There Is A Set Time For Deliverance Pt.2

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okay and we are live good night good morning to some of you good evening it's indeed a pleasure to be in your company uh once again we are back as promised uh with our series there is a set time for deliverance and of course this is part two i am so excited because i couldn't wait i couldn't wait to get back here and get back into this awesome three series teaching before i go any further let me just ensure that my uh stats is good my dashboard my different social media sites and so on because i do not want any interruptions i ran a few tests on my internet everything seemed to be up and running beautiful make sure i'm on youtube okay great there you go so we good to go so we're gonna wait for some folks to come on in it won't be at 1 58. so i'm going to wait until we hit like about 800 that should be like within the next one or two minutes so we will be able to take off i trust you guys had a beautiful day i did and again my reason was the anticipation of part two last night was awesome last night listen i i rejoiced straight into the morning i didn't go to bed when i got through the life i just was still basking in those revelations that we were we were given last night that there was a set time when god uh sorted us out not when we arrived here but before the foundation of the world everything was included in there when we born when we die whom we marry everything was in that plan and as we would have seen in the life of uh abraham and sarah and the shunammite woman with elijah when uh the angel said to to abraham that according to the time of life but i love that yeah meaning according to the schedule of your life the way that god had designed it your original destiny he said this time next season when i come back here sarah and yourself will have a child uh elijah said to the shinomite woman when they asked her what she wanted she said man i don't need nothing you know so uh elijah said to gehesia so when he says man listen think about something we could give this woman because she's just too kind to us so hazy i say listen this woman don't have no children and her husband is old so elijah said to gazia call her back here tell her come back here because the lord just showed me the timeline of her life the set time so he called her back and he said to her and he said listen listen listen to me very carefully next season this time next year this time you will have a son she was so dumbfounded and so overtaken by what he said she said my lord do not lie to me in other words don't play games with me so the way that she said it it was clearly at least to me it appears if she always wanted a child she maybe not made a big deal out of it so he says listen when i'm playing with you next year next year this time but i like this piece according to the time of life or according to what god has specifically ordained on your timeline before the foundation of the world you can have that child what i pointed out in those two scenarios was that this them having the child wasn't because of elijah or wasn't because of the angels that spoke to abraham what they did though was saw into the spiritual timeline timeline of these people's lives or their destiny if you may and they were downloaded from god the specifics as it relates to them giving birth sarah and abraham were all in age because the scripture said that right after the angels or whomever disburse the information to them about them having a kid next year the scripture then goes on to say how uh sarah was already you know at menopause stage and she had stopped seeing a period and so on and so she couldn't have a child in fact she said to herself i mean how should i even find pleasure in this anymore you know after waiting so long and what i extracted from that is that uh ms sarah mr abram you couldn't have this child when he was 20. you couldn't have it when you was 30. i don't care how much you tried when you was 40. i don't care how much mega man you were taking mr abraham while you were 60 it was not the set time of god for it to happen and and that really really shook me to the core because a lot of time we try to rush things or we try to make things happen especially we have this liking or this affinity for it and now we try to make it happen our way which is how they got in trouble initially sarah and abraham by having hagar hook up with her husband and having this child thinking that they were assisting god or trying to uh express express the promises of god to them or that which god has declared to them but god didn't need their help because god was not moving from the set time that he had already appointed i love that the set time god ain't gonna do it a day sooner or a day later you're from last night you should have been saying god i thank you because i realized that there is a set time my life isn't just arbitrarily existing it isn't just being tossed to and fro the truth is it is on a set time uh just saying that it reminds me of a scripture in proverbs 19 and 21 i think it is and it says that there are many devices or there are many ideas in a man's heart there are many things he want to do there he has a variety of women that he would like to pick one of these to marry there's some decisions he would like to make but the scripture says would correlate with god's timeline for our individual lives the scripture says but only the counsel of god shall prevail what does that mean only what god had constant himself on concerning us you and i individually that will be the only thing that will prevail or come to fruition or be of any value you all only listen to me listen you all are not serious okay the scriptures are clear proverbs 19 and 21 in fact let's pull it up i will read it exactly how it's stated in the scriptures because it ties right in with this topic there is a set time all right so let's look at proverbs here we go it's got proverbs 19 and let's look at verse 21 let's see what it says there are many devices in a man's heart many ideas dreams aspirations there are many many things we want to do that we want to build a home own our own business travel the world yeah those the things that you would want to do however the second portion of the scripture or part b clearly states nevertheless the council the counsel of the lord that shall stand or only that shall prevail so this in a nutshell this is the law that's backing up what i'm telling you now there is a set time for your deliverance there's a set time for that specific thing that god had all day not your plan god had ordained so coupled with this scripture here when we pray about to make a decision on a job whether we're about to make a decision in uh becoming joining becoming one with somebody else marrying them what we should say now that we understand that there are set times when we pray we say lord you know i'm praying about this job i'm praying about this lady over here woman who i admire and i'd like to marry you're praying about this guy who you would like to hopefully marry one day god i'm praying about my owning your own home however even though i like this house over here even though i would love to have this car even though i'd like to be connected with this person or this company i would like it however let your console prevail as it relates to my life meaning if this is not the job for me then don't let it happen instead direct me to what you have ordained for me before the foundation of the world why are you talking to the date who am i talking to today learn to talk to your god learn to talk to your god learn to talk to your jesus but the only way you could talk to him effectively is through the scriptures yes so with that said let's just shoot over here to proverbs we didn't start yet we're just covering up to be at 727 almost 800 and we'll start let's go to proverbs look at the 16 and let's look at verse 25 check this out now watch this prophecy what i always tell you the laws of god are prophetic words it tells you the end from the beginning so the opposite of what we just read proverbs 16 and 25 it says there is a way that seemed right unto man all right you in love with this person but the truth is you will lust with them you see the outside the shape and all these other things so they got some degrees or a nice house or a nice car they got some money so your assessment in terms of determining to be with them is based on a cosmetic surface perspective all right so the scripture here now is saying that when you make such decision when you go on your own accord on your own way there's no consultation with god the scriptures are clear proverbs 16 and 25 he says there is a way that seemed right unto a man always say him right when you like it but watch this the end thereof are the ways of death you you hear that the scripture i love this so much scriptures prophesy you want true prophecy you want accuracy in prophecy well then obey the scriptures the scripture is telling us that you could go your own way you know you could do things your way you could exclude the creator or the manufacturer of you which is god almighty you could say god i don't really need your voice i got this one don't worry about it i i i know how these these people go so i can deal with this he put no pressure on you none of that you know why because his word has already prophesied your end watch us now from the beginning listen i remember i used to say to myself boy you know some of them when you're getting involved with people children just before i was married of course i said i wish there was like a electronic device like no no a crystal ball or something you know you could just look in the sea sometimes you say you know uh are we going now so we have a we have a relationship so we are officially dating okay let me let me pull out my little my phone let me see if there's an app where i could see the future with this lady so boom i go into my iphone check this out i go into my iphone so let me pull up let me see here now future relationship so boom so let me put in her name i can put in my name so let me see what the future is saying the future saying my phone run as far as you could from this woman in fact in fact pay for the meal and tell you got it and you don't just run see but life isn't like that but the truth is life is like that because the scriptures right here is prophesying to us prophesying now this version here in proverbs 16 verse 19 it says as the end will lead to death that's what it says right so let's look at proverbs uh chapter 14 verse 12. it's going to say the exact same thing but the only thing here is going to give a different end result now the end result for going and doing things your way and probably 16 and 25 was very harsh excuse me it says that it will end in death right and proverbs 14 verse 12 says there is a way which seemed right unto a man it's repeating itself but the end thereof sorry this version also of that but anyway in in the king james version that's the new king james proverbs 16 and 25 says the end thereof leads to destruction proverbs 14 verse 12 says it leads to death but in both cases you're going to come out on the losing end why though what were the ingredients that we put in this mix that prophesied or or caused this predetermined end result well when we decide to do it our way very simple so let's look at another spiritual law we can get into this right now let's go into another spiritual law where god is now giving us another principle or protocol to follow if we want his divine direction as it relates to our time of life our timeline that he has already sorted out so let's go here now to proverbs proverbs 3 and let's look at verses 5 to verse 6. okay so he's about to give us some protocols here now he wants to give us some protocols i see some people putting the funny faces you're all talking about the the app that's disgusting i just gave someone a good idea you need to get an app where you could uh be on a date and you put the person's name in there and say okay tell me tell me if i'm if it's gonna if this relationship is going to work let me know right now if i got at the time and if she can be out for this you know anybody be in there proverbs 3 verse 5. listen to what it says it says trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not onto their own understanding two protocols so far two protocols because we're trying to achieve a specific result the specific result we're seeking here is we would like to have god's divine direction in a particular model because we know because he had consoled himself already before the foundation of the world about everything about us who do you think would be the best person to ask or to inquire about the way forward it would be him so with that said he's now giving us this protocol listen kevin i know your timeline kevin i showed you the example about abraham and sarah i showed you the example about uh uh elijah and the shunamite woman and you see what they were saying according to your time of life meaning that they're only telling them what i have already done i made them privy to what's going to happen in this person's life so they could make a concrete prediction or prophecy and be sure and stand behind it don't amend it i say next year this time so the scriptures are clear watch this trust in the lord proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 trust in the lord that's the first protocol that's the first step i mistrust in the lord not with a part of my heart you gotta you see you gotta follow the whole law trust in the lord with the entirety not a piece of it not saying okay god i i i can i can say i trust you but the truth is i already have my mind made up what i'm gonna do no that's not trusting with all of your heart trusting with all your heart is that i'm gonna follow this protocol and by faith i'm gonna ask god to lead me now however he chooses to do that that's awareness by a prophecy a dream whether i open the bible and boom an answer just came to me however he choose to do it i'm open so he says trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not this is key this is key because this is going to be the most difficult part lean not until thine own understanding let's break this baby down some more what he is suggesting here and why he's putting emphasis on not leaning on your own understanding because that is what gets us in trouble in the first place why kevin because we we don't know what the future holds for us so our understanding is at best limited so again who would be the ideal person to consult with for accurate gps coordinates for the way forward god almighty who already sought us out before the foundation of the world according to ephesians 1 verses 3 and 4. so he says lean not on your understanding listen to verse six because we got one more protocol to go he says now in all not some in all your ways this is key why because you're asking him about a particular mate and