Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Creativity

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hi I'm Sean Bowles welcome to another episode of dreams and mysteries today we're gonna talk about one of my favorite things God had so many identities revealed to us in the Bible but there is one in particular that he revealed first God came as a creator now this is an incredible idea because God not only came as a creator but after six days of creating he rested and enjoyed his own creativity this is a picture of the nature of God of how much he enjoys who he is in his own identity and how much he wants to give us that same idea we were made in His image to create with him not only to be subservient to his creation but to co-create with God now the mystery of creativity is one of the most phenomenal mysteries in the Bible because creativity affects every single thing we do everyday if you don't feel as a believer that you're creative just because you can't do art or you're not music or whatever it's just not true as a matter of fact you've been given creative genius from heaven the genius himself lives inside of you the Holy Spirit God wants to use creativity to form culture he wants to bring Kingdom heavenly culture on the earth to do that we have to be the receptors of the greatest creativity in a generation has ever known we've seen times like this in history they're called the Renaissance periods we've seen where science literature and even education moves forward in ways that maybe the government wouldn't have pushed it forward or maybe the popular ideas of culture wouldn't have pushed it forward but all of a sudden art comes all of a sudden things happen through creativity that brands the identity of a generation with new truth that's happening again right now and when God comes in this creativity it changes everything it prepares our heart for culture and belief that we would have never had if we didn't see a picture of it what does this Renaissance going to look like and how do you participate in this Renaissance this is the mystery of creativity [Music] is his dreams and mysteries I love this quote I'm reading about art Thomas Merton says art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time I think about how Jesus came and he came as a storyteller he didn't come and directly preached in most the time he told stories that would actually change the culture of the people's hearts listening he was cult rising them he was sharing a message of what the father was like what heaven was like he was breathing new ideas in people's heart culture and it's such a different way to lead a whole nation of people that he was called to when most the leaders were were focused on giving principles focused on giving directives or directions and then Jesus comes and gives people lots of powerful choices to make through how they would interpret certain stories in Matthew 13 13 Jesus actually says that's why I tell stories to create readiness to nudge the people toward receptive insight in their present state they can stare til doomsday and not see it listen till they're blue in the face and not get it there's something that happened when he told stories that brought connection I love the phrase a picture's worth a thousand words sometimes a story is worth a thousand sermons and Jesus knew that so he told these stories that most were common told stories that everybody already knew and he changed them a little bit so they would have kingdom significance and meaning there was a famous American inventor named Buckminster Fuller who he actually started to do analysis on children especially the kindergarten age children and as they did this research they found out that all children and 80% of them were creative geniuses and divergent thinking now this was amazing because it was a time when children weren't really understood and even education was even understood on how to bring out this genius he said something happens with children after kindergarten where our education system actually de genius as them so he was encouraging society to change the way we're raising up children to change the way we think about what they they can grasp hold of and with the Casa Diaz you are created to be a genius inside is that an amazing thought god the crater lives inside of you and you have a creative processor that's a genius-level processor when you get saved something awakens and comes alive inside of you consider one of the biggest Renaissance periods during that time the average Church member could not read their own Bible the priest made it illegal to read the Word of God during that time that period of time some of the greatest art Commissioning were pictures and murals of the Bible's matter of fact the Sistine Chapel came at a time when people weren't allowed to read the word from themselves they had to listen to priests and special people who were dubbed by the Catholic Church as worthy to read the Bible and interpret the Bible all of a sudden you had the Sistine Chapel and people went and flocked in pilgrimages and looked up and they saw the entire word played out on the ceiling it wasn't even through a teaching and it was even through direct words just a little while later Martin Luther comes along and Martin Luther believes that each person is have their own relationship to faith so he begins to preach this message and we realized that if you're a part of the church at all you know that the Wittenberg door incident on October 31st where he nails his thesis to this Chapel the Wittenberg Chapel and he says we are justified by our own faith in what we believe in God we are our own priesthood and when he released that message it caused the greatest division but also the greatest Reformation in the church in history now the