God’s Secrets, with Shawn Bolz - Part 1

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[Music] everyone wants to know God's secrets anyone say I don't want to know I think you're lying I think all of us want to know God's secrets and today we have a guest that really shares God's secrets how to get his secrets how to hear them how to pass them on and this is by Sean bolts I think he's one of the most exciting guests we've ever had sir I know you think so because you cry on the program you're so touched by it and it will touch you too but before we go into the program I want to share a testimony that is awesome and some of you out there you'll say yeah yeah I need this too and remember he's the same God that will bless you that blessed this person she said I called in for prayer because I desperately needed a car and in 30 days God did it I got a car and you know I don't believe God made all these nice cars for the Mafia I think he made him for Christians and I think we can put our faith in him that he can give us a good car and not a lemon listen to this one on June 6th I had prayer for my son he was taking his English exam which he had failed a few times I am thankful for your prayers for he passed his English exam now you know folks a lot of times we just see and we think oh it's so hard but we get somebody else praying with us and they don't see all the circumstances and I think it's easier for them to release faith and that's why we really encourage you to call in and get prayer but Sarah when you read this book what did you think of it honestly I haven't read it yet I read the other one translating God this one is like great on the list top of list so pick it up and help me read it like seriously you admit that I completely admit it because I want to tell the truth well I want to tell the truth I read it and I like how he here tells you the many ways you can hear from God because a lot of times we oh I have to be knocked out it has to be a different way you know has to be a dream has to be a vision has to be a trance but does there's a lot of ways that God speaks to us you know he speaks to us through the word he speaks in our spirit I'm just looking at this and in some cases we see even cause people by name like Zacchaeus and so I think this last part is especially good so Sarah when you read this it's just going to rattle your cage it's going to shake you up and as you watch the program today I pray the Holy Spirit shakes you up you'll love this we're thrilled more than thrilled extent to have Trumble to this yes Ron thank you for having a completely amazing and so not everybody knows kind of background who you are we think you like hung the moon almost not quite like can you help our audience just give us a quick little thumbnail background who are in in kind of why are you with us right yeah I am a second-generation Christian my parents raised me of the things of the Spirit so they would ask me what's God showing you what are you feeling right now but there were normal housewife and Colonel the Air Force grew up in kind of a ministry home even though my parents was lame industry and had a heart for but wanting to go after the arts entertainment culture and actually do arts entertainment industry stuff but God called me to ministry in the midst of that and I ended up going to a church that had a prophetic ministry specifically that was like one of the primary things and got to see a love based revolution of prophetic ministry which is really beautiful and helped steer that a little bit and then moved back to LA and I have a church in LA called expression 58 half of its by entertainment and artist and the rest of its just everyday people and we're just going after seeing really the world transformed around us just said they're in Los Angeles and I travel around the world and I teach people about how to hear from God and live a thriving life you know Sarah I think a lot of people watching us when they think prophetic they think gloom and doom thus saith the Lord and that it has doom in it up and you know it is so not scriptural but it started out of sync at least in my day you know you didn't want anybody a prophesy to you because they're always bad understand it was yeah what you're doing wrong well God's not and you're like yeah yeah I think for me I'm always looking for what God is doing and who he is in so to me God has this perfect beautiful plan he sent Jesus in John 3:16 he sent Jesus of course to save the world but John 3:17 I love them the message version says and he didn't come to condemn the world but to put it back again into God's order or to put it right back again and I feel like the prophetic does that it actually looks what's in God's heart and takes what's in God's heart and applies it again to now like this is what Jesus restored so instead of saying what you're not I'm gonna look for who you are in God instead of looking at an industry like Hollywood and saying this is what all the areas are failing in and here's where Satan has you here's where all the spirits are I'm going to look at all the things that God is doing where the angels are and what God wants to do because when we call forth what God wants everything else gets displaced and so prophecy to me is it's the mechanic of calling forth God's love on the earth for the now so when we talk about exhortation and those three