you're considering proposing to this mate to become one and holy matrimony to marry them but you want to be sure so he says okay now the third leg of this protocol he says in all thy ways acknowledge me god hold on back up here i tell you i want to marry her so why i gotta acknowledge you and everything else such as um everything about my life kevin asked your problem right there every time i give you all instructions you all want to question me who are you seeking to answer just follow my law stop making this thing difficult huh we don't need to know the greek root road on this right now i am telling you in all thy ways acknowledge me be cognizant everything you do you want directions right you want to know whether or not this is the girl for you okay so acknowledge me so you know what i mean you know acknowledge me acknowledge me and that you don't do what the world do and say i gotta test that voice i gotta sleep with her voice to see if this is the real one no that's not acknowledging me because in my word i tell you that fornication is wrong so when you acknowledge me the truth is you're acknowledging what my rules say about this particular time and situation with this person see because when you abide by my rules trust me not only will i speak to you but i'm going to make it clear to you trust in the lord trust sorry in all thy ways acknowledge him now watch the grand prize after the three protocols he says trust in the lord with all thy heart number one number two lean not on your understanding number three he says in all not some but all of my ways all of your way sorry he said now you must acknowledge me kevin and as a result of following this formula no matter who you are he says now i will direct your path why because i already knew your path remember i sorted you out before the foundation of the world ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 and 4 blessed be the lord our god who has already this is past since he already did this bless us with all spiritual blessings meaning the raw material before they become physically manifested so the spiritual uh the spiritual order or the raw material of that wife i've done all of that i've already i've already determined whom you should marry i've already determined where you should go i've determined you don't have to follow that let's be clear here this is not violating your right i'm just telling you what i've already pre-done it'll be in your best interest to consult with me as the way forward but you don't have to do it and when you don't do it you are now activating proverbs 16 and 25 there is a way unto you that seem right but the end of that way is death many people say that you know they marry in the marriage just go into hell and they said i wish i never married this person i wish i had never met them well let's back up now let's see how you did this did you apply proverbs 16 verse 19 sorry probably 16 verse 25 or did you apply did you apply proverbs three verses five and six i don't know what happened because it would gone all to hell and it'll seem irreparable more than likely you applied proverbs 16 25. and guess what you probably didn't even know that scripture but again it only proves to you what i've been telling you ignorance is no excuse to the law it doesn't matter if whether you know it or not it does not matter your ignorance of the lord your your of the law your not knowing will not be a valid excuse for the lord not to run its course once you've already activated it so so ephesians 1 of chapter 1 verses 3 says he says have he said blessed be the lord our god who has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings and heavenly places i love that so much so he says in the spiritual realm kevin the same place elijah the same place the people that spoke to abraham that's what they were looking in the spiritual realm and i was revealing to them spiritually the timeline of sarah the timeline of the shulamite woman i am saying to you if you follow this protocol in proverbs 3 verse 5 and 6 i'm now going to reveal to you however i choose to do it your timeline as it relates to this person who you're inquiring to with me about whether or not you should go ahead and marry them who am i talking to today who am i speaking to today don't rush it god is under no pressure anybody trying to rush you into march and they can't wait and they say they can't wait for us to be together oh no no no no no no no no no real love you take your time with that you don't rush that take your time you are two different people coming from two different sides of defense and the most difficult part of any part of a marriage or a union is when you two join together you know why because there's so many different things about you that you have to now compromise in order to become one not just in a document that says that you're married but to literally tolerate one another and married people just like talking about all right hopefully if you you if you guys are if you want to make it work you will compromise marriage is is 100 compromise if you wanted to be successful but you cannot come in there determine that this is the way that you do it and you're not changing for anybody and don't treat me like no child and all that once you see stuff like that trust me hell you can pay up the road so as you would have seen here just some nuggets i drop in here before i jump into this teaching god is our manufacturer and whatever we need counsel on we should consult him however let me be clear here we cannot determine ourselves how god will answer us because he could follow this protocol and your father could just pick up the phone and call you when they say my man was on you man now he don't know nothing was going on in your life and god would have shared something with him and he released to you he don't even know you're trying to make a decision on something manually called you to tell you if you come in there for for christmas or whatever and he says by the way and he said something that you've never discussed with him but you know this is your answer from god based on you know you've already consulted god and this lines up with the word of god i'm talking to somebody i'm talking to somebody so anyway we at one thousand we had eleven hundred okay good good last night we had over two thousand that was awesome okay so let's get into this so last night we did part one of there is a set time for deliverance and basically we were talking about how our lives are already pre-programmed pre-programmed in the sense that it's pre-programmed spiritually god has already sorted out every obstacle every high moment every s everything is set up so with that we had uh two basic scriptures to uh became the pillows of this teaching and the first one we're gonna turn there right now is uh psalms 102 verse 13 psalms 102 verse 13 and it says thou shall arise god will arise and have mercy upon the body of christ or the church that's what zion represent for the time to favor heart this is awesome the time that god says okay now i'm about to bless them i'm about to turn things around i'm about to bring about their deliverance the time to favor her he didn't say has come he paused he says the time to favor yay the set time meaning that this couldn't happen no other time this couldn't happen because i feel it should happen today this couldn't happen because we all agreed for to happen next week tuesday no if next week tuesday wasn't a part of the scheduling of the set time for zion then it cannot happen next week tuesday what this is saying to you god is not a puppet god is not on a puppet and we're the puppet master whatever we want him to do like a spoiled little child and a parent who encouraged their children and being spoiled and rude by giving them everything that they want at the time they wanted and when they needed god does not operate that way no you follow his rules and audience ordinance to get his result not him following our rules to get our results it don't work like that so the scripture says thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion i love this man for the time for the time to favor her yay the set the appointed time is come oh boy i love that well y'all should be jumping up right now the set time is here this is a time to rejoice because what's about to roll up in here the set time if i got inside something remember i tell you right when i went through all of my fasting and everything and right after that fast that was an uh it between april and march of 2011 right uh in july or august uh there was a notice that we had in the office for this new position that they were opening up for us in the code executive right and they said you need a minimum of a bachelor's degree and five years experience and they had a whole cadre of things that you needed but i wasn't checking for a lot because i knew just like that's why i get excited with this i knew my set time not just my favor has come but the set time for my favor because i've been praying for promotion and all this but i but there was no way that we could get a promotion because the office was small myself sorry the boss and aside from the boss it was like about one two three but five other people so really to be promoted someone have to die or whatever or leave the company for that to happen and if that position was a high position you would you would you could vie for that that was the only way but watch how when your set time come heaven remember now your set time isn't based on what you see the set time is based on what you don't see so all of a sudden this uh job opening came and of course you know they do it in-house first before they uh send it outside for an account executive and the account executive was for right here on my island for freeport so man i said well i'm applying for this because i noticed me so i applied nobody else did i applied for it at that time i was just a choreo i applied for but i was confident that this was me i was confident so i went home i said lord if this is your will again i am trusting in the lord with all my heart leaning not on my own understanding in all my ways acknowledging him and during that time i was making sure that whatever if whatever i did wrong i was repenting because i wanted to be in line with the scripture so anyway i did it i send in my uh stuff that they asked for they emailed me back and uh they said in the email uh they're gonna come down which would have been my boss after i would have gotten a job and the managing director for the bahamas i was nervous i was so nervous i'll never forget and what they wanted me to do is they're going to pretend as if they're a company and i'm the account executive now i have to sell them fedex in our products goods and services my heart for the the two weeks before they came i couldn't even sleep because i was so nervous i was so nervous so anyway the night before the night before i prayed well i've been praying but the night before i prayed man i prayed i said lord please lord just give me the strength to be strong and not to shake and so on i say just give me that courage that i need i said because and i was constantly saying this because i know i know this is my opportunity i know this is my set time i notice now remember this is off of the heels of a 40-day fast that i had earlier in the year between february and march okay remember this and some other little fast in between that since then right so anyway they came down and uh they got the projector with the computer and they put up this thing on the board they said okay uh kevin uh we're gonna be company mickey mouse and tell us about your company so you know what i said to myself i said kevin guess what you're a preacher that's what i said to my i say you're a preacher and the idea behind what you do is to give people knowledge of the world so take this as if not preaching as in preaching but literally selling them which you know you've been to this company forever so you know everything here and that's exactly what i did and first i started to shake and they realized that they say kevin we know you're nervous be okay so that made me look comfortable so man i just took off for them so after they i was done with that they looked at each other and clearly they loved it so they say okay have a seat and they shot 10 questions at me each and man listen i sat in that chair with my shoulders square off and as those questions come because at this point and i knew the spirit of the lord was from me there was a sense of comfort there was a sense of boy you got this and man as they rolled those questions out i rolled them right back at them so when we finished that was the whole interview was like about maybe an hour maybe an hour when we were done with individual they say okay kevin they say we're gonna give you a call within the next week to tell you what it's what but they didn't interview anybody else so i i kind of figured what's gonna happen yeah but i still didn't guarantee me the job so anyway the next week man i'm i'm praying i'm praying um i got the call and they said that i have to do another interview with the managing director who uh was in puerto rico and she was at a meeting in puerto rico so i had to call her the following morning at 8 30 their time i said oh lord man so anyway i was nervous again so i called it that morning i said uh good morning so and so this is mr kevin you got a freeport i was called told by the manage the uh director or whatever to give you a couple of blah so man she shot some questions on me and i i rolled up right backward with her so she said okay we'll get back at you the following they called me no sorry they went on a job freeze right after that so now i'm tense because i'm wondering what's going on but i didn't know there was a job freeze why they couldn't go through their regular procedure so i got a call about two weeks later where i was told what actually happened and that he would like to tell me that he said congratulation you got the position so he said on september 5th of 2011 will no longer be wearing fedex's uniform but you will be uh wearing suits and ties and so on and they begin to tell me the things that i was entitled to so anyway here's the good part initially the job was just for the con executive right there in freeport where i live right here when they did the job freezing they came back with the offer after i got the job my the territory was like spread out they said you're gonna have to be uh responsible for the entire bahamas except nassau where they have two court executives plus you're gonna be responsible for the turks and caicos island so you're gonna have to be traveling there at least once a month to meet with the customers there they gave me my american express card my cellular phone i got everything changed my salary was more than doubled which i really needed and life just began to shoot now why am i telling you this i'm telling you this because according to the time of life nobody could have