Minecraft Speedrunner Spy VS Hunter

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this video my friend tries to hunt me down and stop me from beating minecraft but there's a twist i have a map that shows me his screen whenever i look at it but it also shows him when i use it this is similar to dream's minecraft manhunt videos the series was literally over a billion views except i'm the speed runner so dream is hunting me can he stop me from beating the end of dragon or will i survive also only a small percentage of the people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing it's literally free and you can change your mind later enjoy this video i can see myself through your eyes in this map look can you see it no it's just a map on my screen george well guess what it was a trick i'm running to this village you're an idiot oh george i'm right on your tail leave me alone how do i get up there hey how do i get up there this way you're right behind me oh oh oh george oh are you oh what i missed i'm gonna catch you oh my god give me this food stop oh now the tables have turned oh you're in front of the door are we front of the door again are we you going in the house that's cute breaking the glass stop stop wait what oh my god come on come on okay he's crafting i have time of course there's a mob there's two mobs i'm dead i guess you're on one hurt i can see your heart coming to kill you [Music] leave me alone where are you george don't worry i'm just getting my tools don't worry why are you running backwards george please please yes yes it's a slap trap you can't look you can't build on the slab you can't build i'm right-clicking you can't build you're an idiot all right well now i've got time i can just go do it wait i'm going back to the village wait how much food did you get i'm gonna go get all the bread from the village oh my god yes that travels so cool i'm so flustered i don't know what i'm doing i've lost all thought i just try to make a a hoe out of potatoes come on oh oh my god how are you back already what do you have i can probably just kill you i i have better stuff kill me all right fight me i have an iron sword the shield doesn't make you so tough oh eat munch where are you you're getting food stop killing my cows dream please please give me a chance give me some breathing room you have a stone axe it does more damage than my iron sword [Music] come here come here dream oh you ran i was low wait i can see your health i can see how much healthy up on the map oh you didn't see that coming did you see that coming did you dream i need help behind i need help just stop chasing me we can make a deal okay okay the deal is you see all these pigs here you gotta kill them and keep their feet their george you're so low i don't even need a map to see your health okay i'm not that low i'm not even that low okay you are on two you're on three hearts you're on three hearts no i'm not yeah i'm not okay you're an idiot that would have been really cool if i got it right but ah please please just leave me alone leave me alone you are i can smell your feet what i mean you're right in front of me george listen you're not going to outrun me in water you can leave me alone please listen but just through the night and we sleep through the night there's never been a sleeping session in a manhunt you want to cruise through the night how can i trust you what if you scam me what if you just i could you know i'll catch you go put your bed down now stay close put the bed down and sleep in it you're just gonna run no no no no sleep sleep oh no i'm in my mind you come and place your bed right here and then i'll this sleep myself i don't know if i trust you go back you're gonna run in and hit me i'm not i'm not oh my god okay sleep get in the bed i'm a little closer you do you come in a little closer get in the bed george let's get in the bed you're in the bed you're gonna get you get in the bed you're such a drink you're getting the best damage me i'm eating you damaged me you know i do nothing don't eat damage don't eat it get in the bag you did the bed you died i'm gonna stop oh my god i'm out of food [Music] come on is the wolf gonna kill you what did you kill my dog oh my god my dog fended you off and you tried to kill him how did he not die i literally did a full stone axe because he's my dog and he's actually after i crit him he teleported away you're getting berries wait you're really low you have two hearts and you're eating base i unless you could have killed you i could just run after you and kill you oh yeah you probably sort of died but no you have two hearts what do you mean i would have died no you probably would have died no i wouldn't have died you're an idiot i have a friend now so this is like a 2v1 manhunt yeah and i'll just kill your friend next time because he's already low for my head you're not going to give him food oh you're smelting you're giving me space what are you cooking open it up you're cooking food you're hungry pork chop a pork chop for dream how's it feel that i'm just watching your every move it feels kind of invasive invasive you agreed to this invading my privacy wait can i off hand oh i can't off had my map so there's times where i'm not able to see what you're doing because i need to use something hmm oh i thought you were my my dog just scared me i thought it was you oh no go in the water idiot what are you doing go in the water oh my god like i swear like every mob when you catch them on fire goes to water except for dogs all right let's check in on dream episode two of what is dream doing he's swimming where is he swimming though that is the question oh you're just gonna look up at the sky so i can't see what you're doing you think you're so smart don't you this doesn't look oh oh i know where you are i know exactly where you are what is happening oh okay my dog just ruined everything dogs this dog is