beautiful thing about this is the printing press had been invented about a hundred years before and every time God has something new to bring forward he released his creative ingenuity and inventions to be able to bring things to their fullness and that time Martin Luther started to to write a Bible in common speech that everybody could read and then he had the printing press invention to release a common version of the Bible to everybody who wanted to read it it went like wildfire it was said that many people would just read the Psalms and street corners and make up songs together these was such a musical culture as a matter of fact literacy went from about one person of society to over 20 percent in two years after the Bible was released can you imagine that in one generation man interprets the scriptures into comment on a printing press is released and the Bible is released in the common language everywhere it can be released this is the kind of thing that brings society forward God is a crater inside of us wants to bring a renaissance to the world around us and there's themes and thoughts that the world itself is not ready for without God bringing it in a creative way popular culture many times is demonized or villainized for what it does but at the same time everybody is a love song everybody has a song they either fell in left or walked on their wedding aisle - everybody has a favorite movie there's a story that impacted your life that you read at some point maybe in school that that changed the way you thought about something we're even issues of racism in different countries like you read books outside of your race genre that all of a sudden gives you a relationship to understand somebody and have compassion or mercy or empathy for something you would have never had before we sack culture whose powerful creative tools not just creativity itself for the sake of artistry but creativity for the sake of revealing the God in His beauty for who he truly is I love that Jesus told stories that very rarely talked about God directly most of them were in direct because he wanted people to get a culture and to actually interpret them for themselves there's many secular thinkers and creativity that I've personally learned from one of his Walt Disney who said if you dream it then you can do it now picture that a person who wasn't even participating directly with God's plan now this is what it's like when you change something in culture through the power of creativity and I loved how he engineered creativity hidden just do normal creativity he brought engineering and architecture into creativity God has way bigger dreams than this and we've seen that in the Bible through Solomon's Temple and through the tabernacle so many things that God had built an Old Testament God as a dreamer and he's a builder and as a creator he created all of this around us and he's put inside he to the creative power to think differently but also to be different it's your time to create with God [Music] a dream that I was looking at my brother he was holding a fedora in his hands it was full of dark oil and he was pouring it onto the ground I was trying hard to read his face but I couldn't see him well enough in this dream the dreamer is being shown something about their brother oil and dreams often refers to anointing the brother has received a unique anointing from another time period this is the Fedora something old that is still in use now however the full extent of his anointing has not yet been revealed which is why the oil is dark there is no light in it yet God is showing the dreamer there is more to his brother than he can currently see this could be a call to prayer for the dreamers brother and the new thing happening in his life [Music] decades of study and thousands of dream interpretations gave John Paul Jackson a unique perspective on understanding dreams God has concealed messages and the dreams we dream and as we search them out we learn more about his ways with the advance dream kit you will begin to understand the twenty categories of Dreams and what God accomplishes through each of them for your gift of $95 or more you will receive the twenty categories of dreams book John Paul six CD set the essentials of dreams and visions the biblical model of dream interpretation three CD set moments with God dream journal and three study cards to help you grow in your interpretation ability order your advanced dream kit today visit dreams of mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five God is a creator his first revealed identity as a creator is so profound in the Bible many times people who are professional creative fields like actors entertainers film television stars artisans are either so celebrated or they become the villains of society there's so much war against a creative identity in society because of what it can do as a matter of fact think about Lucifer God created this angel who is basically one of the architects of creativity in heaven he could have been pictures of worship leader of the creative arts director and he was Lucifer and both Ezekiel 20 and also as a of 14 there's this imagery given about him where he's this magnificent creature that knows how to steward beauty and radiance in a way that no one in history no other angel has steward this way he gets so jealous of God's position and he said gets so arrogant that he puffs himself up and believes that he's on the same level as God now in this he actually falls away from the very love and the beauty that he's been holding on to and he realizes as he was separated from God that he's not the originator of the beauty not only that has no creative ability God is the creator and Satan cannot create anything that's why Sony the creative fields are so Ward against right now