large silo oh the picture is on the side of the silo holy [ __ ] oh my god i found a picture oh way to go oh that's a waifu too hot for tv better collect it how do i collect it i don't know push a button um um if i walk like right up oh press e to collect all right cool one of eight pictures has been collected and i have done it my friend and look at this silo very silo-esque the second picture is found by continuing the path from the silo you will find some storage tanks the picture is in the middle what path i i don't know i just don't open field there's no path open field is what you want but i have been in open field for like what feels like my entire life at this point okay i'm assuming that this is the path this is opening up and i'm walking path okay what did it say would be at the end of the path my friend offense in the center nope oh jeez oh jesus oh no the creature oh oh oh god oh oh that's that's a little scary that's not good no no we go i don't love it um the creature's after me oh uh so it's a big open circle um um oh what's this this is the silence oh dang it okay so you want to go into the center of the open field once you hit trees you know you've gone too far that's the edge of the okay center of the open field i okay i okay yes right i get it okay yes okay now what yeah there will be six you'll hit you'll hit six big jammies six big j what jammies described to be jammies they're cylindrical they're cylindrical jammies um okay six big jammies i'm at the tube okay you didn't want to you didn't want to go to the tube well when i went to the silo it was right next to the fence and then there was a creature there got the jammies you want the jammies oh yeah all right so the the tube to the silo and then the silo to the big open field is what you're saying yeah walk towards the silo but and there's there's a creature there the creature is everywhere the creature is always behind you all right i will walk sort of kind of around the side like ish to the silo and i'm looking for big tall jammies you said oh okay you know what i see what's going on here what's going on um yeah just go towards the silo and then just walk past it yeah i did but then i hit a fence uh i'm at the silo okay pass the silo continue on this path okay but then i hit a fence well you should hit six jammies there's also an additional six jammies in the center of the field that's what i was referring to there's there's two sets of six jammies but for this one you want that boy you can't really see anything no are there better batteries on this thing see jammies my battery's slowly dying that defense trees okay just keep yeah just keep walking on the edge of the trees yeah not into the rough grass you want to like stay on the path oh jeez oh preach oh no that's not good oh that's not good oh that's not good i'm scary scary creature i uh dude i can't i can't i can't be exploring around there when scary creatures around all right i understand scary creatures got me shaken scary legend got me quaking i'm literally shaking rn this is what a good game i know it's got me very emotionally invested in the okay so okay okay i'm gonna open i'm by the tube again oh my god what about on the other side what about on the other side of two maybe on the other side of the tube on the other side of the tube is a is a tree but you still find yeah still go there okay great i'll go to the other side of the tube i'll just walk along the tube everything's fine see everything is fine the entrance is a really good game if i was just watching this i definitely wouldn't have clicked off to one of the many other billions of youtube videos right shut your mouth dan do you see that guy who made like an obstacle course for the squirrels in his yard you're kidding me i mean i like that's that's some next level [ __ ] dude you want to talk about a guy who's like one youtube that's mark robert he's great he's he's i mean he is a science oh big jammies ah excellent a giant tree but there's only no that's just the big tree yeah go around the tree and see if you can find a picture like attached to the tree on the tree oh shh on the tree dude there it is it's a waifu hell yeah okay uh keep going on that path there's no the whole thing is one big circle really yeah if you hook a left and just go straight it should take you to some kind of what looks to be a car are you do you have a map in front of you i've got a tiny map in front of me okay so the path is indicated by no grass oh big jammy correct b no that's not a jammy that's a big tree okay oh jesus okay okay we're fine everything's fine oh god oh oh well this is another big jammie dude there's big jammies everywhere oh man these are the jammies aren't they are is there is there a picture oh those might be the jammies those might be the six jammies yeah i see big jammies so are is there a picture on one of the jammies uh it should be if you if you look at all the jammies boy you don't you don't have like a north northwest east or south thing oh hell no yeah just look on all the jammies and then try to go a little south of the one in the center um