Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Translating God

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does God only speak to believers or does he speak to unbelievers as well Isaiah 6 verse 3 says everything is covered by his glory so what does that really mean does God speak in reoccurring experiences and if your friends or coworkers were sharing something with you have you ever had an experience where you thought wow this sounds like God like what they're explaining to me right now sounds like my god talking to them what would happen if you could translate that to them in that moment what would happen if they could borrow your faith I've had this kind of experience as a matter of fact room service came to my hotel room one night but I looked at this young man and I could just feel he was going through something I said do you have a minute to talk he said yeah this is my last time and I said what are you going through I said I just went through the worst breakup of my life and I said you know I'm a Christian I know this sounds really strange but I said let's sit down let's ask God is this the person I'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life and so we sat down together and she had broken up with him and so he he goes how does this work and I said just ask God just just borrow my face so he close his eyes and I said repeat after me is this the person God you've made for me to be the happiest with and he said enough to me and he goes oh and I said what I guess I know she's not she's like a filler she's a space filler I don't know why I'm so attached to her and I said well what does that mean for you you just heard God and this is an unsaved guy who didn't get saved until after he heard God what would happen if we can lead the world and an experience with Jesus Christ where they hear his voice and know what the father's thinking this today is the mystery of translating God's voice for the world around you this is dreams and mysteries have you ever thought about how interactive God really is with humanity I mean all the time he's speaking if his glory covers everything if he's near and not far from us as human beings and the earth itself is filled with his very nature what does it mean for us I was on a plane going to a conference in ministry conference and there's a woman sitting next to me and she was distraught and I didn't know if I should engage her and like try and help her or be nice to her or if I should ignore and that would be kinder and at one point she introduced herself and she said I'm so sorry I'm upset I'm going to a funeral and my name is so-and-so what is your name and I reached out my hand shook her hand and I told her this is my name and she asked me what I do and I said I'm a pastor I actually teach people about who God is and how to hear his voice she was so fascinating cuz she's an atheist and she said I actually don't believe in that at all but explain it to me I need to be distracted because of this death it was so so hard for her at that moment so we began to talk for a while pretty soon she was pulling out so much out of me you know just asking all the right questions and being really engaged that I did almost like a turned-out three-hour seminar for at the very end she said you know what you should do and she began to tell me a number of things that are really my destiny I mean it was like receiving a word from God she told me things that no one knows and as a matter of fact at one point I said you know what you're doing right now and she said oh my gosh I'm saying what God thinks I'm actually prophesying to you I don't believe in this I don't believe it since she tried to back that a lot of her but she goes oh my gosh God's real oh my gosh God's real and she realized his reality not because I ministered to her but as her heart got opened to who God was through me she actually started to minister to me out of God's heart and out of a spirit and by the end of the plane she became a born-again believer which is just amazing here's a thought and here's a concept Daniel really really believed that this King Nebuchadnezzar who was just one of the most evil men in his generation heard from God Joseph believed that Pharaoh and also the two men in jail had dreams from God that could be interpreted as a matter of fact they were just ruthless and how they interpret gancelot they just explained exactly what God was saying they translated God's heart to people who weren't saved the church right now has more of an us and them mentality we think were the ones were the source that we have to hear from God of the world won't have an encounter but God so loved the world that he sent his son and his son is encountering people all the time before they're saved think about it before you were saved or someone you were close to who's a Christian was saved they can tell you times or they can feel times or maybe you can feel times that God was trying to speak to you or interact with you or show you his goodness you can look back and go wow he saved my life I was almost in a car accident or this almost happened in high score this almost happened when I was in college or this almost happened in my career but God was there and now that you're a Christian you know how to see that for what it is you know how to see that for God's heart in his nature but before you were saved there was his moments that you couldn't really pinpoint was God maybe you knew it was a god moment I've even had people who weren't safe say yeah this is God God showed up in my life here but they didn't really know who Jesus was didn't know how to how to stimulate that relationship and actually have an interactive relationship with God and didn't know that it was a love relationship God the Father signed all of the birth certificates of humanity right when we were born he loves us he does not want us to be separate but