The Prophetic Journey | Shawn Bolz | Expression58

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thank you thank you guys sit down thanks guys Wow what what a day we've had already this is awesome well I'm excited at ona's birthday I've we were talking in the back and we've known each other for 22 years and one of my favorite things about hona is that he there's all these fearlessly crazy things and he doesn't know he can get hurt and he's never got hurt doing anything crazy he's only got hurt doing normal things like playing soccer but I remember my favorite time we ever did anything really wild was we went out on these four-wheelers in Montana during snow where you need snowmobiles but we decided we take four-wheelers instead and and I mean all of us were going across and doing things you just shouldn't do we should have died fire three times each and he's just scream laughing you know one of the guys roles that I'm that I think the snow mobile world onto him and over him and he just was like hey guys hey you know and haaa haaa it is just that can I do this and you never take him as your barometer because I always say yes every single times like oh yeah you won't get hurt it's fine you know like let's go jump off that cliff let's go you know whatever so I just love your adventure I love your appear lessness and I'd love that no one's got hurt from your fearlessness I mean you're he put his two-year-old on a horseback bite by himself that's how hona is and me and Jen we're like that he's gonna die and he's lives in there and the kids are great so we do celebrates you I appreciate you and we had a nice celebration last night for ona and it was fun to watch the childhood friends and then all the current friends a lot of expression people and city friends is so fun to celebrate you and we love you so let's give them a hand clap one more time okay so I want to go over just before I start my message honoring the black community this is Black History Month we had expressed in 50 yeah come on this if we should get more than one little room that's like it's a big deal we always celebrate this month we believe in this month and we encourage you guys to participate in this month because if it wasn't for the black african-american community here in America we would be so far behind in our faith and it's as a Christian you should study it for the purposes of seeing what God's done and how he's used this people group to advocate and to create Pentecostalism and charismatic faith in the midst of evangelical faith that if it wasn't for African Americans that we would be possibly 70 to 100 years behind according to fuller seminary I'm there's so much that they've contributed to the faith alone and let alone that God's using people in the entertainment industries to do something that's never been done before in the predominant people who are having the most success in their faith in the entertainment industries right now our African Americans it's so beautiful and I just want to really celebrate I just want to give you five reasons why just so that you can incorporate this it shouldn't be a frenzy thing we do or like we don't want to marginalize people when we as America decided we would celebrate this together and some of you're old enough to where you didn't celebrate in your school you're the pellet LAUSD does a great job a Black History Month and so did a lot of local Christian schools but I'm an I'm 44 when I was in school we didn't do this so like you know some of you might be a little older and you're like well I don't know what that means well we as a church want to bring that expression into you right now and number one we want to remember the significant contributions made and we celebrate and honor what God's done through this people group we stand on our spiritual foundation more firmly when we do because it's part of our firm foundation number two we remember how far we've come and how far we have to go it's always a little tricky when you quantify racial progress but according to Brookings Institute in 1940 60% of employed black women worked as domestic servants today it's only 2.2 percent that's that's huge you know move it forward and then in 1958 44 percent of whites that they would move away if a black family became their next-door neighbor today it's less than 1% things have changed a little bit we need a lot of change we still that's one things we do in Black History Month is we look at what's happened and then we also look forward but in 1964 the year of the great Civil Rights Act was passed only 18 percent of whites claimed to have a friend who was black today 86 percent say they do in 87 percent of blacks say they have white friends so blacks are more friendly than whites bring this forty percent of African Americans now consider themselves members of the middle class so much progress has been made but we have to look forward to new progress and then number number three we have to give thanks to the work of the black church I just said that you know William Seymore this is a revival the Pentecostal Holiness Pentecostal group of the Midwest I mean 780 million people are Pentecostal because of the african-american church in America it wouldn't have happened and spread if it wasn't for these revivals that happen in Everett so we have to we have to stop and say thank you God for this amazing people group that you've made and it doesn't it doesn't disconnect us to acknowledge what God's done in one racial group it actually helps us to stand more united if we do it correctly and then number four black history is our history as America so it's part of who we are and this might be controversial but I don't mean it to be it's just the majority of populations tend to forget or overlook contributions and minorities and so we have said as America we're not going to forget the contribution of the african-american community it's important to us and we as a church also believe it's very important we want to honor and then honoring the african-americans who are also not dishonouring anybody else but we're making room for all minority groups to be honored which is really good then lastly number five we remember that God is glorified by diversity revelation 5:9 says Jesus was crucified through the blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe language and people and nation and so he's glorified in this diversity so I would encourage you if you have kids in your family to actually engage Black History Month there's thousands of articles you can do we we bought a couple of the books that are like I am Harriet Tubman I am William C were these kinds of books there's a Christian version there's a there's a secular version of these books and it's just beautiful to hear the stories yeah and it's for four or five year old and they're relevant for them in our household so there's all age groups