Dream SMP - The Complete Story: Imprisoned

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lumamberg had been destroyed for the third time the days passed and wednesday the 20th had arrived this day would mark the true end of the disc saga the people came now he was the one with no escape now he was the one who had lost control i am going to kill you until you're dead tommy i can bring people back to life but only i have the book if i die then wilbur's dead forever there's another way you don't have to let him go free we can put him in the prison it sounds weirdly weirdly too perfect i'll be back yes make wilbur proud too many days is yet to come so many times has come to pass [Music] so many moments put aside getting out alive getting out alive [Music] dream had lost after months of manipulation destruction and terror he would be punished for his unrelenting crimes the people felt free a darkness that had loomed over the server for over half a year was now trapped deep in the farthest reaches of pandora's vault freedom overcame the land and in the absence of lumanburg new projects sought to fill the void that was left with its destruction on the day of their victory tommy in an act of spite swore to visit dream in prison the very next day and as the sun rose on the morning of the 21st the beginnings of a new era would start to take root tommy logged on in a great mood today there would be no worry of war or conflict all he had to do was head to the prison and flaunt his freedom in front of dream as he made his way down the path tommy thought about the journey that lied ahead as it stood tommy would be the first person to enter the prison other than sam the builder in warden and dream the first as tommy found himself at the entrance of the prison a rush of excitement ran through during exile tommy felt powerless to dream in his manipulative ways but today tommy would be the one in control sam opened the portal and finally the inner workings of pandora's vault were revealed no escape this was the only thing sam had in mind while building pandora's vault months ago dream paid sam generously to hold nothing back he wanted an inescapable prison tommy entered the main lobby through the portal and awaiting him on the other side was the head warden sam and after signing a release form and placing all of his items in a locker tommy began his journey to the main cell pandora's vault is the most advanced redstone system on the entire smp utilizing countless security measures including kill checks retracting floors vault doors and lava chasms the prison truly is impossible to escape from without dying tommy stood in awe of the sheer scale of the prison dozens of cells covered the walls of the main block every lever required a guard key that only sam had and mining fatigue from nearby elder guardians made it take minutes to break even the weakest of blocks the two continued through the final checks and on to the main cell tommy was required to sign two more waivers before entering the first making him consent to being hunted down and killed if he attempted to break out dream and the second stating that if a security issue takes place while a visit is in progress he could potentially be locked in the cell until the issue is resolved all that stood between the two was an impenetrable wall of lava and having no plans but taunting dream tommy agreed and the lava walls began to fall before long the two enemies stared tommy once broken by dream was now happily the one with power and as sam activated the bridge tommy crossed the divide entering the cell to begin his first visit with dream hey hello can you have a minute i've been going crazy in here you're the first person to visit me but i've just been alone in here and there's you missed me did you miss me not really but really what have you been up to i've been riding well not yet but i'm going to i like watching the clock you know everyone hates you now well i'm in prison so there there's no reason for them to hate me anyway tommy give me my [ __ ] or what or you're gonna kill me then your server won't be fun anymore you said it yourself turns out i've actually had all the power over you all along i mean i did feel bad for you but you were actually going to kill um my best friend and uh and hold me in here he would have put me in here well to be fair you're in here right now but this is really this is a really sad sight maybe i'll be better and then you'll let me out no tommy i'm sorry really i'm sorry for what ah for everything that i did to you really yeah how do i know you're not lying i mean i have no reason to lie i'm not out here to um to manipulate you dream but the person who needs to fix themselves the most stream is you tell me how you're feeling sad why because i lost my friends yeah you didn't know my stuff and my server and you yeah and my lives oh yeah you only have one life now who do you miss the most i think you should go tommy no tell me who you miss the most guard guard are you ready to leave tommy as tommy moved away and lava consumed the last of his fresh air dream was once again alone on an island of solitude locked away from everything he once knew he missed it all his friends his power his server in the absence of stimulation his mind wandered he began to dream of the day he would leave wondering how he would manage to escape what he had done was bad and what he planned to do was worse but what they had put him through was truly evil his plans were created with reason to restore the server to its former glory but then their actions were done out of fear fear of the power he held and fear