Dream SMP: The Complete Story - L'manburg Revolution

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independence or death following the events of the first war on the dream smp the tension between dream and tommy and tubo did not go away having been the only people to stand up to dream tommy and tubbo were not exactly friends with the most powerful man on the server but they couldn't fight back they didn't have the resources the people or the will to start another battle until a new player joined who would change everything today i will tell a story a story of independence a story of a people who rose up against tyranny a story of revolution this is part two of the story of the dream smp really quick this video took weeks to make so if you could take one second to subscribe it is completely free and it would make my day thank you also thanks again to lord cantor for letting me use his recreation of the dream smp for this video make sure to go check out his channel if you're interested in seeing how he did it again the link is in the description anyway let's start from the beginning wilbur a songwriter comedic genius and visionary coming up with some of the most influential ideas in recent minecraft history wilbur is a mastermind of virality creating his first video on march 29th 2019 and using his experience from his time with the channel soot house wilbur in just under two years has amassed over three million subscribers so when it was announced that he would be joining the dream smp people knew things would change but no one expected how much it really would being a genius of words and stories wilbur brought something to the table that no one had really considered tommy had had a rough idea of how the disc saga would go but for the next story wilbur would take it a step further the introduction of wilbur marked a turning point in the smp from a jumbled mess of conflict to something more from this point on the story of the smp would be planned out for the most part before it happened scripted improvisation and wilbur the main writer began his story the day he logged on this marked the true beginning of the storyline of the dream smp wilbur saw an opportunity in the dream smp not an opportunity for power or an opportunity for war but an opportunity for business and on july 24th he logged on to the smp and began moving forward he started by building a caravan cam camara kamar kamar van the base of operations for his business after this he went to recruit his first business partner tommy in it he then explained his master plan for their business after tricking the rest of the smp members into giving up all of their blaze rods and brewing stands tommy and wilbur would be able to produce all of the potions on the server profiting from the newfound rarity of these potions agreeing without hesitation tommy joined wilbur and together they began sweeping the server convincing players to give up their brewing stands and blaze rods they started with tubbo tubbo who trusted tommy and wilbur fell victim to the scam giving his brewing stands and water breathing potions that being said not everyone was convinced one man saw right through their plan sapnet as tubo attempted to give up a stack of blaze rods to the new business partners sapnap punched tommy out of the way taking them for himself with further suspicion of their operation sapnap followed tommy and wilbur back to their van taking it upon himself to investigate entering the truck sapnap against the will of wilbur and tommy began looking around and it only took him a few seconds to enter the back of the truck and find their brewing stands thus exposing their plans of scamming the server into giving up all of their potion making supplies with their backs against the wall the duo attempted to enlist the help of fundy their plan to get fundy on their side was to frame sapnap as the bad guy they then proceeded to hide the evidence of their plans from fundy who then decided to join them after this sapnap had had enough attempting to arrest wilbur and tommy sapnap ended up killing tommy purely for taunting him this prompted tubo who was on the side of sapnap after being scammed by tommy and wilbur to reconsider his position but although his loyalty to sapnap wavered for now he remained on the side of the law there was nothing the three could do being completely out geared wilbur tommy and fundy retreated to the van and right as they thought things couldn't get any worse they did as it turns out tommy had some unfinished business with punk having stolen from him once again and as the team retreated to the van purpled and punk came to confront tommy things were not looking good for the new business and if the team wanted a chance to escape they had to think of something fast and quickly a plan began to form wilbur walked out of the van stalling purple and punk just long enough for tommy to escape through the floor of the van into a cave shortly after the two noticed and began to pursue him wilbur confronted only by tubbo logged out of the game to buy some more time lastly fundy stayed in the caravan along with tubbo and eric another member of the smp who had recently joined the guard stood awaiting wilbur to rejoin meanwhile the pursuit of tommy continued and before long they had found him surrounded tommy surrendered being escorted to jail on half a heart with the news of tommy being captured one of the guards tabo began escorting fundy to jail as well for