all ranges were so blessed to have these tools I just want to honor you if you're a black in this church thank you we applaud you we believe in you we believe we have a long way to go but we're gonna make it this is good one perspective but I will finally leave you with on that is that when things were this stirred up over racial issues like this it's because God wants to bring an advancement and so we're stirred up right now as a nation but it's because God wants to do something and this is for Chinese and Japanese and it's for Hispanic and it's for any kind of any race you know like we're not we're not just picking on one group and saying it's it's all free it's for all of us to advance together it's we all need to advance together and have a new level of racial unity understanding advancement we want the numbers to change again ten twenty thirty years from now we're gonna look back for our children's sake and go wow the numbers have changed for all these different groups again it's gonna be a lot different so bless you guys that was not my message but I wanted to honor the black community today okay so I want to talk to you guys about the prophetic journey and I use this term I in no way coined this term but it's the faith journey that we're on with God and yeah it's hard to understand sometimes how to hold a faith journey with God when we know we want a different result than our human talent skills gifts can make us we have Holy Spirit inside of us and we're saying me plus God equals a different result because he's God and I'm just me but if I say yes to him by faith my life will be different than if I had self led my life will be different than if I had just done the best I could with what I have I will bring transformation of the world if I join my faith to God for his dream for my life and there's a progressive journey we go on where we start to see God in relationship to what he's put inside of us and we could begin to partner more intelligently and deliberately if we understand what we're partnering to and how we're supposed to partner and I was just reading something this week because I was uh well tell you this because in the last year I've been doing this podcast called exploring the prophetic and it's become like one of the top podcasts in Christianity which is wild because prophetic was such a frenzied thing like ten years ago and we have like you know 40,000 downloads of each episode people are super hungry we're hearing from major evangelical leaders that were like I didn't know that's what this was like this is amazing so it's been incredible but I've been growing all the time like every episode I'm like when you believe that I can't believe you believe that that's like stupid or crazy or wild or awesome but I could never believe that and then I'm going why could I never believe that and I'm starting to realize there's a lot of unbelief in me when I'm representing the show going wow I I don't at first glance believe and a lot of the things that people are telling me or understand how to partner my faith to even people let alone to God in certain areas and so I think I do a pretty good job for the things I'm assigned to but sometimes it's hard when I hear the things other people are assigned to that I get to hear like people are going to the Middle East because God's telling them to or people are going in entertainment because God's telling them to you're these different areas and you hear the progressive fruit like the other end journey of like I believe this and this was the outcome and that's what the show is pretty much about it's just storytelling interviews and I'm like this is wild so because I've been learning so much through this I'm gonna express some of the things that that's worked for my wife and I as we've been on this faith journey or spiritual journey to believe God for some radical things some of the areas that we've cooperated with God and said this is how we'll position ourselves in faith because if you look at it you know we have the example of Abraham in Genesis 15 verse 6 it says Abram believed the Lord in God accredited to him that it was righteousness just to believe so basically God tells him one of the biggest promises in history as a matter of fact if you were told to promise and then you told me I wouldn't believe you so I wouldn't be accredited to write just to believe in you or God in you because I told him you're gonna be the father of many nations and your descendants will be more than the grains of the sand you have more distance than anyone in history and he believed him and just because he believed him and he kept his heart in his life open to him God counted that belief as righteousness so there's this process in the step number one the point number one is we have to believe what God's put inside of us and a lot of us are looking for direct words from God like from a prophetic maybe you've been around you know charismatic culture so it's you're waiting for someone to lay hands on you and say something to you but even before that God lives in you through the Holy Spirit it is relating to you what's in his heart all the time if you let him if you if you open yourself to a life of prayer in the word you're gonna start to hear God or you're gonna start to see what he formed in you because this God who's thought of you for the equivalent of billions of years or an eternity before you were born thought of all the opportunities he had for you and designed certain things to work inside of you in cooperation with him that just worked the best when you focus on them so that the talents you use the the the skills that you have the people groups are called to the industries that you'll thrive in these kinds of things we don't just stumble on them we're directed towards him because it's part of how we were created and then when we become a person of faith we start to pursue in relationship to God even sometimes subconsciously he's guiding us whitson it's in the voice of our thoughts or the nudges with intuition a lot of times we call it intuition but as a Christian we know Holy Spirit lives within us not externally he's actually inside of us and I love 1st Corinthians 2 because it says no eye has seen no ear has heard no - can see what God has in store for those who love him but we know it by the spirit so God's put inside of you as a Christian the ability to understand how to partner in your faith with his plan even if you don't ever have a prophetic word you never have a major moment in your life where all of a sudden somebody says you will change Hollywood or whatever you know if in your spirit if you like know who you are you can fight and faith that good battle of faith and I I was reading a Winston Churchill quote and he said desires for new conquests of freedom won't come if you haven't fought all the way through your current battles so basically