The Kingdom Assignment of Jesus | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message today our topic is going to be very simple and that is the kingdom Mandate of Jesus assignment I want you to take notes this morning because I got a lot to cover in a short time our topic this morning is the kingdom mandate which is the assignment of Jesus what a topic to talk about the assignment of Jesus all those joining us by television you are in the right place at the right time but hear the right message from the right God that's your hova Jireh we're so glad you're joining us here from the beautiful Bahama Islands we welcome you all around the world watching our program today and you are part of a series we're going through the Bible studying especially in the book of Genesis also the New Testament we studying the kingdom of God from the New Testament and I'm starting this year off dealing with discovering your kingdom leadership and we're going to get into this in more detail but the session today is dealing with the assignment of Jesus which is Kingdom mandate everybody in the world was born to fulfill an assignment in other words every human was created by God to solve a problem there's something that God wanted done that required your existence so you are not a mistake can I hear an amen imagine that God wanted something to fly so he made birds he wanted somebody to swim so he made fish there's something God wanted done so he created you so your place on this planet is related to an assignment that God had in his mind before anything was and that makes you very critical to God's global and universal program today we're gonna talk about the assignment of somebody who is the creator of all things and that is Jesus Christ what was his assignment and I do want to say that when we talk about the assignment of Jesus we're really talking about the assignment of God and when we look at the assignment of Jesus it's very clear the first can understand what did God have in mind when he sent Jesus I want to pick up reading a statement from the book of Matthew 24 verse that we've read last week and then one from verse Matthew verse 44 verse 17 the first verse I want you to take a note of read it with me loud please and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached well in all the world as a testimony to all nations and then what would happen then the end will come so the end of the world is predictable a lot of people say we don't know when the world will end well Jesus tells us when the only thing we don't know is the hour the exact hour but we do know what's going to make it happen and it's found in that verse he says when this good news of the kingdom of God is preached into all the world then the end will come Matthew 4:17 Jesus began to preach Matthew 4:17 is the beginning of his ministry on earth the first statement of Jesus as a businessman is the declaration of his mission every effective company has to have a mission statement every effective organization must have a Clare vision statement every successful family needs have a clear objective in mind to be successful and the first thing you present as an organization to be successful is you've got to define and crystallize your mission statement this statement Matthew 4:17 is the first public statement declared by Jesus concerning his mission on earth his assignment let's read it together Matthew 4:17 his first public statement first word is what repent so his first word has to do with your mentality repent means to change your mind to change the way you think then his next statement is because the kingdom of heaven has arrived the King James says is at hand so Christ declares right away in his first statement what his business is about he says my business is twofold number one I come to change your thinking why because I came to reintroduce a kingdom that's my assignment I came to bring back to the planet the kingdom of God which is the kingdom of heaven and I came to change your thinking so you can live in it that was his assignment that is why when they accent about the end of the world he said the end of the world will happen when the whole world gets my assignment was the assignment in Matthew 24 he says this gospel of the kingdom will be preached to every nation every ethnos every group that's why Christ ain't gonna come right now a lot of people are preaching and prophesying that this is the end times I got a problem with that because we got 6.2 billion people on earth 1 billion is now in India India just became over billion people and 98% of that 1 billion are Hindus Buddhists and Muslims 10 percent are Christians you know God cannot come unless they hear about the kingdom of God then there's 1 billion in China and 1 percent of the people in China 1 billion 1 percent are Christians that means most of them are Buddhists Shintoists they are Muslims or they are involved in some spiritual movement they have never heard the gospel of the kingdom of God in Africa alone there are over 500 million people in just northern Africa and another 800 million people down in southern Africa in those so you're talking about almost a billion people or more in the African continent and many of them are Animists they evolved in all kind of Spiritist worship but thank God Christianity has taken a stronghold in Africa but many of them have still not heard the gospel of the kingdom of God but here's the saddest news of all in Europe and in the West where we live in the Americas and in the Caribbean and in Canada there are over 80 percent Christians but I did challenge a thought that ninety percent of them have never heard the Gulf of the kingdom of God many Christians have never heard the kingdom miss message and that's why we're teaching this in this series much of what we've heard has been the means to the kingdom but not the kingdom we've heard about the way to the kingdom but not the kingdom as a matter of fact we've made the process the gospel and this is why most Christians don't know about the kingdom of God I am here to tell you that Jesus never preached born again as the gospel Jesus