Dreams During And After Fasting Pt.1

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ewing with another edition and a special edition of the kevin l ewing spiritual insight show as promised uh last week i said to you guys that i will be doing a three days or three days of teaching on the topic dreams during and after fasting and like i would have said the purpose of that is because i was overwhelmed with questions on different dreams that people have had during the fast that they would have undertaken this month this month being the month that we have assigned as uh end of the year fast 2020. this is something that we do annually again to recalibrate you to realign you to your original uh god intended destiny so i said that i would be doing these teachings because i want to give you some some clarity as it relates to what was it that you would experience either by a dream or via a vision or you would have had a spiritual encounter where you defined manifestation you want to know whether this was a god whether it was not what are the components involved xyz whatever the case may be so i want to thank all of you that are on board all of you that are watching me right now live by facebook and also youtube and you can also find me on my android and apple apps you can download it to your various smartphones or even tablets and you can watch this program live i strongly suggest you advise other people because there's some of us who haven't uh began our fastest yet like i said to you you can do it any time between the first of this month december the first pass and then you have up until the 31st so you have up until thursday of this week to complete a fast however you choose to do that fast it's between you and your god and and there's no specific way to do it but i want to just remind you that according to scripture according to scripture fasting is the abstinence or the withdrawal or the suspension of eating okay so you're not fasting if you're not watching tv or you're not going on social media you could add that to your fast i'm not saying that you cannot do that but that is not the apex or the primary reason in terms of trying to make a sacrifice to god okay so i want to go into it quickly because we only have one hour and i really want to be as clear as possible again our topic is dreams during and after fasting many of you are going to be able to relate to what i'm saying but on this first teaching all i'm going to give you are principles i'm going to give you six principles as it relates to the spiritual world in regards to visions in regards to dreams or supernatural encounters once you would make note or take note of these six principles you are able now to be better guided as to whether these experiences that you would have had spiritually or supernaturally again categorizing them as to whether they were of god or whether it was of the enemy pretending to be something from the kingdom of god this is very very before we even jump out of the blocks this is very very important because every dream that you would have had or you will have the sole purpose of that dream i don't care how silly it may seem how insignificant it may seem even as it relates to self-manufactured dreams which i will speak about uh my first point the enemy will use it sorry not the enemy but the spiritual world is seeking a covenant with the person or the dreamer in order for it to facilitate its will in this planet and i will explain all of that to you okay so again the topic today is dreams during and after fasting part one dreams during and after fasting uh part one and i want us to well sorry the subtopic let me get there for you so i just to jump into this the sub topic will be the uh six principles as it relates to the spiritual world six principles as it relates to the spiritual world okay now number one first principle principles concerning dreams which would be the same well not the same but also categorized under visions so let me deal with the prophetic and literally tapping into the unseen world that comes on the prophecy dream dream interpretation visions these things here is now giving us access to a world that under normal circumstances that we will not have access to now again i hope you have your pen your notepads your your books or whatever to record this information because i'm going to give you a lot of scriptures to in fact everything that i'm about to tell you as usual excuse me i'm going to give you the scriptures that support it okay so the first principle there are three sources in which dreams emanate from that will either be from god it will either be from satan and his kingdom or it will be from ourselves okay so the first thing i want us the first place i want us to look to support the first one is uh job job chapter 33 and you guys should know this one already and this is basically just a recap for those of you that really follow me but let's go to job 33 and we're going to read from verse 14 to verse 17 job 33 verse 14 to verse all right because we want to see if dreams truly come from god is that so like i have said so in job 33 beginning at verse 14 it says for god okay for god speak it once yes twice yet man perceive it not so clearly the scripture is showing us that god is making several as well as different attempts to garner our attention to speak to us all right when we don't understand that it's god i acknowledge him verse 15 shows a a third or an additional attempt so listen what verse 15 says going back to verse 14 for god speak yes once yes twice yes man's perceived or he doesn't understand that it is called trying to communicate to him verse 15 says then god comes to him in a dream so this already solidifies my point that god speaks to us in our dream it is not my imagination and it's not my opinion you're seeing it here in the scriptures so in a dream in a vision of the nightman deep sleep followed upon men and slumbering upon the bed or dozing off verse 16 says then he which is god open the spiritual heirs of men why to seal their instructions why is he giving them instructions well according to ephesians 1 and 3 ephesians 1 verses 3 to 4 it says that he has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in christ jesus or in the spiritual world and according to those blessings in terms of what he has given us it directly relates to the gifts that he has given us so whatever giphy is giving you the gift of teaching the gift of uh whatever according to uh ephesians 1 verse 3 he has blessed you with every