Is Water Leaking Behind Your Gutters?

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hey there guys my name is Ryan Brown I'm with freedom windows and I wanted to take a second and make this quick video to talk a little bit about water getting behind the gutters we have a lot of customers that call us and have us out because they are having water get behind the gutters we offer windows siding gutter replacements soffit sigh facial work and all that good stuff but you know there are times when we come out to see a homeowner and they really don't need gutters at all I'm going to show you a little example of a house that we came to and I don't know if you guys can see that but there's water clearly dripping back behind the drip edge back behind the soffit and facia and actually if you you know look at this house it has brand-new gutters brand-new soffit brand-new fascia yet there is clearly water dripping from back behind the fascia back behind the gutter so I wanted to jump up here on a ladder and take a second and so we can take a look because you know 9 out of 10 times when there are when there's water getting behind a gutter especially in this case where we have a brand-new gutter 9 out of 10 times it's not the gutter it's actually the roof old shingles ripping apart slate tiles things like that that just aren't working right or there's no drip edge and water is getting back in behind but let's take a look and see what we have going up here by the way this is a six-inch gutter it is a six-inch leaf protection on the gutter called sure flow and then there's also three by four inch downspouts being utilized here on this home so let's take a look up here on this ladder and let's see what's going on it is raining so we can take a look as you can see here there's some stuff on the gutters it's not bad just a little bit of debris that it'll probably blow off when you get a heavy wind but the water's getting to where it needs to go these gutters are not clogged by any means but what you can see here is if you look you'll see that there's water pooling up right here do you see that that's water pooling up on the shingle and if I barely lift up here you're gonna see that these shingles there's water back behind these shingles there's water getting in there in fact I don't know how well you can see that there but this is the drip edge there is a drip edge so water is coming off when it does and it's dripping on to the gutter into the gutter down away where it needs to go now if you come over here you can see that water is completely pulling up on that side there and the same things happening this is a perfect example of this is a perfect example of how water is not getting actually into the gutter but it's actually getting underneath these shingles these shingles should not have be pulled up like this this is clearly a roof issue where water's getting back in here behind the shingles behind the drip edge and behind the gutter and the result unfortunately is water dripping behind the gutter so what is the result resolved how do we fix this issue well really the only way to fix it fix it is having a roof or a roofing company or roofer somebody who's experienced professional with shingles and roofing to either replace the roof or repair this section of the roof so we can get that leak stopped putting new gutters or fixing the gutters things like that is not going to solve your problems so I just again wanted to make this video because we have a homeowner who has this out to look at their gutters because of obvious dripping but the gutters are not the issue as much as I'd love to sell them new gutters and get them situated with nice new gutters they already have nice gutters that are working fine so there's nothing we can do here on the gutters this is a roof situation we are not a roofing company we do have roofers that can come out and help in this case scenario but if you are having any issues with your gutters we'd love to come out and take a look if it is your gutters we'd love to help you fix them or replace them if it's not your gutters we can diagnose and get the right people out here who can who can you know make the proper solution for what your problem is all right well thanks again again this is a Ryan with freedom windows hopefully this video helped shed some light on water getting back behind the gutters
Channel: Freedom Windows
Views: 163,128
Rating: 4.3741794 out of 5
Keywords: gutters, home improvements, fascia, roofing, roof, gutter, water, leaking, leak, gutter leak, roof leak, soffit, rotting, rot, foundation
Id: 8phBLuWKmMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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