Understanding The Blood Covenant | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message on the reconciliation the restoration and the recolonization of Earth I'm really going to talk about a subject that is misunderstood I misunderstood it for years that is the blood covenant everybody say blood say it again the blood covenant this this Friday is the exact Friday two thousand years ago that Jesus died how do we know that because the Passover is always held at a specific time since the institution of the law of Moses and this day has never been changed the day of atonement fifty days from now is another feast called the feast of Pentecost Pentti actually means fifty and it was on this day 2,000 years ago at three o'clock in the afternoon Eastern Time which would be about six hours ahead of us the clouds came over and the sky was dark and there was a black out at three o'clock and Jesus died so it was on this day that we celebrate his death the death was about it was about God's divine vision I want to ask you to take some notes very quickly about understanding the context of this Friday it began with a vision that God had God's vision was to colonize earth with heaven and to do it through mankind he also wanted to dominate the earth through us and so he gave us dominion over the earth because he wanted to manifest the kingdoms culture of heaven on earth God also wanted mankind to be heavens colony on earth in other words earth was to be God's physical colony from an invisible country called heaven man didn't do a good job at the beginning we all know in Genesis chapter 3 that man Adam which is not a plural word not a singular word rather but a plural word we are all called Adam and Adam actually means dark earth referring to the body in which the spirit of man lives the word Adam is not only plural but also refers to the description of what God made all of us are Adam and we failed God Genesis chapter 3 we all would remember that God asked Adam a question where are you Adam disobeyed God and all of us fell for we were in Adams loins I'd like to refer to the fall of Adam as the Declaration of Independence of a colony from a kingdom the same way the Bahamas declared independence from Great Britain so earth declared independence from heaven to the fall of Adam unnoticed in Genesis chapter 3 verse 9 we all know that God knows where everything is we're quite aware that the Bible describes God as being omniscient Missy it means all-knowing God is also omnipresent which means he is always everywhere all the time and God is also known as on potent we pronounce it omnipotent he is all-powerful and here is God asking a question that doesn't seem to make sense because if God knows where everything is and knows where everything is standing he he's aware of everything why acts Adam a question what was the question can you ask the question where am i where are you right and it's amazing God is not foreign referring to location because he knew he was he is referring to disposition which means Adam was out of position with heaven he lost the relationship with heaven notice in the book of Isaiah 40 53 God refers to this with these words that's really together loud is a a 53 verse 6 read we all like sheep have gone astray each of us have turned to his own way and the Lord has laid on someone else the iniquity of all of us all of us have gone astray you could say that Jamaica and the Bahamas and Guyana and Haiti we've all gone astray from the kingdoms that used to rule us we declared independence from those kingdoms and so we went astray from the covering on the rulership of those kings that's what God was talking about Adam where are you you have gone astray you've left the rulership of heaven you have abandoned the covering of the kingdom of heaven now please write this down the word that is used here is the word sin the word sin is a Hebrew word and this word Asham literally means guilt of rebellion guilt of rebellion it means that man transgressed the agreement that God had with earth God told Adam to have dominion of the earth and Adam abandoned that Dominion so the word that God uses his rebellion any time you fight against your own authority it is called what rebellion and the word for regret is the word sin I think it's important for you to remember that sin is not limited to lying and stealing and cursing and and you know robbery and all this stuff but sin really means simply rebellion rebellion therefore has to do with someone coming against a governing authority and you will notice their Romans 6 verse 22 let's read it together please it says for the wages of rebellion is what death set up at me the wages of rebellion is death in other words the pay that you get when you rebel against God's government is death so if you want to fix if you want to fix what Adam did you gotta deal with death notice it says also in verse 23 reading for me it says chapter Romans 5 rather with 12 it says therefore just as sin entered into the world through one man let's go back and put the word rebellion in there for just as rebellion entered into the world through one man and death through rebellion and in this way death was passed upon all men because all men rebelled at the point when Adam went before God in the Garden of Eden and took that food and yanked it out of God's protective power all of us who were in his loins became debt-ridden we became rebellious against God this is why you don't need to teach a baby to lie or the steal or to be envious or to even be jealous of another baby's toy because in our very genetics from our forefather is the spirit of rebellion you never train a man to be unfaithful or a woman to sell a body it's just built-in we have this spirit of rebellion we call it sin because sin was passed upon all of us through that one man but I got some news for you today that that death that took place was created by God please write this down Genesis 2 verse 