Understanding Why Jesus Was Resurrected | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message and I wanted to begin with a scene that all of us are afraid of the cemetery do you know it's cheaper to buy your plot now so why didn't you buy it I know why because we are afraid to think about death and we believe superstitions that if we buy the plot we'll use it quickly we try our best to postpone this but I want to speak today on the topic please write this down Kingdom without boundaries this is Resurrection Sunday Kingdom without boundaries I want to focus on understanding why Jesus was resurrected everybody say Kingdom without boundaries say it again Kingdom at our boundaries may be given a couple of thoughts I believe that the greatest gift God ever gave man was the gift of life we all would agree with that when the Lord breathe into to man the breath of life in Genesis chapter 2 that was the greatest gift he ever gave us he gave us life but he has a paradox the greatest gift God ever gave man after that the second greatest gift was the gift of death I called this a paradox the greatest gift he gave us was what life and the second greatest gift is what death now you may ask why because man lost the life that God gave him and the only way to get the life back was death and so the third statement is very critical it's from the book of John chapter 10 verse 18 jesus said these words no one takes my life no one kills me he says but I lay it down of my own accord or my own will I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it back up again from the grave because this command or this promise I received from my father what's important here is to always remember that Jesus Christ talked about death a lot but he never left it a death he always made sure he added the last sentence that is coming back again it is the coming back that's tough for everyone on earth Christmas is celebrated as the birth of Jesus but that's not a big deal except of course he was incarnated but everyone in this room and watching this live television program you and I were born so being born everyone participates in that even if you were born by spiritual manifestation secondly the fact that Jesus lived is not really the major issue because all of us are living the fact that Jesus died even though he died for Humanity we all will share unexperienced death the only thing that he did that we cannot claim is he promised to come back here's something to remember Calvary made the resurrection inevitable the death of Jesus made the rising of Jesus inevitable I used to be afraid of death and being born in Bain town you had it will fear because if you walk across a grave you had to spit on your finger and hold it in the wind until it dried anyone know about that and if you step over grave they say your feet were rotten off I was so afraid of death that when I saw a funeral I'd run to see the band but run away from the hearse the federal death is in our culture but yet it was death that made the resurrection inevitable here's something that makes a little Clara the resurrection of Jesus was the greatest evidence that man's sin was solved I'm gonna prove that today if Jesus had not rised from the dead the sin problem would not have been solved this is gonna be a little deep today so you gotta listen carefully but if you understand it you become a good teacher yourself point number two the resurrection of Jesus was the greatest promise of Hope beyond the grave if he did not come back from the grave we would have no hope point number three very simple the resurrection of Jesus was the greatest proof that death lost its power death is very powerful and if you and if you ever had a loved one died you know what I'm talking about especially if you went to see them at what they call the week and you see them laying in the casket and they look like they're still there but they won't talk to you and sometime you talk to them and touch them and cry over them and they will respond death has so much power that it makes sure they can't respond but the resurrection of Jesus is proof that that power the death had over your mama your daddy your cousin your husband your wife your baby that power was broken some people don't believe that Jesus Christ raised from the dead I can find you many scriptures to show you where it was prophesied that he will rise from the dead but you will see on CNN and National Geographic and NBC ABC and Fox Network and all the other networks this whole day they're going to be discussing whether the credibility of his resurrection is real and man have a right to do that I guess speculation but there's a problem with Jesus that you cannot figure out he predicted everything before it happened because he was living in a prophecy he was living out a prophecy he was actually a prophetic manifestation here's what the Bible says about him now most of you have read the scripture before if you read the Bible about the coming Messiah and this is a prophecy made by I Isaiah and I Isaiah in chapter 53 prophesied about the suffering servant and in that chapters where we read where he was bruised for our iniquities he is he was chasing for our sins and and but you wonder did Isaiah prophesied the resurrection also of the Messiah let's read it together i Isaiah chapter 53 verse 10 read yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering he will see his offspring and prolong his days that means even though he is dead he will rise to see his offspring it's a prophecy of the resurrection and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hands look at the next verse verse 