Laundry Day | Pastor Jonathan Suber | What Lies Beneath Pt. 1

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and simply this what lies beneath say that what lies beneath here's the concept what you can't see either stabilizes or sabotages what you can see what you can't see let's just talk about automobile let's talk about a body let's talk about your health what you can't see stabilizes or sabotages what you can see have you ever met somebody that when you met them you thought they had it all together and then when you were about 30 minutes in you're like oh how do i walk out backwards how do i just get out how do i get out of this situation we're going to deal with that i want to do a little more scripture than we normally do go to galatians paul is writing you have to understand in galatians we'll go to chapter two in chapter five that the apostle paul is dealing specifically with people who are being born again into the kingdom of god but they're still dealing with what he called judaizers or the jewish religion how many of you know i just want to say that how many of you know number one that jesus was not a christian how many of you do jesus was not a christian how many of you knew jesus was not a caucasian how many of you knew that jesus did not have a bible how many of you knew that none of the 12 disciples had a bible everything they preached when they said that they preached on the foundation of the apostles and prophets they are talking about old testament torah scriptures so paul is trying to preach new kingdom concepts but preaching it to people who have ears he is preaching grace to people who have had thousands of years of law so they have literally talked themselves into believing that if we practice these rituals and laws everything's going to be okay and then he's saying even though that is very expensive and even though it's very bloody and even though it's incredible and you've been taught it all these years it's really wrong and that's what galatians is galatians chapter 2 and verse 17. but if while seeking to be justified in christ we ourselves have also be found to be sinners is christ then one who encourages sin he's just getting practical here he said because we say we're justified but we're still living like this what does that mean he said absolutely not but if i build up again those things i once destroyed i demonstrate that i am one who breaks god's law for through the law i died to the law so that i may live to god i have been crucified with christ and it's no longer i who live but christ lives in me now you have to get this when he's saying this he is literally telling jews that the person you crucified on the cross was not a convict he is the scapegoat or the lamb of god and that by his blood your law was abolished and jesus fulfilled everything your torah has spoken about and you when we hear it today we're like oh that's a good little preaching that a good little word but you have to understand how mind-boggling this was and still is today to people in this culture verse 20 i have been crucified with christ it's no longer i who live but christ lives in me so the life i now live in the body i live because of the faithfulness of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me i do not set aside god's grace because if righteousness could come through the law then christ died for nothing now he's dealing specifically with the rules and rituals and also with circumcision and he's saying that if the law still works then jesus died in vain can i talk to some church folk right here that are still coming from a religious mindset if your works can do it then you don't need jesus you don't if you're fasting your prayer but i just did a 40-day fast i'm glad you did hopefully that will align your spirit to the will of god in your life it has absolutely nothing to do with your salvation or your deliverance or your freedom if anything besides the blood of jesus can free you and deliver you then you have stepped into works oh we're going to get into this in a moment today i want you to go to verse 18 but if you are led by the spirit you're not under the law see that's what i love about the spirit-filled church if you're led by the spirit you're not under the law now the works of the flesh are obvious say obvious it may have been obvious to you paul it's not obvious to us now the works of the flesh are obvious sexual immorality impurity depravity somebody say oh lord idolatry sorcery selfish rivalries dissensions factions envying murder in that interesting ending he's right next to murder [Music] you want somebody's red bottom shoes is right next to well anyway drunkenness carousing and similar things i like how he says similar thing i'm warning you as i had warned you before those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of god but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness can i just back up and say somebody say the fruit of the spirit i'm not talking about natural works this only comes through the spirit the works of the flesh are the other that's obvious but if you are filled with the spirit then there is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law now those who belong to christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires i could read that over and over paul's preaching for me those who belong to christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires if we live by the spirit let us behave in accordance with the spirit somebody say behave let us not become conceited provoking one another being jealous of one another now we can stop clap our hands and shout right now we just had church up