Dr. Myles Munroe - Why Jesus came to earth

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[Music] the power and the purpose for Christmas stranded Genesis chapter one my favorite chapter for 32 years God said verse 26 let us make who man in our own image and our likeness and let them have dominion over the earth God's talking God has stuck now he stopped with his words he says let them have dominion over the earth Isaiah says in chapter 6 verse 3 holy holy holy the Lord is holy that means faithful faithful faithful the Lord is faithful pure and motive he has no ulterior motives God says let them have dominion of the earth when God told man of the men of the earth he didn't say let us he said let them so he took himself out of the situation I'm putting man and man is in charge of the earth not God shocking what happens down here God lays at our feet that's why he makes us responsible for our own future we are the human beings that dominate the earth so a human a human as a spirit in a body that's who dominates the earth so therefore when God spoke that he said let them have dominion he was saying look you are the ones who have legal authority on this planet if anyone wants to dwell here legally and function legally they would have to have a body God said that now God cannot break his word he's too holy so God is now telling the devil in chapter 3 verse 15 he said look okay devil you know what the the law is don't you my law is the law of God is only spirits with bodies can live on this earth legally legally and dwell here legally and when you illegal you ain't got no policy you have no authority so Satan goes to a Lucifer I'm into the to the serpent rather and negotiated for his body and borrowed his body the serpent gave his bodyguard Chris the serpent because of that but now he has a dirt body because the dirt body came from the snake so now Luther fools the spirit now has a dirt body and now he is functioning on earth in a dead body that was not designed for a spirit that's why God cursed the snake's body snakes use a call upon on hind legs if you reject the skeleton out you'll see that there are two legs on a snakes that have been actually ingrown this is still there God Christian and Lucifer goes through the snake talks to the woman she's legal he is he is illegal illegal because now he has a body and he began her she disobeys God she picks the fruit takes to her husband he takes from her he's the fruit they both disobey God they fell God spirit cannot dwell in that on the holy condition impure condition God's Word is not being kept anymore and so God makes a promise was the promise christmas is coming Satan 3:15 christmas is coming Satan he said now Lucifer paraphrase please paraphrase you know I can't come right now because I got nobody but the woman that you used is going to provide for me a physical body and I'm gonna come into her physically I'm going to dwell in her physically with a body and I am going to have a body that's gonna make me legal and I'm gonna use that legal state to crush your head legally and take back the power you stole from them legally and give it back to them legally I will give them back the authority you stole from them over the earth legally I got authority in heaven I never lost that but now I'm coming to earth I promise you because I got no authority on it at the moment got it you sure that's why when he rose from the dead he had to make a declaration on Authority now he said oh I got he didn't have it he didn't have a body why he didn't have it because he was holy he couldn't break in on man without a body otherwise he would break his word God's holiness caused Christmas his integrity made it necessary for the virgin to have a child he needed a body but he couldn't be born of man so he need to work America he needed a body but he couldn't be in sin so he needed a miracle he needed a body but he could not be from a husband and so he told the devil I promise you this woman is gonna fix you matter of fact I like the words he used about the woman look at verse 15 chapter three and I will put enmity between you and this woman I'm between hussy and your seed and he shall crush your head and you will bruise his heel what I promise this is Christmas God says this woman's gonna be your nightmare the what enmity doesn't mean enemy it means irreconcilable hostility there will never be an agreement between you and this woman what I designed woman to do you can never change I designed her to have a child in a way that the blood of the child never mixes with the mother's blood and that was the enmity he's referring to you're saying this woman was designed in such a way that she has been literally designed to carry a baby whose blood does not mix with hers now you doctors here you know that is true when a woman carries a baby the baby's blood is completely different than a mother's blood and they never mix because the placenta only rest upon the womb and God is telling this this uneducated demon unemployed cherub he says look one thing you didn't know is that when I was designing the woman I was thinking about myself and I was making preparation just in case this went wrong like this and I already made it all matter of fact that's it that the seed is already dead you talk about planning and preparation for he was slain when before the foundation of the world so he says he's already dead now he needs a body to die and God says I didn't want the fool but just in case I've already prepared