How To Install Fascia and Soffit

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welcome back to the channel guys in today's video i'm going to show you how to install fascia and soffit and if you're new to this channel my name is josh this channel's all about building your own house saving a ton of money so if you're into that you may want to subscribe and smash that like button if you get any value in this video so if you see here behind me i got some overhangs that need wrapped and soffit and fascia so let's cut to the chase and get it done if you look here this is what's called f channel as you can see it's the shape of an f and what it does is the soffit lays right into this channel and that way it gives you a place for it to rest so we install that before we install the soffit itself and the first thing you've got to do is you got to take a framing square just a regular carpentry square and uh what you got to do is lay it against the house slide that piece of trim out of the way here just lay it against the house and slide it up until it butts into your facial board but i already built this bird box so the board's already sitting where we need to be and if you need to know how to build one of those i'll put a card up in the video so you can click it and go check it out but i made a video on how to build these bird boxes but all right so we already got a line or a mark here because we did this before so now what we need to do is go down about 10 foot and use our square make another mark and we're going to chalk a line all right so we made our mark that square from the fascia now all you got to do is take a hammer and nail just to make something that's going to hold that chunk line all right now all we got to do is pull it over to your square mark on this side all right now we got our line that's going to be level with our fascia so now all we got to do is line the top of that f channel with the top of that mark all right so now just take the f channel line it to the edge of this other wall just flush butt it up tight to that line and simply secure it using a regular aluminum roofing nail i always use these inch and a quarter aluminum roofing nails so whatever you use uh i recommend it being aluminum as well um so what you need to do is go out and buy a big bucket of aluminum roofing nails all right so now i'm just lining it up flush with the top so the top of this f channel is flush with that line we made and if you need to know how to install fascia board i made a video on that as well and i'll put a card in the video so you can just click it and go check that out and while you're nailing this off you want to try to hit studs i can see through his house wrap and see the marks on the osb to where i'm hitting the stud even when you nail your regular siding on you should try to hit the stud if you can all right so the f channel is installed securely i'm going to pull the camera up here so you can see up close what i did that's what the f channel looks like up close and as you can see here is our chalk line that we use squaring off the edge of this fascia board and then after the line is chalked from edge to edge you want to line the top of that f channel up with the top of this line or the line itself and then run it straight across and now what we need to do is come over here and cut the soffit to length and uh run it this way so like i just said we're going to start from here running the soffit this way so we're going to start at this bird box so we got to measure from the back of the bird box the front of the fascia so we're going to take a measurement here we got 12 inches so whatever the measurement is i just subtract a quarter inch and that gives us room for expansion and we're going to get out to here and see if we still got the same measurement and we do so we're going to go ahead and cut two pieces for the start of this and uh while i'm up here actually can go ahead and see if 12 inches will work out through here and it will so we're going to cut them all 11 and three quarters inch like i said just to leave some room for expansion and uh we're gonna cut about let's see we need about we need about five pieces here to get done so we're gonna cut six because i always cut them in two sections at a time and i'll show you exactly how i do this you're gonna love how i cut soffit so i'm gonna show you the most efficient way to cut soffit if you're a di wire so all you got to do is take a framing square after you make your mark right here's the 11 and three quarter inch mark i was talking about take a framing square lay it against the straight edge of the soffit so you can just kind of butt it up against this nailing flange whatever works best for you and then uh slot it down to that mark and then all you got to do is make a square line from edge to edge and then take a pair of snips that i got here this regular 10 snips and then you would just simply cut along the line and cut that piece off and then that would be your piece off it but i want to show you how i do it i built this thing years ago and it works great and it's more or less just a jig but let me show you so here's the soffit cutter i built years ago so all it is is some boards nailed to a piece of plywood but i'll show you how this works okay so first you have to use circular pieces here when you mount this here because how it works is you take two pieces of the soffit slide it in through this side then it comes in under these two guides and then you put your measurement on your soffit slide it up to this uh cutout i