Dream SMP - The Complete Story: Exiled

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nobody had noticed wilbur sneaking away from the crowd alone wilbur entered the detonation chamber and the single button stood in the middle of the room had the power to destroy it all the thing that i built this nation for doesn't exist anymore the thing i work towards doesn't exist anymore it's over what are you doing there was a saying phil by a traitor uh once part of the hamburg it was never meant to be oh my god wilbur had destroyed the single press of a button had decimated all of lumanburg technoblade who had fled the scene as soon as his withers were killed was nowhere to be seen the world fell silent as the people marveled their lost land in disbelief but this was no time to mourn tubbo being the new president of lumanburg took it upon himself to take inventory and begin rebuilding their nation gathering the remaining allies of lumamburg tubo elected his cabinet and made his first executive order starting the next day the people would begin to rebuild le mansburg on stilts above the crater by leaving the destruction visible and keeping lumber as peaceful as possible the people hoped to never let their nation fall again the day of the war came and went and the next day reconstruction began everyone logged on to the server to help tommy needing to be informed of the plans met with tubbo in the le mansburg embassy there tubo explained how lumenberg would be rebuilt and his plans of keeping peace however tommy had something he wanted to say as well the night before tommy had found out that quackity and tubbo thought he was the traitor before it was revealed to be techno and wilbur then tommy recalled that in a previous skirmish with dream tommy and tubbo managed to team up once again to reclaim one of his discs melohi and now to show the true extent of his trust tommy gave tubbo the disc over the next few days a new lamborgh arose from the shadows of their once great land and with a podium to rule from and a cabinet he could trust tubbo began his first term as president of new le manderg following the explosion of lumamberg wilbur ordered filza who had just logged onto the server for the first time to kill him but although he could technically just respawn wilbur would not be coming back at least not as wilbur in the dream smp story there exists a canon life system this system is put in place to give the story more weight and to ensure that the deaths which are important to the story feel important upon joining the server every player is given three canon lives this essentially means that if a character has a death that is used to progress the story it will count as one cannon death once a character uses up all of their canon lives that character is considered dead in the story for good both tommy and tubbo had only one life remaining because of eric's betrayal tommy's duel with dream and the mamberg festival and wilbur having ordered phil to kill him had lost his final life in the story but in his place arose a new character the day after the war wilbur rejoined the server but this time he was different he was a ghost gosper is not a normal character on the dream smp being a mere shadow of wilbur gosper has a limited thought process and questionable memory he doesn't remember sad moments and doesn't understand that people can be bad because of this he sees the best in everything a harsh contrast to his old self gosper lives in a sewer under a crane in new lumenburg and holds a library with many important books from across the server's history with his time on the server all goes for hopes to do is make new friends and build up the city to be the best it's ever been but gosper wasn't the only new character to join the snp rambu a viral sensation blowing up on tiktok because of his unique voice and comedic character rambu managed to amass 150 000 subscribers on youtube in the first month and a half of his channel replicating this success across twitch twitter and of course tiktok rambu took the minecraft community by storm during one of his twitch streams on the server hypixel rambu began joking about running for president of lumamberg without even playing on the smp but then out of the blue rambu got a message from dream inviting him to join the server being new rambu vowed to lay low until he clocked more hours on the server but to his surprise this plan would take a turn for the worst the very next day tommy and rambu met the day rambu joined the smp but only exchanged a few words after tommy rage quit realizing he was still the youngest on the smp the two wouldn't speak again until the next day on november 28th tommy logged on with a plan during the mamberg pugtopia war george pretending not to know what was happening built a house throughout the entire war this house resided in the greater dream smp and was made to resemble a hobbit home from lord of the rings today tommy planned to recruit rambu to help him rob george's house because it looked depressing i went into there it's sad it's just depressing and after some preparation the two began to rob and grief george's house things got a bit out of hand as they ended up burning parts of the roof and bridge outside and without a care in the world the two ran from the pillaged house