Signs in the Heavens 'The Sign Of Jonah"

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well guys I bless you and I call you blessed in the mighty name of Jesus Church will you join me in welcoming everybody that's listening on the radio to open-door Church let's go ahead and do that boom yay hallelujah man I bless everybody's listening on pin fo radio network although our friends up in New York call you guys blessed thank y'all for putting up with my hillbilly accent everybody that's listening in the Pacific Northwest everybody does in Ohio all of our friends in Florida our friends in Atlanta Georgia our friends out in the desert part of California and desert palm springs guys we welcome you to Texas and we call you blessed in Jesus name as I'm going to be I'm gonna be preaching a special message today that has to do with the timing of the day that you and I live in today I'm gonna be talking specifically about signs in the heavens but just in case you're not up to current events let me direct your attention to a video let's go ahead guys let's watch this video mark your calendar for Monday August 21st that's when a total solar eclipse will grace the sky August 21st the great American Eclipse first total solar eclipse in recent memory [Music] [Music] starting in Oregon and ending in South Carolina it'll be the first total solar eclipse in 99 years to cross the lower 48 states from coast to coast we know that 14 states are going to be in the direct path of the total eclipse now across the country that is a lot of land to cover and what we understand is it represents about 200 million people that are within one day's drive of getting to within the direct path while most every American will see this eclipse only a small area will see it entirely 32,000 people call Hopkinsville home but come August a hundred thousand people will travel to Eclipse Ville for a once-in-a-lifetime experience daytime darkness is coming for the first time in 99 years a total eclipse will cost coast-to-coast it'll run right over this town and they've even painted a line to show its exact path the Eclipse will raise from Oregon to South Carolina at about 1500 miles per hour covering a swath roughly 70 miles wide day will turn into night and the temperatures will drop as much as 25 degrees [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody say wow well it is well it's something that you can't ignore it's something that you can't deny it's something that's got all of America's attention and it's something guys that we need to pay attention to as the body of Christ guys look man we need to be watchful and to be watchful means to pay attention to Kingdom things amen now guys what I'm about to get into I'm gonna have to rattle through quickly and I want to apologize for everybody that's gonna try and take notes you will not be able to keep up with me I dare you to try though it's gonna be fun you just trying and I love it but that's okay what's real is you'll be able to today by 2 o'clock this message will be on my facebook and you'll be able to not only not not only be able to share it and view it slowly but you can also download all of my notes I'm gonna put all my sermon notes up today on open door experience calm okay all right right on so I want to start off and just tell you that there's no such thing as a kingdom people that are not a prophetic people and that right there just that smacks the face of religious people right they're like whoa what do you mean we got to be prophetic yeah man if you are a kingdom person you're looking for his kingdom to come and if you're looking for the kingdom then you're looking for the king to have Dominion and there's no greater place than the king having Dominion is when Jesus Christ comes back in rules and reigns from downtown daggum Jerusalem amen well everything about the kingdom is about our Blessed hope and guys we can't be looking at the return of the Lord Jesus well that's some fanciful idea it's time the sky yeah that's what everybody did about Israel becoming a nation amen for 2,000 years all right God doesn't really expect us to believe that Jews was somehow miraculously gathered from all over the planet Earth and gather gather you back in the quote-unquote promised land I mean come on let's be reasonable that's not going to happen it happens just like Jesus said that it would happen and just exactly like that Jesus was promising for 4000 years the first time that he was going to show up and now he's been promising for 2,000 years the second time he's going to show up there were 1948 years from Adam to Abraham and there was 1948 years from the Messiah to the rebirth of Jerusalem 19:48 there's a clock and the clock is real and god almighty is the same the same author of the Bible is the same author of the heavens so guys we're supposed to be looking at the return of the Lord Jesus and in Titus chapter 2 verse 13 he brother Paul calls that Our Blessed hope the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ now guys we know that Jesus himself said that the most important of all the commandments are the 613 Old Testament laws the most important one comes from Deuteronomy chapter four and five I'm sorry chapter six verse four and five where it says that you should love the Lord God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind that means you're supposed to be a drop dead so doubt Jesus Freak amen and I like that now I really really like that but we always missed the first part of that the first part of that commandment is a commandment towards prophetic hearing hear o Israel the Lord our God is one let me tell you people who are madly in love with the Lord Jesus Christ are people who are fervent about prophetic things the glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 a famous scripture that you very well might recognize behold I'll do a new thing shout and now it shall spring forth shall you not know it shall you not know it as a command towards prophetic revelation and the reason why he says you better catch this is because religion always always always