11 read after his suffering of his soul he will see the light of life and be satisfied he will come back now when Jesus said to the disciples 2,000 years later he said look I received this command from my father he was talking about this statement right here God promised me that if I lay my life down I will still see the sons that I bear I'll come back and see them he said I am convinced that if I die I'm coming back now ladies and gentlemen let me just say this you know if you decide that you read the Bible and you're gonna pretend to be the Messiah because you are somehow mentally convinced that you know you could do this do you realize that you could claim to be born of a virgin if you may not know that you could claim to be a holy man a holy woman you can you could do that you could claim to even die for us you can actually go you know get yourself killed you can do that but would you take a chance to tell people you coming back see that's the trick now could you imagine please listen to me carefully that's how we know that Jesus knew he was the Christ it was that last statement I will come back you don't take chances dying hoping you come back the fact that he repeated it over and over again matter of fact let's just read what he says in the book of Matthew 16 this is hundreds of years later after Isaiah he says from that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders and chief priests and teachers of the law and that he must be what killed he telangana be killed and on the third day he says I will be raised again it's that part that proves he was the Messiah anyone can say I could die for your behaviors and I coming back and then you don't come back so your everything go and take a chance cuz you ain't sure you're coming back but he kept on repeating it they gonna kill me and I'll be back they're gonna kill me and in three days he even timed it in three days I'll be back the resurrection is confirmation of his Christ position he was the Christ therefore he was the greatest of all humans Matthew chapter 28 please read together verse 28 read after the Sabbath at the dawn of the first day of the week Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tome verse 5 of Matthew 28 the angel said to the women do not be afraid for I know that you are looking for who Jesus who was crucified he is not here he is risen just as he said that's important angel says look we ain't telling you this he told you that that separates him from everybody else read the next statement come and see the place where he used to lay then go quickly and tell his students he has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee there you will what see him now I have told you angel says go this is Jesus Christ fulfilling the Word of God everything that the prophecy said about him in the Bible he fulfilled it even to the greatest one of the resurrection look at Matthew 16:13 everybody read together when Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he acts as disciples who do people say the Son of Man is this is going to be the heart of my message here please don't miss this one now I had to set this up for you because you got to understand that why the question is important Plato Socrates and Aristotle were the greatest Greek philosophers in history and they are still affecting us today as a matter of fact the Bahamas is ruled by Plato and Socrates the United States is being ruled by Plato and Socrates because it was Plato and Socrates who invented the idea of démocratie it's a Greek word Democrat Democrat there is a Greek word invented by the philosophers of Greece in their debate concerning rulership and government so every democratic country is actually being ruled by the Greeks mentality now Aristotle and Socrates and Plato also discuss kingdoms and if you read their writings which I did in college I was intrigued that they studied kingdoms matter of fact there were many kingdoms before the Greeks and the Greeks did have a kingdom but these philosophers studied how do you rule effectively and they invented the idea of democratic now one of the things that they studied was how Kings ruled and here's what they discovered listen carefully please otherwise the Bible don't make any sense to you they discovered that a king ruled in the reverse wave than democracy for example in democracy you vote the leader in the people vote the leader in and then the leader chooses a cabinet then the cabinet councils the leader that's democracy everybody got that are you sure I'm gonna say it again in democracy the people choose to lead it by voting the leader appoints the cabinet and then the cabinet councils the leader in a kingdom it's reversed in a kingdom the king votes for the citizens crisis you didn't choose me I okay so in Kingdom the King chooses the citizens number two in a kingdom the King chooses his cabinet but the cabinet is chosen not to counsel the King the cabin is chosen to execute the Kings will in the kingdom their job is to take the Kings desires translate them into legislation and make them laws in the kingdom so the people actually obey the Kings mind through this group called the cabinet in our turn the Romans implemented the Greeks idea and that group was called the Senate please hear me please some yoga missed this the Senate in Rome was King Caesars group that executed the will of the Emperor throughout the entire kingdom as why Rome was a kingdom the group when plato and aristotle was discussing this the group that the king appointed to carry out his will they invented a word for the group now the Greeks existed before the Romans as far as