okay she's like right there she's like right there dude who's right there the [ __ ] waifu really scary waifu are you looking back well no we'll kind of i don't know i'm circling there's nothing on the oh jesus there's nothing on the jammies okay um i don't know what's the other jammies dude see the jammies are in rows of three yeah uh go to the middle one okay yeah okay uh okay turn left okay oh jesus ah where where i don't see creature i don't see creature me neither okay i'm i'm poisoning this kind of going around i see the big jammies relative to me all right yep going oh man now we're back in the woods wait you don't want to be the one okay okay no this way is the way to go then this way so scared you want to find a car okay carl go find a car i'm so stressed out right now yeah this is a bad time it's like boring and scary [Laughter] okay i'm right on the path of the trees there's one tree that is lone in the oh no it is not alone anymore i don't see it dude no trees are alone man i am excited this is a new area for you i guess so so yeah just kind of wander just kind of wander all right i don't feel safe um everything's fine everything's good there's a new area it's fine uh there's no grass there's no grass no grass trees no grass trees no grass oh my god dude where am i how much the flashlight got all green what's going on with this what happened i'm in like a different biome or something i don't know oh crap the ground is like greenish now okay is that that's good does that seem like a good thing oh now i hit i hit grass i hit yeah you hit the fence okay i'm just going to go this way then i'll follow along the side of the grass green what is this what are you seeing this it's like green yeah well that's where the path ends and the woods begin oh so this is path and that green is woods right okay just like in just like on earth dan you're you're really not making any sense right now i guess i'll just follow along the edge of the path to see if i can find some some goody goody gumdrops i love this plan oh no grass but now i'm walking towards where the beast may be well i mean because the beast is guarding there's the car you found the car holy [ __ ] is there there should be a waifu picture on there oh my god excellent boom jams okay okay it no jesus jesus oh crap oh oh geez oh gee whiz lord have mercy all right what now keep keep keep going past the car try try not to like get turned around that's where waifu was okay yes turn left and then left of back of cars you just passed the car dude but that's where the [ __ ] waifu is you fool well waifu is guarding your progress you progress oh jesus [Laughter] so i'm past car now me there should be there should be a random waifu picture off in the edge of the woods are you the car you're kidding me like right near the fence might be on the fence in fact oh my god all right near the front of the car or the back of the car couldn't tell you okay i see creech in the distance do you yeah i see the silhouette of creech wow you maybe i have my brightness turned too low um okay so i'm going towards where car headlights are pointed at okay i love it if you look at creech does she not move as much i couldn't tell you oh jesus all i have is a crudely drawn map there's there's no there's no information on this what do you think crudely drawn maps someone take credit that's something a child would make oh jesus do i have a map or can i press m or don't no keep going keep moving keep moving fool so there's there's a waifu picture on the fence you say could be okay here's his fence maybe i should just walk yeah now just kind of scan the fence to the left yeah looking for waifu it is so difficult to know where you are on this map oh yeah oh yeah like without a doubt is there a shack i seem to remember seeing a picture of a shack not the basketball player yeah and not the radio shack the or the the shake shack oh i would love shake shack right now really oh you get that you get the chicken shack don't you i get the chicken shack baby yeah that is good [ __ ] although i will say popeye's chicken sandwich it's pretty [ __ ] good i've never eaten a popeyes oh man you got to get that chicken sang do they offer spinach there anyway [Laughter] all right i'm starting to think maybe this uh this is not going to work out well boy it'd be cool if this thing had a radar for the pictures or the monster well it kind of has a radar for the monster it goes wow are you sure that there's a picture on the fence because i feel like no the perimeter is i'm not sure of anything waste of time okay yeah let's let's get back to well then what made you say that there was a waifu picture on the fence because the the map the crudely drawn map has eight x's and one of the x's is out on the um edge of the the world map okay maybe it's just posted to a tree that's close to the fence oh for [ __ ] sake why would they do that that's so cruel there's so many trees in this damn game i agree oh boy oh for [ __ ] sake oh i lost dan now i feel more alone aaron aaron i lost you oh thank god friend i got so scared yeah well you're not even the one