spiritual blessing as it relates to that gift and he has done this or chosen you in him before the foundation of the world so therefore according to job chapter 33 verse 16 it says while we are asleep he's coming to us in a dream or even a vision meaning that we're not asleep and now he's giving us our instructions our instructions for what to fulfill that which he has already ordained for us or expect us to participate in according to his plan his will before the foundation of the world all right let's be clear there so god is saying okay kevin today is the 28th of december okay my plan for this day before the foundation of the world is that you come here to dove and that you are going to go on their equipment where you can be broadcast throughout the bahamas or what have you and then you're going to speak to my people and teach so what i'm doing now god will this in me this isn't my own ideal according to philippians 2 verse 13 it is god that will in us to do of his good pleasure his good pleasure according to his son jesus to go into the world and preach my god so right now i am in the divine will of god this is god's divine plan for me scripture says to us that a good man's steps are ordered by the lord and the lord rejoice it in this man's way with the way that he's taken according to the laws of god or god's original plan so job 33 16 says then he which is god open the ears of men and sealed their instructions uh-huh why verse 17 of job 33 that he which is god may withdraw or pull man from his purpose man's own purpose i'm pulling you kevin away from all your partying and carousing and all that nonsense you used to do okay i'm coming to you in a dream and i'm sealing your instructions i've called you to teach so now you come to this stage in your life where you discontinue those things that were your purposes and your will but the point i'm making is god is doing this all through a dream or a vision which is one of of many attempts that he would do to garner your attention so for 70 says that he may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride from man so of course so far in the principles of dream the the one of the three of them where god speaks to us in dreams are clearly illustrated in job 33 verses 14 to 17. now i said to you also that satan also has the authority he has the right to come at you in the dream all right he cannot he does not have the right to come at you physically no that right have to be granted by you in order to facilitate him and i will explain that a little bit later in this program all right so satan do have a right and i'm going to show you the principle on which he utilizes that right so how do we know dreams can also come from satan let's go now to matthew matthew 13 and we're going to look at verse 25 and of course it's about the uh the the parable but again all scripture can be used for teaching edification and identification admonishing and so on so we're looking at the principle of this parable as it relates to how the enemy operates okay which now brings us to how satan has the right to enter our dreams okay matthew 13 25 but while man slept while we are sleeping his enemy his enemy came and sowed tears among the wheat and went his way in layman's term satan who is spiritual the dream which is spiritual which i'm about to punch on a little bit the dream which is spiritual he has the legal right he does not need your authority he does not need god's authority this is this is free boundaries he could operate in where he comes in the dream and according to the scripture this is where he plants seeds now these seeds which i will discuss at the last part of this teaching in this episode are going to be covenants that he would have established through the trickery of the dreams that most of you have been having having having sorry and then he just leaves so he programs you through the dream leave hoping that ignorant not to rebuke not to reject not too fast against it and if you don't do that then that program which he puts there now which you unknowingly came in agreement with you will now assist him through this legal spiritual uh covenant for him to facilitate his evil in your life okay so according to scripture but wild man slept matthew 13 25 but while man slept his enemy came and sold tears among the wheat he did his dirt while you were unconscious while you were asleep especially while you were ignorant of spiritual laws rules principles and ordinances and then he made his way according to scripture so that's the second proof now where we have dreams that are emanated from satan all right now self-manufactured dreams self-manufactured dreams are dreams where we are burdened or overwhelmed or oppressed by day-to-day challenges and troubles and worries and fears and so on we're so overwhelmed by it that we actually dream of these things that we're so concerned about now while they are also self-manufactured make no mistake satan can also use your fears and concerns to now manipulate you in your dream to forge a covenant with him again only to facilitate his evil all right so where can we find scriptures as it relates to self-manufactured dreams well let's go to ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter five and let's look at verse three and what is this says for a dream uh-huh cometh through the multitude multitude of business through i mean relentless thoughts and transactions you're doing and interacting with people and listening to people complain all the time and and you complaining all the time and the only thing you could see is debt and my god all these young people getting killed and grand bomb on the streets you got to be careful and you're overwhelmed by that until you now go to bed that night and you dream your son was killed in a car accident and you wake up frantic and afraid now you don't realize by not canceling this dream you're giving the enemy the legal right what does the bible say the bible says in uh psalms 94 20 it says shall we have any kind of affiliations or communications with the throne of iniquity well the answer to that is no but then it goes on to say for the throne of inequity uh forges its mischief by laws meaning that whenever satan come at us he's just not coming at us haphazardly or arbitrarily no the way he's coming he's coming armed with a law a biblical rule hoping you would defy it to give him legal access to your life follow me so according to psalms 94 verse 20 it says that the enemy or the throne of iniquity which satan sits on