an empire and so the Romans stole all the Greek ideas and made Rome powerful the Greek ideas the group that the Greeks described as chosen by the king they invented a word right this way down this is this is a Greek word I'm giving you a Greek word an exact Greek word e ke ke l e s s I a that's a Greek word invented by the Greeks what's the word ecclesia interesting the word ekklesia when you translate it into English the English word write it down English word C H you are c h was that spell church take a deep breath okay listen to me carefully we got a lot of politicians in here today and I want them to take this with some education see ecclesia is not a religious group it is a political agency of a king it is the state they got problems now alright here's why the question is important then the only person who can appoint a necklace here is a king a prophet cannot have a necklace eeeh a priest cannot have a necklace eeeh a teacher cannot have a necklace Ian only a king can have a necklace eeeh you're hearing me so Jesus now it's three quarters into his three-year ministry he's getting ready to wind down and he did a lot of work with these guys he he taught them and taught them the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom he see his trying running out he said look I gotta make sure before I leave I established my government so he turns to them he says look who do people say that I am because who I am determines what I am qualified to do some of y'all ain't get it yet that's why the Muslims they call Jesus in the Quran a prophet that disqualifies him from having a kingdom the Hindus call Jesus a wisdom teacher that disqualifies him from having a kingdom the Buddhists see Jesus as a wise man that disqualifies him from having a kingdom this is why every generation in history cannot deal with Jesus and identify him every generation and whatever you call him that gives him the qualification to claim some things he is only a good man then he really can't help you because everybody trying to be good he's just a wise man your professor in college wise too and your professor can help you so his question is very important he sits with the students and he says look at the question again he says when he came to Caesarea Caesarea was the one of them like the resort cities that were built by Caesar in his own honor on the beach in the Mediterranean we've been there before it's a beautiful area matter of fact the ocean around that look exactly the Bahamas and in the beaches beautiful white bits are nice in that area in Caesarea so Jesus Christ is in this area where there's a resort and the King owns it was just like Atlantis in the Bahamas beautiful area and the King built this as one of this outpost where he goes to enjoy vacation and Christ sees all this power all the splendor of Caesar and he sits with his disciples in a meetin and he says who do people say I am am I shall before I leave now look at the answers and each answer disqualifies him he's they say some say you are who John the Baptist that means you just a prophet in the in the wilderness he's okay I can't start nothing with that title anybody gets me it young people you feel in me he said look if I'm just a prophet I can't stop this thing some say you are United that's still profit others say you are what Jeremiah that is still a prophet he ain't gonna fight to have no Kingdom nor any ekklesia others say you are just another prophet he's disqualified so he stops and then the next verse verse says he turned to them and said what about y'all now this this is the clincher here if y'all get this wrong he says it's over for me that means my classroom didn't work out at all my school didn't produce students that made sense to me who do you say what is your conclusion about me I walk on the water I talk to trees I speak to fish I cast the demons cleanse the leper is dead I think I failed 5,000 people but just a few loaves of bread and fish I did some stuff here I forgave sins on the spot you all know understand how powerful that is the only way to get your sins forgiven in those days is to go to Jerusalem once a year and take a lamb the guy did it on the spot right in the village that was I am the temple glory hallelujah and I am the lamb and I am the blood right here he says son your sins are forgiven you and you ain't gotta go downtown to Jerusalem that's why they got mad it's the only God can forgive sins they said he says you're right that's who I am he was telling them without even guessing about it I can forgive sin because I am God y'all got to go visit God to get your sins forgiven I am God and I forgive sins right here in this village who do you say I am now watch this they did not know am i right they didn't they still didn't get the revelation so Peter Simon Peter hey boys hey Peter write the word Peter down this word is important Peter that was not his original name okay his name was Simon Jesus named him Peter you remember that the way Pete is important here because a lot of people get this mixed up here Peter answered quote out loud please say it you are the Christ the Son of the Living God now remember there were many Christ's around before Jesus and after Jesus matter of fact that's why we got so many religions every religion is founded by it some of them says they was a Christ Muhammad believed that he was a Christ Buddha was a type of Christ for the Asian people but notice Peter didn't say you are one of the Christ's read it carefully he said what you are the Christ which one the Son of the Living God a lot of gods they did now this statement is the key to resurrection power