playing it well i guess you you're seeing it you know sometimes we cut out footage when we're not playing a particular game just so the lovelies don't get bored this might be the first game we cut out footage where we're actively playing jesus oh is this a structure i see oh look at this it's the silo for [ __ ] sake it's the silo jesus christ after all that well it means you've completely looped the world how can i get so damn turned around all right i'm at the back of the silo which was close to the six jammies right okay if wait oh hold on go to the silo okay okay i'm at the silo there there's a there's like a ladder on the silo okay so go to the ladder okay yep going to the ladder then what then what all right and when you're facing the ladder yes go around to the other side of the silo the exact opposite end oh jesus that's where the [ __ ] monster is i don't care okay i mean i do care okay no what no what now um uh turn away from the silo and walk forward jesus into the into the open space okay i'm in the forest no that's not that's the opposite way that's where i was though empty space all right great done i guess walk straight out into the empty space don't you don't want like grass on your side or anything like that there's grass everywhere dude this is the opposite side of the of the the trees is trees bad trees trees is bad oh gee it's right by the fence dude this is wrong are there multiple silos no there's only one silo so it must be an icon of a silo and the and the okay take it easy just walk to the area of the silo that's pointing away from the forest and then walk into the straight point uh jesus oh crap are you okay you're walking straight into the planes um no away from the trees dude i'm following the [ __ ] perimeter like i uh you don't want to follow the perimeter you want to walk straight there's no open area there's trees everywhere i can see them in the distance this is wrong this walkthrough is wrong all right i went exactly where it told me to go and that and it was forest this way is towards the tube isn't it okay oh [ __ ] maybe it's like i don't know okay i found a thing that's the thing i was trying to get you to go okay great okay these are the six things oh these are the these are the six jammies uh so there should be a waifu picture somewhere around these jams okay i'll check the jammies i don't see a jammy like on on the on them it is unclear from this terrible map oh oh oh oh oh yes yes yes yeah i might have to censor that one oh goodness me all right that's uh that's waifu okay we're halfway through oh my god all right now i'm gonna six jammies okay if you're at the six jammies i'm on the opposite side of the jammies from the silo there okay uh there should be two rows of three jammies yes right correct okay so if you go to if you go to the edge of the jammies where you'll where there's only two you know what i mean right right yeah um and then walk away from them okay you should run into something that looks like a giant x oh giant x oh giant x yeah yes this is a giant x yeah there should be a waifu picture on there oh my god there is you are brilliant okay giant x waifu picture found she's angry okay okay collected all right now here's where it gets tricky oh god um into the woods towards the fence on one of the trees there should be uh a waifu picture for [ __ ] sake i don't all right if if the the x the part of the x that's pointing toward the jammies all right i think we've already established that um the the icons on this map are just icons and they're not actually facing in any correct direction so this isn't ah mapped it's just it's just general it helped us find the x i will just randomly walk into well that's what i'm saying this x is actually in the shape of an x so if they drew the x on the map the way that it's supposed to be then the the one that's pointed towards the six jammies [ __ ] the one that's pointed towards the six jammies i am facing oh i mean i'm in the opposite side of it i am facing away from it so where is the picture relative to that uh i don't know you what do you mean you don't know i don't know like i'm telling you the map is we've we've already established that the map is not drawn correctly like that but this is as good as any this is this area just kind of comb this area oh my god but you told me exactly relative to the six jammies where the x was so the x has to be mapped out in a way that's similar to that yes no no yeah but that wasn't correct i started telling you and then it was just on one of the jammies but it's not on one of the jammies in this map oh my [ __ ] god yeah i agree i'm so i i i i i'm exhausted me too but hey we got content right i mean i'm a little bit invested now i have two man don't i gotta know where these jammies are well i all right if i just keep the x within my view i will have like a vantage point with which to determine my location okay that sounds great i can triangulate oh man for [ __ ] sake if i'm just wandering aimlessly in the forest for a goddamn picture this is not this is not happening i'm back at the app yeah i know stay on the