Learning Wisdom For Witnessing From Jesus Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message topic today specifically is learning wisdom for witnessing from Jesus you can't beat a better topic than that learning wisdom for witnessing from Jesus nobody in history has been more successful in witnessing to other people than Jesus Christ I don't think I think that we should expect anything less after all he is God in the flesh and the number one problem we have today is that the church has been failing miserably in the assignment to go into all the world and preach the gospel there are more sinners on the earth today than there was 2,000 years ago when the church was formed which means that the church has not been as successful as the birth rate has been in producing sinners in other words if the church had been effective there should have been less sinners on the earth 2,000 years after the death of Christ than there should have been before that also means then that the birthrate has been more effective and faster than the rebirth great does that make sense in other words being born has been not under the influence of being born again and so more people are being born than are being born again because the folks who are born again don't know how to reach the folks who are just being born it should therefore not surprise us that even though we celebrate the year 2000 this could be an incrimination on the church many people are celebrating the year 2000 and the y2k spirit my heart is not as much celebration I am really more in a reality concerned in a way I'm little ashamed to celebrate 2000 because if 2000 years has passed and we still haven't reached the world that was smaller at that time and now bigger then it means that something's wrong with what we're doing or we are not effective as we should be let me suggest to you that God does not fail that means that if if there's failure then it's not in God it's in us there's something that we're not doing correctly Jesus came to earth and he was the only person like himself on the planet listen very carefully to this place there was no other person on the earth who was filled with the Holy Spirit walking the planet when Jesus came he was the only person who was completely in fellowship and in harmony with God there was no other specimen on the planet and yet his goal was to bring every human into that relationship to become just like he was he did a great job in three and a half years he created a ministry a company an organization or an agency if you may that became a worldwide ministry he did that in three and a half years 2,000 years later we are not any more effective proportionately speaking then he was in those three and a half years on earth which means that we did not keep up with his system or his style of influence he was able to influence the world in three and a half years more than people able to influence the world in 2000 years afterwards I think therefore it is to our benefit to study Jesus and find out what did he do that made him so effective in witnessing or impacting his world and his generation let me make a few statements then to prepare us for the study of Jesus it is a fact and truth that no one knows a product like the manufacturer I think we all agree with that no one knows the purpose of a product like the one who made it and the number one desire and the deepest craving in the heart of the product called man or humanity is the desire to discover meaning and significance for his life every one of you in this auditorium and watching this television program I know what your number one desire is I know what it is everyone has the same desire and that desire is to discover the reason for your existence you want to know that there is a significance to your life on earth everybody is trying to find out why they were born every man is motivated and everything he does is motivated by this craving that is the need to feel important and significant the most important desire on the heart of God on the other hand is to see every human discover this significance and their purpose and passion for life God wants you to find out why you were born more than you want to find out why you were born after all he's the manufacturer and you are the product he knows exactly why he created you and that's why he's going after you God wants to find you more than you want to find God I think it's important to note that every human being is actually looking for God they don't know where to find him or how to find them most of the time but they're seeking God they know there's somebody who knows why they exists God created man and is the only one who can satisfy this critical need in man only the manufacturer knows how to meet the needs of his product the fall of man was a fall from God's will a fall from God's purpose and a fall from his fulfillment in other words a man male and female will never be fulfilled until they find out God's original purpose for their lives the void therefore that is in the human spirit is the need for the Spirit of God because when man fails he lost God's Spirit therefore he lost contact with the manufacturer and therefore humans are simply products trying to find their purpose and only the manufacturer knows that purpose I like what it says in the book of Corinthians it says as the body is for food and food for the stomach even so man was made for God and God for man it's a powerful statement the same way your stomach needs food and food fits your stomach the Bible says the same way man was made for God and God was made for man in other words when God designed you he designed you to function on him the same way your food loves your body to function without food you died without God you will die the two go together so you were made for God and God designed your body for him no wonder why the Bible says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit now what is God's response when man fell write this down the response of God to the fall of man was a promise it's found in Genesis 2 chapter 3 rather verse 15 God's response was what a promise say with me a promise said again a promise