unseen but unbeknownst to them this was the final straw over the past weeks people have been reporting griefings and pranks on their property with signs that match exactly how tommy talks and although no one had seen him do it it was apparent that he was the one doing the grieving and now because george had been made king of the dream smp in place of eret who was dethroned tommy had directly attacked the dream s p faction by griefing george's house upon seeing the house practically destroyed dream was enraged and he knew exactly who had done it he quickly made his way to lumanburg taking a look at the already rebuilt nation dream decided there was only one thing he could do if they wanted freedom they could have it but no more would he put his own citizens at risk of people like tommy if they wanted the walls they could have them mere minutes after tommy ended his stream nicki arrived at lumamberg only to see dreams surrounding the country with an obsidian wall word quickly spread and soon everyone who was online showed up to see what was happening dream exclaimed that he was marking their borders and when asked why he told the people to talk to tommy nikki quickly realized what had happened she and captain puffy who was also new to the server had seen what tommy and rambu did and proceeded to inform the others of their actions following this the people led by rambu who denied all involvement with the griefing observed the damaged house tubbo was especially angry questioning why he even made tommy vice president in the first place with this tubo and fundy decided to gather all of the members of the cabinet to discuss their options the next day and as the sun set the people logged off once again fearing for the safety of their home the next day everyone logged on and prepared for the meeting tommy saw the walls for the first time and stared in shock as he realized what he'd done meeting in the camar van the cabinet discussed the situation dreamers built walls around le mansburg which is obviously not okay and he's claiming that all treaties avoid things that we overthrew the government the treaties were made with however i don't think this is done without motive i feel like someone in this room has done something okay because we're the people of power and if he wanted to hurt the man book he'd hurt the people of power that's us yup so someone in this room i reckons aggravated him tommy what have you done do i look like a guilty man i'm gonna be honest tommy this has your name written all over it george came in here and said that his house burned down did you have anything to do with that that's what you said anything did you did you have anything no you are no i didn't no i really with the meeting going nowhere and tommy denying all involvement the cabinet decided to talk directly with dream to uncover the truth hey dream i'd like to i'd like to start by um pointing the attention to the the elephant in the room being the massive obsidian borders you've put up i would like to know if there was if there was any any motive any kind of you know we signed treaties a while ago yeah to me those treaties mean nothing because you are a new government you have taken over the old government you disregarded the old government's law and you took it over now i didn't really care about this okay until our vacation home was burnt down by tommy i want tommy punished i want something to happen to tommy for what he's done if nothing is done the walls will expand and more will happen the conversation continued with tommy denying everything and so dream decided to talk alone with tubbo he did this you're the president i know he did he did and i know you want peace and i do have no problem with that i really hope we can come together peaceful resolve this peacefully i'm sure we can but tommy you know he doesn't he's not peaceful at all no and as long as tommy's vice president there can't be peace my suggestion is that you exile tommy wow all right get him out that's all i have to say though tubbo was completely divided he knew tommy had done it and also knew that listening to dream would be best for the country but if tubo were to exile tommy he would also be betraying his best friend and so after a quick discussion with fundy and quackity they decided to take tommy to court to make their official decision the two sides presented their case and eventually agreed to put tommy on probation stripping him of his powers as vice president of lumenburg all seemed to be resolved but dream was not satisfied what do you what do you mean probation isn't enough he's been stripped of that i know you suggested exile but hear me out hear me out okay listen tommy is tommy he's never going to stop but he already said his goal is to piss me off and if you want that as somebody in your nation that even if he doesn't have power listen to me this tell me you've done enough damage for today no no listen you have i do one thing which i'm more than willing my free rights to do we have no correlation with the dream smp anymore you know tubbo and i know what actually this is how you react you don't want to you don't want to exile that's fine give me the desk what tommy i suggest you stay quiet do not give him the phone i gave you that diss to you to prove to you how much i