in here the apostle paul just leveled it out today but starting this new series i just want to introduce you to a concept does anybody know what today is does anybody know what today is do you know what today is it's a big deal my birthday was this week it's not my birthday today though but what's today it's a big deal it's laundry day it is laundry day at oasis church so see see so some of you some of you don't know it but stephanie and i we have other children we don't just have pass to alex but we have elena who's 23 years old and then we have alistair who's going to be 21 god help us all in a couple of weeks he's going to be 21 alistair still lives at home some of the time he has his own little garage apartment thing and all of that but the washing machine and all that kind of stuff and his hamper and all of that is still in our house so this is the laundry basket of a 20-year-old college student that has some uh swim trunks in here that i think have been worn three or four times to barton springs and they have not been washed yet and then there's all kind of stuff we're going to talk about because it's laundry day i have permission i took out all the frilly unmentionables and i took out anything that might embarrass him there's some crunchy socks up in here i'm going to tell you that right now there's some stuff but how many of you know that there are two kinds of people somebody say laundry day there there are two kinds of people the kinds of people there are people that actually if you go into their house it's like they don't care they just don't care you can literally see like underwear behind the door you can see socks up under the you you literally are walking in trying to sit on the couch and it's lumpy because when you were walking up they just they started pushing stuff because they just throw laundry and you live with somebody like that they just throw laundry please don't raise your hand sir i'm sorry but but but they they they literally he really did and so they literally just throw things everywhere they just but you're laughing but there's some of you that's just just how you are if you get hurt if you get mad if you get offended or if you're attracted to somebody or if you have a bad day or whatever it happens you just throw it out to everybody everybody knows your dirty laundry they know who made you mad they know who left you they know who your mother-in-law was three marriages back because you're always talking about it on facebook they know who your friend they know i always laugh people get upset when they get fired from their job well you've been talking about them like a dog on facebook telling them how bad how their work environment they don't pay you enough your boss is crazy and then you show up and you don't want to get fired you just throw it out everywhere but then there are some of us that we have learned that it is okay to have dirty laundry as long as you put it in a nice container and you put it in a cupboard and you shut the door where you can hide the stink and it is still dirty it is just as dirty as that that's been thrown out everywhere else but it is contained and concealed and it is waiting on laundry day there are people that have come to this place today you're hearing me today preach and we can't see anything but you've still got it hid and there are some things that are dirty in your life there are some stains there are some smells there are some attitudes there are some sins there are some concepts that might need to get cleaned up in here today so we're going to have laundry day up here today is that all right two types of people what kind of somebody what kind of person are you are you the one that just throws some of y'all like i ain't saying nothing where's my wives at where's my wives at would your husband pick up his socks if he wasn't married to you yeah okay so haha so there here's the thing now it all stinks i i want you to realize if you do this right here oh god help me i'm just doing my fingers like this that's some draws right there that's some sweat that's some that's some workout short oh lord that's them from monday okay okay so so how many of you how many of you know that if it's dirty laundry it all stinks it all stinks in isaiah 65 here god said it he said your righteousness your hypocrisy it's a stench in my nostrils your sin is a sin somebody said it all stings i don't care if it's gossip or murder it all stinks i don't care what it is you have today you know everybody say i have a stink there are things in my life i don't want you to get there are parts of my life that i really don't want you to look at god's been doing it lately he's been opening up some compartments that are kind of uncomfortable to me uncomfortable to our family we've had some really strong talks in the last few weeks and there's some things i don't like because when we pull it's a little sour there's a little stink on it let's talk about it for a little bit okay so say it all stinks so there there are three different categories i'm gonna preach about today are you ready this is real deep number one what is stained and soiled what is stained and soiled number two what is soured see it's funny first there is there laughing at me if you've ever traveled overseas specifically india or africa and a hundred percent humidity where it's not raining and it's just like in a hot house you don't realize that everybody's cold when you first get there you smell it but after three or four days you realize your clothes are just as soured as their clothes and so you don't realize that everything is soured until you get on the plane to come home and you get