so the son is already dead waiting to die but he needs the body because spirits cannot die so he need something that can die and I'm telling you friends this is the reason why God became mad because he had to keep his word he could not come into this planet without a body he would have violated his own promise the second reason why God became man and because he's just and this is very critical he is just what does that mean Deuteronomy 117 says judgment belongs to the Lord Psalm 37 verse 28 says for the Lord loves justice Psalm 9 verse 16 the Lord is known by his justice this is revelation to me so I've got a thesis on you this is awesome God can you understand God God is holy he doesn't have it he is the stuff so God has God is integrity he cannot lie Oh glory now you understand why because he is one God can never tell you some of me some myth he cannot lie he is holiness listen because he is holy whatever he says he has to make sure it's done follow me please don't miss this so God creates man God takes the man put him in the garden and then God starts talking Oh and God says work cultivate replenish protect subdue oh dear here it comes and then God said obey my command don't eat from that tree oh my god stalking that day you eat oh no you will surely die there it is now God stuck with this promise you know death is a promise this is awesome conscious look if you disobey me you will surely die death will come if you disobey me this is my word on you know this is my word to myself car shoot of us oh we gonna get you the minute class step see God was telling us this people he said look if you break this word I promise myself to kill you you have to die if you break this word and that's a promise to me God guess what the man breaks the word now God has to be holy still so God says hey I got a problem yeah I have to make sure he dies Oh some of y'all feeling I see now cuz if he doesn't die I'm a liar and let God be true because he must be faithful to himself so causes I have to kill you to make sure I am still God y'all better hang on for Christmas thank God for Christmas I'm telling you when you understand the integrity of God God has to be just seek judgment is a manifestation of God's holiness right there done whatever you sow you reap that's not because God don't like you that's because God is holy if you so evil God has to make sure that you read evil unless unless somehow he'll reap it for you you're getting today okay watch this see yeah you got to see death is God stealing God said that the devil never said he'd kill anybody you understand to me the devil ain't nothing to do with this devil said look man don't blame me I get killed myself I was kicked out adapt to the devil he says God is the one who told you he promised himself that you were that he promised himself that you would die get a right path he promised himself he didn't promise you even he what God says he says to himself which means if he told you that you gonna die and he don't want you to die then somebody gonna die come on somebody because you can't go it out the debt otherwise God would be a liar he would not be true he would not be holy so God has to either kill you or kill somebody else you got it yeah all right so when you read Isaiah Isaiah's prophecy I got time Isaiah said you still ain't gonna believe that's what I read he said he said the Lord told me the chastisement of your peace was upon this same baby and then he says I'm the iniquities of them all was put upon this one baby and then he says and God slew him who killed him God oh now this is deep God had to kill himself to make sure you don't get killed you better find God for Christmas when I understood this I fell in love with God just a little bit more as we as a lot I love you I love you because if he did not become a man you would have to die go to hell and it pleased the Lord to kill him it says never take what is important there are people who you witness to feel from the baha'i of faith people from the universalism people from you know Buddhism I said well you know why do you Christians believe in this gory bloody you know murderous religion you people killing people you why what kind of God is that would kill people I mean you know in my religion you know we got a nice prophet who just have good quotes and good writings and you know know know kill people but what kind of God gotta kill his own son they say that's because they don't understand God's nature he's holy and his purpose he will not violate the human Briella and so he has to become a man and he is just his judgment has to be fulfilled is anybody clear on this God's judgment must be carried out and God's judgment is also equal to His Holiness what is judgment judgment is the result of an action do you know that when you when you get blessed that's judgment come on let's stop it from you go come on if you give he says you shall receive okay so when you give he judges you you get blessed so that's the judgment from the action that's why it's called justice when you give somebody justice you giving them their rights I have a right to be blessed if I give what he promised you promised that so if you don't bless me after I give you better check your promises y'all better talk to me so I guess what I'm saying is judgment is not negative judgment is the nature of God he has to keep his word so for God to deal with the fall of man he has to kill somebody know me be nice to your somebody has to die anybody with me now the third