Dumpster Diving- Amazing what the store threw away!

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gotta be quick here [Music] what are these cool okay i need a bag [Music] cute tights and what are these they're just stickers lots of stickers cat cool i see lots of stickers i mean lots of stickers what else that's cool make that in a little candle a little book something i can get that to hold up this box that's cool this is michael's by the way [Music] [Applause] grab her to the rescue wow all these stickers wonder what don't go no sticker left behind this stamp [Music] stamp cool stickers stamp them definitely grabbing this is beautiful wow that is so pretty do this up with that throw this stuff in the car real quick before i keep it again okay what's in there i've never scored at this michaels before they have a big compactor but maybe it's blue more stickers it's not stickers but these are christmas depends on the security person the one they used to have was awesome really cool didn't mind at all but she said the person that took over after her was not so hopefully they're not here today and they drive around on a golf cart okay these seem empty oh there's something right there though what is that [Music] cute [Music] all right what these in the car [Music] let's check the other side see what we got in there so hmm fun i love dumpster diving it's so freaking fun okay oh there's something in here [Music] i don't know what that is i'm just gonna take it i think i better look the car's pretty full oh some vases or something okay i'll show you guys that's cute a frame some sort of letters that thing [Music] okay fall decorations and stuff man good stuff i don't know what those are foam tea we put all this in my box down there [Music] [Music] all this stuff nothing wrong with that looks like some party plates or something back here oh my goodness there's all kinds of stuff in here today what have they been doing i think i got it [Music] gotta keep digging i feel like there's more nothing down there i gotta see back there though like this has some stuff see ribbon cute it looks okay what is all this might be a mishmash of trash and actual items i'll take it i can decide later okay i saw thing a ribbon where did it go what was that i heard oh glass little house what is that looks like a milk carton how cute okay milk carton oh there's a vase back [Music] there [Music] i have to show all this stuff later [Music] i had to flick my shoe off okay i think i got it all cool that was super fun okay i think i got it yay on to the next okay i just brought all this stuff in so let's see what we got from the michael's hoard this was 45 this would be cute like you know like that just on a wall put a cute little something up on top 45 bucks wow that's crazy okay let's see what else 15 bucks table top decor that's cute it looks aged but i don't know what exactly you do with that put a candle in there i mean it's not flat a little plant i don't know but i think i got a couple of those let's check out all these stickers are they all the same nope they're all different wow how much were these let's guess i'm gonna say three bucks don't know okay so a bunch of those oh my goodness this is awesome so since there i was going to give all these to katie's school but um sticker book that's cute but since school still is not open here in california it's not live somebody could get some use out of these right now and i feel like i'm just overwhelming katie with all this stuff that she can't do anything with right now so um i'm gonna donate a bunch of them i'll put some in her stack but i'm gonna donate i think most of them because somebody can get some use right now okay got this little hat that's adorable probably let granddaughter play with that maybe she might love it we're supposed to go on a dog no a kid okay so we'll keep that for her that's mila these cute little tights what size adult leggings small medium maybe amanda will want to go as a witch or something so i'll give her first dibs on those and then donate if not um that was the wood stamp that this goes in put that in there donate cute okay what else this little bag is just a bag accessory bag that's a nice little one i'll probably put that with maybe katie's stuff not sure two of these little guys 25 are you kidding are you kidding 25 for this that is ridiculous and i think i've got a couple of those oh that got some stuff in there i'm gonna have to probably either throw that away or open it up and i'll just use them for you know like if i'm mixing paint or whatever because those are dirty another pile of stickers oh wait there's something else in here with these stickers that's cute it looks like stickers that you put in a um one of those i can't remember what her name is annie condren or whatever her name is like one of her planners that looks like what that is i can't remember what her name is okay what's another one i don't know what that says um is that day of the dead maybe i don't know it could be day of the dead i'm not sure but stamp donate christmas ball donate you want to see all this stuff honey okay well look how many stickers so far wow that many stickers there's 125 stickers in this one alone we just give these to grandkids all the time and they'll think all the time the same ones yeah i was thinking give save some for katie but since school we have no idea when that's ever gonna happen uh we'll just donate this thing's heavy i don't know remember where that came from but i just glued it just now it's not a um it wasn't from this toothbrush holder it is that's what it says that's what it's for oh that makes sense it's really heavy i had no idea what it was i'm glad you read definitely guys would love this oh yeah well i need to glue this part too but i glued one of them um some ribbon keep that honey this is 25 and there's two of them are there two are there more here's here's another one oh my goodness um this was an amazing scorpion i know here is cool it's like a little milk jug like the kind you'd have when you were a kid 10 bucks or creamer oh it's a creamer how cute for milk and you put milk in it it's a milk oh my gosh that's so cute we'll totally keep that that's adorable i don't want to interrupt your phone no do it i would love for you to see this stuff because i didn't even know what it all was um a lot of this one i think was garbage goodies i know oh wow what is all this [Music] here you want to hold this real quick while i that was crazy dig through ooh this is nice too why is it upside down dude no i was just looking at the price but it looks like it's dirty but it has some crazy but i can fix the dirt at least and then that's really nice it's cute