stopped that no one could have stopped that according to encouraging somebody right now according to the schedule of god for my life at that time that was mine but what would a prerequisite mr ewing i i i trust in the lord with all my heart i lean not on my own understanding i was fasting i was praying i wasn't letting nobody speak no junk in my head i was keeping all of that i knew not one day did i confess i'm not sure i wasn't i wasn't going to get the job every day when i spoke with my son i said boy kev your old man is going to have a new job i'm going to have a new position things are going to be better for us i used to speak that every day every day every day every day there's nothing nobody could have say to me to change that because i knew what i believed i knew this was my set time and so said so done so sad so done i did that job for about eight years made a total of 22 years i was at fedex and at the end of the day god put the icing on the cake where i was able to walk off of that job paying me a super salary with many benefits only to go into ministry full time why don't because the set time has come for that mr ewing see you all need to listen to me you know you all need to listen to me see when is your time when is this listen what it says it says thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion uh-huh for the time to favor her yay the set not just anytime this is a set this was something that was etched into the the the foundation of the world for you kevin so all that hell you've been through all of that trouble on the job all of them laughing and making life difficult for you my position now cut me off from the office in the sense that no one there has authority over me my manager lives in saint thomas i basically run my own show freedom galore i say man that's a drink somebody's setting me up and i'm telling you from from from that fast to right now every year my life spent went to another level every year every year i went another level in my life why is this happening to you mr ewing because when you are in tune with god when you follow his laws this is why i say this so much if you remember nothing i say to you what do i always say follow the rules the laws the principles the ordinance of god it is the laws of god that create order times and seasons are also a part of that you cannot meet your times and see the seasons if you are going contrary to the laws of god or subscribing to some preacher prophet or whoever who is telling you something that this word does not say you will forever be passing your set times and saying bye bye bye bye set times i would love to participate with you but i am too interested in my pastor or apostle of here who preaches everything except what the word says that's supposed to cause me to align or engage with my set time talking to somebody i talking to somebody my life never stops sorry never stops never had ministry invitations all over the world i tell you before i had to turn some down still turning something down today because they trying to get me get on this plane with corona but i ain't got it but in any event it kept soaring so kevin what could you say to us right now is the fuel to your success the word of the living god obeying it which is what we're about to get in tonight so our sub topic and i gave you a lot to tell you that deliverance and this is a different aspect of deliverance we're talking about tonight deliverance is a joint effort you there cannot be any deliverance without jesus christ you by yourself can never deliver nobody neither can you perform self-deliverance on yourself you have to have jesus you have to that's the way that it is set up what god had done before the foundation of the world he cannot do it by himself not that he cannot he didn't design it that way he needs your cooperation that's why he gives you these rules trusting me with all your heart lean on your own understanding in all your ways why he's telling me all of this because i'm trying to line you up kevin according to your time of life for this season to download those blessings but they're not gonna just follow the sky because you're safe no you have to be lined up with the word meaning you have to be working with me so let's prove this so let's go to romans chapter eight right already excited let's go to romans i love teaching yeah romans chapter eight romans chapter eight and we're gonna look at verse 16 and 17 all right now watch this romans chapter 8 verse 16 and 17. verse 16 of roman 8 says the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that spirit is a capitalist meaning the spirit of the living god of the holy spirit itself beared witness with our spirit that we are the children of god okay well i get that but listen to verse 17 of romans 8 and if children then heirs heirs of god and joined us with jesus christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified to get okay so good let's let's let's zoom in on this h-e-i-r-s situation to be heirs or to inherit so the scripture is starting out here that listen the holy spirit has already bear witness in your spirit that you are children of god so what he's saying now this is now a qualifier for some benefits that's about to come about in verse 17. so now that you know that you're a child of god because you've uh you've done all the prerequisites and you've met the requirements he says in verse 17 you are an heir with god and joint heirs with jesus christ but kevin what does that really mean well what it really mean is that jesus christ don't get to do all the work god don't get to do all the work to be joined with anybody whether it's a a an heir a co-worker a husband a wife it means that both parties have an assignment in order to make this thing a whole while christ is all-powerful god is all-powerful he says no no no no no i don't get to do all the work for example we want direction so we don't say god give me some direction right now no no no no remember we're joined as i already carved out your direction before the foundation of the world now you got to work with me to get the direction so how do you do that trust in the lord and all that hardly not anyone understanding in all that ways acknowledge him now what is he going to do what is my partner going to do here now i'm going to direct you apart kevin who am i talking to who am i speaking say i'm getting too excited let me come kevin come down come on come now okay okay see i gotta break it down because you need to walk away with an understanding so we've been told to just god you do everything god go do this jesus turn it around lord oh jesus do god do no and god is saying i have already done my part remember yesterday what we read he said this is more of the partnership evidence matthew 18 verses 18 to 19 he says listen whatever you bind on earth present tense has been bound in heaven past tense whatever you loose on a current current tense now has been loosed e.d in heaven so the scripture is only bringing more evidence to romans 8 and 17 about us being heirs with god and joining us with jesus christ there is this is team work hence i'm telling you deliverance is requiring joint efforts by you and by the spirit of the living god so we say heaven everything he said about heaven in terms of binding and losing he's talking of it in the past tense so what he's saying here i have already done my part heaven is waiting to support and back up what you your part you should be doing here on the earth no no no please let me come now please let me come man don't make me shame myself jesus heaven is waiting on you but you don't notice if you don't know the word heaven is waiting to support your efforts according to the word of god according to the set time but kevin i don't know when it's my set time i god didn't show me anything no he didn't show it to you but he showed you how to access the set time how did he show me that kevin proverbs chapter three verses five and six you will notice that time you won't know if you need to be married to this woman you don't know if this is a job for you you will know if you should take this promotion you will know of you and do whatever i said to you trust in me with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge me and i will direct you apart or for a better phrase and now i will begin to show you the set times in your life anyway let me come down so the scriptures are unequivocally clear it is revealing to us and you will see these nuggets all throughout the scriptures where god even in the days of abraham uh hezekiah uh jehoshaphat whom we can talk about tonight you're gonna see in order for them to attain success there was always a partnership between god the creator and mankind and whenever mankind was line up according to the divine ordinance of god he was successful 100 percent of the time every time he came out on the losing end he violated the laws of god so the laws of god i want to be clear here because this we going the laws of god become the adhesive or become the agreement between god the spirit and we the physical human beings talking to somebody tonight so watch this now watch this now watch this okay so remember our scripture last night two scriptures we had psalms 102 verse 13 ecclesiastes 3 was first one which says that they'll say let's start today i don't want to read it and mess it up let's go to ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1. it says so everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven so that makes it clear to us that to everything including us and everything that we'll ever go through there's a time and a season for it this correlates with psalms 102 verse 13 as it says that for the set time of zion has come so these are two pieces of i mean beautiful evidence that is saying to us nothing in our lives are just happening because it could happen these are things that have been etched out for us if we take following god's way based on his laws or if we decide to go against god law satan already have a part for us also and that has already been determined according to proverbs 16 and 25 where it says the way that seem right to us but the end of that way uh is destruction right okay good now we're coming back here because i said to you in my sub topic it is deliverance requires a joint effort so this is why i said to you last night and the last night of my two-part series on basic spiritual warfare i said to you if you're watching a religious deliverance program and the pastor is kicking somebody slapping them beating them in the head firing on them and says this is holy fat i guess i don't know uh he is giving them items to drink or things to pour on them based on what i just told you which i will prove further please help me here how is that partnershiping with god to bring about true deliverance see when i say these things oh and get mad at me a lady comes for deliverance and all of a sudden this is what i'm seeing on television right i i watch this myself the deliverance person says no see the woman goes into this uh i guess the demon's got all this stuff right so the deliverance minister and this is why when you don't know the laws of god you will always be a puppet and a sacrifice to the artist that they truly saw because nothing he had to do with god what i'm about to tell you so this lady is told by the deliverance ministry minister she's prophesying to her she said i see where the place that you work which was a hotel that the owners or the supervisors have worked witchcraft on you i'm watching this nobody's telling me this and the lord is showing me that the witch doctor who did this lives in the mountains in jamaica but the witch doctor has died this is the deliverance minister speaking now to the person who's going through all of these difficulties and so on and it has already been said that this is which craft someone did to you the supervisor whoever won the job or the owner of the company of that job did this witchcraft to you so he went to jamaica to this sengumo or ober voodoo person and they cast a spell on you and since this the person who originally did it has died now watch what happens next the deliverance minister and i'm watching this said i'm going to call the spirit of this voodoo practitioner who has died from the grave i'm watching this and i'm gonna bring that spirit into you which is what she claimed to have done so now the lady who came for deliverance who already have spirits owner which are witchcraft the deliverance woman of god is now bringing a evil spirit sorry just a deceased person's spirit into the one who came for deliverance so that she could have a conversation with the deceased person through the person who came for deliverance you follow me right now any believer anyone who adheres to the laws of god the bible is clear deuteronomy chapter 18 verses from 9 to verse 10 it speaks about all of the forbidden practices that we should not do particularly that of witchcraft uh familiar spirits uh enchantments reading the stars and listen to this one neucromancy you should have he said you children of israel you should have no dealings with neucromancy meaning any affiliation with the dead but the woman of god was a deliverance minister let me be clear who is a representative a prophetess of god is on national and international television violating the laws of god so clearly deuteronomy 18 means nothing that god was joking there it gets worse she is now speaking to the spirit of the deceased sanguma or the deceased voodoo high priest practitioner and they're having this big conversation and now the spirit of the the the deceased person is now spilling the beans on what happened and confirming remember who is the spirit that's the see spirit in the woman who came for deliverance can you imagine that that's like when jesus was healing the boy who had the death and dumb spirits in him that made him deaf and dumb and he says now hold on boy you stared there let me call the devil and i'm gonna put the devil in you even though you have a spirit of death and dumbness i'm gonna put the devil in you i'm gonna have a conversation with the devil in you even though you came to me for deliverance you see this here is comedy but you see what i'm saying to you that's why you get mad with me because you don't know the rules you want to protect your profit and profits even though they're violating the laws but you don't know that because you don't read your bible you you don't know what a law is you don't know what a rule is so she goes on to talk and the spirit is talking to us through this woman but while this is happening the holy spirit is just bringing up all kind of violations to me such as ecclesiastes i think uh nine verses five to six where the scriptures are clear it says that when a person dies their love their hate their envy their business everything comes to an end and they have no more affiliations with anybody on this earth the bible says their love their envy is cut off they have no more portion under the