oh lord have mercy go at me now stay with me he says look you are the Christ the Son of Living God Jesus said you didn't know that matter of fact yes what Jesus said blessed are you Peter the way blessed me is happy in this particular place you should be happy Peter happy is my boy Peter because you are Jonah's boy that's your daddy your daddy is Jonah and boy Jonah got a smart fella he got it right he's excited for Peter he's a Peter you somebody got it right he says but then he says don't take the credit cuz you didn't know that answer read the next verse he says that was revealed to you by heaven itself you are the Christ you are the Christ now and then Jesus makes a statement that is political he says upon that statement men we call it the way it's written here it says I tell you that you are Peter it was a Peter case important word and upon this rock I will build my the word there is ecclesia he uses a Greek word in a kingdom government which is a group of people appointed by the king to carry out his will in the Kings territory we translated as Church church is not a religious group I know what we've been taught I know the way we've been brainwashed but when I sat in my college class and reading the original language I became angry at religion because they they didn't they missed taught me this is why the church has been backed into a corner and separated some some compartment of the country you ever have LM say this tell the church stay out of this this government business let me tell you something the church is government although I'm trying to get this to you in America they got problems in America because they're telling you that there's a separation between church and state the word church is state I think what they should say honestly is this we can separate early state from heavenly state now that's a better description but they're both states let me give you an example of how this works out okay hey buddy still hanging with me all right Jesus Christ is not a religious man remember he ain't no prophet or nothing he is Messiah I better do this first okay he's Messiah now do you know who arrests him when he was arrested he was not arrested by the Roman government he was arrested by religious temple guards wrong police y'all know understand I'm talking about please shake yourself a little bit get this peace if you ain't qualified to arrest me that's an illegal arrest now if I was a religious man you could send a religious soldiers to arrest me my religious religious caught so they arrest Jesus this is so exciting and they took him not the government they took him to the high priests house that's another religious Center and then the high priests called the Sanhedrin Council that's a religious group and they got the King in the wrong court he's standing there you wonder why he answer wrong courtroom you understand Jesus they shouted at him they slapped him spat on him they cussed him out and he just said not a word why only all illegal I talking to none of y'all if I talk to y'all I'm gonna give you a credibility you're incredible this is the wrong car from everything on top I can answer your rungs are on jewelry wrong police come on somebody I'm a politician you don't arrest me with no church guards he never said a word the high priest became angry and said let's take him to Pilate ha ha crisis artists getting excited now cause you see Pilate was governor of the Roman region of Palestine where he was in charge of that colony he now be getting to talk to echo see yeah yeah I mean he stood before Pilate now notice pilots words pilots never said these words are your profit cause Pilate know if he's prophet he shouldn't be in front of him come on y'all understand the case what's going on here so Pilate question was are you King cuz I only deal with politicians come on somebody are you a king she's answered you are right in saying I am a king for this purpose was I born he says that's when Pilate stood up straight we got ourselves a different court here this this man is a dangerous man he ain't no prophet this man is a politician and then Jesus began to talk because now is the right courtroom but it says do you know I have the power to take your life if I want to because I'm wearing the ring of Caesar I could kill you or give you your life back Jesus got so excited he's finally in the right room Jesus said Pilar [Applause] let me quote his answer he says pilot you could have no authority over me except it was given to you by my government in heaven and then he threatened Pilate he says for even now I could call 10 legions of angels to deliver me out of your hand but because I'm using you to kill me shut up and do your job give God a praise for a king talking hallelujah that was the right so this question Who am I is the foundation of everything if I'm just a prophet like Muhammad then I ain't nothing I can't help you if I'm just a miracle worker I'm not qualified to have a kingdom if I'm just a teacher like all them great teachers in history like Buddha Muhammad my live here Lisa laughs sorry folks you're God he says I'm just one of them I can't help you that's why I am so frustrated that we have taken Jesus and reduced him to Christianity Christianity is just one of the big four religions how dare you bring Jesus Christ in the category of Buddha and Muhammad and Confucius and having them compete with them he created them but religion has diluted Christ and made him a prophet and if he's just a prophet all of us are helpless he said Peter upon that statement what statement you are the Christ I will build my ekklesia now here's the great part