Dumpster Diving- OH MY GOSH! Look what the store threw away!

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no way oh my gosh yes i know we'd find one one of these days okay we take turns and hopping out looking sometimes and steve looked at this one and he was just gonna repeat real quick he said it looks the same as yesterday but he came running back with that didn't bring the camera christmas tree this does not look like yesterday oh it's empty no christmas tree in there this was not all here [Music] yesterday all the baskets and stuff wow oh there's a guy it's just a regular printer yeah so that's from in their office that guy can put some on his hand oh my gosh i've been wanting one of those qriket machines or cry cut whatever it is i call it cry cat but you guys said it was cricket and then now you guys are saying it's cry cut i don't know how to say it but i've been wanting one and knowing we'd find one one day i hope he works this is an awesome assistant's hat i can find something to make [Applause] wonderful i don't see a hat [Applause] i want to get that printer i don't really need it i'm gonna keep it myself he's awesome oh my gosh he's so cool actually he was expensive there's something in that whoa whoa i gotta get stiff okay i gotta get stiff oh my goodness i don't know what that is but take this okay thank you all right okay bye-bye you gotta go in there what i found well that box back there i don't know what that is it looks like a bunch of drugs but there's a bunch of little scissors i got a box of drugs i think it's vitamin but there's a bunch of little scissors and i took i grabbed a few and i dropped them in these little plastic containers i'll take those plastic containers okay i don't know what it was and there's like bleach or something bottles of bleach bleach plus we got drugs okay drugs what the heck does that mean drugs drugs what are we gonna do with that yes oops oh it's this empty okay i might need one of those drugs oh cool okay [Music] i'm gonna need to grab one of those oh my gosh oh my gosh just markers and markers okay i think we should have to fall back yeah oh my gosh it's so heavy holy moly wow oh my gosh [Music] it's liquid starch starch what do you do with that for at a school supply store because i think that they're empty dumpsters oh this is heavy so this is full just glue oh my gosh this one looks intermittent look at those i want to take them they've got um what those [Music] quiet stuff [Music] [Music] good job that's a lot of stuff yeah give me that box and switch this corner this corner [Music] [Music] so i think i got it all except those okay nice that was awesome the lucky break the trash has ran recently so they just recently threw that bag look you can see the bag right there oh my gosh full of letters and all kinds of stuff wow that's like all school stuff yeah i need to run into their we have grandkids that are being homeschooled oh man they're gonna score awesome and we've got a friend who is a teacher who a lot of that stuff can go to what a trip and if not she's got friends who could probably take the younger kids stuff so that's amazing that box has like amazing drugs in it well i gotta park i don't know what you mean by drugs i can't wait to see i think it was it might be just um i don't go to pick up then right no right here i think it has like uh vitamins and stuff oh cool that's weird i wonder what store that is that does the vitamins might be gnc or something okay cool all right i'm the coolest this is so cool this is like how old it is two and a half feet tall he's he's real tall he needs a hat i'll find something that'll make him hat even if i just find a fluff like this and i put styrofoam and cover it with fluff it'll just look like what if you make it what can you take some some putty and make like a bald head and then he just has this thing going hmm because i often wanted to grow one of these look at this wow oh he's marching if he would really crack a nut what like an he's a nutcracker yeah that hurts well i don't think he can stick your finger in there let's see i bet this guy's wait don't do it hard wow i didn't do it hard i didn't do it hard no i didn't you did do it you do it to yourself no it hurt no it didn't look at my look at my finger now is there a price on this guy look at his diamonds it's on the bottom but it was missing i'm going to say he was probably 50 bucks i think so too he's amazing okay so you're going to make it there i'm going to make him something but i'll have to keep an eye out for something to put on his head okay this is that's got to be worth something i know it's a true diamond all right we're gonna set you aside it's awesome but don't don't take this person over okay i'll set you over here so this watch how smooth this thing is beautiful move this one look lift the lid and look at that slides look these are still on there you guys oh my goodness this never even opened we just recently gave what amanda has a cry cat cry i don't want to break it i don't know how to use it we recently gave her some some of the papers remember we got a bunch of the papers out of michael's yeah i don't know how i guess she i don't want to break something i'll have to look at more at it later um but i've been wanting one of these forever i hope that it works it's awesome it seems perfect it's brand new if this works it's brand new yep but it needs i think we're gonna need a power cable there isn't one on there and it uses something else i'm assuming because stifle figure i'll have to order one or something