The Story of Minecraft's First Wandering Trader...

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i was about to do something no villager had ever done before but let me start from the beginning it felt like just yesterday i was a normal kid in the village and that's because it was just yesterday but now i've grown up and that means today's the day i'm gonna be assigned my job dude i am really nervous what about you me i'm not nervous at all i come from a family of blacksmiths i've been training for this my whole life i'll probably be a weapon smith that must be so nice i have no idea what i'm gonna do i just know i feel like i'm meant to be something great like an astronaut or something what's an astronaut welcome everyone this is an exciting day for you all as head of the village it's my duty to explain to you three the process of being assigned a job we're going to put you each through a series of tests that will help see which job is best for you i want you all to do your best i know you'll do great things for this village so we each were led to our first test but this is where i started having trouble as a villager you need to know how to sell items so for this test i will be providing you some armor and you need to sell it for as many emeralds as you can i would say with this gear you should be able to get at least 32 emeralds you have all day good luck i promise i'm not gonna let you down i've got this i thought i was gonna have trouble selling the gear but i managed to sell it all to the same person for an amazing deal alright so how'd you do let's just say i did way better than 32 emeralds really that's amazing how many did you get well i was talking to this one guy and i sold him all the gear for two stacks of lapis he said this was way better than emeralds what are you an idiot wait what's the problem he said this stuff was as rare as diamonds i'm sorry but you failed honestly you did really well on this farm i'm impressed i think you could make a good farmer all that's left in the test is for you to take this wheat back to my house and then turn into bread then bring it back to me and you'll pass okay i've definitely got this i promise i'm not gonna let you down it's almost nighttime i wonder what's taking that kid so long i should probably go check on him and make sure he's okay oh my god my house what happened okay i can explain basically i was trying to make the bread and then it just what do you mean you were trying to make the bread you don't need fire to make bread oh that's why it wasn't working what are you talking about i'm sorry but i have to fail you as the day went on i just kept having more and more trouble and by the end of the exam i didn't even manage to pass a single test first i want to congratulate each of you on your hard work me and the other teachers went through the results and decided which job is best for each of you we decided you should be a farmer and you should be an armorer the two of you are free to go home and start working wait what about me what job did i get you need to come with me i've got to explain some things to you the cleric led me to his house where he was about to give me some very bad news listen i don't know how to tell you this but no one has ever scored as low as you did on the exam when someone scores as low as you did we're supposed to give them a green robe in the title of nitwit it basically means we think it'd be best for everyone if you just stayed out of their way you'd be doing more harm than good you understand i think i get what you're trying to say but you're just completely wrong i might not have been good at any of those tests but that's because that's not what i'm meant to do i'm gonna go out in the world and do something great one day i know it and when i do you'll all realize you were wrong so that's how i ended up like this but i was not gonna let this stop me i knew all i had to do was keep trying different things until i could find out what i was good at hey do you need any help i really want to learn about more jobs no thanks oh okay oh farmer joe you definitely need help can i help you work today uh sorry i gotta go share my cows wait that's not even a thing it was obvious no one in the village wanted to work with me now that i was a nitwit so i decided i was gonna do something that no villager had ever done before so i left the village and traveled the world trying to figure out what i was meant to do but i had a problem none of the villages i visited would let me in they all know i was a nitwit because i was wearing the green robe so i had an idea i collected some flowers from a nearby field and turned them into dye then i used the dye to change the color of the wool on two sheep and then i used the wool to make myself this disguise i've been going around as a wandering trader but my negotiation skills still need work i've never seen anyone like you before what kind of trades do you have i have amazing trades i'm willing to sell you this flower from a far away land for seven emeralds we're literally standing in a field of those flowers right now why would i pay seven emeralds you drive a hard bargain two emeralds i was having a lot of fun traveling all over the world but i still feel like i didn't find what i was meant to do that's until i got to this village what is that thing i've never seen anything like this before what is it even made out of is someone out there it's alex and steve you need to listen to us oh my god alex and steve is this your guy's house this is cool no this isn't our house we were trapped here by herobrine and he's going to do the same to everyone else you have to stop him wait how can i stop him what do i do all his power comes from a special command block he keeps with him i know this is a lot to ask but you need to somehow get that block from him and bring it to us you might be the only one left who can stop him you have to succeed okay i understand i promise i won't let you guys down i've got this i ran to my village as fast as i could but when i got there it was already too late herobrine had trapped the entire village in bedrock i didn't know what to do so i tried to find someone