if you have a if you haven't done something with what's already inside of you you're not gonna get new you're not gonna get the new thing and I put dreams stop coming when you don't steward them so as you don't get new words until you steward the old ones it's like a lot of times you're like why why don't you speak to me God is like I have walk it out that's what it becomes righteousness is when you actually take hold of what is inside of you and you start to to know what's inside of you value what's inside of you when you do God speaks through that even sometimes louder than a voice as a matter of fact he proves that he's with us by being within us not externally most Christians that we train to hear from God they hear the still small voice of God or they he'll hear the voice in their conscience that sounds like them but it's too good to be them right like have you ever had a good result in your life that was beyond what you would have normally expected and you're like this is amazing that's not because you were good you're not awesome you can't produce that kind of fruit in your life you might get lucky once but if you have consistent goodness that's manifesting you you can't and you can't go wow my PhD has led me to this you're just like this is crazy this has happened to me that's Holy Spirit leading you and somehow you're participating because he promises goodness over and over in your life and so he's within you nudge you it's just when we learn how to hear and value what is nudging it starts to become that place of righteousness that he's he's longed for in us so when we die number one would be valuing what's inside of you like I said and treasuring what God's put inside you like Mary when she got the word from God she treasured it it says in Luke 2 at 19 and she pondered it over and over in her heart when you start to know that what you're called to the people groups are called to love the skills that God's given you they're that the talents is given you you start to value it and then ponder it Wow God created me for this who cares that there's people who are way better than me and there's people who aren't as good as me who care I'm not measuring myself I'm just grateful that God's called me and I can't wait to figure out how we get to participate because regardless of how good or bad I am at this I can change the world through Christ and that's huge like when you understand that he's put something in you that just like Mary was was was gonna conceive or she conceived the Christ inside of her and then she pondered Jesus the Son of God was inside of her we shouldn't look at it as less to have Holy Spirit living in us with purpose because it's the same kind of purpose that can birth Jesus's identity on the earth number two we we have what God has shown us deep in our identity because everything challenges our identity in this earth you know completely in the first place so you have to have everything God showing you deep inside of you locked in because people are gonna come even your friends will come and they'll tell you the opposite of what you feel inside have you ever had that happen so we have Paul who's you know about to go to Rome and agamous the Prophet comes he goes don't go to rob the Lord has told me but he knew he was called to go to Rome and I've never said a grush was a false prophet ever because he wasn't but he knew he was supposed to go to Rome so he said agamous thank you so much for the word but I gotta go to Rome and in this life even good people will challenge the identity that God's putting inside of you because they're not partnering their faith to see it happens with parents and kids all the time especially in certain cultures where the parent goes well you need to have a respectable income so you can't do this kind of artistic journey because if you do that's not gonna lead to money and we want you to have the American Dream not the God dream good Christian parents do it all the time and so there's a place of saying okay God I Know Who I am and I know cut some of things you're pointing me out so help me to partner my face and even in the midst of adversity I know hona and gin and I when we were coming to LA we had some of the most major voices in the charismatic Pentecostal movement say la was about to go in the ocean like 1970s cult words like where the people get on TV and they're like you know if you don't give us this money we're gonna die that kind of weird bizarre words I just weren't God you know they were and they were spending a lot of time prophesying against la from the south and from the east coast of like what are you doing you know and they were telling us we're concerned with you going there you're gonna die people we loved and I'm like are you open to the fact that you might be deceived I remember asking them I said I know I'm supposed to go so here we have two options one is I'm right and one is you're right so if I'm right you're gonna need me to re-establish credibility because I'm rejecting your word but I don't want to reject you so can we still be friends yes if you're right we're gonna either be dead or we'll need relief supplies and we'll need you to rally them but to have to stand against an opposition to someone else's spiritual perspective is really hard but if you're a Christian and you're maturing you're gonna have to sometimes you'll look rebellious sometimes for something in your family that you're just following your heart and it's part of the faith journey over and over I think of Harriet Tubman who have used as an example many times because she's one of my spiritual favorites in that picture belongs to me not the church but ghin won't let me take it home because she is mean and uh I'm just kidding but uh but Harriet you know at one point her dad said you cannot go back to the south and rescue one more person I forbid you as your father and she said I would always listen to you daddy but there's a higher authority my father in heaven is the only authority I would listen higher and I have to go back down and he will keep me safe and her dad said if you go get off the disown you she said then I'm owned by heaven it's okay and they're good thing is he didn't disown her you know like he he reconciled somehow in his faith and he has a legacy now part of his inheritance in heaven happened more because his daughter went not even an agreement to him but he went and I believe he inherited in heaven from what she did it's crazy like he was even for it but there's a lot of things I've done that my parents were amazing godly people my parents were awesome like I love my parents but when we were coming to LA my mom start crying it was like you're gonna lose your mind or your salvation and I'm like if I was going to lose that I'd do it here in the church like we were crazy Church for a while it's like I'll do it here like I would have