stuff will figure it out wow that's metal on the top i think steve was on the phone when i went and looked in that dumpster this box was on the ground the drugs oh i see drugs i didn't mean drug drugs when i told you that but yeah edelberry elderberry look it's sealed oh it just got dusted oh it says g and c this is the g and c store then okay so g and c there's just dust on it maybe something how old are these are any of these this is 20 22. whoa we got to eat a lot of elderberries black okay what we'll do look what's that cohosh black black cohosh what's that oh my goodness i think it's what expires 22. okay wow this thing is super heavy literally hold on go booty i don't know it's covered skin bleaching cream age spot remover everything's covered in like a fine dust you know what something exploded in their store then smells like vanilla no protein powder or something powder it might be something exploded ketone keto fuel this expired we'll go through these 20 21 we're going to wipe them all down okay and then we'll go through it let me move the box out i wanted to see what this is i gotta know we're gonna this will take forever to go through these right okay okay oh that's some kind of expensive it feels like some kind of experiment it's sealed up here black walnut dried for what is tincture like a poultice when you make a poultice for an injury what is that look at they got it in a fancy box no statement shake well take about blank amount full squeeze of the dropper to juice our water what's it for hmm okay well anyway this will be interesting we've used to go to this dumpster all the time but it's blocked it's been locked for a long time and there's a um remember we got a ton of bra straps from one of them that was this place well it's their same dumpster that same dumpster there was a bridal place and one time we got like i don't know hundreds of bra straps yeah and we haven't been looking lately we just i was on the phone yeah i was on the phone and i had him pull over and he just got out and went look so now we're gonna start checking that one again okay what's this what what's this hook for that is neat what do you need that for so now i saw some of those it's neat some of those this thing and i didn't know what it went to it was just this is it it's a reverse scissor like you it opens itself yeah wow i don't know you carry it on your wrist or something they put an x on it x marks this one these all say lakeshore okay so let's these daubers sound are they new no this one's been dobbed okay they got x's and i don't know why maybe these things maybe somebody got their finger cut off these are full though i mean they they feel pretty darn full look at this this is a pinking pinking pinking shears okay so we've got tacky glue you know what let's do let's put them in a box stuff printing all purses purposes adhesive i'm going to keep some of these for just free supplies so this was a dollar ninety-nine that's crosstalk strawberry flavored glue is this new look this lid hasn't ever been popped off right here yep i don't think oh no it's white in there maybe this is do a dart art do a dot art shake well press tip on paper to start flow dab tip that's a dauber this is for bingo for bingo but kids decorate with them and stuff it says do a dot these are cool i like these little guys i don't know what you do with them but they're kind of fun like clay maybe i don't know but we got to let them see all this stuff they'll somebody's going to tell us okay guys what do you do with this yeah for sure this is some nice arts and crafts stuff so these are awesome daubers which are fun and you can paint and do stuff with them we got these cool trays i'm going to stick with those type of things in this one like the glues yeah just so it's organized and oh dabbers whichever can we put both yeah whatever let's put them in are you laying or standing i'm going to stand them because we're going to get so many in here of the daubers okay we're gonna get the bobbers this is bingo heaven right there oh it's been go ahead and that's for sure over here that's cool we got uh we got grandkids that are being homeschooled schools are not in session here right now but um daycares might be and if they are they might be thrilled to have these so we might try to find a couple daycares local and see i don't think not in california i don't mind just donating them at least somebody can get them right away that's a teacher yeah do it i don't know what color this is yeah silver that's fun we might mess around with some of these just for fun yeah we've got grandkids we could play with kind of have a sleepover before you know it okay and then this some pink stomper stampers oh glitter pack should we even open it yeah i'm always working oh they're not empty be careful nice we could really mess up somebody's day with this oh yeah like seriously yeah yeah we don't even open this in the house because that's just gonna go everywhere you're going in here okay so scissors let's put a little scissors in there on top okay you want a candy cane i'm good i do clean with those so i don't want that what was that about my arm okay she's not showing you all but i'll show you there's a variety that they're not seeing okay we got these short scissors scissors look at this this looks like a staple scissor yeah those are cute look at that it's called rockies all these scissors a lot of these are lake shore kids say inchworm that's for cutting paper with a cool edge oh it creates an edge yeah pretty edge i didn't know you didn't know that i didn't know