on the plane to come home and about an hour in on that nice airplane ride you start smelling something like in the world and then you realize it's you because you get accustomed to the environment you're in everybody else is sour so you forget it at first two or three days you're like oh what's going on but the longer you're in there you you begin to acclimate to the environment that you're in and then when you come into the house of the lord some people say well i just don't fit in that church those people are judging me no we're not judging you you're just being exposed to the stitch because you may be sitting around somebody that just come out of the washing machine and you've been hanging out with people that were in the same condition you were nobody's judging you but you're realizing there's a soil there's a stain what is sour so what's stained and soil what's soured and then this last one i gotta do this nice what's stiff and stale something just crusty there are some socks in here that i think would stand up by themselves and you're laughing at me but there are relationships that are stiff and stale there are marriages that are stale there are spirits that are stale there are some of you that are saved but you're stale it has been weeks months maybe years since you had a fresh washing of the holy ghost since the washing of purification the washing paul said that the only way you can really be washed is by the washing of the word after you baptize is through the washing of the word how can you get washed with the word if you never read the word if you never listen to the word if you never know the word you're not able to be washed in the word so is it possible we are raising up a generation that is stiff and stale because they're never exposed to the washing of the word does that make sense to anybody so so i just want to go through these somebody say stained and soil let's go to galatians 5 again it makes perfect sense to me i didn't get this out of a book this is kind of super so it's a little crazy stained and soiled sexual immorality it'll stain you it'll stain you you were 13 when you had that baby you have a reputation now in certain parts of town are there certain places in america you don't want to go because there's people there that knows the stain on your reputation the scarlet letter on your life it's not that you're not saved it's just that you're stained and you feel soiled what about impurity that could be fornicate any kind of impurity depravity idolatry sorcery people say how could idolatry stain me because you could get so into the idolatry and into demonology that when you get saved you're saved but you still have those mindsets in your mind and i've dealt with people who are so much into the occult that it's very hard for them to get completely free because they try to mingle it in the spirit-filled world because there's a stain there's a swallowing that is on them what about sorcery and murder and drunkenness and carousing which is just while partying and what's sour it's a soured oh this is a good one right here envying strife jealousy outburst of anger do you know what i'm talking about when i say somebody's just sour i i want to preach it's laundry day today and if you're in this room and you have a sour spirit and there's anything on your heart that's allowing you to be sour you get around some people you can just tell they're just sour you walk up and say hey how are you doing fine no how are you really i'm fine god's good god's good praise god amen and what's wrong i'm just sour have you ever seen people in the store that were saved but they really didn't know it and you hide around the corner you want to watch them when they don't see the preacher i love doing this i love watching you when you don't know i'm there and i love watching you to see if you're really happy and you know it and you just woo this is wonderful or if you like telling your kids i'm fixing to rip your head off your body do you hear what i'm telling you when i get oh praise the lord pastor good to see you how are you are some of you at walmart just i thought the joy of your lord was your strength but your sour what would happen at oasis today at the beginning of the series because we're going to deal with some deep things in the next few weeks but instead of dealing with sin what if we get this all out in the open what if we get all our dirty laundry in one place why don't we just get it all together and say today if it takes all day we're going to get this thing right we're going to get this thing clean and we're going to get right before god oh you ought to clap your hands and get happy about that soured and then this next oh what's stiff and stale i can tell some of you if you ever sit by somebody they're just stiff have you ever let me talk to the men right now please don't raise your hand do you ever try to give a kiss and you realize what you can just feel it online can you see what i know where's my man at please don't raise your hand please don't raise your hand but but but you can just feel it and that is the obvious sign to you this is not the good time to pucker up just walk away slowly but it comes when you're dealing with laundry what about selfish rivalries that's what paul said hostilities and dissensions what's a dissension a dissension is a disagreement that's become a group a dissension is a disagreement see we can disagree brother rodney it's okay we men we can disagree but the problem it becomes a dissension when you want to disagree with me without me being there with other people because if you disagree with me tell me and let's deal with it let's get