and the gates of Hell will not be able to stop overcome hinder resists my ecclesia or is the powerful segment now let's follow this get your pen write this down this is important education if you don't bring anything to write on get a Bible turn to Malachi and between Malachi and Matthew there's a blank page right on the page okay this is important stuff because you see this where the Catholics begin to get a little problems here if you were Catholic I know your background my study Catholicism and I know where your the Lord theology comes from in this verse the Catholic orientation here in theology is that Christ was speaking to Peter he was not talking about Peter okay here's the Greek word for Peter is to avoid Petros the word Petros is the Greek word which means little pebble little pebble small little rock yeah now the other word he used for rock is the word Petra it's a different word in Greek and it means boulder or mountain so we got two different words being used here now if you were to read this in the original language here's how it would read this is why people get in problems with translation it reads like this Simon you are rock and upon this rock I will build my ecclesia as I will read in the original language now notice two words are the same Simon you are a rock and upon this rock I will build my church so it sound like if you just read it without knowing the differ between the two rocks you'll think he's building it on Peter in two different words come on bishops Catholic Bishops tell the people the truth about the two words come on write me letters the two different words one means a pebble the other means a big mountain he says Peter you are surely a little rock but upon the big boulder you spoke I'm gonna build my government agency tell you never you sitting next to one of the staff ox your neighbor where you working tell him I work for the government understand what you just said highway for the government man the oxen ever how did you become employed Aksum answer them I was appointed by the king you have another brain city nobody voted for you by the way let me tell you why it's important to him to remember that a lot of folks around you don't like you so they're the vocal comes in you would never make it thank God the King chose you himself come on give him praise I tell you he appointed you he says so he's talking about this this Boulder you are the Christ remember Rock means foundation he says the foundation on which I'm gonna build my cabinet is the fact that I am King because I'm qualified matter of fact the word Christ is the word Christos in Greek and it actually I took it right from the right from the the the the Greek lexicon it says Christus means a king of Israel it is it talks about Korea Rula the word Christ means anointed ruler anointed king when Peter says dharwad Christos not a Christos the Christo's you are above all the others Jesus says ha gotcha upon that I get to establish my country my government my my authority in the earth and I'm gonna select you guys to be in my cabinet now let me take some real cabinets in the kingdoms remember you don't counsel the King in part you know in democracy you could sit in the cabinet with the dry medicine all your fossil raw and convince him to change America I think in the in the kingdom ain't no discussion you show up to work just to carry out orders you know quiet on me okay listen the church is supposed to have no opinion of homosexuality you is not no opinion of gambling the Bible says he who chases fantasies shall grow poor but he who wakes his own land shall become rich fantasy is inspiring numbers oh you're only quoting scripture for you again URIs mother live on chance with your children bread money that's irresponsible how did you legalize a responsibility oh sorry for that I'm gonna get on that that's just some of y'all is buying number look at your eyes pastor miles don't touch their number you and I represent the government of heaven and we don't counsel Jesus he commands us he said if you love me you will do what I say to you don't sing so you love me and they discussing homosexuality I just closed right now yeah getting quiet now you know but I had to please you anyhow enemy breach clap clap clap clap clap I had a police no man I worked for government I got report back to my government when I finished so I you know I gotta deal with that he says I am King Kings don't take council they give council you want to yell Jesus spoke he spoke in a strange way he's talked like this he says oh you have heard it said that thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you if you look at him and say he fine yeah you say the man here caught you if you look at her and wish she was in the bed with her he says you already committed adultery repent right now he says that's the King talking he has the right to say I say unto you I know what y'all discussed he says but I say unto you that's the King talking you don't go to Jesus to give him your recommendations you report to him to get instructions that's an echo see ya whenever you see what they call the church debating issues that Christ already resolved that in the church and in the church and so whether you work for a company or you are in government when you get in that boardroom and you got to make some decisions if you represent the kingdom of God you not for sale clap loud please you ain't for sale and this is where you know sometime you wonder why organizations break up fall apart is because someone is so committed to their convictions they violate what we call collective responsibility in other words even