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hey if we can tip this if we could tip this box if you help me tip this box look we might be able to rescue this and put it in this box okay she a bit tip it but hold this for one second holy crap definite definitely hold it focus letters [Music] [Music] okay oh my goodness holy crap hold it I'm trying to prop it's okay sorry everybody trying to prop this up so I came to be hands-free I'm just gonna down here I'll give this to you guys a miracle I can't my second quick three Steve [Music] leave it okay right here [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll just take it austega homes you guys are coming with me pawns this time of year is kind of stranger okay and we're going and we'll show you guys when we get [Music] Wow didn't get us he didn't oh my goodness yeah that was a Jack that was really really bad oh yeah all day it was no good I know we found one we'll show you one bag of clothes hold on let's get out of here don't worry about all that right now is this true that nothing this is fun I don't even know what we got we're gonna go show you guys we had like a we've been dumpster diving from up north all the way down and only found like one thing dumpsters were full of water it rained all day yesterday all night it was just a wet day yeah we got lucky there dust is full of water at the bottom my feet are wet but that stuff was thrown out today I always get scared for you guys that one's scary because if you guys haven't seen another video my heart we got take weapons how many hands you did our biggest candle home ever got a lot of candles oh we actually it might let him know the guy came out and told us he was gonna call the cops yeah we were there if we can't have to call the cops we had to leave if we were gonna come back Oh so we're nervous about diving at Michael's not for the cops because they've taken one they're not the cops here are not gonna come anyway they don't install it totally over where are welcome well we're gonna yeah we're not trying to confront him no we're not gonna we're not gonna stop going there we're just gonna butt we got some street it I wonder if Anton went out today because it wasn't really happy the bottom of that dumpster is this full its ugly water yeah am i right this shoe is soaked your shoe has glitter all over it I know Christmas tree bulbs there was so much glass in there that's why step didn't get into the glass guys know that she's I'm not wearing flip-flops today well days but anyways let's look bad he's just getting ready to get in the pool I'm enjoying the moment the high right now that was that was way more fun then if you don't have the threat the whole time I'm like I'm wanting her to watch that door because we can see the top of the door if it opens up worst case Steph already got all the stuff in there as we were getting it so what they actually got my adrenaline up to I know I don't usually get too nervous and I actually was kind of nervous on that one so that was fun oh man I feel like I felt you know what the thing there was a lot of good stuff in there a lot of them fountains and whatnot but the candles for some reason those candles I wanted them so bad they smell right now anyway so okay that's all everybody calm down Bigfoot we had to ok so here's here's the deal max plane yeah that's real Jerry he's been with us all day okay just to share something with you guys on like and I'm sure it's super chat if you're dumpster diving and a coffee treat for Geryon right okay that's very kind and you're gonna get his treatment here in the street cuz it's a week for it thank you Anna okay so just give you guys an idea of our day so far so we were up north at our daughter's house grandson and sorry about this angle and then on the way back we hit dumpsters I I can't even tell you how many dumpsters we went to but we wasn't we didn't expect a whole lot because of the we had a big storm moved yesterday it's unusual for us to get rain and we had a lot of it so we were we were optimistic but we really didn't expect to get much so we hit a ton of stores up there worked our way down and we went to easily 20-plus dumpsters okay over 20 dumpsters easily and we were honored this is our last stop after this we go home and we won't be the candle story yeah but this was our last that was the intention was our last stop we do have some we have to do so that's the last stop of the day and boom the moral of the story is sometimes you guys know this sometimes you're not gonna get anything but when you're consistent and you consistently look in those dumpsters you're gonna get your surprises and this was a good surprise for all of you saying that there's there's nothing there it's not true look there's a nothing there most of the time but there's always stuff there there's always something to depends on what you want but if you're new to this or if you're discouraged you just got it - yeah nothing we did get oh actually I shouldn't said that cuz we did find some clothes we'll show you we're gonna donate those but they were not in they were in a Gamestop dumpster so we got clothes to donate and a roll of shrink wrap yeah we even a shrink wrap but um like the stretchy Phillip feign saran wrap packaging I'll show you it's a big deal that tube there but now let's go see exactly what we got we gotta be real careful cuz there's a lot of broken glass that we're gonna have to work around and the candles you know there's broken glass stuff to it those fountains hopefully they can be salvaged I know can you go see if it's on it's the backs unlocked and the best part I got to make sure I unlock that for okay Jerry we'll be right back okay you stay right there the best part is of that whole thing right there there Steph tell me if you agree well I saying the best part of that whole thing we if you want to call this a job we just went to work and had a freaking blast could there's no other job there's no other way that you're gonna go make money and have that kind of fun right there yeah wow that was freakin fun there was the