I want to read the promise to you please in this next few moments I want you to capture this promise it's found in Genesis 3 verse 15 he what it says and God said unto Satan the woman that you have beguiled she shall have a seed and this seed shall crush your head and you will bruise his heel and I will put enmity between you and the seed of the woman and between you and the woman now that's the promise God made this is very important to the the next generation of church people why God is saying I'm gonna solve the problem of humanity in a way that will work and here's the way I'm gonna have a seed enter the human race and that seed would be successful in destroying the works of the devil and he will react stablish the authority that man lost a promise to restore man back to his original position and dominion over the earth was God's intent every human is on God's mind the story of the prodigal son is the story of the will of God for man and if you will notice and I want to set this up quickly when Jesus was talking about how God feels about humans he used this story about the prodigal son listen to the story he said a father had sons everybody's his sons he didn't have servants he had sons and one of the sons left the house on his own and turned his back on the family that son went out and destroyed his life he messed up his future and he lost his great inheritance the story goes that he discovered himself among pigs and then he came to himself and said I will go back home and when he came back he didn't ask to be reinstated as a son his attitude was so poor his self-esteem was so low that he began to think like a pig and so he said I will go back and ask my father to make me a hired servant now isn't this amazing he left the son but came out with a slave mentality and that exactly what is happening to the millions yeah even the billions watching this program around the world and even in our own country here in the Bahamas we are sons of God acting like slaves and even when we come back to God we still think like slaves I love the fact that the father refused to accept his proposition the young man said I want to be a servant the father says my son who was once lost is now found by the way I think when you talk about witnessing effectively it isn't the son who left that has a problem witnessing it's the one that stayed home the one that stayed home represents the church for the most part because that's the one who don't want the dirty sinners to come home that's the one who gets jealous when God saves someone who is real bad and they start doing better than he who was always in the house that's the one who becomes angry because God seemed to put more love on the sinner than he does on the saint in the house we got a problem in the house as a matter of fact have you ever asked yourself a question how come the son in the Pigpen had to come to himself Sylla how come he said the brother didn't go to him and tell him to come back home you never thought about it here is your brother you know he's in the Pigpen you know he's out there squandering his life and yet you are so happy to be at home eating calf meat and wearing fine robes and handling a nice ring of authority and shoes of silver and you don't care about your brother that big son the elder one at home needs a good beatin sounds like the church who cares if people are in the big band but they are your brother they're family no wonder why the father rebuked the one who was home and said what's wrong with your attitude why aren't you happy he says my son who was once lost has come home aren't you happy and then he told the servants to kill the fatted calf his eldest son should have killed that fatted calf it's amazing that when you become so used to being in the house of God you believe that there's no one else that should be there that story is an important story but here's the best part of the story the son that came whom was the son that left here's the good news every person who does not know Christ personally today is the son of God they are lost they are out of touch they are seeking for him they are starving for him but they cannot find their way back home and what does he do he wants to send the kids in the house to the Pigpen that's called witnessing God's promise was to come into the human race and redeem us back to him was that his promise I want you to write that promise down please God's promise was to come into the human race and redeem us back to himself that was God's promise Oh hallelujah God's promise was to come to earth and redeem us back to himself oh lord help us God's promise was not to come to earth and take us to heaven his promise was not to take us from Earth and bring us to heaven his promise was to leave heaven and come to earth and redeem us back to himself that was the promise therefore this promise Devante program write the program down it's called salvation salvation is God's program to redeem you back to him the word salvation is from the word to Salvage which means to restore something to its original state therefore God's plan for mankind is to restore mankind back to its original state every human in this building young and old and watching this program somewhere in your house or your apartment or your hotel room or in prison or in hospital you know in your heart that you are seeking power Selah let me say something to you my friends people are not looking for Calvary I want you to get this message the sinner is not looking for Calvary he's not looking for the resurrection he's not looking for the thorns and the nails in the hands of a great Savior the sinner is looking for one thing power and let me disappoint you again you also are looking for power you don't want me to prove it now do you everybody in this room including me we are looking for power we're not looking for worship we're looking for power and the question is how do you know that because that's what you lost why does a person dream of being a millionaire at 40 let me tell you why power they won the power to buy what they want live where they want drive what they want eat what they want marry or they want go where