The Gospel of Peace

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one of the first things that will learn about peace the Shalom of God is that it is a verb and not a noun it's a verb and not a noun meaning it's action just a deeper understanding a piece that you're going to learn will radically alter your perspective of what peace means in our life and why we need to live a life filled with it what is the gospel of the preparation of peace notice it says and having your shot your feet shod or having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace preparation preparation so what is the gospel of preparation of peace this kind of preparation comes only from the knowing of the gospel just the knowing of gospel brings peace but it's more than brings peace we'll find out again there are two aspects to the shoes that we wear the souls that keep us going as we Traverse hard and rocky ground the soles which allow us to offer something of great value to the souls we're about to meet two issues the value we're able to offer soul the soul and the soul and the value of having our body protected against the very jagged stones that might hurt or cut our feet as a prophet Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 26:3 you will keep him in perfect peace Shalom perfect Shalom whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you so question how do you keep your mind at peace and how do you trust in God how does all that work well one reading the Bible keeps our mind focused on God's ways that's why consistent reading and studying of the Bible is important but there is a Hebrew understanding of peace Shalom and that the Greek has it as well but it's not clearly as distinguished in the Greek as it is in Hebrew though it is distinguished and that is Isaiah 52 7 how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news who proclaims peace who brings glad tidings of good things who proclaim salvation he says to Zion your God reigns now who would like to tell me what that verse means I'll tell you Roth about you're wrong so any volunteers that many volunteers huh I love this the Hebrew word for peace or Shalom means more than peace it literally means to destroy the anarchy around you that brings anxiety and the result is peace so it is a verb leading to the noun like peace peace true peace destroys the anarchy that leads to your anxiety it is the enemy's ploy to keep you upset to keep you uptight to keep you from having peace the result is peace Shalom is not the result Shalom is the process that leads to the result so therefore when Isaiah is saying how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news who proclaims peace the good news is this what Jesus did allows us to destroy the anarchy around us and the result is peace what Jesus did allowed the anarchy to be destroyed around us this anarchy that brings anxiety the good news is that Jesus made a way or that the anarchy that produces anxiety that is around you what the enemy wants to do to you can be destroyed and as a ecause that gift beautiful and therefore like Abraham everywhere your feet trod God's given to you because everywhere your feet trod you should bring peace the presence of God in you should bring peace and our key should be dis shoveled this integrated anxiety then would be removed and peace would be the result you see it's anarchy and chaos of darkness that brings about anxiety simply said Shalom me Shalom means May the dark circumstances around you be destroyed thus when we arrive via our feet we destroyed darkness just by our presence being there if you can grasp this everything in your life will change everything your business your job your marriage your parenting everything will change peace is the good news peace is good news to the one who lives in anxiety even the earth cries out for it the Greek Paul captures the Hebrew meaning of peace as he writes not only the the passage in Ephesians 6 but also he writes to the church in Rome in Romans 10:15 and how shall they preach unless they are sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace to bring glad tidings he quotes Isaiah he says in essence that the Messiah Jesus has now made provision for peace to come or better said for the destruction of darkness that brings anxiety in your life to be destroyed Paul is indicating that we are to walk in such a manner that that allows us to have all the distractions to the gospel removed which results in our peace see number one on page 180 degree qward for peace a rain a means quietness by removing that which seeks to distract and destroy you when you remove that which distracts and destroys you can have quiet Nisour when you read in the Hebrew Shalom if you remove the I&R key around you then it will lead to peace instead of anxiety same same principle both the Greek and Hebrew but we somehow I'm just gone straight to the word peace as we go peace brother and you have no clue what you just said see I think when we have a clue what we say then we have fruit in what we say when we have a clue what we say if I understand that when I come up to you and I'm saying peace I'm literally saying may the anarchy and chaos around you be broken and may anxiety leave and the result is peace or quietness of spirit that's what I'm saying to you that we're going to see that makes a big difference going to make a big big difference in how you live your life and how you interact with others what do you depend on the most your strength your money your position what if it suddenly disappeared the constant ebb and flow of failure we'll keep you from your purpose but learn how God wants to transform your fear into the type of faith from which valiant champions are made in how God kills fear a new DVD from John Paul Jackson so Paul writes Paul writes that we are to bring peace to others Romans 12:18 it is possible as much as depends on you if it's possible as much as depends on you live peaceably with all men meaning as much as you have the ability destroy anarchy and chaos and darkness that leads to anxiety you are to be blessed are the peacemakers remember the Beatitudes we talked about them of the unit prior external living blessed are the peacemakers however blessed are those who destroy anxiety and everyone they meet moreover Luke a doctor also captured this when he repeats what Jesus said in Luke 179 he said that Jesus came to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace why guide our way and our feet our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace what is the preparation then the preparation is the knowledge that when you come into a room anxiety has to leave because he who is