we have separate ourselves through sin so we have chosen that and we can choose to be connected to him again he's trying to talk to us as a good father the whole time he wants to adopt us back into his family so he's constantly interacting through dreams through encounters through even just I don't think over into a movie and all of a sudden it takes on significance and helps you through something or something a popular culture a song helps you to connect something deeper than you would have connected without that God's in these moments all the time and as Christians we're friends of heaven we could actually reveal what God's like through everyone's everyday experiences where God's already present God's already trying to do things God's already trying to speak things in and help people to connect and to imagine how good he is as a Christian you get to go on a journey where you start to hear God not only for yourself but you actually get the faith like Daniel had miraculous faith that Nebuchadnezzar could hear from God and that's that some of the most miraculous faith I've ever heard it's not present in the church today most of the church today believes if you went to a new-age fair everybody there's demonize no one they were hearing from God but Daniel lived with spiritual advisors who weren't advising out of God's Spirit and yet he believed God could speak in that environment how much faith is that and what would happen if we would apply the same faith to modern culture right now that God's speaking and God wants to do something right now in our generation because he loves humanity that much that all's we have to do is show up when God speaks he allows it to register so deeply that we can't forget the experience we've had as a Christian God may send you to somebody and as they open their heart to you you may actually hear how God's already moving even without them becoming Christians yet and this might be their way to really find who God is as you speak to them you can interpret something in their life that they've been pondering and wondering and confused about all along you might actually even give them the hidden directions they've been waiting for that they've already have an imprint in their spirit F but they didn't know how to interpret it our only responsibility and friendship with God is to look for where he is already moving around us and if we can do that there's no pressure to perform there's no pressure to try and be the voice of God of the world we just have to agree with what God's already saying I dream that a friend I haven't seen in a really long time came to pick me up in an antique car the car was a blue convertible I got in the car and we began to talk I noticed we were wearing western clothes we had cowboy boots and my shirt was bright red and like an old western style we began to catch up and would have been going on with our lives and we were just about to leave when another old friend came she had on similar clothes I got in the back seat so she could get in the car we all talked about our lives for a while and then we drove off now let's go back and interpret this dream a car is something that gets you where you need to be it could be a vocation or something like a ministry the color blue often refers to revelation so let's put that together I have a friend who operates in an older model of revelatory ministry but the car was convertible so this ministry doesn't have the limitations or ceiling that may be inherent to that older model because of our relationship I will be joining her on this journey of discovery and others will be coming along with us all of us have been equipped in a particular way and that style will mark how we fulfill the call God has given to us the color red often refers to wisdom power or anointing so God has equipped me with what I need to accomplish this task decades of study and thousands of dream interpretations gave john paul jackson a unique perspective on understanding dreams God has concealed messages in the dreams we dream and as we search them out we learn more about his ways with the advance dream kit you will begin to understand the 20 categories of Dreams and what God accomplishes through each of them for your gift of 125 dollars or more you will receive the twenty categories of dreams book John Paul's six CD set the essentials of dreams and visions the biblical model of dream interpretation three CD set moments with God dream journal and three study cards to help you grow in your interpretation ability order your advanced dream kit today visit dreams of mysteries calm or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five we have this amazing story next ten where Peter and Cornelius meet and they meet through the most divine story in the whole world you have Cornelius who isn't saved he's not a believer but his god-fearing he actually is a hunger for God a heart for God and he's been living his life in a sort way where he's appealing to God because an angel shows up and says you need to meet with this man named Peter go sin for him and so Peter at the same time as in another place and he goes up to his roof and he's interested to some sort of trance-like state where he gets a vision and the vision is all these unclean foods coming down and God says eat them and Peter's like I can't eat this this is unclean this isn't right and he goes no no eat this and Peter's confused about it but it happens to be the example or the translation that God's trying to get as hard culture ready to speak to Cornelius because at that time Peter was probably the mentality that God wouldn't speak to somebody who's not Jewish and if he did it would be after they were converted but Cornelius wasn't converted yet so Peter goes to Chronos this house based on this experience and it was such a beautiful time because Peter and Cornelius were able to meet in such a way where Cornelius