Dumpster Diving "This Thing's FULL Of Cameras!"

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all right y'all number one see a monitor something that says alienware aliens got their own stuff look at that that's a monitor stand oh that thing's heavy too huh all right all right get down on some of that anyways how we do it guys by doing all right all right man like i said here we are back at it again that didn't look to be in too bad of shape right there it's a pooter shell god they took all the guts out but here's the uh sides for it hyper okay okay hyper i'll get down on some hyper all right trying to get too hyper up in here for that ride all right guys another episode let's get her done hopefully we'll find some awesome stuff just like this all night long oh it looks like snippet central up in here yo like an xfinity truck dump some stuff out check it out i got a bucket man what do y'all think of that all right let's see definitely going to get the yellow stuff the yellow stuff is going to be cool or go get the snippets yeah coax i'm gonna throw in the back don't take it in the shrimp pile but that's that's about it bro all these sweaters wires power cords man my bucket's gonna be cool quick only one of them is a detachable at the moment that's the good stuff a couple dickies yeah that little bucket is pretty pretty nifty huh yeah yeah it is all right man well how's everybody doing no i already asked but i'm gonna ask again a lot of uh my kids that's good that's good right there cord there and then we've just got a bunch of this crap right here oh there's little bitty stuff right more there right there got our bucket filled out try to get these fittings there bottom of brass it's a little bit of aluminum down here such all right all right man [Music] and what we can do come back here take this bucket dump it in this bucket the wires and such to go through boom set that there and put this bucket back right here boom boom baby boom ooh i see stuff some wires and maybe a microwave let's see here let's put our bucket over the dumpster bucket for the snippets the kenmore bunch of plugs bunch of plugs all right poor stuff a little thing bucket all right i think i'm gonna need a bucket the back of the truck for to dump this stuff into that but the over the hang bucket so far seems to be quite the success hdmi converter meat and onion all right what's that this right here all right poppity dude man yeah come on microwave kenmore republic services man we got up in here y'all i see something y'all see something i see so let's see what we got here let's hop on in there check it out eh what is this it's like a coffee pot there's those little things i thought were motors or whatever those look like little soda machine parts yeah okay i get down a little soda machine good look at that that's a little tote put some wires and stuff in oh there was another one of them let's grab this guy oh that's so the gun don't look so hot you sure don't look at that once i bet that's a piece of stainless right there it's a chilled juice beverages there's another another piece of steel looks like it looks like it gotta do the magnet test you know alright man a little scrap here there's some more of those hoses this bucket here oh jeez those are bad shape man but i'm thinking this is that's either aluminum or stainless i think we're gonna find out all right all right a little something there oh it's getting sticky in here y'all it's getting sticky a little too sticky for me all right all right whoa go be careful go be careful [Music] oh my gosh there's a case some sort of case looks like it's got plugs and stuff all the way in the back let's see what we got y'all something in there what's in the box y'all see what does this say on it moose moose what is it [Applause] oh my gosh oh my gosh [Applause] oh my gosh they read over the top you guys think tonight maybe let's take a quick little peek see some cat wiring whoa well hey there how you doing sheetrock sbc that's junk there's a box right here oh there's a battery in it too we have the battery see is this anything good but just the junk feels like junk to me sure is some coax see what we got here something for a rack rack stuff look at that it's a bag full of cookies what a waste let's see that's a decent wire right here grab these little snippets this is a big piece of number one somebody toss out that the mattress let's grab this crap hello come on y'all let's get on to the next huh on to the next if y'all can see i found a bucket too we're amassing quite a bit of wires so far tonight let's see here all right all right looks like there's a bunch of crap over here like back over there i see a bunch of cat wire boxes and stuff i'd say this is garbage huh would y'all would you concur yeah i'll definitely take all that i concur this is definitely garcia what a mess somebody got the uh somebody got evicted huh yeah they did things up in these guys over here anything tasty nothing tasty just a little bit of cow man a little bit a little bit oh oh well i think i see uh camera stuff in this one i do yeah yes sir look at that look at that that's a huge wow let's put my tailgate down all right oh lord big old box of camera stuff big that's one of those k it's like a turret camera y'all see it in there there's four cameras in there that's some good stuff right there even if you can't resell all this housing that's all gonna be cast aluminum right here oh my gosh we definitely got some cameras tonight it's been a while i hit a head of camera lick oh we got it yeah it's been a long while since i hit a bunch of cameras oh my gosh there's more of them too holy crap let's see we'll go with it see if we can figure it out it's just these guys right here lots and lots of cameras what a bad burger stuff in there camera come for butthead yeah look at all of them i think we got to get in y'all what'd you say let's get in a little bit careful just a little all bit i'm gonna need that other box now this is a good little uh it's a little lick right here y'all some of this box camera golly this thing is full of cameras good lowin i'm putting a little stuck in here yeah there's cramping these boxes axis axis computers there's we got one over here too i'm gonna need another box y'all another box illuminaire luminar this banana jaw empty there came over here all right we got a lot of it oh there's some cat wire there goes a scrapper right there somebody in the truck i beat him do the punch sorry bro baby tomorrow oh we got cameras over here over here look at that little camera yeah he knows what's up he's like oh man mike's already been here might as well