conspiring to help wilbur and tommy all that remained in the van was aaron the final guard standing between wilbur and freedom but in a surprising turn of events eric betrayed the other guards choosing to help the enemy instead and just like that eric was an ally of the business knowing he was safe wilbur logged back in and conspired with eric to free fundy and tommy their plan to free fundy was easy as he was still being escorted by tubba eric would convince tubbo to let him finish the escorting of fundy to court where he would then bring fundy to his house allowing him to plant wilbur the ingredients for an invisibility potion and the plan would have worked but when fundy and eric reached fundy's house purpled was there little did they know he had been spying on them in their voice call the whole time and knew eric had betrayed them he then quickly informed sapnap of the news and requested him to come to fundy's base as backup while sapnap was leaving for fundy's base he left punk in charge of watching tommy as the two sat in the courthouse they began to talk and before long tommy had convinced ponk to help him escape tommy's plan was to have ponk draw the guards back to the courthouse and escape through a hole he dug in the back of his cell this was perfect timing for sapnap and purpled as sapnap had just arrived at fundy's base and the two guards began escorting fundy and erit to court tubbo meanwhile traveled back to the van to keep an eye on wilbur after wilbur transformed the van from the potion brewing station it was to a hot dog fan tubbo with wilbur's permission investigated finding nothing out of the ordinary tubble provided compensation of 10 gold for the disturbances they had caused earlier and gold was one of the main materials he needed to make the invisibility potion the plan was beginning to fall into place although it hit some rough patches there was still a solid chance of the prisoners escaping and as the guards escorted fundy and eric back to court wilbur continued gathering the resources for the potions before long the trial had started and they were running out of time to escape ponk had been figured out and was thrown in jail with tommy and purple went off looking for wilbur who had just began brewing with purple gun and wilbur about to be compromised all four of the prisoners dug out of their cells and ran everyone was on the run after some fighting everyone decided it would be best to meet back at the van and as they were coming back tubbo and wilbur began to talk after explaining his plans to tubo and talking of the injustice they had done to him and his accomplices tubbo decided to join his side and just like that with everyone safe in the van and a new member on their side the businessmen had been through enough they knew that the next time they logged on they had to fight back and wilbur had an idea one that would send the server into further chaos and begin one of the most famous stories on the smp the team would no longer be businessmen they would be citizens of a new nation they would begin a revolution before we continue i'd like to give a quick thanks to this video's sponsor the archon if you don't already know the archon is one of the most popular factions in skyblock servers and they also host a variety of other fun games as well luckily for you just for watching the video you can grab yourself a free rank just click on the free rank icon in the store then add to cart specify the realm you want to claim your rank in and finally enter code evan to claim the rank the ip to join and code to claim your rank are on screen now and also in the description so don't miss out and come join the fun and now back to the video one week passed before their country was officially born in that week as well as the time before wilbur joined a lot had changed on the server new players and new builds during the time of peace after the first war two new players joined the server these players were skeppy and erin for the most part skeppy did not play a major role in the story other than burning a new disc tamiya gathered after the first war eret on the other hand did and would play a major role in the new nation of la manburg at least for a little while the new builds included a sewer system that led to many areas of the server eric's castle which eventually housed the throne for whoever held the title of king of the dream smp a jungle base built far away by tubbo and a few new towers here and there bit by bit development continued on the server until the day lemanberg was born this day marked the beginning of a new era in the dream smp an era of independence three days that's how long the war would last in three days the fate of their nation would be decided and the wills of the men and tommy who created it would be tested beyond their limits but before they could begin a revolution their great nation needed a name and tommy had just the idea i've had the idea oh my god or alternatively mantopia i like mantopia yeah how do we but how do we make it european le mansburg le mansburg le mans where do you live i live in the state of le mans after the name was decided the fellow citizens began to build a wall to distinguish their land from the greater dream smp in their new nation anyone would be allowed to make potions without being arrested and the tyranny of dream and his fellow americans would no longer affect them this was the dream and along with wilbur tommy and tubo fundy and eric join