it i don't know anything let me get a paper let me find something here here put your finger watch your finger have you used this oh i have some wow that is cool isn't that cute yeah okay this is a gold mine right here i don't know how much glue is sniffing this is gonna be cows come home uh we don't sniff glues guys i don't think this is the kind of glue you do sniffing but i don't know i've never really been into it so i don't know i don't know what they're doing with all that liquid starch it must be i think they mix it with something that's just i think these are i like these tools these are very full i like these tools i think they mix starch and glue and they make some kind of concoction hmm that's just a guess okay so that's because we're keeping these oh yeah this is like a mystery oak island mystery stuff yeah for sure that's what that is somebody'll tell us what to do with them they'll probably know what to do oh there's another one what do you do it's sticking in your pocket yeah you're sticking those in your pocket yes put them in that thing over there stuff i'm gonna bring i'm putting it in my pocket okay there's some sometimes i put stuff in my pocket and you don't even know it well liquid starch that was gonna be one of those until you looked down and saw me putting it in saw you stashing it in there you love this pink tape i love painter tape it's great some people yeah you want to put that in your pocket feel free i'm keeping it i'll hold it for you feel free to let us know what they're doing with the starch okay you're ready for the bad boy okay let me do this you want to put it in here you want to go straight into the big container um we'll go straight into the big container some of it look let me bring it over wow is that like i think these are peeling stick letters i think that they um haven't been peeled i think you're right so i think this is probably just for like to learn how to write we'll check with the grandkids the month before we um donate when you read what it says somebody oh there's 242 pieces oh wow all right well those might be going to a grandkid okay set that in there okay we got some more ink you know what i'll say if you want to separate any wow they look like a really waxy crayon giant kids they are look at the size of it hey you got you're telling me there's not giant kids this is like the rock when he was a child or somebody that's funny okay so that's awesome okay so the giant kid crayons going to katie these are going to katie my friend is a teacher she's going to get a lot of this but her kids are seventh grade so i don't know i'll check with her before a lot of it whether they need it or not because school's not even minnie stampers look at the pictures trees oh we gotta let our granny these are gonna be fun oh for sure look go ahead it's a fish it would have stamped better if you just wanted paper yeah lips let me give you a little smacker i didn't want to do it like i did on mine these are these are non-toxic those are fun these are awesome these are going to grandkids they're going to love them you got that right sister our granddaughter mila is becoming a little like she's really lenient toward art things she likes to color she's doing pretty good okay got some tissue paper is that for you to wrap stuff in when you do your poshmark i guess i could yeah all right look at this though super bright liquid tempera what do you do with it it's pink oh that's a cool color that's awesome and it's a big one it's full okay i'm gonna keep putting your colors in like this okay okay blue super bright blue green this one feels almost empty super bright green an awesome green tape um tape that went with my pink tape though your paint tape you love your tape okay these are just markers they're always useful yes full super bright black okay right they're all super bright this is cool you don't want you don't wanna dried out glue you want it to be super bright oh you're doing it again let's check it oh it's sealed nice super bright silver steph and i were like glitter it's glitter honey no it's glitter bombed oh oh wow this bag is open let's see let's peel around the corner don't not the letter we use a lot d for dean look it is a sticker for dove i dove you cool sticker okay these are awesome here i'll we'll leave it open right here in case you got loose ones there's a little shove in lots of loose okay brown super bright brown red this is a big score oh red is my favorite what is my favorite okay color these things are coming out this is awesome so grandkids half can go to one set after the other split them up amongst the grandkids is that like art you get it wet and paint with it and it makes a i don't know can i set these in there or you want to wait till we get all those no that's fine look there's a couple of these there's some more tape i love tape oh no i'm taking the tape it's stained with me tape tape wow look at this look at this yeah look at these you like tape and i just like putting things in my pocket washable glitter okay so these are all glitters glitter watercolors no these go in their own tub because we're gonna find a bunch of those well then let them see the colors look guys see their colors green reds washable everybody post your favorite color the favorite color is red i must say these feel fairly full almost all of them even though even though a lot of them oh this magnet i'm gonna use this for my vacuum rosy magnet you love that i mean rosie you know what a machine a magnum is is a vacuum magnet acrylic yay that's for the pouring art yes