actually kind of annoying how are you so far like what that makes me think you're close okay i see what biome you're in oh you've changed biome i saw that you can't hide it i saw where you were you're so annoying so stupid you want to hide where you are looking at the floor i see you hello dream oh oh no dreams here oh guess what you left your dog die why would you do that you literally just why would you die [Music] what is that what did you zoom in on oh there's a um a ruined portal thing that is so dumb you wouldn't have seen it oh my gosh get me out oh my god you're in my bow you're so dumb oh my god oh my god you're low wait how low are you i can't see my map it doesn't let me see the map i can't see the map in the boat i'm holding it i'm low george kill me kill me wait you took the boat george [Music] yes wait i lost the dolphin i lost the dolphin why did the dolphin leave me the dog is on you come here come on george i have the dolphin leave me alone how are you catching me cause you're slow bye dream just get in my boat come on wait why is the dolphin like preferring you to me oh my god ah oh my god george this is serious bye bye bye bye george [Music] oh oh my god i had to hate this i hate this so much george oh my god how you always so close one little hit this is it one little hit oh my god that was so close [Music] oh you're underground you're in this like massive cave maybe i'm getting iron are you [Music] stop following me down here you're not even down here ah there's no way it's such an advantage for you to know where i am i can just i can just see in my top right corner recording you're literally just constantly watching me like oh my god there's a lot of iron here yeah i'm getting it huh yeah you didn't come i can tell you didn't come down here because this like chunk just loaded and the lava is like flowing and maybe it might be lying to you i might have gone in a different cave wait oh what nothing i just didn't expect to be here you just entered into like my cave that i was in you recognize it from your map come on if you didn't go in the cave and you like use the map to your advantage you could just be like so far it could be i could have gone in any direction you are far where did i go dream ah at least i got armor where were you whenever you said oh you're back by the portal that's why you said that you didn't expect to be there because you saw the portal that's what you want to believe you can believe that which means you're very far how are you so far oh george jennings are going to get here so quickly did you bye bye george you didn't expect me to deduct where you were so quickly [Music] wait what bye bye i'm gonna have gloves let me out oh my god what what hey what just happened what i killed you with gravel no i don't have one heart oh yeah i cried at you yes i didn't even i didn't even know what was happening i was just running spamming i don't even know what's happening oh my god i have your heart i have your iron what else is so my inventory is so full i'm like i'm still like processing what even happened i realized i was low so i just went to bl i just like blocked my shows like i'm gonna time a crit and all of a sudden i just suffocate and i was already on like one and a half hearts i just died instantly oh my god that's so annoying like how far are you from spawn i have i don't even know i have no idea where i am ice bucket challenge how did you get obsidian wait you have stuff what do you mean your inventory is full of stuff where did you get stuff from oh yeah the two beds that i respawned at in a wooden pickaxe and then some berries that i grabbed i don't know it looks it looks like i can't it's too pixely i can't tell what you have [Music] [Music] i just looked on the map and saw myself i'm just getting money my business getting through i checked the map and i see my back of myself you should you should have checked a little bit you weren't using your map i was stealing my food there's a iron golem just kidding there's lots iron there yes goodbye dream goodbye all right look i'll just grab i'll grab this guy real quick oh my god have we been here i don't know where we are oh yeah kill that golem good job oh 360. wow you're so cool you're trying to show off [Music] [Music] uh [Music] what you're an idiot i don't even see the whole thing part of it's like cut off yeah you're so dumb you're actually so dumb because you're wasting time you're waiting i'm not i'm just i'm cooking food i'm not wasting any time [Music] what dream i'm in the nether you're you're it's more deadly than another like i'm fine be in the nether yeah okay i'm kind of decked out pop in and kill you real quick oh you found my portal yeah oh you're looking at my stuff not yourself wait you're definitely trapping it i'm trying to find the stronghold the fortress but you don't have to come through if you don't want to you can wait for me what are you doing dream i'll stop watching you for a second dream you're definitely trapping i'm not trapping all right we'll find out in a minute if you trapped it oh putting a bed down or you're gonna make a chest to put all your little things in hide them away this is all for nothing like i'm actually just gaining so much ground on you now you're never going to find me we'll find out that's fine it's worth the precautions i don't lose all my stuff [Music] hello dream what come on come on okay fine i'll i'll just go through and i'll see your trap okay you go through it i'll just go get your stuff then wait you're checking all the way over here stuck oh you're an idiot like i don't even know how much around this was but nothing this was all for nothing come on wait what no oh my god how did you die walk into daisy oh that was so close i literally could have taken all your stuff you almost meme oh my god george nether i see you oh my god leave me alone how do you have this much armor after i've killed you