you know what prize get in there it feels like is like we like to play poker we don't play poker much but it's sort of like gambling Jan it's like that fun rush of gambling it's a treasure house look anything and the threat of getting look at the price Texas was the threat of getting caught is kind of fun it's gonna be reversed for you guys $109.99 we got to be careful we don't want to drop last step we don't want to drop glass down here either because this is people's this is a parking lot man we are loaded I don't even know how we're gonna look at this look at these weapon I mean we're gonna throw this out whoo I like the shape of it that's adrenaline yeah I did get cut yeah I told you there was a lot of you it was a spontaneous hey I didn't have time for anything you said let's go get a jump out all right I'm jumping out all right so we found a severed head and it was a red head this is the some Christmas ornaments and a candle those candles were gonna have to get the broken glass off but look at it we got candles all over and these fountains I think we pulled out three of these this is hard - is this a good base - yeah we used our taupe totes up on our pallet that we've been sorting through oh look let's go like this step let's use an Ikea and at least they'll get the we'll be able to throw some in this bag and they can see the reveal you know what that is what is it mistletoe what I think everything's mistletoe is this dark is this Garland hey that's wire this is a snail this is a sea sea slug is this garland it's oh we got to get some weight in this here put some heavy in here for me put a candle in here that that might not be heavy those pom-poms are heavy yeah I'm gonna throw one candle in there for weight okay I think I cut myself on it candle in it hey you guys what are they called oh it's Holly oh wait look at the pricing on some of this stuff that's $5.99 are those ear muffs they're ear muffs you know what they are I know exactly what these are on uh when the Grinch Stole Christmas those people down in the village the hoos that's what that is Wendy said those are Halle Berry's yes Kim said cranberries Halle Berry's hey guys by the way here smell this smell that Carol's watching she gave us like a million of these bags for our flea markets she got tired of seeing us well I think she is worried about me cuz I'm always paranoid about not having bags and she's a sweetheart Wow Christmas 22 gauge wire Canada Canada has got to pay $7.99 yeah of course they hate Canada over there for some reason we don't know very pretty I like the color oh I wish I wish you get this little guy there's a oh we got boxes full a little like foxes and stuff in this Verret Jones I wish you could smell it too cuz this is a good smelling dumpster hole cute you're gonna see there's a box with those little meeps in it peeps meeps or whatever no that's a difference she's smelling an actual food place over here I'm smelling the candles that's that SIA let's see it uh okay be careful with this yeah you could separate it oh and then we can put that other candle we got some stuff I'm gonna put this there you go can you take can you take this other candle out of the bag on the bottom since you're wearing gloves I'm so excited about the candles it's not like I'm a candle guy but they do smell I've been smelling a lot and when we go to when we go to Bath & Body Works we haven't gotten candles there yet but the dumpster smell it all the time a little mailbox that can totally be repaired it's just a little like 10 yes now open that thing up didn't I yeah that's easily fixed though it's just it's a light gauge 10 okay here's some more candles so we did we could have more than one box I think we're gonna need it one two three four so far that's seven candles by Michelle I'm not sure I saw Bigfoot saying goodbye and it sorry we get a little behind on the chat but this is freaking fun okay okay please this is like a water fountain and we got I think three of them so there's probably gonna have to be some there's a pump and whatnot probably some work maybe these might be been displays three boxes the worst case the worst case with these is even you can have that in a yard and just put some plants on it okay check out this here's Santa's here Santa's mailbox is that vanilla or what is it what flavor is it frosted sugar Oh Steph has a nose for sugar right now we're stiff leave the glass on it right now and we'll do it in our in our trash cuz that stuff will explode okay she's organizing that out here in the parking lot and this does anybody know whose this is Santa's male special delivery looks this down here is broke off but that's no big deal it is cute how much was it what you guess I'm gonna say this was $23 50 mind Canada Canada is getting this shortener to stick all the time really cute why are they so mean to Canada okay no minions are nice our neighbors a bunch of little foxes they're $6.99 each definitely given one of these to Amanda Amanda loves foxes she did Dean's what does the Fox say there's Steph's grabber Daniel I know I'm telling you we were we were taking some candles out of that dumpster leave I say we leave it in this box oh that box here okay this box is full of glass full of glass and some of my flesh but it was worth it this goes to those fountains oh wait is this a different wonder wait that's a different fountain huh I thought it was the same one okay another another fountain it's kind of heavy by the way found some Air Jordans and that one clothing yeah that one dumpster head clothing I don't mind donating them but yeah that's heavy okay how do we want to do this to wear look at this that's what the Fox says you like the red one or do you like the brownish one yeah there's no such thing as an ugly one yeah you too those are $6.99 this is a huge this is a huge michael is paul for us slimey says quit singing that song please which song are you talking about thank you think alright we'll try we had something that needed this I know I can't remember what it was either will repurpose it though we you know what before we