he forges his mischief by what by laws not his opinion because that have no power in the realm of the spirit or the physical world he does it by laws now with that said you've had this dream because you've seen all of these tragedy around you and you had a dream your son was killed and you are ignorant of spiritual law so you jump up oh my god lord i dream you don't lord okay i'm so glad you're here today i got to come to this room see if you hear oh jesus i saw her you never rebuke it you never challenge it so what is satan doing well let's look at more laws if we go over to proverbs chapter 3 verse 25 job gave up i mean a magnificent uh expose of a rule that he participated in and didn't even know that gave satan the access to his life to shut him down when god told satan to go mess around you could go touch him but don't kill him god only did it because there was something in his life so what does job 325 says job said this is his words this is his admission he said the very thing that i was afraid of uh has come upon me and that which i was uh like yeah you know what let me turn it i want to read this properly for you because i really want you to get it so let's go to job chapter 3 verse 25. listen to job now listen his admission remember at this point his children died he lost his crops he lost as well now you may say well job was such an innocent man based on the picture that god painted of him to satan this is true but there was something going on with him that gave right for god to say okay satan you could touch him but you cannot kill him so job job 3 verse 25 says for the thing which i greatly fed who's speaking in job 3 job job is speaking for the thing which i greatly fed has come upon me and that which i was afraid of has come unto me why because you agreed with the not the emotion of fear fear is not an emotion not that the feeling of the fear no no no scripture said to us second timothy one and seven very clear for god did not give us the who i didn't hear that the spirit of fear so when job accepted it when you accepted it after having that horrible dream about your child you say oh my god i was so faithful oh lord oh lord i thank you god i thank you my boy your god you thank you and your boy here you ain't rebuked that spirit you always say spirit of faith get away from me i refuse to come in agreement with you no but how could you say that if you don't know the rules how could you say that if you don't understand spiritual laws so the third principle in this first principle of dream principles is showing us how where we have self-manufactured dreams now with that said and i've proven to you in the first principle that dreams come from god dreams come from satan and dreams also comes from manufactured or produced through our affairs anxieties and truly it's the spirit of fair working with us hoping that we would agree with it indirectly to facilitate its will in our lives job made it very clear and i was always astounded by that uh revelation there that his fears his fears his fears uh manifested so when he his children everything that he lost these were always his fears even though he issued evil even though he made sacrifices and and whatever to god for his children's sins and so on but he said by himself while i was doing all of that i was still ruled by these fears and guess what these fears has now come unto me scripture i ain't making this up all right now the second spirit the second spiritual principle as it relates to this teaching on uh during and after fasting is the principles as it relates to the spiritual world a lot of people who are who are also christians are not convinced that there's a spiritual world and i don't understand this if they call themselves christians or even believers of a higher being even if you don't believe in god you if i cannot see your higher being so that only could be spiritually that's another teaching so in the second principle as it relates to the spiritual world i'm going to show you here where this world in its prior to god creating uh these something out of nothing and out of nothing would be the spiritual world we want to see scripture that says that i say to you all the time the parent world to this physical world or the physical things around us such as the other uh planets and so on and whatever exists materially in creation according to the scripture they were made or produced from the invisible or the spiritual world which now makes that the origin of all things so let's prove this so let's go now to hebrews i hope i hope i hope i'm educating you i hope i'm not get going too fast my time is limited and you all know i i need two hours right but i try my best to condense this so let's go to eat let's go to hebrews chapter 11 and let's now analytically look at verse 3. it says through fate we we the believers understand that the worlds what is the world's mercury venus earth words we don't even know about scientists have yet to even discover but scripture okay says through faith through the belief in god we understand that the world's the world's plural were framed structured forged or built by what by the word of god uh now this is the key this is the kicker listen so that things which are seen such as the worlds such as the stars and the sun and the moon the galaxies so that things which are seen listen were not made of things which do appear kevin what are you saying to us i'm saying to you everything in creation as it relates to what is tangible physical or material according to hebrews 11 3 they were not constructed forged or frame by things that you see around you something invisible did it which we call the spiritual world genesis is a perfect example of the genesis chapter one in the beginning god created look up the word look up that hebrew word created look at it and the hebrew rendering will tell you it means when something something that was made out of nothing we have the understanding that the origin of all things is what let me hear it again spiritual so i didn't make that up so the second principle as it relates to the spiritual world the spiritual world has everything was manufactured from that world to this world here okay a third uh spiritual principle as we talk about now spiritual authority so the earth was already created it was made from the spiritual world okay now who where can we find in the bible whom god gave authority to in the earth who did he give authority to this is key did he give it to satan did he give it himself did he give it himself