Spiritual Laws That Govern & Maintain Physical Health

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okay good afternoon good morning good evening in some countries it is a pleasure and a joy to be with you once again uh to do this teaching on spiritual uh laws that uh sustain and maintain our physical health excuse me i'm just gonna wait for a few people to come on in uh and while they're doing that uh i know a lot of you believe that i forgot what i said to you the last time and no i didn't i didn't at all in fact we beginning tomorrow i'll be starting a teaching on the spirit of offense as i have promised you excuse me as i've promised you uh the last teaching that we did so tomorrow saturday we're going to be teaching on the spirit of offense now the reason why i'm not continuing tomorrow with my series on church mafia is because uh our government has placed our island on a two week log down so therefore i won't be in the studio tomorrow the radio station studio and i want to continue that series simultaneously while i'm on the uh social media as well as i am on the local radio frequency because there are many people on the radio especially all the people that listen to me that are not too computer friendly so i do not want to keep them out of the loop so i'm not going to continue with my church mafia tomorrow i will not do that i will be teaching tomorrow at 12 as usual but it would not be on church mafia i will then in turn do a teaching on the spirit of offense tomorrow and again the only reason why i'm doing that is because the teaching that i'm doing on church mafia that is simultaneously broadcast via social media and the local radio station that uh transmit through the bahamas so i do not want those that only listen to the radio to be robbed of that opportunity all right so we're going to be logged down for the next two weeks so after the two weeks i never come back with church mafia okay now today today uh the lord placed it in my spirit to teach on the laws teach on the laws that govern govern and maintain spiritual health that will automatically or simultaneously produce physical health for us and as with all of my teachings i always bring it from a law rule ordinance commandment perspective i do that because in doing that it eliminates my opinion it eliminates whatever theory or dogma or conjecture that don't mean anything we want to get the law because it is the law that we want to practice to bring about the results that god has promised that's it we won the law okay so all of my teachings are based on not kevin's law not with kevin think not how kevin feel not his thing is it should be this way no whatever i say like right now again will be supported by a myriad of scriptures why is this well aside from following it the right way at the end of these exercises and this teaching in these teachings you walk away with something substantial my job is done you now take those scriptures and you now make them applicable to your life you meditate you study you practice them and just like everybody else you will see god's promises coming to pass in your life so for those of you who haven't already i strongly suggest you inbox a friend uh share it tag it because especially if you have a friend who is dealing with some kind of physical healing now whether that came about as a this origin from witchcraft or voodoo or somebody got them fixed or even if they just have a regular lump or whatever you they whomever want to hear this because i'm about to share you share with you sorry some spiritual rules that's governing that situation and if you apply the antidote because it's going to be powerful if you apply the antidote and i'm going to give you that antidote and you're going to see through your belief through your repetition of scriptures through your uh using the scriptures as your source as to eliminate this issue physically trust me you you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna see the results let me just give you the small testimony before i got get started i remember years ago this was in i i became a christian in on may 17 1996 all right i joined the local church uh the pastor there and my opinion was a great teacher and i loved that i was something i was always attracted to and i would listen to this man i mean i would be to chur every time that church door was open it wasn't for him i was i never believed in no covering and worshiping nobody i never believed in that i loved the way that he taught the word so when i would go to church i would i would have like i mean pages of just notes what i'm taking and the scriptures that he was using i always believed in the scripture and i would go home and i would literally study those scriptures i would look up certain meanings uh in the scriptures that i didn't understand and i would look in the the dictionary i would look i would just study these things inside and out until i form a solid understanding of it then i would make them applicable so about six months after i got i became a christian and i've shared this testimony before and this is one of the first times i really saw god after i became a a real question let me put it up let me let me clarify that too because i shared this also there was a church that i went to when i was younger and they they had some rules that was unbelievable and one of the rules that they had were if you accepted jesus christ it was literally impossible if you are a true christian to sin again so that means if you slip up in cuss or fornicate or whatever you were not safe and you had to become a christian again and i don't like to doubt myself but and i don't and i know this is not nothing proud for me to be of but because of that rule i would save a minimum of about two to three thousand times because because according to them this is why you gotta study for yourself according to them every time i every time i use the f void the s come on i just can't say if i i practice using the f word as a noun a pronoun adjective for years so for me to just stop uh unless god yang that from me spiritually then you know that couldn't happen so i i used to cuss and carry on and and as a christian when i slip up in cuss you know according to what i was brought up under that doctrine you need to come out to the altar again so i think i hold the world record i don't know if somebody has surpassed me in becoming a christian i've been a christian at least about four million times because of that rule okay and then of course as i got older really accepted christ in 1996 and really study for myself other nonsense other garbage keeping people in bondage through super ignorance and i thank god i have broken from that that nonsense so so right now i'm not sure i don't know if anybody does have a greater record but i was safe i would say for minimum at least 44.9 million times because the minute someone peeled me off and i just got saved back in the day this was before 1996 i would let them have some church some choice words that i know you will not find them in the bible and i was very very uh good at using the uh those obscene words especially the f word i was very very very good at using them as as pronouns as adjectives as verbs and i also could put it in there as a conjunction i think what i'm delivered from that okay so so i i i was when i got saved on may 17 of 1996 i was a christian for real that time because i understand that it was nothing of what they said and jesus christ who shared his blood for us once we accept him he has placed a clause in his word because he knew he knew he would mess up even after he accepted him and he stuck this beautiful clause in first john 1 9 where he says listen listen if you confess your sins don't listen to what i tell you if you confess your sins i god who saved you when you accepted me and i now live in you the same spirit that raised christ from the dead now resides in you well if you confess your sins i god i jesus i'm faithful and just to forgive you of the sins that you've committed that you're aware of but i am also even though you didn't ask for this i'm going to cleanse you of all unrighteousness now look what our marvelous savior savior says to us who he knew because he knows the end from the beginning he knew he knew kevin would have fornicated after he got saved he knew kevin would have lied he knew kevin would undermine somebody he knew all of that okay but he also know that when kevin accepted me now begins the process of my holy spirit to guide kevin into all truth to convict kevin to shed those things that he used to do don't do them anymore but at the same time to aid him with this clause in my law that if you send kevin if you sin and that conviction that comes that's the holy spirit now repent of it now let's let's continue this journey but the churches were saying oh no no no you you you did what you you proper f you hold on you use the whole f word or just part of it well actually i had some moderate what oh no no no you ain't only got to get safe okay neither you need to chop your lips off or or put a brace in your mouth or something even though i could cuss my mind so i thank god for deliverance i thank god that he has chosen me to bring true knowledge to his people to bring true wisdom to show people hey look here man this isn't there's no way in the bible the god god isn't about trying to beat you down god isn't about trying to dictate to you your liberty in christ jesus gives you the freedom to enjoy christ which is what i do i enjoy christ not the opinions of others and trying to rule you and dictate to you and rob you and none of that i know sometimes christ looked down on his head and just not his head from left to right saying what what are these people doing why are they trying to put shackles on the very people that i would have set free so no man god ain't looking at you listen when that conviction come that's the prompt in you to say hey look i need to repent of this i need to fix this and god has placed a clause in his law before the foundation of the world and he put that there for you and i whenever we mess up as believers to come to them and say father i have sinned i have lied i've cheated and you've said if i confess my sins listen how awesome this is this is so awesome he says kevin look at this law if you confess your sin not only am i faithful and just to forgive you but to cleanse you of all unr kevin you didn't even you didn't even remember that sin in your mind when you lost after that woman and there was a law in my bible that says even if a man lost in his heart he committed adultery you didn't even know that rule yet but i promise you that even though you didn't know it i would have cleansed you even though you're repenting for lying i am cleansing you of all unrighteousness now isn't that awesome then he comes back and says not only will i forgive you of this sin but i'm going to take your sin and cast it into the sea of forgetfulness meaning that i am not even going to remember what you did no more and isn't that awesome sometimes honestly that could bring you to tears when you look at the love of god and it's nothing like a human a human will claim to have forgiven you only for when you peel them off again yeah yeah you forget what you do and and in 1912 huh 1912 when you stopped speaking to me 1912 by i could barely remember i just tell you just not how you could even recall huh that's messed up they suffering from alzheimer's and dementia but they can remember the evil that you did decades ago i thank my christ that he's nothing like man i thank my jesus christ that when he forgives me he holds nothing over my head and his his awesomeness is care but i want you to do better i want you to do better kev and i'm not here to to beat you down i'm not here to degrade you i'm not here to make you this perfect human being and anytime you don't meet perfection i got a whip to whip you across your neck no that's what evil preachers do that's what evil saints do that's what evil people do but god it's just in all that you actually accepted his son and now let's go on this journey and let's do this thing right so i just want to share that with you before i get in here because a lot of people you know are not many religion that my ministry and my teaching is trying to break that religious spirit break that religious mindset to free you you're in bondage you're in bondage if you have to act a certain way in front of a leader but only when that leader leave your presence you could be you come on man but look at god god look at me he know kevin falls he know what i like dislike he know my good my bad he isn't here reminding me like kevin you know you're no good right come on now you need to know he is hoping that kevin would read his word and let that word convict him not somebody threatening you on a pulpit or some member trying to measure who sinners though is the voice that that's what not that is not what christianity is all about it is not what christianity is and that's why for me you know i tell you i do a lot of counseling i don't ever judge anybody i don't care if they slip up and pop an effort while they're talking to me or whatever look here feel comfortable i'm not saying to continue in this but i don't want you to feel as if i'm here to judge you because god did not do that to me he didn't judge me when i came to him i came i came burdened with evil burden with problems burdened with issues but he wasn't about saying yeah you see why you get that you get that because you're too no good kevin take some more these lips you know good self before i turn around and hear this situation i can put some more licks on you no you didn't do that man do that people do that and again on this with this right here now what's so messed up about what people do