it out but a dissension is when there's a big group and then we're dealing and there can be no solution and so in this situation i want somebody to wave at me anybody here got anything sour in your life anybody got anything stiff in your life anybody got anything stained and sawed in your life god's about to allow us to get clean by the blood of the lamb hallelujah to god he's about to work it out i was years ago stephanie and i when we were in guyana it was kind of an interesting story because we were preaching and and what they didn't tell us when we went to guyana they didn't bother to tell us that we were going to be staying in a guest house not a hotel now what a guest house is it's when they buy a house for the missionaries but nobody lives there for like eight nine ten months out of the year but when the missionary comes for a crusade they air the house out they open the house up with all the spiders and the rats and the snakes and everything that go into o house in guyana that has no running water there is electricity about six hours a day by generator and then the rest of the time there's nothing and that's where we were blessed to stay the problem with that is there's no washing machine there's no air conditioning there's not even a fan so if you are laying at night after having preached to hundreds of people and you're so sweaty you don't have a shower so you take and i know you know what i'm talking you take a sponge bath how many of you have ever had a sponge bath you take a sponge bath and you're laying on the bed and i would literally stephanie and i would lay there and this was a very unromantic time we didn't have children at the time but this is a time where you don't touch me your leg your leg hairs better not touch my leg you better not get next to me because you lay in there like literally stiff and sweat just pouring off your body because it's that hot and so i'm preaching we do a crusade we do about three or four nights and i wear one of my shirts like twice because it's a crusade like seven eight nights and stephanie comes and says honey i gotta wash clothes we gotta wash clothes you only have a few shirts white shirts and i was like great so she went and talked to the lady and the lady said okay i'll i'll get everything for you and stephanie's like cool that's fine we'll go the laundromat whatever what she didn't know was she was going to bring her a red bucket some lye soap and a washboard we're talking about modern times over here she had never used a washboard in brown muddy water bishop's white shirts became tan shirts but the issue was not just washing with a washboard in in dirty water the issue is it was so humid that when you would hang it up on the line it was too humid to dry so it would be damp and sour and it would never get dry or never get healed god i want to preach to this right now see there are some people that are living with situations that have never been exposed to an environment that was hot enough that was dry enough that was whole enough to be able to purify to where you can hang it up on the line so when you hang your dirty laundry up it's not healing anything all it's doing is causing people to see the stench in the south there are some environments that are not conducive i want to preach this thing right now there are some environments that are not conducive to dirty laundry so on that friday night i not only wore a damp brown shirt that used to be white it was sour and so while i'm preaching the rest of the crusade every night i here's what i thought i could do wanda i said i'm wearing a suit because remember back then we were spiritual so i had to wear a suit and a tie so i'm like okay i'm going to put the suit on and it will cover up the stink no baby it didn't cover up the sting and when i sweated it even got more damp so they weren't slain in the spirit i'm afraid they were slain by the framunda because when the anointing would get to go i would hey glory to god and you laughing at me but you're covering things up that's not healed yet that's not whole yet that you're not delivered from yet but you're still trying to cover it up because it's soured and i can talk in tongues and yet chew you i can talk in tongues over here and cuss my husband out over here i can talk in tongues over here i don't have a problem cussing i have a problem being negative that's kind of my problem over here so i can be over here go whoa god is good i'm the head and not the tail oh you stupid idiot you are a bit dip and you're going right here because it's just a little sound who am i preaching to in this room you're not dealing with adultery you're not dealing with murder you're not dealing with the occult but you're dealing with hostility you're dealing with strife you're dealing with depression you're dealing so how do we clean our laundry let's go back to the old testament the old covenant because what i was trying to introduce to you at the beginning is we are judeo-christians say that judea christian did you know you can't just be people always say i'm a christian i think that's the problem we have raised a generation in about the last four to six hundred years that has become christian which is new testament theology without understanding old testament covenant law and so if you are simply a christian and you do not understand the revelation of covenant and the blood of the lamb then you don't understand what the apostles preached because the apostles did not read or preach the new testament they later wrote what has become the new testament but they practiced the torah through jesus christ and they fulfilled the law by the blood of jesus