they want without restriction in other words they want the thing that will give them the power to do these things so it's not really money you want it's the power that money gives you that's what you want we are seeking power because that's what God gave us God gave us dominion and we lost Dominion so we're seeking for Dominion I'm the only person that could restore that Dominion is the manufacturer that is why you get sick when you are dominated by the banks or by someone you owe you get sick when you cannot pay your bills why because you are being dominated instead of dominating and so your whole life goes into schisms and into short circuits because you are living in the environment you're not built for how did you feel when you paid your last bill off what happens when you pay a bill off your whole life takes on a different pride you almost feel like you run the world and tell you next bill shows up how am i doing see we I know you hate to hear that but that's true we are really seeking power that's why we want to mix with certain people cuz they get power you want to associate a certain organism because they got a sense of power we even wear certain clothing with certain symbols on it because it gives a sense of importance and power it's all motivated by this need to be restored back to the Dominion Spirit of God that is why the will of God is to salvage you and to restore you back to the original state that you fell from which is the state of Dominion if you notice then that the message of Jesus was not a message of Calgary and please don't turn the TV off yet every word I'm saying I'm cautious I'm cautiously weighing it because you see I'm not speaking from a Bible school study that I did in three years I'm speaking from 31 years of walking with the Lord and I've come to conclusions have they read the Bible 28 times now I've come to conclusion that Jesus came in a message that most of the world missed especially the church Christ never spoke to the multitudes about Calvary he never told them about him dying he resigned that for the private meeting with his disciples so what was the message to the world what did he know they wanted to hear he preached this message that was weird to us and we don't hear it too much in the church as a matter of fact when you go to the church people they keep talking about blood and about cavalry and about hell and about a resurrection and about demons and all this stuff Christ never preached that stuff to the multitudes he proved he preached this message that was weird he preached the power message he stood before them when he would say things like there's a king Dominion and you can become apart once again of the king rulership Dominion power Kingdom and his message was can join the Power Group you can become a part of the Power Group you can rule in life again that was his message the people loved it they followed him everywhere he went he would talk to people who were victims of their lusts like prostitutes and he would say you can go and sin no more there's power available for you to overcome the stuff that's overcoming you he would talk to fishermen who were victims of emptiness and say look you cannot you can change the way you live if you join this Kingdome rulership power organization called the kingdom of God you can have authority over fish and then he gave them an example he caught fish just by sitting in the boat no wonder why they dropped their nets they were looking for power oh boy I'll connect with those who listening you see the disciples dropped their nets not because they liked this rabbi come on talk to me here's a man these are businessmen they own their business they got money to make they got business things to do they are in charge of zebedee fishing international company this man meets them and then one day they leave their company you don't do that unless someone promises you something better than your company they saw power as matter of fact when the fish came in the boat and then this began to break would the Peter do you know Peter is a guy hungry for power Peter's never seen power like this before the barbers he fell on his face in that boat and he says get away from me I'm not deserving to be in your presence I've never seen power like this before Jesus said get up man you ain't seen nothing yet from now on you'd have the ability to power and influence man Peter says I like this deal come on I like this is a good deal I get to have the kind of power here over fresh yep then I'm going to follow you why because God wants to restore all people back to what they felt from and its authority over life victory over life that's what you were born to do oh you'll hear me you were not born to be a victim of bad marijuana leaves and tobacco leaves and grape juice that makes you drunk you suppose the rule these things not them rule you imagine people with muscles and brains being enslaved by a leaf from Colombia something's wrong with that Dominion imagine people who have nice suits and fine clothing and walk around and briefcases but they are victims of a great juice that makes them drink it because they have to imagine grapes running your life and you call yourself a man he'll wonder why God was so concerned about money money is a piece of tree you don't drink you don't smoke you don't take dope ah but there's a piece of paper in your pocket and that tree runs your life doesn't it yes you killed for this you would sell yeah you know your ethics will you sacrifice your models for this people do a kind of stuff for this piece of tree right they are controlled by the leaf and by the bark of a tree we were not born to be controlled we were born to control thank you very much for that hand I appreciate that I want you to turn I as if 7 verse 14 quickly please I want you to see what God did now God designed salvation to restore the original state of man everybody say salvation said loud for the TV audience one more time give Lord a big hand for salvation I thank our position hallelujah thank God for salvation salvation is the word for wholeness in Hebrew now God made the promise in January 15 he extended it and then