Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp - Game Grumps

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aeolsu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The woman chasing them is his mother-in-law. You can hear her scream "YOU BETTER FIND MY DAUGHTER!" at around 2:50

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ghosteagle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

hoooly shit this game is mean. Wow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trainercatlady πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have absolutely zero interest in playing these games but I love watching them play them. I love the art style.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wwfmike πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like em big.

I like em chunky!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LucianoThePig πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Danny is so earnest and pure when he says he doesn't know what "dummy thicc" means I love it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ERMAHGERSHREDDERT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

DAN: Ancient future Egypt!?!


So...present-day Egypt?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skyyn3t πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How the fuck was anyone supposed to beat this in arcades?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gamefreak3525 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know what happened with that Dragon's Lair movie indiegogo? I haven't heard any updates about it in a while.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GamingMaiden πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey I'm not suger well hello there everybody so our dragon's lair playthrough was an enormous success it was a great experience for me and people loved it so we're gonna do dragon's lair - time warp which I've actually never played a single frame from it dragons there - her time warp once again has you leading Dirk on a perilous quest spirited away to a wrinkle in time by the evil wizard board rock princess Daphne will be forced to marry the wicked mod rock and Master can save her once the casket of doom has opened more Drakh will place the death ring upon Daphne's finger in marriage and she will be lost forever in the time war Ward rock you [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] more drakul kill you grab you by the [ __ ] nose and throw you around like a like a dang Lassie I'll do it too oh this is adorable let's play the games that are like house where we live happily ever after I love this art yeah me too Don Bluth is the [ __ ] best pirate animation attract video what are any of these what wait I just want to ensure that I'm playing like the easy version oh there we go director's cut directors I would assume the director cut better probably gave yourself a lot of lives 5 as many as I can move god yep arcade cabinet what does that mean oh it's probably just like an outline of yeah yeah ok cool [Music] girlfriend ok girl play this [ __ ] I will accept my microphone is drooping can you see it oh oh oh no oh no sorry sorry I assure you everyone this looks ridiculous there we go ok pause sword directional commands cool make the right move at the right time yep just like the other one that's doing well I'm excited a whole new Dragon's Lair world - it's good it was right next to hi what you have to do that I have to get away from my own wife it wasn't death damn that wasn't fast enough for you Dragon's Lair I have to get back into the groove wow that is very unforgiving use the d-pad yeah maybe yeah I didn't need to use the d-pad I don't know I use my sword against my own mother wife my mother wife relationship here whew oh wow Jesus Christ so what she's happening it's like [ __ ] hikes dude chill out mama this little game is escaping her oh my god good lord holy crap I'm killing right now though thank you snake I can't even hear what's happening right now how am I supposed to be retaining information right now this Jesus my god it's a spaceship this is bat [ __ ] yo what's the time warp holy crap oh there's Daffy just the end is do it know who's top ah yeah Wow yes all your lives right at the beginning and thank God I made it here you just absorb the the majesty of the game [ __ ] oh oh that's not good okay okay um excu that's [ __ ] distress yeah that this is like this is another level entirely alright let's see this through all right Dirk okay oh you started from there yes right thank goodness gracious somehow I don't think Daphne's into him yeah well always that more jock I can't [ __ ] look up no that was Daphne Oh Daphne getting getting captured by centaur this is snow she's my sweet Daphne why are you always getting kidnapped you've got Princess Peach syndrome yeah yeah oh she's prettier this time right well maybe they just got better at drawing her yeah yeah goes again my soul [ __ ] I don't know he talked you can say things occasionally Dirk of the doreen gosh dang it is this ridiculous this holes shim-sham [ __ ] long is this no flashing by slash them they just fade away