sun again how come god made a uh an injunction here to allow quote unquote his servant to now violating two of his laws to bring deliverance so what's what's what's what's what's making me so what's so funny to me nowhere in here i'm hearing jesus no what i'm hearing is out poof poof out no jesus it gets even funnier watch this so i'm watching this comedy show this comedy central big time i'm watching this comedy show the lord now taking me to luke chapter 16 verses 19 to 31 where it's giving this parable about the rich man and lazarus right and the bible speaks initially in the story about them in their living state and how the rich man walked about well-dressed and purple linen in his robe while lazarus the poor man sat at his table begging for crumbs okay but the british man never gave it to him the bible says that lazarus eventually died and the angels took lazarus not his physical body because that was buried but took his spirit and ushered him into the bosom of abraham which would have been the place for the dead at that time which they call excuse me paradise because they didn't go to heaven because jesus christ of course obviously didn't die and resurrect and stuff right then the scripture says now the rich man died and of course he was buried but he opened his eyes in hell so now even though both of them are deceased there still existing but true to form they're not existing on the earth they're now in the spiritual world so the rich man says oh lazarus sorry oh a father abraham who was actually accompanying the rich man on the other side they call it a gulf between them he said why don't you get lazarus to dip his finger in some water and just to call my tongue for i'm tormented in these flames anyway as the conversation goes on even though their deceased and their physical bodies are at minimum six feet in the earth's crust rotting away they are existing even as we speak and this man is tormented and based on what he's saying he could smell he could touch he could taste he his five senses are working fine lazarus says my son or whoever you is listen when you were living like a king and you didn't check the lazarus well you did your part now there's nothing we can do for you there's a great gulf between us now remember they're in the spiritual world wherever that is whether it's in the crusade wherever so the rich man said abraham okay why don't you let me take the elevator out of this place so i could go and warn my brothers not to come here. so abraham said that's a good one that's a good one i like that i give you a for creativity but you ain't going nowhere he said just like you had the prophets that were warning you all along and the preachers and so on so do they so what is really happening he's telling him oh boy when you got here it was a one-way ticket there is no way you could ever go back to that planet go back to earth to to participate with your friends family members and so on so this is a third piece of evidence that is showing you just like ecclesiastes said that it says that the living know they shall die but the dead know nothing so now how do i prove that this woman is a false prophet based on the scriptures that has given me the right to judge her because everything that she is doing is going against the laws of the living god boom see it right there poof poof pop up i never read in the scriptures jesus says now listen in the event you're having a little asthma and you cannot call or you cannot say in the name of jesus at least squeeze poof poof out there and i've never read it i never read it so you got masses following these people widow because they are spiritually ignorant hence they defend them and they have no idea no idea but that through those exercises those fake deliverance uh performances they are being sacrificed they are being initiated to an altar to a spiritual altar that they cannot see which is going to magnify the tragedies the the the the the disappointments in their life they have no knowledge of that none and you can't tell them that because they can cuss you and row you and tell you you're always coming against a prophet and they fake bishops and apostles can't tell them that you can't tell that's why the bible say my people perish why why are they perishing because they lack this information right here how could a man or a woman of god call a spirit from the dead how could that happen to come in a person whom they was cocaine to be delivered make me understand that make me understand that is that the will of god is that god's will but they don't know that so they they pack into these churches because they know they ain't hear no sound word there we come to watch the performance and we want to be a part of it the bible says beware of those leviticus 19 31 who have familiar spirits least they corrupt or defile you change you from your original talking to somebody so you need spiritual knowledge that's what i'm giving you so watch this now watch this watch this very carefully so the bible says to us i want us to turn to i want us to turn to uh proverbs chapter 11 verse 9b right you know that's my favorite scripture right proverbs 11 for sniping i remember i told you deliverance is a joint effort i did self-deliverance self-deliverance means that i didn't have no external human being to help me i completely relied on the protocols of the scriptures i followed them to the team and i told you how i did that i had cut off all my friends i had literally isolated myself i'm sure they thought i was going crazy but i was all a part of my being so frustrated and i wanted answers and i needed a change i didn't want to i had stopped going to church so i didn't tell you that piece i'd stopped for a period of going to church because to me i wasn't getting no answers there and they couldn't help me there i was tired of the blessing around the corner like i told you that's why i hate it so much i was tired there's a shift in the atmosphere because for some reason when this shift go down i always miss it for whatever reason so i decided but to be honest with you i didn't decide to have self-deliverance what i decided to do was actually follow the bible so i did my fast i did the 40 day then i did a 21 day then i did a three day i did couple dry fast because i was determined right but i didn't know i was performing self-deliverance i was hoping that god would turn things around for me but in hindsight now it was self-deliverance now self-deliverance is no different from uh somebody coming and help and and working along with you to deliver you in both cases it's a joint effort between you guys the human and the spirit of the living god so coming back into prophecy 11 verse 9b well let's read the whole thing it says a hypocrite with his mouth destroyed his neighbor now part b says but through knowledge this is the key now this is the key because had those people had the knowledge of what we're talking about now all the scriptures of there should be no communication with the dead they would have walked out of that woman church so anyway through knowledge that's what it says how are you the believers when i said to you last night every human being need deliverance especially christians every one of us every one of us need deliverance all right whether you admit to that or not you need deliverance because for you to tell me you need deliverance then you're a perfect being and you're a liar it says through knowledge shall the just be delivered so what again through knowledge now i want you to keep your finger there but the key word here is knowledge because you're going to realize like i said to you you are in a partnership with heaven with god with jesus christ you are heirs with god and joint heirs with jesus christ there's a partnership here and what that means is that they don't get to do all the work because it's a partnership it's a joint effort in whatever it is that you're seeking god for it's gonna never be where god you just go put a couple quarters in him and he spit out couple things and then things will happen that's not how it works now the agreement or the adhesive in this partnership god in you is knowledge knowledge will always be the adhesive it's the key component that where both parties are doing what they're supposed to do but it's going to be predicated on the knowledge of god what god is going to give you for the way forward now keep that in mind let's read it one more time because we're going into a cadre of scriptures proverbs 11 9b but through knowledge this is key not true spinning around now you see with these things foolish natural puff puff not true i watched one lady the other day she had a whole army camouflage shooting dropping on the ground with this toy gun holy what but you see they're ignorant they're ignorant to spiritual rules so i i mean to be honest with me i i'm not shocked at all they're ignorant to spiritual rules because they don't know the rules everybody plays by their own rules they say they're christians but they christians is just the the labeling but they do everything they want to do and thai god on the back end but we know when they're not working with god because they never get a god kind of result so watch this now he says through knowledge remember knowledge here he says through knowledge deliverance is going to come as a result of what again knowledge not theatrics not i get demons and you're having conversations with the demon and you're saying demon get out before you get a demon are you sending somebody to get some something from the chinese you need something to demon what you need before you start screaming okay you need two egg rolls and you need some shrimp fried rice or special fried okay special fried rice okay now get that on now let's go finish this thing up lord of moisty i have to laugh you gotta laugh i mean they taking a whole order from the demon now listen you want popeyes or you want chinese guy like chinese what you want so the demons say get me some chinese okay chinese for him now let's resume this this this show we got going on here because that's all it is oh man when you when you know the law i'm telling you you're going to sit back and you say god i can't believe i used to be a part of this i cannot believe i actually believe this nonsense see the scriptures are going to decipher this game that is going on here so he says through knowledge that's key through knowledge shall the just be delivered okay now with that said let's go to proverbs chapter 8 verse 12. remember knowledge is the key component this is the this is the glue in this joint effort between us and the godhead okay so let's go to proverbs chapter 8 verse 12. proverbs chapter 8 verse 12 you're going to see why knowledge is the key for deliverance it ain't what you say and do and spin around and drink jesus juicing put on jesus glove no proverbs 8 verse 12 says proverbs 8 12. ok proverbs 8 verse 12 says i wisdom dwelled with prudence and find out knowledge this is not what i want no i'm sorry sorry it's proverbs 15 verse 2. forgive me proverbs 15 verse two made a boo-boo there here we go proverbs 15 verse two says the tongue of the wise use it what use it knowledge or right but the mouth of fools pour out foolishness like what i just told you about that so-called deliverance exercise their mouths are pouring out foolishness because none of it is scripture none of it is in the name of jesus none of us by the blood all you hear is out get out and then when you listen carefully to the so-called deliverance minister they're basically taking the credit out of this person get out now i'm telling you to come out and they when they talk about it they will say when i prayed for them they got delivered or only when i touched them so that's another piece of evidence to show you they know nothing about deliverance because they don't understand what i'm teaching you now deliverance is a joint effort deliverance requires your part and the god-head part the godhead part is already done heaven is just waiting on you hence whatever you bind on is bound in heaven past tense whatever you loose one right is already loosed in heaven past tense so heaven is supporting you once you're walking the straight narrow according to god's law but the one who was a fake fraud and a phony they put on the show and the show is so captivating that you're not even taking note that i'm not hearing any scriptures because the scriptures are the knowledge is the knowledge of god this is what's going to make you free not the performance listen what it says proverbs 11 verse 9b through knowledge not performances through knowledge shall you be delivered just person who's battling adultery just person who's battling lying how are you going to be delivered through the knowledge of god jesus demonstrated his church's ministry before he cast out devils and he the sick what did he do he taught first he came to preach deliverance put up let's put a pin right here be coming back right back here okay so let's quickly go here to luke i hope you have your pen because i got plenty scriptures tonight let's go to luke let's go to luke chapter 4 verse 18 and listen jesus's mandate luke 4 verse 18. listen jesus's mandate luke 4 18 this is jesus speaking the spirit of the lord and he's reiterating the prophecy that originally came from the book of isaiah isaiah prophesy that this is what's going to this is what the christ is going to be luke 4 verse 18 the spirit of the lord is upon me jesus because he had anointed me to do what to preach the gospel to the who first though who was he going to preach the gospel to first that's why the poor is so important preacher to the prophets but that's a different story preach to the poor he had sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach who who what is he supposed to specifically preach deliverance but how do you preach deliverance how do you do that jesus by giving them the knowledge of the word of god he came to preach deliverance not theatrics not hollywood movies not drills and foolishness you know you're reading this he says he i came not only to preach to the poor initially and to s to and to heal the brokenhearted but to preach deliverance but to preach deliverance to who because he's very specific here to preach deliverance to the captive and who is the captive well let's go back to proverbs 11 verse 9b because it gave a specific group in there he said through knowledge shall the just not the sinner because just is synonymous with the righteous just as synonymous with the upright so he's talking about the one that is saved the one has already accepted jesus so so the scripture is giving us a specific protocol he says hey you you people who are righteous come now because you've got some unforgiveness in your heart you're still battling pornography you still have a dishonest deceitful heart there's a lot of thing you got saved oh yeah you ex and you have been made the righteousness of god so when god look at you he sees you as righteous but he also