nice looking i feel like it's um this thing's cool too i know that was 45 bucks wow okay wow 45 bucks elastic cord great for masks probably keep that for some homemade math oh is that what it says on it no but that's what i use them for yeah that is good for masks um these little things i've seen these before we'll just donate but they are like i think you can emboss on them or they're a dangly thing a little bracelet or necklace yeah this is cool too i think this is all garbage except some more of these here's the little bag that they came in maybe what are they calling them oh there's more of them bead landing blanks oh they're just blank so you could write a name or something on if you have one of those embossers yeah crafter's dream here yeah those baskets are really nice they are they're really cute they're not even it's not like you have to have it for easter no i don't know yeah this is a tail to something so if you find whatever that is i'll keep it out it could be a unicorn horn could be or it could be a finger pointing it is a finger i see a nail oh there is a nail okay we'll see what it goes to okay you stay here finger cute that's pretty too like what is that 20 bucks is what it is wow i think it's just a decoration to like maybe you'd put some in this oh i like this too man you just took all kinds of stuff out no there it just kept coming this is 15 bucks this was yeah those are never 5.99 okay let's see what else um oh what is that it's a candle probably needs to have the a fake one you know probably needs battery yeah it'll probably work fine but it's a fake little happy anniversary thanks honey was that how you do it yeah thanks you're welcome yeah it's not our anniversary yet but i want i didn't want to forget oh it is close huh well i didn't want to forget it i forgot about it i'm giving that to you now i apologize now i will forget here's an eyeball yeah this is they're not even there's nothing wrong with it no 15 bucks 15 lovely frame lovely okay let's see oh another that's cool this one is metal too that's middle little tin in there it does have a little scratch in it but what are they hauling pumpkins yeah what's the price on that about a million dollars probably 17 bucks or 20 if you're a canadian that's right that's cute look at this fall theme here whenever we give our neighbors stuff since they're half canadian we give them half of what we normally would get these are the things what is the stickers i don't know i don't know what you'd do with them but um what is that they're just little punch out they're they're kind of thick what's the back say nothing they're just you punch them out i don't know exactly what they're all for everybody will tell us what you would do with it maybe when you're done with the pumpkin you can stick this in there oh yeah choose kind of or cool wake up do all you can said no one thank you just do what do you better do all you can today these look cool i was thinking like um me make if we punch these out yes we could spray paint that a stencil this stencil on something on the other side no what is that pattern you think like if all that was a w but if all this was taken out it's hard to tell dvd i don't know it's a little maybe it's a pumpkin maybe it's something you you are you decorate your pumpkin i don't know oh no there's nice geometric we definitely save this i like these patterns these would be fun to spray paint yeah and it's thicker than that maybe they're letters that's a why i like this like there's just a pattern this little thing these would be fun they can be you can tape it down and spread it just paper stencils yeah they're stencils yeah they're there abc so they were letters oh and some decorations okay well oh look what they did here to use some of those on a bag cool okay okay now we're getting somewhere all right these are fun to keep oh you got a ton of stencils that's cool it's like a record the world is calling and i must go what do you do with that you got you gotta go oh it goes on your hat your graduation hat oh that's why the world is calling and i must go okay and then motivation like this the world is calling and i must go to my parents basement wake up and do all you can when you're 18. the world is calling who's going you got this you guys that's a lot of pressure to put on kids saying hey go the world's calling okay now oh we get to see what this is i never got to see it well it's a box so far what are they i think they just forgot about them those are nice what do you think they are it looks like a candle holder like see how that's wood and i think it's going to be a candle wait candle holder oh okay so we're going to pop these 20 bucks each 20 brand new in the package yeah those are really nice they look good they're brand new in the package they're really cute they just forgot about them like they were shut that back in there okay i will so we got two of those um did it go this way i don't remember the part where this sticker is i think it's pretty close yeah but somebody's gonna get these lovely man i'll take those to donate you make candles we might be able to start keeping some holders oh honey we can't run across stuff so much hey i like some of them we got a candle right now that is unbelievably delicious oh i got it burning right now look what i did with it it's beautiful i don't like the smell of sweet candles but this is an exception this is my cheating way yeah that's pretty good i just shoved it in this because the and you don't want to keep those candle holders but this is fine yeah because a candle smell this guys smells like it's called a christmas cookie it is unbelievably good smelling and i don't like the sweet ones usually but man that thing is made our house smell wonderful it's so good every time you walk by though you want cookies that's the best here i'll hand you something okay you look at it what is it it's another um it's got the the tarnished dirty little tray 15 bucks to get that look that's cute it is what would you put on there like cookies you could put a couple cupcakes you just put a candle on there just melted blonde i would just stick a candle on there like there's some nice stuff in this like this here's how steph will do that candle job you guys oh that that made it look way better i like you that looks like white chocolate it does now that you know what white chocolate is i know yeah it does exist guys anybody that's ever doubted it i was a doubter before i thought it was a conspiracy okay i'm gonna put this oh look more stickers just this is so much money in stickers none of them had prices that i could see yeah okay katie needs those we'll give her some but we're going to donate a bunch just give