15 and 16 you know I was under the mistaken belief that the devil created death if you believe that devil created death then you actually make the devil more powerful than God the Bible says all things were made by God how many all the including the devil but when God made it he was in the devil he became the devil when God created him he was who Lucifer which means son of the morning God made him the star of his show in heaven he was the leader of worship but he the Bible says when sin was found in him exact words from Ezekiel when sin the word rebellion was found inside of him what did he do remember what he found the Bible says he thought to himself gotta be careful what you think you know because God says your thoughts become your actions he thought to himself I could be like God I could rise up and even make my throne above God he developed a coup it was a rebellion against government that's why the Bible says he's the father of sin father means sauce he's the father of lies he's the source of lying he became the the very gene of sin the genetics of sin and that's why when he came to earth he began to instigate the program of rebellion look what it says let's read together and the Lord God took the man and put him where in the garden read it of Eden to work it and to take care of it and the Lord God commanded the man that you are free to eat from every tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when you eat of it you will surely die now the first person to introduce death to the world was not the devil it was God and here it is right here underlined in your Bible debt was not traded by the devil it was actually created by God but the death couldn't kill it existed but God says Adam as long as you don't disobey me dead cannot kill you it exists he says but the day you disobey me you activate death and give life to death to kill you God made death deathless Paul describes debt like a be you know B he says Oh debt you exist but you ain't got no sting because Christ took the sting back out I don't put this thing in you in his rebellion Christ pulled the sting out with his sacrifice it's a good place to clap so when you see the horse pass you anytime in the road just smile and say you can't keep me in the grave this is death introduced by God now notice God says the day you eat you should solid surely die why this important help me Jesus God established the penalty write that down who established the penalty of rebellion God Himself God didn't say if you disobey me Satan will kill you he said if you disobey me I'll make sure that you die so God established the penalty of disobedience and it was death write this down - please the penalty of death was established by God but number two is important the penalty of sin was death so when you rebelled against God God says I will make sure that death does its work now Satan did not create death but watch Satan Satan instigated the rebellion he said if I can just get them to disobey God I gotta worry about killing them death will kill them God are actually killing them himself because God is the one who set up the whole strategy he it was God who said if you disobey me I will have to kill you he told us that Satan capitalized on God's instructions watch the next point Satan demanded the penalty be paid when man sinned Satan used to live with God he was one of God's top three generals God has three major generals we know of gay bro who's in charge of communications Michael who's in charge of military activities and then he had Lucifer who's in charge of fine arts and every country gotta have those three things he he got out the defense for us sadness and you got a ministry culture all right okay so God has his country called heaven he had three ministers of government one is in charge of military Michael one in charge communications Gabriel and you're not gonna charge of what culture Fine Arts this is why nations are destroyed by culture the devil is let loose on earth and he knows the power of culture armies protect communication relays information but culture controls how do you think one third of the Angels followed Lucifer because culture is powerful it influences people to go with the crowd and here is Lucifer saying AHA I know my boss even though he fired me I know him very well one day I know but my boss once he speaks he has to keep his word did you ever knew that Lucifer you delivered him and even says AHA one thing I know but the chief if he ever says something it becomes law and he cannot break his own law so if he said that if these kids rebelled then they have to die then if they rebelled I'm gonna make sure he keeps his word do you know the Bible calls the devil he calls the devil the accuser death is blood right the statement knobblies death is in the blood let me let me just share this with you if you believe all the lawyers in here probably understand this in order for the law to exist there has to be law okay help me and if there's no law there's no need for lawyers that's why the word is spelled okay so a lawyer is a lawyer he's a law yeah he is really an expert in the law now what are courtrooms for to accuse accusation is when someone takes someone else before the law and tells the judge that you are responsible for applying the penalty of the law to this person because this person break the law that's what offensive for so you got two people in every case you got the plaintiff and the accuser and the accuser is the one who's making the demands on the judge saying this person breaks the law I won't penalty let's read what it says here in the Book of Revelations 12 words of Jesus let's read together then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now have come the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ read it one more time go back then I heard a loud voice from heaven saying now has come the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ why because