go home for the night he don't need nothing [Music] all right guys let's get up out of here i think we did pretty good oh watch out here whoa whoa whoa dude [Music] guess a little light would help check it out y'all there's a box from some poles let's see here what do y'all think can we fish it out or we gotta get in there's a heavy box right there man come on bro go get us trouble that's a switch box number one baby that's what it says anyways yeah man little contacts are a little bit little bits of non-ferrous in there all right what about these pipes y'all fishing out yeah i can fish them out we can fish them out we can fish now maybe oh my gosh i'll tell you what when i rolled out of that last spot that dude he was still kind of like picking through dumpsters and stuff and i'm like that's just kind of rude you know i mean it's like the code you know like if i roll up i mean i'm by no means like saying that you know these are my waves get off my waves bro but i mean seriously just have the decency like i mean if i roll up on location and somebody's already there digging through stuff and what have you you know like i just turn around and move on you know try to get ahead of them that kind of thing and this guy he just literally sat here and you know just started going through drugstores that i'd already kind of like looked in and man but you know that's what it is you know yeah i put in the work man finding all my spots i got spots all over the place it's kind of like fishing like got a little charter service or something you got your little secret spots and this and that you know it's like you take time to to find them and you know oh well i call it poaching but it can't really be potion because it's not mine but i mean just have a decency if somebody's already like working like this little alley right here and you roll in just turn around roll out just roll out man come back tomorrow better not like better luck next time scavenger code oh lots of sticks lots of broken sticks and stuff oh i think i see something way down we go all right here we go hold your breath guys look at that now that is a mess of some good stuff right there that's all that's all number one there a piece of aluminum numero uno right there on my bucket i'm on my bucket what is this scrap all junk garbage scrap all right all right yeah good stuff right here man all good walk in here what up in here that's a cobalt scooter when does when did cobalt start making razor scooters is that what that is man heavy tubes there's probably a battery in there cobalt 24 volt oh it does not have a battery it takes a lithium battery so it's a razor scooter powered by a cobalt lithium battery okay i got it i got it now so much sense oh man look what we got here y'all we got a rack a bakery rack that's definitely aluminum that's not real heavy let's see if we can fish it out of here i think we should get out no problem look at that baby that's all aluminum right there all aluminum hold on let's get those two little pieces while we're here right [Music] all right let's hop up out of here without jacking ourselves up all right guess i'll just layer on top sweet [Applause] i can dig it i could dig that dig out all night long well alrighty scavengers another successful evening out there getting some stuff in the urban jungle didn't quite load her up in the scrap department as i'd like but we definitely made up for it with some wires and uh some camera stuff for shizzle anyways though first episode we hit we got this little monitor it's a samsung uh s20d 300 looks like it's kind of like for gaming or whatever screen's not cracked uh i'll plug in a little later see if it works it takes a 14 volt uh yeah we'll plug it and see if it works but it looks to be okay shaped like i said when the screen's not cracked it's usually pretty good this guy we pulled out here i think it's scrap but i kind of looked it up it's an alienware it's a a monitor stand uh these are going for like 50 bucks online so see what's up with that it's definitely like definitely interesting for sure got our little computer shell over here nothing too hot and happening uh it's got the little window on it whatever it says hyper type of something or another just an empty shell but cool got some computer stuff there let's see back up in here microwave little scraps junk wire got some decent wire lots of cat wire tons of cameras these things have value all over the place they can be resold as parts because the camera that's inside you know you can take the cameras out housing whatever but all these have all this housing and even this stuff right here that's all aluminum so uh these could be cleaned up and scrapped out if you know you can't sell it as a camera parts or whatever but yeah we got a ton of it a lot of stuff to go through lots of cat wire yeah cameras man cameras lots and lots of cameras good stuff though like good stuff resell or scrap wise legit stuff for sure yeah and i think that's pretty much it i mean we got a little bit of that crap with the drink dispensers over there maybe some stainless or whatever like i said not an absolute home run by any means but dude right here good stuff good stuff but anyways yep okay well we also got our little uh little baking rack over here as you can see the welds i mean it's just i mean it's just falling apart man so yeah they toss it out all good things though aluminum sheet aluminum right there scrap money free scrap bunny in the trash but yes all in all you know a pretty darn successful evening not a complete absolute grand slam but hey i will take it but anyways guys all right well that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving i am your host with the absolute most mike the scavenger as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel share with your friends instagram facebook got it check it out uh super special spout out who's real super special shout out to everybody that bought some merch appreciate that guys are interested down below t supreme little banner go get y'all t-shirts stickers what have you help out scavenger but uh yeah we're gonna get it again i just gotta get back here get this cleaned up figure out what i'm gonna do with it but uh alrighty guys you gotta take care with you on that next one it's coming what we got here y'all those gravity scraps [Music] scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 78,393
Rating: 4.9569097 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving, make money, extra money, scrap yard, free
Id: AAmOHwHuS1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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