Minecraft 1.18 Release Candidate 2 & 3 - Critical Issues!

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welcome back to a video here on the second channel this one's going to be brief because we're covering the release candidates if you didn't see the previous video i explained the situation with these we've now got two and three coming out today two earlier in the day had one bug fix in large caves the generation can't reach minus y54 not allowing to generate large lava lakes and of course that's actually a big feature of 1.18 exploring deep underground and coming across some lava canyons so that one needed to get patched then later in the day this one here is quite alarming if you were to die and then re-log you could lock back into your world and find that all of the blocks like chests and furnaces that contain items were just empty so pretty big deal that needs to get patched before the release now monday will be their last day to make these patches before tuesday when it comes out so hopefully there are no more last minute serious bugs like this one right here i also wanted to share a tweet from slicedlime in this uh video as well so let's pop over to twitter here so the reason i'm asking you to post bugs on the tracker rather than on twitter is because i'm a human being with a silly squishy brain that's about to have the weekend off and the bug tracker is much better at remembering bugs than silly squishy brains and so it's not because i want to ignore or somehow get bugs out of my sight that i ask for them to go on the tracker it's because it's literally the best tool to make sure we can fix them and i spent a lot of time staring at the bug tracker trust me so yeah just a reminder if you do find any issues always the best way is to use the bug tracker sending them just a message on twitter is something they'll glance at and then move on to something else the bug tracker is where they sit down to do their work so if you find anything wrong in release candidate free be sure to post it to the bug tracker anyway that's it thanks for watching bye
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 127,009
Rating: 4.9715142 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 1.18, caves and cliffs part 2, caves & cliffs part 2, 1.18 pc, 1.18 java, 1.18 bedrock, 1.18 ps5, 1.18 ps4, 1.18 switch, 1.18 xbox, snapshot 31w47a, 31w47a, 1.18 snapshot, newest snapshot, latest snapshot, minecraft snapshot, 31w47a features, xisuma, xisumavoid, xisuma snapshot, 1.18 news, release candidate 3, 1.18 release candidate 3, xisumatwo, minecraft news, Minecraft 1.18 release candidate 3, release candidate 2, Critical Issues
Id: mpjGWo2LJOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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