some to the grandkids because the granddaughters are probably i mean kids like stickers you could just make up anything you could take one of these stickers and say oh that sells proud family you give a kid that failed family sticky notes oh these are cute i might keep a couple of them okay so this will go nicely with this little wood stamp like something like this would fit on there it's a stamp you put you can put something like that on the bottom and then stamp it use it as your handle i thought the stamp would have something already embossed on it but this one's blank like where to next bon voyage momma race oh memories choose happiness oh this is for people who want to travel um well hello from far off places here's some floral accents wow those are pretty and maybe you just put them on them in your hair i don't know oh no you make a wreath and you can stick them in there oh yeah that's a tie on there there's another sweet baby this one's clean so we'll just donate it like that this one this one got some sweep up in it that one's dirty baby um another ribbon i'm keeping that stuff's got some ribbon this ribbon isn't cheap no it's not cheap this is cute for a wreath or something somebody use a potato sack and made yeah that's potato sack art that's cute what do you do with that you can make like a you could just use it like this but i think you put it on a wreath or something it's just a bow okay this is for people doing their own their own big time whoa ready for that wow i betcha that wasn't cheap this is cool 25 bucks oh you're right it ain't cheap it's heavy wait a minute 36.99 in canada this is 25 bucks too both the same 36.99 here mt mr t mr t mint empty mr t montana look at solid gold stuff on it look steph tm oh time management that's right okay we got a martha stewart this is clarence and it's brand new fine and martha did she make this in prison yes yes she did well at least at least she was being productive these are neat look yeah these this is cute we'll send this to hudson because he's starting to learn how to read and stuff so he could have fun punching that stuff out he's a reader how to do thanksgiving um more pumpkin foam shapes not sure what for but party or something yeah i guess so but look at this oh my goodness suspenders and a kid's pirate patch an eyepatch oh my goodness yes so we'll save this and that and maybe amanda will do like a witch and oh oh that's a little witch one but those leggings look kind of piratey so if she wants to go piratey these look kind of convicty or convict yeah pirate or cut oh the hamburglar oh yeah that'd be cute and then more of that you keeping that yeah that's a nice thick one yeah that is nice got christmas coming up i'm gonna do some christmas wrappings yeah wrap it like a mother oh and a matching one of these okay those are like i like those a lot yeah those i like the colors dirty i don't know what you do with them but i do like the colors they remind me kind of those balls we found this has crackled finish yeah that's intentional how much do you think this is all worth i didn't see you take it all out but i'm going to say if i had to guess i mean those alone that's 15 bucks that's 50 45. that's 50 bucks for those two together man how much were these 15.99 15.99 just these is probably a thousand bucks yeah i don't know i don't know how much these are but say they're three bucks each or something i don't know hundreds i think it'd be safe to say a thousand dollars worth of stuff here probably like look at that pog set you got they call it a pog set i don't know oh no remember somebody told us what pog means at a store yeah but it was a display we thought we found out it had something anyways i can't remember now wow so we're keeping this yeah we'll see if amanda wants that'll just be fun when it's it's cold and we're making our drink and we you know use it that it's just clever it's cute yeah amanda's gonna probably want some of the decorative things yeah we'll give her a couple things what do you do with this i really like it like this oh and you set stuff on top put your um your cute little bust of um tesla on there yeah man too bad there wasn't another one i'll mention one but we'll go buy one for 45 bucks yeah that's a good price we'll get it for free in the back oh it's already got the the holes to hang out yeah it's cute really cute but somebody's gonna love it if we knew how to make a mold like out of this it'd be cool to make some molds with this and then have your own you know what for our fireplace around two of those nice with a mantel we could have a no mantle these next to the fireplace with a mint with a that actually would look really nice it would that would look really nice one thing about getting this kind of stuff it makes you start thinking yeah thank you do you know what this means in spanish is that day of the dead yeah los muertos let me see day of the oh halloween what stamp i'm gonna guess that it would be this is three dollars two bucks muertos never figured this out so this is trash and i don't know what this is so trash got some uh string it last oh elastic cord you can do a lot with that yeah well good job this was a nice very exciting dumpster dive flying yeah oh did you see this no oh yeah i'm keeping those for me i forgot about that what i don't even see anything in here i hear noise there's one broken in here but they're little um little no they're they're little jars oh they all screw into each other oh several of them to each you keep your jewelry in there well i think they're for beads but i'll keep um oh oh you need little things like you can keep your coffee in there like when i'm when i'm doing electrical stuff and i need to put my little well like the screws because i can never if they roll off the table i lose them all right so things like that it's a little bit you keep that okay what are you gonna do i'm gonna keep that wasn't even from this hall i don't even know where that came you don't know if it wasn't from this hall it could have been but i can't remember it no i'm not gonna keep that somebody else deserves that yeah oh you're gonna keep this that is cool i like it a lot and maybe the candle thing you can keep those no i possibly could no you never know what i'm gonna do i don't know what i don't want those around then i'm gonna keep all the stickers ah not really geez all right well good job this was a fun one okay on to the next enjoy your life enjoy your life
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 186,468
Rating: 4.9050031 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: 8pCk3YgQpjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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