been mentally ill here if I was gonna be mentally ill like la is nothing compared to this and she's like hey you know she's like no you can't go there and I've watched even Christian parents who are major leaders in the body of Christ put oppression on their kids at times I'm not saying all of them do this but put oppression of our kids to say don't go into the film industry don't go be an entrepreneur because if you do that you'll be around the wrong crowd and it will actually cost you your salvation type thing the reality is is if you stay in something that's not the people God's called you to you're going to become lukewarm it's worse than the risk of abandoning your faith by going and doing what you're called to and it's hard for people understand but when your partner in your faith you have to go all the way you have to take the biggest risk that it takes to do that because your faith always takes a measure of risk they're synonymous and if you don't take big risks you will never see kingdom godly fruit you'll see human fruit you'll see the best of your ability upgraded a little bit maybe attitude but when you take faith risk a prophetic journey risk where you're actually being led by God you're gonna see your results multiplied not just attitude you'll look back at your life you'll say I have no idea how I got here and accomplish this I could have never done it in my own on a million years that's what we want number three we have to learn how to process our calling and in our spiritual journey how do you process your words you have a model that sets prayer goals and tracking and celebration for the goals and I love James 1:5 it says that God gives wisdom generously and that's about practical life that's about real stuff and I think a lot of us don't have the wisdom that he's intending for us because we're not actually processing our spiritual journey our faith journey when we don't actually do like listing for most of our prayers father God I pray with you father at all it's like this this machine-gun prayer list to God you know we're not actually going okay you've put this in my spirit that I'm supposed to be in this industry loving these kinds of people and having this justice cause over here what do you want to say how can I position myself about that God you know for me I do the bigger things the bigger themes of life once a year I wait on God kind of new year's time and you say what what do you want to speak to me about this year how can I how how can you just evolve my year according to your plan and I just wait so was that fast sometimes I you know it's have multiple times of prayer but weekly and monthly I'm looking at what God said to me or put in my spirit or my wife or our team or whatever and I'm looking at it and I'm weighing it in my spirit and pondering and I'm thinking about it it's not passive it all even if it's something huge like there's been so many times people have given me huge words if there's no way I could even tie my faith to it when they first gave it to me so then I have to go okay god I'm gonna let the sit on me to see if it lands in my heart or there's directives I mean I had Hollywood in Los Angeles in my heart when I was 16 years old and I would come here and start some sort of ministry in 1996 it was clearly identified but we didn't move here and start this church until 2006 so 20 years later we start the church and I don't think we really entered into what this church was about until 2016 when these guys took over I think was 2016 so another 10 years you know that's when it started like evolving into a church Church like what it was supposed to be about so 30 years later what I was pondering at 16 began to manifest but I was always keyed to the journey going god I look about to LA to two or three times a year and see what was up just see what God was saying I mean hona came with me so many of those times and we would state usually at the hotel in Studio City I mean we'd stayed in different places and we would just someone's just drive to Atlanta and pray we know we're doing we just show up at different meetings and God would show up and we're like we know we're supposed to be here one day he didn't know he was supposed to be here at the time but he had a lot of fun going on these prophetic journeys we call in prophetic journeys let's go Scout the land and see what God will do have you scouted your land have you carried the things God's called you to like if you're like I'm supposed to you know and human trafficking have you given monthly to an anti human trafficking organization until you get start your own participate in your own do something on your own I mean I remember I loved Africa one of the ends you know extreme poverty in Africa and so when I was 19 I began to give financially and I began to go on short term missions trips like you can participate but there's this place where you have to be on the faith journey which means I'm not just believing something in my head one day well manifest I'm actively partnering my faith to see something happen and God overtakes it and blows it up into his kind of you know scenario which is way beyond what I could produce in my own desire but there's an active participation number number four which goes hands in hands with that as keeping the promises in the end the the faith journey in front of yourself Romans 4:18 it says against all odds when it looked hopeless abraham believed the promises and expected God to fulfill it he took God at His Word and as a result he became the father of many nations so against hope he believed it you know how do you remind yourself of what God's called you to how do you remind yourself of the people that God's called you to love you know we're in a generation it's like a bastard generation there's hardly any fathers in this world who are doing like the job we need done there's hardly any spiritual mothers who are replicating themselves compared to the job that needs to be done because we have so many people alive and in the Barna Group did a statistical analytic and Alisa analytical look I can't talk so I got a bit like 5:00 a.m. with my daughter who thought she peed her bed she done I peed my bed touches she's like you're stepping in my pee it's like a river in the room I'm like oh you're in a bad dream okay here we go she's like an hour long four years old four years old but keeping it in front of yourself and they the Barna Group did a research and they found out that Millennials and their top 10 priorities don't even have the winning of souls so salvation or evangelism or these kinds of things aren't a priority to millennial Church I'm not saying it would be to you guys for under 30 but like it's not a priority so it's interesting that that if you don't have your promises in front of you a lot of our promises as Christians and a lot of faith journey is about how we're gonna