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[Captions by Y Translator] Hello friends! Today, we looking like a skunk snack. I wore this jacket on my other channel, and everybody's like, why she look like a skunk I've seen a pack of skunks before in real life, and let me tell you, they hella cute. But anyways, I got some more lovely dumb people for you today. You know, you love someone when you save their texts, and reread them when no one is watching. Marilyn Monroe? Marilyn Monroe said that? I so do this. Marilyn Monroe died before text messaging was invented. Text messaging was invented in the 1980s. Someone really thought Marilyn Monroe made that quote up. You know what it probably was? It was one of those pictures of Marilyn Monroe on Tumblr, and it had that quote on it. Why is there a zero birthday candle? It's not like you turn 0, dumb ass This is hilarious, because it's so genuine. Somebody was so hecking stupid that it didn't occur to them that there is a 10, and a 20, and a 30, and a 40, and a 50! Numbers can end with zero. It's not just zero. Mind-blowing, I know. Where can I get a birth specificate if lost mine? You can't. You are only born once. Sorry, dude your fucked. Mmm. What's worse than a heartbreak? Nining leven. bitch xdxdxd Nining leven. Nining leven. Nining leven is worse. I don't know how to spell it. But it's that shit where the planes flew into them towers. Delete your account. Oh, no, no, no. No, honey. When it's your turn to do the dishes, and all the bowls in the house are dirty, except this one. (wtf) I'm done. Goodbye! Homegirl Taylor over here really made ramen noodles in the TOILET. It was the only bowl that wasn't dirty. Literally the dirtiest bowl in the household, and she eating it too!!! Wifey material right here. But also, that marriage ain't going to last very long. Once he finds out where those noodles came from. I don't get why Korean celebrate Christmas, when Jesus is not Korean. You American wannabes! I don't even know what to say, thinking not only Americans celebrate Christmas? xD You unseasoned swine. My mom and I have tried Lion. It wasn't too bad, tasted like pork. But isn't something we would order on a platter. Lion, for lunch! Y'all dumb for this. It literally says PORK LOIN. They misspelled loin, and they're like, we had lion for lunch. You had loin, not lion. (Wtf) The fuck you go get a lion at your local cafe. They're endangered. Men, there's lion farms or something? Like you can't eat lion, unless you literally go to the jungle, hunt one down. If you can, which you probably can't. Or pay somebody thousands and thousands of dollars to do it, and get you some meat. But ain't nobody eating lions. Oh no! First day on the job. Wifey making some lemon water. Nailed it xdxd Just put those bad boys in the water, (Bam) Lemon water! They ain't wrong. So these girls posted some selfies together. Y'all sleepin on us like y'all got insomnia. Let's not use words that we don't know the meaning of. If you got insomnia, it means you can't sleep. So then, they're not actually sleeping on y'all. I swear, people do anything for a good quote on their pictures. Okay, while we're here, can we talk about captions on photos? I see girls posted like very VERY revealing photos. And then for the caption, they post some inspirational quote, like Gandhi or somethig. Like, you must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean. If a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Also, remember to be yourself. I believe in you. XD Where they do in that sink booty pose. XDXDXD Like why?!? Don't try to be all inspirational. Y'all titties and booties. Ain't inspirational. I can't today. I have to finish some aarons. Who is Aaron? And why are there more than one Aaron? I know they met errands. E-R-R-A-N-D-S! I mean, I guess when you say it, it kind of does sound like Aarons, like multiple Aarons. I'm gonna run some errands. Aarons. Errands. They sound the same. Don't ever eat raw cookie dough, FDA warned. I'm still eating it. I don't care if I get salmon vanilla. Okay, that's a little worse than Aarons. Salmon vanilla. Okay. Salmonella. Salmon vanilla. Close enough, right? Xd These people wild. I hate grapes. They disgust me. Would they be saying, ayo, this human, he got some crusty teeth. Oh, his breathe nasty too. He ugly. Okay, understandable. Now, we know what he hates grapes. I wouldn't like it a fruit disgust me either. Haha! My parents are probably gonna buy a flaming young and a cake. What the heck is Flaming young? Please don't tell me you mean filet mignon. Flaming young. I love flaming young, and you know with the side of mashed potato. He's talking about that flaming young cow. We love flaming young cow. Are you black or carry bean? What is carry bean? Omg! Carry bean. Those islands near America, duh? You know, Carry bean, where they carry the beans. Oh this dude meant Caribbean, but carry bean. Xd I'm so glad I've never met anybody this dumb. :0 And if the day comes that I do, I want to yeet them so far out of my life, real quick. If you smoke marinara, please feel free to unfriend me. Sorry. I only smoked mozzarella. Tripping on some ranch right now. Y'all hear that guys? Any of you smoke marinara, unfriend! Why smoke it when you can eat it. Does anybody else hate it when they get Day Jaw Food? It's really irritating to me. I hate it. It's like the worst when you get Day Jaw Food. When during the day, you get food stuck in your jaw. We hate day jaw food. Why y'all acting like the world just now getting messed up? What about slavery? The Hall of cost. Pick up a book. Get some knowledge. The Hall of Cost, and telling people to pick up a book. I bet this do what blame it on autocorrect too. Feasting on my chicken parmajohn. We love some chicken parmajohn. No, in