of the power they could lose but although dream was physically trapped he still had one power they could never take away and soon his mind ran wild as if uncaged from his dark reality he started with sam being the warden and only guard of the prison sam was the only one who had any clearance at all this meant that the prison's level of security rested squarely on his shoulders alone the more unstable sam was the more unstable the defenses of the prison and as long as dream was suffering he made it his mission to inflict that same suffering on his captor he started simple after burning his clock he would complain without end to sam that he needed a new one and soon after receiving his new clock he would burn it and complain again he continued this cycle until salmon had enough vowing that he would not be giving dream any more clocks however dream's reign of mental terror was just beginning on january 30th dream awoke to the lava falling once again and behind the wall of blazing heat appeared his second visitor bad boy halo dream knew bad very well and decided that playing sad would be the easiest way to get bad on his side he went on about how terrible life in the prison was and how lonely he was feeling quickly bad felt sad for his friend and promised to convince more people to visit and as the walls fell again dream continued to smile as he had just planned his next move against sam over the next few days dream began to talk less and less until he refused to talk at all even in the presence of sapnap one of his closest allies since the very beginning he didn't say a word his silence angered sam no matter what he said or did dream completely ignored him his fits of rage became entertainment for dream as he smiled thinking of ways he could continue the torture after an entire day of mining with his bare fist dream managed to break the lectern in his cell sam was angered even further remodeling the cell with crying obsidian to ensure he would not be able to create a nether portal to escape trim continued his vow of silence he felt power for the first time since being locked away he continued his depressed and apologetic act for visitors while reigning psychological terror on sam every day dream wasn't sad as much as he controlled people by making them think that dream was not sad he was angry dreams spent every living second in that cell thinking of ways he could terrorize every last person that wronged him he devised plans of who he would kill in what order playing out scenarios of his revenge over and over in his head like a broken record until he finally had it the perfect escape plan chaotic yet elegant extravagant yet obvious his weeks of alone had not gone to waste and to his delight the first phase in his plan the destruction of every last person who turned on him would happen in a matter of minutes and his dream played through the scenario one last time in his head the lava began to fall and the final visit was about to begin as the only guard on duty sam took his job very seriously with every visit he made no jokes let no smile escape he liked his job as warden it gave him purpose control and power something hard to come across on the smp and he found strength in the fact that he held quite possibly the most important job on the entire server but as the days passed he fell into routine wake up stay on duty feed the prisoner and go to sleep over and over and over again the days continued to pass sam left the prison less and less until the very clock that dream seemed to cherish meant just as much to sam despite holding all the power one could want he felt trapped by the obligation it gave him he only saw the sun from behind the rigid bars of the watchtowers longing for the days before there had to be a prison he trusted no one as he knew the second he let his guard down dream would find a way to escape every time he turned his back dream would require more assistance clocks food attempted escape there was always something and knowing the entire server depended on him he continued spending his life in prison trapped by his own creation behind the very bars that freed the rest of the server day by day he began to lose the power he thought he had slowly dream became the punisher instead of the punished questioning his ability to run the prison sam debated ending it all by killing dream but as much as he wanted to free himself he knew that the book was more important for if dream dies then death is forever and forever is much more important than his freedom sam got a break from his thoughts when tommy scheduled another visit with dream but the break would not last long as after that day things would change forever february 21st one month after his first visit with dream tommy logged on for his second and last ever visit to pandora's fault and as he stood atop his now fully constructed hotel he thought about dream i've been a little kept up at night because although he's you know he's in the prison his dream and he set off there's no real reason for me to keep visiting him i keep i keep i keep visiting him and the thing that you always need just in life is closure i've been tortured i've been tormented but i realized that talk us to this talk is the dream and um i want to be done with this forever i thought sam may have been a bit of a fraud but he wasn't and he's kept him blocked in there and that prison is all high security no one's getting it no one's getting out so i'm thinking now i'm like no he's in there why am i still feeling like this why am i still feeling miserable i suppose you know i've got my hotel i've got my business but i still