so if you don't understand that in judaism somebody say judaism which is elohim god the god of abraham isaac and jacob in judaism did you know that there was no such thing as a sacrifice i'm going to talk about sacrifices for about five minutes there was no such thing as a sacrifice for an intentional sin the only sacrifices the sin offering the guilt offering are all for unintentional sins if it was an intentional sin you were killed or you were stoned or your hand was cut off or your eye was plucked out thank god for the blood of jesus i didn't know that until i was studying i've heard it preached but it just kind of skipped over me there was no offering for intentional sin can we just get honest if we today were living in that culture i don't know if any of us would be alive i'd be blind i know that some of you wouldn't have we'd call you stumpy and you'd be walking around like this because you know you're gonna steal stuff and if we were living under the law no no no you better poach somebody right now almost every man in this house if you had to pluck your eye out every time you lusted you'd be walking around like bird cage movie you'd be walking around like this right here you wouldn't even have a clue what's going on but let's talk about in leviticus leviticus chapter four leviticus chapter four if the whole congregation of israel strays unintentionally and the matter is not noticed by the assembly and they violate one of the lord's commandments which must not be violated they become guilty the assembly must present a young bull for a sin offering when the sin they have committed becomes known and they must bring it before the meeting tent this is what was interesting when i was studying not only is it a sin offering it's the literal term it's the fault offering so when the congregation the king the priest or an individual had unintentional sin it was just like bringing their dirty laundry in front of everybody because can you imagine every time you messed up and made a mistake you talked about your neighbor you balanced some weights that weren't really measured correctly and they said well that's really stealing even though it was unintentional and you did a sin you got to come in front of the whole church bringing your sin and your sacrifice everybody looking at you you put your hand on the bull they're going to kill the blood and kill the bull and shed the blood so that your sins can be pushed forward for a year at a time but while your sins are pushed forward everybody in the congregation knows that you did something bad that is why when the apostle paul begins to write from the book of galatians it is such a big deal because he is telling you if that's what you want to do then anything you do not just circumcision but anything you do is under the law so if you're going to judge somebody based on what they didn't do you better judge yourself on everything that you're not doing but the blood of jesus christ has cleansed us from all unrighteousness can i just stop a moment and can i preach about the blood of jesus is there anybody grateful that when you were saved you were washed you were cleansed you were renewed you were restored by the blood of the lamb it's laundry day today i don't think we understand it i don't think we understand it what lies beneath here's what scripture says here's what scripture i've got to get into the word today second corinthians 5 and 17 so then if anyone is in christ he is a new creation what is old has passed away look what is new has come can i can i just say this please write this down we have access to righteousness through belief not behavior we have access to righteousness through belief moses was judged according to his faith was counted as righteousness abraham's faith was counted as righteousness their faith was imputed as righteousness you ought to jump up and say my behavior is still broken but my belief is in the blood of jesus and i may be stained i may be staying see tony if i you online if i was in a pentecostal church right now because many of you at oasis have never been in a pentecostal you're like oh pastor that's how you used to preach yeah i did and i sweated just like i'm doing right now but if i was in a pentecostal church kevin i would have walked in here with a bottle of shout out i would have walked in here with a bottle of shout and i would have took out some of these dirty clothes right here and i would say you see that old musty stuff on that sock i'm gonna shout it out and yeah hey i'm gonna shout it out and i'm gonna give god praise but it's not about your shout it's not about your worship it's not about your prayer your fasting your holiness it is about the blood of jesus that cleanses us from all unrighteousness i have an opportunity my sins were forgiven in salvation but i have some laundry today i've been carrying some laundry since i got saved there's been some things that have soured me there's been some things that have stained me there are some memories i cannot forget you say but i was drunk when i said that yeah you were drunk but she'll hear that the rest of her life you were drunk but it left a stain you were just mad but they took you serious you didn't mean it but that little five-year-old will never forget it when you said she was stupid and so there are stains and there's dirty laundry in this place but we don't have a bull or a goat or turtle dove today and we just had communion but i'm afraid we don't understand it when paul said if any man be in christ see christ can i get simple for some of you for a minute christ is the washing machine and if i take my stain and my sin and i put it in