particular things how does that fit in with how the Lord is leading you well I think you know when you when you're focusing on people on who God is inside of them it does cause them to fall in love with God in such a way like for me my dad told me when I was young when he was having a sex talk with me he said you know I don't ever look at other women because when I look at other women I'm married to your mother who have had this long-term commitment with and the moment I look at somebody else I'm risking losing that or breaking that or slowing that down and I love it so much I'm protecting it at all costs and so holiness to me of the way that he defined it was to protect love at all costs not to be sinless and so we say no to sin to say yes to something to say yes to love and that's holiness so the prophetic to me is if you can exhort somebody it's because you're showing them what they get to say yes to and so it's easy for them then to look at what they need to say no to you're not in charge of making them overcome you're in charge of showing and what they're overcoming into and I think that the old-school prophecy is like let me show you all the things you'd overcome from where's the new school prophecy or the eternal prophecy or not eternal because we won't meet prophecy when we see him but the prophecy in this ages let's show you what God wants to do and then you protect it by saying no to sin well and it edifis absolutely it causes people to feel like the truest version of themselves when they get prophesying over they start to see the map the crystal-clear DNA of who they're supposed to be in God it's building up who they are in God and who God is in them absolutely so what about Ananias and acts going to Paul you know and here he Paul has been running around killing everybody I mean he's called solve when it was doing but he calls him brother I know it's amazing cuz he gets a street address right cuz that's how I had that story enlisted in this book he gets a street address there's biblical precedence from sweet wind up going through like 38 words of knowledge in the Bible in this book there's over 60 we found but we go through 38 examples but that's one of my favorite and then he goes I know this guy in the natural you're sending me to he kills Christians I don't know if I want to go but he gets a bravery to go because he sees the value of who's always as Paul and he goes there and then he delivers him and Paul is able to see again because of a prophetic word and then he calls him brother so it's like some of the people who right now who we would look at his enemies maybe some people are like I'm afraid of extreme Muslims like those could be your best friends if you just see him after the life of the Spirit these people may be not redeemed yet but they could become the very one that God uses the most I think in your book I love this because you're listening to what God says and then you're listening and saying it to the person and revealing this is your DNA this is your character this is your calling out that identity so I just encourage you hop on the phone and here's the deal you may be watching today and you're not sure of your identity who am i you say I can't even tell somebody else let alone me but I want to encourage you hop on the phone get on the website we want we want you to buy this book it'll be tremendous helpful to you to really sense that DNA in you what God has for you and who God has designed you and then watching God flow that and what I find is when I say yes to the inside then it seems to kind of swell right for the outside and sometimes I don't see the outside because I haven't said yes on the inside yeah and then when I find that the outside switched off then it's better for me sometimes I check in and say have I really am I switched on inside listening attentive dialed in and am i listening to the voice of a stranger you talked about that and I don't listen to the strangers voice I listen because I'm Jesus sheep so I know my Shepherd's voice and when that's when I'm like yep yep yep then that alignment starts to really lock in better and then it's better cuz it swells it grows and like oh man fun fun fun fun I love that you know in in the book we talk about words and all it's quite a bit and a word of knowledge the way that Paul defined it he defines wisdom as the Sophia is the Greek word and it's it's like wisdom that you wouldn't have got from education wisdom that you wouldn't have got from your own life experience but it's a wisdom that comes from heaven fills you with knowing like a complicated answer that you should know or knowing a solution to a problem so think about medical scientists getting a word of wisdom or think about government or educators getting a word of wisdom for how to do what they're doing this is what God wants to give us well word of knowledge is past or current information about something or someone that you also did not get my experience and I love Daniel 117 where these these four young men were given this word it's a knowledge and wisdom but when you study that where there I've taken it to three rabbis of the Jewish faith and said what is this a Hebrew word mean this motto what does it mean they said it means divine consciousness or divine intelligence from God in first Corinthians 4 to 16 says that we have the mind of Christ and that's I love that