makes a big deal out of how God used to do things but they never recognize what God is doing now and I want to tell you guys there is a revival that is coming to the United States and it's not going to look like the last revival and because of that there's going to be a big part of the body of Christ that's actually going to oppose it they're going to say well we don't recognize this we only recognize how God used to move behold I do a new thing shall you not know it well brother Moses said that he wished that all the Lord's people were prophets and that God would put their spirit upon them that's numbers 11 verse 29 but then now that that prophecy or that prayer was actually fulfilled at the feast of Pentecost 50 days after Jesus Christ resurrected I I have to I have to throw this out there to you and I have to tell you this that joelle the Prophet joelle had spoken about it and then and Peter stood up said this is that and anytime you have this as that scripture if that's a big deal it means a revelation or it means an unveiling and he says this is that which was spoken but the prophet Joe Al and in the last days it shall be God declares that will pour out all my spirit upon all flesh everybody say all flesh and then it goes on to say your sons and your daughters your young men your old men poor people rich people everybody all people well that's exactly what Moses prayed for I pray that all the Lord's people would be prophets and that God would pour his spirit out upon all people well that's been going on now for 2,000 years let he that hath an ear hear what the spear of the Lord is saying let people with the prophetic ability hear what the voice of god almighty is listen you have to have a prophetic culture if you're going to have a prophetic people and we need to celebrate prophetic things we need to make a big deal out of it well the Apostle Paul indicated that the gift of prophecy was for every single believer 1st Corinthians chapter 14 he says you can all prophesy one by one well gee how else can we spell it out well that's not New Testament no that is New Testament that actually is the New Testament well he also says to you that we should earnestly desire to prophesy and that's in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 39 and my friends today I earnestly desire to prophesy but not because I'm a prophet but because of the resurrection power the Lord Jesus Christ that is within me amen and also to because of the spirit of prophecy that is being poured out upon all Kingdom people in all believers during this day so I do earnestly desire to do that now whenever we start talking about prophetic things one of the things that people don't understand because the church most of the church actually despises prophecy and I'm very sorry for that but I want to say this that a lot a lot of people just don't understand how prophetic things work I said well you know that there's only one word yes there is only one word I promise you my friends that is true but there's a myriad of voices that carry the word see God doesn't have to have a church environment he doesn't have to have a steeple in order to prophesy he doesn't have to have a pulpit sometimes his pulpit is a movie and you can be sitting there watching I'm talk about an ungodly movie you can be watching a movie that you think doesn't have anything to the kingdom and then BOOM all the sudden there's a principle in the movie and it shakes you to the very core and god almighty says the kingdom of heaven is just like that just like Jesus went around doing pointing at things in the natural and given a supernatural word of authority through common things and every in everyday life well that's going on around you every single day the Bible says in Romans chapter 1 for the invisible things of whom the things that you can't see even his eternal Godhead even his eternal glory it says are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made God Almighty is declaring profound and incredible revelation through the things that are going on around you but you have to be a seeker well guys there is an internationally-recognized an undisputable way that God speaks prophetically and it's through astrological events otherwise known as signs in the heavens the Bible declares in Psalms 19 that the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork and day in the day at utter speech not a night it shows its knowledge and there is no speech nor language where the it's voice is not her God says there's not a people group that God doesn't show signs from the heavens - Wow so one of the main reasons that God Almighty actually created the Sun and the moon and stars according to Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 says God says let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and seasons and days and for years signs are prophetic markers seasons are prophetic appointments the actual Hebrew word guys that we translate here a season doesn't mean you know summer and fall it actually means prophetic appointment it's mo Adeem God God saying okay I'm going to do a new thing during this new season and you need to know that the Bible says that the tribe of Issachar had a supernatural understanding to understand the times and King David always referred to those guys will just exactly like that guys if our clock is out of sync with heaven and if we're moving with the times according to the world and not according to heaven we're going to be just exactly like Jerusalem was 2,000 years ago when Jesus stood on the Mount of Olives and he wept and he said Jerusalem ruslan jerusalem have wanted to save you I wanted to help you but you missed your day of visitation you didn't have a clue what day you were living in and I put a clock out there to show you I sent my prophets to you and you killed the prophets I want to tell you guys we need to not be guilty of that the sign of the Eclipse is actually an astronomical miracle and we think that eclipses happen all over the universe they don't it can only happen here that do we know of why is that because God Almighty