began to explain it in Isaiah look at verse 14 the Virgin will bear a son and his name shall be called what Emmanuel which means what God with us look at chapter 9 verse 6 for unto us a child as and unto us what a son is given his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace and upon his shoulders this shall be the government unto the end of his kingdom there shall be no end what a passage I want you to learn something here look at me look look look look look at me God says I'm gonna save those creatures down there listen to me no I'm talking about witnessing like Jesus don't miss the principle I gotta fix that world the only problem is they are humans and I am spirit they are visible and I am invisible they are man and I am God but I want to reach them I want to salvage them I want to redeem them I want to restore them I want to save them I want to see them come back to their grace unto their power he says now I'm up here and they down there I am God and they are man I am spurtin they are human I'm in heaven and they on earth but I want to redeem them I got a problem I'm here they're there I'm this they're that but I gotta redeem them what does he do the Bible says a virgin shall bear a child and his name shall be called God that's up here in man that's down there are you telling me that God is gonna leave where he is and go where they are are you telling me that God is going to stop being who he is and become what they are come on get the message witnessing began in genesis 3:15 Ananias a god reminds us in detail how it works he says look to reach them you gotta go where they are unbecoming them you'll get it after I'm gone I'm sure you don't stand me you are and tell them come you're better hear this message if you're going to reach the role in politics in business in music and entertainment in sports in whatever it is you don't stand in the church door and tell them come friends you gotta go with me and put on would they get off all the push to myself anyhow Christ did not say to us you must become like me before I mix with you that's church talk that ain't Christ talk come on I want you to go deep now in Old Testament he says look he says for me to fix this thing I cannot stay where I am for me to redeem this thing I cannot stay Who I am Oh God Beach me how to do this God's program required the entrance into our world everybody say our world say it again our world what does our the world of man it was Christ who said at the end of his ministry in John 21 he says therefore as the father sent me so send I you so study how the father send me that's how you supposed to go how the father sent me he didn't send me as spirit he made me just like you guys that would you please be like them other people I'm sending you to we can't do it the world is not warned today because we are too spiritual the 21st century church got to be a different kind of church matter of fact the Lord is about to do it I'm so happy you know some for help me Jesus let me tell you something the 20th century church where after gifts this is suffering from it today hey buddy won't speak in tongues one of America's won't have human but the 21st century church gonna go after fruit we're gonna go after self-discipline goodness kindness long-suffering patience with people let me ask you a question it's God smarter than you I can't hear you and once again Festus said God is smarter than I one more time God is smarter than I now do you believe that are you sure I want you to this is a very serious question if God is smarter than you then that means God knows what works better than you do think about what I'm saying now which means you cannot improve on God's program write that down somewhere see we still think we're better than God if you want to know how to do something right study God after all he's God need no longer be him right I mean he knows how to make everything successful He is God he's the ultimate so if you want to make sure you succeed study God's style study God's program study God's ways study God's system and you'll be successful are you with me well let us know therefore this is great oh this is so great hallelujah help us Lord look God has a big world with a lot of people on it and he want to change that world you got a big world you supposed to change that world to the world of technical work where you work electronics that's a world who work in education that's a work that's a big you say God there are 10,000 teachers in the system and I'm supposed to get them all born again and in salvation that's a big world guys I had the same problem too you only get that little world I had the whole world and I have nobody just me and I wanted all of them to be saved so follow my style what did I do how did I set it up he said first of all I didn't remember where I am you only get me you don't stay in church pews are you know staying a little spiritual world follow his style he knows how to reach the world better than you know how to reach the world and then he says now follow me I'll show you how to reach the world there's no better program that what God has planned you cannot improve on what God established God concluded listen to this therefore that the most effective way to win man was to become like him oh dear oh dear oh my god that is too simple still ain't there yet okay God says look here's how you convert an entire planet don't tell them to become like you you become like them now I'm going to say something very important here very important you listen to me carefully he said the best way to wind them is to identify with them I'm talking about business men plumbers electricians nurses policemen doctors lawyers housewives youth politicians educators businesspeople economists ambassador he said look all of those are different worlds if you're gonna win them you have to become like them and identify with them God's call to man was a man to return to his position of power and Dominion but he had to go to that man's world and preach that gospel to the man what was the wisdom of Jesus in witnessing to mankind so effectively he became like man I want to read just a few more scriptures