dream makes georgenotfound KING of the dream smp

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holy cow now now i'm getting a ton of mushrooms okay wait never mind i'm not vc4 does dream have tips on building a house george yeah hey um you said you're building a house right yeah well good for you i actually have a house completely ready for you but like the point is that i built it myself you want to see this you want to see this do i though you really do what's your what's your chords i'm at awesome dude's house oh you're far you come back to the dream smp what i'm on the dream like this one this one okay yeah i can come back i'm just here because i don't know i was just here because i was getting stuff all right i'll come back over come on come on come on come on um yeah i'm just building a house like i realized like i'd be on this smp for months and i just haven't really had a house this entire time and the house that oh callahan's driving okay um get in callahan okay wait you saw hadron yeah okay yeah i realized like i just didn't have a house and i was like today's the day that i'm gonna get a house hawk thank you for oh tier two subs thank you for getting ten tears who subs thank you so much you're gonna come out of the nether portal right yes okay well i'm just wondering i'm trying to go door where you're going to be so i can meet with you why no trust me trust me dream don't kill me seriously i'm not i know i'm actually not 100 jeremy if you kill me i'm going to be very i promise you i'm not going to why did you sound so sorry the opposite why did he sound so suspicious but i just wanted to know where you i just want to know where you're going please don't kill me i have almost please george i'm being completely certain i'm being no i'm i'm being 100 serious please don't kill me who i'm not going to kill you please i'm coming through this point no i'm not going to get i'm standing please i'm trusting you do not kill me i'm not going to please i'm not i'm being serious i'm behind you i don't know oh so wait dream what's happening uh just one second one second is this a is this a trap follow me it's not a trap it's not a trap i don't want you to kill me i'm not killing you i have all my stuff so do you remember a long time ago it was during the first war actually um we established like a chain of command in the dream smp a chain of command like because we were we were appointing areas king right sure yeah we established the chain of command okay what's the channel come on um it was eric and then it was you oh to be king but uh that's why i'm trying to get aaron in here but if you come over here um one second let's kill this creeper um yeah we need to get him in the vc did you want to dm and message him in game and say uh vc4 vc4 why didn't you do that well i did just use it uh okay tell alright dream says vc4 i'm like very suss of this no no you're not don't be sassy that's what i'm waiting on i'm just waiting i don't like this this is scary we technically we technically don't need him but uh i i would have liked him to be here but george yeah you're king i'm king yeah this whole castle is yours wait what follow me and you can go to your throne hello so oh welcome eric okay wait let's just wait just wait a second all right um can you come to the castle please what's up i just it's me puns and george need to speak with you real quick and there's gonna be no violence don't worry yeah wait what just happened just just wait george this way i'm on my way all right um hey puns help me escort eric come on let's go hello hello hey george follow us too so i don't know if you remember it but whenever uh whenever we during the first war whenever um we were establishing that you were the king we established a chain of command do you remember that i i'm [Music] from my spice you gave me the kingship yes and then we had a chain of command as well after that so afterwards we had um george as the second in command so eric i need you to take your crown off i mean i know you took it off but i need you to take your crown off [Music] on your skin it is that a layer you can take it off it is but it also reveals my eyes i i need you to do it i can't you got to do it i mean i'm not asking you we have three of us here yeah why is this happening [Music] i can't do this all right you can you can do it the easy way or the hardware but you're doing it [Music] so just to just let you know george eric has betrayed dream smp and has decided to side with pogtopia in the war and um help them with their their uh why their naughty behavior why why the only thing and actually the only thing i advised him of i told him to say neutral i didn't even say he has to help us i just said he should stay neutral as king but he didn't he didn't listen eric you're just gonna stand there the crown please there it is i didn't realize he betrayed him we'll be fine we'll be fine take off the crown i'm just here minding my own business and i find out if you want it if you want you can put your crown back on you know once you're outside and away from here and it doesn't mean anything but in here you take it off [Music] can't do this man i'm sorry what do we do now all right let's escort him out of the castle alright get out is just he's just leaving see you guys bye-bye don't come back just make sure make sure he goes all the way out puns keep going george congratulations this whole castle is yours i'm the king you're the king i'm the king you're the king this is my castle king george yeah [Music] and you should get rid of all these flamingos first because it's kind of annoying wait a shorter business yeah i'm gonna uh callahan your first job get rid of the flamingos callahan that's his my squire [Music] i'm the i'm the new king yes so i know you said you don't need to build a house you have a castle now as much as like this is a house it's not a house you know that's just that's true it's where i reside when i'm doing my duties the queen doesn't the queen does not live in buckingham palace all the time that's true that's true i'm i'm gonna like i appreciate you handing over this castle to me i will definitely make use of it but for now i'm gonna have callahan clean out all the useless stuff um and i'm gonna go build a house elsewhere i'm gone i'm gone what's going on are you serious [Music] oh is you think i'm just going to let you kill the weather your son is going to be all for that phil are you oh there will always be a seat in the badlands for the king nb i'm the king be quiet george i can't believe you slept you're just you're just you're just my roommate george i've moved out i've moved into the castle and i'm building another house george is well the house was too far away so i was going to build a new house close to spawn which is what i was doing and then dream just made me king so it was still nice oh yeah george is king what what what do you mean because