in you is greater than the anxiety in the room but we don't really realize that yet that's why I'm doing this class when we walk into a room we have the capability the promise from God that we can mature to the level where that we destroy the anxiety the anarchy the chaos in the room why because greater is He that's in me than the chaos and anarchy and anxiety in this room and if I loose him in me and I loose me in him it will happen it will happen but it won't if you don't believe it so this is going to require a whole different type of thinking that we currently we think but it will it would change your family it will change your business everything changes everything will change you can walk into a board meeting and peace be still peace be still so as the light of the world when it when it we come into a room we are to remove darkness that distracts and bring quietness of spirit what did Jesus mean when he said he did not come to bring peace but a sword then what did he mean Matthew 10:34 think not that I've come into the world to send peace on the earth I came not to send peace but a sword you might say well that's the opposite of what you were saying no not really if you dissect what it says the greek word for sword means judicial variance or to differentiate between what is coming and what now exists to differentiate between what is coming and what now exists I've come to make a clear distinction between what's coming and what now exists Jesus was saying that he had come to distinguish between what would in anarchy and what would continue anarchy he was saying that he knew some would love darkness or an anarchy and some would choose to love light God and the end of anarchy some make a living off of anarchy and they don't want in our key to leave because they make a living off of anarchy why did God choose us why did God choose to use our feet shod with the gospel to illustrate the armor of God why not a helmet or a piece well we just mentioned that earlier your feet touch the earth so the earth receives your ability to remove chaos and Anarchy from int Romans 8 it has suffered in a subject to futility it groans for the manifestation of the of the sons of God that means sons of God will have peace and when they come the earth will finally have peace utility will in the anarchy and the earth will be gone in Arceus what causes tectonic plates to shift in Arceus what causes magma to come in volcanic waves and our key is what causes jet streams to move in Arceus what causes it is the anarchy of a world not subject to God not submitted to God but submitted to the god of this world we bring a means of shifting the atmosphere from anarchy to peace ass purchase shoe is actually something we wear to aid our movement it protects our soul as we travel rough terrain the spiritual sense use a piece protect us from that which would hurt our walk it is the gospel of the Word of God that provides that comfort we are to give light to those that sit in darkness the peace as we bring peace to them therefore able to give that which is inside us without being distracted by the personal circumstances we're currently walking through we can be going through a difficult time and still bring peace to others and still be walking in peace the gospel of peace Word of God is the material from which these shoes are made thus to have peace and bring peace you must understand and have faith in the Word of God you cannot have peace if you do not know the Word of God because you don't know what to base your peace upon forgiveness destroys the anarchy that attacks us then to not forgive is to allow the anarchy to continue in our lives unforgiveness is Satan's desire to keep Anarchy going forgiveness destroys anarchy and brings peace to your soul you'll never have peace do you forgive your living constant anxiety until you forgive the gospel takes hopelessness and brings and I'm sorry the gospel takes a hopeless being and fills him or her with the hope for everlasting glory in heaven and a better life here am i dad with this insight we could have a more complete view of the importance of peace and its role in spiritual warfare you see spiritual warfare is bringing peace where the dark powers of darkness are trying to bring anarchy it's in people's lives therefore when Paul writes in Romans 16:20 and the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet the God of peace will crush him under your what does he say how does peace crush Satan's head it has to be on your feet to crush Satan's head under your feet and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with you I'm in Sao Paulo saying God has provided means of ending anarchy all around us and deliver a crushing blow to Satan's empire his head your fever crush has had meaning the thought processes that come against you what does a head mean where do your thoughts come from your head so if you crush Satan's head what it means is the people who have thoughts against you you can crush their thoughts simply by bringing peace into the environment you have the ability to stop they're thinking about you saying about you by bringing your peace into their environment that's what it says right here they got a peaceful crush Satan under your feet the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you so he's provided that means so Paul writes in first Corinthians 14:33 for God is not the author of confusion but a peace now isn't that interesting the Greek word for confusion literally means to molt or anarchy God is not the author of tumult and anarchy he's the author of peace what does that mean he's not the author of tumult in our key he is the author of that which destroys tumult and anarchy the enemy is the author of tumult on anarchy so these elements are not from God we should look to another solution or another direction and peace the destruction of tumult will take place when we find God's solution peace will destroy the anxiety of the moment so the Apostle John writes this peace I leave with you this is Jesus peace I leave with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives to you do I give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid or fearful okay so let's get this let's say it kind of been an amplified way the ability to tear down anarchy and anxiety I leave with you my ability to tear down n our key and anxiety I give to you not not as the world gives you the world says this is peace I take it that's not peace what I'm giving to you is peace let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid what is saying is if you understand I'm going to give you the ability to remove Anarchy when you walk into a room or