I Tried SUBSCRIBERS Weirdest Food Combinations...

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hello hello Thursday again about food five or six weeks ago either video called I tried weirdest food combinations that people love and we thought why not involve you guys so I tweeted out and asked you guys to send me your weirdest food combinations that you loved and I've now ordered those are to get with 4,000 submissions many of which included my ejaculate poo Donavan sprite anyway I have a nice hey so I've got all sorts of things down here I'm gonna try and combine which you guys suggested and we'll see if you guys are wrong ins or if you guys are just geniuses I guess 746 p.m. not eaten yet this is breakfast how does work you're gonna sit down or film me standing up I could sit down come on yeah let me do that because I'll be come for me yeah kind of breaking all camera rules and guess what I have here till it was subscribed time I mean cuz you can subscribe to me because Kiera Bridget is still ahead of me by how they subscribe don't know 40 50 K I should avoid she she's a worthy opponent unlike more his mum he's just a stinker I'm a cure Bridget she's got she's got some source about us so we need to try and really hit the subscribe button down below but declare more until someone else get the cable cuz free pieces here says Pizza and code where you dip you eat the pizza they said you dip just the crust into your coat I get that on why you gotta keep some in Eminem's we just basically put MMS on your Peters lies Oh and then piece of mayonnaise you send it right I'm gonna get right in this fine I'll eat normally Peaks are and coke Perry's soggy doesn't taste like anything just taste that SOB try it you can try these funds as well sometimes you know I've got cherry Pepsi Max this is your dream you're hot we did sir yes that's that what if she's not weird he's going to his limelight so he's coming in I only get some subscribers yeah get out of my shop Kate and see mayonnaise I committed to the course wherever you are out there mr. Peter mayonnaise boy rode on do some drop my days I love man same so you're gonna women oh you could manage them most things yeah back again I'm hungry sorry um just go back two minutes in yet it and you went on the hungry hungry you're gonna get along I had a chicken Caesar who I am now does that I need to pick this side don't text him really good I like it Pete's a combo numero Frio not rio frio tryouts half this I get shot these videos always be the same why does this work it takes up meeting a panel truffula wash your paper mine knows I don't like no news I've renamed the chips mayonnaise with potato Mina same thing sorry really the same as PAP so that's good same as two spaghetti tacos spaghetti pizza as anyone are we done with weird food combination videos I've never done anything anything's be coming soon any point of you know the luminate was coming soon in 2012 minister Wiz I think you better not speak to that what's that what's that what's that what's that that's not weird food combo that's [ __ ] chicken McNuggets how to pin your bike forage and ketchup while we're waiting for that crack on with custard creams German style salami slices to watch the power back the salami around the castle cream or separate it and then put it inside do you know who likes salami Minnie Minnie loves some meat to the society I'll be more satisfied if I saw it in the middle you got me some shitty Tesco custard creams hey they're legendary you can't break my part I can Oreo I'm doing this way ok I'm good wrap the salami around custard cream why I wish you a home and you went hmm you know what I'll do I'll write it salami around the custard cream mm-hmm it's not a combination that works salami hummus salami some kind of sauce it's like sour cream oh no something is a source not a solid biscuit with custard flavor to it you ought try this by the way it does know about that looks more satisfying Oh gladly you made a little like you made lunch war it's not it's not cheese it's custard cream mmm starts off variety yeah and you'll add your tree on salami for a long time for no reason maybe less salami yeah you buy like maybe the core of that you'd like one of these one mm-hmm pepperoni nipple and I think my brain loves it that you're Russian you like eat you have sour cream suits like that's normal do you actually your wits normal for a lot of people and sorry the whole I felt offended you all how's the porridge lookin given two minutes two minutes give me alcohol again yes I give you the legendary house party special another legendary house by a special right and we're not fifty or what a team was what so someone suggested blue wkd smirnoff ice and orange Bacardi Breezer and you add an equal amount of each into a drink again and they said they called it the Fat Frog there's no berries who got orange fan sofas will make the green color like and then contact me again I meant a lovely mix everyone and it's finally gonna come in a room whole night again so this should make it green according to one love you literally submit this fans orange oh this is it bright green it's green it smells good now that all yeah it's not just you know what it tastes like ice lollies you get from the shops for Tempe like a tropical ice lolly yeah