because eric was betrayed us so george is taking his place as king i mean aaron was only king because we appointed him eric you're no longer king wait have you guys been sitting here thinking eric was still king they were talking to him like he's king you guys didn't have you guys need to repeat that whole conversation with george now instead of there all right are you hearing what they're saying is there another one in the castle no no yeah george's i mean eric can live in the castle but he's like like george is like on the throne i mean bad we got the wrong person i mean like each one lives in the castle too that doesn't make age bomb person now yeah anyone can live in the comments but the only reason we wanted area is because we need the castle and he doesn't have the capital well who owns who's the owner of the castle george i am hey george george but aaron says he's the owner it's king george everyone's saying king george can't open the castle whoever wants to kill the castle i don't need to be king to own the castle huh i mean i built this up from everything so why don't we just kill george and then what oh yeah let's just do it let's just let's just perform regicide in daylight yeah all right all right let me ask you where are you i'll i'll defend your story and we'll defend george and everyone else i don't think everybody else is everyone oh no no you guys were you guys were looking for conflict but not between yourselves but now if you get involved in the conflict all it does is make you weaker it's like congratulations conflicts could benefit us it wouldn't benefit you at all it could benefit us no because there's no way you would win it would just be perpetual war okay well i think i'm down for a little bit i am prepared water hello all right so when do you want to do this do you want to do this now george do what george i've brought you underwear we can never battle forever i raised you as my own there's no there's nothing away from the net is owned by the rightful owner which is george guess what we're heading over there let's see if you can hold it well we don't have to hold it because it's no matter what it's just whoever goes and sits on the throne in terms of who's called king which george all right we'll have aries wait a minute did you guys just hear what he said he said we're not part of the dream smp it's part of the badlands he just officially acknowledged the best that's true that means we officially own everything north of my house and everything no no no even even parktopia and manbre don't own anything like i said you're easier i can kill you right now if i want to say oh my goodness why are you trying to start a war you just have to accept that i don't want to be one of the bad on 1v1 you it's perfectly what george at the end i want to be when you too you're trash oh my gosh like you have good you have good stuff because you there is try hard to serve 24 i still probably there is there is limits how much how far skill can take you i'm sure there is but but when your skill is negative one and my skill is like a thousand then there's a huge enough difference so so be it then i will i will battle you wait you two are fighting i will even i will even return your things well where are we going to meet for this where are we meeting i don't even have to meet anybody it's going to drop you just for the record i mean how i don't understand how i mean you'll see i kind of want to see this fight where are you two fights doesn't matter doesn't make any sense are you guys fighting i guess even played 1.9 pvp like it wouldn't even be close the only difference is like if you like potion spams or something then it's like okay but that's not where are you just posting spam and then anyone could just go do the same thing you're right you're right two seconds awesome here where are you where are you repairing my armor if i kill you dream you'll let me appoint eric as the king no matter no matter what i'm saying no matter what george is the king there's nothing you can do about that then we just need to kill him you kill george doesn't matter george is still the king even if you kill him killing him he's just a king i want to fight you dream but he is he has he has power because we have power do you miss and peter's power i'm confused i don't know awesome what do you guys think i think we have more power than gms than people i don't think i don't think the dream in georgia the only the only reason you would think you have more power is because you try hard the server 24 7. that doesn't mean you have more power that just means you have more items you can lose with all the items in the world somebody with no armor can walk up and throw six incident push on you you're instantly dead hmm this is interesting items mean nothing it has to do with how you use them not sure how much conflict i want to get into at the moment i'm not afraid okay i'm assuming you probably just have insta damage questions i have instant damage potions but i won't even need them if i don't want to you don't want me to you know what are you what makes you caught what makes you confident what makes you okay then i won't drop you with instant damage potions i'll put them away right what makes you confident i have no more instant damage bonds what makes you confident i know that you dream we can't give away our secrets what makes you confident you will die to me if you fight me that's all i know what makes you confident i promise you that you will die yes just say just just dream just say what he's scared i know he's scared i'm not scared i'm getting intel cause he's saying if he's if he's being confident when he's trashed then how is he going to be confident he has to have some reason why he's confident you see this is where you are confused you see being good at minecraft does not always mean you're good at pvp there's a level of strategy that can be used in survival minecraft of course there is well then fight me and you can see my strategy i don't know what items you have that's the point of the strategy i think you should fight if you fight me you can see i think that like i feel like no matter like what unless you potion spam me like there's no there's zero chance i will i will not drop and i have a god apple too like there's i would just eat a god apple even if i was about to die and then i'm alive i just feel like i feel like i don't know why you're so confident like i feel like it's something there's no way that's a good point if he has a god apple it doesn't matter it does not matter killing him how many god apples do you have on me i have one he might not be able to kill you but that's not enough why would i why kill me again that's what i'm saying just kill you again if you're totally dying yeah that's why it's not what you think about dream come fight where where are you where are you at awesome is either very tactical or very crazy i just don't