mentioned the term born again once in his whole ministry and we breach it all the time he never preached it secondly he never said those words to the public he never said thou shalt be born again to the multitudes he never did he mentioned it only once in his ministry and it was mentioned 2 a.m. in the morning to an old man who was also a a priest in the temple at 2 a.m. just to one person and he had we've made born again the gospel but there's one thing that Jesus did speak all the time and we find it in his first statement in Matthew 4 wasn't it what does he say repent for the kingdom of heaven has arrived and from that point forward he had only one message the kingdom of God is like the kingdom of God is like the kingdom of God is like the kingdom of God every single day he is at one message the kingdom of God is like every parable the kingdom of God is like every miracle the kingdom has come upon you every authority the kingdom of God speaks he preached one message the kingdom of God and yet most of us don't know what he's talking about and that's why we've got to study his assignment because his assignment is your assignment he left us to complete the work that he started in the ministry he turned it over to his disciples which is what you're supposed to be and he told them exactly what to preach and what to teach and what the Shearer and there's no doubt about it I won one thing I want to say before we get into the next statement and that is this Jesus really never breached prosperity healing baptism in the Holy Ghost the things that we preaches the kingdom no he didn't he did those things he he showed those things but they were not his message his message was this kingdom thing why because the kingdom is the entire motivation of God why did Jesus come to preach the kingdom of God first of all it has to do with God's original plan first of all God's original plan begins this way God's intent was to extend his heavenly kingdom on earth through mankind that's his first intent so in order to find out God's God's destination you've got to discover where God been the Bible is a strange book because the Bible is really a book that takes you backward to where you came from God is taking us back to where we fell from we call the disobedience of Adam we call it the fall so what I'm gonna do is show you what fall means because it was so simple than me years ago I missed it here's what for me look at me I'm holding in my hand a book I'm gonna place this book in a certain position that's where I want the book that's my original place for the book well the book has a problem and the book falls so that's called the fall now if I'm going to restore this book to read fell from what am I gonna do I'm gonna put it where okay so this is what God did the book couldn't get itself back up so God had to come down pick the book back up and he brazenly places it back where it fell from now if I were to pick this book back up and place it over here did I restore it no why because I place it where it did not fall from so restauration means to store back to the original place what we have been doing as religious people not me but y'all is we've been trying to tell God to put us somewhere we didn't fall from not where we fell from Vicki telling God to put us in heaven we didn't fall from heaven we felt from authority in the earth Satan fell from heaven not man so heaven is not God's goal for you and this is why religion has been such a challenge to God because his difficulty is getting his own family to get the message we sing songs like I'll fly away Oh glory I'll fly away in when I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away and that song sounds so good and why are we singing that we're thinking about mortgage phone bill light bill water bill tuition fees you be getting away from that stuff that's why we like that song when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be we love those songs but those songs are not God's goal for you God's goal is to get you back where you fell from where'd you fall from according to the Word of God you fell from where they are placed you where they God place you he placed you in the book of Genesis in dominion over the fish the birds the plants the cattle and all the earth that's where God placed you you were established by God to be the king dominion over the earth so restoration is God putting you back in dominion over the earth so the program of God is really originally to extend this Kingdom on earth and secondly to establish a family of sons not servants who would establish the kingdom on earth for him as sons and not subjects also God wants to establish therefore a Commonwealth of citizens not Christians God desired therefore a relationship and not religion and that's important to note because you see we are made what God wants into a religion and God really hates this stuff God doesn't want religion he wants relationship God wants you to be closer them on money than you are on Sunday because the rituals impress people but the relationship impresses God God's more concerned they're about a daily communion with him between you and he spiritually than he is about you standing up in a worship service singing hymns because that's really a demonstration of these traditions that we go through but many times we have no relationship with God that's why in the Garden of Eden with Adam there was no church meetings no prayer meetings no altars no no sacrifices no no worship songs there was no clapping there was no dancing there was no hymn books there were no prophets and apostles and evangelists and pastors and teachers there was none of this we call religion and yet there was one man and God and man was doing what he walked and talked with God the Bible says in the cool of the day without having to go to a work up through a worship team that's what you fell from now if God's gonna restore us he has to be what truthful to himself if God restores you to some didn't fall from then God is lying and the Bible said that God be true and every man a liar which means God's ultimate program is to put you back in leadership