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hey guys the anything different about me today I got spray tan for the first time in my life oh look at me now so bronze a little too bronze I can't tell this highlight I was just Gracie this is the first day of my tan so they told me I would look dirty but anyway today we're gonna be checking out some dumb people ice cream and sterile breeze Darrell brief ice cream what sterile breeze I love sterile babies Katie there is no excuse just made medium rare chicken strips they were so good I can't believe I haven't tried it like this before can't wait to dig in with my homemade salad and veges rest in peace there's a reason that this is not a thing it's called Salmonella oh this is make me sick just looking at it I'm praying she didn't actually eat it somebody told her right after she posted it I am gagging looking at this yeah police showed up at my Nana's with a warrant for my grandpa's arrest for non-payment of child support she got his ashes and handed it to them he's dead grandpa he under arrest for not paying child support grandpa dead what if you got kids that y'all don't know about but he's dead now so you got worried about this baby daddy bullsh it's the fourth of July on the 16th or the 15 the 15th egg thing oh okay good let's go say it again but slowly fourth of July that's why her parents called her ninny like you damn ninny had people tell me I look like Channing Tatum all the time people stop me in the street and ask me if I'm him scream his name but I just don't see it bye [ __ ] what how would any way shape or form the only thing y'all guy in comment is nothing nothing I bet you this kid knows his mom no I do I look like Channing Tatum but she's like yeah honey sure I thought he just went to live on the rest of his life like oh my god everybody tells me I look just like sharing data okay kisses Mike is so long it goes from eight z do me a favor and don't look at your keyboard but here's a to Z and if you take the long way did they come up with 9-1-1 the police number after 911 miss really so what do people used to call before that no it's just coincidence it was always 9-1-1 right now you got me wondering not was always 9-1-1 when you put Bobeck flavored water in your iron it doesn't make your clothes smell of forest fruits it just melts all the sugar and ruins your iron and top these things should cap with warnings that I'm not happy this idiot really put flavored water in an iron thinking that it would make his clothes smell good like instead of putting regular water why don't I put fruit flavored water genius doesn't come with a warning because it doesn't expect people to be that stupid I'm pretty sure it says only use water not flavored water now coca-cola not tea and they say girls with brown hair can't wear jeans that y'all hear that there's a new law girls with brown hair they can't wear jeans may actually just want to feel special I'm the only girl with brown hair like a wear jeans nobody else can maybe she was like in a really toxic relationship her boyfriend was like [ __ ] you get a wedgie do got brown hair and she took it seriously as she glowed the up and took some pics of this dumb ass caption so stupid text from mom having trouble sticking lashes on without her glasses turns out she was trying to glue a dead fly to her eyelid what always but your glass because if it's like my set up when I used to do my lashes I stab them on the bathtub and sometimes dead flies would end up around that caused by the window oh my god oh my I can't I cannot with this one like imagine trying to glue an eyelash oh [ __ ] in a dead fly no no no hell no blondie I saw your PIN number yesterday at the ATM oh really I doubt it what is it one two three four Ron it's five six three four Thanks I have a credit card by the way you need my pin number to use it Oh they call her blondie for reason what kind of idiot is gonna give somebody their pin number never give anybody your PIN number I love you think my mom knows my pin number on my friend they're always sitting behind me when I'm paying for something and I feel like it's weird if I'm like don't look like who does that if maybe I should I wonder if people on the day in 1955 thought oMG this is the day Marty went back in time - what you talking about Back to the Future movie no they didn't the movie didn't come out until 1989 I know that it came out in 1989 not 1955 not 2015 I'm not stupid I'm just saying I wonder if a lot of people were talking about it back in 1955 like we are today - are you sure about the I'm not stupid part they couldn't have known about Back to the Future in 1955 you weren't there you don't know it didn't come out in 2015 and we're talking about it now it's just as likely that they were talking about it in 1955 - they'll do the world a favor delete your account visually movie didn't even happen yet it wasn't recorded probably gonna be talking about it but she's saying it's 2015 and people are talking about it so why were they talking about it back maybe because it didn't exist I can't believe it really can't believe it this bill did a cute ass iq top 81% who can top that and the certificate of completion percentile 19 point 31 percent go why do you lie and say top 81 percent even says the average IQ at Canada's 99 is at 88 like super low I have no idea go well you get the top 81% 81% of people have a higher IQ than you she don't even know if my body is 60 percent water why don't I evaporate back to the drawing