told me there's one big difference between you and dream dream isn't the vice president and you are actions have consequences there will be a meeting on the 2nd of december we will sign a treaty we will sort this see you then december 2nd the members of the cabinet had decided to hold off on making their decision to hear what dream had to say today they hoped would shine light on the best decision for leman berg as well as the true extent of tommy's destruction the cabinet met dream in a newly constructed meeting room residing in the greater dream smp here they pled that tommy's probation was providing good results and that in exile as dream heavily requested was not necessary after some negotiation the group agreed that tommy's probation would continue and if he so much as breathed in the wrong direction dream would double the size of the walls and tommy's probation would be extended everyone was relieved tubbo did not have to take drastic measures and the tension between dream smp and lemanberg began to lighten lumenburg was in no shape for another conflict and with the signing of the treaty it seemed they were in the clear but tommy had other plans after the signing of the treaty tommy asked for an ender chest complying out of curiosity dream watched as tommy revealed he was still in possession of dream's most valued item on the server the leather dropped by his old pet horse spirit tommy realized that dream had nothing on him and stated that because skeppy had his other disc dream had nothing to hold over tommy the cabinet members stood in awe as they realized what this meant dream may not have had tommy's disc but he did have the power to destroy le mander again once again reverting to his selfish ways tommy ignored the possible consequences on lumamberg in favor of his discs tubbo warned him that this was a very bad idea but he didn't listen threatening to burn spirit tommy ordered dream to tear down the obsidian walls and as they made their way to lumamberg that's exactly what dream did until he stopped confused tommy quackety and fundy ordered him to continue working but this time dream had no intention of [Music] what are you listening okay listen you up this time i don't give a about spirit i care about your discs i care more about your disc than you do that's the only thing i care about in server actually i don't care about spirit spirit was my horse died ages ago i care about your diss cause that's what gives me power over you and your friends and everybody that you care about because you care about your disc more than anyone else here so if you are not exiled from le mandberg i will build these walls until they've reached this block limit i will keep everybody inside i will hire guards puns and sapnet to patrol all around the entire walls keeping them inside no trade no one leaves no armor or they get slaughtered inside don't try and threaten me i don't care okay right in front of me right now i don't have attachment to your discs they're minus why do you even care about them no tommy tell me they're my desks you have three days if you do not exile him in three days i'll do what i said lemanberg can be independent but le mander can't be free tubo's fear had become reality lumenburg had a chance to move forward peacefully but tommy in his own self-interest threw that chance away thinking he could beat dream but dream had moved past attachment moved past weakness all he cared about was power and tommy had just given him another reason to use that power against them tubo had to make a decision the toughest decision in the history of le mansburg friendship or freedom you had one job you couldn't do one thing for me you couldn't do one just one thing and it was for your own good if the roles were reversed yeah you probably wouldn't exile me because i would have actually listened to you and done what you said and maybe had a couple ounces of respect you've messed this up for no one but yourself this whole war all of this lemandberg everything this has started way before the man berg me and you versus dream this isn't this can't be where we split now though you can't turn into what you hate you can't be the next slap if you exile me you're following in that man's footsteps okay well please as long as i can't be the next flat you can't be the next wilbur two days passed and the day of the decision arrived the cabinet members talked about what they were going to do would they answer to dreams requests and exile their friend or risk having another war by sticking by his side tommy proposed that exiling him would only further divide le mannberg giving dream the ability to easily overpower and take control of their nation tommy suggested another plan together the group would stand up to dream tommy proposed that although they could not take on dream by themselves one man could he suggested they recruit technoblade quackity and fundy loved the idea they were tired of dream pushing them around and wanted revenge knowing technoblade despised government and fearing dream's power tubbo knew this plan would be insanely risky but resentfully he agreed and with a new plan in place the cabinet gathered on top of the walls to announce their decision to dream we have come to a decision look around there's giant obsidian walls there is there