did he give it to us who has the who literally determines ultimately what happens here i know what you're going to say to me god does kevin i know you're going to tell me that and then i'm going to tell you you're wrong okay so let's get this next nugget this next principle so let's go to genesis let's go to genesis chapter one and we're going to read from verse 26 to 28. now my those that follow me know these already you this we just recapping for y'all this is basically for those who don't know and again it's just setting the foundation because tomorrow tuesday and wednesday we're now going to be giving scenarios of dreams i'm going to be now explaining it to you based on these principles that's why i have to give you this foundation give you this foundation first okay now check this out genesis 1 26 and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have what led who i didn't hear that let them let who's them god i said man but god you didn't say spirit that's right i said man but god you're a spirit you didn't even say you you're correct god satan is the spirit but you didn't even say him you are correct and who would mind be which would be our next point our next principle a man would be someone who has a spirit as well as a soul housed in a physical body but we won't jump ahead of ourselves okay so we're looking here at now the principle of sorry we're looking at the authority that god has given who god has given authority to so verse 26 of genesis 1 says and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them let them meaning the man generic of male and female have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fall of the air and over the cattle and over all over all the earth and over every you have authority over the entire earth and over every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth verse 27 so god created man in his own image in the image of god created he male and female in case you had a problem who the man was he was talking about and you will switch this around he he he itemized who he's when he used the word man he meant male and female okay so verse 27 says so god created man in his own image in the image of god created he him male and female created he them listen to verse 28 after creating man it says and god bless them now this is powerful because this is this is going to tie in to ephesians 1 verses 3 and 4. so when he blessed them this was nothing physical this was a spiritual endowment something you could not see which you could call an anointing you cannot see an anointing it is something that god has endowed this particular individual with however once they are endowed with it they perform in a way that they could not perform had they not had the anointing or the blessing so in this case here it's saying that when god blessed them spiritually they were able to do four things physically that they could not do before so he says in uh genesis 1 28 and god bless them being adam and eve and god said to them now now that you're blessed here's what you could do you you could be fruitful multiply replenish and listen to the fourth one and subdue meaning you hold whatever's coming to challenge you i've given you the right the power to shut it down anything coming at you kevin and my divine other things kevin i have given you the power to subdue it for you to grab all of it put your foot on it so do it hold it down thank you lord thank you very much and god blessed him and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it now i love this peace now they didn't tell you how you're operating this site and i've given you the shot now i gotta reiterate it he says and have dominion again you're saying this must be important and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fall of the air and over every living thing that moving upon the earth so the principle as it relates to the authority nowhere in there god even excluded himself out of the equation that listen i've given you a thought i i created the earth now i care created the earth garden of eden give you everything now you have the key now i'm giving you charge of this everything that go down here will be solely dependent on you if i want to come here and and cause a flood with no then i got to consult noah to forge a covenant with him if i want to part the red sea for moses then i got to talk to moses and forge your covenant with him why because i gave him the authority here this is not to say that they are greater than me this is to show that we are joined i i am working along with my creation and if they follow my rules whenever i speak to them they will succeed at whatever they do my god i'm talking to somebody today are you talking to somebody today what is it that you excluded god out of and now things didn't work out for you god says listen whom i give kevin i give you dominion kevin because you are partnering don't mind what they do you know the mind what they say no matter how they attack you don't mind how they sit in when you come to the church and preach and don't mind kevin don't mind them remember kevin whatever i have told you and you do what i told you you are coming in agreement with me and now i am working with you abide in me and my word in you and whatever you ask him and shall be done unto you but we india today all right so we see there the the third principle is where the authority has been given to mankind all right now the fourth principle speaks about what i spoke about earlier in terms of man who is he speaking to see we don't we don't want to muddy up the area we don't we don't want to confuse nobody here okay so when he says man don't come with no theological garbage here when he says man let me show you who he's referring to so the principle of the body as it relates to man you're going to find that in first thessalonians uh first thessalonians uh 5 and verse 23. first thessalonians 5 uh verse 23 is the first so second there's someone let's let me see verse five let me be clear now first first thessalonians okay here we go here we go here we go good so first thessalonians chapter five first lesson in five verse 23 and this is the principle as it relates to our human body okay so the principle says here now what does this says and the very god of peace sanctify you holy and i pray god your whole your whole or your entirety what is the entirety spirit and soul and body this is my physical body my my what you could see my material body but according to scripture housed in this vessel of clay like some