the accuser of the brothers who accused them before God day and night has been hurled down you're a shout right there oh you're clapping that you only believe this see that's the word in other words the minute Adam and Eve sinned the devil ran from the garden run straight before God and say I gotcha you gotta kill all of them and I demand that you kill them because you can't lie I'm a liar but not you he is what the accuser how many times day that's why you always feel guilty even a face God forgave you of ten years ago he comes back just to check to see if you believe the forgiveness he wants to accuse you because once you accept the accusation you plead guilty and if you plead guilty then the penalty of the kick in and death will kill you he's the accuser what's the devil the devil knows that death in the human body is in the blood hey boy say blood now this is where I didn't understand this stuff before because I was brought up like most of you right here in the Bahamas and I was brought up through my religious experiences and I brought up with ideas like plead the blood anybody okay maybe you ain't like that but I was brought up in Bay in town we used to plead the blood and you plead the blood of all kind of things you walk never I plead a blood on the house Peter blood on the pillow plead the blood on the kitchen Peter but on the harm I plead the blood on this and plead the blood on the dog you know you just go pleading blood everywhere and do you not that's not in the Bible anywhere I'm sorry the concept the statement is not in the Bible to plead the blood so when I got the revelation of what the Bible said I had to adjust my perception it's quiet now please you know don't get me wrong I just gotta tell you the Word of God what does it mean when you say plead the blood well let's talk about blood for a minute write this down please now it's important to write down now because you've been pleading so let's get it right everybody say blood now that word blood the Bible says some things but blood you need to write down first of all the Bible says all life is in the blood all life I'll show you that in a minute from scripture number two the Bible teaches that all healing is in the blood those of you who are nutritionists and and health specialists you know about the blood the doctors here will tell you about the blood as well the blood has all the healing in the body in it if you're going to get healed the blood will do it if you get a cut on your body the blood have to heal that if you get a bruise the blood rushes there with those chronic apostles and they start blocking that thing and they start working why because the blood got everything in it when you get a bruise a bruise is actually blood runs into a place that's why I turns dark and the blood locks down everything to make sure no infection it works in other ways any type of blood the blood fights your life is in your blood when you take a vitamin you better pray the blood is working the blood takes that vitamin breaks it down takes to the sales and build the cells when you eat food the blood takes the food turns into nutrients and all kind of enzymes go there and in other ways the blood keeps you healthy number three all nutrients are in the blood everything in your party that builds you up is in the blood number four all protection is in the blood they will tell you that your immune system is the most important system in your body and it's in the blood and if your immune system Falls you can get a head cold that can become the Muny that can kill you the blood is so important it protects you from disease every time you get a virus the blood into action and that immune system applies a immune say it's low immunity immunity immunity is when the blood begins to take on it has and begins to fight against disease as a matter of fact cancer is a blood disease because something's wrong with the blood and this is why it's so tough to fight cancer because cancer is not just a disease of an organ it's disease of the blood and the blood supposed to be the fighter and that's why when you take chemotherapy it makes you weak because you have to attack the blood which is the very thing to protect you this is why folks who suffer from leukemia will have to go through Bloodworth transfusion they got to take out their own blood and put in a new fresh set of blood why because the blood is what keeps the body safe lord have mercy hey boy see the blood number five all sustenance is in the blood the blood sustains us Good Friday is about all of this it's about this whole list you and I are only being sustained because we had a transfusion our blood was contaminated it couldn't protect us from death our blood was so messed up it couldn't protect us and it couldn't give us nutrients as a matter of fact the Bible says the blood that was an atom was so strong that 7,000 years later it is still killing people God had a blood problem God had a bloodline problem and therefore everything in the blood right now in number seven please all death is only possible in the blood you cannot kill a person unless you get to their blood if I want to poison you the poison goes in the blood it's matter of fact let me give you how important the blood is all the organs in your body serve the blood doctor say Amen thank you see let me tell you what your kidneys for example and your liver and your heart and your pancreas they all live for the blood am i right nurse chief no she tell you and if something goes wrong with your liver oh my god you better start praying fast because the job of the liver is to purify the blood if your pancreas gets in trouble and that bile becomes an imbalance then the poisons in your body instead of going to the bar and being purified it goes into the blood you become self poisoning the heart exists just for the blood to pump the blood all around the body to take nutrients and protection and healing and sustenance