and then we gonna close please turn to Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 on the way they stopped off to John chapter 1 please thank you lord hey buddy say disciple in every discipline as God's will for us John chapter 1 is the greatest witnessing tool program everybody has it John chapter 1 verse 1 let's read it out loud in the beginning was the word come all together and word was God and the Word was with God and the same was in the beginning with God now what does ever talk about God who's God the word so talking about God please read verse 14 Allah and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father all right all right all right yo you wanna hear some revelation watch this this is revelation first of all he says I'm God there man that's verse 1 first what he says now I'm man what's he doing he's getting ready to change a whole world he doesn't remain God the God became what flesh why because the people he's trying to reach are dressed in a fresh suit this is gonna be the biggest revelation you ever had about witnessing it's coming right now listen to me carefully this is where the church has really been making a mistake read what it says after you put on the flesh we read it and we beheld his glory now this is the revelation to me it didn't say and we beheld his clothing it didn't say we beheld his haircut this is very important don't miss this it didn't say that people saw the kind of shoes he had on don't miss this because this is where the church is messed up this is God but now he has on human flesh and he doesn't show the things we consider to be distinctions right the word glory now you ain't getting it right away Clarita we beheld this one glory everybody say glory say it loud come on for the TV on and say it loud cleric come on say it loud for our friends around the world let your right hand say glory heart's a gray what did he what did they beheld his gory came here what did they beheld this there won't be help means to observe they were able to look at this this man and they were able to see the glory of God this is important we keep trying to show the people the clothes of God the hairstyle of God the handkerchief of God the Bible of God the shoes of God the lips of God that's why you believe you got a dress differently from them because you believe God dresses a certain way and it has nothing to do with clothing oh here this message look at where glory means write it out it means nature ah here we go and witnessing now it has to do it what your nature the people saw the nature of God in his life that means the principles of God the attitude of God the response of God they saw the kindness of God the understanding of God the patience of God the kindness of God the tolerance of God they saw stuff that I had no clothes on it are you getting the message he became flesh and dwelt among us look just like us but the distinction was his nature God you see you lord help me you got people come to me say pastor miles I work in a hotel and I am a Christian and they want me to work in the in the casino they were going to work in the club they want me to serve alcoholic drinks what should I do as a Christian now you got a you got a problem that's a serious question you in a casino you serve an alcohol in a in a restaurant now the question comes what should you do or you could be glad you in this session today can you see the first quick response of the churches leave now Chad leach I like that in God guarding a little bit but that's the Devil's Den the of demons well let me ask you a question my there where do you think God came when he left heaven put on his earthly suit and came down where you think he was in the den of your people what were you doing when he arrived drinking cussing smoking dancing groovin checking up sniffing coke and he came who do you think you are you self-righteous person do you know what your problem is and often you don't everybody else who David your problem is your problem is you want to work in a Christian company with Christian workers with a Christian typewriter with a Christian computer with a Christendom with a Christian you stupid people take that job at the casino what a great place to shine hallelujah go ahead and take that job in the club if they want Dubonnet bring it to them in a smile and they said what are you smiling about don't drink this come on praise the Lord somebody [Applause] every man got a right to do what he wants to do let your nature be the witness not your avoidance you know I'm so glad that in our country you know so far the policy in casinos is here that no local person could get involved in gambling I think that's a pretty good deal I'm not sure how long that you're last that may change before I die I don't know but I think it's pretty good I think that's a setup from God because the folks without all that money looking for a good time so God put you right at the crap table full of the Holy Ghost dealing cards say yeah pukka shut up about that yeah yeah go ahead and deal them cards and I said why you so happy I ain't gonna do what you're doing to be happy ready put your money in the kingdom of God give me cards then they say after we finish this game I won't talk to you okay they beheld this one his glory there suppose the difference between you and the other nutrition's brother let me read something to you that will mesmerize you turn a Malachi and take a deep breath Oh glory Holly Lou yeah Malachi last book in the Old Testament right after the blank page chapter 3 get your pen you want underline this stuff watch God go to work now in this if you're not sure that conferences are from God I'm going to now show you where God encourages us to have conferences it's found in verse 16 it's the first conference in the Bible then those who failed the Lord meant together and talk to each other that's a conference and the Lord listened and heard what they were saying that means they're making decisions in the conference God heard it then they wrote it down write down what you decide in the conference those are we going to be doing coming up here in August house we'll be doing here in