parts of the scriptures describe it is housed a spirit and a body a spirit is an invisible thing my soul sorry a spirit and a soul i said spirit body spirit and so your soul is your mind your will your intellect your emotions and feelings and so on and like always it's basically the administrator of the entire triune okay so this is the principle as it relates to the body all right the fifth principle remember to have six of them the fifth principle speaks of the spiritual world but the contents of that world this is key so let's go here now to daniel that's good you should be familiar with the scripture also daniel chapter 10 okay and i'm just going to give you a summary of it because there's a scripture i want to bring all of this together into okay so i'm going to give you a summary but you can read from daniel chapter one all the way to chap daniel chapter 10 sorry versus 1 to 20. so i'm just going to give you a summary of it because i want to jump to the next point because i have my final scripture that i want to wrap up everything in right you're going fast today and you all know they're saying me you know i like to elaborate all right but anyway in daniel chapter 10 remember this principle we're talking about is the principles as it relates to the contents of the spiritual world the spiritual world is not just solely dedicated to god in his kingdom according to the scripture daniel was on a fast for three weeks or 21 days during this fast there were some things happening in the unseen world or the spiritual world or what we call the parent world to our world that daniel was not aware of well after this fast a spiritual being dressed in linen appeared to daniel now this is a vision meaning that he is fully awake he's not asleep when he's asleep it's a dream while he's fully awake and seeing what other people cannot see it's a vision okay that's the difference between a vision and a dream so daniel is in a vision and this spiritual being appeared to him clothed in in linen and he said that those around him could not see it but there was some kind of rumbling or something where they all scattered and the spiritual being said oh daniel thou beloved of god the most high for the lord has favored me and sent you to give you a word blah blah blah so we see so far in the invisible world the spirit this angel has manifested itself spiritually only to daniel daniel only could see the spiritually nobody else so we see there's a there's a good spirit there's a spirit from the kingdom of god so he went to he even to narrate this story he says daniel god heard you from the first day you began this fast and this all tie in when i said to you we can talk about this tomorrow too when you go on a fast you're making a sacrifice it's the same as when a person back in the day when they sacrifice sheep and go even today when sorcerers sacrifice gold and animals and pigs what they're doing they they will have an encounter with a spiritual being trust me on this and we will get more into that tomorrow but anyway he said god heard you from day one and he has now sent me to reveal to you what you need to know he said i can tell you something though from the first day he sent me now he's about to tell daniel about another spiritual being that he encountered this spiritual being that was not of the kingdom of god he said when i was sent here guess what i was i was uh i was delayed by the prince of persia this is not a human being because no human being could stop an angel according to the bible uh psalms 8 verses 4 to 6 he said for he has made us humans a little lower than the angels not a little higher than them or more powerful than them so there was no way the prince of persia could have stopped the angel the messenger that was sent to daniel so what i'm trying to show you is the contents of the spiritual realm will either be for good or for evil and not because you had a vision or a dream you must say okay this was from god no based on the principles i'm giving you this is all helping you to weave true whether this is of god or not so he went on to say while i was detained by this prince of persia which in layman's terms this is a principality principality is not a person but principality is a position which a prince holds over a region okay let's be clear now so he now reveals another character while this principality which was a the top-ranked demon spirit over the province of persia he says michael one of the chief angels of the lord another spiritual being but from the kingdom of light so the two spiritual beings from the kingdom of light the messenger angel michael the chief angel and so far we see here this principality the prince of persia which is a chief ranking evil spirit from the kingdom of darkness when we drop to verse 20 another evil spiritual principality is now included in the story and this principality was the ruler over the country of greece because the angel said to daniel not i've already told you what you need to know i have to go now i gotta go because and when i started when i leave the prince of greece is gonna come here as reinforcement for the prince of persia and you you just can see he'll break out here now so the principle i'm showing you here is in the spiritual world the contents of that world is good spiritual beings and bad spiritual beings all right now the final principle principle six principle of the spiritual world in regard to covenant what did i say to you the whole purpose the whole purpose of the dreams the whole purpose of the purpose will either be god and his his kingdom itself trying to reveal to you empower you to whatever it is and it's going to be a covenant do you accept it or not but then the enemy will come to plant seeds in your life disguise according to the book of i think ii corinthians 11 13 to 15 verse 14 says marvel not for satan himself is able to transform or to change himself into an angel of light so he has that capability to trick us to fool us but only us who are not testing the spirit with the spirit according to the law only those who are not acquainted with the laws rules principles ordinance of our lord and savior jesus christ so we stand to be bamboozled run amok all right so covenant let's go to genesis let's go to genesis chapter 15 genesis chapter 15 and i'm gonna again do a summary here but you can read from genesis chapter 15 from verse 7 to verse 18. all right story is very very very clear uh god now is appearing to abraham a second time his original time in appearing gym was