and i'll try like almost stole all your stuff like oh my god there's a hole i don't know i don't know how to escape hi george you're dead bye bye bye bye bye bye please let me wait no my idiot oh my god what oh my god wait what what happened did you both clutch oh my god do you have a boat your boat clutching your boat clutching are you george [Music] dream please stop you just pulled a dream and you're wait what there's a fortress right here please you both pulled into a fortress what how do i get in how do you probably you had so much blocks how'd you get up here come on come on come on come on come on [Music] george every spawner around here there it is better hope you have enough blaze rods no bye bye spawner bye bye other side oh my god good luck getting blazed george you don't have enough please did he break both of the blade spawners i did oh oh my god what you can't beat me in like one-on-one combat [Music] oh that landed thanks wait what i blocked it in [Music] come on oh george two [Music] come on please die no how do you survive that how are you like planning my boy the boat didn't break oh my god this is insane i'm pulling off like dream level clutches here has is that actually to be fair you you've been kind of ridiculous ah [Music] i just missed my crit leave me alone you're in the most punishing of crits oh this is the most punishing criticism oh my god i can't i can't just leave the fortress they're not spawning clearly they don't like you they don't want you you here barely not oh my god i don't know what's happening i don't know what's happening there's no blazers i don't know what to do the fortress there's no way i have to find another waters oh my god there's actually another fortress i found a fortress [Music] i almost if you had waited another second or two i would have been jumping what's up oh [Music] oh my god what i create you oh my god oh my god the clutch come on come on blazes we thought you had a lot of time come on come on come on come on come on come come on nice speed bridge there are so many blazes george you don't have to deal with me and the blaze at the same time now do you [Music] might want to leave before even in the fortress i see you yeah i'm nowhere near you're not even in yet okay you're right oh wait you are no bye spawner oh my god stop where's the other one [Music] no oh god [Music] oh there's the other one leave me right to it no [Music] go get this morning go get a spawner oh you weren't even chasing me you weren't even chasing me you weren't even chasing me i almost just died for literally no reason i need to cook my food this is so frustrating oh this is bad don't kill those blaze i hate with this cousin so much oh you're dead george georgie i'll find you [Music] this is it you're one hit you're one hit this is it please please please please please please please go stop my ring come on i'm just running in a straight line you can't do anything i'm running in the salon how you best catch me oh you didn't go in a straight line did you oh my god okay you better keep running in a straight line [Music] please oh god i hit you i'm getting shot at please yes yes let me help please oh you're cooking food that was in the craziest escape of the history of escapes did you like break your path behind you no i can see like a half broken path i like realistically i'm gonna die if i go in this bastard we're coming in then [Music] oh he's in oh my god i hear you [Music] where are you i don't know where you are to be fair being the hunter is a little harder than it's just like you know exactly how much food you need to run and i don't know how much food i need to chase i'm out of food and obviously i don't even need to hide that because you can see where are you i have no food i'm just i'm i'm literally i saw you eat food i know that was my last piece of food it was a berry didn't even do anything how could i trust you look i'm literally leaving to go get food because i'm going to die in here if i don't go go get food where are you going i'm leaving like i'm going to actually leave out to leave i need food look at my health where i can't i don't know how i can't tell where you are well i'm about to be gone so it doesn't matter where i am all right look you can look on your map you can see i'm gone i'm getting food i'm like out of the bathroom yeah you go get your little mushroom stew that will tie you over for now i don't have wood i don't have bowls what are you gonna do without bowls how are you possibly gonna how are you how are you possibly gonna get food without bowls oh my god [Music] yeah go in there go ahead [Music] oh george [Music] you're an idiot you're actually an idiot no you're an idiot no you're actually the idiot you're an idiot you're the idiot because because yeah i said so you're the idiot uh george george george you've lived far too long it's time for you to die i see a little baby chasing you over there do you have pearls you don't you don't do you am i you don't he doesn't have poles look i let you have your little party because i ran out of food and somehow you're leaving so that means you must have gotten the amount of pearls you need all right george i'm about to hit you with my one two punch the what the one two punch what is the one-two punch you don't know what a one-two punch is i don't think anyone knows what a one-two punch is okay well a one-two punch is when i won hit you with my crossbow oh my god two hits with my fire perfect sword bye bye stop what [Music] bye bye no oh god what idiot bye bye [Music] please oh my [Music] bye-bye oh we're in the same place again george [Music] oh oh bull clutch again go for it george go for the bow clutch come on [Music] you have to see that from my perspective hi george you're wasting your pearls you like going to the same place i don't know the way out of here bye george bye bye you trapped with me oh my god i miss i'm withered this is