How Lockdown Has Affected Our Relationship...

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hey guys welcome back to my channel it's been a hot minute since i filmed a video but we are back again um and this video is in fact sponsored come on yes this video is in fact sponsored yet again by bbc sounds thank you so so so much for wanting to work with me again on another video i really really do appreciate it i really had a lot of fun working with you guys the first time so thank you so so much okay first things first bbc sounds is the easiest place to listen to a podcast creative music mixes and also bbc radio that's just facts i have been listening to podcast on the bbc sounds app for about six weeks now um it's been a while i've recently listened to the will of misfortune podcast and also the slide into my podcast podcast both very very very good suggestions but i'm actually currently listening to a podcast called grounded with louis faroo and guys who doesn't love louis faroo i feel like there's no one on this planet who doesn't love louis farrow he is so fascinating has so much to say um so yeah i've really really been enjoying that at the moment so my favorite thing about listening to podcast on the bbs sounds app is that it's so easy to navigate through and to listen to after my streams my favorite thing to do right now is to chill out on the sofa or in bed and listen to a podcast on the app i find it is such a great way to relax and unwind especially considering that i spend literally six hours a day staring at screens it's a really nice way to kind of unwind i just put on a podcast and think of nothing else as i mentioned earlier i'm currently listening to grounded with louis farrow and i actually listened to an episode with ksi in it aka jj who you all know and love so guys i will leave a link in the description below so you guys can go check that out for yourself and i will also be doing weekly updates over on my instagram stories and just kind of like updating you with what i'm listening to and how i'm finding it etc so make sure that you guys go follow me over on my instagram and lastly just one final shout out to bbc sounds thank you so so much for sponsoring this video i have really loved working with you guys so yeah thank you so so much but yeah back to the video okay so today's video we are doing a mukbang as you guys can see i'm here with joshua joshua and i have asked you guys on instagram to send in your assumptions slash questions whilst we eat this good food so i guess we'll just get started with the first question just to get it kind of like kick-started gas warms it light storms josh and you are planning on having a baby soon is that kind of video i thought i'd dive straight in now you know are we i mean i've had that quick question a lot so i mean you tell me are we why are you asking me that as if you don't already know no just goes to show you how much we've spoken about it um yeah i would probably say no no it's definitely i mean i'm 27. we have a little joshua and big joshua are you not the big joshua yeah obviously i just had lil joshua and bigfoot why did you point at big joshua like he's there would you not just point eight you can't reach that higher you're doing it i'm really tall so i can't reach that higher you just point yourself there in a big mansion okay this is quite an open-ended one so we can have a little chat and eat um what is the first thing you'll both like to do after craving let's get some sun yeah if you could go somewhere we'll just go party with everyone that's a nightclub i'm it's a nightclub live you want to go to a nightclub that's what i want to go to i think anything you like a club but i definitely when i get back i really enjoy myself i don't know the frequency of it when i go i really enjoy myself yeah so that's what i want to do i want to go to nightclub the first thing i want to do is get together with family and make me look bad like oh i was going on purely all night no no it doesn't make you look bad it's just the first thing i want to do like i want to get together with my auntie uncle mom dad uh brother because i've still got a secret santa presents about that yeah about them that i haven't been able to give to them because obviously we couldn't see them at christmas so yeah i would like to see the whole family how do i eat this burger look pretty at the same time you can't i've i've cut mine in half wait wait we haven't actually said what we're eating that's looking pretty so we've ordered from gbk and um we've got some onion rings some falafel bites uh chips josh has got a chicken burger it's still messy i have a vegan burger and yeah it's um very young if you could move somewhere permanently where would you move and why aberdeen this this stroke has gone on for too long it's not a joke it is so like obviously if you look for house prices in london you can get like a a room for a lot of money you look at that same price point in aberdeen at somewhere in scotland uh-huh you get a castle get a mansion yeah but it's right not to say a lot yeah no so i found we can work anywhere so i found a lovely castle 17 bedrooms acres of land acres like upon acres hectares nothing bigger i don't know but land upon land i could live off the fat of the land i could ever i could have crops i have a go-karting track i have a dirt bike track i have so much stuff we have to wait you and what friends come get his hands up around the camera what that live here you can come to aberdeen you would have known there's 17 rooms bro exactly like we have 15 16 friends come straight you can live come live come stay wherever you want i'm on a hotel at the same time and what about your mom your dad they come with them so you're just going to bring everyone to about 17 bedrooms for the price of a room in london like this table would cost the same as a house in scotland that's not feminine scottish