feel kind of a little bit low he's in prison he's locked away i want to start living my life i think today um today we say goodbye to him let's go do it then boys tommy made his way to the entry portal meeting sam in the lobby he signed the waivers for the last time this time they made their way quickly through the checks and before long they arrived at the main cell everyone was ready for the visit but only one person truly knew what was about to happen [Music] this is it's my last visit dream so anything you want to say to me now you can you have to say to me now um because i'm not gonna see you again why i mean you had it coming i did but you know maybe one day right listen i when i'm around you my brain feels like i'm conditioned to be your friend you don't make me a good person you make me bad i'm moving on to bigger and better things now i don't need to go through any of this stress anymore all right because this is me doing this to me now not you i'm the one that's giving me the stress here now but i'm better than that i'm better than you all right i'm done i'm done goodbye what the f what the f was that that was a lot of tnt i'm out sap sam sam [Music] sam i'm ready i'm ready to leave it hasn't been an honor knowing you but it will be an honor for getting you what the [ __ ] what holy sh no no this doesn't just happen you don't i don't enter here as soon as explosions go off this isn't this isn't how you operate man i know you alright you haven't changed are you trying to get out i'm not trying to get out i'm not trying to get out we can bond we can talk just like old times right stuck together you know just like exile don't you ever mention exile to me all right gonna have to hang tight tommy the prison is on how long will it be you signed the waiver saying up to a week i wrote that waiver so i'm guessing up to a week a week do you have any more potatoes his last visit it was supposed to be his last visit tommy stared dream in the eyes once again he was trapped with his worst enemy sam scrambled to the roof of the prison tnt doesn't just explode on the roof of the most secure building on the server someone was trying to break in and before he let tommy go he needed to find out who tommy became anxious he had gone there to cut dream out of his life forever but instead he would have to stare at that twisted smile for days on end dream was overjoyed that tommy would be staying he finally had some company in this dark and lonely place his plan began to move forward tommy didn't know it but he was the catalyst in a much bigger story ours turned to days dream and tommy continued to argue with each other for their own entertainment tommy counted every hour waiting for the moment he could see the light again he missed everything the sun the grass the freedom but most of all he missed his friends since the lockdown sam had completely stopped visits to the prison no one in no one out until the source of the problem was found sam's condition continued to worsen he as the sole operator of the prison was being pressured from everyone on the server to let tommy free but his promise of the perfect prison could not be broken without the prison without dream inside his job meant nothing and he could not let that happen february 28th arrived and today tommy had officially spent one week locked away he longed for freedom the very thing he thought he won by throwing dream in prison but chaos can never truly be contained tension ran high between the two inmates tommy taunted dream dangling his soon-to-be-had freedom in front of dreams withering smile until it was too much and then sam arrived to speak with tommy the clock ticked closer to the end of his stay sam sam what are you here for sam i can't see you i figured you all are getting low on potatoes yeah sam let me out oh no tommy you can't leave yet i haven't found out what was causing a security issue if you don't find out what the issue is is you're gonna be in here for until you die potentially he'll be in there for a while but not forever tommy don't worry you said it was a week i i know i know i figured that i could find anything in a week but it's gonna take a little more time okay you gotta trust me tommy we gotta make sure that we do everything as secure as we can sam you know i don't deal well in close quarters situations for a long time sam sammy remember you remember when you visited me in exile sam right this is worse than that sam let me out tommy i'm sorry okay i'm sorry i'm doing my best tommy i'm only one guy i don't know what you want me to do i'm doing my best stop no no no don't go don't go go go go go tommy hear me out let me out what if we get out together okay i'm not no because then you'll break out with me i don't want you to break out with me i'm going to get out and when i do i'll get my revenge you'll kill tubber won't you tell me i will i will get revenge sitting in here thinking about the revenge how could you even get out man how could you even get out i have a plan what is it then what i'll get out eventually because either you'll let me out or people will be dead even when i'm in here i'm more powerful than you are when you're outside if i wanted to right now i could just kill you and the only reason i'm not is for my friends for turbo because we need that in revive book all right that's the only reason i'm not killing you tommy i am never ever going to use the revive book to help you or any of your stupid little friends okay i will never use it on you i will never use it on any of your friends i will never use it to save any of you so kill me go ahead come on the revive book