had full value and that's a lot of times as Christians we don't expect people to understand their value their identity or who they are and the goodness of how God created them before they're saved but we are inherently good even though we have a original sin I have little kids and when you have little kids you know there's original sin because there's things you have to take them through but at the same time there's original goodness and each one of us has something inside of us but have you ever heard someone say I'm good though I'm basically good I'm going for good things there's a truth in that because we were made in God's image and we weren't separated from God's image we were born even though we were separated from a life and God and so there's certain things like gifts that are irrevocable there's things that he's made us to accomplish things that drives he's put in us an original dream had in his heart and were somewhat participating but we don't fully participate with him or his eternal scenario unless we know him unless we invite him into our lives in such a specific way so here we have Cornelius God could have just sent Peter and said go to Cornelius house and that was it but Cornelius II prepared Cornelius through a supernatural God encounter to receive Peter so that Cornelius could go on the full path because number one what was at stake was Cornelius was that person who was probably high up in the military or in the government and in that God wanted to set his whole life out for salvation set his whole life up to of the dream that the father had in the first place for him and so he sent Peter in such a time that Cornelius was the most open as possible the Holy Spirit's called friend comforter and his called counselor he's also the spirit of revelation wisdom he is the spirit who brings complicated issues and makes them simple for the world around us and part of what we're bleeding as Christians is that God's going to come in a government that that government affects culture not just Church culture but the whole culture around us which means we need to anticipate that on the other end there's a Cornelius who's hearing from God having encounters with God that when we show up it's fully ready as a matter of fact the children of Israel when they were going to the promised land there was two types of opposition's that they faced what are obstacles one of the obstacles was the land had already been developed so there's already people living there and some of those places they had to go in at war and occupying others surrender and said we understand who you are and we want to live with you and dwell with you here and so there's two types of ways that we inherit one is that we actually occupy the torrid territory we're sent there and we have a word we have a message we have something that we're supposed to bring but another is we recognize what God's doing in the first place and we help bring it into agreement now the Friends of God are the only friends and all of eternity that consistently partner and hear from God time and time again which means if you're a Christian you're partnering you're participating with God so we as Christians are the only ones having an ongoing conversation with God but there's this temptation to think that were the originators and when we think that we have to originate what God's saying all the time then we risk not understanding the mercy of God I've gone into countries in the poorest parts of the earth where I've met with kids in the slums who had encounters with God and when we showed up they finally knew who he was through Jesus but they already had the encounter we showed up and God's mercy was so big that he was already trying to reveal himself to them there's this principle that we have to understand that God is sovereign and God is moving on behalf of us and for us and around us whether we're moving or not but he wants cooperation he moves with the church he moves with Christians but he also moves sovereignly around us and sometimes we can get this image like if we don't go they won't be saved if we don't go God's not capable but God loves humanity so much so he even sent His only Son to come here and he sent His Holy Spirit to hover over the whole world so that there could be a presence of who he is in his nature of what he originally designed Jesus connected us to the father's original plan the original purpose and so already there's redemption at work in the earth we can start to restore humanity we can start to restore God's original design but we can't believe that we're the source there's almost a temptation to believe if I don't hear from God he won't speak the reality is that God speaking all the time I get to be a friend to the scenario that God is speaking right now to all of humanity that means that I can interpret what you're saying I can explain I could be the comforter I can be the friend I can have revelation I can have wisdom I can have counsel but I am not wisdom I have not counsel that's who God is and so when we allow God to be God and we just show up as his friends we're having the ongoing conversations we begin to relate a message that the world is already ready and hungry to hear growing in the prophetic is a lifetime pursuit and we can receive much wisdom from those that have been on this journey in the growing in the prophetic series you will hear john paul jackson share practical wisdom regarding prophetic ministry and the difference between prophets and psychics you will also hear john e thomas share how your relationship to your earthly father affects how you hear from god in the growing in the prophetic series you will be equipped with father is love an audio CD from john e thomas and audio teachings by john paul jackson developing your prophetic gift wisdom and the prophetic journey and prophets and psychics you'll also receive to study cards tips for