authority over the earth and he wants us to do that now a lot of people say well we'll become in authority in the future in the new earth really you know when we all get to heaven and then we all come back then we rule the earth and and that's when God so we'll just kind of suffer right now and be poor and catch trouble and then when Christ take us out of this master the rapture then we'll come back and then we have our chance and we can really be in charge I'm some religious people think read the statement of Jesus in Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 he says look repent why he didn't say the kingdom of God will come later he said the kingdom of God has arrived the disciple says but we know in the future he said no no no the kingdom of God is already with you and when I released the Holy Ghost he going to be in you the kingdom of God is not hmm it's not really a physical territory the kingdom of God is a jurisdiction over which the influence of God have full authority the kingdom of God is actually in my neighborhood right now where my house is why because I live there that piece of property that I own is the kingdom of God's property Oh help me Lord wherever you are and you influence the kingdom of God has come to that place we break it down with a bit the Bible never calls you a Christian pagans did that the Bible never cost you a subject the heathens do that the Bible never calls you a servant religion calls you that the Bible says as many as believe on him to them give you the authority to call themselves what sons of God not servants we're family to God now the Bible also calls you write this way down please ambassador everybody say ambassador the Bible does call you that you are ambassador we name this this building properly a lot of people don't understand why I named this building The Diplomat Center is because I understand what we're here for ambassadors work in diplomatic centers they do diplomacy for the government they represent so when you walk through this door you ain't a Christian no more he was suddenly an appointee of the government an official agency representing the kingdom government of God you are now sitting in the legislative session of this particular gathering of diplomats and I am the Chief Secretary of State and I'm delivering to you from the Constitution the mind of my government so you can know what to do when you go out of here I knew exactly my position and I know what I'm doing everybody's ambassador say it again feet up to me I'm no longer Krishnan I am an ambassador of Christ see if you think correctly you live correctly let me take somebody ambassadors when a country appoints an ambassador and sends them into a foreign territory to represent their government do you know what that country does first the first thing that the country does who appoints the ambassador is that they purchase property in that country now the property they purchase is actually the country I'm going to say that slowly because some of your to understand diplomacy when a country buys property in another country for its embassy so that as diplomats can do its work that property in that country becomes the country that bought it it becomes the country that is why if a bohemian has a problem and somehow the law is after them and they somehow got into the United States embassies property do you realize that the police cannot cross that barrier so you didn't know that it's illegal for them to enter that property what that's the United States they must now apply to the US government whose jurisdiction that is and request that the government of the United States released that bohemian out of the property so he could be arrested you see you didn't know that that's how powerful an embassy is because the kingdom of that country is over the property it owns it's called asylum you listening to me so wherever the authority of a government is that becomes the government's property and therefore all the authority and rights and powers of that country comes to effect on that property God says you are ambassadors of Christ in heaven and you are what you are so join us in the earth such earnest means you are in the foreign country but the property belongs to the government of heaven I like what the government of my country says my government said I have the confucian the condition says in article novella subsection Psalm subsection 68 article 14 it says the earth is still the Lord's and the fullness thereof and all in it in other words this whole place is my government's property in other words if you don't take charge then it stays under someone else's influence that is why you can cast the devil out of the earth because this is not his legal territory it belongs to God's government and you are his citizens do you realize that when you bought a car your car became government property Lord that feel good when you got your house or your apartment every time you pay your rent you are confirming that this piece of property belongs to the government of God but you see we think religious that's why the devil lives in our house hallelujah God torch and I visually said look I tell y'all what the Death Angel is going to come over Egypt under death engines gonna kill everything so tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make your house Heaven's property that's Kingdom business he dealing with he's look there's somehow I'm good I've gotta put a sign over your property so the angel will know that's we own you get it so God's I want you to kill a lamb and dip the branch in the blood and put the blood across the lintel and the doorpost he says I ran the dead angel calms he looked and here we go Kevin's property and he'll pass over when you I citizen you are under government jurisdiction when you are a Christian you are under religion you know I was living in a hotel last night before I got here and they put me on the 11th floor he was a request but they were gonna put me on the 14th floor and I said no ma'am I do not live above the 11th floor she said why I said I'm a diplomat she said oh okay I understand sorry sir but he put me on