this meeting today we are discussing God's issues and then we're gonna write it down what we gonna decide to do God says I heard you now write down what you got to do watch this stuff and they wrote it down in his presence concerning those who Fred the Lord and honored his name they will be mine says the Lord Almighty in the day when I make up my treasured possessions I will spare them just as in the compassion a man spares his son who serves in the salvation and you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked because those who serve God between those of God and those who do not right they're done he said it ain't about dress it's about the distinction of nature everybody witnessing my Jesus do you know who was Jesus best friends I'm gonna show you right now from the Bible his best friends know who you think it was it wasn't gave us the high priests yeah Philippians two quick quick Philippians to glory Harley Lou yeah Philippians two hey buddy say become like them to win them Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 let your attitude it was the attitude say loud I can't hear you come on I want you all to be smarter than the other Christians the King James says mind the word there in the original text is attitude or mindset read it let the same attitude which was in Christ being you was his attitude what's the attitude who being the very nature of God did not consider equality with God something to be maintained Wow but made himself nothing no reputation that's your problem trying to keep your reputation I can be seen with them child they can mess with my reputation God says go with them and lose your reputation the Orlan hear what he said just now I said you didn't reading the Bible just now he said I am God I was gone from the beginning I am God I like being God but I gotta save these people so I ain't gonna hang over to be in God cuz the God has saved them I still hang on to being God did you read that he is God but he says I cannot hang on to being God and save them - in order to save someone you've got to become like them he says and to become like them you may lose your reputation let me tell you in the 21st century I want to see a lot of y'all lose your reputation where reputation being self-righteous better than other people think you better and holier than other people lose that reputation let it be seen the way his reputation was they said he had a reputation that the validity who didn't like the religion people hate his reputation Kevin's reputation he is the son of he's the friend of sinners how about that reputation sinners like this person how's that for a reputation they'd like to be around you Wow right now they don't like you right when you show up they leave they scatter if she comes he comes oh boy hey come you gotta tell us about your God here we go again and they run from you and yet when you read Jesus is like they're on to him the sinners not is the religious people who ran from here something ain't right about this read on it says being in the form of God he didn't consider something to be held onto but made himself of no reputation taking on the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness being found in appearance of a man he humbled himself hey brothers say you got to become to bring transformation the last thing we need right now is another pastor the purpose are causing trouble please stay out of the pulpit we need some doctors and some mechanics and some plumbers and some media people and some and some lawyers and some if any people calling me you were born to be make that your church he became like a man so he could win man that's the way God's program works he accomplished that relationship you may ask now I want to close on this point that this way we can pick up next week oh boy is gonna be good next week but here's where the problem is here's what you gonna get oh I heard from God they know I heard from God no never say to you when you started mixing with those people and you start becoming like them no they don't say to you normal Christian response compromising you're compromising the gospel okay then when we identify with the world are we compromising if we are then Jesus is the greatest compromiser in history because he became like you he is God verse five but he became like a man verse six what are you gonna do with that that's compromise why didn't God say I'm God you men I'm holy you sinners come up to my level you'd have never been saved write this down never confuse compassion with compromise if you love your brother who is in the Pigpen go get some mud on you and when you start calling love compromise something's wrong with your head to get your brother out of the mud in that Pigpen you got to get in the mud God they put on flesh to reach flesh so that he could redeem us back to spirit this is the will of God Luke five verse 30 says why do you eat with tax collectors and sinners they asked him his answer was I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance you self-righteous stiff necked Pharisees Luke 7 verse 34 I come eating and drinking with sinners and you say I am a friend of a sinner and you are right he says for this they were whole don't need a physician but only those who are sick when Christmas comes and the time for the Christmas party please go when I say I discussing in the committee meeting should they have alcohol tell them if you wish long as there's kool-aid and go and when you go to the party you take your glass walk around room like everybody else the Georgian 7up in it what you're doing wheeling and dealing for the kingdom so some of you are too spiritual I ain't going to that party all they gonna do is drink and smoke you are the light of the world you don't change darkness by avoiding darkness ha boy he's coming soon after you're finished doing your work close your Bible get a lot of hand let's go home thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.noventri.com [Music]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 112,396
Rating: 4.8349099 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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