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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of loch ness doggo ready three two one women ever did what do men need to know is not shrexie lying about having similar interests to me or pretending they know what i'm talking about when they clearly don't me do you know about insert topic him yeah i know all about it me nice what do you know about it him changes topic i never understood this either the answer is easy i don't tell me about it with a smile and showing interest people like talking about things they enjoy why would you avoid giving them a chance to do so it makes you look better and gives you information to talk about bragging about how long you can go for if i wanted to be bored for two hours i'd do something boring with my unders on i can go for at least 15 seconds at least i love a short session that's intense af that a clitoris is not an instant lottery scratch card faster doesn't always mean more intense but i should still be rubbing it with the nickel or my keys yes it's not shrexie when we take a shower before we come over and you have not showered or brushed your teeth and expect to get frisky it's disgusting you can give your girlfriend or wife or fw be a yeast infection and most likely won't be having any shreks for a week or more also wash your hands clean your fingernails and cut your fingernails for god's sake i was a little worried someone was going to say helicopter dick but so far so good going to assume this is still shrek see in summertime it works like a fan helicoptering makes me laugh ever damn time not respecting our limits if we say we don't want to do extractional act we want to go home etc respect our choice pushing isn't shreksy it's scary and creepy despite what movies and such have illustrated i had an ex that thought it was hilarious to drive faster when i got scared from their speeding and asked them to slow down jokes on them though one time justice was instantly served by a cop who happened to watch us blast faster right past him speeding ticket mayo every healthy relationship has the base rule of every party involved in the act must be willingly consenting and aware of what they are getting into overconfidence about shreks or even more specific being good at giving head yes also announcing you do your part in a shrek shall interaction isn't heroic i'm a really good shreks person i do it all the different ways narcissism as a whole bragging about your dick size talking about how hard it is it's 14 centimeters long and as hard as 2020 mentioning how hard he is is most likely meant as a compliment basically here is physical proof of how turned on you are making me context obviously matters though if it's your boyfriend in a text or whispered to you at a party compliment dude on the bus we're not shrek see bringing others down to appear better than them no one over 20 is buying it stop but i can be your hero baby as an almost 30 people definitely buy it honestly i think most friendships start with a get a load of this idiot type conversations thinking they are a shrek shall god when all they do is intercourse for their own satisfaction then they have the audacity to say did you enjoy that if i need to ask whether or not you enjoyed it then i suspect that i already know the answer hey at least i maintained my 50 satisfaction rate guarantee jokes on you they talk of themselves in third person and are actually asking themselves please don't ever ever grab a woman's neck during shreks without discussing it first i ducking hate looking at choking yeah kink requires consent just cause there's lots of chalky memes doesn't mean it doesn't require consent excessively calling a woman a princess or a goddess or something of that nature is nauseating not shraxi oh heavenly blessed beauty whose inner beauty is simply diving and everlasting i would love to be your knight in shining armor if you want to talk to a good friend honest sweet and tender you can do with me at any moment i'm a good person kind loyal and sincere my friendship that i offer you is clean and transparent i congratulate to you because you are very beautiful your beauty your charming figure your pleasant and angelical smile your personality your happiness your charm your kindness your beautiful eyes your lips soft and exquisite delicate your hands your legs precious your beautiful spectacular and divine body you have all these qualities and more you are a wonderful and perfect woman your gaze is tender and sweet penetrating my soul the beauty of a rose has no comparison with the sweetness of your face and the beauty of your heart i'm of the people i like to have a good relationship with all my friends so i work with this guy who tries way too hard to be shreksy he'll should talk a whole bunch about his dick size and his ability to find the hole then look directly at me and very loudly in front of coworkers start trying to hardcore dirty talk with me talking about his tunge and other things it's so ducking cringe and honestly super uncomfortable if he does this at work i think it's considered shrek shell harassment maybe you should talk to a manager or someone at your workplace if it makes you uncomfortable trying to act like shreks is a porno i don't like you spitting on my vagina or anus on our first times or trying surprise throat ducking or anal i don't know wtf is happening lately that leads people to think this is fine but you can't just push that on people it's assault this should be way higher up erg don't spit on people a constant stream of shrek's related references in an attempt to seduce me no turning everything i say into some kind of shrek's reference is not shreksy at all it just makes me think you're emotionally 12 years old dick pics i have this theory that men who share dick pics watch a lot of porn there's this trope in porn that as soon as a woman sees a dick she's instantly turned on and down to dark i think that's what's going on in their heads they think as soon as she sees my dick she'll be ready to go that's my theory anyway saying you are not like other girls no it's not shreksy or cute to say that in literally my favorite five girl personalities combined into one this winds me up so much if someone says this i assume they haven't met a lot of women and or have a low opinion of them really they are not like other girls how how are they so different to literally every woman on earth they are not when someone says this they are saying that other girls are bad guess what they're wrong there is nothing wrong with other girls stop pitting us against each other turned into a rant sorry not aimed at you being an alpha male to the point of being rude cruel or downright mean some ladies like a strong guy but strong doesn't equal cruel strong means willing to stand up for the more vulnerable slash help others using your strength those guys are almost always hiding their own insecurity and crumble when confronted with someone they can't impress often degrades into tantrum in my experience aggressive cocky voucher bags love