to help sir what do i do i was supposed to warn you guys about herobrine but i was too slow alex and steve need my help but i don't think i can do it i'm just a nitwit you're wrong i don't think it was an accident you weren't in the village when we were attacked for all you know you may be the last one who hasn't been trapped by herobrine you can do this i know it how there's no way i can stop him he's too powerful i have an idea it's not gonna be easy but if you pull it off you'll be stronger than even steve or alex it may help you beat him you see that brewing stand it's been passed down from cleric to cleric it comes from another world you can use to make a potion that'll make you stronger okay perfect how do i use it that's the problem i don't even know how it works the portal to the other world has been closed off and we were told to never open it but i fear it may be our only option go to the blacksmith's house and take whatever gear you can get and go to the ruins listen carefully i'm going to tell you exactly how to fix the portal i did exactly what the mayor told me to do i went to the blacksmith's house and grabbed all the gear that was there then i went to the ruins for some reason this area was always off limits to us but i just thought it was kind of a big pile of rocks i opened the chest and followed the exact instructions the mayor gave me he said to use the obsidian to complete the frame of the portal and then he said once that was done i needed to light it on fire part of me didn't believe it was gonna work but i did what he said and started the fire and the portal opened this was it i had to do it the potion was the only way i'd be able to stop herobrine what the heck what is this place i quickly focused on what i had to do and started looking for someone to teach me how to make potions i ended up at this old abandoned castle oh perfect hey man do you know how to make potions ah leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone i'm sorry i'm sorry hey can i talk to you really fast oh my god please leave me alone i'm sorry i didn't mean it i left the castle because it was a terrible place i wasn't sure if i was ever gonna find someone to teach me until i found this group of pigs wearing gold armor it gave me an idea i had seen a bunch of gold on the walls and floors and i'd been ignoring it but now i went back and collected it all once i had enough i snuck into the forest to get some wood i used the wood to make a crafting table then i used all the gold i'd collected to start making armor once i had a full set my plan was ready hey hey what is up my fellow pig guy wait a second you don't look like a piglet oh that's just cause i come from a different forest plus if i wasn't a piglen why would i be wearing gold armor hmm yeah i guess that makes sense anyway do you know anything about potions of course i know a ton about potions i like to make the pretty orange ones oh that's so cool do you know how to make a strength potion yeah i know how first you need to get netherwort and blaze powder from the scary fortress and then i think you need to get a golden carrot and a fermented spider eye ah perfect man you're the best thank you wait or was that swiftness as fast as i could i started collecting everything the piglet had told me to get once i had everything i needed from this world i went back to the normal world and then i went out and got the last few ingredients i needed for the potion sir i did it i got everything i needed i can make the strength potions now i can maybe stop hero brian i knew you could do it you're our only hope you have to stop herobrine don't worry i promise i'm gonna stop him and free all of you i won't screw this up once i finish making the potions i took all of them and then i started searching for hero brian it took me a few days but after a while of searching i finally caught up to him and i was ready to fight i knew it wasn't going to be easy but i drank my strength potion and got ready to battle why are you doing this to us you're hurting people you stupid villagers don't seem to understand think about how many villagers used to be killed by mobs or by not having enough food if you all would just let me protect you no villager would ever be heard again what gives you the right to control us you want to know what gives me the right this block gives me the right with this block i might as well be a god if i wanted to i could completely erase you from existence what the heck listen i don't know who you are or what you think you're doing but if you put that block down right now i might let you live well that's going to be a problem i managed to escape herobrine because i was invisible and i ran as fast as i could to alex and steve by the time i got there my potion had worn off guys i did it i stole the block from herobrine great now you just have to get the block in here to us how am i supposed to do that i don't know maybe try activating it i'll see what i can do but i really don't understand this block at all i don't want to screw this up here goes nothing [Music] i thought you'd bring it here and it looks like i'm just in time too you haven't figured out how to open the box yet you had a chance to give me the block now i'm just going to end you sorry hero brian but you were just a little too slow what what's happening without the power of creative mode herobrine realized he was outmatched and he surrendered peacefully he was then locked away by alex and steve in a bedrock prison i started a group called the wandering traitor association our goal was to work behind the scenes and move in silence to prevent disasters like this from happening ever again the world was finally freed of herobrine or so we thought wait right here i'm going in alone welcome back hero brian [Music]
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 3,627,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, The Story of Minecraft, The story of Herobrine part 2, The story of Herobrine's Fall, Seawatt gaming, Seawattgaming Minecraft, Seawattgaming tiktok
Id: 1fvaBfKJbZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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