made and then you run your skill saw or in this case it's a cordless battery circular saw you just slide it down the track and it'll cut the soffit out square two at a time so let me show you exactly how this is done so when this soffit comes packaged it comes in pieces that are slipped slid together so you'll have a finished shot and a finish side because two of them slid together and all you got to do is slide it into that guide that i made so you'll go ahead and just slide it right into it like so and then slide it clear through to the other side and whenever you build one of these if you do build one of these you do got to make it pretty precise so it's snug in there so you get good cuts all right slide it out make sure your pieces are flush on the edge here and then make your measurement mark so like we said we need 11 and three quarter so we make our mark and now all you do is just slide it back to the edge of that cutout for your saw so we're going to line it up right where our saw blade is going to be running through here and now you just take your circular saw and this saw blades turn backwards because if it's turned the regular way it'll crack the siding gotta turn it backwards so it just kind of melts through it almost and then just go ahead and run it through okay now voila we got two pieces of soffit that's 11 and three quarters inch and now if you uh have never done soffit before using something like this is way faster than going through and showing you that original method i showed you that most diyers would probably use but all right guys so now that i showed you how to cut soffit let's go install it in order to do this first piece of soffit you're going to need to get these small little aluminum trim nails as well they're coated in white so they blend in with the soffit so you're going to need to use the roofing nails as well so what you want to do is slide it right to the edge of that bird box make sure it's nice and square just double check it's not ever hanging one side more than the other that looks pretty good so we'll go ahead and tack this side right here first let me make sure that's sitting where it should have been yep that's good okay so you want to nail these in snug unlike sodding to where you need to leave a gap for expansion you want these to be nailed in snug all right so that feels pretty good pretty square out in this edge oh that's very nice so now you just gotta take those little aluminum trim nails i was telling you about and then you're going to nail right into the little groove there in the soffit all right so now that's holding it right where we need it and i'm going to put another one back here to hold it from flopping down while i'm working with it and you want to make sure you stay within a quarter inch from that edge because your fascia board will cover up those nails so you don't see them from below if you look there it looks nice and square from that bird box and now what we got to do is just keep running this soffit that way now that we got our first piece on and locked now we got installed the rest of them so all you gotta do it's similar to siding it has a locking channel on this side and it lines up with this so you can kind of just lock it into place and then slide it where it needs to go and always push to make sure we're locked in well because if you don't do it now it's going to be hard to do that later so all you got to do put a little bit of tension not much and then hold it and then place your nail in the nailing flange and just nail your aluminum roofing nail right into place so that's our next piece then you just do the same thing going clear across the very end so again just go ahead and lock it and slide it into place double check make sure we're tight looks like we're pretty good there and then go ahead pop a nail into the nailing flange and then that's all there is to it okay so here's a close-up of what we got here we got a nice little expansion gap and as you can see they're locked in very nicely and just saying look there's the nailing flange and you just put your aluminum roofing nail right in it like that all right so now it's time for fascia all right in order to wrap this bird box and to cover the rest of the fascia we got to start here and all i need to do is get a measurement from here to the edge of the house and then from the width of the bird box which you already know that's 12 inches and then the remainder piece will extend down over the soffit we already put in so what we need to do is get those measurements and we're going to take one piece of metal and bend it to wrap that whole thing so our measurement here looks like we got about yeah it's about 12 inches and then we know this is already 12 inches and then like i said the remainder of the piece is just going to continue that way i'm just going to bend one full piece of fascia to extend out okay so i got a piece of fascia here i'm just using the six inch aluminum fascia you buy this stuff that's already pre-made it's usually in 10-foot sections but this is a leftover piece i have from yesterday so i'm going to go ahead and use it up because something like that's perfect because that overhang is going to get guttering so if we have a break that's more than necessary that's no big deal because it's all covered up i got it but okay so what you want to do is if i have a cardboard surface you want to lay it down face down so when i wrap these bird boxes it's really um it's really uh not that bad to do but you got to be careful make sure your measurements are good