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oh yeah now listen gentleman welcome to draw with jazz oh I'm jazzy and I am back from my paternity leave and pretty proud of the fact that I still had three videos a week coming out to you guys I worked really hard before I took my paternity leave so you guys would keep getting content unfortunately that meant I was you know pretty exhausted and then now that I have an infant and a toddler I'm even more exhausted do you like my robe by the way it says groom my wife gave it to me when we first got married because when you first get married you you were you can be a groom but also as your marriage goes on and if you have kids it's also the thing you have less time to do groom yourself also just cut to the chase brewing coffee or buying coffee is a waste of time now I've just resorted to just eating raw coffee beans takes less time as far less expensive and you just get straight to the caffeine frame perfect sweet sweet as exhausted as I may be and as fantastic as I might look I'm so just over the moon it's been amazing to have a couple of weeks away to spend time with my new baby daughter if you want to see the vlog where I shared where she was born and we took her home and spent time with her I'll link to that in the Cardon in the description and the fact that I've been able to have time off but still have prepared content for you guys that you guys have seem to really enjoy it's just really cool but now that we're sort of getting back to the grind I thought I would take it easy and sort of recalibrate a bit and visit something that has been a part of my channel and my artistic identity for as long as I can remember and that is narcissism yes ladies and gentleman I'm talking about my avatar now a lot of you who have what last year or so we'll know that I use this character everywhere to sort of represent me he's sort of like his own thing I don't think of him as me but I do it's Nava Tarr it's me but it's not me it's like a little character so like the odd ones out has these little marshmallow dude it's not us but it's us anyways but the avatar you guys have been familiar with in the last I'd say three years hasn't changed but what a lot of you may not know is the versions of him that came before and I thought it would be fun to take a deep dive at the farthest reaches of the versions of my stuff that I've drawn as an artist from when I was very young and then also if you stay tuned to the end maybe we'll have a bit of a discussion as to where the future of the jazzy avatar will be maybe even get your guys thoughts and suggestions or Illustrated depictions and if you want to participate in a little competition fun like user-submitted thing stay tuned to the end of the video and use the hashtag and and we'll have some fun with your depictions of my avatar but let's get to the meat of it in today's video starting off with seven gold this was my classroom my high school classroom in year 7 and this is the first illustration I have access to you that I drew of myself because I drew a picture of all of my classmates and stereotypes them aggressively was really unkind of me I'll leave this are Jessica ah poor Jessica can't go to the library what a nerd I'm just kidding Jessica was cool and off in the corner we have oh look at this Josiah with a bit of a noodley head and a middle part because I had a middle path in 2001 I'd rather not show photos let's stick to illustration this is the earliest stand-alone image I have of a version of myself that I drew and it's a picture called me on holiday drawn in 2001 so I was 11 or 12 years old and it's not that dissimilar from the Avatar you guys have come to know and love now around the Sierra there was also this illustration of a character called Derek fastings and while he isn't explicitly a Gaza or Josiah avatar or character he was pretty much the version of me I've wanted to be I knew I wasn't cool so I drew what I was cool and imagined myself as him so this is Derrick fastings using this Derrick fastings character I created world of characters and made some comic strips that were incredibly just not funny but I tried hey Derrick look at what not right on her book I love Derrick I love Derrick huh that's what I wrote on my own book says Derrick the narcissists and then aside from that in this era this is the only other illustration I could find that was supposed to represent me as you can see by this boyhood cool spiky hair I was creating digital art on Newgrounds hence the I heart in new grounds and while we're looking back on my facebook page aside from a treasure trove of cringe if you skip past all that there are also some images I uploaded that were representative of me at the time apparently June 2010 so this is about the time I was seven eight nineteen how old am I now twenty nine and it's 2018 therefore mathematically I'm just bringing up a calculator 2018 - 2010 equals eight what doesn't make any sense I give up you do the maths anyway older the illustrations of of me this was the closest thing to an avatar that I had that I used to represent myself and as you can see I also liked to pout a lot oh my god Wow look at chin beard look at that wedding ring on your non wedded non wedding ring hand your gold rachet this is fantastic I am NOT gonna look through any more of these cuz that's a slightly embarrassing oh good lord the hell is happening here anyways I digress it's time to move on to the more recent iterations of the the jazzy tar as I might start calling him this was the opening video for my channel and each of these frames were just a little version of myself that I do to sort of go with whatever explanations I had of what the channel was going to be they were the first depictions of myself and then that turned into the outro on the channel which looked a little something like this he said jump down and he said hey guys thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe and all that stuff cuz I'm a youtuber now and as you can see by this point for a number of years I rocked a good old chinstrap beard actually consciously made my avatar slightly chubby because at the time I was slightly chubby but I also didn't want to be nice to myself which is unfortunate because I think it's important to be nice to yourself which leads me to the next version of my avatar a version much closer to the version you guys will be familiar with by now which is this old gym anyone who's watched a video from for so years ago will recognize this dude uh he's very close to the version of the avatar I have now and just for funsies this was actually a snapshot of the channel the time this is right one I need a hundred thousand subscribers and I think I redid the avatar to sort of fit a new version of branding - I guess I've changed with the times because the YouTube layout changed I thought why not just change and go for a more cohesive character that didn't feel so scruffy felt a little more appealing in cartoony and that was the result and I started to plaster him everywhere which as you guys know was the beginning of the end this version of the avatar was used in every outro in every intro and started to occasionally be used in thumbnails and content but not very much but it was after I made a few tweaks and specifically I can bring up the old channel banner and I'm gonna switch to the banner that existed after this one and you might notice the tweak yourself you ready Dean hey go you see the tweaks you see you see the tweaks