is dream and that that's that that is a that is a problem okay you know this is funny actually tommy i am i am so so sorry dream i've come to the decision that will be best for the nation the most logical thing to do for tommy to be exiled from lumanburg what teaming with technoblade is an awful idea it's an awful idea just had this conversation no no okay nothing involving any kind of conflict is the best for this nation you've undermined my authority from the get-go okay all of you no one here has respected me you will jump on these merry little bandwagons of of destruction it's not okay why would you go back on the plan now when i was sworn in i made a promise to do what was best for the nation and right now tommy you your presence here is not the best for this nation [Music] before everything the discs what about the discs they're just this is what music discs you know what this looks like they shouldn't be able to dictate the future of an entire nation how are the discs anywhere the discs don't matter tommy how could you not see that if nothing matters then why does any of any of this matter at all [Music] durian please detain and escort tommy out of my country are you what what are you let's go tell me you're here by exiled it's how it has to be you're a liability you need to leave now you're my friend betrayed that is what tommy felt betrayed by a partner his friend his best friend tommy was escorted from lumenburg immediately as ordered by tubbo no last words and no goodbyes nothing as the two traveled away from the walls a confused ghostburg decided to join them on their journey and just like that in a matter of seconds tommy was once again exiled from his home of le mandburg they traveled oceans forests only stopping in a plane's biome nearly one and a half thousand blocks from lumanburg dream forced tommy to set his spawn so he could no longer return by dying after this dream ordered him to drop all of the items he had into a hole to be destroyed once again he was cast away once again he had nothing but this time it really was his fault with his only friend in thousands of blocks being ghostbur tommy was alone but he hadn't given up hope of one day returning to lumanburg tommy and ghostburg decided to build their official home near the ocean after some time tommy decided to name their land log stitcher as their home resembled a campsite surrounded by stripped log walls as much as tommy hated it this was his life now he missed his friends in an attempt to cheer him up gosper entrusted tommy with a special compass that no matter where he was in the world would always point towards tubbo he cherished this compass at least now he had something to remind him of his best friend his tubbo the days came and went tommy would finally begin to make progress and dream would immediately force him to give up all of it everything became a routine tommy started to question if dream was really that bad after all other than ghostburg he was the only one who visited him tommy began to look forward to his conversations with dream even though he would destroy everything tommy had dream it seemed was the only one who still cared ghost bird told tommy that he gifted tubbo with an identical compass pointing to tommy but tommy was sure that he hated the gift just as much as tubbo hated him as the days turned to weeks tommy became sad after all he'd been through with his friends still no one visited him in an attempt to see his friends again tommy decided to throw a beach party decorating the beach with ghostburgh tommy had planned out the perfect day for his reunion with his friends the date of the party was set for december 9th and tommy sent ghostburg to invite every citizen of lemanberg a few days passed everyone had gotten their invite and the day of the celebration arrived tommy looking forward to seeing everyone sat at a table on the beach waiting for his guests to arrive some time passed and 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the party the only person there was dream but it was okay everyone was just running late surely everyone missed tommy as much as he missed them right the minutes came and went tommy began to worry had people really forgotten no there's no way all of them forgot his friends didn't all just happen to lose their invite they had chosen not to come then all of them would rather do nothing than see tommy again nobody cared tommy concluded that if the rules were reversed and tubba was the one exiled everyone would be there every day to check on him but because it was tommy nobody cared he imagined a lemandberg without himself as the people celebrated his absence every day he had lost all hope dream explained to tommy that tubbo had burned his compass this broke him he contemplated throwing his compass into lava but decided to keep it for the time being as of now his last friends on the server were rambu and dream but that was about to change every day when dream would blow up tommy's things he would lie and keep a few items on him with the help of rambu he constructed a small hidden chest room to keep these items safe under logsded this chest finally allowed him to start making progress finally regain power but on december 15th something went horribly wrong as dream dug a hole for tommy to drop his stuff