compared to what god do is that the very thing they're beating you down with and coming at you so raw with that they have that in their life as we speak but because the sin hasn't been exposed as yet somehow the devil has fooled them to believe that they can be judge jury and prosecution over your life and make assessments as if their lives are clean again that's why i thank god for the risen savior i thank god for the christ who shared his blood okay who became the ransom to god to satisfy god to say okay jesus now that you did that guess what i now reconcile them back to me once they would have accepted you and that's why i love jesus christ okay now so let's get into today's teaching spiritual laws that govern health and healing and like i said if you haven't already i strongly advise you if you have any family member that's sick any family member that's going through uh whether it's mentally physically whatever we're going to really really hit some points now the first thing i want to make clear here is that the bible the bible like i always tell you is a book of laws there's a book of rules and it is a book of principles that is consistently governing this unseen and the seeing world every the the bible is the conveyor belt of everything in life thrones dominions principalities uh the invisible in the the visible world the laws of god is causing the sun to rise and to set night and day hurricanes summer days life and death the laws of god god do not have to be come here on this earth and and micromanage anything what god lord does is i love it i just to give an example of it like i told you our government has just uh starting yesterday uh we on quran bahama this island in the bahamas has been on logged down for the next two weeks so that mean by his words based on the laws of our country we are restricted and limited in terms of movement now isn't that interesting you don't have like four million police so they're trying to shove everybody in house no those that respect the law would stay inside and those that don't know that there's a penalty so i say that to say what i say that to say the same thing with the laws of god the bible it could be considered two things could either be a preventative or a cure what do you mean by that a preventative meaning that if i follow the laws there are certain things that would not happen to me sickness all these other stuff wouldn't happen it becomes a preventative if i choose not to follow it and go and then mess up it now becomes a cure so that mean i need to now look at scriptures what is it that i meditate on what is it that i recite to god what is it that i engage in as it relates to his protocol to achieve this particular end result that i'm seeking so you see how it becomes a cure when i disobey but it's a preventative it's preventing sickness it's preventing whatever it is because i obeyed it first initially okay so just like with sickness we're going to discover that the core of sickness is disobedience to the word of god well this could be good today so let me get my little notepad here because we need to look at some scriptures and the first scripture that i want you guys to go to the first scripture would be let me just put this on the side here the first scripture would be uh proverbs 3 verses 7 to verse 8. let me pull up my little bible here here we go okay beautiful proverbs chapter 7. i love the word of god yeah i boy listen i and i've read i've heard a lot of your comments and i the one of the one of the greatest pleasures for me is when i read a comment that says kevin ever since i started listening to you i have developed a love for my bible there's so many things that you say according to this word and scriptures that you give us that i never knew was there before so people like you let me that's like sending me four million dollars for every time you say that i love it because to me i feel i'm accomplishing the mission that god has sent me on proverbs chapter three beginning at verse 7. now listen to this now because you're going to see some protocols that is going to end in a specific end result okay you're going to see a protocol that's going to end in a specific result proverbs 3 verse 7 says be not wise in thine own eyes listen carefully now be not wise in thine own eyes fear the lord and watch watch watch it he says next and depart from evil now let's break this down because we need an understanding in order to make sense of verse 8 which we're about to read next the scripture saying to us that eliminate your way of doing things put aside your policies put aside your rules put aside how you feel what was taught to you what traditional background denomination your favorite pastor teacher evangelist the bible says expunge that from your mind right now remove it he says be not wise in thine own eyes fear the lord the bible says that the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom meaning if i'm going to fear the lord i'm going to do what he says so the protocol is i must expunge how i feel it should be done i must expunge my great honor for my leaders position on this that is contrary to the word of god he said put that aside move all of that stuff now fair god means now you're going to take the word of god and make that priority in your decision-making you're going to say i'm going to follow if i'm going to fail him then i'm going to do what he says to me when your children fear you that means they're going to obey you mama said when she come home she want to meet those dishes wash she want to make this floor mop she want to make that bed made up the fear of how crazy mama is is what's going to make you do that what she said so to fear means to to obey or to follow the instructions of the one who gave the instructions the word fear also means to honor them i honor and i'm going to obey what you say so it says be not wise in thine own eyes fear the lord and depart from evil circle that word evil evil is whatever is contrary to the laws rules and commandments of the living god let me take my time you know i i promise to be calm today all right okay he says departure so he gives three awesome instructions mainly three awesome protocols that's what they are he says dismiss your own understanding dismissing being the smartest person in the bunch dismissed believe that your wisdom could supersede the laws of god dismiss what your pastors say dismiss what your prophecy and when i say that i mean if they're going against the laws of god dismiss anyone with anything anybody say including yourself if it's against god's word dismiss it now do and honor god's law and while you're doing and honoring god's law make priority stay away from evil now why is he saying this because if we were to follow proverbs 3 verse 7 proverbs 8 says as a result of following proverbs 3 verse 7 it says in doing that and doing what and dismissing my own ideologies and dismissing the ideologies of others that is going against the words of god fearing the lord doing his commandments and at the same time assuming or dismissing evil he says when i do that it shall be health this is interesting because this word healthier comes the the the hebrew word that hebrew word i didn't write it down but that hebrew word also means medicine so to take it from that perspective if i do verse 7 of proverbs 3 it says as a result of doing that this is how i create a preventative now it shall be medicine or health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones my lord let me put this down because i'm about to get off my law biological opinion i'm getting all medical up in here right now okay hope you're ready for this all right listen to the results he hit two specific root things navel and morrow now navel is what we call our belly button right now some of y'all when you know i was growing up wrong and i was one of them all right i used to call it nable n-a-b-l-e and so when i heard other people say in the word naval i was like why are these people so dumb okay when the dumb person here was me because i was pronouncing it wrong all right but if you look up navel the only purpose the only only purpose for the navel is where the umbilical cord is connected when a woman is pregnant and all of the nutrients and so on that that baby need to survive while it's incubated in that woman's tummy will come through that navel now this is powerful because when i go back to verse 7 of proverbs 3 it's giving me these protocols that will not only be a preventative for me but even talking about those who will be birthed in deer oh lord you all better hear this you all better hear us you all better hear this you all better listen to this listen carefully listen carefully now you could call it nabal i ain't gear wrong because i was saying that at least i was about 20 i think i was saying that at least for 2025 i was telling people like stop using the word neighbor because you are wrong you need to go learn the english language all this time i was wrong right but anyway on a serious note on a serious note he said it shall be health or medicine that's what the word really means in hebrew it shall be medicine to thy navel what is the navel for the navel is only a conduit it is a a portal to send nutrients and all of the supplies from the mother to the unborn child the scripture is telling us that if this mother okay if she put aside her ideologies about life and how she feel with how god should do it and how would pass the thing move that out of the way fair god meaning to do exactly what his word says refrain and stop doing evil altogether and when you do that spiritual medicine will now be conveyed from you to that child through the navel or the umbilical cause that's the only reason why your navel exists it didn't finish this can get deeper for you that's why i tell you the word of god is the cure of your healing if you are sick listen ein listen to me like i talk about the tiding thing i never tell you don't die you know and i can tell you this now i never can tell you don't take your pills okay this can be i just given you the word of god now what you do with the word of god is on you he says it shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones one minister ewing in order to understand what is marrow because we need to understand the scriptures well marrow is that soft spongy tissue that you find in the center of our bones such as our hip bones uh leg bone when you cut that open you'll find this thick red in fact if you eat those who eat red meat and stuff and you look at that if you would have cut that bone open you see this thick redness in the center of that hard bone that is called bone marrow now what does that do well bone marrow is responsible for manufacturing red blood cells white blood cells all of these things that would have created our heart our lungs our eyes the cells that we need that is being refurbished consistently this is what is necessary to maintain our well-being to maintain our body but isn't it interesting because i didn't read in verse 7 and if you take geritol and vitamin c along with magnesium then shall you have health to die naval and marrow to divorce i didn't read that and am i saying do not take that no folks i know you saying i'd be repetitive but i have to i have to because you have people who are very facetious and vicious when it comes to misinterpreting what you say so i have to be clear here okay so he says here that your bone marrow which is the only part of your being that manufactures the cells the cells the red and the white blood cells and so on to to support to maintain to encourage your existing physically it's saying that if i dismiss my whatever my opinions are on life and god or whatever if i fear god study in this world do his commandments and stay away from evil and i can explain it more it says that it will become medicine to thy navel and it goes on to say and marrow to thy bones my lord listen to this now listen to this carefully now listen to this carefully and this is why this is why for me i'm telling you this ministry here what god has given me i come in to mash down every form of tradition ever because i hate it here's why now show me in that scripture right there where it says drink this liquid and it will give marrow to the bones and health to thy navel give this amount of money and i hear god say i'm gonna heal you god said if you spin around he's gonna replenish your bone marrow with new cells and give medicine to thy navel for your newborn child show me show me the scripture does that scripture say that so this is why i get down on these preachers why are you giving us these remedies and solutions that does not line up with the the instructions are clear i'm going to show you some more the instructions are crystal clear how do you get to taking a red cloth and keeping this on your person so that no spirit could bring uh illness to you or infirmity how how did you get to take a spiritual bath and this is going to make you your health come alive you see i would believe you if you could give me scriptural documented support which are laws rules and and regulations of the scriptures that govern the physical and invisible realm if you could give me that you have my full attention i am totally convinced of what you say so tell me this i just got from the bible all right that if i stop leaning on my own understanding lean on god expunge what i believe believe what god said reference him honor him and stay away from evil as much as i could he's saying that he's about to do something supernatural to my health that cannot happen any other way meaning that the world is going to be doing this so how were you able mr preacher how were you able mama damn how were you able to now come on with your remedy and say well kevin i was told that if you drink this