okay so what's your favorite color um of these in general probably oh well black is always my favorite color but like a blue maybe or something that i love all right okay here's more paint or more tape for me more tape um glitter stick we don't have a thing for that do we need lipstick this is weird what is going on here i'll set this it says it's yellow but is it it's very liquidy well the question is oh if i need to put more liquid this is brown that looks dark black purple definitely is brown there's more of these wow where'd you put those which one you got these you didn't give me any oh okay stick it back in here first ones you've given me i'm gonna go like this what is this that's some glittery stuff going on y'all pencil oh eraser and a pixel sharpener that'll go to katie for sure still use these yeah people use pencils i guess okay glitter silver all right more glitter glitter washable we can refill these smaller ones with the brush gold green violet these are awesome red this is so great i'm so excited gold magenta red red this was a fun little surprising score man look at this jumbo crayons so that's what those fat greasy ones were for the for the large kids for the giants so you're right i'm really digging all the artsy stuff this is just never ending man i'm running out i'm putting these small ones in that okay small glitters because i've got a box of glitter in here also but if i have to i'll take it like this thin sticks quick sticks solid tempera paint oh solid it is it's a solid and this looks brand new yeah that'll be fun to figure out like you're using chocolate or something more of these so once we get a little set of these this will be fun another one so it's a thick looks like a um this looks brand new um like a glue stick but paint very cool more glitter oops i broke my broken nail i broke your nail okay glitter that's so much okay acrylic you want the acrylic in here with the glitter put it over there well i'm gonna keep the acrylic okay we'll make it i'm gonna set it and i'm keeping these for now because those are cool i'm gonna set them all in there honey it's a vial of blood yep maybe it was a washable watercolor brush pen that's going to be fun that was awesome that's dye it's washable oh no it'll be fine okay okay um wow this is lip chap metallic markers or jumbo glue sticks metallic metallic okay metallic markers okay these are all quick sticks these are all these cool awesome acrylic whatever they are yeah i like those well we're loading up we're loading up okay i'm excited not that i have any time to do any art and i'm not even an artist but i you know grandkids are getting doing an age where we can start doing stuff with them yeah if they like it then we'll go into it yeah oh a little uh look at this i know that's awesome i bet that's glittery acrylic no our ink i don't know well we'll keep that one yeah that looks like it that's a keeper stiff huh don't look now oh don't look now when there's one we find two look now okay let's get rid of these jumbo glue sticks so these are going over here to that jumbo glue sticks not get rid of these are just i bet you they're new they're probably going to they're going to katie or whatever jumbos jumbo okay mumbo jumbo jumbo oh here's another um that [Music] solid gold little things dry erase okay these i might just stick in a ziploc all these extras but we got random little paint brushes goodness glue it just glows please do not let these get wet steph you never put them never give them water right and never feed them at night yeah and don't let them in the sunlight is it don't feed them at night oh yeah you don't feed them at night and you don't put them don't put them in the sunlight and don't turn your back on them this one it's probably a washable glue on there and that seems glued on there but i'm gonna throw these into this over here because it'll go good with the um wowzers okay well you guys see what's left here it's all kinds of cool there wasn't anything on the side over there right no okay all right you guys get the rest of this single little thing because look at all that look at all these letters we'll put all these in a zip lock all these other weird miscellaneous i think that we got all the cool um thingamabob yeah i like these little paint brushes these are kind of fun oh look at this paper oh paper oh one of them got away i told you don't do it if it gets away yep i like these guys here's the lid all right okay well thanks for joining us guys this was quite a fun one what a crazy day a ton of stuff you never know what you're gonna find when you're dumpster diving we have a mystery box of vitamins and what was that one thing huh what did it say drugs you told me it was drugs i was thinking i didn't know of like cocaine or something oh you were happy no i didn't know how to say supplements that wouldn't come out supplements would be yeah supplements okay but it looks like there's some intriguing ones so we'll have to get all those out clean them up and none of them we didn't the ones the ones we looked at were fine sealed and not expensive maybe the store went out of business because they heard a lot of gnc's close maybe we got to keep hitting that one and checking it then well we're gonna go look at those vitamins here enjoy your life enjoy your life bye guys
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 332,319
Rating: 4.8995566 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: nmka0MUGpGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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