because Satan loves to influence creators under destruction because he's so jealous of what God put inside of you as a creator what God put inside of you in his nature he never had the nature of God the way that humanity does and he's so jealous of that nature that he fought for and tried to pretend that he had and it was freely given to you this shows some of the war that we see in film and television shows why there's so much demonic activity in the music industry and so many other industries like video games at the same time these are not demonized mediums these are things that God wants to use the most he wants to use these to forerun culture God is empowering people the same way empowers missionaries to go to the poorest places the earth is empowering creative missionaries who are gonna go into all of these industries and influence places like film and television God is sending us into every place that we can gain influence to make his beauty shot now this is a great picture because so many of us have not participated with some of the creative mediums because we've been afraid of the weakness or the inherent immorality that's been running rampant but we don't want to separate ourselves from it we want to become pioneers and reformers of what's out there right now God made man in his own image he made us creators I remember one time I was in an art studio with that famous child artist she's a prodigy artist one of the most famous artists of our generation her name is a Keanu Kramer and when she was just a little girl 10 and 11 years old I had the privilege to go and hang out with her while she was painting art she wasn't quite discovered on the level she is now and she had had an encounter with God where he had shown her how to paint at a master level but would normally take a 40 year career in art and the highest level talent there is she was demonstrating at 11 and 12 years old even before that when she was 89 years old I watched her as she painted at one point I'm looking at this beautiful painting and it was the outer space and all keanu stand in the middle of it and she has a paintbrush in the picture and it was a self-portrait and she's painting a star I said I can what is this picture about because she was painting that star right when I was watching her and she said I'm a co-creator with God some people think we're supposed to serve God in creation but he's inspired when we co-create with them he's put creative power inside of us that inspires heaven earth to move he wants to give us the ability to make creative choices and decisions that it that Angels look at and marvel at I was so inspired by this because I opened that time I was coming to my art projects and my creativity and I was saying God what do you want me to do and I was I was dependent on direction from God I was reading the Bible and trying to get a word from God or an understanding of what to do next with my creativity and I'm looking at this little girl this prodigy artist who God gave her this gift God gave her this ability and she had more understanding on how to co-create with God than anyone I've ever met I believe that not only are we gonna co-create with God but that the world's gonna look at what we create and they're waiting for our stories to be told they're waiting for our songs to be sung I believe that God's bringing something or commissioning to the church to go into all culture and begin to influence and there's gonna be a great Renaissance and even a Reformation of thinking one of my favorite speakers is Mike Bickle in Kansas City and he shares this phrase that God spoke to him when he first heard God in a really profound way God says I'm gonna change the face of Christianity in one generation I believe this can happen through a renaissance we've seen it happen in other periods of time and it can happen again a reformation of how we believe a rebranding of the love of God through creative medium when God starts to show people what love looks like through popular films he starts to show what the institution of family should look like who's gonna write the love songs that people fall in love to and our generation there's all of these wars of our identity and culture identity personal identity God has answers through the word and through a spirit and he's planted a seed bed and Christianity to be able to be of great voice to answer huge questions in people's hearts now this is a profound thought because God's put inside of us ingenuity science creativity that can change and answer world issues who's gonna make the monuments that people celebrate their breakthroughs as culture to heaven has a culture an artistry and humanity reveals what that cultures like if you're a Christian you are a creator with God we've talked a lot about God creating us in His image as a creator what I love about this creativity is that it's the creative power that not only created the existence of us everything you see here everything you see in front of you God created but also gave us the creative ability of stewardship not just to serve stewardship but to create with God what I love about this is that God said in Genesis 1:26 he spoke and said let us make human beings in our image make them reflecting our nature so that they can be responsible for the everything basically goes through all the things that be responsible for verse 27 God created human beings he created them God like reflecting his nature he created the male and female now this is huge because when he created us he purposely wanted to share his nature with us he created angels and he allowed them to be empowered beings but to serve his creation but he created man to create with him this is important because when God gave Israel their commissioning he gave them the resources but also the ability