and you go by the lake and you backflip six times okay and pimp slap the first animal that pass your sickness is gonna go away how did you get that now i showed you i got mines from i got it from god holy word this is the constitution of life now you show me mom show me pastor show me reverend show me prophetess now don't come to me with no nonsense but no it's all symbolic just like when jesus spot on the ground and and no i hear that i heard you that's you all right but i'm trying to figure out though we have a rule here so you're telling me that your way of doing it is greater than this is what i'm reading right here you're telling me that i should not do this and follow your ob witchcraft face the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar i don't understand why people fight god word why do you contend with the word of god this is what the word said i'm not making this up it says here in proverbs 3 verse 7 be not wise in thine own eyes stop getting these traditional remedies these horrible stuff but i'm not saying they listen let me be clear i'm not saying that there's a certain uh tree that you boil in your drink i'm not talking about that i'm talking about witchcraft i'm talking about voodoo that's what i'm talking about when you take those means i'm not saying that they use a certain grass to boil to make tea for gas and so on i'm not saying that i am saying when you are told to go to the graveyard on a particular grave and do a particular ritual i'm told when they tell you go into the bathroom and look into the mirror and say mary mary x amount of times and the spirit is gonna appear and they're gonna bring healing that's what i'm talking about i gotta be clear i gotta be clear because i'm not clear the liars gonna come up okay why can't we say you know what god this makes sense i'm gonna clean up my act i'm going to read this bible i'm going to get into it and god help me through your spirit to do your work i can't do my god if i was up to me i'd be i'll procrastinate i become sleepy tired totally disinterested so remove those things from me so that when i read this not only do i pray for understanding from you but the ability to do what it says and i want to commit to expunging everything that i've said whether it was kevin said it pastor mommy whoever i want to move that i want to follow your way and god help me help me help me to stay away from evil and why i'm doing this god because i want to prove you i god of your word i want to see the manifestation of proverbs chapter 3 verse 8 as a result of following the rules protocols and regulations and ordinances of proverbs 3 verse 7. that's what i want to see and i refuse to allow somebody to come to me and tell me go on a grave and break dance and then the spirit from the grave is going to fight the spirit of infirmity that they sent after me mom saw i don't read that in the scriptures why would i fight sorcery with sorcery no i want to do what the rules say so he says it shall be health to thy navel he's saying listen if you follow this you do you you're going to affect future generations what would be health or medicine to thy navel putting aside your opinions and so on as it relates to the word of god focusing and doing the word of god staying away from evil three protocols when i do this he says this will become health to thy navel the navel is responsible where the umbilical cord is attached to that while that baby is incubated in the stomach or the belly of that mother to supply the child with nutrients once the child is born it is removed or clipped the body itself discards of it that umbilical cord there's no more need for it the belly button is stitch up or whatever and it's just a belly button out so the sole purpose of the navel is to it's a conduit for nutrients to the child from the mother the bible is saying that if we follow the protocol of proverbs 7 verse sorry proverbs 3 verse 7. we follow those three steps it says that you have activated a spiritual law that when it comes to health you for this child who don't know nothing okay not just you but the child is going to be directly impacted in a good way i don't care what they tell you well down syndrome in the family oh i'm over 15 having this baby the child could be mental and that's what they say but what do i told you in verse seven of chapter three he said dismiss what they say i heard you doctor you've been to school you were probably right you have the scientific and medical biological proof that's good but i choose to tap into another power and that power was telling me i must dismiss what you say okay that's what you said doc talk i respect you i love you but that is as far as you could go as it relates to things physical what i'm going to do now father you heard what that doctor said father you're looking at my heart and you know this has hurt me because for what he said i'm basically convinced that my child may be deformed but according to your law god help me help me this is why i need your help help me to dismiss what the doctors are saying to put that out of my mind help me to go into your word and remind you of your word meditate on your word speak on your word father pookie junior will not be deformed pig pookie junior will not be [ __ ] in fact i put my word on pokey i speak and decree by the word of god i commit myself to the word of god that pokey you will be brilliant you shall live and not die if only to declare the words of the living god pookie you will bring man each to christ pookie you will be a special child in sense that god has ordained and call you you will have no broken bones no defective heart you will not be mentally challenged what am i doing i'm operating in god's word i fear him so i'm using his word why life and death is in the power of the tongue and day that love it love it shall eat the fruit thereof immensely good by the fruit of his lips call those things that be not as durya what am i doing i'm doing the second leg of the protocol and what is that to fair god to fear god means to do what he has asked me to do i must call those things that be not as do they are this is how you operate as a believer not let me go to church and sow a five thousand dollar seed so god could circumvent this rule to bring about healing in my child life no that isn't what the word said so why are you doing that why are you letting this preacher deceive you that you could pay god off to circumvent his rules that cannot happen so what do i do i continue i continue to just say the word of god now i go to step three what is step three a shoe evil okay i'm not murdering i'm not fornicating i'm not committing adultery but they're just the big tickets but you know what i have unforgiveness to watch my brother i don't like sami father god you said in your word of the mission evil that is evil to hate sami even though i never told him this i'm not speaking to my my my siblings father first of all i apologize to you i asked you to forgive me tomorrow i'm or today i'm going to pick up the phone mary i know we haven't been speaking each other but i just want you to know that whatever i've done to you i am wrong i am wrong forgive me please i don't want us to live this way even if mary slammed the phone down on you you are following the protocol of proverbs 3 verse 7. you're not interested in how marik america's going to react to you that's the even of mary tell you shout the f word at you thank you jesus all you are doing is following the protocol that's what you are interested in i am not interested i'm not carrying no feelings i'm not no i am trying to get health so i'm trying to follow the rules i'm going to call uh so and so i did something two years ago so and uh bubba listen bubble we've had differences i i i lied to you i've undermined you i've caused you to lose your job i did things that is evil i accept full responsibility i was wrong bubba please forgive me i i want to confess and lay my heart out for you whether you forgive me or not i just want to make clear to you that what i did was wrong okay i dealt with all of the internal and even the big ticket since i followed the three protocols now father god i believe and i know that i followed your laws and you said in verse 8 of proverbs 3 that if i follow those three rules to put aside my personal feelings to do what you say to do in your law and to stay away from evil which i'm doing right now then father god i know i'm positioned for for for my child now that the medicine uh for his navel and marrow to now be re-regenerated and rejuvenated in my bones to produce what it needs to to to supply the health and maintain the health i know i receive it in the name of jesus because this is how i look at it how could following those three protocols in proverbs 3 verse 7 produce physical healing how well if you understand this ministries model you will understand it and what is that everything that happens physically has its origin in the spiritual realm so when i follow proverbs chapter 3 verse 7 by following that i'm i'm i'm tweaking i'm putting into place i'm activating the spiritual protocol that will produce the physical healing for me mighty god now if you ain't get that something wrong with you if you ain't get that's something wrong with you if you ain't get that there something wrong with you so now you see why kevin ewing detest pain for miracles kevin ewing detests praying for deliverance kevin ewing detest having to pray for a prophetic word because when we look in the scriptures god says if you follow my rules if you follow the protocols just like how i have it laid out then you better sit back because healing is coming to you deliverance is coming to you finances is coming whatever rule you are following that has determined a specific end result but you better brace yourself because they're coming mighty god hallelujah oh man i feel that teaching spirit on me oh i love it i love it i love it i love it lord i love it i love it i love it i love it father i pray right now that everyone under the sound of my voice who believe not me god your word who i come in agreement with that person right now who was suffering from terminal cancer hiv diabetes those who even have a surgery pending and you have placed them on this line even now and in the future i joined my fate with them and we're standing on proverbs three verses seven and eight and that they would follow the protocols and five would i bind my faith with theirs and that you supernaturally do the transplant that they need and they would never ever have to lay under any knife to have any physical surgery but because they followed your rules they will see the manifestation of your power in the matchless name of your son jesus christ i told you earlier i was going to tell you this testimony and i think now is the best time to share it and that's why i love the scriptures and that's why i'm obsessed with it i told you i got saved of may 17 1996 all right and i was a hardcore reader when i got saved prior to getting saved i hated reading i couldn't stand reading and any book that was 0.2 centimeters thick and no pictures in it i don't want nothing to do that book but somehow when i became a christian the lord gave me an insatiable desire to read and the very first book that i was recommended to read and this came through by child's conversation but seemingly but i know it was god was a book by uh rebecca brown called uh he came to set the captives free this was the first book that book has to be about an inch thick this is the first book that took me less than two days to read listen i had i know of books that was i know of newspaper it would take me but what x amount of time to read i never finished read all of it i just lose the desire for it but i was in this book and i read all of her books after that the first one was he came to sept the captives free the second one was prepared for war uh the third one was a vessel of honor and our fourth book was uh unbroken curses i read every last one of them from front to back little did i know that was starting my journey on spiritual warfare anyway during that time now i every time the church does open i told you the church i was going to then the the past today he was a great teacher he was a great great teacher and i i loved the way he taught and it inspired me to teach that way i would go home and i would take my take my notes and i didn't want to be bored in church and what used to make me angry in church is when they say you know turn around give your neighbor high five tell your neighbor man i got time for you i ain't to you i i come for the word man when i deal with my life right now we can deal with that later and i always despise that i desp whenever i went to church and they did that exercise and [ __ ] what i did sometimes i would intentionally come to church late when they would have already completed all of that gymnastics then i come because i came for the word i can i sat for the most part in the back because i don't want to be bothered by nobody i just want to hear what this might have to say so i'll write down those notes write down those notes anyway six months later uh my son my son kev no not six months maybe six months maybe a year since anyway a short while later i can remember at this point i was in the word day and night day and night reading i love the old testament i love i could tell you listen i could tell you the genealogy from abraham from from from adam all the way down to moses and go back tell you who they were married to i couldn't tell you but this guy uh through i think it was uh uh what's his name now anyway the first guy in the bible and that's why i was so good on generational christmas because i understood genealogy and i could see where the problem began and from there it now begin to