get stuff we need to slow down decide how we're gonna do this because we don't have room we can't take up their whole parking lot let me see if we go oh man okay if we go like this if we create a spot over here yeah okay here's what we should do create a spot on this right side to where we could start putting stuff there and it will okay guys we had a move a couple things around because we don't have room to put this stuff okay this this was a bag that we found and it has new with tag clothes and also a baby monitor we found that and these tags they're like I don't know if they bought it on lying but all of ya new attacks yep here I could set that bag back there but that was in the trash and we're gonna donate the clothes and they're really their new attacks I mean you can't go wrong okay so if we take now oh by the way this this has some some blow dryers that we're selling okay okay so we get either we can you're gonna set it on the side here you can you know what stuff here you can leave those I was gonna say if you left it out there then you could start taking this stuff sorry guys we get organized and taking it and setting it in this gap and then you'll have you'll end up with an empty box here a big empty box that we can use okay then we won't move that anymore okay here we go go ahead and we'll just put that's clack candles just leave I wouldn't do it now there's too much glass this is hard to get organized yes but you can actually we want okay look more letters people love these letters guys I don't know if you saw the video yeah we they're been selling for five bucks so there's a few more I'll hand it to you in a new blue how much is it what do you do with this yeah I like it too what is that 120 bucks Oh Canada they're charging Canada $30 how do you - I really like that that's nice this is a this is a lei it's a it's a lei okay good I'm gonna end up creep it creating a box for you oh here you go here I don't want to I mean look at this those are nice I really like them they are really do with the lights going oh man those things have been nice in case of this this here I don't know what it is but we'll set it off to the side you know it just looks like so right Saturday link for this picture frame oh yeah they do that's funny have you guys when you're dumpster diving have you ever found something and in like days later you find a part to it in the same dumpster what here's this guy because we do that a lot like we find things and then we find missing parts later okay when you get this one we'll get these in here and then you'll have this big box to play with yeah they're very nice here this one be real careful okay if we get this out of the way then you'll have a big box we didn't even look over there yet but we'll work our way to it so Steph's gonna have a big box here to organize everything man this is really a look at pearls pearls giant pearl necklace I know they feel neat getting windy okay now you can put let me let me slide that back for you hold this oh um some of that real shrink wrap I see the shrink wrap but I don't want to that wow that's mad let's look at this oh yeah there's the big shrink wrap roll but Steve cause it's shrink wrap I call it a like cling wrap oh this little cute Santa I don't know why is that on his arm I don't think it goes in there he's missing a foot but who cares I'll just chop his other foot off and he'll dust and he's cute he was $40 his little jacket is adorable and so his eyebrows okay I just heard some prick okay okay Mike and I'll play out there oh my gosh so many candles this is adorable I was just telling Adriana said I just said she's in a video and it was of Hudson decorating the tree and I was like man that made me wanna miss our grandson maybe we want to get our tree out of the attic and actually decorate this year and she's like do it I'm like I only hit put decorations on Hudson to put him on it's like we only have one decoration you gave it to us we have decorations we could decorate our whole tree that's weird I love them I saw the side the part that goes in that hole I saw it in a dumpster left it yeah yeah they will totally self yeah the price tag on that's gonna be big 5060 nice how much for Canada 90 how much for Canada 85 holy cow well their exchange rate that's the thing is they're not basing it on what the exchange rate would be it's just their price you know that makes no sense yeah okay how fun this exciting whoa what a score okay what have we got in here this I didn't even see at all I just grabbed it when I did you think you I can't remember now I'm gonna say 50 I can't remember was he 40 40 okay I just looked at it I couldn't did you kiss him oh he smells good I know I just said his eyebrows were cute and so he laughed at me I know he's got beautiful blue eyes he's missing a foot or shoe that's adorable I would I'm not going to though I'm gonna sell that sucker forty bucks that's gonna D yard sale that's a unicorn Christmas unicorns laugh elf hat here stick it in this big one Oh what is that that's a jar like a mason jar it's a mason jar wood monogram something bass I don't know that's the back of it oh wait what that's about oh good another letter too bad we don't evals but these are awesome seen over lanterns new in the box they're festive watermelon is so citrus yeah those will sell for sure don't touch this Oh Santa could be sitting in there okay that was 110 dollars holy moly Oh Canadian okay or is it like a dollar yeah $1.00 glass hmm Canada that we know that it right that's really cute there's another 110 er huh oh wait what's this guy doing here oh he's just a hit little Christmas tree ornament no yeah just break it up no we just put with these candles on there a real candle let it burn it'll be cute yeah I know oh I love it these are really cute this one needs to be smooshed back out I love it yes yes yeah the top pops up on these I'm not this one this one's a high top yeah so you don't need that but they do make them that way oh yeah all the clean chances pages gonna be like new now we have a guy that actually does that Portuguese