in genesis 12 where he said to him uh you know leave your kindred and go to a place where i would show you and he'd make all these grand promises to him so almost 20 25 years later in genesis 15 go to past him again and begin to reiterate these promises abraham like anybody else was was was perturbed i'm all i'm almost a hundred sarah is not far behind we are beyond child bearing age god says and he says the only person i have here that could even produce remotely what you're saying is my servant eliza elias or whatever his name is from damascus so god says no i told you before i'm going to do it for you he says anyway you're going to do a sacrifice same as doing a fast no different saying with just just different ways in how you're going about to achieve interaction with the spirit so he told him specific animals to get he told them to slaughter them cut them in half except i think for the birds and the bible says that abram went into a deep sleep okay so this mean the principle of the body his triune being his physical body was asleep the shell that houses his soul and his spirit but his soul and his spirit as you will read in the scripture was interacting with god boy i love this here was interacting with god same thing when you are asleep which spirit are you interacting with because both spirits are seeking covenant with you to facilitate their will in the earth oh lord help me here help me lord my time is limited but let me hear her wrap this up so anyway after he went into a deep sleep the bible says there was complete darkness god reiterated to him again in the dream he says listen abraham like i told you you are going to be the father of many nations many nations through the earth will be blessed through you but make no mistake those who are going to come through the hebrew people will be incarcerated or enslaved for 400 years but i will send a deliverer when these iniquities of the amorites have come so high and i will send someone to deliver them blah blah blah blah blah verse 18 very very that's only but i can read here so i could go into my next thing and verse 18 listen with the spirit of god did as a result of the dream that this boy was in abraham abraham's spirit and soul communicating with the spirit of god listen what he said in verse 18 of genesis 15 in the same day the lord made a who i didn't hear that what did he do a covenant but oh it covered it with abram a covenant but where did he do it in the spiritual realm so basically the spiritual realm is what the dream that he was in so what am i saying to you when you have a dream i don't care where it coming from you are literally in the spiritual world and these symbols and signs and so on are all excerpts of what you're seeing pending for this world that's the whole purpose of it so you have an opportunity now that you're seeing it you could alter it if it's alter rebel if that's a word because some dreams not every dream you could rebuke and i'm supposed to be looking at teaching on this soon not just like the dream of joseph where he was interpreting the dream with excuse me pharaoh he could not stop the seven years of famine in the seven years of plenty this that's why joseph said to him behold both dreams are the same but it's only confirmation of what god will do there's no option here okay but that's a different teaching for another time so as you can see i've proven my point the dream is to establish a covenant now remember what these six principles are because i'm going to take you into a scripture that's going to bring all of these together the first one was the three sources of dreams stated to you then we had the spiritual world the three sources of dream sorry which is from god satan and ourselves number one the principle of the spiritual world meaning that everything materially as it relates to god's creation originally came from the unseen world as stated in hebrews 11 3 the third principle was the spiritual the principle of spiritual authority in the earth and that has to do with adam and eve where they was initially said that god gave them dominion god gave them authority and that you will find in genesis chapter 1 verses 26 to 28 then the fourth principle is the principle of the human body which is the spirit soul and the body first thessalonians 5 23 the fifth principle which is the spirit sorry principle of the spiritual contents the good and evil contents in the spiritual realm and of course we go to daniel chapter 10 verses 1 2 20 where all of these spirit there are no other type spiritual beings other than those that are good and those that are bad in the realm of the spirit and finally the sixth principle as it relates to the spiritual principles of covenant it's where the spirit of a man forges a spirit with another entity spiritually this is not his or her physical body doing this and that's what i'm trying to make what is being done here is being done outside of the body so showing you that it is possible but whatever has been forged in the spiritual world via the dream is now going to manifest itself in this planet now my final scripture my final scripture let me see my time look like now okay got like 15 more minutes but i can't be doing good as long winded as you as kevin you're doing good yeah but i can stop my two hours but anyway let's go i'm gonna take you to a scripture that everything i've told you every principle i just told you all six of them we're gonna find it in this one scripture so let's go to uh ezekiel let's go to ezekiel 37 this is very familiar to you guys 37 and we're going to read from verse 1 to verse 14 okay ezekiel chapter 37 and you remember these principles that i gave you six principles all right six principles as it relates to the spiritual world and we need this as our foundation going forward because tomorrow and wednesday we're gonna now i'm gonna present different dreams and explain them to you to show you what you were dealing with when you were having these crazy dreams during your fast and after your fast and in some cases the very thing that you did break during the fast you reconnected with it during the fast and didn't even know because you don't know spiritual laws anyway ezekiel 37 the hand of the lord was upon me who was upon who ezekiel ezekiel said the hand of the lord was upon him and carried him out how did he carry mud where in the spirit not in the land he didn't carry him out to europe he didn't carry him out to london he didn't carry him to the bahamas he said god took me from the physical