the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] blink out of existence this is how they got away with so much violence yeah yeah totally no blood you're fine we great they just pulled her apart oh my god dude how could you say such a thing I love Daphne I think we made it abundantly clear that we love Daphne in the last one now people were like all right guys it's just a drawing whatever look how [ __ ] cute she is she's adorable take a cold shower they made her greater than last time yeah she's very great she might just be in the darkness oh I think it's cuz she's under that spell oh the warp spell or whatever oh no it's my ex those two t-rex oh it's your ex you can't let him lay a hand on it oh hey dang it oh my god this is straight-up Alice in Wonderland it is what the [ __ ] this is bananas what what is a time travel it's made up it's not a different time period will you travel through the looking glass oh my god this is crazy and how did don bluth get away with this I thought he left Disney to like do his own thing I mean they're not exactly the Disney version no wonder London isn't technically a Disney things wonder line oh oh my god oh my god this is the craziest [ __ ] stop with the beautiful animation stop it I can't wait to watch this back and actually appreciate the animation like goddess or dick it's gorgeous looking from what I can see I feel like Kurt Cobain like the one person in the building not enjoying it the concert even though I'm the one playing it well oh boy oh boy what time period you're gonna go to next she is the future I hope the future jaw Jack of the Beanstalk oh I'm these are fables it's still madness Eden oh no Cupid's trying to get you did I well he's gonna have to make me fall in love with someone else cuz Daphne's my girl oh dang it oh you got taken by the the by the chairman by the love yes you know I can't believe damn these new children he's the first one was like this oh I got to do it fast I loved enough for a second one yeah well it definitely was like revolutionary it was in every arcade I kicked him you're right in the underwear dude stains in there I can tell oh my god yeah Bo's series yeah dude this is this is too Racha my tube god I can't is it really I feel like 17 movies I'm just taking place it's pretty great my buttocks yeah get a pen pineapple I have a pen god it's so explicit I can't raise it really I can't say we might have to push straight up new dude cult the new dude dude [ __ ] new [ __ ] I said damn it you made me look out better titties I'm sorry oh god I gotta do this whole thing again okay you could do it I believe it this is unforgiving you're killing it right now [ __ ] like a babies like the Ryan laughs okay here I go this is exhausting I'm sure it's like a watch I doubt the first one was pretty exhausting too though yeah this one just feels like it's never gonna end though yes well the cutscenes are very long in this one you know she wants to eat the flower dude good for her oh don't eat the forbidden fruit damn baby wait so that's like Satan and also Satan I don't know they speak jive though some of this green green yeah all right killin it oh my god I know she ate the apple whoo oh my god please let it end oh my god or dirt-poor me fly see Jesus a little more forgiving it's forgiving in certain senses but very hard to like maintain concentration for that long oh it's a real person finally it's beat oven or maybe batch I think it's beat oven this one this songs by beat oven right I believe so I'm sorry I said that wrong it's bee7bea 7 did he have a cat oh my god I don't know Beethoven had a cat very historic look at him you don't even care he's deaf he doesn't know what's going on around him did Jesus have a dog yeah we got water [ __ ] Felix amazing oh my [ __ ] Lord God when was this 1991 no man but dude I'm excited about the Dragon's Lair movie right now dude when you sit in the audience you have to keep forcing directions I that would be a nightmare this in 3d glasses just frantically trying to keep up it really into cats in this one there's already been two cats I've tried to eat you I know I'm not fit I'll take your word for it Oh beeth oven he got together yeah finished it yeah oh my god let me breathe dude it's like it's like ancient Egypt but future Egypt did you feel the like technology and [ __ ] future Egypt Jesus Christ no not the spiders not the Baidu's that let us play this baby whoops that's like the worst one I don't like dyin vice but any mice plate is [ __ ] creepy that was one thing I kept thinking about when we were on tour in Australia I think there's so many spiders here they could kill me oh yeah somebody anything there that could kill you check your shoes baby snakes kangaroos if you went face-to-face with a kangaroo punch her face off hi I did go face to face with a kangaroo but I fed him water and niblets so that he liked me you really say you've fed something water yeah well I was pouring it in my hand and he was licking it out goddammit woah oh that's pretty gruesome that spider was he meant business I feel like I feel like he probably didn't punch you because you were hydrating him yeah well it was at a sanctuary and like they were extremely docile so