said you got to mortify the deeds of your flesh meaning you got to now suppress them and push them aside all of those vices that you have then he tells you how to do it the deliverance which is the knowledge of god the deliverance the only way you could be delivered is through knowledge you got to work along with the one who came to preach this deliverance to the captive so i got to walk along with who is jesus because he ain't here physically so who is jesus word so this is how i was able to do self deliverance because my confidence wasn't in a person my confidence was in an apostle and a pastor is never to be disparaging or discrediting them i'm showing you what they should also be telling you they should say now listen i know you love me in your past i know you love me your teacher i know you love me your apostle but let me be clear with you right now this joint effort for your deliverance is between you and jesus so we can work with you because we gonna agree with jesus because that's the only way jesus is the deliverer not us jesus is so we got to work with him to bring about the deliverance for the set time that is approaching i hope you follow me so watch this now so let's come back here now let's come back here to proverbs proverbs 15 verse 14. proverbs 15 verses 14. listen what it says here he says the heart of him that have understanding secret knowledge this is happening to you right now because many of you like my god i this makes so much sense now so the bible says you're the heart of you that now you have on you're getting understanding now so what what what is the evidence of what i'm telling you that you're getting this understanding you kevin please say some more i want some more what you're saying it's making so much sense i'm understanding the bible right now give me more knowledge and because you're so desperate for this knowledge why because you're now receiving understanding stay in the scriptures don't let nobody bamboozle you i don't care much you like me if i tell you something go read it yourself to make sure there take my word don't put your confidence in me you put your confidence in the word of god that's what i teach people don't put no confidence in me don't make me your god because i am not your god the same jesus i got to co-partner with to bring about the results that i want you got to do too you know shortcut i can't pray to jesus and say okay jesus listen uh sonja ain't serious right now okay so you're what are you serious so what i want to do is i'll bring in the back door so do let me show you a couple dollars to just squeeze in here don't work like that it don't work like that sonja kevin everybody who is a believer of christ if they want to see results in their lives they must understand that they are heirs with god and joining us with jesus christ and all that simply means is that this is a partnership going on and if they want success in their christian walk and they want to be in the right uh divine alignment as it relates to their destiny then they must take the knowledge of god which is the word of god to now begin the exercise of deliverance in their lives very simple so the scripture says in proverbs 15 verse 14 the heart of him that have understanding knowledge but watch this but the mouth of fools feed on who foolishness they love nonsense that's why they say poof poof pow pow and you right behind them you right there you you home sleeping at night you wake up and you hear something in your place you get scared so where you don't know the word of god who that is what it is poof poof puff puff then you could put on your judo suit i didn't know you could physically fight spirits i serious i know the devil has just been looking what are they doing here i come in harass y'all spiritually you put on a whole kung fu suit what is wrong with these people man no no but that happens when you don't know the word of god when you don't know scripture when you don't when you don't know the bible is a book of laws and rules and principles that govern the spiritual as well as the physical work when you don't know that you will run behind foolish just like that you they got you all on the ground rolling over on them dirty carpet messing up your sinus all of this foolishness you're going through all of this nonsense but never ever inserting and practicing and participating in the laws the principles the rules of god that these forces have to to adhere to also never do that now let me show you how serious knowledge is and i'm gonna show you a commandment right now and prophecy again you could turn your proverbs seven proverbs i think no not problems proverbs seven let's try this proverbs 7 verse 14. no proverbs 14 verse 7 that's what it is 14 or 7. now listen to this now and that's why i tell you knowledge which is the word of god let's be clear knowledge is a very serious commodity in the spiritual realm knowledge meaning the knowledge you you you aware the knowledge of god is going to make you see in darkness you you know what's coming this is such a serious commodity that we'll be about to read now as a serious commandment serious and when i read this to you now you're going to beware like that person who i tell you but hoof cough puff puff or you see these pastors slapping people in their head and kung fu chop them and putting these six point garbage you can really be cognizant to stay away from them proverbs 14 verse 7 it says listen to this rule listen to this commandment it says go from the presence of a foolish man listen when he is foolish though when thou which is you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge so with the scripture saying as long as his mother is shut you you can hang around there but the minute the minute he started and foolishness would be that which is opposite to the knowledge of god or that witness where they're polluting the word of god or adding to or taken away from or twisting it or dismissing it altogether so this is how serious deliverance is so god is saying okay let's say you went to a church for deliverance because you believe in this church you see them on tv and they doing all this camera hollywood stuff the scripture says now when you get in there because your antennas and your sense of discernment should be up and if you hear foolishness foolishness mean they're telling you everything except the word of god or they're telling you the word of god but they're giving you they giving you their revi re defined version or they're more about tradition than anything else or following these rituals he said go out of the presence of such a person or group scripture why because i told you deliverance is a serious commodity you got to treat that like diamonds and goals that's your treasure because this is the core of you being delivered not the theatrics the knowledge you acquired that you will now participate in will bring deliverance to you or advance you to a set time to be delivered or you're putting in all of the framework now for now heaven which has already done it for you to say okay stamp of approval this person needs to be delivered so he's clear go from the presence of a foolish man that's how he's addressed when thou perceive us not in him or you didn't discern in him the lips of knowledge yeah man kevin man i hear you preaching there man you you really use something else you know man listen look at these people listen you you you too you're too biblical for me man come on man you take it easy man you are you calling off those rules and stuff it ain't that serious the bible say i must run from him the bible say must go in the opposite direction like somebody coming to rob me i need to break off running like we say in the bahamas because this guy is trying to to to pollute the knowledge i have get him out of there proverbs 17 25 proverbs 17 verse 25 listen to what it says it says it says proverbs 17 verse 27 sorry proverbs 17 verse 27 it says he that have knowledge i love this he that have knowledge i've gotten the knowledge now kevin has given us the knowledge he that have knowledge spirit his words he's limited in what he says he isn't quick to react or even arc why because the knowledge of god is guiding him the knowledge of god is leading him the knowledge of god is directing him the knowledge of god is saying holy peace kev holy peace so it says here in proverbs 17 verse 27 he that have knowledge spirit his word and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit that's kevin i'm excited you'll be like what is very excited for i'm excited because i understand the power and the gravity of the word of god which is your knowledge wisdom and understanding when you get ahold of that understanding you are unstoppable you don't fear nobody because you know that not only is there a greater force but the greater force want to work with you if you subscribe to the knowledge that's required to bring about the deliverance you seek very simple very simple so let's look at another one here let's look at proverbs 19 and we're going to read from verse 1 to 2. proverbs chapter 19 because all of this is dealing with knowledge and why is this because when we go back to proverbs 11 verse 9b it says through knowledge through knowledge shall the just be delivered so these scriptures are showing you why it is so important not to attain jumping on the floor and spinning around and vomiting and whatever you're doing did you get any knowledge did they preach the knowledge of god to you before they began the exercise of deliverance did they do that no they didn't so what what what is delivering you the evil spirits from the evil altars that they serve the shrines that they have buried under the altar buried in places in that place that you don't even know about why is it when you said you were going to join their church they told you okay you want to be a member now you need to sign this contract no it's not a crime just like a membership why though see not making sense you right it making sense to you and the day and if you want to be honest those who were there now and those already left if you want to be honest your life was never the same when you became a part of that it cannot be because what they have done is diverted you from your god so what what what is up you have activated they have convinced you unknowingly to activate proverbs 16 and 25 as well as proverbs 14 and 12 and what does both of them say there is a way to you that may seem right but the end of that way will lead to death and or destruction scripture proverbs chapter 19 listen what it says verses one to two i love it it says better is the poor that walk it in his integrity that he that than he excuse me than he that is perverse in his lips and is a fool i like verse two also that the soul now let's pause here what is the soul the soul literally is the administrator of your entire triune being excuse me because your soul is your mind your will your intellect your emotions this is where the soul is where you make your decisions but now now that we know that now let's fully read it it says also that the soul be without knowledge it didn't end there not only is it warning you that your soul should nev but what knowledge does he talk the knowledge of the scriptures the knowledge of the ordinance and the principles and the rules of god so he says that the soul be without knowledge this is not good and he that hasted with his feats in it the scriptures are clear but i want you to see every scripture that i'm giving you is dealing specifically with knowledge and it's giving you the the a different aspect of the value of it and why you ought to treasure it because it plays a massive role in you being delivered very very clear very clear i could not be delivered from the spirit of witchcraft and depression and all these things that was coming at me had i not immersed myself in the knowledge of god because that became the covenant the contract between me kevin the physical human being and the godhead which i am heirs with god and joining us with jesus christ they had already done their part now kevin waiting for you to do yours get the knowledge and now make it applicable let's look at another scripture proverbs 24 verse 5 proverbs 24 and verse 5. listen to what this says so loving this proverbs 24 verse 5 says a wise man this is beautiful it's strong okay now immediately when you read this a wise man is strong you're probably thinking he's probably lifting weights yeah wise man is built in muscular but no because as we about to read it's going to refer to his spiritual strength that is being built but as a result of the knowledge that he's attaining i love this year a wise man is strong yey a man of who a man of what a man of knowledge increases his strength now you know just as well as i do that knowledge if i'm reading something and getting knowledge from it there's no way he could build my physical muscles so the scriptures are not referring to this man's physical or his physique in terms of its strength the scriptures are saying a wise man is strong how is he strong how is this how is a wise man it didn't say a muscular man is strong no a wise man so how did he build his wisdom it says a wise man is strong yay a man of knowledge increases his strength and that's what you call real bible study really when we get to delve into the word and really make it make sense because now it's it's easier to make it applicable and we don't go over these hocus pocus puff puff poof foods a wise man is strong yeah a man of knowledge increases his strength let's go straight to verse 14. verse 14 of proverbs 24 let's see what it says so shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul unto your mind unto your will see what this is saying you remember i told you these ladies had witchcraft and voodoo on me where i was basically losing my mind i was literally i told you the story a million times i was literally holding on to my my sanity by my fingernails all right i was forgetful i was fearful i was depression i mean 24 7 i had a spirit of rejection everything was just going bad in my life i couldn't save money no more there were times i would sit in my house in the dark and just weep like a baby for no reason i'm being attacked i'm ignorant to the rules the laws the principles i don't know what to do and i used to go to church sometimes but i never was hearing no laws i just heard someone preach and preach and preaching but nobody's telling me how to understand the rules the laws the regulation and how to to not only work them but how to work along with my heavenly father who was a joint heir and an heir with me i didn't know none of that but as i began to get into wisdom listen to verse 14 it says so shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul once you now begin to understand the word of god he says this is going to do listen where the change is going to be not in your physical strength not in your facial looks your hearing will grow back if you're going bald or you get black