mushroom into a repetition of the same problem that started from point a all of that i knew so the word for me i fell in love with just like now so one time my son uh this was a friday evening and we were watching television and we fell asleep he was young and he was like here was about he was i think under five anyway he i woke up like about a couple hours later and i noticed he was lying down because we both fell asleep on the floor you know there was like a little padding underneath us and i noticed he was lying there zephy was like almost like in pain and his eyes were like almost like rolling back it was totally unusual for him because he was always an energetic young man so when i went to grab him i could literally feel the heat coming from him outside was literally raining cats and dogs in fact it was raining so hard that i literally could not see my vehicle it was basically white outside that's how hard the rain was i'm telling you this because i'm thinking of a way how he could rub this child up and rush him to the hospital for some reason i develop i say this all the time righteous indignation what is this i become so upset but not at any one like this thing come on me like you this is when you use the word of god so i sat him up i sat him up so he's sitting now and i said i said kev do you believe that god could heal you because every time i went to church he was with me so he looked at me in a little bit of energy that he had the little piece he said yes daddy i mean he basically he couldn't even balance and i could feel the heat from this little boy and i remember the scripture came and only could have been holy spirit matthew 18 verse 19 and it says that wherever two or more of anyone touching anything on this earth shall ask of my father it shall be done for them when he said those words i hold that little boy two arms and i said kevin for you saying that you and daddy in agreement and i said that scripture and i say father in the name of jesus i spoke the scripture i say i claim healing no long prayer because i believe in the scripture as i sit here less than five minutes later this fella who had i mean a fever mercy i'm sure was over a hundred i'm telling you literally when i went to holland i could literally feel the heat emanating from this boy less than five minutes later this boy was running around the house grinning and playing hide one we follow him and so on fever gone everything gone that day i will never forget that day i saw the power of god see again i can say this again that's why i tell you all you're gonna understand why i hate this so much you know that's why when people say you must pay this to get healing paid this for miracle that is not of god that is not of god i didn't have to pay nobody god all god was looking for was his word twice that happened to my son and twice i i exercised the exam strategy i spoke the word of god the word of god shut down the spiritual entity that was upon that boy not me i followed the protocol i followed the rule i followed the sequence that were prescribed in the holy constitution of creation that's why i tell you boy no human no pastor no preacher see you all think i don't like them i love them i just hate them sorry i hate those who miss interpret not misinterpret but mislead people and using scripture i hate the in the idea of that i detest i hate it because i've seen firsthand when i use the word of god when i say lord i put aside how i feel this i clearly if i could have healed him off my own it would have been done already and when i spoke over my son i say kev because you say that we agree according to matthew 18 19 where two or more of us touching anything on this earth shall ask of the father in the name of jesus it shall be done and we agree you and i kevin that god will heal you and like i say less than five minutes later sisters and brothers oh boy was doing more somersaults right now let me tell you something here no olympic diver could have beat him doing it so i'm showing you the power of god which is the word of god that is what made the difference that is what made the difference so let's go because i want to repress for time okay let's go now to let's go to proverbs chapter 4 proverbs chapter four i'm going to read from verse 20 to verse 23 because i can i can tie these two together okay because we see here we follow the rules of god in proverbs 3 verse 7 and then following those rules is going to give us a specific result now remember the rules that we follow in verse 7 of proverbs 3 it didn't give us money in verse 8. it didn't give us cars and houses no that specific law that we follow we activated this the the the spiritual uh healing excuse me for us so you see we need to know which law to follow we need to be specific that's why i tell you whatever your situation is upset is you over and over whatever you fasting whatever you're fasting for go and get the relative scriptures and look at the promises why would you be putting in your fast scriptures for healing physical body when you're looking for a financial miracle to pay off this mortgage that'll make no sense so what you're going to do like in this scripture your end result that you seek is healing so therefore let me follow this specific rule to attain this specific end result makes sense right so watch this proverbs i love this here proverbs chapter 4 beginning at verse 20. i love this remember i'll be coming off the heels of proverbs chapter 3 uh verses 78 as proverbs chapter 4 verse 20 says my son okay attend to my words incline i love this word because the word incline means to bend to kill to wherever that sound is coming from this is the direction okay i hear kevin speaking over here so let me bend or let me do this so i can truly hear i don't miss nothing he has to say because what he's saying is important my son attend to my words incline or bend thine air unto my saying or my word listen now he's giving more instructions let not let let them not what is them what are you speaking about my word my saying let's be clear let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine circle that word heart not only is he saying to do not neglect my word do not neglect my word but to put attention and focus on them but look where he say to incubate them or to store them not in your hand not in your bank account not in your foot not in your drawer he said the words that you are constantly meditating on the words that you are constantly reading and looking at the word of god that is he said let them be in the midst of your heart listen to this now verse 22 says for they what is the day because we need to know what we're talking about we saw this word day in the previous uh verse the day is the word of god verse 22 says for they are life the other words which is the day the word of god their life unto those that find them listen listen listen unhealth to all their flesh we got a problem here we got a problem here because what i just read there he said that the word of god if i obeyed him if i inclined if i let this thing marinate in my heart father you've sent your word to heal me lord your word declares that jesus was wounded for our transgressions and because of the stripes that he had taken for us it wasn't for him okay we are healed the word of god says he is our jehovah rapha the god that healed us but he said i just cannot heal you because i get ill i need you to follow my protocol not what they tell you what i say but how would you know what they're saying is wrong if you don't study the true rules to healing how how are you going to know you won't know so you will look at the one who do know as silly when you say to them come on why why are you sowing a thousand dollars for healing you saw this when they said here if you put the word of god in your heart meditate on the day and night and really begin to operate in the word of god you will be here no kevin see that's your problem right there huh i said ready you're all too religious too religious let me tell you something here first of all my thousand dollars ain't going to pass it's going to god number one number two just so possibly put a wing so god looking at all of that okay i hear you sister mary and no need to get angry i don't know why you all get angry when people show you all the word of god why are you upset tell me that let's first of all forget healing let's deal with this miserable spiritual god voice but in any event mary he said to you so a thousand dollars how many times have you done this now they get angry here because they know you know they're foolish they know what you are saying is true but the argument is going to come because they don't want you to view them as a fool that's what argument coming in so they're assuming you saw what you said i stupid then no i didn't say that but that's what you think you notice yourself you came to this conclusion all on your own why would you say i think you're stupid because you give a thousand dollars all i'm saying to you is look what the word say this is what you get for healing if you do this simple instruction right here you will get healing but he is telling you he's telling you that if you sow x amount of money god says he's going to he's going to fix that thing now you don't even know what thing that is it could have been what thing is he talking about see he isn't even specific he's uh he's requiring such a large financial uh money from you but cannot even be specific on the thing that you want but the scripture is telling you specifically hey if you follow my word if you do this then shall the healing come then shall be held to thy flesh then shall be marrow to thy bones and medicine to the navel god is very specific in his word as to what part of his word you use to for a specific end result so why are you mad with me i'm all i'm doing is showing you the law the rules you're upset because i'm showing you the rules see kevin i don't talk to you and you all hear me making fun this is what i face daily whatever teaching i do because you know i'm bible based and i use because they never heard it or because they put their past and church policies above the word of god they will dismiss you they become angry they become hostile well that's what he believed everybody entitled to their own opinion and who we think he is he thinks you know everyone i never said i knew it all i never said that i'm not wrong i never said none of those things all i said to you look at what the word of god says compared to what that person is telling you are you going to believe god or are you going to believe your god very simple my son proverbs 4 6. proverbs 4 verse 20. my son at 10 a 10 means to to show up attend to my words incline or bend thine air onto wherever my sayings are coming from who kevin is teaching my word bend your ear listen to kevin carefully this is not kevin's opinion this is not how kevin feel i god i'm speaking through kevin every time kevin is repeating my word now question who's speaking through your leaders when they have replaced my word with their understanding my son attend to my word incline then unto my saying he says now let not my words depart from your eyes but keep them in the midst of your heart why verse 22 says why for they which is the word of god will produce life unto those that find them find what the words and health the word of god is going to bring health to all their flesh what is going to bring your flesh will be your entire physical body what is going to bring healing to this kidney uh disease what is going to be healing to whatever i must consistently i mean just gorge on the word of god now watch verse 23 now watch verse 23 because remember now in verse 21 i tell you circular word heart he says don't just bend and incline to my words don't just read them and observe them but now tuck them away in your heart secure them there let your heart become the vault to my word why watch verse 23 keep thy heart with all diligence or purity for out of it what is the it your heart are the issues of life now this is where it becomes powerful right here and this is why i say to you over and over and over and over again forgiveness is literally the key to truly access the promises of god kevin what you're talking about which is what you're saying to us kevin you've got to make sense there's a new saying now it says make this make sense but i can make sense right now you see you could follow all the rules you could actually participate in the laws but based on what we've read so far in both scriptures there's a common denominator that is constantly coming up and it is always about the condition of your heart many of you write me kevin i fasted kev and i prayed kevin i read the scriptures and this is still happening to me and all i am seeing when you say that is you got a heart condition you see a lot of people like to justify their wrongs well i don't hate him even though i haven't talked to him in 46 years i don't mean i hate him because if i hated him at least i would curse him and call him and tell him xyz but i don't even check for him okay so let me see if i get this straight you don't hate him but you spoke used to speak to him before all of this happened yeah we were normal we were good friends but but okay now we're getting somewhere but let's get a butt now but something he did what did he do he told a lie and it cost me got fired i got you and that's wrong that's wrong and you got to be punished for it i'm sure he has after 46 years i think he had money no punishment from you but anyway so let me see if i get this right now you don't hate him according to you you have no bitterness in your heart towards him according to you but somehow whatever happened 46 years ago has made you cut off all communication that you would never reach out to him