passage and we've talked about it where the the first Corinthians 2 talks about the Holy Spirit searched in the deepest parts of God and his innermost thoughts and then we relating it that to us that's what's having the mind of Christ is so if we have the divine consciousness of God overlapping us it's not hard it's not like we have to work for something he lives inside of us and as we ask him questions a lot of us do our devotional prayer life by giving him a list and not even waiting to let him respond but if we just start to say God I'm gonna participate with you not just give you a list you pray about what I pray about way more than Jesus you're the intercessor of heaven so I'm gonna lay that aside first and say you're already praying about that and I'm just gonna ask you what's on your heart today what do you want to talk to me about and and start to actually engage with God and what are your thoughts and you have thoughts and I know for me with my wife if I sit down with there a date night we have dinner every week if I go today and we had all kinds of dates but doing that every week intentionally and I'll say honey what are you thinking about right now and she's just you know she's ready you know and that's how God is he's like I'm just waiting to be included this way in your heart process and once you understand that you're addicted to his love it's so beautiful to feel like the most important person in the universe of sharing himself in a present way with you it's the revelation of his love absolutely it is the revelation of his love and I think sometimes I haven't liked some people you know I've seen you know and but if you get a revelation of love about them you see beyond what you see in the natural and you get into the supernatural what they could be and you know I love John 5 where Jesus sees the man at the pool absolutely yeah you know but he saw him home but he got the man to see himself as whole and I think what your book really helped me is seeing people as he sees I love that and Zacchaeus when he's up in a tree cause he wants to move Jesus oh and Jesus looks think it's a word of knowledge he says that kiss come down from the tree and come eat with me that kiss can he's a little man and he couldn't get to Jesus but he really wanted to spend time with them but it was a tax collector and he was hated in his region and Jesus probably if he was just a natural man probably wouldn't even like tectus no one else did I think uh Zacchaeus come prepare your house um to spend time with you and everybody says no don't spend time with them and and he says no I go prepare your house I know you will be right back stay there we haven't begun to give you what you're gonna get can you know the secrets of God you can and you can use that knowledge to transform the world around you for your gift of 39 dollars or more we will send you Sean Bowles book God's secrets a life filled with words of knowledge God's secrets are shared through words of knowledge one of his most misunderstood revelatory gifts journey with Sean as he lays out this gift in a relatable way and gain a fresh perspective on God's direction for your business household and worldview with your gift we will also send you Maryland's get wisdom journal God knows the big picture for our lives he knows what situations we're dealing with and he knows how to fix them through this journal you will learn how to get wisdom for every area of your life we will also include our hearing God's voice scripture card to encourage you with the word discover God's will and secrets for your life and change the world around you call or click today for this valuable resource [Music] [Music] [Music] Shawn you were telling us about Zacchaeus keep going so Zacchaeus a tax collector and nobody liked and Jesus and his natural man may not have liked him although I think Jesus loved everybody but it identified it to me where I went this is a man I wouldn't necessarily want to spend time with the whole world didn't would spend Jesus has spent time with it we were trying to warn him against this man's character and he starts to say I'm such a good person I'm okay I give to the poor and Jesus said regardless of that I'm gonna come spend time with you so he saw something first his name by the spirit but he saw the father and he saw the Father's love for Zacchaeus so it didn't matter what that kiss was or wasn't he saw what he was in the father's heart and went to his house regardless of the warnings and I feel like words of knowledge and prophetic words help us to see people a lot of times that we wouldn't spend time with or that we wouldn't want to spend time with and I know for one of my friends was and I'm one of the Presidency's administration's as a spiritual adviser and he's like I don't even like this person I don't wanna go spend time with this person and he had to win a place of love and God's heart before it actually became relevant and where he actually had influence because love is the key to influence and as a Christian you know there's all kinds of influences we can get outside of love but as a Christian love is that is the way to keep from being burned down it's a way from keeping from it just being a calling it keeps you and as the person is your family and you'll do anything for family you'll keep fighting for a family you'll you'll take the extra call at midnight