built the heavens from our perspective and from our perspective the Sun and the moon look like they're exactly the same size exactly the same size the Sun is exactly 400 times bigger than the moon and it's exactly 400 times further away from us so from our perspective the two come together and they meet in the sky and the july/august issue of Discover Magazine it says this earth is the only place in the universe where that happens now you see this number 400 guys did you guys catch that in the Hebrew alphabet guys there's 22 Hebrew letters and now all you guys well I don't know much about know Hebrew I'm you know I'm from Johnson County well so am i I am too y'all I'm I'm a sixth generation Texan and I'm a bacon eater hallelujah sure I am but I also want to throw this out there to you man I have a great respect for Israeli things because Israeli things are Kingdom things and if you think you can be a Jesus Freak in a Jew hater you're high you're on crack is what you are and you got a rude awakening coming to you amen listen we need to surrender to the king into the kingdom why because we are not residents of Texas trying to get to heaven we are residents of heaven that's passing through Texas amen well there's 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and every Hebrew letter has a sound just like our letters except for theirs has two additional meetings it has a symbol and it also has a numerical value just like the Roman numerals have a numerical value right these the Hebrew letters actually have a numerical value so I want to show you guys this is a letter table I can see Grover coming up here and trying to teach us Hebrew table okay I don't know why I thought of that but Tov makes a tea sound right and the symbol of a Tov is signs and wonders all right the symbol of it means signs and wonders and the numerical value is 400 the Sun is 400 times bigger than the moon is 400 times further away like that seems to line up it does because the author of the Hebrew language and the author of the heavens is the same and it means a sign in a wonder hallelujah jesus said in Luke chapter 21 verse 25 that there should be signs and the Sun and the moon and the stars so guess what's going to happen right before Jesus comes back there will be signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the stars and now Jesus says this also - now when you see these things begin to happen look up lift up your heads because your redemption draws near Jesus is coming back soon guess in the 2,000 year history of the church and a lifetime of any Christians breathing or not there has never been a time when God has spoken so much and declared so great a things from heaven as he is right now it's never happened like this before the unprecedented precision of the scriptures and the heavens converge right now the scriptures and the heavens are converging right now and that's happening right now so well that's always happened nope now like this never ever ever happened like this before it is a it is mind-blowing and if you have an ear to hear it an eye to see and if you're excited about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ yeah you're gonna you're gonna be blown away at this so let me cut to the chase and tell you that within the next 34 days there are two amazing signs in the heavens the first one is going to happen tomorrow and we're calling that the sign of Jonah the Prophet and it's known as the Great American Eclipse and that happens on August the 21st 2017 right on is there anybody in here that's planning on flying out of town or going somewhere it's something that you can go see it somewhere because most people already gone man I was on ha way the other day and I'm telling a highway north from here man it was like you know Elvis's wedding reception I was like gosh I'm Marty where are all these people going and he just got by now they're all they're all heading up north everybody's trying to go see the Eclipse okay well there's another one that's going to happen on the 23rd of September and this one is called the sign of the Son of Man that is going to be presented in the heavens and this known as the convergence of the Sun the Moon and Jupiter in the constellation Virgo on September the 23rd during the Feast of Trumpets and the first day of the new Jewish year which is five seven seven eight oh okay now I want to direct your attention to Revelation chapter 12 if you want to know what all this is I want to just show you what Revelation chapter 12 says it says now a great wonder appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet and upon her head was a garland of twelve stars then her being with child she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth any time in the Bible you see anything has do with birth pangs we're talking about the return of the Lord Jesus okay so it's it's it's prophetic speech anytime you see birth pangs and how they get closer and closer and closer together guys we're actually talking about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ listen you need to know your Bible and you need to get into it and you need to read the word amen you don't just need to know every character up on the Game of Thrones right you need to know the Word of God and you need to know what the Word of God says amen and we need to know those things or else we'll be out of sync and we'll miss our day of visitation we might be a bride but we may be as one unprepared and we get left out when the door is shut let's not be that Amen okay now it says a great wonder in heaven appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun moon under feet the owner he had a Garland twelve stars in her being with child she cried out and labor and pain to give birth okay and then in verse five it says she gives the baby and the baby is caught up okay so well the word rapture is not in the Bible in Hebrew it is the word rapture I'm sorry in Greek it is it is the word rapture in the Latin Vulgate it actually says wrapped so it's like okay so verse five is the rapture of the church now the woman is