one is because God loves us because it's not because God Oh Lord this is the last point you know it's like on this last point because God is love God doesn't have love he is the stuff so because God is love he has to do what he says love never fails I cannot fail in killing you if I promise you I can kill you if you disobey me I have to love you to the death this still deep some you know see so now God God has a decision to make he made it long before it came up though he was slain before the problem even came up and then he made arrangements for the woman's womb in case he needs to put on this flesh and and then when it happened he made the promise I am coming we tell you the most important event in human history is not the resurrection of Jesus it's the virgin birth that is why they attacked that the most no because if God came in the flesh if he got into the human race everything else is okay for us it's okay I thank God that he made it he came into human flesh because if he came in he regrets he could die then if he died he could be resurrected see the current resurrect tell you die so the resurrection was dependent upon the conception the debt was depend upon the conception because spirits cannot die and there be just ii see death thank you sir death pass to a car there are two deaths there is spiritual death and there is the physical death now in order for God's Word to be faithful he has to help poo and instead of he says I love my children I don't want him to die even though I promised that if anyone breaks this word they're gonna die so what I'm gonna do is instead of them dying I'm gonna die in their place Merry Christmas everybody I am going to duck now they die twice they died spiritually are you listening to me this is a deep one that means when you disobey God in the garden God or is he gonna come on - good lord help me God for Superman the Holy Spirit left that's why we died the very baby 8 deposit the day you get but man lived 930 years after that physically which means the day Adam sinned he was dead what was that God for circuit he couldn't be with him anymore for and all these thousands of years man has been without God in the world but then he died physically also so another for God not to be just his judgment has to be perfect that's why the Bible all through keep saying the chuckles of the Lord are true and they are righteous all together the children of God are pure in other words when he judges he makes it full he doesn't a complete job when God judged us cause as I got to kill them the wages of sin is death so if you are a sinner you must die twice you died spiritually God forsakes you and you die physically you go in the grave he says now if I'm gonna substitute for them first I got to get into a body thank God for Christmas then I got a die spiritually not only with me to die specially for them is that I got a forsake myself even if it's briefly the only way for God to passaic himself is for sin to be present and so on the cross Isaiah said the iniquities of us all 9 6000 with 6 billion people's sins plus the other 9 billion in it in the grave all every sin you commit every sin you planning to commit and the one you don't know about yet one of them was put on this baby one man all the iniquities were placed upon him and the Bible says and he was taken from among the living what was Jesus greatest cry on the cross you know he he didn't cry for too many things you know but there was one big cry that made him grunt like a lion and that was a cry of That moment when the father had to forsake himself you think God loves you you don't know how much God loves you [Music] the Bible says any cried out father father why in other words he felt the lonely God loved you so much he did two things you never understand on this side of glory one you'll never understand what God felt to be apart from himself and that was because of you you think I don't love you God left himself for you and here's the word the word has always been with the father he says why the question was a good question why hast on what are you planning to but you did it why has thou forsaken me that was that was Genesis 3 taking place in the Godhead and the second thing you did will never understand is that when he became man he knew that he could never be the way he was before ever he would always have to be as a sacrifice you never understand the Bible says even today today there's one mediator between God and man and it ain't a spirit how do you deal with you know what you caused you caused God to be stuck in the body forever don't you ever take lightly the salvation of God you cause God to ever be separated from himself forever forever he'd make it a decision for you the man Christ Jesus he is forever stuck in the body because of your fall how dare we walk around just do what you feel like when you feel like casually coming in even to worship when you don't know the price the cost so we find John as a deep fella he got the revelation of a John says the Word was made flesh dwelt among us and I saw God and three chapters over John broke out couldn't had a John says for God so loved come on say to me for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in this guy shall not perish but have everlasting life [Music]
Channel: vadim nesen
Views: 38,935
Rating: 4.6611419 out of 5
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Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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