the new nation upon hearing the news of revolution brewing on the server dream went to confront the members of lumamberg this time they didn't hide anything the team explained that everything inside the walls was their land and would be governed and cared for by them separately and under no rule of the greater dream smp included would be tommy's hill house which would remain property of their nation as the le mansburg embassy dream however was not convinced and left to conspire with his friends about what to do before long dream began bribing tommy to leave lemanberg and rejoin the greater dream smp but he would have to do better than that if he wanted someone to turn that being said wilbur still questioned tommy's devotion to the cause all you've done for this nation is you've you're one of the faces of it right thank you thank you but you need to understand that you've done very little in terms of um set up i mean look behind you look at eric working hard as the two continued to talk wilbur still questioned whether tommy was truly devoted to the revolution or just there to be a face of the nation and after they reached an agreement phase two of wilbur's plan began to take shape but then tommy noticed something out of place after alerting the rest of the squad about what was happening tommy saw it's alyssa walking away from the fire she had taken it too far and as the team chased her down she logged out to escape death the team camped where she disconnected wilbur convinced tommy to take off his armor and use his words as he would not let their new nation of lemandberg become the very thing he sought to destroy upon alyssa rejoining she began to run and tommy killed her anyway for wilbur this was the final straw and when they all got back to lemanberg he temporarily dismissed tommy making him go back to his home in the greater dream smp but then word got out that tubbo was being held hostage by dream sapnap and puns tommy knew if there was any time to regain wilbur's trust it was now by saving tubbo he could finally be the hero for lumamberg he had always wanted to be but they took him hostage as well after tubble revealed that he had invisibility potions dream and sapnap decided they could not risk them escaping with their stuff and killed both of them with this wilbur knew it was time time to make the revolution official to free themselves of the tyranny and the aggression of the greater dream smp and to officially declare their independence independ dance and after some writing wilbur soot the leader of the great nation of le mansburg had drafted their declaration of independence forever the nation of the dream s p have cast great sins upon our great land of the hata dog van they have robbed us imprisoned us threatened us killed many of our men this time of tyranny ends with us this book declares that the nation which shall be henceforth known as lamamberg is separate emancipated and independent from the nation of dream smp the union of the masters of men together we are one when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to dissolve the bonds which bind us disregarding of this truth is nothing short of tyranny we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal the right of the people exists above the right of the king the right of the government and the right of the economy from the hata dog van we shall prevail life liberty and the pursuit of victory this document was signed by all members of lumamberg and represented much more than a mere book these words were what held the nation together a vow of brotherhood that would only end in independence or death with the framing of the book the nation of lemberg showed itself as a force to be reckoned with and to dream this marked the point of no return as long as le mans stood dream knew he couldn't have control and so him george sapnap and puns drafted another document the declaration of war unlike the first war for tommy's discs this time there was much more at stake this was not just a war for independence but a war for power and dream would stop at nothing to put lumanburg in the ground if it was the last thing he'd do with the reality of war beginning to set in both sides began to prepare off stream tubua gathered potions to aid them in the coming battles meanwhile dream had burned down tubbo's house because dream was offline tommy and tubo used this time to attempt to convince the members of the dream smp guard that they were on the wrong side they began this by tempting puns with a meaningless title hoping he'd get excited and betray his friends next tommy had an idea to tempt dream he stated that if dream refrained from attacking them he would give up one of the discs tommy's most prized possessions on the smp and the result of a hard-fought war would be put on the line for independence but as tommy and tubbo were leaving dream's base their entire army logged on at once tubbo was gunned down by dream as tommy fled to the sewers all of the potions that tubo had gathered were lost upon his death being burned by dream soon everyone joined the call and reality began to set it the dream smp army was there and lemanberg's was not all tommy and tubbo could do was stall them and hope for the best as tommy arrived at his house to speak with dream and his army he found the entire property laced with tnt as a final effort tommy attempted to convince dream he was in the wrong but he would have none of it the line had already been crossed