though I disagree rémi go here I got to pretend like I agree in the kingdom you don't do that I will leave this organization if that's what you do that's what you say why because I didn't come to please y'all I am reporting to a higher authority matter of fact you and I only perform for an audience of one I had a dream one night and I woke up sweating I was sweating nothing about 22 years ago so I was sweating I mean I was so scared because I saw myself on stage and I was performing I was speaking and singing and the place was packed with thousands of people I'll never forget this dream and when I was finished everybody stood up started sharing everybody's on their feet shouting I felt so excited so proud and then I looked down in front of me in the front row and there was a guy sitting down with his head in his lap weeping and I remember in the dream looking at that guy and my response was how dare he don't stand up and applaud me as good as I am everybody else recognized how good I am who is this ungrateful member in this audience and I remember staring down at him from the stage everybody's shouting and clapping and applauding and this person sitting there on the front row weeping and I kept looking I was afraid to go down suddenly I turned I remember saying excuse me sir what's the problem and when he looked up it was Jesus I wrapped a whole knife never been back to sleep and I heard these words if I don't get up you're a failure Jesus said these words I only do what pleases my father what do you do all the girls having sex in school and everybody clapping them up and saying how well they do it with the boys and then you believe in Jesus he's your king and he says keep your virginity and tell your merit and you're sitting there and everybody's clapping and the other girls the crisis clapping for you that's my girl keep yourself girl keep yourself that's my girl and you only want Jesus to clap cuz everybody else gonna save you nor help you with your sins give God a praise he is King shout hallelujah somebody now write this down please I want you to just catch this before we wrap this up Matthew 16:19 he says I will give you the keys of the kingdom that's his next statement I'm gonna build my ekklesia on the fact that I am king and I'm gonna give my exia what the keys of the kingdom the kingdom means the government of the country I'm gonna give the ekklesia access to the government whatever they bind on earth the government will buy whenever they loose on earth the government lose that means if the government give them instructions when they go to carry them out the government will back them up that's administration you ever wonder why Jesus told disciples go into all the world and preach the gospel the kingdom and then he says no I am with you always that means I am backing you up with every instruction I gave you I will carry it out for you I will back you up when you stand alone you got the whole government behind you in heaven and I know how it is sometimes young people you're the only one who ain't Kissin in the dark end up in school because you love Jesus yeah I know you young woman you ain't mad and you thirty-two and you keepin yourself and everybody thinking you fooling including the guy who say he loves you and don't wanna marry you it's tough lonely out there but he says I got the government backing you up I say he he backing you up you ain't gonna sell yourself to get no rent payment he backing you up if you commit yourself to the king he will back you up sometimes it's tough the hiss of my learn years ago you will never be completely accepted until you've been completely rejected the qualification for acceptance is the prerequisite of rejection you remember an event where I used to be a cult y'all remember that coming all those who knew that in the doorway just just yeah because you were part of the crew right now you here sit now am i teaching you the government will back you up he give you the keys whatever you bind he's there to bind whatever you loose on earth he said the government will loose it on earth now here's what I want to get to the graveyard the last thing when he made is this he says and the gates of Hell will not prevail against this government the resurrection is proof that the country of God cannot be limited to the grave write this down please write this down the kingdom of Rome can only rule the citizen to the limit of the grave how many of you know that that the Bahamas government cannot collect taxes from you after you die I don't care how much real property taxes you owe once you die they can't come after you and get that folks from America he imagined the IRS can only get you to the cemetery when he gets cemetery they gotta stop in other words all governments stop at the graveyard stay with me now so the kingdoms of the world can only rule their citizens to the limit of the cemetery therefore the kingdom of God Jesus said will transcend death and continue to rule the citizen beyond the grave okay let me explain what I mean the word that he uses you're Hades the word hell I can't explain everything because you know their ignorance is a dangerous thing okay hey boy say he'll say it loud one of the weakest translations that you can ever read of the Bible is the King James Version it's a very weak translate it's a beautiful one but it's very weak because the King James Version does not do justice to many important passages and words that are causing confusion one of these words is the word help right the word hell down please there are three words in the Bible for hell but in the English they are all translated