it used to be white he said so shall thy knowledge so shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul when thou has found that this is so true because when i begin to because i told you i didn't like to read i got saved i began to read and read and read and sometimes even though i was going through i was so deep into reading it and i told you i loved the old testament that i didn't even remember my worries at some time that time i got that satan got a whole cadre a whole agenda whole calendar a wickedness from me tomorrow morning when i go to work right but when i got into the scriptures i could i could vividly remember right now just sitting at my table with a million bucks there but i would always remember reading the story about solomon and man i loved those stories i would spend hours just reading and re-reading them and the bible just became allah i loved the bible i cut out television everything i wasn't in the none of that because i was so caught up but i didn't realize i'm reading it now but i didn't notice i didn't realize that this knowledge that i was taking in was rearranging my soul my mindset my emotions yes there are times after that i will go back into that tailspin again when i become depressed and so on sometime i don't feel like reading the bible but that was only happening because the enemy realized now look at this do come into too much knowledge he about to break away from our grip because the does the enemy know that deliverance is going to come through knowledge he knows that he ain't going to stop you from running around and these church drinking jesus juice and jesus liquor they ain't gonna stop you eating and never stop you because he knew that i don't have the power of god in it knowledge does the knowledge of god which is the word of god the principles the rules of god i'm talking to you from experience i live this i live this i i lived in complete torment i live with spirits manifesting i live where spirits would shake my bed you understand me there were nights when i would literally wake up with my eyes open and i'm seeing this thing like a dog walking out of my room or some creature or some animal i live this no preacher could tell me that's why to me they were wasting my time i couldn't tell them these things but through the word of god through the word you can imagine you in your bed i remember i tell you one time i was in my bed sitting up watching television nighttime and i felt like my door was closed i felt when this evil presence came in the room and i felt when that thing sat on the edge of the bed i am looking at the bed with the indentation as if a human being is sitting there i couldn't tell my past them that because i tried before and they brushed me off like no no my kevin no no no no so nobody could tell me different i know and i know what i had to do to eradicate those things permanently the same knowledge right here so nobody could i there was no point during my self-deliverance that i said puff puff go devil poof proof go go you better go go for i run you go no this here was the key the knowledge of god was the key so don't tell me i used to hear voices i remember the times when i would wake up in the night but why didn't i wake up because my teeth and everything is off i woke up because i heard this male voice call my name with authority in the room nobody else lives there except me i heard footsteps walking up my aisle way i heard pots and pans moving who who am i going to tell this to i better not make the mistake and go to the church and tell them that why because even though they claim to be spiritual even though they claim to be heaven bound to go into the spiritual realm they don't have a i order of understanding of the spiritual world so when you tell them this they look at you sure yeah right you sure you save you sure you ain't had couple heineken before you come here mix with budweiser hello they just sound stupid up there they don't know waste of time that's why they walk away from the day they live not at all i always said it to you not all of them not all of them so they they they stay away from these major topics that the conor against need to to to hear because a lot of them are going to original but they're too shame they're too embarrassed to tell somebody they shamed to tell somebody that they heard three knocks on their window or their front door they shamed to tell somebody they heard something calling them they shamed to say i went outside and i saw some rocks set up in a funny way with this whatever they shame to say that so because their shame and they're not getting no help from the church because the church cannot help them not all churches let me be clear so guess what they do or the desperation they go to the witchcraft people seeking help yeah they go there so that's why i tell you for me and again i i say unto you now man i i i love to help people but i can tell you now if you hold on to tradition don't come to me don't come to me because i entertain you because i know what tradition do you tradition will keep you backward could tradition will keep you stupid tradition will make you feel as if you're advancing when you in the same place you've been for eight million years but they have convinced you the blessing is around the corner i hear god say he's gonna turn it around i hear god say that next year this time between seven or ten years ago i hear there's gonna be a break for you i don't know who we are but god is gonna shift that thing no man all that you're telling me and you're never telling me how am i supposed to work the word with my savior who's a joint here with me nobody's telling me that one night i woke up woke up to this strong cigarette smell like someone was sitting next to me in fact i just come out of the dream too my tv was on i fell asleep put it on and this strong cigarette smell another time i smelled this strong perfume like someone was right there i didn't know what they meant later on i didn't know that at that moment somebody was at an altar okay with whatever they have that represent me and whatever they put at that altar whatever they smoke and bloat at that altar no matter where i was in the world i would smell that but it was a perfume but no i couldn't tell no pastor that well i can tell them that without them telling someone everybody else is no good so that's why for me i left because they live a form of god they they know to the spirit world to them jesus is a deliverer the spirited word to them so a seed the spiritual word to them give your neighbor a high five but if you sit and talk to them many of you go through the exact thing i went through and you tell them that everybody in the church looks like you like your head ain't no good so i had to leave because this place was of no benefit for me i walked away because i performed i had to do self-deliverance i'm out of them though because god just showed me that deliverance isn't limited to being in the church building and having people pray on you so i'm not mad at them i thank god for that because i was able to see another facet of deliverance like i'm trying to teach you right now so i'm saying to you man you this word this knowledge is necessary if it is your desire to be delivered okay now i want to give you let's go to john chapter 15. because i'm going to show you now how these joint efforts together work because we're going to read now rules so you know john chapter 15 we're going to read from verse 1 to verse 10. i gave you this two nights ago but we're going to go through this again because i'm showing you deliverance is a joint effort thing god isn't going to do all the work jesus is going to do all right you have a part to play because the bible says through knowledge you have to attain the knowledge and now make it applicable because that knowledge becomes the contract between you the human and jesus and god the spirit and whatever i always say how do we get things manifested from the spiritual world to our physical world there has to be an agreement between that which is human and that which is spirit so when you come in agreement with the word of god you're now giving the godhead the spiritual realm from the kingdom of light you're giving them the right now okay now my set time you can let it come now because all the framework on my end is already set up that's how it works so let's quickly go to john because we've got a lot to cover here let's go to john chapter 15 because we're going to see now the rules to everything i told you so far what i keep saying to you deliverance yes there's a set time but then this aspect of deliverance where you're ridding yourself of lust and fornication and evil thoughts and all of this stuff the only that cannot happen without jesus a human cannot deliver you your pastor a deliverance minister cannot deliver you what the what a true deliverance minister does or an apostle or teacher whoever what they're doing what they're doing is working with jesus let me give an example of it i had an incident when i was in london in 2019 an incident meaning that uh a demon manifested in somebody and i also had one when i was in uh philadelphia also in 2018 i had two separate conferences now when i was teaching that's what i was doing simply teaching taking them through the scriptures because i'm trying to show you how powerful this protocol is while i'm teaching the word of god this lady began to mount this thing begin to manifest in this lady in london just like there was a the lady in philly because that morning i had to come and do the the prayer service thing so anyway i'm doing my thing and they start to manifest in these different sounds and stuff now why is that happening it's happening because i am introducing the protocol what is the protocol doing jesus said he came to preach deliverance deliverance should be the prerequisite to whatever it is that you're trying to be delivered from so i didn't have to say i'm a deliverer come here come here come here no if when you teaching and preaching the true gospel of jesus christ no devil could sit in that person in that place and be comfortable the evidence of this is in uh matthew mark chapter two i think begin at verse 21 jesus is in the synagogue just teaching that's all he's doing and this man cried out jesus christ of nazareth why hast thou come to destroy us but jesus never pick on this fellow jesus never say i see a spirit and i get out no knowledge which is the word of god no demon no evil spirit no spirit of lust no spirit of rejection no spirit of pornography or pride could sit comfortably while those authentic word of god is being ministered cannot happen they could sit comfortably in these places when you say huff puff puff god is going to turn it around give your neighbor high five look at your neighbor and say neighbor neighbor i love you i love you neighbor neighbor next year this time is going to be different those demons are quite comfortable in them but when we teach the word of god in its authenticness not taking away just like i'm doing right now i am literally taking my time and walking you through the scriptures coming back defining a world so you get the full understanding because it is my desire and as a good teacher that you walk away with an understanding i told you before any and every good teacher will always be repetitive why because they're trying to drill that understanding in your mind so that you'll always know what to do when you have to do what you need to do you know just what to retrieve so they couldn't so while i'm teaching the spirit just manifested i i didn't i didn't know the lady had a spirit in her she probably didn't even know but when the authentic word of god is being taught or preached or ministered that's why i sit back and i say how could people settle for all of this drama all of this talking having a full 30-minute conversation with a demon asking him what sir i see he's wearing if he wears size 2 and you go down to uh macy's if you want to pair pants when you come back what what this long conversation with this demon is all about when i read in the same mark chapter 2 beginning at verse 21 when jesus said to that spirit he said silence but if you if you don't know the law if you don't know the rules if you don't know the principles you will fall hand and foot behind them doing the same foolishness they dead and off the scene and you come right there you became pastor and guess what you can do the exact thing you see them and you're going to see a whole lineage yeah this is the baptist church the pentecostal church the methodist church but guess what the only thing you're going here is the name church but there is no deliverance no miracles no turnaround no nothing happening there why because the enemy was successful excuse me in convincing you people to not abide by the rules because once you don't abide by the rules then the devils that are in that place are having a fielding a field day in them so john chapter 15 beginning at verse 1. jesus says i am the true vine now this is only to validate uh romans 8 verses 16 to 17 where it says that the spirit of god the holy spirit will confirm in us or convict us that hey look we are the true sons of god we are saved now in verse 17 of romans 8 says as a result of that there's this partnership now you're not just a christian you're the righteousness of god in christ jesus but you're also an heir with god and a joint heir with jesus christ there is a partnership here now now what we're about to read here is the contract this is the contract that if we follow this contract we are bound success is inevitable it is going to be effortless so listen to the contract now these are the rules and the terms of the contract as we being heirs and joint ears with the godhead so john 15 verse 1 says and we can read from verse 1 to verse 10. i am the true vine this is jesus speaking my father which is god whom we are heirs with but joining us with jesus my father is the husbandman he is the one he's the farmer cultivating this this garden where jesus is the vine and we are the branches okay i am the true vine and my father is the husbandman every branch in me that buried not fruit okay he take it away and every branch that buried fruit he purge it or cut off the debris that it may bring forth even more fruit so listen what he's saying now the one who was bearing fruit and the one who wasn't bearing fruit they're still the branches but god being the cultivator here or the farmer he says okay johnny over here claimed to be safe but this donate producer no fruit so let me cut him off because he he need to get it right but this cavern guy is producing so what i'm going to do i'm going to remove these old leaves and debris i'm purging him but the only reason for that is so that the new leaves and the no fruit would be easier coming forth without the hustle of the old leaves branches and so on and he says the reason why i'm moving this also is not so that i'm now positioning kevin to