fact, to be honest, I have only masterberdated less than 10 times in my life. Don't know. It's still not set until I die. So yeah. Masterberdated. Uh-huh. xd I see. Black girls mad theair men want my curvy body. Clapping Emoji. xd Theair men can have you. The air. Curvy body, but that brain flat. Wait till you tell her there's three ways to spell their. Guys, I have some news for you. I'm having 99.3 kids. OMG. This is happiest day of my life. I'm gonna be like Octomom, but with 99.3 kids. Whore, that's a thermometer. But that means... She peed on it. Y'all nasty for this. Y'all gotta be trolling. I can't believe somebody's this dumb. Drunk Florida man tries to use Taco as ID after his car catches fire at Taco Bell. Classic. Xdxd Tacos are not recognized as legal forms of identification to the State of Florida. Y'all at it again. Gotta keep that reputation up. So he passed out in the drive thru of a Taco Bell, his car caught on fire, as if his day couldn't get any worse. Give the man a break. So the cops came and asked for his ID, and all he had was a taco. It could have burned in the car. He's giving you a peace offering. Please do not arrest me. Here's a taco. A $160 parking ticket. F U Virginia Beach. Nice, how fast? Did you just asked me how fast I was going on a parking ticket? The fact that they were like, oh, you got a ticket, nice. That's great. xd Good job! xdxd Very proud of you. xdxdxd How fast? Um, excuse me, sir. I don't think that's how you supposed to do it. He put the shaving cream on the razor, and then shaves. Is this guy dumb, or is he actually a genius, and this is how you're supposed to do it? :o I don't know. I never tried it, so I can't really tell you. Comment below, what do you think? Okay. I want to know what this guy is doing, washing his car when it is pouring outside. Hold on. Let me just get the spot real quick. And he gonna stand outside, get drenched in the rain trying to wash this car. How long does it have to rain before he notices the rain? Stay outside and you'll get sick. He is dumb as Does anyone know what this pill is? Pink rectangular tablet with the ID "ZED" on it. Google doesn't show any results. I found it in my son's room, and I'm very concerned. Oh, no, we got a concerned parent over here. Epic gamer moment. When you flip it, and find out that it is a PEZ. It is a PEZ candy. ZED. What are you talking about? Flip it around and you got P-E-Z, PEZ. I took these with my iPhone X. Camera quality, so surreal. It's like Leonardo DiCaprio painted them. Oh my God, Leonardo DiCaprio, best artists of all time. It all makes sense now. That's why that fuck' in Titanic wanted him to draw her. Not to be confused with award-winning actor Leonardo DaVinci. Nah man, you got it wrong. Leonardo DiCaprio, he did all those paintings. What country doesn't have the letter A in its name? Kansis. Oops. I meant trucky. London. Y'all idiots. Trucky, you know that's what I am. I'm truckish. Wait, does that mean Thanos is truckish? He's from Trucky. Looking to purchase a kitten under $10. Must be in mint condition. What is mint condition? And 10 dollars? I have a black baby. Looking for a kitten, but thanks. It's a kitten JAJAJAJ :v He really thought it was a real baby. I real black baby. In mint condition, under $10. Wow, what a deal. Send me a photo of your passport when you can. Online check-in is open for our flights. He really sent a picture of the front of the passport. What am I gonna do with it? I need your information to book the flight. I could have Googled the front of a passport, and see what that look like. What's the point of a passport? Why are you screaming? There was nothing in this world that bugs me more than stupidity. I can't handle it sometimes. Study finds 16.4 million Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Study finds that 16.4 million Americans are dumb as (...) xd . Be honest, comment below. Did you think chocolate milk comes from brown cows? Like seriously, CHOCOLATE MILK, it came from brown cow. If you dead ass thought that, comment below. If you are not an idiot, and know that chocolate is added to regular milk to make chocolate milk, leave a like. I'm not judging. Why boys can't prom? Yoo, you're gonna have to come over to pick out the croissant for prom. The what? The croissants. Epic gamer moment! When he picks out the croissant for prom. Was it called a corsage or something? Corsage. Croissant. I've never even been to prom, and I know what it is. Xd How do I communicate with blind people? Like obviously, there's Braille, but is there some form of clicking I can do with my tongue to simulate Braille verbally? Edit: Nevermind, you can just talk to them. Yes. Yes, sir. You can talk to them. Here your eyes. Here your ears. Here's your mouth. Three different things. Anyone know any rescue places open late tonight in Defiance? A mother bird dropped its baby bird on my porch, and she never came back and got it. This is horrible. But I'm sorry to tell you, that bird, he long dead. She yeeted her fetus out of the nest, and now he was you yeeted from the world. But anyways, that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Comment below. Let me know which one was the dumbest. If this video made you feel a little bit smarter, make sure you hit that like button the face! And make sure you subscribe, join the wolf pack. I love you guys so much. <'3 Thanks for watching Bye guys :'3 Subscribe to join the Wolf Pack (Lia)
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,434,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dumbest, people, stupid, dumb, fail, dumbest people, dumbest people ever, dumbest people in the world
Id: U6draGOuV9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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