now tell me this have you ever tried to richard you really try but i into him i i i leave that there okay so let me see if i get this straight would you equate that to you forgiving this person kevin let me tell you something i forgive but i forget you forgive but you didn't forget ain't nothing wrong with that okay let me see god said when i forgive you of your sins i tossed him into the sea of forgetfulness so he has a c specifically created to assist him and making sure this don't ever come before him again but you the creation you the creation decided to retain what they did and don't see your retention of it has dictated your relationship with this person how to explain reduce that to forgiveness for me because maybe i'm seeing this wrong let me let me hear it whenever you have to justify your wickedness your evil that you're trying to make it look like you're just trying to be you're trying to stay away from trouble now let me be clear i can forgive a person i've done many things in terms of i've forgiven many people and people who've done me wrong i have called and tell them i i want to ask your forgiveness and so on now that don't mean right after that i go take them for dinner and we go in the alps and go skiing and stuff no i don't have nothing to do with it but if they ever asked me for help and i could do it i'll do it okay so forgiveness don't mean we have to go out you may say you know what i forgive you and really i have nothing mad for you but i think it's best that we just stay our separate race but if you need any help i'm here to help you see that that's nothing wrong with that but when your life is governed by the thought of this person you feel these butterflies in your stomach you get angry and hostile and if they ever reach for help or you know of someone they're seeking a job somewhere and somebody brought up they don't give him that job not know him you didn't forgive them see the result of forgiveness does not dictate evil towards the one who you claim to forgive the results of forgiveness does not dictate that i make life hard for them what if god says i forgive you for cheating on your husband even though he don't know but i'm going to make sure he knows in the future and expose you so he can half kill you what if god did that to you what if god did that to you so so don't don't don't stop trying to justify your version of forgiveness all right the scriptures are clear jesus said listen while you're praying forgive others listen why now so that your heavenly father will forgive you so common sense tell me if i don't forgive kevin god cannot forgive me i don't care much i scream and preach on the pulpit and do some assaults and swing on the chandelier because when i come off that chandelier and it was my time to die that night hellfire would be waiting on me why because i disobeyed him and so he couldn't the prerequisite for him forgiving me he said you must forgive your fellow man if you don't forgive your fellow man i cannot hear you you speak in another language so let's get it right so the scripture is telling us here in proverbs 4 and 23 very clear keep your heart not your foot keep your heart not your fingernails keep your heart not your weave keep your heart not your breath with all diligence but all purity keep hating bitterness and anger we see a lot of that on facebook hey you can't even express yourself no more you can't even give an opinion no more they jump on you and cuss you and call you everything but a child of god they they create forms to tear you up and rip you apart simply because you don't agree with what they're doing and see i'm not worried about the physical person i'm looking at a hard condition you're looking at people who hate is overwhelming in their heart that their mouths begin to speak in the scripture this is a law the bible says out of the abundance of a person's heart you know what abundance means and overflow it's over producing it out of the abundance of a person's heart their mouth speaks that's why i tell people if me and somebody talking and they pop an effort and they say okay everyone oh man sorry but i don't normally do this you are a liar you're a liar because my bible say out of the abundance of your heart your mouth can talk even when you didn't want it to talk so get out of here what that garbage stop it so this is what i say to you so when you see people i uh i know the situation even going on right now with my teachings with with the tithing thing and you have so-called preachers uh just ripping up kevin calling kevin by name never once emailed me never once said call me say kevin listen explain this to me some others i truly don't know see the the jealousy and hate in their heart is so overflowing that they have no choice then to whenever they get the opportunity to to degrade to make disparaging mark against kevin they're going to do it but yet they will mount that pulpit on sunday now brothers and sisters we got to forgive you cannot hold it in because god says if you don't forgive you cannot forgive you glory be to god oh hallelujah and these are the people you're following but i keep telling you by their fruit you will know them where did that fruit come from the fruit was produced from their hearts my teachings are clear i call nobody name no one name i call when i preach i make a blanket statement with the rules of god but there's a song that bob marley sang years ago i always loved it and he said listen what he said he said who the cap fit let them wear it so when i preached the word of god based on the rules of god and that heart fit on that preacher or evangelist and that fit they now attack kevin because he talked about me and how you could tell don't pay tithes how am i supposed to exist how am i supposed to do this how supposed to fly around on my jets and ride run and act like the big shot if he's he he's no no kevin was just the messenger i didn't make the rules i spoke from the roots but out of the abundance of your heart your mouth is telling on you he said you will know them by their fruit so in their mind they think they're fighting kevin i keep telling this you're fighting the word of god because i never gave you my opinion i never told you how i think it should be i never said my reasoning is or the way it should be no every time i spoke i said look at the law look at the rules look at the principles and if you follow this rule this law this principle this ordinance this protocol look at what the next scripture says let's say you can get this right here i got nothing to do with this i didn't do my job i could go and uh spend time with my wife after this i'm finished with that you you you you you want to create a forum and get people to agree with you and to justify your position so even when someone call you and say man hey what you're doing is wrong why are you calling this my name on the the why you why are you known as you're a leader why are you doing this no no no no you feel right because you got like five six people clicking like oh i like yeah that's true graph that's true what you're saying who do you think he is but we look at kevin kevin never called no body name kevin preached the word and you took the heart of that word because it fits you and rather than saying lord forgive me i see my area no let me put this hat on now let me get my gun because i came behind this kevin guy and i'm about to shot him right now so i pray for those persons man i i pray for them that the lord would really deliver them from self i think that's the main issue so as you can see here as you can see here the word of god is what we need and following the protocols of that word is how we activate the cure for our healing if you're not sick as yet you still follow the word of god because now it becomes a preventative to stop healing from coming oh i love it and that's why i opened up my teaching today with the bible can be viewed as a preventative measure or a cure excuse me preventative if i follow it then these things would not happen a cure if i do not follow it i disobey it so now i have to go look for the appropriate scriptures to implement to now bring a cure to my flesh you follow me and that's why i said to you before there are many people many people right now i'm sure uh [ __ ] and warlocks i'm sure it's i know they're sending curses and i wouldn't go into detail with that i know i know the signs of i know they're sending it i know there are many pastors who hate the dirt i walk on i know there are many disparaging and evil words they project i told you just last week or last week uh there was a lady a christian person a christian child of god who wished death the what i was doing when i started the the tithing teaching who said that kevin soon died and he soon dead and because he talked about the pastors there are many people but guess what because i use the bible as a preventative there's nothing they could do just like david parade he said may they wall their world that made their words fall to the ground and become utter foolishness why because my preventative my hedge of protection and everything else that the bible promises have to work for me why because kevin in his boldness stands on the word of god and even after i'm done talking and preaching to you i am consistently living according to the word i'm not perfect i'm not perfect but wherever i fall short i yuckled that clause in first john 1 9 and god says listen geff listen kev now if you confess to sin i am faithful and just to forgive you of it and to cleanse you kevin of all unrighteousness father and he says now kevin i'm going to take this bottle up like piece of paper and watch us watch me do this dunk for you kev wow straight into the sea of forgetfulness now continue my son let them talk their garbage let them continue to mislead my people just like you kevin they gotta give an account one day so proverbs sorry psalms 107. let's go to psalms 107. psalms 107. i love this one right because what we're doing now is i'm showing you i'm showing you where your heart and following god's instructions which is his word becomes the core of your healing this is where your focus ought to be right now psalms 107 verses 19 to 20 psalms 107 verses 19 to 20 and what does it say then they cry unto the lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distress how did he do this let's look at verse 20 of psalms 107. he sent his word and heal them i'm reading this right now i look at verse 19 and i saw no prerequisite of sowing money they cried unto the lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distress right after they made the 200 lion seed don't see it they cried unto the lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distress how did he do it he sent his word he sent his word and what did it do kevin and heal them and delivered them from their destruction what did this heaven the word the word of god so kevin did enough to pay for this word no this word free yeah so why was i painted i know i know what you saying i don't know why you were paying i don't know why i don't know why i don't know why because we ain't seen it here we're not seeing it here any preacher any preacher charge you for the word of god do not go to that preacher for healing do not go to that preacher for nothing everything that preacher tell you rejected in the name of jesus christ right now if they did it to you before i ask god father i break the covenant made between me not preacher that i thought by giving them money according to what they said was gonna heal me it is not your law it is not your rule i repent from this day forward i will now immerse myself in your word and only respond to those that speak your word for free for my deliverance for my healing in jesus mighty name amen so the word says in psalms 107 that they cried unto him and then he sent us not as angels i didn't read that no he sent his word so that means if i am believing god to save my marriage if i'm believing god to for a new whom debt-free if i'm believing god to establish my business and i don't want to be owing to no bank what is it that i need to be hearing from that pastor when he preached what is it that i need to be hearing from that prophet or prophetess when they come because according to the word of god he has sent his word with them to give me and he made no mention that you got to pay them and they bring the word not either the bible lie or they're a bunch of liars i love the word of god i know what you like that's what i'm looking at he sent his word now how he sent his word is a different story he could send it through a kevin he could send it through an apostle he could send it to a regular person many times i remember having conversations with people who i am counseling and there were some issues that i was dealing with praying seeking god and out of just the conversation between me and the one that i am counseling something they just said just now answered my ques answered the issues i was dealing with and i said to them thank you very much you have no idea what you just said just now what's the key to what i'm dealing with right now now this is the poison i'm constantly he said i sent my word stop looking at titles because it can't if kitty jake says it then it can't be true if kevin is saying it can't be true stop that does what they ask is what they are saying marching with the word of god so if a preacher comes to town and he says let me see the hands of those in here who's seeking god for healing who's seeking god for healing amen who's seeking god for healing who you you okay good now let's turn to uh proverbs chapter 3 verses 7 to verse 8 now let's read this out loud now because this is god's instruction to you put aside your personal feelings fear the lord ensure evil this shall be medicine