in he found the chest room tommy stood in fear of what was about to happen dreams stated that tommy had messed up bad lied to a friend and until he learned to listen he would have to start over this time truly dream proceeded to blow up all of logs to cheer and told tommy that no one was allowed to visit him and the nether was off limits tommy begged for a second chance he felt bad that he made dream upset and blamed everything on himself dream had been gracious to him even letting him keep his stuff some days but he still for some reason just had to go behind his back as dream abandoned him tommy examined the ruins of the only thing he had left he thought about everything all the memories he had with le mannberg with his old friends and most of all he thought about dream i don't need the nether i'm just alone my only friend dream is gone i'm above them already he was my friend the dream was my only friend this entire time he came and he'd visit me every day and we'd laugh and we'd cry so much crying and he'd take my things he'd make me throw everything into a into a hole and he said to me i'll see you every every week to come and watch you he'd come to watch me he wasn't here to be my friend [Music] tubbo watches coldly as his best friend is escorted away from le mansburg as much as it pained him to send tommy away being the president of lumamberg meant he had to protect his country and tommy had more than enough chances to make things right although fundy and quackity disagreed with tubbo's decision all of them understood that there was no changing his mind soon returned announcing that tommy was now far away from lumanburg and had been successfully exiled and with this the walls were taken down and dream had once again declared lumanburg as an independent nation praising tubbo for making the right decision dream vowed that lamanberg would have his full support in any wars to come as the sun set le mannburg was free once again but the people had already began to miss their exiled front a few days later gospel arrived with a gift for tubbo knowing he missed tommy greatly ghosper entrusted tubbo with the compass that would always point to tommy from that point forward tubble would always hold the compass in his off hand to never forget how much tommy meant to him word spread that tommy was having a beach party at his home in exile but to everyone's disappointment none of them had received inflates tubbo really wanted to visit tommy but having not been invited to his party and hearing from ghostware that tommy was very sad tubbo did not want to make him feel any worse than he already did the last time they saw each other and so tabo as well as the rest of the cabinet members decided to give tommy his space to let him calm down before visiting to apologize to make matters even worse while working on a project tubo had ended up losing his tommy compass to a creeper explosion tubbo felt crushed he questioned if he made the right decision to exile tommy and just wanted things to go back to normal he wanted his best friend but he knew he had to wait following tommy's exile the people of lumamberg knew their nation still wasn't completely safe and so fundy and quackity came up with a plan they discussed with tubbo possible threats to the safety of lumanberg and quickly two people began to stand out as their biggest enemies techno played and dream dream had just threatened le mansburg and without question had the power to take down their country whenever he wanted this made him dangerous and a prime target for the lumanberg hit list however following the exile of tommy dream and lemanberg in his eyes were on great terms this meant that although he was dangerous taking out dream was not their number one priority but technoblade was following his betrayal of lumenburg in the previous war technoblade had moved from his house under the river to an undisclosed location as far as the people knew he could be anywhere plotting his next major attack on lumanburg and with this realization the butcher army was officially created to take out technoblade for good before the army could kill technoblade they had to find him however that is much easier said than done technoblade is smart and thus has made sure not to return to lumenburg for any reason to avoid being followed home if he doesn't want to be found he won't be but the army had another idea to their knowledge only one person knew the whereabouts of techno on the entire server and he just so happened to live in le mansburg after recruiting rambu the group quickly made their way to philz's house to interrogate him we have a simple request we are looking for technoblade just tell us where he is you're citizen of lemanberg we're trying to get justice for our country you should care about this as much as we care about it so phil tell us where technoblade is i'm not going to tell you he's changed his wiz bilsa just tell us this is for the country this is not a request this is a demand where do you think this this loyalty that i have for this country exists like i'm not loyal to this country at all i'm pretty new here and if anything you guys need to prove to me that i should care also uh techno and may go way back and we do not ride out on each other if you're not gonna help us do it the easy way