they were just kind of hang out that's what they wanted you to think that's when the candor is COO they [ __ ] come right out even they're like I I thought we were [ __ ] I did think we were [ __ ] cockney oh my god I can friendly did you spiders too big man daddy no like big spider oh so friendly in it what is that Daphne jesus [ __ ] christ like I can look away for even one hot second look oh my god oh I think it is Daphne oh he's like a babe babe there's another cat thing oh it's bad and it's closed in terms of letters oh it's only one letter away like literally oh yeah what is Daphne Daphne I love you and I recognise that dress why do you want a kiss what a dick he lives up to it well you want a cute yeah do it do it guys could you imagine being in there okay and people just watching like oh my god I'm alright what why I like to exit you've missed some treasures miss of treasures [ __ ] does that mean how was I supposed to do what did I have time to do anything are you serious how when what I don't know that's impossible what are you super how do you even supposed to get them there's no time for to do anything I saw the key I remember seeing the key I missed all those treasures look at it I might not be able to do this man you don't think so hold on let me let her bash me in the head a couple times so I could just chill out and relax there's just no time dude like all my thoughts were consumed yeah what would I even hit otherwise yeah I don't that's what I'm saying cuz I saw the key was hanging in the forest really but like somebody you press up when you see the key oh my [ __ ] god but like that's absurd yeah that that's a little beyond my skill set like on top of how hard this game is you have to [ __ ] pay that much attention to because I couldn't look up at any time during a thing to the cartoon hold on maybe there's and maybe there's an easier version Otto Graham yeah [Music] you lunatics are extras pirate animation watch the game you know what to play it oh really yeah I would love that actually oh this is cool storyboard wow this is a great condition yeah 1991 super old storyboard yes smudged or anything the [ __ ] did they keep this I don't know probably sealed in lucite and buried deep within the earth I mean I imagine they like cleaned it up a little bit on the computer but like holy [ __ ] yeah it looks great black blimey the resolve a threat I can't get out of here you can't I can't do it you know what's the whole thing I'll watch this whole damn oh is this like a deleted scene or something I don't know probably just a section yeah I guess this is something they've never got around to making wow that's cool Wow oh these are the different ways he dies i slurps yeah it's [ __ ] great boy it's awesome yeah maybe watch games the way to go okay I'd love to that would make me very happy yeah [Music] no visitors piano solo awaken with a kiss wow I was really close come and get her yes let's watch from there yeah we can cheat Oh No Oh Janice my god oh you're not looking great honey why she kind of looks like Ursula yeah she's very Ursula ask same year 1991 right kiss her dude yeah good take that ring off to marry yourself dude Oh oh my god it's like Willy Wonka you know what's so kind of hot there she is Oh Gotti Oh Gotti alone oh yeah wolf that's bad yeah that's a real bad one you know what maybe we should watch this from the beginning oh so you can do so because it like we were talking we missed so many things we missed so many deaths unless you just want to watch awaken with a quick kiss dude all right no yeah yeah sure stupid best you just do Pilates produc look there's the MEMS I mean [Music] I'm the two of them I love so much yeah open a smell yeah that's so much hotter than the first one better squeal so who is the woman in the fur in the first part well that must have been your mom yeah Wow check out all these treasures we didn't get wow I did I love it and one girl has the Princess Leia hair congratulations you are a winner Thank You dragon's lair up nope this is when you lose yeah you're a loser what yeah he's like fun like you god brutal Wow oh it was awesome dude yeah alright hold on let's let's just watch all of them do you mind no this is highly beautiful I really love it home sweet home oh yeah that's why she's pissed cuz you let her get kidnapped again she like I made no she's the Daphne's mom I think I think that's your mother-in-law ya ya bum pump on come on it ya ya get brighter this was you Dan you were doing on Wow I'll take your word for it oh boy she's willing to go a long way into the cave to [ __ ] with you with a rolling pin look at the sound effect on that yeah this is great how they wrote it yeah she's like a model they made of that thing yeah but yeah there's the key oh yeah I guess when it glows that's when you got to grab it she's boy brutal you remember there being like two directional options no I've never played this one well I mean like when you were playing this time oh no no no definitely not I did everything to the letter damn it's got [ __ ] savage in the face by there yeah dirt dirt gets [ __ ] with in all kinds of ways I guess the P yeah sometimes I feel he takes it better than others