dream it's not real is it you are a clinical manipulator this revived book that you keep going on about this your little card that jay jay slap was just a drunk mad man alright he wasn't some guy that had access to this omnipotent revive but you're lying you you're you're just lying aren't you it doesn't make sense that you'd have this revive but it like it doesn't add up all right i don't i don't i i genuinely think you're just like so you know what dreams there is no grateful you'll be annoying and you accuse me of things it keeps me being a liar i'm not lying j shlock gave me a revive book he then revived him then revive him right now that's not how it works revive right now he'll log on right here i'm telling you now why would i be lying about that through your nether eye armor and skin i look at you and you know what i see i see a sad little man who's insecure about the fact that this server has gotten so far ahead of him and his only little glimpse of power in this world is gone life if you can't kill me does that make me some kind of god no dream i could kill you right now if i wanted to but you won't you know why i won't because i'm leaving this prison stop it now stop it stop it i'm on two hearts look at me all right i don't think this revived book is real should i i've seen his grave his grave is real his corpse is there all right why don't you go see him so so so tommy [Music] huh [Music] hello you okay jump up so what was it like what was what was what like death tommy no one has ever been dead and been back it was dark it was all dark it was dark when i was there it all felt so real but so torn apart it felt like i was in pieces well now you're back right everything's all fine i i brought you back i you know i only the only reason i did it was to prove to you you know that was you it's real isn't it it's it i'm actually a god i can bring people back to life i didn't even know for sure that i could but i can pinch me pinch me oh no don't don't ever do that don't ever do that who else was there that was wilbur listen to me the things i saw the things he talked about and the things he will do promise me never bring back wilbur if you don't bring him back you're not even all the tragedies you've done tommy it's it's not up to you i will use revival however i please because i'm the one that can do it how long were you in there for a month and eight between 18 to 20 days i think we lost count where's phil where's tubbeau where where are the people where's funding where's that for two days tommy when i was there and i spent so much time with wilbur are you saying i was only there for two days two days for two days two days tommy that was it dream you think you and just you don't understand this this is so much bigger you couldn't comprehend what i've gone through right dream burn the book i don't have the book what i do have is is knowledge from the book and i can't burn that i can't it's impossible i can burn every book that i have and it will do nothing so i want to know about death you know we can study it we can study it together we can become immortal together by studying it i want absolutely nothing to do with you i came in here with the intent to never see you again you have to die you have to die go on then [Music] go ahead and you're fine with this you'll find with me just beating you you die and revival goes down with you come on if i kill you i'll be in here forever sam won't let me out i know what i signed it will be worse than death [Music] and then i'll have to die in here and then i'll go back there i need to kill you and i can't everyone is my puppets i can kill you whenever i want why did you kill me well you could have just told me it was real why did you kill me you didn't believe me i was proving a point you killed me just to prove a point this is so evil this is this is this isn't like before this isn't you've blown your bounty you've put me through torture through pain to prove a point dream you were calling me a liar how else am i supposed to prove it when i get out of here you know i can i can use it right i can use it to my advantage i can i can do whatever i please i'll let you free i'll let you free right i'll we'll call for sam we'll get him in here he'll he'll let you out but i'm gonna bring back wilbur and and wilbur's no wilbur's gonna help me escape he will owe me his life and he's been there for how many years he's probably the smartest man on the entire planet i know i know this this seems elaborate please promise me you won't bring back wilbur i'm bringing back wilbur dream was consumed by power even though he was locked away the power of the book ran free through the reaches of his mind he was a god life bended to his will will could come back tommy feared dream once again shattered by the things he'd seen and the fact that at any moment dream could send him right back wilbur had changed he'd been trapped far longer than dream in a place far worse and tommy knew that if he brought wilbur back chaos would reign supreme once again word had escaped the prison of tommy's death sam came later the day tommy died to check on the prisoners and what he saw terrified him standing at the edge of his cell was dream staring coldly into sam's eyes with a sinister smile sam couldn't take it the guilt of what had just happened overwhelmed him somehow after giving his life on the smp to protect everyone from dream he failed to protect tommy he exited the prison wanting nothing to do with the evil he just witnessed by the end of the day everyone knew their friend was gone the people grieved dream had still managed to tear them down