now produce more fruit than he was doing before so what is the scripture really telling you if you are a true child of god number one you should not be stagnant as it relates to producing fruit but the reality is each level of your life each year of your life you should be in a better position than the year before or the season before so if you're still at this church for x amount of years the the everything is still the same there's no advancement there's everything it's like you just open this up for the first time something is wrong so the bible says in verse two every branch remember this is the contract now this is the contract between you and you the father and the son which you are heirs and joining us with every branch in me that buried not fruity taken away and every branch that buried fruit he purged it that it may bring forth more fruit listen to the rest of the contract listen to term number three of verse three now you are clear but how are we clean though jesus you are clean through the word which i have spoken unto you verse 4. he says now abide in me these are the terms of the contract with jesus who are who we are joint heirs with and god who we are as with this is the contract between us now so that we can produce verse 4 or term number four he says now listen to this instruction abide in me we we must abide in christ and he in us as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself you cannot say that you're the one that the delivered that delivered the spirit of a mary you cannot say because of your apostolic anointing the demons are running because that is not with rule number four saying rule number four in this contract agreement between us humans and the godhead it says abide in me and iron you as the branch who's the branch us as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine who is the vine jesus christ it's proving what i've been saying to you from day one deliverance is a joint effort you cannot say because you are apostolic you cannot say because of the covering you're under you cannot say because you fast for six million years now you got the power to at will you could make someone become deli you could you could just dismiss the timeline for a person that god has already set times and because you call yourself boss prophet super duper prophet profit to the toilet power square root seven that all of a sudden that you could change god you got to be crazy you're ignorant to the rules you're ignorant to the laws you do not understand this contract you couldn't have signed off on this so he says here verse four abide in me and i in you as the branch that's you kevin that's everybody else who are part of the body of christ you cannot bear fruit of yourself except you abide in me which is the vine no more can ye except you abide in me listen to verse five of or or term number five of this contract jesus says let me be clear again because he's repeating that that's how important it is he said i am the vine you are the branches he that abided in me so to say he that abided in me meaning that you have a choice you don't have to abide in him but based on the terms of this contract if you want to produce it will be in your best interest to abide in your partner in your in your in your co-partner here which would be jesus watch this now he said if a man abide not in me sorry verse 5. i am the vine you are the branches you he that abided in me and i and him the same bring it forth listen the same bringing forth much fruit for again without me you can do nothing it again the scripture is reiterating the power of this partnership as long as both of us adhere to this contract term number six if a man abide not in me he is cast fought as a branch he's cast as a branch in me he's cast fought as a branch sorry and is withered and men gathered them and cast them into the fire and they are burned now this is interesting you know because there are a lot of leaders pastors apostles teachers prophet and prophetess who god has fired a long time ago but they're still operating as preachers and so-called pastors but the bible says how do we know because they still wearing the suits and the white gowns and everything to look righteous externally so lord how would we know that you cut them off well he said how you would know he said when i cut them off they would wither away meaning that what only i couldn't do with them to make them produce they cannot produce any more jesus be a little bit more specific with me okay they've had a church for the past 15 20 years they decided to do things their way here is how you know they're with it and whomever they're leading is also with it what was the purpose of them having the church to train my people so that they can have their ministry and launch them off into their ministry to bring swords to the body of christ how many people in there got saved now did you think about it nobody has been saved did the membership grow well not really people go on and come in and there's always confusion okay what about signs wonders and miracles because i told you when i leave you will do greater works in what i did are you seeing that well jesus to be honest i don't see it now okay but you just answered what do i mean but when i say that if they're not abiding in me they're not producing they are withering away and if they don't get their act together they'll be gathered like branches and thrown into the fire that is the terms of the contract that is the terms of the contract see it right there so what's here now verse seven he says but if you abide in me he's reiterating this for the third or fourth time because this is clearly vital to this contract between christ and us who are his children verse seven or term seven of this contract says if ye abide in me and my words abide in you listen carefully you shall ask what you will and i shall and it shall be done unto you you hear that did you hear that now kevin why are you hopping on this why why you why you campo here in voice seven well let's read it again i hope you get a revelation by now let's read it again jesus is saying now he's he's uh he's repeating the abiding in him but he's adding another benefit here he says now if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you now here's why i'm hopping on this did you read in there if you bring an abide seed you should ask what you will and you should get it did you read did you read if you bring a resurrect resurrection seed whatever you ask you will get did you read if you bring a first fruit you you didn't read that right so you see what i'm saying to you then you don't know the laws when you don't know the rules when you don't know the contract that christ has put in place any joker could come and make up anything and because you say that's a pastor this is a church that's the house of god then let me do what the pastor say okay well then what is your benchmark what are you measuring them by what is it to determine whether or not this is god's rules or is this the house rules and policies because i need to be doing god's rule because he done tell me couple times only if you abide in me and i in you that you will produce more fruit whatever you ask for you will get and all this other stuff because if i'm not doing his rules i should not anticipate these things simple very simple but no one in these places are going to take their time and teach you it because they're all about their rules they want you to follow them they want you to honor them that's why they tell you apostolic covering you have to be under us if you want to be protected from the worlds and the people what wolves there's no wolves here in the bahamas what are you talking about no man you care not people you cannot come into 2021 repeating the same thing you did in 2020 20 2019 2018 2017 and all the way up there and you foolishly still expecting something different to happen you want something different happen do what the contract say very simple very very simple very simple it don't get more simpler than this no mom you got to wake up you you that's why you ain't delivered that's why you then been saved five years and you're still keeping a side piece on your wife or husband it's still sweethearten you're still battling pornography and lying to your wife and children you're still on the job embezzling and stealing money and you as a christian use a deacon you're probably even a surpass though okay you you got a function some speaking engagement somewhere in america somewhere you already you and your little side please then plant them she gonna hairy you so nobody see you're going to there but see you you still could do these things because you know why you are not following the contract you are not following the contract you need to follow the contract listen carefully verse 8 because he's winding down to the end of this contract he say hearing but let's go back to verse 7 he says if you abide in me and my word abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you okay hearing my father is glorified i love that yeah that you why is jesus why is god sorry glorified jesus says listen listen i can tell you this little secret you know what makes daddy happy you know what makes daddy glorify and excited listen when you produce more fruit why are your daddy why daddy got excited about that because you producing more fruit is the evidence to him that you're abiding in me and i in you hence you will produce more food because that is the only formula for you to produce more fruit you are not producing pasta you are not producing apostle you are not producing lying profit and prophetess because you are not following the rules to produce more herein is my father glorified this term number eight of this contract that is labeled john 15. it says here it is my father glorified that you bear much fruit so shall ye be my disciples first night as the father had loved me so have i loved you continue ye and my love listen to verse 10 because this is the end of the contract this is where we sign off if you keep my commandments i love this you show jesus commandments or if we give the seed huh if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love even as i have kept my father's commandment and abide in his love jesus said listen i'm doing nothing i am emulating from what i did with my father i'm only giving you it now so this is the contract this is the contract right here so you know what we rolling up on six minutes from two hours so i'm going to give you these last scriptures i got a lot more and we can continue this tomorrow but i want to end right here right i'm going to give you these last scriptures i'm going to give you one two three four five five scriptures that's now going to validate this contract now once you stick to this contract you hear all of the benefits in this contract right now we're going to look at these scriptures now that's going to show you that this was going to prove to you that when i step out now i step no there's no boss prophet because that's arrogance i don't know chief or apostle that's arrogance that's to have nothing to do with jesus whoever's saying is boss prophets and chief apostles they are delusional they are there's no humility in them jesus christ the son of god whom all things was made for him by him and without him was nothing made he was the super prophet and never called himself that but we ain't going down here's where we going let's go to psalms 44 5 because this is the back of the contract these are the things that's going you're going to now see every scripture i'm about to give you you're going to see joint efforts with humans and the air enjoyed air which is god in jesus christ so let's go to psalms chapter 44 and we can wrap up right here psalms 44. it's going to be juicier tomorrow i promise you psalms 44 verse 5. okay watch this now psalms 44 5 says through thee uh-huh will we push down our enemies who's the who's d god through you meaning that we're joined here we're working with you now we understand the contract through thee will we push down our enemies we couldn't push them down without you boss that's the real boss there through thee through you god through you jesus through you've got it we working with you now we understand that we can't push down no enemies we cannot subdue no enemies without you because now we understand the revelation that true deliverance is joined it's a joint effort and the joint effort is that human beings agreeing which is the knowledge of god the word of god that's the contract between god and us to do more to produce more fruit through thee will we push down our enemies through thy name okay will we thread them under that rise up against us so what is the scripture saying we are going to now overcome my enemies we're going to beat them down we can tread over them like they are nothing but we're not doing it on our own strength we're going to be strong but as a result of co-partnering with the godhead man i hope you're all getting this an idea i really i pray to god you're getting this if you don't get the play over because i would hate to know i'm wasting my time right now breaking this down to you through thee will we push down our enemies through thy name will we thread them under that rise up against us you hear this let's go to another one let's go to psalms 18 39. psalms 18 verse 39 i love this boy i love the scriptures here i love the word of god i love it for thou has girded me with strength unto the battle god says since we are working together i got some armor for you i got some i mean let me strength means the word of god because we rather remember in our proverbs 24 verse a wise man is strong a man of knowledge increases his strength so it says for thou has girded me with strength unto the battle thou has subdued under me those that rose up against me god why you don't lose for me because you're working with me you realize you got the revelation that we are partners i god come down to earth okay and partner with you you agreed you were abiding in me and me and you so look at the things i'm going to do for you now for thou has girded me with strength unto the battle god says i'm going to outfit you the body will come in don't worry about that i'm going to outfit you not only that he says thou has subdued under me those that rose up against me so if i'm going according to the contract in john 15 verses 1 to 10 these are the things that i can expect me and done let's look at another one let's look at deuteronomy 3 verse 22 deuteronomy 3 verse 22 what does it say it says ye shall not fear them okay why for the lord your god he shall do what he can do for me fight for me but why are you doing all of this what did i do because you abide in him and him in you scripture did you read the contract you need listen you need to go over the contract you need to make some adjustments in your life but only that you can do it is when you go over the contract let's look at another one let's look at uh uh joshua chapter