damage had been done and doom was imminent dream and his men gave tommy and the rest of lumamberg one day one day to surrender or everything they owned would be destroyed and so as wilbur received the news the true preparation for the final battle began tommy and wilbur and the rest of le manchild berg we are at war do you know what we have that they don't have we have camaraderie we have a righteous cause we have an area to defend there is no mercy we have burnt down tubo's house we have planted tnt cannons around your land we have cobblestone walled the outside and we have shot one warning shot inside your walls no matter what happens no matter even if he comes even if he destroys the very hot dog van that we live out of until the day we stop breathing that is when le mannburgh has fallen and we have no mercy no mercy for you do you know what he's driven by greed do you know what we're driven by the defense of our land do you understand we will come we will burn down your houses they can he can destroy the walls we will kill everything inside your walls he can he can slaughter our friends our family and we will take back the land that is rightfully ours but until the day we stop breathing the minute we let go of that dream that's when he is won men are you going to let go of that dream i want to see white flags white flags outside your face by tomorrow at dawn or you are dead august 4th the day of reckoning and as dream and his army looked to the skies of lemanberg no flags flew today there will be war before wilbur logged on tommy and tubo were attacked after losing a few useless items they were treated to lumamberg where they waited for the official start of the war then their leader wilbur joined the server with dream and his men camping the cobblestone wall they had built around part of lumamberg the revolutionaries retreated to the van and began to create a plan of action wilbur emphasized the importance of the element of surprise as their team was completely out geared by dream's army while they discussed their plan dream and his men spread to each wall surrounding them staying true to their peaceful origins now was not the time to armor up using their words wilbur and tommy attempted one final time to resolve things peacefully but once again it didn't work and as the two sides regrouped they prepared for the battle of the ages the war for independence and most of all the war for power wilbur decided that it would be a greater benefit for the group if he watched the battle from above this meant the one leading them into battle would be tommy as they began making their way to the battlefield they took it all in the final calm before the storm the last piece once the battle began there would be no rest until someone had won and having had their moment of peace both armies moved into position let the war begin the battle began on tommy's front lawn dream and his men held tommy's power tower while the lumanburg army stood in the grass as the enemies stared each other down they both waited for the first move to be made then a shot was fired by dream but it was nowhere close to the opposition confused everyone thought he missed but he didn't this was the first trap of the war and managed to take out funding immediately the lumamberg army retreated inside tommy's house as arrows began to rain down from above totally under geared tommy crafted a bow and missed the only shot he had it had been less than a minute since the first shot was fired and they were already backed into a corner as tommy began to retreat wilbur pulled everyone back they had to hold their ground placing half slabs on the windows the men began returning fire it didn't take long for them to realize that their shots weren't doing much they needed another plane tommy suggested pearling on top of the tower and knocking them all off but tubble reminded him that dream had his end crystals from when they killed him earlier fundy however had a better idea using an invisibility potion he would sneak up the tower knocking all of them off and escaping unseen this would be their next plan of action but as everyone walked outside to draw fire away from fundy they realized the arrows had stopped being fired and dream's army was falling back to pong's tower in an attempt to effectively counter their enemy's new position the lumanburg army traveled to the nearby punzes tower this tower stood at nearly the same height as ponk's tower and would allow for the fire to continue but dream's army didn't climb the tower this meant that when tommy and tubbo reached the top and began firing down the dream smp army could not shoot high enough to hit them they were completely safe because of this as well as fire from the rest of the lumamberg army down below dream ordered his men to retreat once again this was huge somehow completely out geared lumanburg was driving dream's army out of their own land and with this victory eric convinced the rest of the group to join him in le mans for he had been grinding for a secret weapon something that would turn the tides of the war and secure victory a surprise attack but something was off as the group moved closer and closer to the final control room they only became more and more confused until they were all there gathered around a single wooden button tommy could not handle the suspense and pressed the button the room fell silent then the unthinkable happened there's nothing in the chest with the revolution boys it was