we're gonna have to do it the hard way right right immediately the army began searching phil's chest for any clue to techno's location and a few seconds into the search tubbo hit the jackpot in one of the chests tubbo had stumbled across a compass that pointed directly to technoblade's house whenever phil visited techno he used the compass to guide him but today it would lead the butcher army directly to his front door because of his failure to comply tubbo placed phil under house arrest until further notice and as the army set out to kill techno phil could do nothing but watch and warn his friend they're coming technoblade quickly flees the scene of a now destroyed la manburg his withers had been killed and he knew it was only a matter of time before the people turned on him cutting through the night on his trusty horse carl techno quickly arrived at his now looted bunker they had taken so much only to turn around and create the one thing he was openly opposed to government techno knew he was living on borrowed time the other major threat to lumanburg was already dead and he knew as soon as the people came to their senses they would comfort him and because he had just shown the entire server where his secret base lied he knew he had to move and so over the next two days techno with some help from filza moved all of his stuff to a far away place somewhere cold unrelenting and barren the last place they would look to find him over the next few weeks techno would build a humble cabin to house him in between adventures he entrusted phil with a compass to his house to ensure he wouldn't get lost as well as making him promise not to tell anyone the location of his new home for weeks he hid officially retiring from his violent ways in favor of peace until december 16th a seemingly normal day techno logged on to the server and started to move through the items on his to-do list but then out of nowhere he got a chilling message from phil they were coming they were coming and techno had no time to prepare with every second that passed the army drew closer to his no longer secret estate techno grabbed everything he could find to aid him in case a fight broke out and as he was brewing potions a completely oblivious ghostburt arrived at his door while techno pocketed totems of undying and grabbed every weapon in his arsenal gospel waddled off in the snow to name a sheep friend upon finding ghost bird the butcher army asked him about techno to which he immediately led them directly to his house techno spotted them on a nearby hill the four who seeked him out with the sole purpose to kill and go spur waved the six of them met directly outside techno's house and discussed what was about to happen not here technoblade's not here guys you should welcome literally see him well it goes for i think it's it's a little bit it's a little bit late for that why have you guys come all the way over here to my humble abode how about you you need to that was like that's in the past man all right that was a different techno blade i'm a changed man now i'm in retirement i'm a good person now tubby sorry i'm sorry technoblade as much as change you have to be brought to justice for that listen you guys i have gone to so much effort over the past month to change my violent ways i have reformed all right the voices they demand blood and i i have been denying them i have been fighting back please please don't make me kill all of you please just leave we won't let you get out of here in one piece okay it's either going to be the easy way it's going to be the hard way we're going to connect troubleman you're gonna come with us there's no other way around it okay there's no other way i choose blood no oh no oh this is not good this is not good oh my god he is heavy get down give me taxes get the access yes this is the time oh my god i got you i got you there's the baby tickle please stop it's heavy wait what are you doing what are you doing with that horse something was wrong techno's treasured horse carl was being threatened with death if techno failed to cooperate bending to the wheels of his captors techno listened quackity ordered him to drop all of his items but he secretly decided to keep a few in case of emergency and with this the butcher army took techno to the slaughter technoblade's execution would take place in the town square of lumenburg upon their arrival he would be placed in a cage composed of iron bars and glass this execution would be by anvil a redstone device was wired to a lever next to the cage that when activated would pull the block out from under the anvil dropping it from the sky onto a helpless technoblade below the army gathered around to witness this historic moment tubbo explained that techno had robbed them stepped in when it was not his battle to fight and now it was only fair they would take something in return a life his first of three gone for good fills a watched from his house as much as he wanted to step in there was nothing he could do but watch his friend be killed in front of him but he wouldn't have to step in he ruined the government puns is growing right had it what is he doing oh sure that's fantastic that's fantastic i'm about to die [Music] what to techno surprise dream and puns had teamed up to help him escape and as