that heart only lives for the blood and that is why when your heart stops you're harder in the problem do you know that they can actually keep you alive without your heart your heart doesn't keep you alive come on doctors tell them they can give you a a heart in the room I'm telling you outside of the machine and plug the a Therese and vase up to that machine and long as the blood is flowing in your body you live the only problem is you can carry this machine with you if your heart ain't no good you can still get another heart but walk around with it all day long as the blood is flowing you are live if the blood that has the life not the heart that's why they can transplant your liver transplant your kidneys transplants your heart because once they are serving the blood you're alive so if I want to kill something this is important I have to get to the blood when someone shoots someone what do they do they puncture the body and what comes up so shooting is really not what kills you it's the leaking that kills you leaking the blood leaked out when someone stabs you it ain't a knife that killed you it's the puncture that doesn't hold back the blood and the blood pours out and that's what kills you is you lose the blood they wasted a blood of power so once I poison your blood it's over when I don't read out the games god that evil genetics hit the blood and Adam became a carrier sin is like AIDS you look good you dress good he even seemed to live long but it's too late the Bible says I was born in sin shapen in iniquity in sin did my mother conceive me I was born with the genes of death and it's in the bloodline of Adam I'm the only way to fix that thing it's I need someone who has some kind of medication glory hallelujah and if your blood is completely messed up you need a transfusion and it can't be from anyone else if you got AIDS and I got AIDS and I need a transfusion I better not take your blood let me say it again on this thing then folks ain't listen to me listen to me if I got AIDS and you got AIDS and I need blood you are the worst thing for me we have what all seen so ain't nobody could help nobody we need somebody who ain't got no blood like ass who came from a pure source of blood that has no contamination I'm about to show it all by myself young people when people same as follow Jesus this is why you follow Jesus because he has a blood that is not being contaminated by sin that's why he wasn't born of a man his birth is important to his death if he was born of a man he could never die for you that's why I love Buddha I appreciate Muhammad I respect Confucius and behind it lies my friend but they were all born of man which means their blood can save us you want to give God praise for Jesus Christ Oh hallelujah now let me let me show you the power of the blood let's just read but the Bible says direct okay Leviticus 17 verse 10 it's really together read go for the life of a creature is in the blood and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life God is speaking and look at what he says that is the deep scripture you should write this down very important scripture you should find it and circle it in the Bible because it actually tells you why God made animals tosses look I made animals just in case you needed some material for atonement because if your blood is contaminated then your blood can't save you and all of the borrowed the blood of an animal which didn't sin to cover you temporarily look at the verse he says the life of the creatures were in the blood and I gave it to you in other words I prepared this whole thing just in case you messed up you can use an animal for a while but the animal can keep you safe now cuz every a got to come back and bring more lines and every year another lamb and every year another lamb and every year another man for the next billion years every year got to go find some sheep there ain't enough lamb to take care of us lelou yeah look at this one yeah Luke domenica 17 verse 14 read Because come on read everybody because the life of every creature is in the blood that is why I said to the Israelites you must not eat the blood of any creature because the life of every creature is in the blood you and I should not eat blood can I use the term life undeath is in the blood that's what the others say how many have eight English pudding don't look just smile English pudding English pudding is they say it's made of blood so those of you who lived in England for a while and they just pudding you bought to get a revelation here's why every write this down every disease in the body is in the blood every disease so when you eat blood you are eating pure disease the animal head God is why cousin look don't eat the blood now you see let me tell you what the blood cleanses the muscles the blood takes all the the contamination of the muscles you can eat the muscle God says but don't touch the blood the blood get all the poisons all through the Bible God says when you kill an animal hold it upside down let the blood drain out God said don't eat the blood what the life and the death is in the blood I want to show you something in a minute that there's a contradiction in this but I want you to see the power of God if you got pure blood oh Jesus excuse me if you have pure blood then that blood is only filled with nutrients vitamins strength life but if it ain't for your blood is filled with poisons disease and sickness and God says now anything on earth that came from Earth is full of disease sickness and poison don't drink that blood but if you can find blood that is pure holy [Music] healthy strong nutrients one day 2,000 years ago a man stood before a group of men and said you see this Cup that's the first time in history God says you could drink this one you ought to give it God a praise right there this cup is the new covenant in my blood drink it he says and it will give you look at this verse - laronda me 12 