impact the world with the love of Jesus which means Souls is part of that it's actually populating heaven is one of the main themes as a scripture making disciples of nations making disciples emitting and when we don't have that in our forefront it's hard to get wisdom for how to live our lives from the Holy Spirit who's obsessed with love for the world and I think it's interesting like I'm a part of event an event that some of you heard of how many of you heard of the send event that's coming out so this is an event in Orlando you don't have to go there to be a part of it TV and I'll cover it you can watch it on TV but a lot the major missions and the Evangelist organizations of America are coming together and are believing that they can Commission this generation over Souls that they're gonna change that statistic and they're gonna impart a heart and the power of God to go after a generation so why Wham Christ the nation's Daniel Kalindi with Reinhardt Bonnke organization Dunamis out of Brazil i ha bethel like all these different churches are coming together to see what God will do a lot of groups I'm not mentioning cuz I can't remember I'm right now but a lot of the major music labels are going Christian music labels a lot of major Christian performers are going and sixty thousand people have signed up to be there already so there's all day kind of and it's by Lou Engel if you've heard of Lou Engel with the call he's actually stopped the call because he's now formed he feels against direction from God to send out not to call in to pray but it's time to send and commissioned people to go into this generation with power to impact cultural change so some of the missions groups behind the scenes for the last five or seven years have gotten together some are very conservative evangelicals and some are highly Pentecostal some are charismatic whatever they've gone together and they put together a 12 year plan for the evangelization of the entire unreached population of the world so it'll start in 2020 and it'll go tell 2030 - sorry my brain can do math five a.m. people and uh and in in those 12 years they will have sent two million missionaries all over the entire world be the biggest sending in that's ever happened before if the plan gets implemented and I just hear that and I just think what would happen if we could partner our faith to God's original dream we're having a hard time with our own dream with our own life but we have a God the Father in heaven who's has a ridiculous Ephesians 3:20 beyond what you could hope or imagine plan for this world and for the individuals of this world and we're still trying to catch up and restoration to just become you know just to overcome the world we haven't actually become overcomers into the promised son of god's heart on the earth and that's what he's leading us into and that's a lot of our prophetic journey is when you keep it in front of yourself you don't just keep your personal prom in front of yourself you keep the promise of the Father to Jesus in front of yourself and you look at it like you're gonna inherit a generation and you're gonna inherit all the best ones they're gonna say yes to you they're gonna come after you and somewhere in prison right now some are in extreme poverty right now somewhere in wall street right now they're all over the place but God's gonna Commission us even for them number five turning your your prayer life into an event of hearing from God I kind of went over that already but I I'm telling you it's just so important number six interpreting your life stories with prophetic words and with prophetic eyes recognizing the process of fulfillment I think of Luke with Jesus when he when he did the Gospel of Luke and hell he just recognized the moments he said the old prophets prophesied this this is how it worked out it's such a great book to read when you're on your own prophetic journey because you're going wait when I went to LA that time and that person talked to me and I finally had my first favor with this kind of producer that was a moment that God was wanting me to recognize that his favors on me because I couldn't have gotten that opportunity for myself and that's a prototype for what he's gonna do in the future I'm speaking to some of you actors you know maybe it's somebody who's doing a justice or because we're like 20 justice orgs in this group and all of a sudden you you you've got to pitch your whole idea Shark Tank a billionaire a millionaire with your whole idea of what you want to do with this organization and they you didn't get the money but you got the opportunity and you didn't make that opportunity and it trained you for the next opportunity that you're gonna make it but there's these moments where you begin to interpret not the disappointment of oh it didn't happen but you start to see wait you're you're here and you're there you're touching me and you're preparing me you're setting a table in places that I would have never been invited to eat and when you recognize God in those moments man it just changes everything for you because you start to realize you're walking with God and he's like sometimes we get in those moments and we're like see God this is what I'm talking about he's like laughing going I have designed this since before you were born I think my daughter's we were taking him to Disney World right after Christmas right in the new years and we planned it for a month but they're four and five so we couldn't tell him because if you tell him it ruins Christmas it ruins everything else they just want to go to Disney World or Disneyland at that point and we're singing a hotel for two nights and they've been asking for six months to stay in the hotel they're so excited about hotels it could have been a ghetto Comfort Inn but we ended up staying at one of the Disney and hotels and bringing in there and so the the the week before we were so excited we were having a hard time not telling you but we knew we'd ruin their day and a week until we got there they would just ask over and over can't we go today instead but we didn't have plans for today instead we had plans for when we had plans and so we didn't tell them but we would hint like would you rather see Mickey or Minnie would you rather you're what's your favorite ride at Disneyland and we were asking questions and they're like finally they feel like something's up you know if we're going to Disneyland aren't we but the day we got in the car we had secretly packed the car we got in the car just to have family day it was really early it's like why are we going so early this is what's going on and I said well we have a surprise for you industry's like we're going to Disneyland you can see the video on my Instagram they were so cute like what you know like their whole their whole life changed at that moment and one of the biggest expressions