giving a prophetic word and tips for receiving a prophetic word for your gift of $90 or more we will send you all six of these life-changing resources visit us online dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five let's think of it this way for God so loved the world that He sent His only Son so we have real relationship with him and that pursuit started from the moment we were born as a matter of fact not only did God send us unto us he sent him at a time when Jesus was born on the earth where no one really wasn't connection with God no one had heard from God for over two or three hundred years and Jesus shows up and starts to tell people who weren't full believers that God was building houses in heaven for them they God was developing a whole place for them to exist with him for eternity this isn't a God who puts the pressure on the performance of us saying I asked you in my heart this is a gun who wants an intimate real relationship with humanity and he'll spare no expense that we're trying to reach us Jesus told people all the time like this is what happens like this is where you belong this is what your value is to God and he constantly expressed that before they even became Christians before they accepted him after the resurrection he treated them as though they were worthy of the whole price it's a matter of fact they were his joy set before when he went to the cross think of that these people who were gonna deny him just moments later or his joy that's how much he loved us and so he's invested so much into the scenario of humanity of into his love for us that he's constantly interacting with us right now again those of us who know him we have the full partnership we have the ongoing conversation we have the connection but we're supposed to translate the ways of God's trying to connect with humanity right now to them they give Joseph with Pharaoh Pharaoh was the most powerful man the most powerful ruler on the face of the earth and you have Joseph who comes in this scenario where he just was in this dungeon he interpreted a couple dreams for guys who weren't believers were not Hebrew and yet he believed God gave them dreams one of those men when Pharaoh has a dream that's really disturbing to him remembers Joseph and he says there's this man I could interpret dreams and it was for real like this was like a real dream interpreter and so they wouldn't they found him and they brought a man and Pharaoh not only loved the interpretation some because it saved the kingdom they had an ongoing relationship together where the Jews were saved to his whole family was saved because of relationship but they had an intimacy that was developed because Joseph valued Pharaoh he didn't just look at him as a pagan King had satanic rituals and all these things he looked at him and said this is someone who's worthy of God this is someone who God wants to speak to this is someone who God wants to redeem now this is before Paul even released the revelation that the Jews and the Gentiles were going to work together but the Gentiles were gonna be grafted into the whole scenario I mean Joseph didn't know that but all of a sudden he's treating this Pharaoh with this incredible incredible revelation of love this is who we need to be in this generation there's been such an us in them and it's time for us to realize God is on the move in humanity and what we get to do is we get to show up and when we show up God will show off when we show up God will speak around us through us to other people and we'll get to say hey I see God in that I see God's love in that here's the scriptural principle here's where God's out in your life here's what's happening I believe that we're called to be some of the most trusted advisors to humanity we're supposed to be some of the influencers some of people who influence the most influential people like Joseph like Daniel that not only will we prosper but we're going to help God's original plan prosper which is all of humanity do we allow them to prosper in their sin no we're called to come in and actually interject what God's original purpose and plan was and everything can change based on that Joseph believed in the Pharaoh and his heart as a fathering type figures matter of fact that said that Joseph fathered Pharaoh's household someone who has judgment in their hearts against the household would never father it but somebody who had a deep love and appreciation would Jesus with the disciples right when they were eating the Last Supper he was treating them in full value instead of being alone with God or instead of being in a different scenario he chose to spend his last hours on the earth with his disciples who he knew were going to betray him all of them were going to deny him all of them gonna go through a betrayal towards him and he chose to value them anyways and so God is not concerned what our performance is concerned with his investment in us and he knows when it will make a return he knows when to invest more we need to be this way with humanity we need to look at humanity and say God wants to speak and he wants to love and he wants to speak not only through us but he's speaking to humanity and we need to show up at that moment when Humanity is ready to have a revelation of translation of where God is now all we have to do is show up with love in our heart and respect for people believing they're a full value to God right now not that they have to prove it they don't even have to make the choice for him inherently at first because he's chasing them he's pursuing them so we don't have to try and seal the deal every time and get everybody saved we're not salesmen trying to sell cars we're not selling salvation and so we don't know when it's our time to plant the seed when it's our time to water the seed or it's our time to harvest we're trying to love in a way that compels people to know God and