plane and he's showing me the spiritual world of where everything is originated or manufactured or conceived that's where everything is pending for this world why because that's the the the origin of all things so he says the hand of the lord was upon me and carried me out in the spirit of the lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones but this is in a spiritual this is a spiritual state just like when abraham did the sacrifice and god is speaking to his spirit and soul not his body his body is asleep so god take this man out whether it's a dream or a vision in the spiritual realm which is ezekiel and now he's showing and this is the key he's showing ezekiel from a spiritual perspective what was causing the physical things that was happening in israel at that time oh god i love you boy when you get a hold of this you you you can have an appreciation for your word i'm telling you this so verse one says of ezekiel 37 the hand of the lord was upon me and carried me out into the spirit of the lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones and caused me to pass by them round about behold there were very or many in the open valley bones that is and lo they were very dry so the bones that he saw on this valley in the realm of the spirit there were many of them and they were dry and he said god had him walk around them take a look take a good good look at these dry bones in the valley but remember this is key to understand this but you what is being narrated to us is not physical this is all spiritually happening so versta says and he caused me to pass by them round about which was the dry bones and behold there was a very many in the open valley and lo there were dry bones verse 3 of ezekiel 37 and he said unto me or god said unto ezekiel son of man can these bones live so you see the spirit of ezekiel is communing with the spirit of god ezekiel physical body has nothing to do with this this is the spirit of ezekiel being questioned by the spirit of the living god i love this so verse 3 of ezekiel 37 says and god said to ezekiel son of man can these bones live and i answered which is easy kill o lord god down know us verse 4 again he which is god said unto me ezekiel watch what he's telling him to do in the realm of the spirit when things aren't the way they you want them to be so they don't manifest that way in the earth you don't want these whatever is being depicted in the spiritual room to be over here right so god is saying listen you want me to change this right so come in agreement with me and do what i tell you to do with these spiritual dry bones boy i love this listen to this here verse 4 of ezekiel 37 and he said unto me prophesy unto these bones and say unto them o ye dry bones hear the who oh lord i love this hear the word of the lord verse 5 thus said the lord god unto these bones behold i will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live for six and i will lay sinews or strength upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and ye shall live and ye shall know that i am the lord so ezekiel is now going to agree with the spirit of god which is now giving god the legal right because his covenant so this could happen in the earth god i love you oh man i love this so verse 7 of ezekiel 37 so i prophesy as i was commanded and as i prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together born to his bone and when i beheld low the sinews or the strain and the flesh came upon them upon what the bones and the skin covered them covered what the bones but there was no breath in them then said he unto me then said god unto ezekiel prophesy unto the wind prophesy son of man and so much words he's saying to prophesy is to say what god is saying you will bring life to this say in the realm of the spirit what my word was always telling you oh only because the time today i wouldn't offload on anyway you know what let me let me stick to this okay he said voice eight and when i and when i beheld low the sinews and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them above but there was no breath in them then said he unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy son of man and say to the wind thus said the lord god come unto the four winds come from the four winds o breath and breathe upon these slain that they may live so i prophesied as he which is called the spirit commanded me ezekiel the spirit okay and the breath came into them and they lived and stood up upon their feet an exceeding great army now here is where it becomes super interesting verse 11 then he said unto me who said unto who god said unto ezekiel son of man these bones are the whole house of israel behold they sing our bones are dried and our hope is lost we are cut off for our parts therefore son of man prophesy and say unto them now he's telling him what to do physically when you get back when you get back he said i've been hearing israel all the time you know they saying they're tired they saying they ain't got no strength they say things they not used to be look like god forsake them but ezekiel you are my leader you are my leader and i've shown you spiritually why they were behaving that way they were dead in the spirit so therefore it is automatic that they're dead in the natural so like i said to you now when you get back there prophesy to them tell them speak my word get been when they speak my word like i've shown you in the realm of the spirit they you will watch them become physically strong because it's a reflection of what's going on in the realm of the spirit boy look here listen listen man i need to crank up some gospel listen i can't take this no more y'all don't listen to this i are you hearing this what i've been teaching you for years the spirit won't run the show if you ain't dealing with stuff from that and you are wasting your time i don't care how much you do what fast if it ain't about if it if it isn't foundationally set on god you are wasting your time that's why i tell you clean up your heart get you right with god sort you out because you're about to go into a realm that if you are not straight if you are not clean you will encounter more evil than what you previously had verse 12 therefore prophesy and say unto them thus said the lord god behold all my people i will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves now come on so you think the real resurrection was happening here do you think they were you think i mean ezekiel went to the ground and said y'all come up and