of God's love to you is that he doesn't tell you because he's mature he doesn't tell you what he wants to do in your life in a real way because you'd ruin it you would hate today you'd be like if I could just get to tomorrow you know I'm convinced that that's why a lot of you who aren't married don't hear about your spouse beforehand because you wouldn't like today you would like being single and you would just you go Stockton's you'd be crazy you'd be like if you knew that that's my wife you would be scary and they'd get a restraining order and you'd ruin it [Laughter] no it's God's love that he's restrained the fact that he's not talking to as much as he wants to because he's protecting you in the place of maturity you have at the same time he's dropping hints Mickey or Minnie you know he's dropping he hits me you have to learn how to see those hands as you're going in and then pretty soon you're like I'm smart enough to understand what's going on here god you're about to do something huge wait a minute and the Bible most of the times in the old and new Testament that there was a prophecy it was for the now or the immediate future very rarely other than Messiah promised itself did God give people hope a generation or two generations from now because he's too good he knows that that's not fair if I tell you you know thirty years from now you're gonna have a really good grandson you'll enjoy you know living with them but you're not gonna be like super encouraged to you like that's mean but you're like am I gonna eat tomorrow like we have to move out of our house am I'm gonna be okay tomorrow like you're gonna think about whatever is real and think does God care about that and that's the God of the Bible he talks about those things that are in the now which is so important to know number eight how do you celebrate when things are fulfilled how do you build monuments like in the Bible they had monuments both in the old New Testament stones of remembrance you know I went to this one business a multinational company with a billionaire owner in the top hundred billionaires in the world and he's a radical Christian and I walked through there just in their first entry way in this butan that the most expensive building in Singapore God's put them there I walked through the first hallway in it's the I think we call it the hallway of remembrance that's what they call it and you walk in and you see all of the times that God spoke and it's on a plaque even for the unsaved employees and then what happened is a fulfillment and they show it all the way through there's another hall that's the hall of theirs the future and they have all these things that God spoke to him about that aren't fulfilled yet but they move them over when it's time and I walked through it as like oh my gosh I'm being discipled by your hallways you know my wife and I we renovated this house that was part of a prophetic journey project where we went a faith journey to have a house in LA but anybody who has a house in LA it's a faith journey but we bought out property that we could host our business and our ministry out of so it's a little bit different it's in Studio City it has a soundstage on it like a 2500 square-foot soundstage so we do media and it has a lot of you know and it was too wholly rundown so we had to renovate the whole thing and there was times that we needed money or we're gonna lose the property because of renovations or permitting or whatever and we were we went into it very like just no debt but just a little savings account and with a big project so we went into it with a lot of faith in the need step took more faith the kind of faith that it would collapse if God doesn't show up faith and we'd laugh some days ago we are not in control so we're not gonna allow ourselves human stress in this situation because if we go into panic mode we're gonna die and this project was a salem will just feel like what happened so we would just be kind of almost delusional denial was that kind of faith sometimes feels like a delusional reality I'm like it feels a little like mental illness sometimes just kidding that's not a quote to take home do not cut Watchers do not come after me in streaming but but this one particular time the whole project was hinging on something to happen and there was no availability for that to happen so we're realizing today we lost the house or we stand and promised to regain it and God or regain faith and God to go forward and we did a financial miracle and it was something that we could we could produce in our own careers our own life or ministry people were not you know we're not bazillion there's whatever so so we were sitting laying in bed and in the middle of the day where she's been working we're like we're gonna lose everything unless God comes through what do we do with this we're too far in to not believe it all the way but this is a hard head and so she looks at me goes I'm getting out our list of miracles and she gets our list of monuments of our faith and reads down because we have it we both have it on our notes program on our phones and she reads down and invite like 26 of them that have happened there are miracles that have happened for family and for our lives I was like I have no excuse to hit be anxiety or stress it's not good to be human and say this is scary but I wasn't scared scared I was I had no excuse because God wanted this property more than we did so I'm just gonna stand him faith now like I would be wrong and what he's already done for us to judge him as somebody who doesn't break through and so I'm just gonna stand here and like God you are good mode like I don't know how you're gonna do it but this is yours not hands off like oh you do it god I don't know how I'm gonna see it stay real we're but I don't know how and I just kept it in front of me and she did too we were laughing by the end of the list we didn't get to the end of the list we're laughing like it we're good and we walked out we're like working and normal like as if there was no crisis on him because that's how good god is when you have memory of what he's done the Israelites would remind themselves of all God's good deeds before they were going to battles they would remind themselves in all the places of winning they would go to monuments for God broke out out I taught him break through a few weeks ago where David named the valley that of little bails they were the Giants the valley of giants he named it the the the the valley of little bills where God was the supreme bill because he broke through for him there the God who breaks through lives here in this valley so Israelites would make pilgrimages when they needed to break through to that valley to pray to the God who breaks through for their lives our people making pilgrimages to hear your story because they need breakthrough support that's what the church