path then okay because there there is still one thing on the path that you haven't gotten okay i'll stay on the path i'll okay i'll keep going on the path i'm going to the other side of the x presumably the path extends from this yes it looks like it does great this is you running yes this is me walking okay this is the run all right i'm continuing the path the ground is getting green and it's making me nervous continuing on the path oh man it's getting narrower uh-huh it's getting much narrower and it seems like we're good seems like everything's okay there's something between the x and the silo oh car okay a car okay you went in the wrong direction [ __ ] what so now follow me behind me oh crap follow the path back to the x oh for f i can't do that dude no well i'll try but i'm gonna get murdered and you know it god i told you i was gonna get burned i know i know i'll walk to the fence and then i'll follow the fence okay i loop around the the beast all right now this way is exciting [Music] welcome to ghoul grumps where you will be bored to death it's like actually scary i don't know like it's a little actually scary it's it it's a little unsettling i i do have to be honest okay i believe i am at the x well yes i'm at the x okay so walk right past the axe but that's towards the wall that's towards the fence this way goes to the the jammies all right this one goes towards the jammies this one goes towards the fence and then walk the opposite way from the car okay doing it while staying on the path there is no it doesn't extend the path doesn't extend maybe it does maybe this is the path no it doesn't extend it just goes into the forest all right well no no man i i like i'm a little bit of a loss here this is only there's three left so where are the other two two of them are in the woods two of them are in the woods yeah yep how dare they i know and one of them is on the second set of six jammies there's another six jammies maybe the six jammies that you're thinking that i looked at was a different six jammies no i don't think so because those jammies were in the center of the field though i could be wrong it seems uncool that they would have two sets of jammies that are somewhat identical i am in in number and scope i am this close to submitting myself to the [ __ ] the the beast are you one step closer to the edge i am about to break if you were going to ask that follow-up question uh yeah you already already answered my question okay i'm on a path i'm just sort of following it i feel confident there's a structure structure structure it's the [ __ ] silo okay the sixth the sixth picture is in the center of the map the easiest way to find it is to line yourself up next to the center log pillars and walk south i don't know what south is all right listen i am at the silo i am looking at the tube can you direct me from there if you are at the silo and you are looking at the two you know what why don't i just text this map to you because it would be less fun dan oh okay i'm sorry i didn't realize we were having fun uh so sit say say that one more time i am at the silo i am looking back at the tube okay jesus oh oh oh oh crap please dan the creature's coming i'm at the silo i'm looking at the tube you want to go left into the field the silo from the silo but that's where it just came from here i texted you the map [ __ ] i'm feeling such a douche all right there's the silo there's a silo there's the tube i'm going into the the field i guess i feel yeah right oh my god is this a thing see what i'm saying what i mean this map is a little a little janky well i mean it's nice to be able to triangulate like that that that really helps for sure if i can see tooth okay i'm at the jammies i'm at the jammies oh good good good so see okay so those are the center jammies right in the middle of the field i i don't know what do you mean what are they summer i don't know what that means look look at the map look at the map i sent oh [ __ ] how did you send them via text i can't look at my phone i got to keep moving or else the wifi is going to get me you can't hit pause okay center jammies jamie james okay uh uh spawn is there the thing okay okay okay okay okay uh [ __ ] [ __ ] the car okay so this way i'm going i should see the car i should run into the car see what i mean but there are six center jammies but also six southwesterly jams yes those are different jammies those jammies i was at the wrong jammies that's what i was telling you oh i have to go back to the jammies now oh aaron i'm so glad we're on the same page finally and you told me the [ __ ] x wasn't mapped out in a specific way but it was i'm looking at this map and it is mapped out in a very specific way it's not mapped out in in the oh wait do you mean the red x or the giant brick the giant brick x oh is it is it does it yes it is facing towards the and i've been walking here's a car but the red x's are not exactly um oh well you know what never mind here's the car we're gonna all right if i walk this way towards the beast there will be the red x they're the regular x the brick ax i will find it