read aloud please 2023 go but be sure you do not eat the blood because the blood is the life and you must not eat the life with the meat you must not eat the blood pour it out on the ground light wanna think God is so strict anything from Earth don't trust it oh Jesus I love the Muslims they're my brothers I love the Buddhist god bless you I love the Hindus my lord I love the Hindus what a blessing they might brothers and sisters but none of their leaders have blood good enough to die for their followers are you all in crap again we'll get this mess revelation this is this this makes me want to scream sometime you you began to lose love for Jesus until you get a reminder like this which says hey you better praise Him come on give him a praise yeah thank you no matter how good a man is he was born of woman don't trust your life to someone with blood like you I respect Buddha I respect Mohammed I respect the words of Confucius I thank God for the great sayings of the other Hindu faith leaders but let me tell you something when it comes down to my sin and let me just show you that right now let me show you that right now look at this Genesis 3:21 read and the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and he clothed them as soon as they sinned God didn't send us pray he had to kill something do you know what Adam and Eve did Lord about to scream the Bible says when Adam and Eve sinned they realized they were one naked it says they sold leaves together and cover themselves now listen to me ain't no blood in please they were still exposed they didn't know what to do and so God says look so I don't kill you right now let me cover you up with blood and God killed what an animal now I don't know we have no idea how that happened I don't know how God did that but he covered them with bloody carcass fresh killed animal blood all over their bodies causes you better keep that off because that's protecting death from killing you stay under the blood I said stay under the blood I said stay under the blood as long as you got the blood death can't get to you and it was from that day Adam understood I better keep killing animals do you remember Cain and Abel the sons came afterwards to sentence yes one was what Shepherd the other was what farmer now watch this it's time to worship God they both came as sacrifices one bought onions tomatoes carrots cabbage peas beans mangoes and some tamarind and the Bible says Abel go on his sacrifice and plated before the Lord it says King simply took his vegetables and stuff bottom Abel just took one sheep what blood Abel must have heard his father and Cain wasn't listening you don't go before God without blood ladies and gentlemen King represents all the religions they come with all their rituals all the smoke all the incense all the killing you know beating their bodies and all the stuff and but they don't come with the blood again so able with this sheep I believe ke laughed case I got 500 types of fruits and vegetables God don't bless me and you only got one lamb I'm gonna say it again people come but you only came in one love dragon is now because it ain't how much leaves you get it was leaves that God took off them if God says if you repel then I would have to kill then before I kill you better kill something good blood and now God has a need for blood Leviticus 14 says this I love this word read it for me it says what then the priest is to take one of the male lambs and offer it as a guilt offering along with the log of oil he shall wave them before the Lord and he is to slaughter the lamb where in the holy place where the sin offering and the bread offerings are slaughtered like the sin offering the guilt offering belongs to who the priest it is most holy the priest is to take some of the blood of the guilt offering put it on his love his heir right ere one to be cleanse and on the thumb of his right finger and on the big toe now hey boys they covered see your error means you don't hear from God you need the blood to have access to hear it now you need the blood to also work for God your hands then you need the blood so you can walk in the protection of the love of God by the blood so the priest is completely covered I believe when you saw this priests in real life he was a bloody priests blood written on all the side of his face his hands full of blood his feet full of blood he's walking around with a white robe stained in blood he's walking around and God said keep that just like that I don't want to see nothing except blood that means I gotta kill you because something died already if you read the rest of this chapter it actually says they covered their sins for a year and then they keep coming back so here's the good news this is a good Friday's about we were held hostage we were held hostage by the very rebellion that brought death look about Hosea 13 says verse 14 read I will ransom them from the power of the grave God says I will redeem them from death where death is your plagues where Oh grave is your destruction plague means disease destruction means decay of the body God says I'm gonna do something where you won't get sick anymore to kill you and your body won't even even decay that's talking about the cross and the resurrection in one verse that's good Friday and Easter Sunday in one verse God says I'm gonna take away the plagues that's the blood part and I'm gonna reduce you but you can be the struck destroyed anymore that's the resurrection I am gonna bring the King to heal you that's the promise that's the Old Testament Good Friday is a day of nails remember I told you you can't get their blood and tell you puncture the flesh that's the riches when I did my research on crucifixion you all need to go on the internet type in crucifixion and press search you'll never stop reading first of all crucifixion they say is the most hideous form of death in history the rumors were professionals also it was the bloodiest