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hello friends with me your favorite messy hair youtuber back at it again when will I brush my hair I am washing my hair tonight I maybe I'll style it for my next video maybe I want comment below style or messy shall we begin people who got caught lying her diet is so good she even lost her tattoo bro it's the same pants though Jilla hey I got those same pants as this girl online or I'm gonna buy them and then post our weight loss and they'd be like look guys I love so much weight bro but where did the tattoo go she says cuz the first is in a mirror it's the same side it doesn't matter you just reverse the direction of the tattoo not eliminate its existence from the universe don't lie this ain't you y'all just happen to have the same pants Kylie Jenner tweeted last night I had cereal with milk for the first time life-changing girly implying you want cereal with milk on April 25th 2013 and posted on Instagram can spell live without Kylie things do didn't thinking quick receipts and everything now you just look dumb men are effing dogs you can say that again they can be woman ate everything better a few years ago I met a guy a really nice guy probably one of the nicest guys you could ever know we became good friends and chatted often occasionally he would call me just to ask how I was you know this kind of thing a friend would do anyways one day he asked me to come to his house and look at his computer says it's been slow and maybe he's had some viruses or whatever so I'm like yeah no sweat and we go to his house where he introduces his wife he has a wife she tries to seduce me and get me to sleep with her I feel disgusted and refused some time goes by and this girl messages me one day to tell me that her Bend left her when I asked why she tells me because she cheated on him and he found out and now she posts this status message on Facebook men are having dogs I could do nothing but laugh my effing but thank you for making my day retreat to your corner and delete facebook off your phone oh man men are epic dogs you done humiliated yourself on your own status okay so this cook was going viral about this woman with a blue umbrella who walked up to a lady who just got into her Tesla then how could she open your door hello song called security boosts my umbrella is blue my sweatshirt is blue this Tesla is blue therefore it is mine I don't know what this woman is on plug it in I can communicate to Teslas this car once it starts charging it will tell you that it belongs to me I don't understand like what if she actually plugs it in what's it gonna prove how does she unlock the car what's going on I can't just walk out with somebody that's my car not yours mine mine belongs to me plug it in plug it in first full day off to myself in four weeks what in the world will I do you're just on vacation for a week mom we were busy and I didn't get to sleep in shush I know honey it's hard going to Disney World for a whole week first world problems mom brought you into this world and she could take you out real quick stop complaining Brown she went to Disneyland and they haunt her next day ugly I haven't had a real day off life is so hard waking up early and going to Disneyland on vacation for a week I suffer okay Ashley girl they like versus girls that like me do postitive pickers and daya and this girl and this girl clapped back look then I liked you Oh rousted like a chicken on a stick man she don't even like you good luck finding a girlfriend some guys we're talking about you so I tried to beat them up I got messed up pretty bad will you come over and take care of me brought that strawberry jam [Music] imagine humiliating yourselves is bad I mean a better caption would have been like come in come over I got strawberry jam on my face you trying to lick it off oh not only alive but now you look dumb as hell you got strawberry jam all over your face I hope it gets in your eyelids everyone dies one day everyone even wolves but not books not words words don't die my son three years old who was a lot smarter than I am Oh f off Rebecca he did not say that bro she is in Wikipedia Rebecca Hazleton is an American poet editor and critic she also lies about why her three-year-old son said throughout online media shut up da seriously your three-year-old did not say that unless you said it and then you told your three-year-old to say it so then you could be like my three-year-old said this now I could post it as a facebook status I claim my three are on the setting and also big hikes if a three-year-old is a lot smarter than you wanna send nudes no I'm good yeah same so what's up just losing in trivia crack OMG I am really sorry the news was my friend and my friend I mean I know it sounds like a huge lie but it's not just stop so you don't want me to send nudes looks like you two not just trying to prove a point yeah okay not sending nudes fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me those do just stupid you Brewin your chances guys y'all gonna learn from other bros mistakes what are the odds that you ask somebody to send nudes that they actually do it what are the odds less than 1% probably like 0.1% that girl will actually send you news and 50% of that point one percent she will just