actually Israel now let me go guys I want to show you this in the heavens this is what actually is going to be taking place in the heavens this is a picture of Virgo okay September 23rd and guys this if you guys know that I'm a big-time star nerd right everybody say yay for nerds hallelujah okay so so so what happens is for the first time in human history Virgo the virgin is giving birth she's giving birth to Jupiter which is the King star right it's a plan and I know that but the word planet means wandering star the word planet actually means wandering star that's what it means and Jupiter is the King planet she's given birth to a king she's clothed with the Sun the feet at her feet is the moon and now are you ready for this above her head is the typical nine stars of Leo and we know that Leo is the line of the tribe of Judah amen it's Jesus Christ coming back but you're like no women guys the Bible says that there would be 12 stars and this is why everybody has always said that the sign of the sign of the son of man can never be Virgo the virgin because above her head is never 12 stars above her head is only nine stars except for on the 23rd all the planets in the solar system line up and above her head is also mercury Mars and Venus and now there's 12 above her head Wow now guys I want to I want to throw this out there to you and I want to tell you first Corinthians chapter 15 is talks about it talks about three different events it talks about things happening right before the rapture of the church it talks about the rapture of the church then it talks about Jesus coming back and all of that is in first Corinthians 15 thien's chapter 15 and you need to read that but guys let me show you this just a little bit behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed at the trumpet hey by the way that's the Feast of Trumpets at the last Trump up there it is again the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and then we shall be changed listen guys your spirit is 100% saved if you listen if you are in covenant with the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ by faith that means this your spirit is as saved as it can ever be it can't be any more saved your mind is in the process of being saved and some your glorious body will be saved right now it's still full of corruption right so what's real is you will be changed and listen if Jesus did it in the spirit and if he's doing it in your mind the promises he will also do this with your body and I love that hallelujah listen guys what's real is at the at the rapture of the church the reason why we ascend into heaven is because we are the body of Christ Jesus as Christ the head ascended and soon after him his body also sins we are his body amen so it says this then are you ready for this verse 30 then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the heavens okay I want to stop let's just talk about what is the sign of the Son of Man the sign of the Son of Man is according to the Book of Isaiah behold a virgin shall conceive and she shall have a child and his name will be Emmanuel God is with us okay let me go back to let me go back to the photograph that I have I should say the graphic that I have of what's gonna be happening on the 23rd the sign of the son of heavens the sign of the Son of Man is a virgin given birth the sign of the Son of man in the heavens has to happen before Jesus comes back a virgin is giving birth during your lifetime on September 12th and her feet is on the moon her body has a son on her and there are 12 stars above her head that is the sign of the Son of Man that has been prophesied in the Bible for thousands of years and it's happening on September the 23rd which is the Feast of Trumpets Wow all the way I wanted to say this guys when all this happens whenever the rapture Church happens you know the time the Gentiles is over with and it all goes back to the time of Israel again okay so do you guys remember Revelation chapter 12 it says behold I saw I wonder in heaven a woman everybody say Wonder Woman okay guys I want to show you a picture of this movie that came out this last year oh look her time has come do you know that the lady who played Wonder Woman is Israeli do you know that she was Miss Israel she is later a literally a picture of Israel did you know she was pregnant the whole time she was filming the movie ah but I'm not gonna preach on that the next one by the way if you're like I need to hear more about that then you need to come to the looking up conference which is right before that sign I think it's the 18th is that correct the 18th and I got great news for you listen these are always ticketed events and it's how we raise money to save girls out of sexual trafficking all over the world all right but I want to I want to tell you this it's still going to be a ticketed event but we're going to do something totally unprecedented if you guys come back to church here next Sunday I'm going to give away two free tickets to the looking up conference to every single family yep yep okay so let's talk about the sign of Jonah I only have a few minutes to rattle through this and we're gonna have to do this quickly quickly quickly and this is how this works everybody knows the story of Jonah and we know that the Assyrians are repented whenever Jonah went to Nineveh correct we're all aware of that but what we don't know is why why did the Assyrians repent it's like it'd be kind of like you know if I if I let's just say we pull somebody out of crowd we send you over to North Korea and Kim Jong whatever his name is says okay we're gonna repent like that's not very likely for that to happen well it wasn't very likely for for a single Jew to show up in in a Syrian city that was called Nineveh and say repent and they go okay and they did well what happened is guys we found these tablets about a hundred years ago and I got a picture of these tablets here these these Assyrian tablets were actually found and it gives it gives this historical account of everything that happened right before Jonah walked in there okay