christ then when it's in christ what's going to happen in a washing machine things begin to tumble around so if i'm in christ life will tumble me circumstances will tumble me but if i'm in christ then i'm covered by the blood if i'm covered by the blood when i'm tumbling i'm being cleansed when i'm they fired me yeah they fired you it's just another tumble what they meant to destroy you is just tumbling you for your good what they meant to reject you what he meant to make you sick what he meant to make you depressed what they meant to make you addicted is just tumbling you oh i need to help somebody what does what does an old-fashioned washing machine do oh no it's called an agitator because it's got to move with this with with the water and with the soap it has to create movement so that the soil and the stain and the dirt has to let itself go why are you getting mad when you're in christ and yet he allows you to get agitated because he's just trying to move you around in the blood he's trying to get your grandpa's generation cursed off you he's trying to get your health healed he's trying to get your mind straight he's trying to get your family delivered i'm agitating him i don't understand why i'm going through this it's because he's agitating me huh what lies beneath it's the blood of jesus and if i could ever understand that my behavior is through righteousness and not through my behavior so i'm going to throw out a couple of little sweet thoughts here it's kind of it's kind of funny this illustration is kind of funny because it's so real see you don't know me i am messy my children are messy my mother my mother did not raise me to have to make my own bed she did not my mother my bed was made up magically i think they'll do kids the same way it's magic my bathroom was cleaned by magic and then i got married and the first time stephanie walked in and my dirty unmentionables were on the flow she's never picked them up i heard a tone of voice i didn't think that beautiful little 18 year old could say when she just what in the world is this do you expect me 35 years later i don't expect it at all you're laughing but there are some of you that don't want to handle your own stuff you don't want to deal with your own issues so you lay it around for mama to fix you 40 years old and you still blaming mama you 60 years old and you still blaming your daddy well if my daddy would have nurtured me more i wouldn't be like this that was a good excuse when you were 18 your grandpa now agitate agitate agitate agitate what's thinking ask somebody what's thinking what stained what soured what's stiff what's crusty in your life oh brother super don't preach about that that's a little stiff that's a little crusty don't talk about my divorce three times ago i know i'm saying now look good now but i didn't pay child support for 30 years but i want to be in ministry no no no there's some crustiness we got to go back and deal with some issues can i preach this thing in here today god is wanting to cleanse our laundry and as we go forward in this series we're not going to be condemned in the next few weeks going into this we're going to be excited because it's the blood of jesus that has redeemed us can i preach about five minutes some doctrine in here so according to the new covenant say that according to the new covenant i am clean no no you i didn't say you're going to get clean if you're a believer in this room according to the new covenant you are clean you have the ability today to walk out of here with a fresh load totally clean titus three and five he saved us not by works of righteousness that we have done but on the basis of his mercy through the washing of the new birth and the renewing of the holy spirit when's the last time you had a refreshing in the holy ghost when's the last time you had so much word in you that the word convicted you that's what being washed in the word means the word literally is bringing things to the forefront and you're allowing the word to purify you and to cleanse you i can be clean wave at me if you want to be clean today no one needs to leave out here sour and stiff and stained in soil i don't care what you did last night no one needs to leave here in the laundry basket what about i'm approved i love this one say i'm approved second corinthians 10 i'm approved i love to talk about identity but here's the thing i don't care who rejected you what family rejected you i don't care what you've been through how many bad grades you made how many times you've been fired from your job you are approved in christ he approves of me he approves of me according to his blood second corinthians 10 18 for it is not the person who commends himself to his approved but the person the lord commends who is approved i wish you'd say this the lord approves me have you ever had to do that i've had to do it lately you may have had to do it lately the lord i've been with him and he approves me you may not approve me but he approves me okay that goes back to the sour thing because sometimes you have to be willing to take off the wet damp sour t-shirt and leave it with the other people wearing the wet sour t-shirt because there have been times that i was very productive i did i saw miracles i saw people say stephanie and i lived in calcutta alex the two when he was three we lived in calcutta they lived six months i lived seven months we lived in a culture where it was hot where everything we had was never really clean we didn't have a dryer all we had was a a clothesline and it was humid and we were there for months preaching and i guarantee you if we went to an air-conditioned room you