process in history one thing crucifixion did was made you bloody first they whipped you to soften you up and the wick they used was a leather whip that had pieces of glass and nails stuck in the leather so every time they hit you BAM they would break it sure hit you again rot and they'd rake it sure it wasn't just beaten like your mama beat you when they hit you with the whip poop the nails and glass plenty of flesh and then they pulled it she and it ripped this rips that's why the Bible says by His stripes those were real stripes they great they open the wound they opened the fresh blood came apart if you saw Jesus after he was cause he was crucified you and recognize that the Bible says you cannot recognize him he was a walking blood person everything blood why you had to get to the dead so John says look God is gonna solve his own problem now since God created the problem we said is it carefully now soon misunderstand me God created the problem not of rebellion but of the penalty do you understand what I just said you'll let me say it again it is God who said if you disobey me I will you will die so God except it's a penalty I don't repair because God's that's not got responsibility but God's possibility is I gotta make sure you die so now God has to kill man to keep his word I feel lonely again anybody with me God didn't say to the goat the day you eat grass you should surely die he didn't say to the pig or to the horse or to the bird or the fish today you eat you should surely die he said - who - man you should surely die so God never said that the dog the cat does fish and the birds will die he says man will die so in order for God to keep his word it cannot be a sheep or a goat or a cow to satisfy the demand it has to be a man and so God was stuck with this demand I have to kill a man and the man has to be Adam I dam is referring to the father of all the human race the source of all humans he's I gotta find an i down with everybody in it including the atom that fell support says okay he says the the first atom was of the earth the first atom was of the earth the last atom it didn't say the second item the last atom was the Lord from heaven look at me a second my life was changed a few times throughout the years one point where I was changed when I discovered that the word last meant original no life was changed I remember I was working at a print shop on the top of the fort Hill I was setting tight I was being taught the set type I said go to work after school and and mr. Oscar Johnson was to own their press I need to teach me he's I'm going to teach you how to print young man and he taught me to said the type that was every letter had to be said like then no computer if that said every letter spelled the words one little time and then you put it in the vise and then he says ok now we got to make a plate the plate was the the piece of metal that you need to burn what you set on the plate once you have the plate you don't need the typeset anymore you got the plate the plate got everything you're gonna print on it then you stretch the plate on this big round cylinder and you tighten it up and then you put all this stacks of white paper on the back end of this big press and then when you click the switch the priests start turning and then you put ink on the rollers so the ink is picked up by the impression on the plate and when the ink picks up on the plate then you start feeding the paper through the cylinder when the paper hits the cylinder it hits the plate and whatever was in the set that's on the plate shows up on the white sheet of paper and that's your print when we started printing the free set of print is always called the first print stay with me I was taught this in printing so the first set was called the first print everybody first print this is important that the plate was not the first print the first print was the stack that was printed first that's the first print and every print had the image of what was on the plate now sometimes while we were working we'd be you know drinking you know coke and Steffan so they were them kool-aid and once in a while you'd have a mistake where something will fall on the first print and once the water or sort of hit the voiceprint all the ink would run and run down all those papers and you would mess up the first print you destroyed the image from the plate and mr. Johnson would say uh what have you done oh look what you've done you wasting paper now he says watch if he says we gotta throw it all away and boy I remember the first time I did that I was so depressed he sat at fussing me he said you can't figure this out what's wrong with you I turn don't put any drinks on here and he's lashing out at me and I said so I'm so sorry sir he said look I'm gonna teach you how to print but you gotta follow my instructions I said yes sir he said now look he said he said don't cry your vice cry he said he thinkin don't cry he said he says okay watch this he said don't worry we still got to play we won't throw this away because we can't use it but we can put a new stack of paper cuz we still got the original image on the plate in other words the first print was Adam oh Jesus everybody say first Adam is it the first print that's the first Adam put that in the plate glory he says I still that's my garden panic when the garden fell apart I got the plate give God a praise for the plate you messed up the image but I still got the original he says I will send you the last Adam and he gonna start over now mr. Johnson then shocked me he says now son we could never call the first this descent we just did the first anymore we gotta call it the second print and then Here I am a teenager every such time I said go and read the Bible my summer job read about and I'm reading in first Corinthians 15 Paul says he sinned but God and his forbearance foresaw that he would sit and even though we sinned God sent for his son and then