so here's what happened in 76 BC a plague broke out in Nineveh and it was a terrible plague and then right after that a civil war broke out and then right after the Civil War broke out there was another plague that actually took place and then a total solar eclipse took place about a month before Jonah walked in now guys we know about this eclipse and I'm gonna show you a nasa shot this is an Ashes this is a nasa shot of the bursts a gal eclipses that happen in 763 BC let me show this to you there goes thank you okay that that is a NASA shot of a very famous eclipse that happened at the time of Jonah and it tells it shows exactly the path as it traveled across the Middle East guys do you see that town right there that's called Mosul how many guys have heard of Mosul in the news this year America is fighting over Mosul right okay I want to show you a picture of downtown Mosul real quick this is Google Earth and once you two look at what's in downtown Mosul Nineveh God God has been bringing America's attention to Nineveh this year and most of us don't even know it because Mosul is Nineveh all right well what happened whenever whenever he shows up he shows up and he says you guys got 40 days to repent he shows up on a day on the first day of a month that's called a lull okay in the Hebrew calendar a law the month of a law is the month of repentance and on the 1st of Elul is when is when he showed up and he said repent and forty days after that is Yom Kippur which is the day of judgment when the judgment is sealed and the blood is applied okay it's also known yeah the day the day of atonement right so that's that is Yom Kippur forty days after that okay so I want you guys to keep all that in mind and by the way the first of the law has always been important first of the law is the day that Moses went up to the top of the mountain and he gets up there and he's up there for forty days and then he comes down and he proclaims her penance or he declares that the blood has been a the blood has been applied because of the repentance over the whole golden calf thing right the first of the law was the day guys that Jesus got baptized and then he spent 40 days in the wilderness right so fort so these 40 days that that begin at the first of Elul is a time of testing a time of fasting a time of getting serious with God okay guys I want to show you this this is another one - I'm going to show you another another eclipse that came across Europe in 1914 1914 this is a world famous a world famous eclipse is called the world war one eclipse now World War one started on August the 1st of 1914 which is the 9th of off and if you guys know anything about the 9th evolved that's the day that bad things happen okay it is their 11th month and their ninth day it's dare 9/11 okay that's a whole nother that's a whole nother gig all right so so on the ninth of of on August the 21st of 1914 a solar eclipse came across Europe at exactly where the destruction of World War one would take place and then it went over the Ottoman Empire and then it went out and after that we never saw the Ottoman Empire anymore and rightfully so because the Muslims who ran the Ottoman Empire rounded up and systematically can killed every Christian that was a man a woman or a child and they wiped him out well after that famous Eclipse happen you know we didn't see him anymore well I want you to look right there at the very top of Iraq that's where Mosul is that's also where Nineveh is the last time that there was a major eclipse over Nineveh was on August the 21st the first day of the law which was 1914 and it marked to the world that there would be a world war tomorrow is August the 21st and it is the first day of Elul and we are having something here called the great American Eclipse on the same exact days now guys I want to throw this out there and I want to just I have to throw this out there to you and tell you that Jesus Christ said that there will be no that that the that the sign of Jonah the Prophet will be given to people and they said okay well I know what that is that is that is a full-blown eclipse now we know in the kingdom that it meant the resurrection right the three days of the resident in the resurrection but the Sadducees and the Pharisees and people who couldn't see they couldn't see that but they could see the full solar eclipse that happened on the day of the Passover Feast as Jesus Christ hung on the cross the Sun went dark and they went ah Jonah he said that surely this was the Son of God and Jesus with his dying breath said don't call me Shirley I'm you're sure he didn't say that I'm sorry this is the great American Eclipse the reason why this is the sign of Jonah over America and this is the word to America is because this eclipse only happens in America it doesn't touch any other nation but the United States now guys we the last time that we had a real big eclipse was a hundred years ago was actually 99 years ago it was in it was in 1918 but the last time that we had a full billing a full-blown eclipse that only touched America was in the year 1776 that's the year that we became a nation right so this is an American word and it is the word and it falls on the first day of Elul it falls on exactly August the 21st and the first day and also on the first day of Elul which is the last time that there was a full-blown eclipse over Nineveh and god almighty is screaming to America and this is the word repent that is the word repent normal Church is over religious church is over repent and I wanted to tell you this guys I don't think I don't think so much that he's speaking so much to the United States as much as he is to those who are in covenant with him because the very first place that the solar eclipse happens at the first big city that it hits is Salem it used to be called Jerusalem but they changed the name from Jerusalem to Salem because it offended too many people okay at the same exact time at 10:15 a.m. as America is going dark that 7:15 p.m. in Israel Israel's going dark that's the same time as their sunset wow that's a big time while