I think know what I can taste fans orange Oh calm down that when you're living like me you just dip some pizza crust into no no no ruining my lovely fat frog next up when icons favorites apparently hmm no one of your favorites is money once you want me to try it oh yeah this is gonna be discussing porridge in ketchup so we've got it so simple normal porridge not sugary one not golden syrup just basic [ __ ] original porridge yeah it's such a shame a contract with you I really wanted though you know what reason why because it's all in one pot so yeah yeah alright just looking at it I just sorta bit it's making my stomach feel funny think of it as jam imagine it was rice pudding and Jan gasps it's not free I am outside of my club was that it like okay you know I like ketchup and I like porridge food is fine I'm Josh and I can eat and drink anything and that's that's one good for and it is very watery no I'm happy cause we too if it was more solid any of you worst is tomato ketchup I'm just banana surprise got on the list to do this faster yeah and in that ass that's why I honor ice let's blow rice right no that's banana banana hello wkd so I could give out pretty decent to be burped I think you can mix all three of these make a super combo hundred grams of protein so culture of this is protein alone so that you know I'm pretty sure if you eat does this I her massive like bicep can you get it yeah well a little bulge effect a little a big bomb Popeye the sailorman yeah oh you want a pop I do that game hold it look at camera there's your Popeye you may my part yeah [Music] see that bang good may 4 off from the potion to catch up but this is good so Ryerson banana dub rice peanut butter oh boy I spin up now sir oh the rice peanut butter banana also at that you'll meet up an Iowan ketchup don't have more ketchup yeah but I actually like ketchup and I forgot I said you're not gonna my ketchup anymore I thought that that's commitment enough even it not as bad Oh choose to have that it's not bad boy didn't catch up bad are some of the worst ones we've had so far I'm still haunted but here to catch up there so this next one is what noodle or super noodles I guess any for noodles ramen noodles on bread and they said if I'm wild add some fake cheese to it so got some fake cheese and I'm pretty wild and it also want to prepare real quick like our TAS got some wine gums but I mean [Music] what you do to you shake up it is exploded alright as you pour this in there you let that chill together apparently coca wine gums are the thing [Music] a bit of art right now so cheesy my babies come to know know there's like a little thing here a little preparation yeah I can't find it yeah I found it yeah well I won 18 no boo they don't have to bring they day they just bring the cheese for you you said open a package okay there's some cheese what you just really you're not necessary you know I'll just swap the bread for a wrap and I've put ramen noodles in there and I think Freya said she did this before it's quite normal Eva [ __ ] that isn't a wall she's actually weird there you go yeah you see in that not only lift it up into the neck without one [Music] not too bad not great though eating it imagine University if it's very much like you you spent all your student loan on alcohol so you like the crap I got you pot noodle on bread for a week so I might eat not bad though can't complain right what do you think about this because these lovely crispy burgers will just cook on your foot well these are a bit too small the idea was to get a bigger donut and mix it with a burger like put it in make a burger out basically use the donut as it's like a burger bun yeah there you go you can cut in half told me to leave the room don't have a moment all right place wrong with people now just eat your burger why are you eating a donut burger that's what I was thinking to do so you look how pretty that is that's for me though you put a lot of cheese there so dang average it couldn't be anything more than mang average yours item I wondered made a bomb a hardliner burger on its own someone did right but you also have to watch everything is that a weird food combination feeding because that's what someone genuinely does not know about please you just to assign calories to eat stuff tricks Twix you're not Twix you can you can hear twigs yeah you're not mayonnaise easy stuff alright we're gonna stick this in the microwave what yeah all right and then feed let's see that's what your subscribers are suggested right what they said it's a delicacy and you shouldn't make fun out of it because it will really upset them Ardi what is that what you tell me that's gonna be good I don't want to breathe in I don't want to breathe in no that's troll bro there's a troll one though that's no smell it no that isn't saying someone likes that's like of an iron sprite one this is that this is ones making product shortly there's no way someone out there no it's possible he's possible I think most people with no heat it actually don't windy in their own bad man life is about living no icon you don't try I don't think you longer now you'd be surprised I like it Oh in before you're right mmm actually not bad you just want me to try it because now I'm curious it's not it's not that hungry isn't it bad didn't