people by the way this is a sheer comparison in regards to how ridiculous london pride like prices are and that's all i love london is that your serious answer no i probably live in like spain or somewhere somewhere where it's english-speaking a bit more sun i know you're saying oh spain it's sort of spongebob but i mean like one of those english-speaking areas i don't know america i never thought you'd say spain because spain was my answer but i love that don't want to go there then um dubai yeah do not do buy it i said it before you don't want to live in dubai why i want to speak arabic for one and then like weekly i'd like to say dubai is sick and you get some sick houses there like we could have a house in the palm a beach i'm in private beach literally just it rains outside yeah dubai is my aunt so or aberdeen i'd say spain i bought it i'd go countryside too far in england yeah what like kent no like a country country like like hormones that's like yeah very very south or brighton that's not country brighton bournemouth seaside i'm thinking seaside town okay literally talking of will you and george get a nice countryside house like joe sugg so what he's got now is that him and dying again apparently this is what they said oh yeah yeah i don't know i'm a city boy i am too you're a city boy too no don't come on i think i'm both i think i i enjoy um a countryside but it needs to be in a place that has like a nice town as well like so you have a bit of both but also i'm really worried about like leaving all my friends and family behind you secretly have a friend that one of you doesn't like of each other's not you i secretly have a friend no you mean us you hate one of your friends that one no yeah no do you have any friends okay yeah you have no friends that i dislike there you go that's something i haven't just like many people though people trying to look for the tea there is no tea here okay only water you're sick of people asking when you're getting married or having a baby i feel like we've answered this a million times but i guess not on my channel yes i am i just think i've said this a million times but i just think it's a little bit insensitive you don't really know what's going on so to just keep asking people why you've not had a baby like there could be problems there so don't be rude and also to assume that like marriage is at the end goal and not the only way to go you know like just just have an open mind lads so yeah it's a bit annoying but mainly because i find it insensitive but i've got some clickbait out of it though how do you feel about it do you not care i have pretty tough skin in a sense of light i have tough skin but it can still annoy you like i don't react to it all the time more boring than the sound of anything else because i get is when you're gonna ask a question when you ask a question you're kind of like can you just ask anything else why do you ask me a different question when you're gonna dump prayer that's more interesting to me you know when you're gonna cheat guys guys fun fact i'm i'm gonna tell them about the dreams the right ones yeah so i get them like dreams why don't you find myself you know what i don't have a wet dream i want to have one i'm 28 years old i want to have a wedding you probably have you just don't remember i never actually got staffed properly in the bed a vehicle have you ever snapped in the bed but i really want them in the door i want to have one i want to wake up you can't do most things once right so i won't at least have a wet dream how do you have one is there a way i think you just don't have sex or don't have a wank for a while like and when i say a while i mean but simon did like no fat november whatever he doesn't need he had one he might not be this interesting maybe a bit weird come tell me actually george look i just had a wet dream um okay no but uh basically i've had the same dream where josh dumps me and i'm left all alone i want to say like in the past two months i've probably had it about four times but overall i've had it like maybe six times someone's gonna actually like find a dream book and go what does that mean no no i want something they're gonna say it means that you're not happy in your relationship and you're trying to change us around strands what have you googled it or something no but i guess that's what it's gonna say what does that even mean though why do you think it means that because that's what dreams kind of like it's a dream where it's a fall off a waterfall i actually meant saying i feel like i was looking at losing control or something i actually don't believe that dreams mean any uh anything with subliminal thoughts it's in the mind but unless your brain makes stories every night i don't know just like let me know if you have any any ideas because it's horrible and i wake up and then he's just snoring and i'm like oh well okay it was just a dream it's because alright i get in bed after you and i i swear to you like i'm gonna leave you and i'm just saying that i'm a nightmare wow living with the boys was better than with freya don't think think about um about it for too long jesus christ no i mean there's pros and cons to both it's very different yeah you can't be compared i think the pros are i mean the boys was more like a business thing more than that but arguably more productive since not being together so no if you're saying simon got less productive since he was out of the cyber house oh no um sorry i meant like you filming with the boys and stuff like remember like back in like your days where you were like on your come up and stuff but but maybe that's why it was because you was on your comment um like you would post like what three or four videos a day which now you don't do i do three or four videos no but not like loads on like the main or i've got hay people from this food i'm gonna see if i can get this all in my gold