you might actually notice this virtually the avatar that I painted on the mural still has the scruffy hair I didn't do the facial like the five o'clock shadow thing because it was too hard to paint I wanted to do it but I couldn't be bothered to seem too complicated so I just left it like that but there you go that's it it's actually the older new version of the avatar so basically I sort of polished up the image a bit cleaned up these silhouettes and I kept the facial hair initially and I animated this epic intro which is almost identical to the one in current videos except that it has this weird outside sort of vignette effect which makes it look a bit darker and muddier which I got rid of later and he has facial hair which led to eventually a final tweak the final version of the desert evitar as you see him now as you saw in the intro no facial hair no vignette on the intro and this of course is the version of the desert are you guys would be familiar with as far as I guess you could say overusing the Avatar goes which I definitely shamelessly do I actually made my book draw with jaza creating characters you can see he's there in the corner and I thought it would be fun to include the Jazza avatar throughout the book giving little instructions or sort of being a visual quirk to demonstrate the points I was talking about so as a result I actually have all of these little avatar characters that I drew individually for my book that I just had and I started using them in thumbnails more and more to the point where they started to become synonymous with my video thumbnails now obviously there's a point where now most of my video thumbnails have the Jazza avatar in one form or another and it's turned out to be a really cool thing because it really clearly identifies my content has a really fun quirky edge to it and I don't know it's a little unique it's fun it's simple but as a result of using him a lot in video thumbnails I think I started to use him in content so before we move on to chatting about the future of the channel avatar and how I'm going to adapt as I grow older I thought it would be fun to take a look at all the different instances in which I've used the Jaz avatar in content on this channel one of the first and I would say more memorable ways was when I did my 3d pen version of the jazz avatar with a dragon character that took like three or four days to do and is still to this day as a recording this video the most viewed video on this channel this is the draw steps in video where I overtook at reception with my jazz avatar and you guys helped out and I don't think draw ception has ever been the same again I think the Jezza avatar still lives on on draw ception and i am sincerely still sorry so everyone who you used to enjoy that community this is me stamping the jazz or avatar face in kids pics I'll admit I got a bit carried away with this one I used him in the teeny-weenie challenge drawing a picture half the size of every picture and so we got the teeny teeny weeny ones by the way if you want to watch any of these videos I might as well just link to them in the description so if any of them make you curious to check them out this was a collab I did with Ann from how to cook that where I pad and catch my face uh-oh it's sticking to my thing I'm just gonna go for this a drew version of the jazz avatar half of the word Jezza in my making pictures from words video the avatar was the first thing I discovered in ZBrush which looks horrendous but I was pretty proud of it it was also one of my first polymer clay experiments a VR jazz' a and Roxas normal Java and French Java we have the version of the avatar I drew using three million dots to commemorate passing three million subscribers actually it turned out to be one of my favorite artworks I've done at the channel and it's actually for those of you didn't see the update in the vlog something I got frames because I'm really proud of how it represents a community very recently I corrupted some coloring books and replaced some frozen characters with the Java avatar and mrs. Jezza and probably the most obnoxious consistent appearance of the avatar was in the past by two playthrough where it was the first picture I drew and in the game I named the piece obnoxious but consistent which sort of turned into a bit of a channel mantra weirdly I repeated that phrase throughout that playthrough in the next playthrough when the developers actually created the jazz avatar in the game itself as French jazz of which people could actually play the game using that took that obnoxious consistency to a whole new level all the way up to when I took those raw assets and created a virtual reality animation using the French Jezza avatar so they are just a whole bunch of ridiculous examples as to how my silly little avatar has overtaken this channel and will continue to be a little obnoxious he's not going anywhere anytime soon but I'm not getting any younger I'm turning 30 next year I've had my second child change is inevitable and as the evolution of the Gesu avatar has come a very long way and changed and been a big part of the channel and its identity I genuinely don't know what the future holds as far as its relevance or use on the channel I guess what I'm saying is I don't realistically see myself as being 40 years old and using this is a depiction of myself on my avatar so this is where I'm gonna pass the question off to you guys I'm gonna put a poll in the video to get your immediate thoughts but I'm also gonna get you guys to submit artwork depictions of what the future jazz avatar might be and I'm gonna go through those entries and with the rest of the audience in a future video so use the hashtag Jazza of tomorrow it's on the screen you can see it there and tweet me your illustrations and we'll explore those together in the future I can't wait to see what wacky stuff you guys submit it could be a serious approach and something you think might actually be the futures of the Jazz avatar it might be a bit of a roast or a little poke at me growing older I'm just interested in in what comes to mind and how you use your creativity and I look forward to sharing that with the rest of the community so go have fun with that go vote on the poll I know this video was a bit of a just hole just talking about myself split but it was also a bit of fun and it's fun to take time to reflect on previous periods of your life as you sort of move through more periods and I'm I am in a different place in my life than I was when I started this channel I am a married man with two children I'm turning 30 and I'm beginning to fear death more and more every day before we end I will finish off by sharing with you the collection I've built of my outro so those of you who watched any videos will know that I have this out right at the end of my videos which I have in time adapted to a whole bunch of different things I have made different versions of the outro and the jazzy avatar in the outro for a lot of different videos so I thought in this video it would be fun to just sort of finish off by literally going through all of the ones that I've built up so far so enjoy the outro with literally every outro with Vicarage as avatar that have made see ya later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,448,367
Rating: 4.9637146 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: KdvWBXykoXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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