hell but they are all different and that's the problem for example when Christ says I will build my echo see upon this statement and the gates of Hell shall not prevail that word Hell has nothing to do it fire it has nothing to do with a lake three words for hell first one Gehenna he dispelled GE h IE n na Gehenna means the place of torment the second word for hell is the word Sheol Sh Yoel it means the lake of fire the third word for Hell in Scripture is the word Hades H ADEs write it down the word Hades means the grave the cemetery now when Jesus spoke he chose one of those words which one he chose Hades he's talking about the grave he's talking about death he says look my kingdom will be established on the fact that I am the Messiah the king the Anointed One of God he's really throwing chairs at Rome he telling the disciples not only y'all are victims of Rome you being oppressed by wrong but you will be relieved when you die because Caesar can't get to you when you go to the Graveyard his rulership ends at the cemetery Christ had to add this piece to him he said look I'm gonna build my government on my kingship and my country shall have influence over this earth he said but I'm gonna rule your life and take care of you but it won't end at the cemetery oh that's a lot to be praising God for that's why Paul says absent from the body you are still present do you know that present in the body you still got absent from him you know he is with you now living in you he said but if you leave your body he is still present in other words no matter whether you live or die this side agrees outside the grave my kingdom ruled both sides can I hear an amen we are the only people on earth who don't have life insurance we got death insurance come on give God a praise hallelujah you collect on both sides and all Lord I just said something deep come on help me here I say you collect on both sides you realize that life insurance never been a video but when you're in the kingdom of God the life insurance is also death insurance because he who is in Christ when the Trump of God shall sound they shall be raised from the dead because they were never dead the gates of Hell cannot prevail write this down in the kingdom of God dead cannot separate the citizen from the jurisdiction of the king that's why I follow Jesus because I can never lose on either side the resurrection gives me peace it doesn't matter if I live or die Paul says if I live or die he says I sell a victory number four the resurrection of Jesus was evidence that he that's the king had authority over death also he says look my country my government cannot be stopped by the grave when you leave the side you still see my authority over you that's why you can die in peace because you ain't die you just change sides absent present absent present absent present absent present that's why Christ brings us hope when my mother died I had to be aware that she was absent but she was also present so my hope gave me peace and if I die absent present and I can be watching all of y'all who survived me cry I can be peeping at you and know where no black at my funeral I tell you now I want yellow pink orange I want purple tennis yellow ties why cuz this ain't no depressing experience with me we having a celebration of life [Applause] look at your religious spirit come upon us now boy I can still wear my black hat see you still got debt control and you praise God and if you wear black I can come out that grave I got hide you that night I got hide you I can throw a rock in the house now okay I can throw them dishes of the Shelf that night so you better get pink coming back Jesus Christ has picked me over there the Spirit of God therefore is giving us a promise now here's the promise therefore I will give him a portion among the gray remember he died with the rich he was buried in a rich man's tomb I will give him a portion with the Great and he will divide the spoils with the strong that means he can bring the victory back to you and because he poured his life unto death and was numbered with the sinners for he bore the sin of many he made intercession for the transgressors because he did that and God says he will raise him from the dead death is the most common denominator of everybody everybody dies and the greatest equalizer of all mankind is death it doesn't matter who you think you are we gonna bury you the only thing mankind cannot stop or postpone or avoid is death see so you might as well plan for it death is life in Reverse and it's nice final solution no matter I'm me and somebody been to you they can die so yes outlast them don't think what your husband are at that they're not that I don't mean like that Oh your wife or something for example Hitler Saddam Hussein I mean no matter who think they're tough Depp is a solution it solves the problem they're gone but death is the ultimate fare of mankind and that's why the resurrection is so important it cancels the fare of death his kingdom is beyond the grave death is only an appointment but every man must keep it every woman must keep it every child there is nothing as permanent as death once you die you can come back and tell he comes nothing makes us more helpless than death you can't bring nobody back you touch their body you cry over them can't touch them the only thing you can do with death he's prepared for it and that's why the resurrection is so important again Jesus Christ gave His life so that you could be raised from the dead but you got to give him your life in return so he could live inside of you and raise you from the dead and that's why you need to come