so the from this edge that's the back of the bird box so looks like we had 12 inches roughly so we'll go ahead and make a mark there and now we just take our speed square and we want to make a straight line on it to that mark okay just on the part of the fascia that overhangs here this lip so we got to put our mark there and then you take your ten snips cut that line so let me get a little closer here so you can see so we're going to cut that line that we made right here these aren't the sharpest sharpest snips all right so we cut it now you want to cut a 45 degree angle into it so it's going to look something like that and then what you do is i just use a square piece of board make sure it's cut square for this line it up to that cut um the straight line that we made the straight cut and then score it just once or twice just not a lot because we don't want it to break but we do want it to bend so now we just take it and fold it back right like that against the wood okay and then we just bend it over a little more squeeze that edge make it a sharp corner and then fold it back and right there is our back side of that bird box and now what we do is go ahead and make our next bend so we're going to go 12 inches out like we said all right then make our square line and you can also do this in sections but this definitely will keep the bird box more water tight so we're going to cut that line and then we're going to cut the 45 out of it all right so we got it looking something like that put our board back up to that straight line just scored a couple times and then we're going to bend this piece now and sometimes when you go to bend it um you might gotta fold the one side out just a little bit so it starts folding into um the metal instead of butting against it here we go all right so same thing you just go ahead and fold it in a little more to make the edge look a little sharper so we want a nice pretty job when we're done okay so there's that piece that's going to wrap the bird box so let's go install this thing okay so we know this piece of metal just wraps around this bird box like that so let's go ahead and slide it into place and always get on this side because we got to get under this drip edge so we go ahead and slide it right where it needs to go that looks good we're tight here all that feels pretty good now we just need to make sure we're pushed up all the way so let's just go ahead and we can face nail this because it's going to get covered up with the guttering so we would not face nail like that on the gable side because it will not get covered up and now we put a nail through the bottom up into the soffit and we want to make sure where these grooves are that's where we put the nail at so in this case we'll go ahead and pop it right here make sure it's pushed tight against the house or the fascia board before you drive this in all right okay that's all there is to that and now we need to nail the other side all right so on this uh piece of fascia that's wrapped in this bird box let's make sure we're pushed tight against the house and our corner looks good make sure it's held up tight holding that fascia or the soffit into place and now this one you want to nail back towards the house here the reason why you want to put a nail back here is because your j-channel is going to cover that up so you won't be able to see that nail which it's always good to try to cover up your nails when you can okay now that our bird box is wrapped we can start our soffit going up the side of this gable and first thing we need to do is get our f channel installed and in this case wherever this f channel butts down to that bird box you need to put whatever pitch roof you got onto the piece of f channel so to do that i got a 712 take your speed square just put a 712 on the end here all right so now that we got the right angle on our piece of f channel all you do in my case already got my overhang built and i use two by sixes the same thing that my fascia is so that makes it easy when you're installing this because you just butt it up against the blocks that's holding the fascia board on slide it down where you need it and go ahead and nail it right up against the blocks that's supporting that fascia oops drop the nail i hate when that happens you you'll notice you'll drop nails at the most inconvenient time to drop a nail and don't worry about that piece however hanging out there we're gonna put it where it goes in just a minute and now you just nail it um about every 18 inches or so okay so we got the f channel nailed up to here so what we can go ahead and do before we go out there and nail the other side of that f channel that's hanging is go ahead and start putting our soffit in up to it so we move our ladder we can keep running the soffit and nailing that f channel at the same time so moving our ladder a bunch of times so looks like we got about 12 inch overhang there and you always check in a couple spots in case it's off about 12 inch overhang there yep so we can cut this about the same as we did our other overhang is eleven and three quarter okay so now we're going to install the soffit all we got to do put it into the f channel slide it down until it butts ever so gently into or up against the bird box which that looks about right okay and now wherever that butts just go ahead and drop a nail right there okay so it looks pretty good and what i do on this first piece just like our other first piece we started right under here is i'll put a one of those aluminum fascia nails to hold this up just so