haven't done in a while we appreciate that's why I do yeah weirdly tada buddy you know what if you got a card you can leave it back Steve talking to family and friends right now card yes are you local no how many of you live around here give me your card I do I love it way more that's adorable missing the bottom but we can totally put that in something any Bowl will do for that like that like even if it's a kitchen Bowl you know like something on the counter oh yeah no back of a painting our picture that's just garbage but you can look on my website out of body no the best thing to do right there's a Jackson what's this Ajax the whole body it takes up all the snaps off the car inside something there legged Roy will get holy you do well how do you do it ash welding ash wax melt delicious apple it's sealed I love it that's adorable what are these for I know well let them pick whatever they want first um I'm dying to know what's in these I might have to go get a slicer is do huh don't show me right now okay right right no no no this an L and I I think it's an I have another rooster and it's a would letter I own other-- gold rooster whatever he is a colorful train it's an AI yeah oh this probably was this I don't know if it was a snow globe but hey Brian had a little globe around him but he's gone Fox song is in Norwegian group yes it is we love it and our grandson knows what the says high-end jewelry fear gold yep it's a letter L stuff it what I think it's an I know it's sealed I need a slicer okay here take this little broken thing for me or he'll drop it oh my goodness [Music] what was that oh that's okay hey I had a pet squirrel once little Jesse Owens just Yellin I do two of these new in the box that's good pack of steals a lot of real fine glasses okay how about you wear the gloves then the vaping steampunk says do the Thunder song that's your song just that mean ninda thunder step those are candles or was wax melt in the box okay we'll see we will see oh it says ash wax melt this but what do they go in we're gonna see him oh no way it's a mouse it's just a poodle but I think it had something that was a bird that was just a poodle but that was weird oh okay these are some weird weird ornaments that got right now like that must be in like the weird a camera a rainbow camera a gay pride camera hi from South Africa hello let's see is he missing his feet yeah you still clear it's good one Oh what wait hold on what is that what is he he's a slug he's like a manta ray thing yeah why I think that's the landing or is gone what that is so weird that's a weird thing to put on the Christmas tree hey it's a crab Cindy said there's no feet look at the nose on it that's a nose I know it looks like a reindeer type no there's no feet and look the mouth is underneath it oh yeah he's look at me aunt array but very fat one he killed Brooke dog he did the rain till y'all can put up a broken ornament tree you're right with Hannah be very kid friendly like go ahead and touch every ornament kids it's lots of broken glass Oh Steve's gonna do it without anything that's true that's a crochet hook or some no no don't use that oh what a waste why don't use a piece of glass no honey is it a latch hook what is that it's a for crocheting I think Wendy would know it's for under the sea decorations okay so if you wanted eight a water oceany theme what are there more than one yeah these are cool thank you ready I love them it is Wendy's confirmed oh boy Steve likes it whatever it is sealed why would they throw it away they just forget about it what smell that oh they are wax melts to go just in your little wax burners a subtle hmm smells pretty good Delicious apple yes they're all delicious Apple it's a it's a it's a case of them it says of a crochet hooks yes they are I mean not crochet I think they are bamboo yes okay here cuz look this box we're dealing with broken glass or you know what stuff I can come out and then well I gotta be able to get out but that's all glasses okay that good okay we're gonna set our our broken glass in there I'm coming out let me get out it's designated driver in their designated divert are you in here dusty I'll keep an eye out for okay Graham hey Taylor hi SIL G Silvio hope we're saying it right but high steel G here turn me round to your face oh there there we are okay um I'm gonna put here you hold this while I put these in Utah yay we got a big pull I'm excited in there um let me see I'm gonna get my glove off okay oh I love you hi Taylor let's see oh look look what we might have just missed it that by a hair look honey look what's driving away we did good thing coming right then awesome what a score okay that's meeting oh wait hold on let's see this in full view that's his celebration dance oh whoops pardon me oh yeah Sameer yep or if they fit Stevie's head he will keep them I don't know here let's it was dusty in there I haven't seen her yet um okay what throws away - no she's a diver but there's so many people gone by that this day if you're in there all right we'll do it we'll do it when she's in there yeah hey guess what what do you bet wait we just had a freaking great time from the landfill you can make a little money you could donate it you know you could help people didn't need that stuff and you can get a serious adrenaline rush and look serious thanks Michelle Thank You Michelle but uh we appreciate you guys joining us with us it makes it a lot more fun it does and we we gotta get home we do we got a lot of work to do with that palette that we got oh we've been sorting like crazy yeah but in the meantime enjoy your life really talk to you guys
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 379,521
Rating: 4.8491726 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, MICHAELS DUMPSTER IS FULL! GRAB AND GO!, Live MICHAELS DUMPSTER IS FULL! GRAB AND GO!, We went dumpster diving at Michaels, dumpster diving at Michaels, dumpster diving, MICHAELS DUMPSTER IS FULL
Id: p9OlHc9A6VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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