or health for thy navel and marrow to liberal who believe that right now now that's god word to you go when you work that word another preacher came who in here needs to be ill who let me see the hands of healing okay 40 okay god told me that and i've brought several vials of oil i've prayed over it i took it down to the river of jordan and timbuktu then i took a round trip flight to russia to make sure they was in the purified water of the russian springs and the lord told me that everyone who purchased a vial of oil for eight hundred dollars he's gonna do that thing for you who are you gonna believe who are you going to believe are you going to believe the man who gave you the word of god for you to get off your lazy butt and follow to get the results or you're going to believe this one who's circumventing the laws of god who's making up stuff for you who who are you going to believe i'm listening who are you gonna believe i know i can believe i believe in the one who speak the word of god you know why you know why because psalms 107 and verse 20 says he which is god capital h sent his word he didn't say who he centered by because he don't want you discriminating nobody he said i sent my word so what is he also saying now if what they're saying is not my word i did not send them so god you're telling me if he say join the thousand dollar line and and and and i'm gonna be healed and he didn't say he didn't quote the scripture i didn't send him read the rules read the protocols why you don't like reading my laws if you would study and read my laws you would never be in the mess you went today i said to you in psalms 107 verse 20 i sent my word why they have yet to say anything from the scriptures other than god lover the cheerful giver while he's encouraging you to bring a thousand dollar seed when are you gonna wake up when are you gonna say to yourself all of these years these people have been duking me how much more of this am i gonna take they have made you angry with god when god did nothing to you because of you if god was to appear to you right now and say what are you angry for i'm mad because everything i did everything they told me to do i did everything will tell you to do what your servants my servants how do they get my servants because that's prophet saw and so and that's teacher kevin so because they call themselves teacher and prophet that's my servants no no baby let's go back to my law look at what my law says psalms 107 verse 20 i sent my word so if i sent my word to me you should be hearing my word and that will qualify them as my servant now show me where they said to you my word well you got a point there jesus i got a point there i got a point there you put the rules laws and commandments of men over the infallible word of god and you are still wondering why you are in that same position 30 years later when kevin who was saved for less than a year grab his son's little arms and quote my word and my word did exactly what it was intended to do and heal his son and he just was getting into me for less than a year your leader's been there for four million years and we're giving you everything except my word why speaking to somebody today i don't know who you are but i'm speaking to somebody today i speaking to someone today i am speaking to someone today by take this this handkerchief remember paul paul rub them on him and just the anointing over him and they tell him swallow it push it up in the nose and sinus is gonna go show me my laws on healing because they have yet to tell you that show me my laws don't show me no one time event show me my laws what does my law say and why do you have to pay for the handkerchief why make it make sense that's what i said you make it makes sense but i realized though especially in these recent teachings i realized that you cannot come that hard on them i can be really rich and that's why i've been really really patient recently too because you see remember there they have been blinded by a religious spirit and that religious spirit demands respect and when i say demands respect and that is the one that they're following what they say is above even what god says how do you know this because they will always find a way to not only justify what the leaders say but they will never come at you in love they will come at you sarcastically condescendingly and in an assault in an in an insultive way even though what you're saying is the word of god so here's what i've been hearing i'm going to give you a perfect example and i'm going to use ties because i was recently and i said that only the levites by law was supposed to receive tithes this is the law you see read it say law so here's what i get back from them see kevin you took that one scripture right there kevin you took that one scripture scripture hebrews seven and five but you didn't look at the contextual order in which the contents of the hypography of the kidney when you move the heart and then you bring down the liver so you didn't do that and now you're misleading people because because when we look at the hypothesis of the equilibrium and then we come around pluto and you just shift from mars before you blocking walk into jupiter now before you do all that see you didn't look at that kevin right and i'm glad i didn't look at it because you've got me this right now see this is what i say to you why can't you just accept the word for what it says it says it's a law so once we see a law there we must respect that law unless there's another law that supersedes it what superseded the law whereby your pastor was given the legal right from the same divine god that made a perpetual salt everlasting covenant with the hebrew sorry with hebrew people yes specifically the the the levitical priesthood that they were the only person on this planet by law to receive of the tide how did you reduce that or transfer it where there's another law that specifically says god changed his mind of course that i wasn't thinking fully this god and i was in i didn't see the day this was god speaking i didn't see the day so now that i see this little problem here and i see where the pastors can gang you know died so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to now make another law to say that the the levites will not have to share or even just transfer it to the past since the past is collected now because the whole purpose of the titan to do the levitical priesthood the temple just so many other components that brought the result of a tide and why it came into play and the only thing that the modern day church could pull away from the whole program of why the tide was ever originated was that they must collect it not help the poor the widows the fatherless none of that not uh two years where you eat the fruit the tide and none of all of the other laws you just dismissed that it's called deception it's called extortion actually extortion is to threaten to force uh uh funds from someone even when they don't want to give it so you come up with all these little rules that the bible cannot justify and then you say hey look i'm the pastor and you're so you do what i say and all of them all of them are fighting all of them now they're online fighting what i say but they're fighting me i keep telling you that you're fighting the word and this is the funniest part i gotta tell you on this piece and then get back into this every pastor that i saw or read their nonsense right well i don't care what nobody say i don't care nobody say me and my family we believe in the tide and we have seen the tide work for us this is the pastor wow oh my god look you heard he said pastor said he's working for him oh let me see this pasta everybody give you the tide nobody else get it whoa man you are so blessed that let me see 200 of us in here give 10 of our salary to you we don't get a benefit from it and you're blessing your family you are absolutely right pastor oh pastor god oh my god god use you to talk on yourself the tide was to benefit the children of israel at that time watch my videos on it because the new system the same benefit where everybody benefited was a common wealth in israel once they did what god say it is the same thing that would be produced for us when we follow second corinthians 9 verses 6 to 10. but i thought i was so funny all every one of them oh it's working for me i don't know what what people are talking about but i pay tithe i don't care what they say i pay the tithe this is the pastors and i pay tithe and i've seen the the hand of god i've seen the the finger of god in my life and my family i'm able to send my children to college in fact i just had five of my children that are doing a a uh phd and doctorate degree right now and i'm god is doing that really offer you back of your poor members whom you force and threaten to pay 10 percent and you appear lying but god is the one blessing you get out of here that foolishness man get out here that nonsense go tell that to somebody else let's look at some more spiritual laws proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 proverbs 17 verse 22 say the lord blessing him and only him this collected the tithe my god this that is so funny that is so funny only him collecting the tide only him decide where the tide go and he's saying that the lord is blessing him i love it oh my god that is the most funniest thing i've heard since 2020 open up only him collecting it only him collecting the tide and he's saying that he's seen the heart of god well how come you know what i remember seeing only you getting it well you're better stuff yeah anyway problem 17 verse 22 a merry heart let's pause right there it's a merry heart a merry heart is a heart that is not saturated with evil a merry heart is a heart of forgiveness a merry heart is a heart who want to do things god they're always in a good mood happy so watch what it does a merry heart is it a merry heart do it good like a medicine now the bible is bringing about this particular uh sentence in a simile form it says a merry heart uh for 22 is a merry heart it does good like a medicine just like how a medicine will bring a cure to a particular sickness a heart that is free from anger hate bitterness unforgiveness that is how a heart will do to a person's physical life physical flesh a merry heart do it good like a medicine so the heart of man is the place in which his healing is initiated from because when he takes the word of god and marinated in his heart remember when we read earlier i tell you the circular when it says that you must keep his losses commandments were in his heart then we read in uh proverbs 4 23 it says keep thy heart with all diligence all pureness purity why because out of it comes the word issues of life issues of life sickness uh diseases and many other good things also so the heart becomes that place in which healing is originated via the assimilation of the word of god and now we take what we've assimilated and now make it practical and then we now begin to see the promises of god as it relates to healing in our lives my god i hope you'll listening to me i hope you listen to this so a merry heart do it good like a medicine but a broken spirit dry up the bones you're here this what what is the bone again i just told you the bones and in the middle of the bones is what you call bone marrow that bone marrow is responsible for producing cells that will maintain this physical body is producing cells for the heart for the kidney everything to the cells to keep your skin which is the largest organ on your body for your hair all of that though the bone marrow is producing that the scripture says if you are broken in spirit if you are angry if you're bitter if you're full of unforgiveness somehow these evil negative emotions spiritually is going to affect you physically i cannot get clearer than that i cannot get clearer than that there's no other way i could put this there's no other way i'm showing you repeatedly in my teachings how the spiritual world is consistently dictating the course of your physical life whatever is going on with you now good or bad it came as a result of what was manufactured in the spiritual world the bible in this teaching is showing us if your heart is wrong if it's not in the right place it's going to affect you in your physical body look at people who better okay let's let's put it to a test right now think of someone who you know sick bad i mean really really sick going through a bunch of problems so on and so forth now before all of that let's look at let's review what we know about them okay you notice that they were bitter they were angry always wishing harm for other people always taking people to their heart that they'll never forgive them aren't we watching the bible come to pass on its uh declaration that if you do this you can get that aren't we seeing that the bible is clear proverbs 17 and 22 a merry heart a joyful heart and that's how i live i live i think to be honest with you i think i have the best life ever since i retired i when i tell you have the best life i make it a my job to enjoy my life i don't have no hate towards anybody no bitterness no none of that and whenever someone trying to run with me i shut that down right away why because i don't want not no point carrying not even over one day what somebody did to me and i trying to find a way to spite them in fact my teaching tomorrow on the spirit of on the spirit of our offense can deal a lot what i'm talking about right now i don't because why am i doing this i'm doing my best to avoid having any kind of retention of sin because i am totally knowledgeable about retaining sin in my heart unforgiveness pride is going to affect my health according to the word of god according to the word of god my health in its