it's not in the way okay once you got your first piece of soffit in go ahead and repeat that process just lock it in to the first piece of soffit pull kind of snug make sure we're not overhanging that fascia looks good and just so um for those who don't know this wood's actually called sub fascia then the piece of metal goes over it is the uh real fascia okay we got the soffit ran up to the end of that f channel so now we need to install the fascia and it's going to overhang this a little bit so i'll show you what you got to do here so here's the piece of fascia and this is the back side so we're going to flip it so you can see what it looks like so what we got to do is leave a 18 inch tail overhang the end of that bird box so what we got to do you just got to flip it back over and you just take your knife and score along this crease just a few times and then after you score it snip 18 inches up in this case the 18 inch might be different from you then fold this back and forth until you snap it off i'll show you how to do it so right there it is so we know not to score too far past that and always score first before i cut that because this keeps it strong and uh if it's if it's cut right there it's not as strong so just a few scores will be fine all right so now all you do is take your ten snips well first you want to put a square line there so always try not to eyeball things we always want to make sure we do as good as works we can so we go and cut that 18 inches back whoa and do not let that hit the ground because this stuff is expensive all right so now after that's cut all you got to do like i said is fold it well i like to just fold it all the way back first all right now just fold it forward and just kind of work it back and forth until it snaps all right now that this piece is off whenever you go up there and put this on this is going to overhang and then we're going to cut that the same size as that dog box or sorry bird box okay so just like we did on the other overhang we want to get up under the drip edge and now that we're up under the drip edge just slide it down until you butt into that bird box right there and now what we do we just take one of our aluminum fascia nails right here and now we don't nail the face we nail from the bottom up into one of these grooves so make sure it's back all the way and up and we're where we need to be down there and i'm gonna pop a nail there make sure we're back against the fascia sub fascia board all the way all right so now um this ain't going anywhere i need to go ahead put a nail into that drip edge while i'm here so like i said it's right in that drip edge crease and make sure we're up all the way everywhere else where we put a nail there so it doesn't fold looks pretty good so you always want to make sure you nail this drip edge so air can't get up under it and pull that drip edge up so it kind of seals that whole area right there so it looks good so yeah about every um probably about every 18 inches two foot put a nail and then put one up in the drip edge and don't put any in this part here because it'll be all wavy if you do okay so the reason why i don't put any nails in here yet because i want to keep this flimsy what i do is take a pencil and trace against the backside of this bird box get a nice visible pencil mark and then same underneath and now since it's not nailed it gives me plenty of flexibility here so we just kind of fold it out and cut right along that line and now cut the bottom so all you got to do now is nail this edge and this piece of fascia is installed i like to put a nail down here relatively low let's put about three here on the end because this is a place that wind could easily get up under the fascia and pull it off all right that looks pretty good i'm gonna pop one here all right that looks good and that's how you install the fascia over your bird box and your overhang all right i want to show you up close so as you can see here that is your bird box wrapped an aluminum fascia and that is your soffit running up the gable end to sum up everything all you're going to do is continue this you overlap your next piece of fascia over that edge about half inch to an inch and then the same thing up here you're going to want to go ahead and run your piece um of f channel then your soffit then your face should clear up to the end put a 7 12 in this case and then continue going and then when you get on this end you take it and start your fascia up this way after you're on your soffit that is how you install soffit and fascia and again i appreciate you watching be sure to smash that like button and subscribe and if you found any value in this video comment below what the most important thing you learned was all right guys like as you can see i got a bunch of stuff that i got to do yet thanks again and i'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: The Excellent Laborer
Views: 74,966
Rating: 4.929697 out of 5
Keywords: how to install soffit and fascia, how to install fascia, how to install soffit, how to install fascia boards, how to install sub fascia, how to install fascia on gable end, how to install aluminum fascia, how to install fascia board on gable end, fascia, soffit and fascia, how to cut soffit and fascia, soffit and facia how to, how to do fascias and soffits, how to build a soffit and fascia return, how to install a soffit, soffit and fascia install, how to install metal fascia
Id: Hb0ZNNWjYxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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