this is such a labor of love it will be mine oh but [ __ ] there's ah [ __ ] wow that was really close i forgot we were at risk for a second i've i've never been more spontaneously disinterested and terrified in my life it's such a a new sensation okay the x all right so this x is mapped out in a specific way i got that one so this x right here okay this part points towards where i'm supposed to go if i if i just go this way if i if i look directly at this and walk backwards uh-huh and then i move a little bit this way there should be the the waifu art should be like right here you would think right um [ __ ] i got turned around uh [ __ ] and yeah wait wait wait wait wait hold on no don't end yet yet okay it's not yet time for that oh jesus jesus everything's fine god damn it it makes the same sound like when you hit the guy's metal sides in operation it has the same amount of upset that happens when that happens yeah where's the x now god just just end this for me like and me and my my tragic existence it's so it's like right here it's gotta be like right here on a tree god if i find one of the woods ones i'm gonna be so pleased oh my god please i'm so emotional right now please please please please this game is making me understand why people like emo music oh oh jesus stop what are you jory yeah yeah seriously oh and just pieces of doritos fly out of his mouth okay i think i think maybe i'm i need to go a little bit further out i need to widen my spectrum of of search i need to widen my cone okay it's got to be here it's got to be like right here here-ish here was that it oh my god yes oh my god yes oh my god [ __ ] master great work aaron got him amazing are we gonna beat waifu har oh yes we only have two left this is so easy all right this is so easy dude it's [ __ ] forget it man uh it's like so i got that one i have to find the center jammies oh center jammies oh [ __ ] okay is that them or are those the these are there's the center yes these are central enemies okay um so on the other side of the center oh maybe these are the same ones yes these are the same yeah [ __ ] okay so you so you found these yeah you you found the one on these yes okay so i am walking towards this is exactly where i want to be okay there's the okay the pillars um [ __ ] the pillars did i lose them oh there they are okay oh my [ __ ] oh oh oh my god i'm terrible i'm so nervous i'm absolutely terrified the picture should be around here everything you say to me one step closer to l edge i'm having heart palpitations i got the creatures around here somewhere i [ __ ] know it god damn it creature where are you [ __ ] dude stop preach you need to stop you need to reveal yourself oh crap dude if you run out of flashlight batteries is that how you die i think so ah shizz man uh yeah nuts to this dude waifu maybe it's on the other side right no that doesn't make it [ __ ] nuts to this i'll try the other side like why not right like one oh wait the is that the pillar these are these are the six pillars okay great everything you say to me which means the car should be up here or not the sixth picture is in the center of the map the easiest way to find it is to line yourself up next to the center log pillars and walk south ah ah [ __ ] i don't know which way south is dude how am i supposed to know which way south is i don't know i would just align yourself with one of the center pillars and just walk away from it like straight away from it right this is this is what i have done okay so center pillar align myself so that i walk directly away from it and one step closer to the waifu uh i see not a waifu oh i'm about to break [Music] oh god i'm gonna break everything no no there's not a single no no there's not there it's not there this game does not contain waifu maybe maybe maybe maybe you went north like maybe it's the other center pillar that you were supposed to walk away from yeah yeah maybe it went north you're right maybe maybe it went north you're totally right maybe i went maybe oh crap oh jesus where are you oh creatures dude oh that's not good oh man anti-monster oh man hentai i mean waifu monster caught you dang it we were so mad at it thank you you know what you did pretty well aaron honestly how did she get me though i didn't even see her yeah it got really dark there um all right well next time on game grumps i guess yeah you know what aaron you did it you you did that was a really good game you shut up i i just it was a little there was a little too much pornographic material for me uh but other than that i thought it was pretty good oh my god i can finally relax yeah my butthole is cleansed the entire time oh jeez holy geez okay all right thanks everybody for watching we love you holy crap all right happy halloween everybody and he's just like here i come here i come here i come and then he shoots silly string everywhere here i go
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 523,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: mejKg9cEje4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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