even from inside those unbreakable walls sam began to question himself was he really fit to run the prison did the people blame him for what had happened sam continued the lockdown shutting all contact from dream for the time being these are the things that crossed tommy's mind as he stared helplessly into the blistering lava another week passed sam had not come to check on dream once out of guilt for what he allowed to happen nobody knew tommy was revived nobody except dream until the evening of march 12th three weeks after what should have been tommy's final visit sam finally arrived but what he found he could never truly comprehend hello hello hey are you here to give us potato can you give us potatoes i'm here still tommy sam mommy sam you let me die sam you've taken 31 days sam to come and get me how are you here you were dead you kept me in here for over two over a week and then you let and then you didn't you didn't even stop him you didn't you didn't put him in what you didn't even move the cell i was in with him you like you just want you just let me die tommy come on let's go let's go let's go as the two moved to the main lobby tommy realized what he was about to do the rest of the world thought he was dead and he knew the second he stepped foot through that portal nothing would be the same again tommy saw the light for the first time since his visit all that time ago tommy saw the light fate had not been kind to tommy and walking out of the prison that day he was a different person the server had changed a lot since he got locked away memorials and statues sprouted from every corner he traveled down prime path to his home flowers covered the ground to the doorway everyone had built something to represent their memories tommy froze where he stood hearing a voice from behind him he turned around to see his best friend staring back at him tubbo stood in disbelief after everything that happened everything sam said happened tommy was back he didn't think it was real tommy was dead he grieved for him and yet there he stood all tommy wanted was for things to go back to normal but everyone it seemed could not do that he was a ghost to the rest of the s p caught between life and death something no one could understand tommy made his way to the ruins of lumanburg he missed the old days the simpler times he missed the friends he made he missed the days when he had someone to lead the way but now he would have to take matters into his own hands two days later on march 14th tommy logged on with a plan making his way to snowchester he explained his idea to rambu and tubo who agreed to help him tommy reasoned that dream was too dangerous to be kept alive the things he said to tommy before he was let out left an everlasting mark on his conscience dream held life at his fingertips and giving dream the ability to play god is a dangerous game the power went to his head dreaming told tommy that he would bring back wilbur from the dead one of the most dangerous people on the entire server tommy didn't know how but he knew dream had a plan to escape and something told him that it had to do with the knowledge held in that book and as dream had explained tommy that knowledge was ingrained in his memory and its only way out was if he went out with it dream's death was the only way to stop him from raining terror on the server once again and being on his last life they only needed to kill him once to end it all tubo and rambu agreed with tommy as he knew much more about dream's power than they did there was only one problem because sam had completely stopped visits to the prison their only option to kill dream was to break in pandora's vault may be inescapable but it's also just as difficult to break into meaning brute force would not be an option if they wanted their plan to work they would have to be sneaky and as far as they could see there were only two ways to sneak in by stealing sam's warden key card to gain access to the entire prison or sneaking in using an invisibility potion during a visit both were virtually impossible in their current situation but tommy had a way around this there was one person on the server who they might be able to convince sam to let visit ghostburg because gospel has infinite lives only disappearing if wilbur is revived there is no threat to his safety by letting him visit dream and after some convincing sam agreed to schedule a visit with gosper it was decided on the day of the visit tommy would sneak into the prison behind ghostburg using an invisibility potion making his way to the main cell and slaying dream with the acts of peace and as the group smiled with satisfaction all they could do was wait until the fateful day arrived the moon rose high in the sky the group stood at the foot of a watchtower constructed next to the prison and with all the pieces in place they went over the plan one final time so here's the plan all right we've organized with sam that ghostburgh is gonna go in now the reason i needed all these parts is because i'm going to sneak in all right behind him the entire time i've got fire as brilliant i didn't bring any armor because i have invis i've got my totem and i've got my invisibility i'm going to follow sam through all the prison and i think if i remember the prison we should be totally fine and not die in there and then ghostbuster goes into the room with dream i stay with him in invisibility then when we get in there with the acts of peace i chop dreams head clean off ghostbuster do not under any circumstances say i'm with you and if you can lie that i'm not there lie yeah i need you to stay here