the 11th floor something I know I'm trying to figure out what I mean I know government leader and no diplomat of any country will live above the 12th floor you know why because the the fire-engine ladder [Applause] cannot go above the 13th law so y'all like your names are like B hi first one to heaven when the fire comes just like somebody diplomacy yeah as a part of the diplomatic corps in my country we had to have briefing than to brief me and they told me certain things that I must not do and that was one of them secondly you will never have the two top leaders traveling together in diplomacy because when two leaders are together there's a danger to the whole country because it both died there's chaos so the Prime Minister and the deputy will never fly on the same flight he didn't notice that President Bush and Dick Cheney will never travel together on the same airplane it goes against diplomacy that's why I went to powerful men women of God get together they supposed to fly together you see cuz all the he'll get excited too at one stroke come on talk to me devil ain't no fool where there's a congregation of power that's when Satan gets excited because he gets to destroy a lot at once that's why Christ all disciples meet me on the other side you go by yourself why cuz y'all being me now for three years y'all are dangerous so you understand Kingdom thinkin when an ambassador comes into your presence it's not a person anymore it's a country Alleluia when you meet an ambassador you're not meeting a person you're meeting a country so when you meet me you're not meeting a person anymore you're meeting heaven and when they meet you how do I work tomorrow they're not supposed to meeting a person but you see you too religious you should think and you just you know a sinner saved by grace no you are a nation walking on two legs that's why an ambassador is protected more than the president hmm they would they would assassinate a president before they kill an ambassador did you know that because the president represents the votes but the Ambassador represents the nation that's why God calls you an ambassador or not a president if you touch an ambassador the entire army comes to get you if you touch a president it's calling assault if you touch an ambassador it is called an international incident you're gonna slow that means when you touch me every angel picks up a sword Fionan got this yeah that's why I'm such an audacious young man I'm bored because I understand the constitution of my country Jesus came to restore that kingdom of sons back to earth that's why it was he who told Pilate when Pilate says I've got power to give you life with my thumb or to give you debt why I represent Caesar Christ never spoke during the trial until Pilate said that because now a pilot talking kingdom talk so Jesus cleared his throat blood all dried all over his face and he said mister Pilate My Kingdom is not of this world and even now if I give the signal that in your Bible if I give the signal right now 10 legions of angels will come into this castle and wipe this place out he threatened Pilate I don't know what happened to Pilate but Pilate must have felt the words in his bones something shuddered in his body and Pilate the Bible says from that time forward try to let him go lift your hands and praise God that's a powerful sweat and Jesus said just like the father sent me so send I you when somebody threatens you tomorrow so they're gonna fire you just smile and say my kingdom is not of this world and even now if I give the signal oh come on brace alone somebody see now the problem with you religious people as you think I'm joking I'm serious the Bible says the Angels have been given charge charge means responsibility concerning you to keep you in all of your ways and they are ministering spirits sent forth to protect and minister to those and to do the bidding of those who are heirs of salvation Hebrews chapter 2 you've got thousands of angels waiting for your orders and all you're saying is McGrew sure dude I'm suffering ain't just saying you ain't supposed to be suffered he doesn't give me them to do let you write an put out to me in the name of the Lord Jesus angels I know who I am I am an ambassador and you work for my government I command you the part of my house now and watch over all that belongs to me go to my car protect my property go over my children preserve them angels go into this week ahead of me and make my way straight in the name of the Lord Jesus go kushai Massey they gone authority authority therefore God's real purpose is kingdom and it's found in this verse we always talk about let us make man in our own image our likeness and let them have one though minion over the fish of the sea birds of the air that means the rule of God in the visible world was God's original desire I want to repeat these statements if you can write them down if you're interested to rule God's program was to rule the visible from the invisible through the invisible living in the invisible that is in the visible on the visible in other words God wanted to rule the seen from the unseen living in the unseen that is in the seen on the scene got that young man you try it again God's desire was to rule the seen world through the unseen holy spirit living in the unseen spirit of man in the seen body on the seen earth so the key to God's rulership is that unseen living in the unseen as long as the Holy Spirit is inside a person spirit then God's kingdom inion King Dominion Kingdom his rulership can't happen on earth so when a man loses the Holy Spirit then God's kingdom cannot happen on earth are you with me me put it this way if you've been appointed ambassador of a country well we had a good example here we got a good example here as reading the newspapers two days ago and the cover story was mr. Schechter who was the former United States ambassador to the Bahamas y'all read the story he has been what recalled okay why because he was serving under a different government administration when the government changed Oh hallelujah then his powers were canceled i'ma bless myself in