board science dicks Wow are you coming out science for well yourself before going to bed and the first thing when you wake up free poop and tell me you aren't evaporating also the water in your body is connected to other molecules and compounds not just sitting alone all over the place and your skin is a barrier that has many roles such as water retention or release like sweating sweating is literally evaporating you're kidding right please tell America's you those that ignore right after getting out of high school why would I be kidding I think I forgot that you could sweat you can cry you can spit maybe he's not human so this girl is selling a Microsoft Surface tablet it's in perfect condition used for a month does it got Internet how much Internet does it got less its Wi-Fi only yes but have you used almost all of it or doesn't still got plenty left I'm not understanding your question it's however much internet you want no limit as long as you are connected to Wi-Fi so you're saying this computer has unlimited internet plan there is no internet plan unless you buy one for it like I said if you are connected to the Wi-Fi you may use it as long as you please how much of the Wi-Fi plan you bought for it is still on there I'm wondering if it's gonna run out the second I get it would you consider leaving just a little bit of Wi-Fi on there from your plan so that I have enough time to get my own grandma I don't think she knows how the Wi-Fi works there's only so much Wi-Fi you can use before it runs out forever and you gotta buy a new one this aloe plant for like five months and I've been watering it and just discovered that it's plastic I'm not a botanical expert or nothing but do you not get a little skeptical when you see the water not being absorbed we have money to refurbish a McDonald's but not for important things like educational or medical research I hate you when you say we who is refurbishing it Palmdale I'm pretty sure it's typically the McDonald's Corp that does their refurbishing I guess that could make sense because it's an old one but still it's McDonald's bra I like how they say it refurbishing like you were refurbished a used phone McDonald's you gotta renovate it this girl thinks her City is using tax money to refurbish a McDonald's I hate you government how dare you it's definitely tax dollars pay for all these brand new McDonald's my cousin wanted to be a cat for Halloween but hey how much do you charge for a face-painting for a cat I haven't actually worked on any animals before not sure how the paint would sit on the fur and if it would stay still long enough for me to get it done somebody smoked it a little too much of that jazz cabbage face-painting bark at Iona you can paint cats the hot water bottle you gave me doesn't work I put water into it like two hours ago honest still not heat it up did you heat the water up before you put it in I thought that was the bottles job bottle is for drinking water it does I heat up your drink unless you got some fancy ice bottle she probably thought those stainless steel bottles like heat up your drink no they don't heat it up boy I thought this was common sense but apparently not y'all expect in a little too much lower your standards a little flood stock found on Chamberlain Road no collar it seems to be a bit aggressive also doesn't like baths she was pretty dirty took most of the night but she's resting comfy now on my bed is a coyote she got a coyote I thought it was a lost dog I don't know how she even captured it in the first place so close [ __ ] on wanna try to bite her kick that little [ __ ] off the bed thumb outside so I'm sitting at the steps in exchange square on my work break very busy square it was sunny and I'm in a complete daze on my phone chilling and a football comes flying towards me and my instinct just tells me to kick it so I actually booted across the square and it was a pigeon now literally so rude what that pigeon do to you I thought it was a football oh [ __ ] it a pigeon get your ass out of there before the bird police come for you I swear that's the thing so I have a tree in my backyard and then somebody gets really hot birds will just die and just fall out of a tree and I will find dead birds in my backyard and then when I go outside all the birds homies they call me out like but they'll still sit and cut me bit loud too and it's only when I go outside my boyfriend bought me this thinking it was a flower but it's lettuce not that's kale that's purple kale I think this is the thought that counts oh these only 99 and they look like flowers she won't be able to tell the difference and like how she took a pic like damn she caught me damn she caught me shadow be cheap my back is killing me I think I got arthritis what do you need my right BAM you stupid a chicken Caesar a chicken Caesar shot a chicken Caesar a chicken Caesar sell it sell so go right now man this tweet got me having a seizure right now and it don't sound good but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you are smarter than these people make sure you hit that like button in the hey and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys chicken Caesar salad chicken Caesar [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,211,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, dumbest, stupid, dumb, dumbest people ever, fail, stupid people, funniest
Id: eWbE3aCl4ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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