is like what theirs I've had leaders that aren't even Christians come to me from industries that I know not of who asked me can you tell me the stories of what your God's like because I'm hearing from other people about God inside of you and I want to know if it's true so our prophetic journey is not just for us and these monuments aren't just for us but it's for the world around us number nine we got to listen to other stories and testimonies of faith and faith comes by hearing Romans 10:17 so when you hear other people's stories of faith that's gonna encourage you know you you surround yourself with who you surround yourself with and if you don't have people who have stories that match your kind of faith you're gonna you're gonna degenerate so if you're not with Christian people who can that's why churches are so important to be involved with as especially when you're on a faith journey because you need people who are gonna be like I believe in you like I actually believe what you're saying it's true like we have crazy faith in this church like you guys are you guys are like so crazy in faith that I'll talk to pastors who are like oh we had this one producer of church she believes is gonna make a Hollywood blockbuster I'm like that's like half my church we have a girl in our church you think she's gonna be a model I'm like that's half my women in my church like that's that's like we have someone who I was like this incredible music album but I mean we don't know if it's ever gonna become something but they really feel like they're gonna be big in the industry I'm like that's every one of my church as a SoundCloud like they're all they're all you know I'm like it for me you guys are all crazy like we have an entrepreneur he's is gonna take change the tech industry but he's never been to Silicon Valley I'm like hello come to my church for one day you're gonna meet either most delusional people or the people who are the most full of faith like that's I mean hona and jen are so good at like setting an atmosphere for us in our original DNA at this church is love creativity justice let's see what God will do you know and and we have an atmosphere people who can come in and believe and accomplish huge things because we're not resisting your faith journey we're actually letting you have your own journey and not defining it for you which is really beautiful but we have to surround ourselves with stories that remind us of who we are what's the last one is you know it's surrounding yourself with people who are actually in real friendship who you can process with you know one of the things I've loved about honing these 22 years he's been one of my primary friends who I process my faith risks my journey with like my my god journey I process my god journey with hona consistently and he's done the same yeah and some ones were on the same end or sometimes we need each other's God during's like when they were we're looking for the senior pastors here and Jen kept resisting us and saying I'm not the senior pastor I'm not do this and hone it's kinda like I feel like we're supposed to do this but Jen's not there yet and Jen's like no no no and then they're processing it the whole time very vulnerable either she wasn't like no I don't want to talk to you about this she's like here's why I don't want to do it and it wasn't cause of you guys was because of some of the stuff she was already building and doing and so she's like here's what God would have to change the direction of my life or like listening to him we're going yeah but we're being the friends her or advocating for what we're seeing God inside of her inside of Honan and they're doing the same for us on our seasons we were launching forward in our own ministry in a different way and I love the traction of now 22 years of friendship I mean hona and I believe for some pretty big things including you know starting a church in Los Angeles which is really hard the Barna Group told us that came here told us it's the hardest place to plant a church in America in Hollywood we were in Hollywood at the time and that we were the largest practicing charismatic church that year in Hollywood and we are only 75 people at the time that's were surprised you even exist like you'll probably be gone in a year - no since 2006 we've been here we've lasted like some people like Jackie 4 and others have treated us nicely because we've been here not because we're anointed but because we've been here for so long they're like oh they're here and they love people and no one's if we don't have bloody bodies coming out of church we trust them just because we've been faithful because it's hard to be faithful here for more than 5 years we've been here we're still present we still live here you know but we've tracked prophetic journeys and said we're gonna do this we're gonna be here the long haul we're gonna go and we've encouraged each other and hona has said things to me in the past that have reshaped the way I believed in my faith I hope I've done that for you too I don't I can't claim that but I know holy I mean there's times that he said certain things that have you know both of them have kicked my characters but several times and cause me to believe in God more and we need that type of relationship which is why I think in in that in that scripture that I read earlier in Romans 10 23 through 24 if you just read 23 says so let's cling tightly to the hope that lives within us knowing that God always keeps his promises I use that earlier the next scripture it's linked to the promises is discover creative ways to encourage others to motivate them towards acts of compassion doing beautiful works of expression of his love so linked to promises is being in community because he says many people forsake their communities stay in community and link to each other that's huge so if you're gonna be on a spiritual faith prophetic journey you become a little isolated or dangerous when you're isolated you become a little delusional when you're isolated so it's really important to stay plugged in spiritually to each other in long lasting relationship I love that the holy spirit is here you know John 14:26 to be the helper of our journey and I feel a lot of us we're looking for somebody to mentor us or to help us with this journey and I love that we need to be open and teachable but a lot of us are looking for a substitute of God who's already inside of you and I trained people all over the world to hear from God we had you know 20,000 people come to our events last year just with me where I was just doing one day trainings and in Australia and England all these places and I'm training them how to get from God in the majority of people and I'd say how many of you hear from God in a way that satisfies your own spiritual journey like 20 people raise your hand out of 1700 so that means that the