decline the origin of it according to the word of god has to do with the condition of my heart that's scripture let me read it again proverbs 17 verse 22 a merry heart do it good like a medicine if you have a joyful heart you always want the best for people you love to see people get promoted in advance in life even if it ain't you you happy i have a friend couple friends like that that they take a joy they're not doing well but they take a joy to see other people like anytime they hear something good about somebody they are genuinely happy for that person they are quick to forgive they are quick to take responsibility they're never trying to to dump something on somebody to make them responsible when they know they were part of it in fact they will take responsibility for the whole thing and i look at these people while they may not have everything going well for them financially they're in perfect health they're doing well i mean and from a health or or a health perspective why because the bible cannot lie the condition of your heart is determining the condition of your health and that scripture that's scripture and that's why a lot of people when they come for deliverance and that's why they don't listen to these people don't listen to them come come spit it out they're a demon who are you my name is peter i come to killer what is that all about because that person that's how you know it's hocus pocus did you check the condition of their heart you cannot come up here for deliverance when you hate your mother you hate your boss you tell people on a daily basis i i wish they could die right now and you come for deliverance from what for deliverance from what that's why i say to you people people please if you all but listen to me listen to the word that is coming through me you all will be a lot further in life because all i'm showing you is the rules all i'm showing you is the laws of your your physical well-being and health is predicated let me be clear now it's emitting it is the result of what is in your heart very clear it is a result of the condition of your heart a merry heart symbolic a merry heart it's a simile do it good like a medicine meaning like just like our medicine will do good for your body a good heart will do good for your physical body it's going to bring a cure doctor i've taken all these pills my blood pressure wouldn't go down well probably you should stop hating other people stop talking about when people children stop having negative things to say all the time but another pastor or another one and calling their name when you know when you know good and well you're not using scripture to justify what you're doing if you're making a blanket statement and say if the pastor's doing this if they're robbing the people there's nothing wrong with that but when you say will you kevin ewing you're you're leading the people wrong and and blah blah blah check your heart my friend check your heart because if you could come and see where the if you could show where kevin is speaking another gospel and that's a different story check your heart check your heart because if you don't stop what you're doing the laws as it relates to a man's heart condition is about to run its course in your life check your heart a merry heart do it good like a medicine listen now but a broken spirit dry up the bones a broken spirit a spirit that is broken not just broken leg from a relationship broken because it's full of hate so it's telling me that negative like hate and bitterness these things it makes your spirit incomplete because if something is broken it's not complete so it's saying to me that you're hating your bitterness towards someone your unforgiveness towards them the bible say it's drying up your bones your your marrow which is producing the cells for your entire being is being affected so therefore it only solidifies my point that your health can be your health issues can be traced all the way back to your heart if your heart ain't right then your health ain't gonna be right that's scripture that in my opinion let's look at another one let's look at proverbs i'm about to end this in the next 15 minutes and uh you know what i have a lot more scriptures here i have a lot more scriptures here all right so if you want me to do a part two to this then you uh put it in the comment section and uh i'll take it from there so let's look at proverbs 15. let's look at proverbs 15 and let's look at verse 13 verse 13 to 15. proverbs 15 from verse 13 to verse 15. okay if you want a part two just let me know i'll do it because i got oh lord i got a lot i've got a lot of scriptures here boy but uh let me be real with john my prime minister coming on in 30 minutes and i will watch him to see what he has to say with this corona and locking us down okay so that's why i try to wrap this up okay so whether you are part two or not you can get part two because i i will wrap this up right like i need to know about my country with corona because chronos seem to have a serious problem so anyway proverbs 15 verse 13 listen to this carefully listen to this carefully listen to this carefully because it's resonating with the scriptures we just came from a mary heart make it a cheerful continent what is your confidence your facial expression the scripture not kevin the scripture is saying that the expression on a person's face is directly connected to their heart that in my opinion description always mad sulky this is awesome you know what it's awesome we just read just now and what was that that was uh psalm 17 verse 22. what did it say a marriott do it good like a medicine so i mean that person is always in good mood and and that good mood is literally uh uh supplying nutrients to the entire physical being this scripture is saying now now cause it all is dealing with the heart the same heart will also okay for example you go to the doctor right i love this i love this so much you go to the doctor and you say doctor talk i have like this little pain in my chest so he's going to ask you a few questions you feel like a tightness yeah kind of tightness you having like shortness of breath sometimes yeah yeah yeah like if you go up a certain steps or if you walk a certain distance you feel like tired already yeah yeah yeah dog that's true that's how i feel and you kind of sweat sometimes yeah yeah yeah okay yeah man but based on those uh questions and your answer it sounds like you are you you might have some clogged arteries you may have a heart attack or something like that so we need to do for the test so what is he doing based on the externals and how you respond he's trying to zoom in on what could be the problem this scripture here in proverbs 15 13 it says a merry heart make it a cheerful confidence so therefore the opposite will be true right if a joyful heart a heart that is free from hate and bitterness and just enjoy in life is always happy and smiling then the opposite is true so what am i doing your face all bent up like listen my my wife do this all the time she she know me like the back of her hand and in fact uh we were going out for a birthday uh two days ago and in the car she said you're not saying anything is something wrong because she know that's not me so i said no nothing is wrong so she said you need sub lie to me she say stop lying tell the truth shame the devil guess i have kevin yes ma i said but i didn't say anything though but anyway when we got to the restaurant i got back to myself again laughing making jokes just like i do with you all i'm always known for her i'm saying to you because she knows me she knows my personality she know me like the back of her hand she could determine right away she ain't gonna put no tubes in me and run no blood tests and do no blood works she know kevin and kevin behave this way the bible is saying here a person that is always happy joyful always want the best for a person and they don't have to be them well we could tell what their heart is about and we don't need a committee we don't need a board of directors this here person have a cheerful heart according to the word but if they're always sulky always wishing bad for other people always wishing debt on them and speaking the most vile things god says that points god said you're gonna cut them open to look at their heart didn't i give you the the the protocols to determine how you could assess from the outside what the conditions of their heart is like didn't i tell you that you see why i love the bible that's why i love the scripture man i love the scriptures so he says a merry heart make it a cheerful continent but by sorrow of the heart what the spirit is broken this is basically repeating proverbs uh what was that now 17 verse 22. proverbs 17 verse 22 and proverbs 15 verse 2 verse 13 would be reading right now it's basically saying it's the same it's telling us how to diagnose how do we diagnose and based on the information we've received so far we now know how to prescribe the right medication if you always sorrowful and down the bible say the heart is broken how do we fix it i have sent my word to heal him i know but you're enjoying this teaching it's 5 29 i'm getting ready to go listen to my prime minister but anyway i might get over the next five minutes but i i tell you man definitely part two gotta come because i gotta this what i've given you right now is only scratching the cypher so what i really deal with this teaching okay so let's look at another scripture no let's continue with 14 and 15 of the same chapter proverbs 15 i remember proverbs chapter 15 verse 13 says a merry heart make it a cheerful continent but by sorrow of the heart the spirit of broken this is like a manual this is like a manual as it relates to diagnosing a person i love that that's how i see this this is just like a doctor i'm in a doctor office and he's saying okay yeah doc has got a pain in you and sometimes they get a little reddish and i get like a little rash hmm let me get my buck here so we look in the book where they have a study on this and he could say okay i know what you are you have so and so so this is our instruction book to determine why is this guy always angry why is he always having something negative to say about somebody else okay why is he always doing this well let's look at it again well a mary had make it a cheerful confidence well his continent isn't cheerful so clearly his heart isn't married but the second part of this uh diagnosis applies to him but by spite but by sorrow of the heart his spirit was broken why is he always down always complaining always negative because he have a broken spirit he need my word to heal him scripture verse 14 says the heart of him that have understanding that's kevin secret knowledge i need knowledge if you have an understanding of something what are you gonna always do i need to get more knowledge on this i'm not gonna take what they say and they can't give me a spirit no scripture to support it the heart of him that have understanding secret knowledge but the mouth of fools huh what i do feed on foolishness yeah create forms to talk mess and nonsense and refute the word of god and and make their opinion more prominent than the word of god that's fools the bible saying they what do they feed on not the word of god i didn't read that they feed on what foolishness they argue in the word of god they're debating the word of god you could debate the word of god it is what it is it is what it says the mouth of fools what do they do feed on what sense no knowledge no wisdom no knowledge understanding no revelation no the mouth of fools feed on foolishness the mouth of fools feed on foolishness what i'm reading here verse 15 watch this now all the days of the afflicted are evil who's deflected the one who's always sick bitter the one who's always with no unforgiveness it says their days are full but why is evil always with the afflicted because they would not release the unforgiveness and bitterness and hate and pride in their heart it only solidifies what i said the condition of your heart is determining two things we've read so far it's determining your physical life especially health-wise and the continent on your face that's scripture that's not my opinion all the days of the afflicted are evil but he that is of a merry heart have a continual feast it's not awesome listen your boy living here today meaning that even if you hear bad news even if something devastating yeah i can knock you for a little bit it may knock you down for a couple minutes but because your heart is filled with joy filled with the love of god filled with the revelation you ain't living a form of godliness you ain't depending on monies to bring a breakthrough or pay someone for you ain't running no one now for prophecy you are actually satisfied that what this bible says what it mean and you determined to follow what the bible say the bible say you are the one who was of a merry heart his life was a continual party then my lord why they don't teach us this in church i've never heard these things my lord my lord oh lord time to elude me time is evicting me boy part two gotta come oh part two gotta come i'll give you one more one more scripture i can give you and i'm gonna i have to end this right here okay let's go to proverbs 12 proverbs 12. you know your brother always giving you the scriptures i give you i ain't giving you no opinion my opinion don't mean nothing when it comes to the word of god zero proverbs 12 verses 20 heaviness which also means depression okay this here means depression you see the word heaviness heaviness means depression sadness that's what i mean in fact let's let me put your finger there a second and let's look at uh let me pull this up let's look at uh let's look at uh isaiah 61. keep your finger right