the most ridiculous thing ever oh my god what what does he [Music] oh my god that pearl didn't give you as much leeway as you thought it did it literally saved my life i don't care i see you [Music] dear george oh my god oh my god where am i where are you check your map check your nifty little map isn't it a map oh yes come on come on come on let me out [Music] yes oh my god dream where am i george are you heading are you heading to the strong hold buddy oh i'm so far out i don't even know how to like work out where the stronghold is at these chords goodbye bye dream check your map oh my god you're on a boat [Music] yeah i didn't laugh i almost hit here ah oh i can somewhat relax right now you're like somehow slowly catching me up how is that even possible like we're in boats how are you catching me yeah you're dumb you're an idiot stop stop oh my god this is [Music] wait what okay bye do you have a boat oh you do have a boat okay [Music] oh my god i i forgot which way i need to go again i think it's this way how do i keep forgetting i just threw it you're going the wrong way george i can't even remember you're actually going the wrong way to be fair but it's fine you keep going i don't remember i actually i i threw it and i spent too much energy like working out if i can catch it in time i don't even know which direction it went you're going like the opposite way right now i'm like 95 sure i don't even know which direction i actually i'm lost i'm lost like all i see is blue the only point of reference is gone now there was an island i don't know where it is i don't know where i'm going okay there's the island i think stop stop shooting me i think it's this way i i don't even remember it then no my coordinates i don't know how to find the stronghold i feel like it's harder in boats like boat combat while i'm trying to find the stronghold is annoying because you have like your boats focus on and like there's just so much happening at once i can't i can't do it i did not even me i actually hate this game so much [Music] please oh my god i don't even know which direction i went i didn't even mean to do any of what i just did i didn't mean it what are you doing i don't know i didn't even like i didn't mean to throw the eye through the eye it goes one way you literally just like yeah i'm gonna go to the obviously you know i meant to eat i missed like the wrong item like you ran the other way like obviously it's fine you're in my boat like i'm just going to find it before you can do it find it please wait are we back at this is this the same island but you're not even here i mean are you back at the same island because i'm going to the stronghold oh wow how did you find it so quickly wow what a surprise wow using your eye throws wow a whole chest how are you going to find it george i don't know i couldn't find it in like 100 eye throws i'm just doing something else now this is so dumb you're in the stronghold and i'm out here what are you doing i'm really in the strong wait i can see that but like what are you doing you're breaking all the blocks i'm getting blocks interesting [Music] [Music] creeper what are you waiting on george [Music] george [Music] [Music] george why are you running oh my god you're fired back i forgot oh my god i don't have an axe oh thank you you gave me wood yeah one was it two enough for a stick get away from my wood yes i got it get away i know you're in there buddy you got me how could you see me george bye bye george it's your final day [Music] how did you see me you're waiting for me you're waiting for me with your little crossbow out huh i'm not a little sneaky little activity in the stronghold you're in the jail cell what stop sneaking i don't know where you are george [Music] george play some hide and seek what are you looking for what are you looking for yes i found your stupid bass dream i found your stupid little hidden base yeah run you have nothing in the chest i saw what you put it there on the on the map what do you do now dream you don't have a bed oh my god wait wait wait you broke my bed yes what wait what you're an idiot i didn't realize i don't know i don't know how they didn't click with me oh my god i'm eliminated thank you for the eyes back how are you so low where did where oh i ran out of food and then you were just like slowly damaging me over time and i kept i was getting cocky feeling like i can just kill you oh my god i'm so you broke my bed i'm at spawn i'm in the plane's biome oh i've all the time in the world there's no way this is no way i just need to find the thing it's over all right well i guess i have nothing but you still have to beat the enemy dragon and you still find the portal room good luck finding the portal room i i feel like i have a i have a chance to have a little bit of a chance i mean i mean good luck you were mining blocks you probably like blocked the entrance to it somewhere didn't you you probably blocked it didn't you you blocked it do you remember when you asked me if i had found the portal room and you're like why'd you say it like that because i said no or something like oh so you did okay all right so i'm just going on a little wall digging session okay shouldn't be too hard oh i thought i just found it good like mining all of the walls the the entire [Music] oh my god you're lying no i found it i found it i found it and i have the exact right amount of eyes [Music] all right well this is the end wait i'm lagging [Music] what how you hit why george let's go i mean you fake bed what
Channel: GeorgeNotFound
Views: 9,056,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft Speedrunner Spy VS Hunter, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, minecraft 1.17 survival, minecraft 1.18 survival, beating minecraft, minecraft but challenge
Id: WScqoz1d-s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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