using that term the bright side is that i don't do any of the rings presented here the darker side is that i don't do anything at all pushing down on the area where your pubers go when trying to find the [ __ ] that hurts wtf when they stick a full finger in before you're ready and it reminds you of your last smear examination bragging about the number of people you've had shreks with or just exes in general like some kind of achievement it tells nothing but the fact that you're a shitty person always made worse if they then ask you how many people you've slept with and then act like you're a slag if it's more than like two i've had that happen so many times and it's just drives me insane you can't act like your hot [ __ ] because you've slept with back quote loads of woman and then make me feel bad bellend sorry i've slightly hijacked your comment to rant but it drives me insane hyping up how freaky you are in the bedroom usually it's a major letdown another one that i think is more of a personal pet peeve of mine but is worth mentioning nonetheless saying i bet you like insert random thing here when i say anything for example if you just met me and i say that i like rock climbing and your follow-up response to that is i bet you like things rough then or anything similar is just gross and poorly presumptuous it's such a turn off for me lol two things and i realize they might be more specific to me but hoping other women can relate 1. spitting on my vagina i know they do this in porn but if you just took the time to warm me up a little you wouldn't need to do this 2. answering questions when i'm trying to get to know you with compliments or innuendos cool you think i'm pretty or you'd like to not watch a movie me insert winky emoji like bro i asked you what your favorite movie was does this mean you don't watch them i like being able to hold a conversation with someone having them make it blatantly obvious that they just want to get in my pants and have nothing else to say is not going to work for me the im taking a shower now like good hope you doing that every day man turning every conversation shrek shovel ffs it gets annoying lip biting but that one is probably just me who hates it the im taking a shower now i tell that to people i chat with us to explain why i won't answer the phone in the next 40 minutes didn't even matter if male or female didn't know people see this as shrek shall taking more than you give it's easy to kill a mood before anything even starts if a guy is lazy messy or ignores a girl she is less likely to be interested when he tries to make a move if you treat a girl right she's more likely to be turned on by just the whole mood of the relationship ignoring a girl to play video games or hang with the guys being weird about your phone not doing your part to help cook or clean you don't have to make the place spotless or make a five-star meal or show up with expensive gifts but pick something up off the floor ask if she wants help with some of the dishes or wipe down a counter or even just if she's cooking set the table and tell her you appreciate her and you are thankful for even little things hold her hand give her a hug or kiss tell her you love her give her a compliment she'll likely do the same for you for the married people i'm learning not to ask if she wants help with the chores around the kitchen i just help when they can't admit they are wrong about something like the insecurity is really an attractive and a huge turn off just embrace your flaws dude also when they hate something because it's too feminine yeah i walk the other way and don't look back when i hear that stop being insecure about your masculinity i went out with a friend of a friend once and he was the cockiest person i've ever met in my life he thought he was gorgeous and was open about it i mean it's fine to be proud of your looks but there was an air of arrogance about him that i couldn't dismiss this isn't malicious but if i shave before shreks my husband will sometimes say baby but smooth god admit just say smooth you [ __ ] then we both laugh and table shrek see time for later he always uses that phrase to describe his face when he shaves and sometimes we can't break those idioms now it's definitely one of those situations where he's like don't say it don't say it don't say it damn it but important to note that not taking everything so serious is an attractive quality when somebody tells me they've been a bad boy or calls me mommy my libido just collapses i get up on the image of a grown responsible and good person anything that ruins that ruins my libido hey girl i've paid off my student loans keeping a space unclean if your place isn't clean i assume you're unclean my place is surgically clean and i have similar expectations of my partners so i get why you think it's important what i can't for the life of me understand is why many women also think it's bad that when a place is mostly empty and doesn't have random [ __ ] on its walls or in every available square millimeter of space any answer you receive here will not be conclusive since there will be many women who do find it shrek see it's like asking humans what do humans need to know is awful music there is no consensus this is very true everyone has their own like slash dislikes drinking and driving i've had too many guys do take me out on a date and drink and drive like it's a party trick related bragging about how competent one is to drive whilst drunk no no you just think you're good at driving while drunk while reading all the top comments they seem pretty obvious to me don't be over confident don't brag about your dick or how good you are at shreks i mean obviously announcing that they've got a huge dick story time when an x was still hitting up on me he casually told me he had a six inch dick the moment of truth came and let's just say that it wouldn't stay inside my coochie it was six divided by two to take a slightly different angle here than most people men pretty consistently overestimate how attractive being muscular is in the same way women consistently overestimate how attractive being thin is as a result they tend to think having an attractive body is unattainable or far more effort than it really is that's not to say having good fitness and muscle definition isn't attractive it certainly is just that the bar is much lower than men seem to think and is possible with very few lifestyle changes for anyone who isn't morbidly obese not a woman but am into men men who have temper tantrums or anger management issues get that [ __ ] under control that's really not cute and you look 12. no one does this to look shrek see you've been visited by a space doggo this doggo will take you to space but only if you comment where are we going doggo thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more 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Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 9,411
Rating: 4.952024 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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