to me my friends I'm gonna throw this out there and I'm gonna show you this it takes it takes an hour and 33 minutes for this thing to go all the way across it takes an hour and 33 minutes as that is a word for us for us to become unified why because the song of a sense that is Psalms chapter 133 behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity the God Almighty has commanded a blessing life forevermore right there that's exactly where all of that is I'm also going to just just throw this out there to you and I want you to catch all this there are 33 days from the solar eclipse to Revelation chapter 12 you guys can come on up here it's okay there are 33 days from revelation from the solar eclipse to Revelation chapter 12 event that's going to happen within within the heavens it happens across Oregon in Oregon is the 33rd state it happens at 33 degrees north and then an exit Charlotte at the 33rd parallel there are 33 days from the revelation chapter 12 sign to November the second which is the proclamation of Belfour which said that Israel would become a nation I can also tell you that August the 21st is the 230 third day of the year guys not only the word what the word 33 is all over it what is the word numbered so what is the number 33 mean it literally means judgment and later it means 30 Jesus was 33 years old whenever he judged sin and death at the cross Isaiah 33 oh my gosh that's all about the judgment of God if you look up the term judgment seat it's in the Bible 33 times but 33 is not only a word of judgment it's also a word of promise the 33rd time that the word Noah shows up in the Bible is Genesis chapter 9 whenever God promises I will not destroy all the earth any more but I'm going to put my bow in the clouds amen the 33rd time that the 33rd time that the word Abraham shows up is Genesis chapter 21 when the child of promise is born and aren't you ready for this he's 99 years old which is 33 times 3 and by the way guys it's been 99 years since the last solar eclipse that's 33 times 3 and by the way it's 99 days from September 23rd until December 31st and then there's a new year and that is 33 times 33 33 times 3 this this clock is real and let he that hath an ear hear what the Spirit is saying I believe that what God is saying is that judgment is coming to those who hate me and promises are coming to those who love me promises are coming to those who are in covenant with me and guys I want to I want to just throw this out there to you and I want to show you this seven years from now there's going to be another eclipse and I want to show you what the United States looks like seven years from now this is the other Eclipse that's going to happen and it's going to happen on April the 8th of 2024 I want to show a picture of the United States with the crisscross of across it okay there it is so you can see this even though we haven't had this happening on past 99 years it's going to happen again seven years from now that is a very prophetic number guys it's going to come right across the dallas-fort Worth Metroplex you're gonna get a front row seat and it Criss crosses at a place well at at st. Louis Missouri which is the gateway city and there's a whole sermon in that hallelujah but you also need to know that that area there that of southern Louisiana of southern Illinois is actually called little Egypt and it's targeted right there now I talked about that for a long time the reason why they call it little Egypt is because another because the northern part of Illinois was for slavery and the southern part of Illinois was against was actually for slavery the northern part of the of Illinois was against slavery there was a huge famine that happened in a North part called the great snow and they all had to go get their grain from the southern part of Illinois and again they called it little Egypt the most southern town in Illinois is called Cairo and that's where it crosses let me tell you what let me tell you that God is targeting God is listen anytime you see Egypt we're talking about the hardness of men's hearts Pharoah okay and he's targeting what does that mean guys an ex in Greek is Christos there's a revival that's coming to the United States there's a revival that is coming guys I I wanna I have to tell you this and you have to know this my friends the last time we had this we went into World War you say we're going to world war no I'm not saying that I'm also saying this to guys that the last time that we had this in 1918 was the day that we got the news that we had lost 5,000 people in battle it was the day that America got the news that we had just had 5,000 people killed and it was a terrible day for us like well where is the good news than that man the good news is this within the midst of all this word of judgment there's also word of promise and the word of promise is this get with God's program and watch him bless you get with God's program humble yourself and come before the king and watch him that's it Jesus is coming back Jesus is coming back soon but before he comes back guys there is going to be an incredible revival that's going to take place in the United States because I want to show you a picture if you if you if you take that down from 70 miles and take that down to one mile this is what it looks like it crosses at a place called Cedar Lake the to cross and if you go to Google Earth and you pinpoint to the foot where they cross boom let me show you this it's a road called Salem that's the road you need to get on right there guys that is the road that is the road where the Prince of Peace Jerusalem rights rules and reigns over our life that's the road that is the road we all need to get on what does that mean Jesus is the way he's the truth and he's the life amen [Applause] so I want to ask you guys stand up if you would [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 7,809
Rating: 4.9469028 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer
Id: mOyj4ixkhiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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