Google a photo and send it to you you ain't gonna get nude starting off the conversation with one of 10 nudes no mm-hmm no it will never work prove me wrong you are always gonna have a calculator in your pocket lyin ass 90s teachers 2019 guess what we have in our pocket a GPS navigation calculator Internet all the knowledge in the universe literally at your fingertips like if you really said think about it it's crazy everything on your phone is insane then dude posted this picture what exactly is this stuff butter flavored butter contains no butter but the actual product says butter flavored syrup contains no butter its butter flavored buddy edit it to make a safe butter flavored butter instead of butter flavored syrup we love to stir the pot my disco ball fell from the ceiling I posted this in the wrong place at first hopefully it belongs here oh it's melting Oh what how this Bob from the ceiling and this happens it's not like a disco ball heart doesn't melt like this something fishy going on here somebody gonna link the original post melting disco ball sure Jam this is an art piece from 2012 you out here 2019 posting this singing like oh the internet had to up forgotten about the melted disco ball they go be like my disco ball like it belongs to them who owns a disco ball that large I wanna fall idolan Mel after this dude decided to leave a one-star review or this restaurant I ordered a waffle to find a fingernail and a hair on my food absolutely shocking customer service as I was told I would have to wait another hour to get a fresh one I asked for a refund but never received one wouldn't send my worst enemy here Oh our restaurant is not open yet so this is impossible we opened May 12th in case anyone thinks this is remotely true damn what is this restaurant do to you like they haven't even opened yet you got something against crepe cincone say you won't make up this insane review come on you gotta win another hour for a waffle eight legit horrible I've gotta support small businesses you don't like something they did just work with them it will work with you they will make sure you are happy most of the time do not go here the staff are not trained properly on the laser machines and perform an effective treatment permanently sky my skin don't trust this place with your skin balls my goodness we searched our database we found that you have never ever ever been a client here in 11 years at the same time you must also be a magician for the same moment that you posted about our clinic you posted the exact same comment about another perhaps you're mistaken our clinic for another yo I swear I don't know some people just do this they just write a negative review and then post it the same exact review to multiple businesses why what's the point if they didn't do you dirty you ain't just a liar you rude to soccer field I spotted while flying major own around you know just casually flying my drone took this picture it's been posted on the internet even before drones became available for commercial use get rekt I mean come on y'all don't got anything interesting to post don't post it you don't have to post anything like it's okay chuga in Spanish when you want to encourage someone not to give up you tell that person lechuga which is the short pronunciation of never give up in Spanish this is truly meaningful and gorgeous with chuga means lettuce in Spanish Oh y'all green girl sharing this on tumblr like oh my god it's precious I wonder how many people resist and the friend needed to pick me up and they were like chuga they're like brah what you telling me lettuce for and Japan they say this which means your eyes our stars and I think that's beautiful that's amazing oh my god google translate it now beep beep lettuce nothing says beautiful like beep people lettuce imagine if your crush sent you that we got a smudge-proof stainless steel fridge over here liars nothing but filthy liars it's much profuse hmm like best sandwich I've ever made dude such BS same image from this site imagine your life being so boring you steal a picture of a bagel sandwich and post it best sandwich I've ever made what I mean is even more believable if you buy a sandwich and you take a picture yourself so that picture doesn't already exist on the internet who you trying to impress grandma this is just straight-up stupid ran the 5k in 10 minutes training is going good the world record is 12 minutes brah congratulations just beat the world record wow he's so fast look at this guy Rob Wow he's even blue like sonic eric tweeted at wendy's I just got this and it's a Wendy's tattoo wow it's neat the air tattoo was already deep first Google Image result for Wendy's tattoo Congrats the Wendy's page the most savage Twitter account of the Internet by the way is that's all for today hope you guys enjoyed this video if anyone's ever lied to you make sure you hit that like button and up and make sure you subscribe join the Wolfpack new videos every single day I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,802,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, caught lying, lying, people, caught, social media, people lying, people caught lying
Id: DeF0Fr6kkBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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