Drip Edge On Roof: Don't do your roof without it. Only cheap roofers don't do this 1 thing!

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we're taking a look at a job site where they're actually gonna be installing drip edge and keep hearing about drip edge and how important it is but what really is it so ders let's take you over here I'm gonna show you something right now when you look at this roof you're gonna see it there's plywood on top and then you got the metal fascia on top of there and normally what you want to do is you want to install this metal piece of the piece of metal it's called a flat drip edge flashing and it goes over the fascia it drives the water around and onto the fascia as opposed behind and into the plywood which is usually where you get those leaks now what you're gonna see here because we have this lip and a lot of the times you're going to say well why why is my bid so much less than somebody else's bid well because these are things that typically get omitted so you can see they they leave this on instead of putting the drip edge on because it's too much work they have to use a knife and score it and you could see he's scoring it there at the end and then he's ripping it off so from this it becomes this and ultimately now you can install the drip edge let me show you what the drip edge looks like once you put it on top let me take you up on the roof these removing it you just stored it with a knife see where the drip edge is actually going to be nailed onto the plywood and you can see on the other it's got this water travel behind so why your contractors not doing this well it's one of the additional way that they can actually do a roof at a much lesser price and save you some money but ultimately cause you some additional problems so when you start getting those leaks that's when the expense starts to go up so cases robert in Bolingbrook if you guys need a good roofer somebody has local feel free to reach out to us 847 999 roof
Channel: Revived Exteriors
Views: 17,556
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Id: zajwcZ-U42Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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