a minute see when you change governments the power doesn't work no more you're gonna get it in a minute there's a kingdom of darkness and there's a kingdom of light and you were born into the kingdom of darkness that's why he couldn't help sinning the Apollo was in in vogue it was working but the Bible says Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil under such a fever in the kingdom of darkness and to translate you into the kingdom of light and therefore we were once children of darkness nala we want children of light and therefore we walk in the light as he is in the light and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses all of our sins and we have authority and fellowship one with another that means when you were taken to the kingdom of darkness and putting the kingdom of light as an ambassador all of Satan's power against you was no longer working that means you cannot represent the devil anymore now mr. schector was withdrawn because his government changed their sending their own ambassador back to the Bahamas the one that the president will appoint now if mr. Shekar decides to stay in the Bahamas unpervaded around as ambassador of the United States guess what nothing happens he can walk up the streets tonight body I'm an ambassador no one will shake his hands bow to him respect him anymore why because he is parading himself as something that he has no authority for sound like some people who joined the church never had an encounter with Jesus never been born again never the Holy Ghost in their lives and yet they come to church taking communion saying you are an ambassador doesn't make you an ambassador mr. schector is only ambassador as long as the government gives him that authority Christ says as many as believed on me to them give I the power to call themselves sons of God you well I said if you have given your life to the Lord and believe in him and receive the spirit that it doesn't matter what no one saved with you anymore he told you you a son of God the government's are you son of God I don't get you been drinking dope smoking grass eating dump food whether you been sleeping around or maybe the person it doesn't matter anymore once you connect to the government of God you are a son of God say to me I'm a son of God say now say like you mean it if you a son of God than God is your father and if he all sons of God that we are all family brothers and sisters in the Lord shake hands with your brother in the Lord right now by the way let me ask you a question if you are someone's son then you carry their last name so Isaac was called son of Abraham you are called son of God nothing's wrong with that that's your last name we got to think that way that's what he wanted God's desire therefore was the sin of this kingdom of children who will represent him in the sin in the earth and they would become his reps now ladies and gentlemen once you lose the connection with the government what happens you no longer representative mr. schector watching a TV program probably somewhere in Texas I'd focus on the other day he's in Texas that's where he's gonna live actually he he's the longan ambassador so he cannot represent the country when Adam sinned the government whit recalled the holy ghost get it when Adam sinned he disobeyed God the government recalled its power because the the ghost that the government sends is a Holy Ghost and Adam became an unholy container so the government withdrew its powers Holy Ghost ran back so now we got a guy parading like he representing God without any power that's why the devil began to run our lives when items sinned because now we have no more power from the government oh lord help me so from Adam chapter three of Genesis all the way to Matthew chapter four we have a family of ambassadors misrepresenting the government they have no power in the Old Testament you may find this interesting but in the Old Testament do you realize that the Holy Ghost couldn't live in anybody order the Old Testament why because the spirit of the government is holy and the vessels are unholy and there's not been any sacrifice made that was good enough to meet the vessels holy so the Holy Ghost only did one thing in the Old Testament he would come upon them they would prophesy and he'd leave he'd come upon Samson he'd be strong then he'd leave he'd come when Elijah he would work at Malcolm then he live he'd come upon Jacob he would do something great then he would leave he'd come upon Enoch he would do great work he would leave he would come upon the works of Gideon and upon Josiah he'd come upon these great people and these work of miracles then he would leave why he couldn't live inside of him and therefore they could not execute the administration of the kingdom of God every day I'm not a statement as used for the king of God coming is the word of the Lord came unto me you've heard that that means what the Spirit of the Lord came unto me onto the Bible the word Lord came unto me I prophesied and then he left this happened all the way to Malachi last prophet in the Old Testament came upon Malachi off but Joelle said something can I stand up in the cheer Joelle says now I don't understand this but he came upon me this morning and he told me something and in chapter 2 Joelle says there's a day coming when the sprit of God will come upon all flesh and he shall live in the young people under all people and the young child her visions and all shall dream dreams and the young women shall prophesy he said the day is coming when this army shall be raised up full of the Holy Ghost he says in that day as he had to come he'll be the day of the Lord who's the Lord geez so Jesus comes back to her first declaration repaired who was Jesus oh it's just hang with me for a couple more minutes listen to what it says he said Jesus went into the desert led by the Holy Spirit and he was tested of the devil he passed the test and the Bible says angels came and ministered unto him is that right then it says and Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost without measure you want to hear shock as long as Jesus was on the