into a meeting I'm giving you the ability now you're not there yet you have to grow in it you're gonna have to work through it you have to grain relationship game authority but when you walk into that room at a mature state peace will enter and God's will will be done here's the challenge before you win anyone in your church prays for somebody to be healed you do not have an option just to sit and watch healings and measures of faith a new DVD by John Oh watch as he explains the biblical principles of healing faith and teaches you how to build your faith to a humble that allows the miraculous to take place in your life as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith we focus on the heavens sometimes and don't understand the earth earthly Authority earthly presence earthly responsibilities we need to fulfill those so Jesus is saying the peace the world gives does not destroy tumult the peace the world gives will not destroy anarchy therefore the peace the world gives cannot bring true peace but there is a peace that he will bring that does destroy the works of the evil one Luke picks up on what Jesus said and writes even more in Luke 10 verses 5 and 6 but whoever's house you enter first say peace to this house and if a son of peace is there your peace will rest on it and if not your peace will return to you whoa every time I walk into somebody's house I should say let the anarchy and tumult chaos be gone peace that's what you're saying and if a son of peace is there meaning someone who is born understands that peace the power of agreement your peace their peace will solidify the peace in that house and if they do not have that understanding at peace when you leave your peace will go with you in other words they may not have peace I walk in a peace is there but if they do not agree with me or know what that peace me means when I leave peace goes with me and anarchy returns to that house what was Jesus called I'll give you I give you Prince of Peace so what does that literally mean the one who has the greatest ability to bring an end to anxiety an end to anxiety tumult chaos and anarchy he has entered you you have the ability through him to exercise what the Prince of Peace came to do everywhere believing in him ends that but until you know that and even more until you believe that you can believe in him and not allow nr key to be taken away or tumult to be broken down or in anxiety to come and therefore we as a nation by supertankers full of Prozac and other antidepressants Herbert says anxiety in the heart causes depression now that may result in chemical imbalances but it begins begins with anxiety in the heart and you can you can mask peace as the world gives you is Prozac or any number of different things and I'm not saying I'm against that I'm saying once you come into the place of peace that Jesus has made for you there will be no longer a need for that your body will respond healthy you won't need things like that and to depressants you won't need that but until you come to that realization anarchy will be will be a real thing in your life and I cannot imagine anarchie anxiety is not imagined it's a real that's real so I'm not I'm not saying that that it's all make-believe I'm saying it's a real deal and I know that it causes problems but it's the lack of peace that causes it it's a lack of the authority or the recognition you can arrest those who have the Anarchy around you you can take captive they anarchie around you so walking over hard ground with a purpose in first Corinthians 10 that Paul writes this no temptation is overtaking you except as such as common to men but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you're able in other words he won't allow you to lose your peace what you're able to do is bring Shalom and end of Anarchy into every situation so he won't tempt you above that level now you can lose your own peace but you lost it God didn't take it and so with the temptation will also make the way of escape so that you may be able to bear it so Paul wrote the above verse to help the church in Corinth walk in peace the foot is to be the body what the will is to the soul wherever our will or feet takes us will go where a will takes us will go where our feet takes us the Bible sets your will it gives you a purpose it gives you a focus it causes your will to be kindig condemned are connected connected to his will that's why we pray your kingdom come your will be done on earth me as it is in heaven my will become your will it presents you both with a message and a task when the bare foot touches hot sand or sharp stone it's going to flinch but when the will of the heart are prepared to serve God that's when the feet are shod and we no longer flinch at life situations our feet are now prepared and equipped to face any trouble we might go through to complete the task that God gave us or the task at hand how to put on the shoes of the preparation of gospel of peace Isaiah 41:10 fear not I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you yes I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand the eye wills of God allow peace to come we have nothing to fear God will the will of God I will that means my will will cause us to happen you remove fear as your move anarchy and the unseen world around you we need to learn to speak peace to our storms and to others in their storm walking over hard ground with a purpose 1st Corinthians 10:13 do we already do that one I have to page 85 s come out ok so you still your mind and remove the anarchy that distracts you from God's purpose people up so many people have said to me I don't know what God's purpose is when anarchy is removed anxieties remove purpose emerges when n ark is removed anxiety is removed purpose will emerge peace be unto you purpose emerge that's why it says if God will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him or on you because he trusts in you if we trust peace will be the result anarchy gets destroyed was you what what should this mean to your life now that you have a greater understanding of what peace means that's probably the question you're going to need to ask yourself what should this mean what will be the result two years from now if I really grasp this what will my life look like two years from now if I really grasp
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 47,472
Rating: 4.8841252 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries, peace, Bible, gospel of peace, Christianity, Christian peace, shalom, armor of God
Id: 4ohjsBqgiKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2012
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