process the first Adam was of the earth earthy he sinned but the last Adam came a life-giving spirit what's this he says the he says the first man was of the flesh he said when the second that was it I was it's all for me we are the second man we've been reprinted redeemed restored reconciled brief eyed renewed recompense we have been restored teh neighbor I got the image back that's why I know angel could save you they are not the plate that's why I love Buddha but eating at the TE I love mr. Mohammed blessing but he ain't see God says look there's only one mediator do you feel like thanking Jesus for couple seconds [Applause] read the rest of the verse everybody together read the next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and he said look the Lord Himself has bought his own lamb can I say that way the lamb of what God say it the Lamb of God say it again the lamb say it louder everybody the lamb I can't feed it say it again the lamb of God what did John say the lamb of God he didn't say your lamb yesterday but I repeat something because you ain't getting it yet for for 4,000 years everybody brought their own lap you still don't get a message for 4,000 from Leviticus everyone dragging it on the turtle down whatever then but it didn't before they bring it everybody bringing blood but God said y'all don't come to the meeting but nothing this time I bring anything that I can take care of this once and for [Applause] and I want the land that have no disease in it no contaminate I got my own land from my own flock I brought it down from heaven and I'm going to take care of this once give God a praise for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that's good Friday John says verse 30 this is the one everybody say this is the one John's I've been telling y'all God won't fix his kingdom back and this is the one that I've been telling you about I myself did not know him kushai Musa do you understand what you say John is his cousin they grew up in the same yard Elizabeth and Mary was family John and Jesus played together John was only six months older than Jesus they played in the same village they all lived in Nazareth they were family and John says I didn't know in other words there's a guy I played with shot marble of it but today I see something I never saw before he ain't nobody he ain't my buddy he ain't my cousin this is the one this is the one that got blood that didn't come from man born of a virgin this is the one with no cancer in his body no cold virus there's no record in the Bible of Jesus sneezing didn't even sneeze behold the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world John said for the reason I came baptizing with water so that he might be revealed in Israel John said this the next day as the following day John was there again with two of his disciples when he saw Jesus passing by he said look that's the Lamb of God only people with guilt bring lambs what is God doing God's not guilty cause I hear but I have made arrangements I'm gonna take all their guilt so I gotta find a lamb you ought to give him glory without mercy Kaleo Sangha God come walking with himself in his hand and himself had to be a man so when he does the work he satisfied his own standards I killed a man so y'all ain't got to die no more Good Friday is you standing downtown in the Supreme Court and the judge said to you you are guilty and you know it and you confessed yes I'm guilty and the judge says we love your sentencing in the morning and you show up at 9 o'clock on time sitting in the courtroom and everybody is watching and now the judge gonna send down his penalty and you know it's over and the judge says I will read the verdict you will spend the rest of your life in eternal damnation never to be released you imposes on yourself by disobedience you will go to a place of burning fire you will never come out and the worms will never die that eat your flesh and before the judge was finished someone walked through the side door and began to walk toward the judge's table and the judge says who are you and the person just smiled and said I am them [Applause] what does this have to do with you and he said I'll go to prison for them let them go and the judge became saying comes angry what are you talking about they said they rebelled they messed up the law I know I created the law I created them and I created you and I will not violate my law let me read the law to you judge because you seem to forget the law and he said to the judge the law says if any man sins he must surely die so all you need is a man and you need someone to die here I am let them go and the same night that he was betrayed he took the bread took the blood why and he says guys this is not a religion this is reconciliation and restoration between heaven and earth colony and Kingdom citizens and King this is my body that will be what broken how do I get the blood out I gotta break the skin this is my blood that comes out of that body this is the new contract the contract is not to kill you anymore see there was a contract out on you and Satan was the accuser you got to keep that contract guard Jesus well I cancel the first contract I out to give you life now I hope to kill you I came that you might have life let's give him praise today there's no Halloween I say hallelujah it's finished it is finished the battle is over it's finished there'll be no more war it is finished what's the next statement the end of the conflict between the colony and the kingdom it is finished and what happens thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.atlona.com [Music] you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 722,004
Rating: 4.752809 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: 5X9ZZ02VD_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 22sec (4042 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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