for family you'll do think you'll get up early for a screaming baby but you wouldn't do that for someone outside of that but love causes the world around you to feel like God's family Woodsen's ends up being adopted to your family and words of prophecy and wisdom help you to connect that way to people because you connect to God's heart absolutely and imagine how he saw Zacchaeus jesus saw him as God made him yeah and I believe the prophetic like this helps you see the person as God sees them no because we look pretty much at this or what we hear read or whatever but when you see what God sees then you enter into his love because a lot of people I don't really like them they're hard to handle hard to work with you no no you just want to slap them and say goodbye I doubt that's true about you your son Matt but I think when you get into his love for that person that's what I got out of this book particular is getting into God's love for the person then you got get into God's wisdom and his knowledge for that person yeah and perhaps you're calling for things that are not as they are absolutely I think have you ever heard gossip about somebody that you know really well and you're on the inside of the conversation and so you automatically the gossips not working you're like this doesn't I know this person it's not true and when that happens when you when when you know somebody you know the inside conversation all the false information just doesn't even relevant to you and a lot of times the reason why we entertain it's the church can be a very gossipy organization we entertain gossip because we've substituted knowledge for intimacy and when you when you're going after the prophetic it's not a knowledge based gift even though I'm talking about words of knowledge of this book it's actually an intimacy based gift where you actually are falling in love with God's heart for Humanity and the more you fall in love a God's heart the more knowledge he can trust you with and your not knowledge brokering you're not just exchanging information you're actually setting forth the intention of his heart and his love for Humanity and so knowledge isn't power for a Christian love is power for a Christian and the knowledge endorses love that's so good that's the backing and I'll tell you when I read this book I thought of an experience I had a woman came to me and I was in Florida and she was she had left her husband and she wanted me to help her make a decision on things and I sent her her this is what I heard from God I said you're going back to your husband and you're going to remarry him she said well that's not from God I'm not going to do that and but I just had such an assurance of God's love for them as a couple and she did she went back she remarried him and thank God for that but see I wonder how much God wants to speak to all of us a lot I wonder how much we have learned to hear and that's where I want to be learning and that's what I believe the book will help you to learn how to hear how to hear his voice I hear a lot of voices a lot of things going on but how can I hear his voice and you need to call in for prayer maybe you're in that that kind of a hole in between situation you just think Oh God which way what am I going to do well we want you to call us for prayer we're very sincere about that but I don't want you just to call for a prayer I want you to get the book because I'll tell you what you'll do you'll read the book it will so encourage you how to hear and at the end you do some things about various things that God does in hearing and that really helped me you know you talked about trances direct voice smells flashbacks I mean you think wow I don't know a lot about that and I don't know a lot about it all but I want to experience at all and I think you do too so get three or four of these books pass them on folks we live in a world that is pretty sad pretty sad and Jesus wants to make them glad and this is a way you can do it when I read your books you know what I do I sit up in bed for a little bit at night and I'm like got my pen and paper or pen I'm like and I Reese will be my husband will be next to me and you know be like oh my gosh he's like what is this like and then I'm like oh that is so good you know and I'm like writing and reading underlining and he's like oh my god I was like dude I'm serious yeah it's phenomenal but you know um this is why did you write this because I think everybody can have profound moments with God's heart for the world around them like I think I've been with multiple presidents I've been with multiple celebrities I mean dozens and dozens and dozens of celebrities I've been with world leaders I've been with mafia leaders of every gang leaders have been pimps and I've had moments and God that could have I could have never been even brought to that situation without God bringing me there and I've had moments and God where was a defining moment for them yeah and I were being with a dictator that I hated I didn't want to be with him I didn't want to be around him yeah and I just said yes to God I would go and love I would make a choice to love when I got there we were like brothers we were like it was just this Brotherhood and I was able to tell him what I saw one name and I did I saw code and he said that's the most private we were actually the first Hispanic nation that was gonna