one verse nine joshua chapter one okay let's look at verse nine what does it say he says have not i commanded thee joshua be strong and of good courage don't be afraid neither be thou dismayed why lord you're telling me these things but why for the lord thy god is what is with thee wheresoever thou goes we are partners i'm not gonna leave you i am here with you listen i god who created the sun the moon the universe the galaxy i got who measured the right amount of oxygen and nitrogen in the earth where you could breed and survive i god who created the ocean and all these fish and stuff in the sea the fall of the air i got to have done all of that listen i love you so much when you're doing my will where i'm glorified because you're gonna produce more fruit i'm gonna be with you i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you right now just be courageous and be confident because i will always be with you simply because you're following my rules my commandments and my laws which is the contract the knowledge of me between you and i this is the glue that is going to keep us in partnership forever if we try that let's look at another one let's look at let's look at this last one isaiah 40. i love this one isaiah 40 and 31 i love this one here isaiah 40. again right here i got a lot more scratches but this can take us too long tonight maybe we can just wrap it up tomorrow isaiah 40 and verse 31 listen to this verse 31 of isaiah 40 again all of these scriptures are as a result of the partnership as a result of the contract between us and the spirit of the kingdom of light which is god and jesus isaiah 40 31 says but they that wait upon the lord i love this shall renew excuse me their strength let's pause the video we got to break it down excuse me there's a benefit for those who we don't guard number one you already have a contract with him and you're following his rules you're waiting on him but why am i waiting on him no why don't he just come and do it now no no no no no remember what this topic is remember this topic is there's a set time for deliverance so he's saying now they that are going to wait day that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength let's dig deeper what does that mean what he's saying here wait because there's a set time don't be anxious trust me the set time can come but i am also aware that while you're waiting you're going to become wary you're going to become tired you're going to feel like it can never happen but this is the evidence that you know you are in your set season i'm gonna renew your strength scripture i love it scripture need someone to break scripture down to you so you can understand scripture i promise every last one of you listen to me right now you're gonna have a greater appreciation for your bible now because you're understanding it now but they that wait upon the lord shall not might shall renew their strength they shall mount up with rings as eagles they shall run and not be wary but why am i feeling so excited any of you ever had that i remember there were some seasons in my life and god knows that i didn't know that the season was going to come but i remember mornings i was wake up still broke still busted disgusted and cannot be trusted right but for some reason today just feel good today feel right i don't know why ain't nobody give me no good news i'm sure you had that before something just feel good this is a good sunny day lord what this is but what i didn't know was the scripture right here was an action he says that they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagle they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint boy next thing i know i get all kind of good news on the back end i said lord that's why i was feeling so good for no reason now mind you i get all kinds of bills to go pay i don't know how you can pay them but for some reason this day and the next day and the next day this feels so good but that was god fulfilling this promise he said you've been waiting right now i'm renewing your strength because the set time for what i promise you mr ewing is about to download on you it's about to descend on you and these are the physical evidence of what's going on in the spiritual realm you're happy for no reason you're excited for no reason mighty god again we're here tonight i got listen i got about two more pages of pillow scriptures but we're gonna wrap this up tomorrow man listen i don't know if you guys are being blessed but kevin l ewing is blessed so that's your problem i enjoy this heavenly father i thank you god i appreciate you and i appreciate these 2 000 people that are online right now not for kevin not for me they are hungry for your word they are hungry to sign off on this contract that they never knew existed so that they now can be validated in terms of in partnership with you so now they can produce more why because in this contract you said if they abide in you and you and them they will now produce more fruit so father i pray right now that the spirit of truth which is the holy spirit and all of these scriptures that we lord let that marinade in their spirit let that marinade in their mind let them marinate in their soul and father i pray like you would do for them twice as what you did for me in terms of they would have a hunger and a passion for righteousness a hunger and a passion for the scriptures i pray father god in all honesty that when they read the scriptures that they like their spirit man is just gonna gorge on it and they're gonna want more and more and more and more and as they consume it you are going to open up their dark understanding and now take them to a different level in you i pray father god that they would shed any form of arrogance any form of pride whatever that they've been taught that they're now realizing was erroneous father help them expunge and eradicate that nonsense only to be replaced with your authentic your true undiluted unadulterated word your word declares father god in proverbs 30 verse 5 and it says that every word of god is pure and that he is a shield unto those that put their trust in him you said in your word that it cannot your word cannot return unto you void but it must accomplish what it was sent out to do you said that you've placed your word above your name you said that heaven and earth shall pass away but not one tittle of your word shall pass but that said father god we now die direct us back to the contract in john 15 verses 1 to 10 that word must not return void if we abide in you and you and us you say if we abide in you and you and us whatever we ask whatever we will shall not might be done unto us this is your word you said if we abide in you and you and us we shall produce more fruit you said in the earth in the eighth term agreement of uh john 15 you say therein is your father glorified how is god glorified in us jesus why because you're producing more fruit as a true believer of jesus christ who is following the rules the regulations the principles and the ordinance and the commands of the living god you've got to produce more fruit you have to this this is the empirical this is the forensic evidence you cannot say you save and you abide in by the word of god and your life is withered and fruitless hence you said jesus you told us how to measure them we will know them by their fruit because the fruit will then determine whether they were abiding in you and you and them because you made it clear in the contract those that will not abide in you you cut off and they wither away and they are eventually gathered up and thrown into the fire i pray for them right now i pray for those who are withering away but still preaching still prophet lying it is my prayer lord it is our prayer because it is not your desire in any should perish but also come to eternal life i pray father god lord that they would have a a a a saul on the road to damascus experience to come back to the fold right now father god i pray that you will open up their dark understanding and allow them to see how the enemy is misleading them and blindly guiding them to a christless hell i pray right now for intervention from you lord but lord at the same time i know you cannot force us you cannot will yourself on us you would never do that you've given us you've given us free will but we intercede for them right now we're allowed to do that we intercede father god that the the scales will be removed from their eyes and that their father god now will become or return back to to to the household of faith i pray for everyone listening to me right now and i pray according to isaiah 11 and 2 that the spirit of the living god will hover over them wherever they are right now and download the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of counsel and the spirit of might the same spirit as it's downloading i'm now praying ephesians 1 and 17 that not only will you download the spirit of knowledge but god give them the spirit of revelation father amplify their gift of discernment so that they will be able to decipher no matter how a person label themselves as a religious leader that father god the holy spirit that resides in them will amplify their gift of discernment to determine if this person man or woman is of you or not i pray father god that you will increase them more and more them and their children i pray for favor over them according to psalms 5 and 12 where you promise them that you will bless the righteous and with favor shall you encompass them as a shield your word declares father god according to proverbs 3 verses 3 to 4 you told him to not forsake this is a command you told him not to forsake mercy neither truth but bind it upon their necks and write it upon the table of their heart and in so doing shall they find favor and good understanding before god and man i pray for every husband listening to me right now according to your word father god and proverbs 19 and 22 where you said that he that finded a wife not only does he has he found or discovered a good thing but as a result of this union father god he will now be granted favor let favor come like never before whatever that husband is just praying for right now father remember the promise you have attached to him as a result of his union let favor come from the east the west the north the south and all points in between i pray for those right now who have been deprived of a peace of mind because of the things i've said earlier that i've experienced they're now experiencing it but they're experiencing supernatural occurrences in their lives father i pray according to your word in the book of philippians that it is only you but i'm asking you this that can give that peace that passes all understanding we agree right now that you will allow the peace in the middle of this spiritual chaos that's producing one of these evil physical events bring peace remove the spirit of fear uh second timothy one and seven lord you said that you were not the one that instituted the spirit of fear in their lives instead what you gave them was a spirit of love and power and soundness father god amplified that in them right now in the name of jesus father i pray isaiah 26 and 3 over them where you promised them this is your rule your principle your ordinance you said that you will keep them in perfect peace or complete peace but the catch is they must keep their minds on you your word declares according to psalms 119 verse 165 where you said great peace have they that love thy law and absolutely nothing shall offend them father we disable the spirit of offense we disable the spirit of fear we disable the spirit of anxiety and worry depression every spirit that the enemy is just channeling at them father we pray just like how you place the hedge of protection around job according to job 1 verse 10 we pray lord that you would reinforce their hedge if it has been tampered in any way we pray father god lord that you would just amplify yourself in them that they would come to the realization that they need you and they need to renew that contract with you so that you can step in and fight on their behalf father we thank you father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you i pray for those who have deep seated hate deep seated bitterness deep seated rooted unforgiveness your word declares father god that while we pray we must forgive others because it's the only way that you're going to forgive us so lord we seal this prayer right now according to your word that says whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have received it and we shall have it in the matchless and in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen it's folks listen i kind of disappointed tonight not for the message oh i'm excited about that i had a wonderful time hijacking y'all i got a ball but there listen i there was so much i wanted to cover but that's fine though that's fine because we're gonna pick up from this tomorrow and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go into a story jehoshaphat to be ex to be exact because i found that to be the ideal story to bring everything that i've taught you tonight into that one story because everything in there the contract uh the agreement with god and god working on their path all you're going to see because you know that's how i teach i i bring out all the spiritual laws all the spiritual rules i define them i go through them i break them down reconstruct them reconstruct them sorry and then i find the ideal bible story that is relatable to all of the rules that i told you about so that you could see focus on how these things are not just teaching principles but how it works in the lives of men and women of god in the scriptures okay so god bless you tomorrow is our last night we will be continuing part three of there is a set time for deliverance i know you had a good time because i did so next godspeed is tomorrow thursday which is our last night again at 8 45 we will be back here by the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ to continue with this provocative and provoking teaching on there is a set time for deliverance part three so until then god bless you and you guys have an awesome and wonderful night
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 42,016
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: deliverance, set time, god's timing, bible study with me, bible study, kevin l a ewing, Minister kevin ewing, minister kevin l a ewing, kevin ewing, spiritual warfare, spirit world, in-depth bible study, joint heirs, bible study live, kevin l a ewing fasting, spiritual insight, spiritual world, spiritual laws, laws of the spirit world, witchcraft, spiritual warfare scriptures, christian youtube channels, bible study lessons, revelation, minister kevin l a ewing dreams
Id: W8ndtLU-L9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 48sec (8088 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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