creatively to do it in a way that no other people group had ever had before there may have ever been in other parts of humanity someone birth with great talent or genius but he gave to Israel the ability to create anything he called them to do I want to read this to you out of Exodus 31 God spoke to Moses and said see what I've done I personally chosen Bazeley o son of your I of the tribe of Judah I filled him with the Spirit of God giving him skill and know-how an expertise in every kind of craft to create designs and works in gold and so if our bronze to cut and set gemstones the carve would he's an all-around craftsman now this is important because God gave him the ability to create the artistry that would hold and contain his beauty God's giving people all over the earth right now artistry that would contain and hold as you're a part of that scenario as you've been interacting with God it may not be through artistry that's painting it may not be movies it may not be television but all of us are entrepreneurial when we're Christians all of us have something inside of us that can make the complicated thing so simple let me read you a quote by Charles Mingus Charles Mingus says creativity is more than just being different anybody can plan we're here that's easy what's hard is to be as simple as Bach making the simple awesomely simple that's creativity as Christians we have the Spirit of God the spirit of revelation of who he is inside of us and we can express that not only by spiritual truth but we actually bring a simplicity to the most complicated things on the earth the world's not just looking for new songs to be written the world's also asking how do we do education differently how do we do politics differently how do we reform the parents or patterns that we have in our family system these are the kinds of things that the world's asking deep questions about right now and the creative power of God that's inside of me and inside of you can actually answer these very questions with the simplicity of a creative God God's principles work no matter what and when we get revelation on how they work today it'll change everything and people will know that God's real because the wisdom is applicable for right now it'll affect everything from the family culture all the way into the government that we live in today as a matter of fact Daniel and Joseph four prototypes of how to influence and they had so much creativity that they even knew how to interpret dreams they were tried and true and they had been tested and they'd also been educated in so many things but they understood the nature of God so much that when he even spoke to pagans or unbelievers they knew that it was God because he could hear his nature in it this means that when they interpreted the dreams they weren't looking at them as evil demonic dreams they were interpreting they looked at him as given from God creativity in a way that God was inspiring somebody that he was trying to get to their hearts and not only did they interpret dreams but it brought simple solutions to whole nations I believe that some of you are gonna get the ability to understand how to cooperate with even interpreting dreams or interpreting revelation that are happening in people's hearts today the world is at a very unique place right now in history there's all kinds of turmoil there's all kinds of conspiracy but you know what there's also all kinds of God it says in Isaiah 9 that Jesus has a government on his shoulder that is never gonna end it's right here and it's only growing that means that with creative power from God we can bring about a different scenario that's reported in popular news media or that politics will currently give us a scenario for right now we have to think higher and see higher because we're accountable to a higher nature the nature inside of us doesn't feel like it's diminishing it will actually feel like to you that it's growing this creative nature of God creates possibility and end possible scenarios it gives people the faith and the courage to take great leaps over gaps that are so huge between what is now and what could be creativity actually comes through the imagination of a human soul Ephesians 3:20 God says I want to do beyond what you hope for imagine but we have to start even imagining what God can do creativity allows you to do that creativity allows you to relate to a people and two types of things that you would never look at without the empathy of creativity and I want to encourage you that if God's given us the gift of creativity that's part of our nature not just a part of our talent system what does that mean for your life how can creativity from the nature of God actually affect the way that you live your life right now maybe there's new streams of income that you could get if you were creative enough to understand what's inside of you maybe there's relationships you would be in or projects that you would start and even finish because the creativity that you're agreeing with in your nature it's not just a gift it's not just the talent it's part of who you are as a person this creativity as Christians realize that it's gonna bring about the next Renaissance that's gonna bring the whole world forward into a whole new scenario just like we've seen it before but this might be the greatest time in history God has planted a creative DNA in every single one of us creativity was gifted to us to use as a glorious weapon a fire power so that God's people could excel to help a world that so desperately needs the creative ideas and solutions of heaven unlock a deeper understanding of creativity with limitless an online course written and presented by charity Bowman Webb this course is designed to help you to understand what the creativity of God is with biblical