majority of Christians that I've touched in the last year are not satisfied with their own spiritual connection to God but what I love is that if you're told you have permission John 14:26 says the helper will come from the Father to help you to counsel you to comfort you to guide you he's literally gonna teach you how to read the word the way that God intended it he's gonna teach how to walk it out the way God intended it when you realize he's here to help you on your real journey will you stop and listen will you stop and actually not just do devotionals like people who come to me go how much time you still have gone every day I'm like that's not the right question the right question is how do you connect to God and stay connected because it's different for all of us if you ask me how I date Sri it's not gonna work for you the same way for your wife or your husband or whatever we all have a different type of relationship of what makes us connected but being connected to God I listen to him I know him I know what's on his heart for me I know what's on his heart for my wife and my daughters and when I don't know I feel like I'm teachable or available enough to he can interrupt our course and shift gears do you have that and if you don't have that can you trust that you don't need to hire a mentor to give you that that's not what mentors should be here for they should be there to help process it but they shouldn't be creating it for you Holy Spirit's here to create relationship to the Father with you and the father has dreams and his hearts for you that are unmatched by any human beings dreams for you and they're so big that even people who are now currently your spiritual authorities might go if you told them today what goes in God's heart for you when you 90 years old looking back they might go today I don't know that's kind of big but if they knew the end from the beginning like God does they might go go for it go for it go for it I like that so once you to stand I want to pray that God will help you on your spiritual journey your journey of faith your prophetic journey that you adhere more than ever that I'm gonna give you a prophetic word that I felt like God had me write out and we'll have this posted on the Instagram account this forgets to the did Michele Lutz and so we could post it but I just want to pray for how much is just to open your heart however this for you close your eyes feel and put your hands out you can suppose we do that it's like receiving a gift from the spirit just acknowledging that he knew he can move it's our dependency on him you know Jewish people would put their hands up in prayer because it was a sign of of release or a sign of like I surrender to you God lets you could do whatever you're comfortable in the Holy Spirit we pray with new dedication that we surrender to your process and we want to engage our faith and we want to count it to us as righteousness that we said yes to believe in you even when it feels counter to some of our humanity though we recognize that there's a war between our humanity sometimes and your goals for us because sometimes we're looking for what we can accomplish with what you put in us instead of what you can accomplish with what you put in us and we surrender to what you put inside of us to let you help us to lead it negotiate it manage it develop it Holy Spirit come and fill us train us I'm just going to speak this from the Father to you I created time to serve you it is a resource for you in it I can reveal my love day upon day moment upon moment before I ever created you I dream for you for an eternity there are so many things I put inside you that will find more expression emplacement this year I have talent skills relationships resources ministries projects and purposes all to be revealed in this coming year that will show you the depth of my love for you they'll create so much faith in you that you will also be able to call out what you see that I've put in others you were called to live a life that is overflowing John 10:10 was a prophesy to you I've called you to live a life that is not half empty or half full but overflowing you were going to walk in this flow and it will be the year of my favor for you favor looks like something it's an unfair advantage of her people on systems that don't operate with me it's unfair resource that you will have no ability to earn through normal means I'm unfair in my favor with people who would normally not be accessible to you but I will give you an audience with them it's unfair victories for problems that others will maybe never see a resolution to but I've already won them for you the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy but I can create the fullness of opportunity for every battle that felt lost last year and for every hope that has been wounded I have seen every relationship issue health issue financial issue and justice issue in your life and I will use all the things that the enemy meant for evil to serve your good I will use what has been used against you to be a building block for you Romans 8:28 I'm giving to you or I'm going to give you back time for what was stolen or time for what you felt was wasted as you surrender your time and heart to me I will accelerate your time now making what would normally take years take months what would take weeks take days I love process because we find each other deep in process but I'm not trying to make you learn through the hard things or make lessons out of crisis I can teach you more through my goodness that I can by allowing hardship suffering in this world will happen but I will use goodness as your mentor of love to write my manual of life on your heart I will use suffering to serve you but I will not allow it to overtake you I can teach you a hundred times as fast through my goodness than through painful circumstances they were never meant to be my intended vehicle for you but because I love you I make the enemy who steals payback seven times what he stole you were gonna have a good year focus on seeing the good don't let cynical thoughts lead you into the bad or negative places but focus on what's good right and Noble they're good already outweighs any hardship by landslide train yourself to see and you will wake up with new excitement and more dedication to your days I love you and I give you this container of time to spend as a gift use it to love use it to grow and use it to thrive amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Expression 58
Views: 33,542
Rating: 4.8776078 out of 5
Keywords: jen toledo, jennifer toledo, shawn bolz, cherie bolz, jona toledo, prophetic, the prophetic journey, prophecy, prayer, los angeles, revival, expression 58, expression58, e58, exploring the prophetic
Id: mLk8pIcFWzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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