see i don't see how i have maxed out armor i have a maxed out weapon i have a maxed out bow i have potions of every variety i have a shield i have a backup shield i have a god apple i have i have gaffles like there's unless you're just saying things yeah exactly then you would just lose because you get outmatched because i have something that you don't have because you don't know if it's existence well then that's what i'm saying that's that's why i'm asking what that sounds like unless you're unless like i'm thinking like end crystal no killing in the holy ground no killing in the holy ground i agree come to church prime and meet me hey puns uh we might need to kill some people in casino i'm well awesome dude yeah mommy i know people get dropped you know what dude they're like they're so confident for some reason i don't know what they have i mean they were saying they were saying this to me earlier for us to die earlier it's impossible for you to kill me what's up techno someone's doing a king thing here tech now that's the thing is there's no overthrowing of george because it's like there's no land that he owns because he doesn't own anything he's the only reason he's called king is just just for formalities well you know what let's stop him before he gets land well there's no there is nothing he so awesome dude is he's feeling mighty confident saying he can kill anyone and never die and i'm curious how he's saying that well i mean his 1.16 pvp is very defensive so if he doesn't have experience bottles so we couldn't really kill him with durability it'd take like 10 years to kill him but we could and technically we could always just you know andrew crystal him but i don't want to do that well that's what i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying just straight pvp like you take with if he just has probably i want you to listen to me five arms i will not use ender crystals i would not just saying like strength like if you just have strength pots we just kill you out like it's easy that's what you think yes why am i wrong why am i wrong uh you can heal you're not gonna you're not gonna get out of this where are you guys i'm just wondering okay i will not use end crystals i will not use tnt but you will not kill me and you will die in the end no matter how long the fight i mean literally no matter no matter what i wouldn't die the worst case scenario it's just i just pull away and run yeah like there's no dying there's no dying here like i just feel like you'd die because i'm better than you your armor will break before can you do anything with the trident can you do anything breaking three he's not saying that he's like better at pvp he's saying he's so much better than you i'm telling you that i have i have grinded at some point that no matter what you do the fight will last until all your armor breaks and then i will kill you am i not supposed to like jump him in the holy land or something yeah you can't you can't fight you can't kill him in the holy land okay i kind of smacked george in the face earlier but that that's fine there's just no killing when my armor is about to die ooh bad repair sorry yeah he is experiencing some experience bottles just spam him yes my armor won't break that doesn't make you invincible i almost guarantee i could just crit you out and you would die i think it's time for you we need like a code of honor here i just came here to kill george and we're all standing in the neutral zone i'm not to be killed i'm not to be terrible are you warning do you want to test it dream see how long i can survive against the greatest females so bad for my audience it's not even this flex is dumb because it's not like a flex of mechanical skill it's a flex of items it's a flex of things that's what i said but i was just thinking i think i could probably kill them anyway you know he's like he like no life's disservice listen you want to know why why it's so hyped for me because i know something that dream doesn't know which is so rare and dream doesn't know and he won't even know if we fight until the fight ends well there's just so many different mechanics that like like there is a mechanic that you have no idea you don't even know of its existence and i know you don't fight it's not smack talk fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight since he was since he was whitelisted he's been like online 9. the flex here is that i have spent more time getting things than you but that's okay i want to see a fight wait who's fighting dreaming tech uh dreaming also need to attack me when elsa did just stab him dream yeah are you ready when the arrow touches the ground the fight begins of course i feel like running is part of fighting in one point the arrow is coming down it's down that was the arrow the george shot wait dream i'm in the holy land he just he just hit me oh are they fighting is he fighting now oh they're fighting they're fighting bad's trying to get in the way of it bad bad you're gonna die bad i won't die but he's gonna kill you that he's gonna kill us why are you on their side oh this is all gone wrong oh my god awesome i get like five critical hits oh my god oh my god oh hello now i have strength oh trident away he tried it away oh he hit the ground oh my god it's lagging about wait where's techno and bad gold where's bam techno there's like two fights going on man take no what is going on i can't i can't watch both bikes at the same time i'm watching this okay okay stay over here they're fighting oh my god this is this is that hey bam techno should totally come and fight over here so i can see it no no i want to light it up oh dvp happening over here you were attacking me a second ago oh my god oh my god pvp pvp pvp his feet are weak hit his feet i feel like water is like giving him regen or something i don't know if there's something that does that but did you see it going off his kneecaps break his kneecaps do something just cut you can cover the water not now [Music] 15 times in a row for every one hit you hit speaking to the microphone i think there was this dream guy that was attacking you with some sort of weapon yeah yeah with the sword i think oh my god and all the farm animals and singing the farm animal song f-a-r-m-a-n-i-n song if you think that you can sing it faster then you're wrong okay well i guess i sang it kind of slow
Channel: dream hunter
Views: 4,248,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream, dream team, georgenotfound, sapnap, badboyhalo, mr beast, mr beast gaming, tommyinnit, tommyvods, tubbo among us, dream minecraft, dream smp, dream minecraft youtube, dream smp war, dream smp animatic, george, wilbur soot, wilbur blows up l'manberg, philza, twitch, among us, minecraft, dream team stream, dream team smp, dream livestream
Id: 9rVDsr6CjAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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