let's form army all dead people no these are all symbolic of what was happening you are spiritually dead he was in a spiritual grave but my servant whom i have ordained and blessed for this season like i've done for kevin i am going to give him my word he will prophesy agreeing with what he saw in the realm of the spirit and he know that whatever strength and power y'all developed physically it came as a result of what he originally spoke to spiritually that's why the bible say to you according to ephesians 6 and 12 you are not wrestling against flesh and blood but principalities rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness these invisible entities hoping that you would go against god laws with covering i i you know i can say it with covering it voice fruit and so see it where where where is it where is it when i am being commanded to speak the word of god with the understanding that what i'm speaking i'm causing change in the unseen world that will automatically uh produce or facilitate change in my natural world don't you play with me don't you mess with me nobody i ain't taken listen to me if you if you if you if you listening to this ministry we we steam it ahead in 2021 with our confidence in the word of the living god with our complete trust in the word of the living god we don't want to hear no riddle we don't want to hear no right you will not get our monies because we will do it the way that god tell us to do it get out of here you clown we don't want nothing to do with you we believe in the word of god we believe in this word that's all i believe in it if you don't believe in it that's your problem verse 13 he says and you shall know that i am the lord when i have opened your graves o my people and brought you up out of the graves and shall put listen and shall put my spirit in you and you shall live and i shall place you in your own land then shall you know that i the lord have spoken it and perform it all right god i'm finished for the day but i finished this piece yet you hear what he say he say he will put his spirit did he say bring a seed did he say bring a seed did you read that dear did he say spin around give your neighbor high five and pimp slap your brother i read none of that did he say bring your first fruit so he will do it i didn't read that did he say if you bring two thousand twenty one dollars he will do it i did not read that now i gave you six principles as it relates to the spiritual world and how we get that world according to this the word of god to operate in our favor did can you show me any principle where you have to sow seed to buy your mind so see to put a woman so see to get a host i just read he said if you do what i said i will give you your own land but hold on god you sure because normally these have to pay your people now they gotta charge us for what you've given us for free i gotta mash them down for every time i get on this radio because there's a bunch of thieves it is it have nothing to do with god i don't care how much you get you're mad at the lord jesus christ everyone who's upset with what i am saying you hate christ but jesus said to me said kevin listen when you decide to follow me prosecution can be the order of the day i thank you thank you for the confirmation anyone who sow seed for whatever in the future is a fool when the bible says otherwise heavenly father i thank you for your word today i thank you for the grace that you've rest upon me and everyone who have ears to hear and listening not to kevin but what the word of god says father i pray that you would etch into their heart to have a hunger for your word and that this nonsense about covering this nonsense about seed sowing and purchasing human beings as if there's some slaves or whatever these things are not of you i pray that the people will see the word of god for what it really is and not reading and studying to be right but doing it god way that's what we're seeking i pray father god lord that the spirit of the lord based on what was said here today will ravish their understanding and remove the tradition remove seed sowing to give what you have ordained for us before the foundation of the world for free why are we paying your servants jesus why are we paying them father i pray for those people right now that are doing that i pray that they will have a conviction i pray that they will have a change of heart and they will do exactly what i'm doing keep pointing people to god's word keep pointing them to jesus christ not to them god did not make you a covering for no human being the only covering of jesus christ which he clearly stated that he's the head of every man there is no body between you and the cross so i pray right now father god that your will your purpose and your plan be done now and forevermore and the lives of all that are listening to me or will listen to me in the matches in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen so folks that is part one to our series uh which will end on wednesday of dreams during and after fasting i had to lay that spiritual foundation down first because as we go forward and i've already started in the last ezekiel chapter that i use you're going to see i'm going to give you a lot of scenarios in the two-day teaching coming up as of tomorrow based on these principles how the dreams that you were being exposed to how these are exactly what ezekiel saw these symbols that you saw and if you came in agreement or whatever or disagree with the covenant was trying to be made then that will determine the way forward so god bless you god keep you i look forward to seeing you or hearing from you tomorrow at the same time from 12 noon to 1 p.m on facebook or youtube or any of my apps so god bless you god keep you let us face shine upon you in jesus name
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 49,114
Rating: 4.905786 out of 5
Keywords: spiritual warfare, spiritual insight, kevin l a ewing, kevin l a ewing fasting, after the fast, signs of spiritual warfare, spiritual warfare scriptures, christian youtuber, spirituality, encouraging, dreams, reality of dreams, bad dreams, what does the bible say about dreams, christian youtubers, bible study, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, christian vlogger, revelation, spiritual world, dream interpretation, prayer and fasting, biblical fasting, biblical dream interpretation
Id: -FI4vXwW_S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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