techno ran puns distracted the army while dream brought carl to a newly dug tunnel for techno to escape through he entered the tunnel quickly finding himself in the final control room the very same used in eric's betrayal during the first lumenburg war there dream had left techno a chest with supplies to help him in case a fight broke out during his escape and after beginning to finish digging his escape tunnel this happened oh oh that's not good what the hell are you doing here it's not what it looks like hell did that anvil not kill you did you really think quackity that you could kill me that easily how did you do it what how did you even do that you think death can stop me quaggaty i've got i've got a lot to say i was gonna say it at the trial but we got a little bit interrupted quackity you know i tried convincing you guys that governments that government was not the answer the government was actually the cause of all your problems all right i tried to i tried to convince you guys by fighting alongside you as brothers and you just cast me aside you used me i tried to use force but you still formed a government and when i went into haydn when i retired when i swore off violence you hunted me down you hurt my friends you don't understand techno you don't understand why we're trying to build here techno you are on the hit list techno what hitless i'm building a country here this is what we have there's a country and what we need here is organization and power and i don't care how long it takes me or what i have to do to get you techno i'm going to kill you technically i just have one question quickly what do you have do you think you're enough to kill me even unarmed with iron armor do you really think you can take me like i have a pickaxe and i'll put it through your teeth i'll put it through your teeth quackity if there's one pvp that i'm planning to when it's this one baby my aim is so bad with this movie yeah yeah i know it is technoblade with a mere pickaxe and half the armor worn by quackity had one following the duel techno escaped through the sewers eventually exiting through tommy's sewer escape route with this techno was free their plan had worked they had successfully captured techno but they failed to account for one eternal truth technoblade never dies techno traveled land and sea on his journey home together with carl the two seek to relax after a long and stressful day they traversed the barren wasteland of frozen powder and through the harsh winter blizzard techno could finally see home and what he's just ignoring me what are you doing in my house tommy well hello how are you i say we call it our house and these guys houses why are you letting them in your pants just broke hey don't worry i found these in the closet sounds like someone's having a rough day what the heck is down this what the heck is this what the heck is this oh i moved out by the way you know my old home i'm here now i kind of noticed why do i have so much beef hey we don't need no beef tanner blade we can be pal give me back my stuff tommy hey hey you obviously need to cool down [Music] that did nothing go away actually this is mine this is my house you leave no if it makes you feel better i can explain to you what happens stop placing my gold i'm a loner i'm like a lone wolf i'm like a big dog so please leave my home edit this is my house goodbye all right well we have we have two we have to we have two possibilities here uh stop saying goodbye this is this is my property this is the it definitely has the prime log i will break the primal i don't know why you're here i live here i i i am known to do that good day leave my house this is my house tommy after a very awkward conversation techno came up with a plan you see tommy i know a lot about putting trust in other people and having them having them betray that trust using me as a weapon and then casting me aside when it's most convenient for them you want to be friends with tubo you want to know what's driven you apart why you don't have your disk it's because of the government if there was no government you and tubbo could be friends you could have your discs back there'd be nothing for dream to threaten [Music] join me let's destroy le mandberg i have something i need to show you i have been working on just just a little just a little hobby time i need you to stand right here all right you see this wall welcome home theseus [Music] thank you all so much for watching if you made it this far and are not subscribed to the channel make sure to do so as i spent literally over a month on this video anyway thank you guys so much for watching comment your thoughts down below and i'll see you all in the next video
Channel: EvanMCGaming
Views: 8,154,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dream SMP, Dream SMP story, Dream, Tommyinnit, dream smp history, dream smp complete story, Evanmcgaming, Minecraft documentary, the story of the dream smp, evanmcgaming dream smp, wilbur soot, Manburg, L'manburg, L'manburg election, Wilbur blows up L'manburg, Technoblade, Technoblade L'manburg, Technoblade Dream SMP, Manburg Festival, L'manburg war, Pogtopia, documentary, Dream SMP war
Id: ZhNXz2yRPVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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