evidence of its importance and characteristics find your god-given creative DNA then stir and release this within you endless proof that the creativity of the Lord is really important if you believe you were created by God this course is for you to enroll visit dreams and mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five today Sean bolts is an internationally known prophetic voice who has ministered to thousands from royalty to those on the streets Sean aims for the higher goal of loving people relationally not just pursuing the gift or information and he activates you to do the same in the hearing god package you'll receive Sean's book translating God you'll be inspired to learn how to hear God for yourself and others and grow in intimacy with the Lord you also receive Sean's teaching set developing your prophetic process an audio teaching series on six CDs that will give you practical instruction and with keys to heavens economy a book by Sean bolts you'll learn of God's desire to release finances for Kingdom purposes in this hour for your gift of $70 or more you can receive all three of these powerful resources to help you hear God better and communicate his love to a world that needs it visit us at dreams in mysteries.com or call one eight hundred five three eight five two eight five as a Christian we not only are creative but we have the Creator living inside of us that means that we have a portion of genius potential that no one else has I want to encourage you that as you're thinking about creativity God wants to begin to define to you your creative identity there's things that you're called to do that are unique to only you do you have a DNA inside of your God and they have stewardship and of creating and bringing some things to this earth whether it's her family or whether it's through creative talents it doesn't matter God wants to bring something for you that you would manifest that nobody else can manifest that's the beauty of the mystery of creativity is it's not limited to one form or another we're each so uniquely different right now all of humanity is pregnant with thoughts and feelings and they're trying to figure out how do I birth these thoughts these ideas around me in the earth and we're the only ones that where God's authored in us through partnership with him were guaranteed he will finish he doesn't just come as an author he comes as a finisher I love that creativity when you're around creative people when you run people who understand their creative identity it's contagious Albert Einstein even says that creativity is the most contagious force there is we have the ability to produce creatively the resources we need for Jesus to get everything that's his reward I want to encourage you as you're watching this right now to ask God to be the creative power inside of you that will give you new ideas new ingenuity new ways to do everything in life we're gonna pray together in just a moment and when we pray I believe you're going to get revelation on your own creative identity the world around us is looking for someone to define their creative identity and as we define ours it actually breeds around us creativity is completely contagious as you come into your own identity the world around you ends their identity that's the power of Christianity is that we have a leading identity that helps everybody else come into more not less we actually have keys to the kingdom of heaven the this is a creative picture that Jesus gave us keys that we unlock doors which doors are parables or symbols of opportunities to come into something that's greater than we're in right now and you're guaranteed these keys that's how creative you are the world is crying out for fathers and mothers right now they need a father's voice a mother's nurturing voice more now than ever before but as you come into your own creative identity it helps the father and mother culture around you the world is asking huge questions like what does love look like what if you write the love song that teaches them what if some of you who are watching this writes stories and novels or maybe write scripts or movies or maybe you do something in the business genre that has never been done before this is the kind of fathering and mothering that God's gonna bring is gonna resource you with creative power to co-create with him and it's gonna cause new fresh things to happen in the earth that have never happened before I want to pray with you about this creative power of God inside of you this creative nature that he's given you I pray that the genius of the God of all the universe would come alive in you I pray that like Bezalel and only have that everything God needs to get his reward would be created through you I pray that as you watch this that God's creative Spirit would come inside of you and feel you and actually be a tipping point for everything you're dreaming of I pray a fusions 320 over you that God would do exceedingly beyond what you could hope for imagine this is a revelatory Spirit of God who comes and lives inside of us and begins to change our options and our choices and right now as you're watching this I pray that you have creative new choices that would be different than you've ever thought of before I pray to you'd see yourself as a true artisan whether you're creatively talented or not you are a true artisan I'm Sean Bowles thanks for watching another episode of dreams and mysteries [Music]
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 37,457
Rating: 4.8994198 out of 5
Keywords: dreams and mysteries, shawn bolz, Streams Ministries, creativity, create, art, music, culture, Jesus, Christian, Bible, God, Parables
Id: PoLVIHtfzUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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