earth there's no record Holy Ghost being anywhere else nothing happened anywhere by the Holy Ghost cuz every ghost of the Holy Ghost was in him hallelujah why he came to bring what the connection to the kingdom that's why he says the kingdom of God has returned why I'm carrying it Jesus number one goal was not to heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons or feed 5,000 that was not his gold his ultimate assignment was to get that ghost back in you that's why Calgary is not the gospel even the blood is not the gospel the gospel is well the good news is that you can get the connection back you can get the Holy Ghost back in you you can be reconnected mr. schector back to the administration in Washington lord have mercy God says repent because the kingdom what did the kingdom all he had was the Holy Ghost he said it is the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom and they asked him how will that be he said if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children if your son asks you for a bread a roll you wouldn't give him a stone and if he asks you for an egg you wouldn't give him a serpent and said how much more if you ask my father for the Holy Ghost he'd give that to you everything you need is in the Holy Spirit because he is the reconnection to the government the blood was a means to an end Calvary was a means to an end Calvary was to wash you to make you holy so that the Holy Spirit the government connection could get back in you that's why Christ could not give them the Holy Ghost of living them until after he had died and rose again and the blood was shed the Bible says some time twice the Bible says he he gave them power to go out and cast out demons heal the sick raise the dead and preach the kingdom he says he gave him the authorities let's go and he put some stuff on let me see and guess what happened they read out and what happened the Bible said they cast out demons they raised the dead they healed the sick and they came back excited and they says master we heal the sick we raise the dead he says I know this is great and he began to rejoice with that why he said you can see how I feel you see what y'all missed either you guys got a little taste of your future you got a little taste of your past because what I used to do man how'd I was in charge of everything controlled everything you got another taste of it he rejoiced with them then he says the time is coming when the kingdom of God that is with you shall be in you so what does he do he goes to the cross she has his blood to remit your sins to make you holy he went to hell and got the keys of death on the grave so you wanted to be afraid of death and dead can't hold you down no more what you got work to do and then he rose again and he cried all the party is now given unto me in heaven now I got it back and the Bible says he he pulled them to him honey breathe on them and he said receive the Holy Spirit Nepal understood it Paul says my god the kingdom of God is not in meat and drink and he cars and big houses and fancy dress and nice suits even the king of God is love joy and peace we're in the Holy Ghost let's chant thank God for the Holy Spirit tell the Holy Ghost operating new this week come on praise I'm just thinking for a second tell them to rule your territory through you this week your job your house the place that you work the place that you aren't charged up let the Holy Ghost take charge through you that's Kingdom it's Kingdom when you walk into a board meeting you ain't no normal member of the board since you'll probably think you just a Christian yeah that's a guy no Christian on the board leave me alone I used to be a Christian I am now an ambassador and y'all are privileged to have me sit in this room because now I represent a government and I'm only concerned about my government's interest in this meeting do you know that an ambassador never ever gives his opinion did you know that it is illegal for an ambassador to give his opinion see we see we we we too religious we could given our opinions we're not ambassadors an ambassador will never say look at my lips you will never yet study all the ambassadors all the world 189 countries not a one of the Ambassador would ever say I think never it's diplomatic courtesy and legal policy for an ambassador always say my government's position is and that's what God calls you an ambassador so someone asked you to do something that goes against the Constitution of your country this book called the Bible if they even suggest you do something against the government policy you don't have to give them your opinion you're looking for an argument when you give your opinion you supposed to sake my government's position is that this is wrong well what do you think about adultery I don't think about it but my government's position is it is sin yeah but but but the Lord know how tough I hey you asked me for my statement I don't represent myself this was wrong with most of us we go to work representing ourselves well what do you think about homosexuality well you know what I think about it really doesn't matter because I'm an ambassador but my government position is based on the Constitution it's abomination I don't want to excuse for that I can't explain do you if you want to argue with me go talk to the government don't clap we always talking about trying to argue and discuss the thing I discussed it nothing you're an ambassador Christians Roe ambassadors will never chicken bastards they never get into a row you will never read in the papers brand ambassador route another ambassador you ever seen it no why they're staples already prescribed they come to the country with their orders already what do you think that book is in your lap you know why Jesus was so successful on earth I figured out his secret he was an ambassador Jesus said I speak nothing of myself that means I don't talk for myself I only say what I hear the government's sake of all praise the Lord the guy was cool man he says so if you got a problem with my words talk to my father he that rejects my word rejects my father's words because