here so i'll prove my point isaiah 61 and verse 3 isaiah 61 and verse 3 and what does it say it says to appoint unto them that mourn in zion to give unto them beautiful ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness the spirit of heaviness when we do it what happens it means depression depression is like a spirit just come and rest not on your physical person you know it's resting on your spirit man but kevin why not the physical person why because this spirit is where all things originate so it's just to rest on your physical body and only deal with things physically once i rest on the spirit it's going to affect that which is spiritual as well as that which is not physical so the scripture just revealed to us that heaviness represents depression sadness sorrow that no matter how much joy is going on around you because that spirit of heaviness people who suffer from deep and i noticed perfectly well because i suffered severe depression but all of that was broken let me make that clear right now never had a day since i did my fasting and did the right way to get rid of that spirit because that's what i knew it was the spirit of heaviness listen to what says here proverbs 12 25 heaviness in the heart of man depression in the heart of man making it stoop and that's just how i used to be when i had depression when i had depression it was like the entire world was having a party and nobody invited me it's like no matter how much i try to manufacture joy it could not happen but if you listen to the scripture carefully and go back all of all of the other scriptures you see a correlation because that heaviness anyone who knew me i my best friend clifford bow used to come with me all the time him and his wife always invite me by them let's go somewhere i had a motorbike i had a nice looking vertical car i was living on my own nice three bedroom two bathroom living like a king only me way back then and had no joy zero joy zero zero zero zero i would sit down in my home in tears crying for no reason whenever i did jump in my vehicle i would ride right up on the beach when it was not too far from my eleven sat in that car and just listened to the ocean waves slap upon the beach that was like a short brief little therapy for me but all the pressure was just waiting on me when i pulled back home i remember days i would close all of my curtains and everything just sit in the dark crying lord please help me please take them you could only take this pain nobody did an amino nobody nobody died none of that depression was the order of the day for me nobody could understand i never even tried to explain it to nobody because there was those who i tried to they could not understand what i was dealing with so i understand depression i also know about depression this though because i tell you i had to surveil what i do know is that depression need a partner and the partner is usually the victim if you make it conducive for depression and when i say conducive without using the word of god against it you cannot overcome depression or fasting and if you and if you say you do i can guarantee you this if you said you overcame depression by without fasting you have to be on some kind of a prescription to control the level of this evil on you listen to me carefully because i'm talking from experience the only way you will overcome depression indefinitely fasting have to be a part of the remedy if not you'll be able to manage it with prozac and all these other things because i tried them not prozac but i remember going to the doctor that's how bad it got and i had a lot of insomnia i couldn't sleep and i was just restless and miserable and only negative thoughts coming to me i mean i had no form of rest mentally i went to the doctor he prescribed uh adrenaline some side with x i don't know and i guess it was so powerful that even when you go to the pharmacy to get the prescription you have to literally sign off on it so when i did it right it was so funny the first time i've been in at the sign of like i said my head must be really ain't no good and they really want me to be responsible for these pills if i take them and kill someone that i signed enough to say i'm responsible so i said this bad anyway i took the pills and all it did for me it was like a muscle relaxing meaning that i've just now became more i became weak in a depressed thing but it was no cure for me i tell you i cried out to god i said lord please if you can only take this depression from me please just take this from me i was a christian love god and it was only when i did my fast when i did that father the 40 day one which i don't remember recommend unless you're guided by the holy spirit when i did my 40-day fast and i promise you guys that i will do a a teaching not only a teaching but a documentary from start to finish of that 40-day fast so i'll tell you what all i did what i what i the liquids that i took i didn't have no food at all how i was able to maintain the hunger cravings i'm going to do a full video in a not too distant future on that but when i did that 40 day fast it broke that spirit of depression it broke the spirit of poverty it broke the spirit of fear all of those things that consumed me and had me limited to one place in life it broke all of the fasting did that i had to see no doctors i had to take no injections i had to take no prescriptions i did none of that and when that happened my life soared and that's why i could tell you today if you said you have overcome depression without fasting you must be on some form of prescription or you're lying all right so as promised i'm going to stop right there today because it's now 20 minutes before uh the prime minister comes on we have to hear him because our island is on a two-week log down for the coronal riders since the coronal virus since yesterday so we have to be informed but i'm gonna bring this teaching back to you before the weekend is over tomorrow remember we're gonna have my regular uh show tomorrow but it's not gonna be at the radio station because again we're locked down so we're not allowed to go to our homes but i'm gonna come on live via facebook and youtube where i'm gonna be doing my teaching on the spirit of offense and it's only going to go on for this week and next week because i'm confined to the house now when i get back to the studio i would resume church mafia okay now this teaching on spiritual laws that deals with health and maintaining it it is my intent to do part two of this before the weekend is over all right heavenly father thank you for your people i thank you for my life and you're giving me or allowing me to be aided by your holy spirit to direct your people into all truth as it relates to your word i cover them with the precious blood of jesus christ and the whole arm of god that they would retain your word not my word that your word and the scriptures i would have given them that they would now go and do their own studies meditate on your word day and night and your word says by them doing that then shall they become successful enough search then shall they be prosperous and have good success according to uh joshua 1 and 8. psalms chapter 1 verses 1-3 it says that when they meditate on your word day and night they shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that shall bring forth their fruit in their season their leaves shall not wither and whatsoever they put their hand to they must they shall prosper why because your words say so so father god i pray that everyone under the sound of my voice do not challenge your word except your word for what it says and i pray lord that you would show them immediate response to their commitment and the level of faith that they apply to your word that they will begin to see the manifestation of your glorious power i pray right now lord based on what we've covered so far on this particular teaching that you would would do a a spiritual surgery in removing the hate the years of of cake up bitterness and anger and pride unforgiveness self grudges all of these things has become the uh blockers from seeing your manifested power all of these things were were determining through their continents how others view them all of these things their heart was causing their health to be affected it is my prayer father god that you caused these people to see what spiritualized through this teaching and even as we go into part two that they would finally come to themselves and surrender and say okay god i got you now i got you now lord forgive me father please forgive me clean out my heart do spiritual surgery do surgery lord that will remove this fear and this anger because everything that i'm responding to with this particular person or this particular group lord the truth is they did this years ago and the truth is really i really forgot about it but every time i see them the hate that is in my heart always remind me hey remember now you need to keep being mad with them father i do not want to live this way i could lose my life right now i my whole life could come to an end right now and i would have to stand before you having not forgiven those honored when your rule is very clear while praying i must forgive others so that you will forgive me father do not allow me to leave from time into eternity not being able to forgive my fellow man not being able to live right not being able to follow your simple rules father forgive me if i have in any way made my leaders my god that i am more careful of offending them than offending you i am more obedient to them than i am obedient to you i am more fearful that my leader will see me do wrong than you who watching me daily father please re-align my mindset in this area but most of all forgive me forgive me for where i've violated your rules forgive me we have made others idols over you forgive me when i would have challenged someone who told me your word but because of my disdain for them because of my personal feeling for them i thought i was challenging them when the truth is i was challenging your word so for that i ask your forgiveness i ask your forgiveness lord because your word is very clear i love it i love it i love it you said and i thank god that you are not like man you said hey kev if you come if you if you confess your sin i god i'm faithful and just to forgive you of no matter what sin you would have committed and i will cleanse you of all unrighteousness and i will throw that sin into the sea of forgetfulness father this is important to me because i read your other rules and your other rule said according to psalm 66 and 18 it says that if i regard iniquity in my heart that's what this whole teaching was about if i retain iniquity if i retain an iniquity is sin that i refuse to repent of i glory in it i love this i love the fact that i refuse to forgive my fellow brothers and sisters i love it i love the fact that i don't speak to my sister i love the fact that this person who did me something 20 years ago they are now dead and gone and i refuse to forgive them it's iniquity and you said if i regard iniquity in my heart you will not hear me you have said in your word in isaiah 59 verses 1 to 2. you made it very clear very very crystal clear your hands are not sure that you cannot reach and intervene in our affairs your ears are not clogged that you weren't listening to our prayers but it is our iniquity that has separated us from our god and our sin has caused him to hide his face from us god i don't want you to hide your face from me god i don't ever want to be separated from you who else can i turn to there is no god above you there's nothing greater than you you are the sovereign god you are the majestic god so if you refuse me if you reject me if you disdain me i have no hope so i cannot be in that position so father forgive me forgive me and give me the help that i need to forgive others in spite of what they have done for me this forgiveness is not for them but it's to secure my soul for for eternity not only that even when i'm here physically it's to cause me to have a better confidence it's it's gonna affect my health according to your word i don't need those things going on in my life so therefore i'm gonna take the preventative and even the cure in some cases and i'll make them applicable so i do not have to become a statistic like the others who insist on going against your word so with that father god i bless you i honor you i praise you i glorify your goodness your grace your loving kindness i release upon this people a spirit of peace that passes all understanding and that peace that only you could give i see in this prayer according to your word that whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have received it and i do and we shall have it in the matchless and in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen hallelujah well folks i'm going to watch my good decent prime minister all right tell me what's going on with my bahama line but i've already told you what's gonna happen listen go back to these notes study them let them marinate in your heart if you even have to take a a day fast to remove the all filth from your heart so that god can finally hear you then you need to do that because when we go into part two of this teaching what we gave here today is not even scratching the surface of the revelation i'm about to release to you from the scriptures as it relates to how our hearts and the condition of it directly impact our physical lives or our health so god be with you amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 55,386
Rating: 4.8869109 out of 5
Id: F2lD5MTa27w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 44sec (7604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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