Asking guys questions girls are too scared to ask w/ Callux

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hi okay guys I have a very special guest today my yeah this is mr. color mr. lux mr. calyx however you want to call him though there's a trend right now where a girl will ask a guy questions that girls are too scared to ask guys or vice-versa so I was like oh I want to do this but I don't want to do it with Josh because the Megerian I thought I've seen are all done with their partners okay and I think we could get a different angle yeah yeah yes like keep it safe exactly yes sure like you can't defend you say stuff that's a little bit juicy juicy who doesn't give a [ __ ] okay kalloch yeah you're not wrong are you excited you know this I am slightly nervous because I know that you've got your questions ready we've just recorded the video for my channel where I could say that I [ __ ] you know that's wrong I [ __ ] with you a lot in my video so I'm kind of a little bit worried about if there was a question that you were gonna keep out you're not going to you know are you and no I'm just gonna ask them all I've got a list of questions I asked you guys on Instagram did you ask them for the question amazing mm-hmm so I guess we'll just jump straight in sure okay so there's no particular order I just literally listen or does that mean there's no genre like okay they're all mixed in all right already I'm just a pre warn you you guys some of them only will be explicit but you know that is what we're here for today and on us yeah exactly let's go question one I'll just try to protect myself you guys prefer or natural or filly shaved okay oh okay this is the kind of thing yeah okay these are the questions that the people want to know the answer to so I think I can buy so I'll have my own personal preferences that's the correct word but I feel like from speaking to other people around me and from seeing stuff online people prefer what did you natural or shaven shaven or shaved shaved that's probably the words now isn't it okay I prefer men prefer I think at the moment and people my age goes that are cleaner shave I don't know if you can say that anymore because I think we just speaking generically yeah oh yeah but there are people I've seen some savory sweet on some time now there's people on the right there's people on the left guys this this videos for pants only and for fun okay this is all we're here for what do girls do that they think is attractive it's actually a big turn-off do your eyebrows keep them natural or as close to natural as you can okay great you're doing great you've a great job okay did you what do you mean what life fill them in okay yeah fine but like some people some people you know when you look at someone's face and you just notice that eyebrows and they can look slick with no hairs either side there just looks fake so in my opinion I'm sure you guys are doing fine when your eyes are doing a madness so like maybe don't listen to me what is it clear sign that guy isn't into you this one I feel like a lot of girls or guys will really want to know if they're being slow on text and not like not really can that not come across this like just playing hard-to-get yeah it candy by Phil my English how do you distinguish I don't know I'm go through that I've got my own rules this like if someone's being hard to get like cool like by do you know I mean like I don't have time for that I'll just move on tonight I mean so they need to be like into you like excited to see you excited to go on dates excited to go to that art gallery its sites are going for drinks and if they're not then like it's just a bit dead like what's the point and if you don't get that gut feeling I don't know what that means but trust me I am huge on gut feelings yeah saying huge so I thought that you know if the vibes not there it's not that you shouldn't care yeah fast action does it matter how many guys she slept with I think it depends on age okay because I'm getting a little bit older now right so if I if not that i straight-up asked like how many people have you slept with because like people just lie anyway but does it matter I think if she turned around and she was like oh like we got into it joking about and she said mm-hmm since I was like 18 maybe like 50 I'd be like oh oh well it could be a great night you're gonna know what you're doing does it just make you question like but she might have gone through some in you know she might have had like a rebirth breakup but she just wanted to slow yeah the higher the number it will affect how people look at you boy or girl definitely I would say if a guy has slept with a load of people that is an instant turnoff like no I'm only gonna say hello to you like genuinely I don't know like it tonight she's laughing do you guys actually you measure their penis okay I would not believe a guy who hasn't measured really yeah even just curiosity you're like wait how big are inches roughly how do you know that have you just been standing measuring weight so this I mean that girls now that they know this I like when they've got your penis in their hand find out the size of their pain by put in their phone up against it and cause like they know how big that their phone how BIG's the phone it depends how like many inches your screen is okay you like your your Todd you're up against the 32 inch widescreen and you're in your mom's living room just imagine it might be a little bit disheartening all right yeah well we get it solicitors video oh this is one I've got quite a lot he's queefing a toner all right okay because obviously if those of you know who don't know what that is it's when air gets shoved into the verjus and the air comes out the side so it's not like a farting noise like is that a turn-off because technically it's something that we can't control it actually ate the guys fall for that I'd say it like it's part of the package like you're I am doing something to cause that so therefore that happens nothing to be embarrassed about I wouldn't say that it's like particularly pleasant like far in but it's not no yes I mean I think I think I think I am a little bit like yeah I'm gonna ignore that way I'm not gonna enjoy it some people might enjoy it I don't know D leave a comment down below do men find powerful women intimidating or sexy C again speaking from my own experience I need a powerful driven passionate and hopefully successful woman in my life you know I mean like that's what I want but I can see how some people this is all like the toxic masculine lynnie though is why endure very like I don't know I personally don't like everyone around me and like all of my friends are all like this girl's doing this that's sick or like yeah I want to be with this girl cuz she's doing this if you're a boy and watching it try and have that mindset yeah but at the same time like everyone's probably as I said a little bit younger on here and guys are at school and it is good for girls to hear that as well oh yes yeah if you're a girl go get go get it man so successful and powerful and anyone that you meet along the way that isn't hyping you up to do that is not the right person for you is it really that much worth using your condom okay I mean I you do yeah yeah yeah yeah is yeah yeah it's I mean think you can let thin ones yeah never done the thin one yeah like where it's like it feels like [ __ ] like half a