wait he panicked by the camera one hand one bit of burger on his mouth oh crap good um you film you filmed more with them and that's not even including clothed like in the first seven house you filmed a lot more the first time it was really productive the second one was the second one was a bit of a doss and then now now we've all moved separately we're all more organized so it was fun there's stories going on there's always like drama and stuff going on like or gossip going on in the southern house but now it's more like that's one that's on like a what's happening whatever so to conclude you probably prefer living with me right it's quieter so that's positive yeah i guess so what did you want to become when you were younger if you weren't doing youtube what would you would you think you'd be doing instead you should ask that should watch it's your channel go first i i mean i changed my mind a lot so i first wanted to be an air hostess air hostess i like the way you dress and then i was like no i wanna be a journalist somebody to write and then i was like i actually just want to just write like a book or whatever and then i ended up being an estate agent so it didn't really go to plan what are you why are you not right now still i feel like i've forgotten everything that i know about writing and it's really sad i didn't even start right at school and stuff i knew how to write really well like i used to get praised for it a lot maybe that leaves you though it does because tell me how you articulate yourself you just put your articulations into words like grammar and stuff like i forgot on how to use certain grammar like semicolons and stuff i i i know how to use it but i'm not sure so i'm about to doubt yourself more by looks a bit now i've just forgotten little things like that and it just knocks my kong my confidence a little bit in life yeah so you doubt yourself more i'll be an architect that was it i should also draw houses and cruise ships and boats and cars but like down to the point of flight i drove their parts and the bedrooms they had and then their floor plans you know once i went out of business at one point i wanted to own the business like just you do now um so that was something and then i think what business so what kind of business anything i don't know i used to just flip stuff i used to buy and sell live strong arm bands pokemon cards sorry white buyers so what live stronger live strong armbands the yellow things that cyclist yeah yeah and what was it like stand up speak up it's like the anti-racism band as well mm-hmm and then pokemon cards which are by themselves at the age of like 12. and we should probably carry on doing that because would you have known to keep keep them in that pristine condition no how has lockdown affected your relationship i don't think it has in a bad way anyway your dream supper wise my dreams do say otherwise and i don't know why because it means that it means that secretly your brain is leaving me no i think secretly it means that give me something i think that you're coming instead give me sympathy she wants to leave me her dream says so how did you how did that relationship with like what the hell is your head locked down how a lot down the relationship it hasn't really held it out how did howard's look down affected our relationship if if if it has don't we have to go out anywhere that's it really late nights have been pretty hard because we were having date nights every sunday and oh in covid um we just sorted through pokemon cards which it was actually really fun we watched road wars on youtube sometimes yeah we watched road wars we sorted through pokemon cars we we put cards into these binders and stuff yeah got pizza good drinks sometimes i had a few copper bows but that's it and so it's been a bit you're quite limited you can go for a date by walking but at the same time maybe we should be just grateful that we do live together because a lot of couples have had like a really rough time and i believe that a lot of people have split up due to lockdown which is sad um because i think if this didn't happen they maybe wouldn't have split up it's quite intense because you have to be with each other all the time yeah we streams it kind of helps yeah true true true you know i wouldn't say it's affected us badly i just imagine you like lived in like we live in a smaller place and we have to like be on top all the time we're lucky slingy rook mate get out of it we're lucky for sure what do you like most about each other what up i've answered before okay give me an answer oh you definitely you know you have to say me i might every video everybody no give the honest answer you want to speak on step on the stereo on this on the screen i've got a thousand people watching that it's probably going to be more people who's on my video i don't care i get more views than you so obviously there's going to be people who won't have seen your video but what you've been smoking that bit more views than me i'm i am big time i am big joshua reddit monday thursdays we could have just let that joke slide but you know sorry she's she's won this one now cause he's done simply being the word oh yeah i've always said i like freya's backbone the actual my spine yeah thanks i mean it is quite a nice way it's pretty straight yeah i know it's it's the fact that you can't so you stand for yourself out of people all the time yeah you're passionate about what you believe in and you'll stick up for it and it's nice to have someone who just doesn't get walked over kind of thing you will have lot of people no i don't yeah have that i haven't had you got an argument we'll have that i have so many now i'm not trying to leave a different one i should get a different one instead i'll think of one well i have loads i have the fact that you've just got such a good work ethic and like you're really smart but also i really like