say uh-oh welcome laureate lad make sure I'll get some more of me in there it is a major troll maybe isn't my control they isn't that bad like the pouring ketchup is poisonous supposed to that ass and again looks a bit we am outside a club in Mayfair again we have our wine gums and our coke we can sit here flat 20 minutes now there is a layer at the top I dunno what's at the top there is something that's manifesting this way at the top you're flying thing here oh yeah sure you got your lying down that's our point of it surely your baby texture very slimy right no I'm saliva by now you spat him there twice that's great combo what do you mean I don't want any veneks I think I just wake on every food do you eat you eat your own saliva I don't spit it out like a fly wait for that to digest and then eat it game you still eat it you survivor alright the process remains it's time he's spat into account but losers alive there was about spitting bottles and stuff it's Tony's life skills you know I suppose everyone loves gills yeah yeah lovely I don't know it's going easy it's got that smile on his face list oh right so now scram down these two instructions say ski it was engraving yeah to make a gravy but skills in look my belly is confused pretty sure you tell me as a wine one I'm here like I enjoy I last time I had red wine and coke and I know what about that since Kelly mojo castle yellow know the Apple Savin your ball yeah very messy only plastic helped is partly good okay I live in right now apparently is a delicacy in Croatia nice play you should go there sometime in Dubrovnik it's pretty good okay so don't like white wine and then that red wine but I can now drink that wine with coke can adding white wine with spike and also I don't know spike and also us by can water go you know when I'm trying to cut out the fizzy drink drink fizzy war is this a white wine spritzer lemonade in it so then eight percent twenty percent no I wait in as well let's get the gravy's nature flavor white wine sparkling water drivers of London yeah okay this point I'm not honestly ugh know what he needs this is way needs forget coke kidneys Fanta know what Nick next video are be we try make our own combinations here we go now we're talking we get more of a box is vibes now let's just go create this point just go crazy one I said I'd everything you it's better than what they suggested so get shots on that and the skills have lost their cover there now little dried sperm balls oh well it'll be here forty thousand likes cones got a tryout if you gonna here's channel or I make you ones yeah you it's 40,000 how likely is that Hannah really unlikely on this channel what was the previous nah every single one is HIPAA wishes hikes food combination got six six yes okay no a PK 8 UK yeah a UK and you can go nuts I'm gonna not see sir and if you get on trending you can have like a bonus what the defendant gaming card in case it no no like if this video goes on pending then you can give me a combination with fish fish and something okay that's a good incentive right hey okay I like crazy I like skills so what could go wrong that's nice no if I have food poisoned my row it's my own fault but also not my own fault because people's Jess at this oh he had to get them together saying sauce it's ain't doesn't feel right inside right now I can't tell it is probably that is probably the coleslaw yeah I think what I suppose guilt right now that is it for this week's Zuko birthday remember if you want to seek on let me just do whatever I want basically anyone who combos that I can think of 80,000 lights is a lot plus make sure you subscribe you'll catch Acura Bridget or anyone either more side than are too far away for me right now so it's possible do I keep grindin try and chase off a Toby and Ethan bigger and better videos are on the way eventually right I think some point yeah I'll make a bit thing was it yeah yeah we're getting we're getting into the swing of things gains habit and then once obvious locked down the theme ease up a little bit further we can take it a little bit further as well yeah thank you for suggesting some of you that's some of you know all of you as always you must yes an idea there's a form down bellowing it's just an idea or you can tweet me an idea or you can do anything as well final one ice cream everyday over on Twitch check me out down below twitch on TV splashes okay also I've been into bonus videos soon on this channel on the reddit page if you want to subscribe to our subreddit make sure you come over come as umma there's 17,000 of us I think even has that 34,000 we are closing the gap but we need to close it some more finally content over there so I can make more videos on that reddit page near musica Thursday's they'll be like reddit Mondays something it'll be every Monday but they'll just be at some point you know be bonus videos yeah [Music] hey black who's gonna make juice black bottom I miss gray like Ken yeah haters gonna hate you gotta get back
Channel: Zerkaa
Views: 1,954,559
Rating: 4.9754043 out of 5
Keywords: zerkaa, zerkaahd, zerkaaplays, sidemen, food, weird, weirdest, weirdest food, food combinations, zerkaa thursdays
Id: yClUduXdj8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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