millimeter it's nuts it still works I mean since if it does because obviously there's a layer of [ __ ] rubber yeah between you like have bear sex just have safe things me have safe sex 100% of the time hmm so stop is it a lie when guys say you look beautiful without makeup no no I was I was sitting with someone yesterday and we were watching a video no names mentioned and I saw her at the beginning of the video with no makeup on and then makeup on and she looks great with the makeup on but makeup off is just like a vibe like again like you're powerful I don't want a rock not like you don't give a [ __ ] I agree with that do you guys in general prefer on and off on or off I'm probably gonna say they prefer it on I like generally bacon yeah I would probably agree because the amount of times that I see comments being like oh my god like you look horrible or like whatever when they're not wearing it so then they wear it and then I'm good like you're wearing so much makeup it's like whoa like what do you want yeah the vocal minority is what we call some comments that I left underneath our videos yeah a lot are you putting these all into like a generator to like pop out the perfect girl for him what did girls do that is attractive to guys without the girl even realizing so what is something that she does oh but she doesn't even know she's been sexy if she's funny she's funny if she can crack jokes mm-hmm then that's like plus two points that's good point yeah like plus 2 points funny funny what else so be scared to let your best jokes yeah go good chart like being able to hold a conversation hmm being confident yeah I was waiting for that that one I was like confidence got a via me yeah like if you're timid and you're a bit shy and don't really know what you're doing yeah even if you feel that way on the inside just to portrayed that you are your own person and you're strong that is enough and that's hard it's like we're not like that this 16 or so personality types and so on can guys pee with an erection is hella hard you know can you I think it has to go down a little bit from my personal experience has to go down like a little bit and after like after yeah it's pretty hard to do i hella hard to pee so yeah that's that's a fact you guys show each other news they have received a company emailed my business account to speak about this the other day okay because they were like a lot of young people do it and it's obviously it's illegal but even if like I think the boy is 17 and the girls was a good boy 16 the girls 15 and he's got picks and it's a League or sunlight even though you're one year apart do I do that no yeah no yeah I mean like I think this one is heavily based on like a personality and like where that person is in their life like I know people who have shared nudes boy it wasn't girls boys I've shown it oh yeah yeah yeah and it's like they don't I don't know I see it as I have a huge lack of respect for the girl because it's like she has sent that to you that's yours sure yes you always like she has trusted you with this folk-like photo but body or whether she's trusted you with that so for you to them be little guys look so what really goes on in guys group chats hello I've got bro code in it so I can't expose properly I've got bro code ah what happens a lot a lot of stuff from football to girls to current affairs like I'm in a group chat the group the main group chat la mayonese we've all of like Josh and all of the Seidman and stuffs it's like most of your wife DUP I think girls think that guys group chats are like xx like explicit like so much goes on in those chats is it back to that very code very code next question - break oh I'm sorry girls which I hand guys to--if it go fakes an orgasm Oh hmm yeah think so I don't know if like Nam yeah if it's not like a first date or not first date but like the first time you bang them mm I think that no you probably won't tell okay depends how good of an actor she is because it isn't just about like if she makes the noise kasam got a stone why have you got your finger up okay canyons it's not that like even like her facial expressions like it could like you feel it don't you it depends okay well you think you've been faithful quite a few times in me I I have to disagree view that do you guys care at all if all of our friends are male all of like a shots like loads of one of those goes that it's just get some better pair with guys like mmm I think it's a little bit weird yeah why do you think so I think my questions like why okay so like you can have a mix and like if you've got one group of guys that you like get on really well with then of course but if you any forgot your girlfriends and there's like a nice mix but if there's if you don't have many girlfriends and you question why so many questions why I don't really know the answer to that though I don't know why is it an insecurity thing no I think it's more like do you not get along with girls like does that mean you know that you're not like a nice person towards girls decide to no yeah yeah that's just a bit weird I don't know what the question as to why you're not friends of girls yeah more say what the guys typically do to get the attention of a girl they like look at them make eye contact eye contact psyche shatterdome jokes I feel like guys make it obvious when I go live together yeah yeah yeah I would say the majority of guys I think you can always kind of just see because they're always with them or they're always trying to find an excuse to talk to them or whatever that's the one right there if it's on Instagram just like drop a little comment like you saw the other day she called me out the other day I watching the most nice YouTube I love her she's [ __ ] great I love her I would say oh yeah this is one that I just added in today okay can guys get boners over goes they they aren't actually attracted to like how does the penis work does it only work if you're attracted to the girl or can it just work because there's a vagina there I think that's gonna be different for a lot of guys I feel like some guys will just like that it's a girl yeah and that they're like go boy go mm-hmm that was a very visual like so they get turned on by what they see whereas those are more a sense you also be about touch so that's why I was I was like this is a good question because if I squeeze your boobs the girl doesn't have to be or like they don't have to have a kind of like relationship yeah is it just you just get a be excited and personally I can't speak for all men no of course I don't like I can control myself and my thoughts and my feelings you know I mean I don't just like pop out around the bone on the bus because know Molly's gone that was a good one to end on thank you to kallen for onto my channel this is your first time in my channel and it was yeah it was your first very go first first soy but yeah we did a video on couch channel where he controlled my phone for a day so it was a Beata cause hover yeah his link will be in my description below and yeah thank you guys for watching thank you thank you you have anything you wanna say yeah it's going good let's go good okay okay bye
Channel: Freya Nightingale
Views: 2,231,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callux, lux, freya, freyanightingale, q&a, question and answer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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