that you're patient and i think that if he wasn't a patient man we wouldn't be together absolutely not but you're so patient like if we argue he would just sit and wait for me to finish my point whereas a lot of people would i don't know yeah yeah yeah i'll just like you never raise your voice at me which is nice but yeah i'd say those those two points stand out the most so the fact that you're just really clever smart and like driven that's really attractive and also the fact that you are patient like praise humor how would you feel if one day one sad day josh decided to shave his beard off i want you to do it and he will not do it why would you always do it just because that you know it's going to grow back in three days it's gonna it's gonna be looking like that in three days time you know it's three days like this four days then the longer the night is goes back so fast guys so fast and he won't do it fitness takes time fitness takes time start going to the gym work on your booty fitness take time say a week you'll be back it just will be like my dad shows he's off a week goes by it's back to normal so i just and it's just annoying that he won't do it like i don't even like necessarily care that much but i care more so because he won't do it and that's annoying is it it's just one of those weird things where's my support would you ever do it where's my support what what if this video hits like a certain amount of likes or something come on no please you could just make a video on it imagine the reddit monday bro yeah now that you would you know a good clickbait that's beautiful and it wouldn't even be clickfunnels actually worthwhile not afraid you're horrible to me why you're actually horrible to me no no no i'm so patient i'm so smart again josh would look younger without his beard that's pretty true i mean look at harry right so you go back on some videos from last year harry has no facial hair at all he looks like he's four yeah but he's got a baby thing but now now he's on facebook where he actually looks we've got a baby face he looks older now though he's got facial hair yeah yeah if you see him he's where i know on his face but like he definitely hasn't got a beard he's got like a little massage that's nice it's the he's got the chin chin strap not his chin strap got a shoe he's just got facial hair it's like about anyone he's got facial hair let's see oh you've got like a pretty much like a beard coming on he has got an actual beard yeah and he's he's right he looks older since all this year he's older now it's only been two or two months to be fair no most of most of this the past six months so he's had it it's older now it's natural like you give anyone a beard they're gonna put four or five years on them this one's weird i feel like he's trying to find some tea again you feel like you want to spend more time away from each other but can't due to lockdown we barely i've got a heart lie we don't spend tons of time together no prayer streams now from 11 until five or six and i always stream like i mean like a seven onwards and two after like 2 a.m so when i tell you we don't see each other that much it's like an interlap we have about two hours and even in that two hours we're not spending like you're in your office or filming you could be filming you you could be subbing filming you could be you know whatever we don't spend as much time together as people think on it i'm tying them together it's like when i get in bed at 4 a.m and i'm like can we not make this a thing [Applause] that's the quality of entire time together isn't it such quality time yeah god damn but yeah basically we don't spend that much so that's why we have set date nights even though we're in lockdown i've said don't know we have to have date nights because we're always working otherwise yeah we don't spend that much time together do you both like the same types of music or tv shows or do you have different tastes you have different tastes don't we josh is weird he's stubborn like if i recommend a tv show or if i recommend a film he never ever watches it i watch ones that you put on no but if i say oh this is really really good watch it he won't watch it and it's because he's like no you reckon things that i want to watch how do you know do you feel something okay probably watch him watch it yeah no i don't want to watch it but every single thing that i say to watch because freya likes true crime freya likes oh this person died and this person got brutally attacked and murdered and i just like a little bit more happiness in my life well that's because i am enough happiness for you but you obviously don't bring that same source for me now you're getting the vibe but yeah no luck uh me and freya bonded over eminem when we first started trying i mean i introduced you to drake we've been bonded with drake quite a lot he did drape became like our he's still probably still is our relationship artist there's an artist that kind of encompasses our relationship it was drake oh yeah all memories i held of like you can kind of pinpoint different times based on my album it was and stuff and then what car i was driving and what car you were driving yeah um so so there are some similarities in artists yeah music they probably drifted more over the years it's definitely drifted because you've got more tools like 21 pilots and back to almost like indie roots in a way yeah and i've kind of gone grime no i'm really broad though my thinking about that too though it's kind of mad like it goes into a heavy screamer into like yeah you until i i'd probably is broad but like there's less broad than mine yeah i still i still wouldn't say that like if if we chose to listen to something we probably wouldn't choose the same thing yeah if you put a place on the car i'm like i'll put my place on and if i put my face on you like i'll put my place on yeah exactly so i'd say it's