go to war with another nation to expand our territory that's the most private document there's no way that you would know this except for if God told you and I said God's not with you in this war and you'll lose and you have American other countries will come against you and you're gonna ruin everything you're doing your whole legacy and he just cried and I said what is your this name and thirteen years old and what you regret he said I did some of my daughter's birthday when she was 13 that I regretted and I've asked God for forgiveness every day since and I said God already says he forgives you and stop asking him for forgiveness but start living in him start loving him start actually including him in and this and this is a man who murders people this is a man who is not good I remember just going you know we always have those times in worship who will go I'll go god I'll give all to you I'll surrender all to you but he wants to ask us to actually go to very real people and for me I never knew it would be world leaders to cater celebrities pimps I never knew that would happen uber drivers whatever I just said yes and I said yes I'll listen to you so for me I wrote the book so people would know that they can go on this journey this is a go book that's a go book code and expect God to give you what is needed for that person transformation really its transformation is I had I had transformation behind words of no words in the whole book yeah it's just transformation and I find I can open the door with people especially waiters and restaurants if I say I just love to pray is there anything I could pray for you write down three of your prayer requests oh they think that's the best thing since sliced bread so open the door you know ask God to you to open the doors of hearts and of course get the book and call us for prayer right now can you know the secrets of God you can and you can use that knowledge to transform the world around you for your gift of $39 or more we will send you Sean Bowles book God's secrets a life filled with words of knowledge God's secrets are shared through words of knowledge one of his most misunderstood revelatory gifts journey with Sean as he lays out this gift in a relatable way and gain a fresh perspective on God's direction for your business household and worldview with your gift we will also send you Maryland's get wisdom journal God knows the big picture for our lives he knows what situations we're dealing with and he knows how to fix them through this journal you will learn how to get wisdom for every area of your life we will also include our hearing God's voice scripture card to encourage you with the word discover God's will and secrets for your life and change the world around you call or click today for this valuable resource [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone likes prayer there's hardly anybody if you say would you like prayer no I don't think so they all say yeah yeah and they give you a list but we have Sean Bowles with us and we're not gonna give you our list pray for all of these that are watching absolutely watch your prayer I know they do I can tell it so pray for us please well I do I pray that you would realize that God the God of all the universe has secrets to tell you about what he was originally thinking when he created you when he thought you up in his imagination Ephesians 3:20 says that he wants to be on what you could hope for imagine and I love where at 1st Corinthians 2 even talks about going beyond what any eye has seen any ear has heard what he has in store for you and I pray right now that you would start to get revelation of what God has in store for you what he thinks about you what he thinks about the world around you if there's any negativity or criticalness on your life I prayed a break-off right now as we're praying that she would see with a new freshness that God has a plan and a purpose for you that you would come up higher than anything that's felt negative her or that's been pulling you down that he has so much for you right now and I pray that you would just have illumination of God's heart and that Jesus and you would be so strong right now that he would feel stronger than any negative thought and Jesus name you know I love this about the Lord he can create a new beginning you know we can look at the past I blew it I didn't do this I didn't do that but he's a creator and he can create a new beginning for you today so I want you just to put your hand on your heart and say Jesus I believe you are creating a new beginning for me today thank you for watching our youtube channel we are so thrilled that we get to minister to you on YouTube so of course you gotta hit the subscribe button because want to continue to get to connect and at your convenience that's one of the things I love about YouTube is you can watch at your own convenience and when you subscribe then you get all the latest in the grid
Channel: Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Views: 30,729
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: today with marilyn and sarah, marilyn hickey ministries, marilyn hickey, sarah bowling, marilyn and sarah, bible teaching, bible, jesus, god, christian, shawn bolz, prophesy, god secrets
Id: AT2iUFPoI3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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