and then when i come out later on i'll visit you too yeah when us will those come out we've missed all the times we could have killed him rambo you were there too as well right when he came through the portal he's not worth the revive book i know i haven't told you this but today's the daydream dies i'll see you soon rambu i'll see you soon see you later see you soon boys wish us luck bye-bye friends hi good luck good luck the faithful moment arrived tommy and gospel made their way to the prison entrance and today tommy would finally take dreams last life as they entered the main lobby tommy's mind wandered ever since tommy joined dreamic controlled everything he loved dream was the reason he lived in fear he thought he won by locking him away but he still found a way to ruin tommy again but today would be the end the real end with dream's death the server would be truly free dream would be banished from the smp and the bridge to the afterlife would fall behind him tommy felt chills as he remembered what happened the last time he was there the pain the suffering he moved forward the plan took over his mind all he could think about was putting his axe through the heart of his ongoing nightmare one stream was gone he would be whole again he wouldn't have to look over his shoulder every day he wouldn't have to relive that moment every time he lost a heart his thoughts became stronger the closer they drew until they arrived the wall of lava was all that protected dream from the blade of his axe the lava dropped to the floor and tommy could see it his eyes widened with anticipation he was so close gospel and tommy stepped onto the bridge as sam pulled the lever they floated across the divide rage filled his eyes he couldn't wait as the bridge reached the other side tommy drew his axe and stop stop stop stop stop stop moving right now i'm stopped i stopped i stopped walk to your left go spur who's there who is there who is there stop whoever's invisible stop right now stop this instant don't move sam had seen him tommy stood in shock he was so close just a single block stood between him and the end of his problems but sam had no intention of dropping the wall too long had he worked at ensuring the prison would be safe and under no circumstances would he throw that away now sam ordered tommy to stand on the bridge threatening to kill him if he failed to listen with no choice tommy stepped onto the bridge and began moving away his chance of killing dream was now gone he argued violently with sam in tommy's eyes by keeping dream alive sam had just trapped the entire server under his unnatural power everyone's lives locked inside a cell and the only one with the key being dream he was too dangerous to be kept alive but sam refused to let him die dream grinned he saw an opportunity a way out from his life behind bars and as tommy and sam argued across the pit of lava gospel remained in the grim clutches of dream tommy this is the reason i let you die in the prison ghosts for stuck over there [Music] and i'll revive him if you don't let me free wait what oh wait no no no no no no no tell me no no no no no no no you're trying to break him out i'm not sending it back you said i'd be okay no ghost but it's fine no you're fine it's gonna be fun where's he gone see tommy you promised you promised it would just be it would just be a quick thing no no okay ghost but listen to me tommy i'm scared no alyssa it's okay sam is gonna sam whatever there is no reason for you to not send the platform back right now just just send it he's fine he's fine send me over all right why did dream why did dream leave what is he trying to what are you trying to do with him what have you done tommy where's he gone did you know that he was here ghost fur someone i [Music] he was going to be here in spirit he said he was going to be here in spirit i didn't want to lie i'd say all agreed no ghostbuster listen to me what is he doing it's okay why did he log out tommy [Music] hey one two three we're not gonna die four five it's fine it's okay six think of the blue seven eight nine ten let me out i'm not letting you out dream fun back up tommy no no no no he's there you don't understand tommy you promised me it would just be what am i supposed to do if something could happen he might get out [Music] tommy stood in shock not only had he failed to kill dream but he failed to save ghostburg and as the lava sealed the divide between them sam ordered tommy to follow him out of the prison as they stepped outside tubo and rambu stood at the door immediately they knew something had gone very wrong tommy explained what had happened confused tubbo and rambu continued to question him but he didn't have time to answer tommy knew that if wilbur was truly back he would be at the place of his death le mander and so he led them through the darkness of the night to the place it all began hello have you missed [Music] let me grow i'll let it run
Channel: EvanMCGaming
Views: 4,947,544
Rating: 4.9544268 out of 5
Keywords: dream smp, evanmcgaming, dream, tommyinnit, awesamdude, ghostbur, wilbur soot, tubbo, ranboo, pandoras vault, tommyinnit dies, wilbur revived, wilbur soot revived, Dream SMP the, dream smp the complete story, dream smp prison, dream smp prison arc, dream smp story, dream smp explained, dream smp evanmcgaming, imprisoned, dream smp imprisoned, evan mc gaming, evan mcgaming, awesamdude prison, prison Dream SMP, dream escapes prison, dream smp war, dream smp history, dream prison
Id: PLn6aO4dvjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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