I only say what I hear my father say when are we gonna learn this you gotta stop being Krishna's we're in a kingdom so let me wrap this up here real quick you're getting blessed this morning I'm dressing myself let me tell you what an ambassadorship does it takes the pressure off but if you the pressure get now party a kid you should blame everything on the government just blaming the government just blaming the government you see this blame on the government brains gone what I like what ambassadors to is that ambassadors - oh no nobody nothing you're slow man before a person is an ambassador they in debt they all kind of people money but the minute you are an appointed an ambassador the government pays all your bills the government cancel all of your debts they take of everything they pay all you your obligations think they cancelled why because they don't want you to think about nothing except the government's desires so the disciples started worrying what we will eat what are we gonna drink are we gonna wear the Christ says in Matthew 6 hey you guys are ambassadors seek you first the government of God and all of its interests and all these things they come with the job Christian's worry ambassadors sleep he give it his beloved sleep who just couple more seconds gotta give this sweet one you know why your prayer life ain't working you're praying as a Christian you are not supposed to be praying for things what these things are added they come with the job what you supposed to pray for is what is God's will what does God want done in this situation what is my government's interest in this situation if you handle the government's business the governor taking your several Jesus was saying so when they need comes up a bill company look at it and say ok government take care of that and then go to sleep I'm serious about this look at is it Lord right now I got it your government got it take care that I am young bastard or and you will not make your ambassador or disgrace in the midst of this foreign land then go to bed it's faith I said that's faith faith comes from what understanding your position as an ambassador an ambassador understands these words of you have Kingdom Dominion means to govern the rule to control to manage to mass than to lead and that means that every one of us here was born to be a king a ruler over domain a territory and therefore with force of Kingdom Kingdom Dominion influence over everything in the earth for the King Jesus we serve therefore God's goal is the kingdom of God on earth not earth go into heaven se la se la Oh Lord you know my heart do you get it why do you want to go to heaven the disciple says teach us what to pray for preemies who acts God he said telling what to ask God for they said how do we pray what do we pray he says here's what to pray our Father our government who are not on earth but in heaven your name is holy we reverence your name then he said pray this your kingdom come down here your will be done where on earth as it is in heaven he said don't take heaven to earth I mean her to heaven he says acts for having to come to earth Wiki pray in the opposite Oh God take us to heaven I said no that's not the deal the assignment is to get heaven on earth so he said pray for that God wants you to go into business or to open up some agency or develop some product because God wants the kingdom to come in that stuff you need to take your investment your business today and put it before God and say God let your kingdom come through this I want this to prosper for your namesake your reputation will come through this business you are pitched for promotion don't pray for emotion for money you don't pray for things say Lord let me get promoted in this company so that I can bring your influence at a higher level anybody here before we go home say Lord I want to go into government because I want your kingdom to come from the political arena I want to flow down with your kingdom influence he has to do it the assignment and so Jesus assignment was very clear the fall of mankind resulted in the in statement of a new kingdom and Christ came to destroy that kingdom the Bible says in John in in the book of first John it says Christ was manifested to destroy the kingdom of the devil was the kingdom a domain a rulership by the way the word world in the Bible has nothing to do with earth the word earth in the Greek is the word Terra Terra the word world in the bible is the word cosmos two different words Terra Earth has to do with the physical dirt that we walk on the earth the plants and that's that's the Terra but the world is the word cosmos which means ready for this order of influence the Bible says that we have earth with two worlds he says be not conformed any longer to this world as the world the order of Satan but be transformed by the renewing of your repented mind so that you will be in the world but not of that order the world means government you used to be in the world of the devil so used to operate for him he was his representative you were doing a good job messing up everybody else racist and I mean you did a good job dancing in the casino she was representing a government but then the Holy Ghost came back into her life and now she is representing the kingdom of God and she's still influencing people stop being so religious and start having fun c-captain God made you captain to be on that boat sir so you can bring his kingdom in the world of the marine world to influence those captains and those mates and those passengers when they couldn't beat Ellen but God and tell him to ship cargo down why I got angels keeping this up because I'm an ambassador your ship can't sink yeah but if you're Christian you're single you ship don't sink oh that's supposed to be fun you're supposed to walk around this week with your chance out walking around as if you own the place because you do thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 301,719
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: mXOiZhXWzoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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