to Christ not to join a religion but to secure your resurrection God's response to death was Good Friday his seal on death was Resurrection Sunday I was thinking that God created man so that man could become his expression on earth death was created by God but death had no power when Adam sinned he gave death power and therefore sin gives death its power God said he's worse Adam he says the day you eat from this tree you will what surely die he was surely what died all right young people listen to me and this is the heart of the resurrection death was not created by the devil God created death look at that verse it's an important verse study the rest for a second causes Adam the day you eat he was surely one died that means died was there in the garden somewhere there's this guy named die that was there God says you never met him before is the first time I'm using the word it's the first time I'm using the word God says I'm describing something says this guy named die he exists now Adam listen to me carefully the day you disobey me this guy will kill you right now he can't kill you because you haven't disobeyed me so the way you give him life is you got to disobey me if you don't disobey me he stays dead so death was created dead the only way to give that life is for you to rebel against God sin so sin gave life to death so death could kill the sinner so the Bible says the power of death is sin please close it don't let miss this so if there is no sin present death can't kill the prison this is why Jesus could not be borne by a man because all men are sinners meetings number you you are a marked today you were born to die death was being you before you came out why he was born in sin and sin gives life to what death so the way you kill death is get rid of sin so when Jesus Christ came into the world the Bible says he knew no sin you realise Christ Jesus would have still been here 2,000 years old I'm talking to myself I said if he was still alive dead could never kill him he would have been in 2000 years old that means he would never grow old because yourselves die because dead is in your blood [Applause] he would have been thirty years old walking around looking 32,000 years old but death couldn't kill him oh jesus and myself so he came to take the power of death out of death what is the power of death sin his problem is he ain't got none getting ready to shout all by myself he's enough in order for me to stop you from dying I gotta take out of you what's giving die its power so the Bible says he who knew no sin be he God laid on him the iniquity of us all for by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin but by one man Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he bore our sin please show up we're gonna finish that means Calvary Golgotha Good Friday canceled debts right to keep you dead job Oh grab us a table car listen to me listen to me no wonder he stood there in the front of that girl Mary Mary said my brother is dead and then he was here he wouldn't have died and Christ says what are you talking about [Applause] the resin rich woman the thing that killed him I came to kill or shot before go he said I tell you Mary Lazarus will rise again watch this now watch this Mary says I know but I could happen later he said no the happening is hearing you glory hallelujah he said guess what the fellow who kill Lazarus God killed V coz he knows sin and me and I can tell him let my friends go now cuz he knows it at me I got authority over him Lazarus [Applause] he two days ago top out of you what gay death the right to kill you [Music] so death has been rendered not none existent powerless devices come on give him press they'll exists but no power privilege still around but can't touch it that's why today the Bible says all those who died in crisis when the Trump of God sounds that means doggone shout come dad don't say no no where you going do you wants a hearing on the power to keep me here [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] the grave can't stop with death ain't got the right to hold that's why you can walk on a hid choice in Dancing with power and authority go back to work on Tuesday walk inside and tell the devil try your best blue why because my sin was nailed to a cross 2,000 years ago and death where is your sting grave [Music] somebody on a shopping grave where is your victory Jesus your readiness is the clincher he destroyed death with [Music] I feel like jumping right there look okay see listen to you see once okay the wages of sin the death once you pay the wages [Applause] their daddy got no more right to demand me hang on Oh Lord so Jesus died and the Bible says he can never die twice he died with your sense so you can never stay in the tomb here's what I tried to say in slide number three today but I say death is natural see dying is natural if you sin that kills you so rising is natural it ain't no sin dead let you go the power of sin power of sin yep calling you no matter how big you are now notice behold me no I hole in this but that if I lose my power he gone I said I'm on three don't lift me up I said I did [Music] [Applause] that's Easter Eastern's get on the ground looking stupid and Christ out from the grave triumphant over them and itself because I live you shall live [Applause] because I thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.atlona.com you
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: Z6I3tikBNUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 34sec (4474 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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