never meant to be just like that they all had nothing all of their armor and weapons had been stolen or burned and they all retreated to the van the place where it all began to take inventory and come up with another plan before long it became even clearer that they had absolutely nothing this meant they would have to resort back to the core beliefs of la manburg winning through words wilbur alone attempted to negotiate with dream but it was no use and yet another ultimatum was set if lumanburg did not fly white flags signifying their surrender of the war dream would blow up it all believing this was a bluff wilbur followed dream back to lemamberg where him and his men gathered at the wall for their final statement then they all remembered the start of the war the trap the explosion they had to stop it was too late all they could do was watch gary get back get back don't let those hurt you guys don't let this place the land their nation the van [Music] it was all gone the dream of independence a chance at freedom gone with the swift shot of an arrow and with that wilbur along with his right-hand man went to negotiate the terms of surrender and as they met with dream tommy began to run his mouth and wilbur's attempts at calming him were no use tommy went on insulting dream and even challenging him to a 1v1 bow duel but then something happened that was expected by absolutely no one dream was interested in the duel and so a civilized discussion began and within minutes a final duel was in place the rules were simple both tommy and dream would line up on half a heart after taking 10 paces each the two would turn around and fire both shots at each other the first person to land a shot would win the duel the stakes were the highest they'd ever been if tommy won lumanberg would be given its independence but if dream won not only would lemanberg lose its independence for good but tommy would have to give dream melo high one of the two discs he won back from dream in the first war with everything on the line the sun fell low in the sky and it was a showdown the creator of the server and most powerful man there versus tommy the scrappy sixteen-year-old with a dream of freedom they took their positions wilbur stood in the center and would be counting off their 10 paces the fate of lamamberg was now in the hands of tommy all his friends could do was watch and pray the count began one two three four five six seven eight nine the world stood still and then 10 paces fire tommy had lost lemandberg had lost for the second time and tommy o'dream the very disc he spent days fighting to get back with this it once again seemed that all hope was lost for lemanberg but in one final twist tommy had an idea one that would fly in the face of everything he was known for he requested for dream to join a private call and he did this is what happened dream i know what you want from me i'll give you both of the discs if you let us have our independence both of them wait that is a very very interesting deal that is very selfless of you those are your desks for the for the man for wilbur for turbo okay i will how about this i'll grant you technical independence for both this we will we will not go into your your grounds unless we're allowed and we will you respect us yeah yeah just independence man tommy despite for his entire time on the smp thinking only of himself and his own wants and needs laid down his most prized possessions for the greater good of their nation this story had a happy ending and le mannberg against all odds was free at last in the light of their victory wilbur gathered the men to write the decree of independence it read as we gaze upon the swaths of redwood trees the great hills to our south and the walls that have protected us for years i as the now president of lumamberg hereby state [Music] life liberty and the pursuit of freedom as the sun set on their new nation tommy and tubbo returned to the bench outside tommy's house there they played a different disc to celebrate their independence with the lumbered war ending the server once again entered a time of peace over the next month many small skirmishes happened new developments occurred and new players join but the next true development in their story would arise in early september with wilbur being the self-elected president of lumamberg many of the new players upon hearing this titled him a dictator what resulted from these accusations sparked a new era in the storyline a different kind of war this was the first annual lumamberg election thank you all so much for watching make sure to subscribe if you haven't already so you get notified when the next part comes out make sure to go join my discord so you can talk to me make new friends and get announcements about things like upload time comment down below your thoughts on the video and what you think could be better anyway i hope you all have an amazing rest of your day and i'll see you all in the next video
Channel: EvanMCGaming
Views: 5,143,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dream SMP, Dream SMP story, Tommy vs Dream, Dream, Tommyinnit, dream smp disc saga, dream smp history, dream smp complete story, tubbo, tommy and tubbo, Evanmcgaming, Documentary, Minecraft documentary, dream smp origin, purpled, fundy, punz, badboyhalo, sapnap, the story of the dream smp, evanmcgaming dream smp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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