could have smelled us but we didn't know any better because everybody there was in the same environment but when i came home and got to the airport in amsterdam i began to feel uncomfortable because i was around people who had been living in a different climate and a different environment and when i got around people that were living in a different environment i realized i got to take these clothes off even though they were useful for here even though there's nothing wrong with them they are carrying the residue of a different culture and i have to change this in order to adapt to the culture where i'm going so i'm not saying your family was bad i'm not saying that religion was bad i'm not saying that theology was bad i'm not saying your family was bad i'm just saying if it was stained stiffed and sawed and soured you may need to change garments does that make sense i'm approved and then the last one and i love this one i'm going to go on the new living translation i love it galatians 2 and 16. i love that all of this is the apostle paul today galatians 2 and 16. yet we know that a person is made right with god by faith in jesus christ not by obeying the law somebody say that's bible but if you don't understand the weight of the law you don't understand how excited you are to get if you don't understand that today if we were under the law if you have ever committed adultery you would die today if you have ever done one of the seven unpardonable sins that we say or if you had ever got anything these seeds you would die today and i'm so grateful because we don't live in that fear nowadays i will don't even preach about sin anymore when i preach about it i want to preach about it this way not to condemn you but to get you excited about the grace of god somebody just needs to feel like tears flowing down your cheeks with your hands raised that i've been clean i have been redeemed by oh it's incredible it is such an incredible truth an incredible concept that i'm redeemed by the blood of the lamb we are made righteous not by obeying the law and we have believed in christ jesus listen we have believed in christ jesus so that we might be made right with god because of our faith in christ say it's my belief not my behavior not because we have obeyed the law for i love this last line for no one will ever be made right with god by obeying the law the only way you can be right with god is to accepting the cleansing the cleansing revelation of the blood of the lamb of being in christ every eye closed in this room god is going to save people today he is there are people that come said pastor i didn't know it was this kind of church and i know you're in a series i thought it was just going to be something kind of cute and i didn't know what's going to be like he's going to be preaching about my dirty laundry and preaching about things that i'm hiding and first service i was laughing because how many of y'all have ever wore a pair of socks at least five times in a row without washing them i have and you laugh you let you think it's funny but here's the thing nobody knows and your socks are in your shoes nobody knows you're going forward you're just holding on to the sting of five days ago [Music] so you're progressing on the outside [Music] you're just creating a space for fungus on the inside do you hear what i'm saying there are many oh you're going far you're going forward you just got on crunchy socks stiff soiled stained hands raised right now holy spirit i believe there's a there's such an incredible revelation of cleansing in this room that if there be anything that lies beneath if there be anything hidden put in the hamper i'll deal with that later you don't have to just put it in christ we're going to put it in christ we're going to leave today and allow the agitations of life to tumble us in the blood of jesus and we're going to rejoice that we have been cleansed and we're going to rejoice to be been renewed in christ hands raised right over this room tears are flowing i watch tears flowing right now i'm looking at people that literally are feeling the redemption power of god if this word is for you today i want you to raise both hands up right now we're going to come and worship but the anointing is in this room right now there is a there is a yoke breaking there is a sin breaking there is a stain eradicated anointing in this room there is a stain eradicating anointing in this room there is there is the the anointing that can cause that sourness to be healed in jesus name father we receive it right now and now i just pray right now that all of us not just people in the pew but those of us even those preaching i pray god that you would be able to allow us to surrender ourselves [Music] allow it to happen right now all over this room we thank you for it just keep praying as i go into praise right now i believe god's up to something this morning if you're online i just want you to keep praying i believe god's up to something today it's laundry day it's laundry day [Music]
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 192
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostal, preacher, sermon, message, transformation church, steven furtick, td jakes, oasis church, oasis, oasis church austin, austin, round rock, texas, oasis church texas, preaching, helpful sermon, bible teaching, elevation church, build the house, build gods house, gods house, jonathan suber, bishop jonathan suber, pastor jonathan suber, sabbath, laundry day, dirty laundry, what lies beneath
Id: pN48onV_gRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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