yeah [Music] Wow jeez Wow that's a lot of ways to die holy crap home sweet home mm-hmm I love the way her dress sparkles oh yeah man such a cool effect I mean [ __ ] mine [ __ ] they were yeah how did they do that what the sparkle yeah that's still earlier it's really impressive looking cause it's not like admitting its own light it's just really bright compared to me oh I say so The Girl Who Played Daphne's voice at least in the first one I don't know about the second one she she was one of the animators yeah you knew that yeah okay cool yeah she's awesome and she's actually working on the new Dragon's Lair movie oh yeah so she's animating stuff for that too which is very cool oh my god yeah Greg get him get him right in the teeth it's crazy this this this stuff has been part of Don Bluths life for 40 years almost 35 years very very prolific what the hell was that one yeah I don't know that's just one where he didn't realize that he was dying [Music] why did you see her the look at her face what is mirrored yes it is make way for the nonspecific Alice in Wonderland esque Queen because Alice isn't in this they're all aces so I don't know if it's right side up or upside down oh yeah everything's [ __ ] symmetrical right I guess so me a king or something whoa look at that [ __ ] this is awesome oh my god this is a masterpiece a little bit huh yeah bit more if asked in the deputy pippity poppity pop in for that scream oh he's alone yeah I think he's just getting whacked by the Queen of Hearts pawn oh dammit even think of she can kill you Wow in a couple of different ways Oh clever holy [ __ ] dude hope no one cares that we're just watching through all these but good lord it's so interesting to me oh my goodness you weren't kidding she's awesome and totally nude like well I mean yeah oh no in the Garden of Eden I have no idea I thought I said poison part why that's you yeah she's nude like it's pretty close oh yeah poof that's a plus-size girl oh yeah you like some thick bring them on bring on those what dummy thick I don't know what that means dummy thick okay what's that Dumbo at the very end there I think for a [ __ ] second you see in an an elephant child I love it push it away bro holy [ __ ] yeah now these are the ones where they don't work out ouch poor [ __ ] Derek holy crap okay at least he's well animated on the way down yeah okay so there's only two left this one's ridiculous the [ __ ] like flying through space and look piano and [ __ ] oh yeah he's ridiculous how long do you think I worked on this a long time I mean it was so much work it's like eight years after the first one and this is all cells too I mean it's amazing that animation is just a grind to work load that's like it's not it's not they don't cut any corners either no any effects animations [ __ ] great do you think that's what the movie will be look at this water it's absurd yeah it's amazing it's amazing in the same way that Little Mermaid was yeah who thought of this this is so druggie Wow Don Bluth you tasty genius yeah I grabbed the leg sweep the leg but sensei you got problem with that and he's back to where he started didn't even care you're so focused on music oh oh my god Jesus oh my god he is Dirk he's gonna mad about it she was gonna smoke him dude good night my goodness and [ __ ] these cats and mummies all around let's do it oh yeah that's the thing he rides away with his family on yeah oh those were his and Daphne's kids yeah that's the time machine man who's been using this the whole show sorry I get it now there was a lot to concentrate on it doesn't make a whole lot of sense though because he's just being transported to like scenarios not times cuz this isn't even ancient Egypt she's being transported to a time where the Egyptians were ancient yeah this is like disco laser Egypt oh boy but like they're already like you know like it's not like there's Egyptians walking around good question yeah whoop oh is that is that Daphne in the mummy thing yeah that that guy is touching and appropriately how dare you sir dude consent please Co n s NT plz that what a squeak no you lied to me Aaron said that was Daphne yeah of course I went through this and totally forgot there's a little stressed at the time just explodes oh god that's an ugly one some of these are like silly and so we're just [ __ ] breathe yeah that one's incredibly blue that's so scary you imagine just watching your arm melt away like that you'd be a bad time yeah [ __ ] bad ass time sure yeah love me some Dirk that is [ __ ] awesome well and just remember everybody that it ended with a keel oh the cool I hope you all enjoyed this delightful trip down memory lane a great time I'm sorry I couldn't beat this myself but holy [ __ ] that wasn't [ __ ] possible [ __ ] love good animation you know yep rock and roll Don Bluth good luck with the new movie and yes love love love your stuff have a wonderful day everybody goodbye or should I save
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 877,706
Rating: 4.9640522 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: zfonncRo-3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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