he's already been trying to prove himself to him their whole lives so if we get the opportunity to reap it's one of the greatest opportunities of your life that you'll so enjoy but sometimes you're just called the plant sometimes you're just called to water and this is hard when it comes to spiritual gifts because we think we're in charge of them we think inherently if we don't steer what the person's thinking about what they're receiving from God or what they're receiving and spiritual information that they're just going to have a demonic input or they're just going to get off right away but the reality is that God's good to guide so if God gives an experience he'll send a Joseph to interpret it what if you were the Joseph or what if you're the Daniel that's coming along to interpret something that's so precious that God did in their life so powerful that God did through their experience or through a dream or through something that's happened and what if when you show up it makes all the difference in the world for them just like a Pharaoh just like Nebuchadnezzar just like Peter with Cornelius what would that be like for the person on the other end who is valued and feels that sense of love and honor that you're not just coming with I have something for you but you're valuing Singh you've already been given something that God's showing you this is what it means and he loves you that much that even before you fully have given your life to him this is how much is valuing you this is what we need to do we need to translate God's heart to the world around us Sean Bowles is an internationally known prophetic voice who has ministered to thousands from royalty to those on the streets Shaun aims for the higher goal of loving people relationally not just pursuing the gift or information and he activates you to do the same in the hearing god package you'll receive Shawn's book translating God you'll be inspired to learn how to hear God for yourself and others and grow in intimacy with the Lord you'll also receive Shawn's teaching set developing your prophetic process an audio teaching series on six CDs that will give you practical instruction and with keys to heavens economy a book by Sean bolts you'll learn of God's desire to release finances for Kingdom purposes in this hour for your gift of $70 or more you can receive all three of these powerful resources to help you hear God better and communicate his love to a world that needs it visit us at dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five I want to invite you to translating God journey think about it your call to help the world around you see Jesus some of you had a religious pressure where you feel like I have to seal the deal right now to get everybody saved it's really Jesus who came in John three sixteen seventeen to bring the world to salvation we're just called the love we're called to create the moments the opportunities to where people can meet with Jesus or understand how he's already meeting them in their lives right now I want to give you permission to love people really well to not have any us in them philosophy maybe you've been raised in a church that's everyone out there is you know evil or not worthy or to spend time with or not to fellowship with or connect to but God is really looking at them and saying these are my sons and daughters like some of you need to get homesick for who's not in your churches yet you need to get homesick for who you don't know who you've been giving yourselves time to because these are your relatives these are the people we get to spend eternity with if we love them well now if we allow ourselves to be conduits to translate God's heart now so I'm going to pray for you that you start to be positioned in people's lives like a Daniel or like a Joseph you're gonna find yourself recognizing moments in people's lives where God showed up or maybe it's a dream that they've had or a reoccurring sense of experience they've had and you're going to be there to be the counselor or the friend you're going to be there to be the revelation or the wisdom they need as a matter of fact many of you are going to find yourselves an opportunities with co-workers relatives and people who would have never thought we're having such a depth of experience of God's pursuit towards them because you're going to understand it differently as we pray for you today I'm going to pray for you that God would open the eyes of your revelation heart Ephesians 1:17 so you could see him and know him more but also you see and see and know what he's doing on the earth right now I pray that God would show you everything he's doing a humanity around you and that you would feel empowered to be a voice not in what God's not doing but you would see what he is doing and you would value people for who they are if Joseph could value a pharaoh and Daniel uh I never can des er which is like a saddam hussein we have a long way to go in learning how to value people and i pray right now that your love would turn so on that would be so full right now with humanity that just as Jesus died for Humanity who hadn't chosen him yet that your heart would live that a humanity would choose Jesus and you would choose to see his love pursuit for them in a new way today I pray that you'd be able to translate his voice and what he's saying not only to you but to the world around you and Jesus name I'm Sean Bowles thanks for watching another episode of drains and mysteries you
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 64,028
Rating: 4.9034944 out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Bolz, Dreams and Mysteries, Dreams & Mysteries, Streams Ministries, Bolz Ministries, dream meaning, Bible, God, Christian, dream interpretation, antique car, color blue
Id: gk03Olkbppk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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