different but also similar so i'm sure that that answer was so worth it yeah thank you for listening to that answer and then tv shows were different now yeah i i don't really watch like easy watching stuff now office hour rick and morty what else do you watch the office how about your mother broken the office yeah how about your mother i'm pretty sure you watch how i met your mother hey hey hey hey you know you're mugging it now what do you say he said vikings well i like chernobyl oh i love chernobyl that's so good i watched that that was good that's insane dexter i watch but you and you i would text you because you put it on and you fell asleep this was years ago i put on dexter because i was recommended it by a friend i fell asleep during like the first episode josh ended up watching it and watched the entire thing and was like this is amazing and i still haven't watched it exactly prison break breaking bad watch before you as well yeah yeah there are some similarities i guess i just really like watching murder documentaries that's all i have to say i watched a staircase i watched making a murderer i enjoyed both of those last question it's quite a juicy one last i've got a whole bunch of tweets yeah how are you eating that so slowly i don't know i'm not actually hungry i thought i was i've i've been to dentistry i had a scan today like a little snack on the way back i'm not gonna lie i'm just not hungry i i haven't eaten all day but yeah um anyway um do the cybermen tinder videos make you feel uncomfortable and i guess this is directed at me and the answer is no they don't actually um there was a there was a time where i thought i should be if that makes any sense like i was like should i be upset with these but no because they're literally creating content and they're all actresses so for me no i i simply do not care and also he he sits down the night before filming and asks me to help help him with their with with like lying and each time you go i don't know i'm sure that stuff yeah that's the help i they're really hard though like and like to like be funny with a a one-liner is it gonna help out because you're a girl and you think you know i'm a girl i know what like what ticks my boxers it matters to me oh shoots me off my feet i mean i've been with with you for 10 years so i feel like we've not yeah i've never really had the experience but how do you feel with it make me feel uncomfortable do they actually not relationship level though just the fact that it's just stressful in general yeah i don't know if you understand how scary that room is because it's not about the girl no one cares about the girl you have to give the one liner without stumbling with that i speak so i speak so fast anyway so i've stumbled like five times now already yeah i saw that like i don't i don't want some nerves i stumbled because i speak so fast and all i'm trying to do is get the line so my brain's like go to the back and like how okay i've done it you sit there and you'll sit there and you'll say like like so you're queuing up let's say i'm fifth someone goes first and leaves a line very similar to mine and i'm like gotta change my line so my head on that what was the one below that one alright so to try and visualize the ones you wrote down and you get you move forward a little bit more and it's almost like it sounds like really crude and the girl just like kind of deadpans it and goes you're like well that's not gonna work that is it so i've got a think tank on the spot here so you're trying to figure sync around i have someone in front of you like toby said something about like i don't know but when he said he was like a driver's witness you have to like kind of play off that can i play off that can i come on someone say something i can play off of here because i'm struggling and i can't visualize my phone right now normally the ones where you're like oh if you say no to the guy behind i'll give you like that was old-school one so then i've done that recently like those ones always work right last time you just get you didn't even go through you like last one we didn't go for yesterday's i don't think you just went down went yeah like just when you bound me of trees leave i just walked away yeah i don't know but they are all very scary like that's the time some days that i think we all get the most nervous for yeah for sure it's more about the embarrassment for second hand with firsthand embarrassment in the room not necessarily the girl but you're not scared of the girl going no that's fine you might always get offended someone maybe it's more like if i'm going ah or you just say something you could even just stop the whole room go silent because it's not funny you know but yeah guys that is it for the mukbang did you enjoy your food i don't think you did because you've left pretty much the internet the carbohydrates they're essential you know you didn't have the power is good yeah well i'm not getting gym right now so i can't go eat the proteins i can but i can't eat the protein i need protein to maintain the muscle mm-hmm it's not hungry fair enough but yeah guys thank you so so much for watching once again please make sure to check out the link in the box below for bbc sounds podcasts you guys can check them out and uh also i'll be posting weekly updates on my instagram i thought you were gonna say you've been posting weekly on here and i was like that's a new revelation freya fridays is that a theme no um on my instagram stories uh i'll be posting about bbc sounds podcast so make sure that you follow me over there as well but yeah guys thank you so much for watching go check out big joshua as well link below and yeah i will catch you guys next time goodbye
Channel: Freya Nightingale
Views: 370,628
Rating: 4.9713097 out of 5
Id: AtPLm8V8Xt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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